
    800 Byron Katie: Enlightenment Is Within You

    enMay 22, 2019
    What is the main technique Byron Katie promotes for inner peace?
    How does Byron Katie define forgiveness in her teachings?
    What are the four questions used in Byron's method?
    How do thoughts and beliefs affect our emotions, according to Byron?
    What is the significance of effective communication in relationships?

    • Exploring the Power of the Ego and Inner Peace with Byron KatieByron Katie's teachings on questioning thoughts and finding inner peace through 'The Work' can help overcome anxiety, stress, and overwhelm, revealing that forgiveness is unnecessary and enlightenment is already within us.

      Byron Katie, a bestselling author, speaker, and founder of "The Work," shares her insights on the power of the ego and the importance of questioning our thoughts to find inner peace. She explains that forgiveness is unnecessary and enlightenment is already within us. Byron's method, which has helped millions around the world, involves questioning the thoughts that cause suffering. In the interview, Byron and Lewis go through a session of "The Work," and Lewis shares his experience. This episode is a valuable resource for those seeking to overcome anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. Byron's teachings offer a powerful tool to help us see the world in a new light and find inner peace.

    • Our thoughts shape our realityRealizing the limiting power of thoughts and beliefs, we can choose to believe in positive possibilities for freedom and happiness.

      Our thoughts and beliefs shape our perception of reality. The speaker shares an experience of realizing this through a moment of enlightenment during which they came to understand that their identification with thoughts and beliefs was limiting their experience of the world. They saw that the world around them was created through their beliefs and that they could choose to believe in the possibility of freedom and happiness instead of the negative thoughts that had previously consumed them. The speaker also emphasizes the universality of these negative thoughts and the importance of recognizing and challenging them in order to find freedom and understanding.

    • Illusions of the Mind: Past and Future ThoughtsRecognize that past and future thoughts create illusions, let go of the ego, and focus on finding joy in the present moment

      Our thoughts, particularly those related to the past and future, can be distressing. According to the speaker, these thoughts create illusions of people and situations that may not exist in reality. The ego, which generates these thoughts, is a part of our mind that cannot be touched or taken out. Instead of trying to eliminate these thoughts, we can ask different questions about them and recognize that they are not real. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being present and finding joy in the current moment, as it is the only world that is truly real. In essence, the speaker encourages us to focus on the present and let go of the illusions created by our thoughts.

    • Understanding and respecting the power of the egoPractice acknowledging and sitting with painful emotions instead of challenging the ego, gain insight through meditation and past experiences, and choose how much control the ego has over emotions.

      The ego, which can be seen as a willful and survival-driven part of ourselves, is a powerful force that shapes our identity. It's not something to be fought against, but rather, something to be respected and understood. When we find ourselves in painful emotional situations, such as feeling betrayed or abandoned, the work is to acknowledge and sit with those feelings, rather than challenging the ego. By practicing meditation and being present in past situations, we can gain insight into our desires and the advice we would give ourselves in those moments. This can help us move through emotional pain more quickly and with greater compassion for ourselves and others. Ultimately, the ego may never go away, but we have the power to choose how much control it has over our emotions and feelings.

    • Exploring our deepest desires and emotionsThrough meditation, introspection, and methods like 'The Work', we can address our desires and emotions to live more authentic and fulfilling lives, eliminating negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones.

      Identifying and addressing our deepest desires and emotions can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life. This can be achieved through meditation and introspection, allowing us to be present in the moment and understand our thoughts and feelings towards ourselves and others. By acknowledging and accepting our emotions, we can eliminate negative thoughts and feelings, such as anger and guilt, and replace them with positive ones. The "The Work" method, as discussed, can help us identify and challenge limiting beliefs and replace them with more empowering and compassionate thoughts. By focusing on our desires and emotions, we can live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

    • Our thoughts and beliefs shape our emotions and experiencesExamining our thoughts and beliefs can help us challenge negative perspectives and create more positive experiences. For example, challenging the belief that someone is ignoring us can lead to compassion and empathy towards others.

      Our thoughts and beliefs shape our emotions and experiences. When we believe someone is ignoring us, we may feel uncomfortable and experience emotions like depression, loneliness, or unworthiness. These feelings arise from the images of past and future that we create in our minds. By examining these thoughts and beliefs, we can challenge them and see things from a different perspective. For example, if we believe someone is ignoring us, we can try the opposite thought - that we are ignoring them. This exercise can help us connect with compassion and empathy towards others, and see them in a more positive light. Ultimately, our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality, and by becoming aware of them, we can create more positive and fulfilling experiences.

    • Seeing situations more clearly through self-reflectionFocusing on our thoughts and beliefs can help us see past experiences differently, potentially mending relationships and ending suffering within ourselves

      Forgiveness may not always be necessary when reflecting on past experiences. Instead, focusing on our own thoughts and beliefs can help us see situations more clearly and potentially mend relationships. For instance, if we believe someone ignored us, we might realize it was actually us who was ignoring them or seeking their attention. This shift in perspective can lead to a deeper understanding and connection. Furthermore, recognizing that the cause of suffering often lies within our own beliefs, rather than external circumstances, can help us end that suffering by questioning and challenging our thought patterns. Ultimately, enlightenment comes from within, and this introspective work can lead to greater clarity and compassion.

    • Finding Peace Through Letting Go of Thoughts and BeliefsSuffering comes from our thoughts and beliefs about past and future events, not the events themselves. To find peace, ask: Is it true? Can I accept it? What would I suffer if I believed it? Who or what would I be without it?

      Suffering arises from our thoughts and beliefs about past and future events, rather than the events themselves. The fastest way to overcome suffering is to answer four questions: Is it true? Can I accept it? What would I suffer if I believed it? Who or what would I be if I didn't believe it? By letting go of our attachment to these thoughts and beliefs, we can find peace and freedom. A story about two monks illustrates this concept: when someone holds onto anger or resentment, they continue to suffer, even long after the initial cause of their anger has passed. To let go of these thoughts, we must recognize that they are not reality, but rather a product of our own minds. By focusing on the present moment and letting go of our attachment to the past and future, we can find inner peace and freedom from suffering.

    • Recognizing the role of thoughts and beliefs in our reactionsBy examining our thoughts and beliefs, we can take responsibility for our own actions and emotions, and shift perspective to find where we may have contributed to a difficult situation, while acknowledging others' role as well.

      Our reactions to external events, such as believing someone has harmed our loved ones or pets, are rooted in our thoughts and beliefs. By recognizing this, we can shift our perspective and take responsibility for our own actions and emotions, rather than blaming others for our suffering. The belief that someone is causing our pain is an illusion, and we are all inherently innocent and connected. When faced with a difficult situation, it's important to look inward and examine our thoughts and beliefs to find where we may have contributed to the situation, while also acknowledging that others may have played a role. Ultimately, our true nature is one of connectedness and without division.

    • Explore your thoughts and beliefs about othersReflect on your thoughts and beliefs to deepen connections and shift perspectives, challenge limiting patterns, and cultivate greater understanding and compassion.

      We have the power to take ownership of our thoughts and reactions towards others, and by examining and questioning these thoughts, we can deepen our connections with people and shift our perspectives. The speaker encourages introspection and self-awareness, suggesting that our beliefs about others shape our relationships with them. By reflecting on our thoughts and beliefs, we can challenge and change limiting patterns, leading to greater understanding and compassion. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our own emotions and reactions, rather than blaming external circumstances or people. Through this process, we can cultivate a deeper sense of connection with ourselves and others, and ultimately, live more fulfilling lives.

    • Overcoming attachment and scarcity in relationshipsMindfulness and self-reflection through meditation help us become more aware of thoughts and beliefs, allowing detachment from unhealthy attachments and cultivating abundance.

      Our thoughts and ego can create unnecessary attachment and scarcity in our relationships, both with others and ourselves. To overcome this, practicing mindfulness and self-reflection through meditation can help us become more aware of our thoughts and beliefs, allowing us to let go of unhealthy attachments and cultivate a more abundant mindset. Planting metaphorical trees for the benefit of others, rather than just ourselves, can also foster stronger relationships and a greater sense of connection. In the realm of intimacy and commitment, the biggest challenge lies in detaching from limiting beliefs and expectations, allowing room for growth and understanding in our relationships.

    • Communicate Effectively to Prevent MisunderstandingsInstead of assuming and punishing, clearly express needs and take action if they're not met. Use techniques like the 'four questions' method to stay present and focus on reality.

      Effective communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings and punishing the wrong person. Instead of assuming the person who promised will be the one to follow through, it's important to clearly express our needs and desires. If those needs aren't met, we have the power to take action ourselves or make a request. Punishing someone in our minds for past promises or future fears only causes unnecessary suffering for both parties. To prevent these negative thoughts from consuming us, we can identify and question them using techniques such as the "four questions" method: Is it true? Can I really know that it's true? How do I react when I believe it? And what can I do about it? By staying present and focusing on the reality of the situation, we can live in the moment and build stronger, healthier relationships.

    • Questioning negative thoughts to alleviate sufferingExplore the root of negative emotions by questioning ingrained thoughts, leading to personal growth and emotional transformation

      Our thoughts and beliefs create our emotions and experiences, and by questioning and challenging those thoughts, we can alleviate suffering. The Buddha's fourth noble truth teaches us that there is a cause to our suffering, which lies in our thoughts and beliefs. To deal with negative emotions, we can look at the story in our heads that created them and question the thoughts we're holding onto. By doing so, we can transform our lives and move towards a more loving, present, and compassionate state. The process of inquiry and self-reflection can help us overcome even the most deeply ingrained beliefs and emotions. The work of Byron Katie and The Work of Byron Katie Foundation are valuable resources for those seeking to live a fearless life.

    • The Power of Present Moment and Transformative ThinkingEmbracing the present moment with an open mind can lead to deeper connections and personal growth through the power of transformative thinking.

      Our perception of reality is shaped by our thoughts and memories, and being fully present in the moment can help us connect with the world and the human race in a deeper way. The concept of an infinite mind, as discussed by the speaker and Mary Baker Eddy, suggests that our thoughts have the power to expand and heal, even without physical proof. The speaker's experiences and inspirations, as well as the impact of Christian Science, illustrate the potential for transformative thinking and personal growth. Ultimately, the present moment is the closest we can get to proof, and embracing it with an open mind can lead to a more meaningful and connected existence.

    • Near-death experiences shape perspectives on life and deathQuestion beliefs, value living free from suffering, and explore resources for personal growth like The Work of Byron Katie.

      Personal experiences and beliefs, whether rooted in religious upbringing or not, hold significant power in shaping one's perspective on life and death. The speaker shares her experience of near-death and the profound impact it had on her understanding of the mind, identity, and the absence of suffering as the definition of sanity. She emphasizes the importance of questioning one's beliefs and the privilege of living a life free from suffering. The speaker also encourages exploring resources like The Work of Byron Katie and her website, katie.com, for further learning and support in applying these principles to daily life.

    • Three most important truths to leave behind and shareAll problems are imagined, the universe is friendly, and knowing oneself is the definition of greatness. These truths can help free us from suffering and transform our perspective.

      According to Byron Katie, the three most important truths to leave behind and share with the world are: all problems are imagined, the universe is friendly, and it's obvious to anyone with an open mind. Byron emphasizes that these truths can help people free themselves from suffering and find enlightenment within themselves. Byron's presence and dedication to serving humanity through workshops, interviews, and writing are inspiring, and her definition of greatness is simply knowing oneself. Byron encourages everyone to keep doing their work and to share these truths with others. The power of these truths lies in their simplicity and the potential they hold for transforming one's perspective and improving their lives.

    • Embrace the journey towards enlightenmentFacing challenges and adversities is temporary, focus on inner peace, let go of negative thoughts, and keep moving forward towards a fulfilling life.

      Facing challenges and adversities is a natural part of pursuing your dreams and achieving inner peace. It's important to remember that external judgments and suffering are temporary obstacles that can be overcome. By letting go of negative thoughts and focusing on the perfect world in your mind, you can step into the life you were born to live. As Byron Katie says, "the perfect world is created when the mind is free to see it." Don't let fear or negativity hold you back. Instead, focus on the things that serve you and keep moving forward. Remember, you are capable of greatness and deserve to live a fulfilling life. Let go of the suffering, free yourself, and embrace the journey towards enlightenment.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1664

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1663

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 04, 2024

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    Marlon Wayans Opens Up on Battling Depression (“I Broke Down & Cried On Stage”)

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS UNDER 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Get ready for an inspiring and heartfelt conversation with the multi-talented Marlon Wayans! In this episode, we dive deep into Marlon's journey as a comedian, actor, and producer, exploring how he's evolved both personally and professionally over his 30-year career. Marlon opens up about his spiritual growth, the impact of losing his parents, and his mission to bring healing through laughter. From his ambitious goals in stand-up to his thoughts on success and failure, Marlon's insights will leave you motivated to embrace your own path to greatness. Don't miss this powerful episode that combines humor, wisdom, and raw emotion!

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    • Why Marlon believes in doing a new stand-up special every year, contrary to industry norms
    • How losing his parents has shaped Marlon's perspective on life and his art
    • The value of building the right team and treating yourself as a business
    • Marlon's approach to overcoming fear and embracing new challenges
    • The power of trusting in your journey and viewing greatness as a ongoing process

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1662

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    The School of Greatness
    enSeptember 02, 2024

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther's event, "An Evening With Esther Perel" has LIMITED seats available! Get yours right here before they sell out: lewishowes.com/esther

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back the brilliant Esther Perel to the School of Greatness! With nearly four decades of experience as a therapist, Esther shares her profound insights on relationships in our ever-changing world. We dive deep into how the pandemic has affected partnerships, debunk common myths about love, and explore the delicate balance between togetherness and independence. Esther's wisdom on jealousy, desire, and the evolution of marriage is truly eye-opening. Whether you're single, dating, or in a long-term commitment, this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Get ready for a masterclass in understanding the complexities of modern love and connection!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How disasters like the pandemic act as relationship accelerators
    • The myths of "the one and only" and unconditional love in relationships
    • The importance of balancing togetherness and separateness in partnerships
    • How to set yourself up for healthier relationships from the start
    • The role of jealousy in relationships and when it can be positive
    • The four main ways people feel most drawn to their partners
    • How economic independence changed the landscape of marriage and divorce
    • The value of involving your social circle when dating someone new

    Get Esther's new course, "Rekindling Desire", for 15% OFF between 9/17/24 and 12/13/24 with the promo code "HOWES15": https://lewishowes.com/esther-course

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1661

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    080 with Relationship Practitioner, Mediator, and Author Juli Geske-Peer - Personal Success

    080 with Relationship Practitioner, Mediator, and Author Juli Geske-Peer - Personal Success
    Juli Geske-Peer joins us in this episode! She is the author of “5 Senses For Success - ‘How To Thrive In Any Arena’” - Through her expertise and experience as a seasoned mediator, Juli and I discuss personal, work, as well as community relationships - we talk about leadership, personal success, confidence, deepening the understanding of our experience, different views of communication, having a positive impact, the role of modern influence, repairing damaged relationships, and more. Enjoyed this one? Stick around for the next or checkout an older episode! - as I offer these podcasts free and free of ads; please consider subscribing, hitting like, or sharing with a friend. For more on Juli: https://juligeskepeer.com/#welcome https://peerperformancesolutions.com/ Her Biography: "Juli Geske-Peer has spent her career honing leadership and relationship skills, and she'd be the first to say she learned many lessons the hard way. Today, as president and founder of Peer Performance Solutions, she brings those hard-won lessons to her clients—helping individuals and organizations lift performance and attain their goals. Her passion lies in making a positive impact across the stakeholders she serves, and empowering her clients to carry that same ethos forward. She has earned formal degrees in communications (BA) and organizational leadership (MA), as well as certifications in leadership, training, coaching, and mediation. Juli has over 20 years of successful consulting and management experience and has worked with companies ranging from local nonprofits to multinational organizations. She is also a voracious reader of thriller/suspense novels and loves being lakeside surrounded by her family."

    Episode 038 with Spencer Hicks - Mental and Physical Tips To Maintain Health At Home

    Episode 038 with Spencer Hicks - Mental and Physical Tips To Maintain Health At Home
    (5) Spencer and I video chat about some at-home practices and techniques to better suit each of us amidst the current covid retreat. We include some recommendations for walking, stretching, at-home workouts, mindfulness, awareness and general at-home health. Spencer and I discuss concepts that hopefully aide and assist any listeners during this stay-at-home order. The audio is subpar in comparison to our normal episodes here but it's easy to get used to in a minute or two. For more info on Spencer, check out our older conversations and episode descriptions.



    Use what you have - one of the biggest lessons from this pandemic. Chetna talks about utilizing your resources efficiently and optimally in this episode.

    Tune in to find out more on #PositivelyUnlimtedPodcast with Chetna Chakravarthy.

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    Episode 050 with Starseed and Reiki Worker Jordenelle Tsugawa - Healing The Soul With Hands and Self-Love

    Episode 050 with Starseed and Reiki Worker Jordenelle Tsugawa - Healing The Soul With Hands and Self-Love
    (2) This chat took place 5 minutes after Jordenelle (Jay) performed a Reiki Session on me - my very first. Reiki healers use universal energy to heal at an energetic, beyond physical inner level. We talk about the experience for both of us and Jay takes us to schoooool with spiritually healing convo. Jay and I talk about manifestation, visualizations, higher selves, healing stones, being an energetic self in a physical body, meditation, being 'one', plants, using earths' natural resources for healing, walking barefoot, and drinkin copper-water. We dive into the powers of control and conformity, we cover some antidotes to the fear plandemic and we stop by my own fears of seeing myself as an artist. In this talk, we offer an open door of possibility for those in search of ways to find the present moment, for those falling through the doors of spirituality, and for those looking for tips and tricks to combat depression and anxiety. Food becomes thoughts - we speak on the importance of the digestion system and self tummy care, as well as the "ingestion" of mental junk food (social media, news, negative inner/outer talk) We hit on unstructured movement, showing kindness, setting boundaries, the effects of social media habits on our self-image, loving your body, and dancing through your soul. (ask yourself, am I dancing from the center of my heart?) We talk about different forms of dancing, about art, creation, allowing yourself to 'just be', shifting your frequency, channeling, surrendering expectations, and using your paintbrush to create. I tell my story about experiencing Murray Hidary's "MindTravel" sound journey, we speak on Shamans and the role of healers in tribes, we talk about the importance of our words, learning from past experiences, judging and the healing journey. We talk about shifting in and out of friendships based on our own lives, about the importance of support in spirituality within partnerships, about twin flames, and sharing frequency through voice. Jay shifts mindsets. She's an inspiration to anyone itching to free themselves of the world's imposed restraints. She's fantastic energy, a bit witchy, always sweet, and full of knowledge. I genuinely feel happier when she's around. I'll bet she has that effect on most people. To catch up with Jordenelle - find her on instagram @celestial_gypsy_witch - Where she shares info about healing, books reiki sessions, and inspires people all over the world to become themselves. Notable Quotes from the episode - "Reminding that person (yourself at a younger age) that you are loved, you are worthy." "I deserve to be here. I want to be here. I love to be grounded. I am an artist. People enjoy my creations. My art matters. I am a good person. I allow my light to shine. I want to be here. I love having a physical vessel." "just forgive it, don't hold it, it's so heavy." "Do you even want everyone to be sexually attracted to you?"

    Episode 053 with Matt Young and Nate Tanzman - How To Build Confidence And Create Your Own Luck

    Episode 053 with Matt Young and Nate Tanzman - How To Build Confidence And Create Your Own Luck
    This is a powerful episode. We've got Nate back and he's accompanied by the Founder of Vancouver Elite Outreach - Matt Young. V.E.O is a non-profit in Vancouver Washington focused on creating opportunities for youth in the community. Through sports and mentorship, Matt Young and his crew at Vancouver Elite Outreach teach team-building, leadership, hard work, confidence, determination, self-worth - all through adversity and eye-to-eye authenticity. Nate is a motivator, influencer, videographer, stunt-rider and soon to be father - Matt is a dad, a coach, a husband, and teacher - together the three of us reach important edges of conversation and bring a unique lens and story to the discussion. We talk awakening to higher self, fighting the ugly within, selfishness, the poverty mentality, and blessings being taken by judgments. We touch on hip-hop and social media influence, marketing strategies against our best interest, digging for affirmations, and your problem becoming your purpose. "We believe in enhancing the individual to be the best version of themselves, and we believe in thinking differently. Better mind, better lifestyle." - Matt drops heat after heat explaining the backstory and values of V.E.O. and it takes us to great corners of our chat - where we discuss the ego, self-fulfillment, suicidal thoughts, becoming men, clinging to your narrative, re-writing your story, sub-conscious sabotage, psychological knots, and the victim mentality. Nate and Matt both boldly share very personal and life-altering learning experiences and we talk a bit on today's current messy social and confusing political climates. We cover negative self-talk, starting with "why", fastings from things that pull you, apologizing, and being slave to distractions. We talk about humility, always finding the solution, listening when life speaks, spending money on self-development, and the fact that personal growth isn't "sexy" in the mainstream. We talk God, mentorship, the power of forgiveness, focusing on yourself, acting in the grace that you need, the power of grit, inspiration by action, segregation, racism, protests, arguments, and empathy. The three of us try to make sense of the division happening in the world right now, we brainstorm some ways to make a real and actual difference and attempt to bring new ways of thinking more abstractly about the problems our country is faced with. We "give out the game" and talk undervaluing people's work, craft, and worth. We stretch out our thoughts on self, identifying weaknesses, fear making us sick, mastering identity, operating without fear and seeing fear for what it truly is... I really feel like we talked about great points that bring value and thought provocation to the outside world's conversation. For more on Nate, checkout our latter episodes and follow him on insta @nastynate_jr and Youtube @Nasty Nate. Matt is available through their website, https://www.vancouvereliteoutreach.org/ - on instagram @vancouvereliteoutreach, and on Youtube @#VEO Young. If you'd consider sharing or leaving a positive review, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for listening! Few fire grabs from Matt and Nate during this convo: "You'll grow up to be that person you needed when you was younger." "One kid at a time." "His breakthrough became his income" "I'm just a baker, that found bread." "People fall into the victim mentality because there's nobody saying there's a way out" "Once you get rid of the idol, you'll show yourself." "When I was dealing with dyslexia, I never heard anybody say - 'You could be better'" "Bad motherfuckers do shit that they don't wanna do" "When there's nothing wrong with us, the system has nothing to sell us" "The cost of entry to your business, to your podcast, to your personal growth - is listening to people tell you that you're fuckin crazy."

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