
    Podcast Summary

    • The Challenges Facing Third Parties in American PoliticsDespite aligning with the interests of many voters, third parties like the Libertarian Party face challenges in gaining recognition and access to debates due to strict polling requirements and perpetuating the two-party system.

      The current political landscape is dominated by two major parties, leaving many Americans feeling unrepresented. The Libertarian Party, which aligns with fiscal conservatism and social liberalism, may hold the interests of a significant portion of the electorate. However, the party and its ideologies are often misunderstood and mischaracterized, leading to a lack of awareness and identification among voters. The challenge for third parties lies in gaining recognition and access to debates, which requires meeting strict polling requirements that can be difficult to achieve without initial exposure. This cycle repeats itself, perpetuating the two-party system and limiting the representation of various ideologies. The ongoing debate around the exclusivity of the presidential debate commission highlights the need for change and greater inclusivity in the political process.

    • The Value and Impact of Presidential DebatesThe debates are valuable and influential, but the current system needs improvement, such as online voting. Young people and the internet are driving change, and voters must carefully consider their options.

      The presidential debates hold significant value, estimated to be worth several hundred million dollars in advertising, and being in them can greatly impact a candidate's chances of winning the presidency. The current system, which requires physical attendance, needs improvement, such as allowing online voting. The establishment, however, may resist such changes due to the potential loss of control. The internet, particularly young people, is pushing for change, and the polarizing nature of the current election cycle might bring about significant shifts in the political landscape. I Side With is a useful website that helps individuals find the presidential candidate most aligned with their views. For me, Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson are the top two candidates, but Sanders aligns more closely with my views. Despite this, it's unlikely Sanders will secure the nomination, leaving voters to consider their alternatives carefully.

    • The political landscape is polarized, with socially tolerant fiscal conservatives being co-opted by unpopular social conservativesThe political landscape is polarized, with many Americans identifying as socially tolerant fiscal conservatives, but being influenced by unpopular social conservative agendas. Libertarian ideology, promoting individual freedom and limited government, is gaining popularity but struggling to impact the political scene.

      The political landscape in the United States is polarized, with the two major parties, Democrats and Republicans, often failing to find common ground on issues. Fifty percent of Republicans, who are socially tolerant and fiscally conservative, have been co-opted by social conservatives with agendas that are unpopular to many Americans. The term "conservative" is complex and has evolved, with the original conservatives advocating for government to stay out of personal matters. The libertarian ideology, which promotes individual freedom and limited government, has gained popularity but has yet to significantly impact the political landscape. The debates between the major parties are often divisive and unproductive, making it difficult for third parties to gain traction. Despite this, many Americans identify with the libertarian philosophy and believe it represents the majority of the population. It's crucial for voters to educate themselves about the candidates and their beliefs to make informed decisions. The lack of representation for third parties in debates and on ballots makes it challenging for them to gain visibility and credibility.

    • Growing Government Costs and Negative ConsequencesThe larger the government, the more it costs to maintain, potentially leading to negative consequences like inflation. Certain government programs can discourage work and create dependency, but common sense solutions and a smaller government can incentivize work and reduce unemployment.

      The speaker believes that the larger the government grows, the more money it costs to maintain, leading to diminishing returns and potential negative consequences like inflation. He also criticizes certain government programs and welfare benefits, arguing that they can discourage people from working and create dependency. The speaker's experience with implementing policies to incentivize work in New Mexico led to a decrease in unemployment, but was deemed unconstitutional by the legislature. Ultimately, he advocates for common sense solutions and a smaller government that allows individuals to keep and spend their own money.

    • Experience of an Unconstitutional ProgramExecutives should continue implementing policies they believe are right, even if later ruled against by courts, as they may lead to positive outcomes and potential future changes in the legislature or courts.

      Executive actions, even if effective, can be ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Former New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez shared her experience of implementing an unconstitutional program that led to a decrease in unemployment signs, but was later ruled against by the Supreme Court. Despite the frustration, she emphasized the importance of executives continuing to do what they believe is right, as the courts and legislature may step in later. She also discussed her successful experiment with providing welfare recipients in New Mexico her health insurance policy instead of paying bills, saving 20% on the whole bill. If implemented at the federal level, she believes states could be given more control over welfare and Medicare to reduce runaway expenditures.

    • Free Market Approach to Healthcare: Innovation, Cost Containment, and Better OutcomesA free market approach to healthcare could lead to innovation, cost containment, and better outcomes through advertised pricing, transparency, and consumers paying for services as they go, but challenges include defining catastrophic injury or illness and ensuring access to necessary care for those who cannot afford it.

      The speaker believes that devolving Medicaid and Medicare to the states and implementing free market solutions in healthcare could lead to innovation, cost containment, and better outcomes. They argue that healthcare is currently heavily subsidized by the government and that a free market approach would result in advertised pricing, transparency, and consumers paying for services as they go. However, they acknowledge that there would be challenges in defining what constitutes catastrophic injury or illness and ensuring access to necessary care for those who cannot afford it. The speaker also mentions that under a free market system, people would not have insurance for ongoing medical needs but would have insurance for catastrophic events. They give examples of how advertised pricing and competition have led to lower costs in industries like cosmetic surgery and dentistry, and suggest that a similar approach could be applied to healthcare services.

    • Decentralization of government and fiscal benefits of marijuana legalizationDecentralization of government allows states to experiment with marijuana legalization, leading to potential fiscal savings in law enforcement and criminal justice. Success depends on reasonable taxation and regulations, including personal growing.

      The decentralization of government, as seen in the experimentation of legalizing marijuana among the fifty states, can lead to significant fiscal benefits and savings, particularly in areas like law enforcement and the criminal justice system. However, the success of these experiments relies on reasonable taxation and regulations, including the allowance for personal growing. The war on drugs, fueled by high incarceration rates and the militarization of law enforcement, has contributed to a sense of distrust and disenfranchisement, particularly in marginalized communities. To address these issues, a shift towards decriminalization and a focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment could lead to positive change. Additionally, addressing the role of political motivations in driving policies, such as the war on drugs and the prison industrial complex, is crucial for meaningful reform.

    • Private prisons aim to maximize profits by housing more prisonersPrivate prisons can lead to cost savings but raise ethical concerns due to profit-driven influence on policies and potential lobbying for harsher sentencing laws.

      The private prison industry's primary goal is to maximize profits by housing more prisoners, which raises ethical concerns. However, some argue that privatization can lead to cost savings and efficient prison management. During the discussion, it was mentioned that New Mexico privatized half of its prisons and saved two-thirds of the cost. Yet, it's essential to acknowledge that private prisons may lobby for harsher sentencing laws and more prisoners, just like public institutions and unions do. The line between what is ethical and what is legal becomes blurred when it comes to profit-driven institutions influencing policies that impact human lives.

    • Policies prioritizing profits over public opinionScrutinize policies that prioritize profits over public opinion and well-being, such as certain prison and education policies.

      There are instances where certain policies or actions go against the wishes of the general public, with the primary motivation being to maximize profits. The discussion revolved around the prison system and the lobbying efforts of prison unions to keep people in jail, despite public opinion favoring decriminalization of certain drug crimes. Similarly, in education, the federal government imposes stringent requirements, such as providing transgender bathrooms, which can result in a net loss for states and create unnecessary controversy over non-issues. The overall message is that there should be scrutiny over policies that prioritize profits over public opinion and well-being.

    • North Carolina Bathroom Law Debate: Paperwork Change or Necessary Intervention?The North Carolina bathroom law debate centers on whether it's a matter of paperwork change or necessary government intervention, with some advocating for boycotts and public outrage, while others believe in open-mindedness and tolerance.

      The North Carolina legislation under discussion is seen as a matter of paperwork change for transgender individuals to use bathrooms corresponding to their identified gender, rather than a complex issue requiring government intervention. Some argue that the government should not be involved at all, and that boycotts and public outrage can be effective ways to bring about change. Others believe that the issue is a social one that needs to be addressed through open-mindedness and tolerance towards individuals' choices. Ultimately, the debate revolves around whether the legislation is necessary, and whether it adds value to the public discourse or simply adds time and money without making a significant impact.

    • Transgender Bathroom Issue: Complex and LocalConsider unique situations, promote acceptance, and promote a more inclusive environment for transgender individuals.

      The transgender bathroom issue is complex and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. People identify as transgender in various ways and it's essential to consider their unique situations. Decision-making regarding accommodations should ideally occur at the local level. A three-bathroom rule, including male, female, and a gender-neutral option, has been suggested but would require significant resources and cultural shift. Ultimately, promoting open-mindedness, acceptance, and respect for individual choices may lead to a more inclusive and loving society. The transgender population is a small percentage, and mandating accommodations for a few individuals could be outweighed by the benefits of a more inclusive environment. European countries, where open showers and mixed-gender facilities are common, provide an alternative perspective. However, implementing such changes in the US would require a significant cultural shift.

    • Europe vs. US: Different Cultural Norms Impact Societal OutcomesEurope's communal showering and early alcohol exposure lead to unique societal outcomes, while US's younger driving ages and fewer substance use restrictions result in different societal norms. Proposed solution: term limits for elected officials to encourage meaningful change.

      Cultural norms and societal structures significantly influence various aspects of life, including attitudes towards showering and substance use. In Europe, communal showering and early introduction to alcohol are common practices, leading to different societal outcomes. Conversely, in the United States, younger ages for driving and fewer restrictions on substance use exist. The complexity of governance and the challenge of implementing change at the federal level were also discussed. A proposed solution to this issue is term limits for elected officials, which could encourage them to focus on making meaningful changes rather than staying in office indefinitely.

    • Prohibition of certain substances worsens drug problemEducation and legalization of less harmful substances can reduce overall substance abuse and related deaths

      The war on drugs, particularly the prohibition of certain substances like cocaine and marijuana, contributes significantly to the drug problem. If people were educated about the potential health risks and could trust the information provided by the government, there might be less substance abuse. For instance, while cocaine use may seem preferable to methamphetamine use due to fewer negative behavioral consequences, long-term use of cocaine can lead to heart damage and early death. On the other hand, marijuana, which is less harmful and more peaceful, has been shown to reduce violent crime and drunk driving when it's legalized. Moreover, hemp, a non-psychoactive alternative to many prescription drugs, remains illegal due to lobbying efforts from industries that profit from alternatives. Legalizing marijuana could lead to less overall substance abuse and fewer deaths related to alcohol and prescription drugs. The legalization of marijuana in Colorado is a prime example of how a less harmful drug can improve a state's vibrancy and safety.

    • Disconnect between public support for marijuana legalization and politicians' actionDespite a majority of Americans supporting marijuana legalization, few politicians have taken action due to risk aversion. The speaker proposes reducing government size and spending as an alternative solution.

      There's a significant disconnect between the public's support for marijuana legalization and the lack of action from elected officials. In 1999, only 30% of Americans supported it, but by 2016, 60% did. Bernie Sanders was one of the first politicians to publicly support it, but few others have followed suit. This disconnect exists because politicians often prioritize minimizing risk over taking controversial stands. The speaker suggests that a benevolent dictator could potentially address some issues, but finding such a person is challenging. Instead, the speaker advocates for reducing government size and spending to allow individuals more freedom and financial growth.

    • Shrinking government for better resource managementEffective government involves common sense management, preventing resource misuse, and addressing waste, fraud, and abuse.

      Effective government requires common sense management and a focus on not growing bureaucracy. As seen in New Mexico, shrinking government through attrition and merging or eliminating unnecessary departments can lead to better resource management and more efficient services. However, it's crucial for leaders to stay informed and intervene when necessary to prevent misuse of resources and agencies, such as Homeland Security, from straying from their intended purpose. Open door policies can be valuable for addressing individual concerns, but may not be practical for a president with a nation of three hundred million people. Instead, finding efficient mechanisms to address waste, fraud, and abuse is essential.

    • Wasteful Government Spending and the Need for TransparencyStay informed about government spending to prevent waste and ensure accountability. Examples include the $16B helicopter contract and the Flint water crisis. Innovation vs waste can be unclear, but prompt action is crucial.

      The discussion revolves around instances of wasteful government spending and the need for transparency and accountability. The example given is the $16 billion contract for a new helicopter, which ballooned in cost due to a change in materials and design. This situation could be considered wasteful, but the line between waste and innovation can be blurry. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying informed and addressing issues promptly, using the Flint water crisis as an example. Additionally, the conversation touches on the extravagance of presidential travel and the idea of a more accessible and cost-effective approach.

    • Challenges for third-party candidates in US electionsThird-party candidates face significant hurdles in US elections, including polling thresholds for debates and the dominant two-party system. The speaker advocates for a more open and inclusive political process, where individuals who bring important information to light are treated fairly.

      The presidential election process in the United States presents significant challenges for third-party candidates due to the dominance of the two-party system. The debates are a crucial opportunity for these candidates, but gaining entry requires meeting polling thresholds, which can be a significant hurdle. The speaker expresses frustration with the polarizing nature of the two major parties and the lack of meaningful discourse on important issues, such as government surveillance and transparency. He advocates for a more open and inclusive political process, where individuals like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, who have brought important information to light, are treated fairly and their actions are considered in the context of the greater good. Ultimately, the speaker believes that true change can only come from working within the system and striving to do the right thing.

    • Exposing mass surveillance programs and raising privacy concernsEdward Snowden's actions brought attention to potential privacy violations and sparked a debate on the balance between security and individual rights.

      Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, is seen as a patriot by some for exposing mass surveillance programs, despite being labeled a criminal by others. Snowden's actions brought attention to potential violations of privacy and raised questions about the balance between security and individual rights. The NSA's data collection continues unabated, leading some to argue that the country has strayed from its founding principles. As president, one might consider redirecting the NSA's efforts towards protecting national security without infringing on privacy. The complexity of the situation means that no simple solution exists, but acknowledging mistakes and striving for balance is crucial. The ongoing debate highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government actions.

    • Caution needed against government surveillance and actionsBe wary of speaking out against the government due to extensive data collection capabilities and potential backlash. Criticisms exist regarding the FISA court process and government treatment of whistleblowers. Obama's actions contradicted his promises on civil liberties and foreign policy.

      Individuals should be cautious about their actions and communications, especially when going against the government, due to extensive data collection capabilities. The discussion highlighted the case of Bill Binney, an original NSA whistleblower, who spoke out against mass surveillance during the Bush administration and faced backlash. The current process for government surveillance, such as the FISA court, has been questioned for not providing adequate due process. The Obama administration, despite promises of supporting whistleblowers, has been criticized for its treatment of those revealing government information. Furthermore, military interventions, including drone attacks, have resulted in unintended consequences, leading to a high number of civilian casualties. The discrepancy between Obama's words and actions, particularly in regards to civil liberties and foreign policy, has been a source of disappointment.

    • Balancing Security and Oversight in Complex SituationsFinding a balance between security needs and oversight is essential in complex situations like military spending and privacy concerns. Engaging diplomatic efforts with key players, such as China, can help resolve conflicts peacefully. Congress plays a crucial role in national debates and declaring war.

      Effective change involves addressing large, complex entities like military and geopolitical situations, which require careful planning and collaboration. The US, represented as a super tanker, requires significant time and effort to turn around. In the context of military spending and privacy concerns, finding a balance between security and oversight is crucial. Regarding North Korea, engaging China in diplomatic efforts could be beneficial for all parties involved. Meanwhile, Congress has a constitutional responsibility to declare war and engage in national debates. The ongoing situation with China's island building should be viewed within the larger context of global power dynamics and the importance of diplomacy in resolving conflicts.

    • Military interventions can have unintended consequencesMilitary interventions can lead to new threats and funding for terrorism, making situations worse rather than better

      Military interventions in other countries, while intended to keep things the same or make them better, can have unintended consequences and even make situations worse. For example, the intervention in Iraq led to dealing with new threats, such as Iran, which was previously not a major concern. The Iran nuclear deal, which freed up billions of dollars, raises concerns about the potential funding of terrorism, as Secretary Kerry admitted that some of the money would be directed towards it. The unintended consequences of military interventions and the giving of funds to countries with questionable records of funding terrorism can make the situation worse, rather than better. It's important to consider the potential long-term effects of such actions and to consider alternative approaches.

    • Geopolitics: Oil, Interventions, and TerrorismThe complex geopolitical landscape requires a nuanced approach, considering natural resources, interventions, and terrorism. Diplomacy, intelligence, and careful policy-making are essential for promoting peace and stability.

      The world's geopolitical landscape is complex and multifaceted, with various factors contributing to instability and conflict. The discussion touched upon the role of natural resources, particularly oil, in shaping international relations and the potential consequences of the United States' military interventions. The speakers also debated the use of the term "terrorism" and the challenges of containing and preventing its spread. Ultimately, there is a need for a comprehensive and nuanced approach to addressing these issues, involving diplomacy, intelligence gathering, and careful consideration of unintended consequences. The speakers expressed skepticism towards past and current policies and called for a more thoughtful and effective strategy to promote peace and stability in the world.

    • Leading with transparency and admitting mistakesEffective leaders admit mistakes and maintain transparency to build trust and mitigate the consequences of not doing so.

      The transition from being an outsider to holding a position of power, such as the presidency, can significantly change one's perspective and actions. However, it's crucial for leaders to remain transparent and admit mistakes to maintain public trust. The example given was the Obama administration's consideration of military intervention in Syria, which faced strong opposition from the American public due to a perceived lack of transparency and inconsistency with Obama's previous stance. Being truthful and admitting mistakes can help mitigate the compounding effects of not doing so. The complexity of the office and external pressures can make it challenging for leaders to stick to their promises, but it's essential to remember that honesty and accountability are key to effective leadership.

    • Simplifying the Political Landscape with the Fair TaxThe Fair Tax proposal aims to eliminate income and corporate taxes, replace them with a federal consumption tax, and potentially reduce the influence of lobbyists.

      The current political landscape is complex and tangled, much like a bird's nest created by a bait casting reel. Governors, like any political figure, face challenges such as term limits, ideological blockades, and special interest groups. A proposed solution to simplify the system is the elimination of income and corporate taxes, which would lead to the abolition of the IRS and potentially reduce the influence of lobbyists. This would be replaced with a federal consumption tax. This radical idea, known as the Fair Tax, has gained support from a significant number of Congress members. It's important to note that this proposal would apply to new goods and services, not used ones, and would theoretically be cost-neutral. While this idea may seem drastic, it's a potential solution to untangle the complex web of politics and taxes.

    • Shift from income tax to consumption tax could simplify livesProposed shift from income tax to consumption tax could simplify lives, potentially be revenue neutral, create jobs, but face opposition from industries and unions.

      A proposed shift from income tax to a consumption tax could simplify people's lives by eliminating the need to deal with the IRS. This change could potentially be revenue neutral, but it would mean the end of jobs in the tax and accounting industries. The theory suggests that a consumption tax would lead to job creation due to a zero corporate tax rate, making the US more competitive for businesses. However, implementing such a change would face significant opposition from various industries and unions. The debate around this proposal could open people's eyes to the possibility of a dramatically different life, with both advantages and disadvantages.

    • Discontent with Corporate Taxes and the IRSDespite debates on ideal tax rates, the IRS is widely disliked. Concerns include corporations' political donations, particularly super PACs' lack of transparency, and the potential for incumbency protection acts.

      The current state of the corporate tax rate and the IRS system is a source of widespread discontent among the population. While there are debates about the ideal tax rate, there seems to be a consensus that the IRS is not loved by the people. The issue of corporations donating to political candidates also raises concerns, particularly regarding the transparency of super PACs. Some argue that limiting campaign contributions is an incumbency protection act, and that complete transparency is crucial for accountability. The idea of eliminating the IRS entirely has been suggested, but it's important to note that there's no such thing as 100% support for any political proposal. The debate around taxation and campaign finance reform is complex, but transparency and fairness are key themes.

    • The corrupting influence of wealthy donorsWealthy donors, despite having fewer numbers, can corrupt politics more than many smaller donors due to their potential for seeking a return on investment. Transparency in campaign financing helps, but doesn't eliminate concerns.

      The influence of a single wealthy donor, regardless of the amount of money they contribute, can be more corrupting than having many smaller donors. This is because the potential for the wealthy donor to seek a return on their investment is greater, raising concerns about the motivations behind their support. Transparency in campaign financing can help mitigate these concerns, but it doesn't eliminate them entirely. Ultimately, the influence of large donors, whether transparent or not, can be problematic for regular people and should be considered when analyzing the impact of their contributions.

    • Gary Johnson's Unique Perspective on Politics and DonationsJohnson, a fiscal conservative and social tolerant, finds Supreme Court's donation decision creepy and emphasizes transparency, vetoing legislation, and dealing with failure.

      The speaker, Gary Johnson, believes that transparency in political donations is important and that the Supreme Court's decision allowing corporations to donate as individuals is creepy and doesn't make much sense. He is a fiscal conservative and socially tolerant, with a unique perspective on government and the role of the military. Johnson has a history of vetoing legislation and being an entrepreneur and athlete. He emphasizes the importance of dealing with failure and telling the truth. His goal is to get into the presidential debates and represent the 25 million people who support him, as he believes his message will resonate with voters.

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    Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. 
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    Steve's paper on COVID vaccine reactions: https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-get-vaccinated/ 

    Steve's Twitter: @stkirsch 
    COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund: https://www.treatearly.org/team/steve-kirsch 
    Dr. Malone's website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/mrna-vaccine-inventor 
    Robert's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rwmalonemd 
    Robert's Twitter: @RWMaloneMD 


    Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon. 

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music. 

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    4 Leadership Struggles I Had to Overcome

    4 Leadership Struggles I Had to Overcome

    Lonely Leadership

    What are leadership struggles? Many leaders act as if the point they’ve reached in their careers was easy to reach. From my perspective, as I progressed throughout my career, I ran into many different struggles. These struggles are some that I believe every leader will encounter. Rather than hiding these struggles from you, I will be putting them out in the sunlight for all of you to see. I have come to realize that all leaders are alike. As much as we think we are different, we are not as unique as we think. We all share the same struggles. On today’s show, I will be discussing the various struggles all leaders face and how to counteract them.

    The first leadership struggle I’ve encountered is lonely leadership. As you progress through an organization it gets harder to find people that understand you. Great leaders are told that transparency is a must. Be transparent. Share things with others around you. While transparency holds importance, is it always the answer? Transparency is only important to a point. There are some things you should not be transparent about.

    You should never be transparent about your self-doubt. Being open about your struggles with employees can cause them concern about your organization. Secondly, never be transparent about your opinion of others. Especially key stakeholders. They will find out. My philosophy is to never burn a bridge no matter what. This decision has come back to benefit me throughout my career.

    Thirdly, never be transparent about confidential information shared with you. I’ve seen may promising leaders sidelined because of issues of integrity and trust. Building a reputation of integrity as a leader is crucial. It can be lost in just one decision. Don’t make that mistake. This will shatter your career. Being a leader is lonely. Who can you share things with? Your spouse? Not always. I remember when I was at Teligent and we were the hottest new thing. We were on the cover of Business Week, Forbes, WSJ, NY Times etc. My wife was at her hairdresser one day, and the hairdresser was drilling her about information on Teligent. He assumed she had access to confidential information and was getting aggressive. After that, me and my wife came to an agreement to protect her. I do not share any confidential information with her. Never. She doesn’t want to be in that position.

    Is there anyone you can be transparent with? Your coach or mentor. Let your board/shareholders know that you have a coach or mentor. If you’re going to share confidential information with someone, they should sign a non-disclosure agreement. All of this said, you will be lonely as a leader. It comes with the position. Do you have someone that you can be transparent with?



    What Got You Here Won’t Keep You Here

    Will the skills that helped you reach your position keep you there? These things will not keep you here or progress you in your career. Look at me for instance. My specialty is technical work. I have not touched technical work in 15 years. I had to learn new skills in order to advance. How did I learn those different skills? Right out of college, I was told by my mentor Bob that in order to find success, I had to broaden my playing fields. I knew my specialty very well, but I needed to have a variety of experiences. What did I do? I rotated in marketing, sales, finance, IT, etc. I did everything. While these experiences broadened my knowledge, it wasn’t enough. What were the skillsets that brought me to success?

    • Organization design - How do you structure a team? You have to be willing to adjust in order to create a successful organizational structure.
    • People Reading - Each person is unique and you have to commit to learning them.
    • Consensus BuildingLearn the individuals and their objectives. I do one on one calls with each member of my board before meetings. This helps me to get a better grasp on the thoughts and feelings of each member.
    • Objective Setting – How do you set good objectives? use OKR’s/make sure they are clear and measurable. Grant autonomy letting your experts use their skills to achieve ultimate success.


    Consequences of Ideas and Statements

    Ideas and statements made as a leader have consequences. Things will get taken out of context and all the sudden they become the “new law”. When I was CEO at Cable Labs, I told my team that the most common statement they would hear was “Phil said”. In many cases what I said was misinterpreted or misused. The best proof point of this in my career is press coverage. If you google my name and read the articles on the first 16 pages of google, not a single article got the situation 100% correct. At Cable Labs, we had issues with the press pushing out false information. This caused employees to start worrying about the longevity of our Colorado office. I had to call a meeting with my all my employees to address this issue. I made a commitment to my staff that day that they would hear from me first, and not the press. In fact, this created a new culture at Cable Labs called the “no surprise rule” to constantly remind my employees of this. Why do I do this? Because ideas and statements can be a disaster. You need to be hyper-vigilant about what you say, how you say it, and how you operate. Are you conveying statements the right way?


    Creative Self-Doubt

    What is the number one skill leaders are expected to have? Creativity/ ingenuity leading to product, service, and operational innovation. Many leaders get promoted to a leadership role because of innovation they are credited with. Look at Nobel Laureates. There is a trend of peaks seen from the recipients of Nobel awards. One in their mid-twenties and one in their mid-fifties. The question comes down to this. Do you still have your creativity?


    What type of innovator are you?

    Conceptual Innovators - “Think outside the box,” challenging conventional wisdom and suddenly coming up with new ideas. Conceptual innovators tend to peak early in their careers.


    Experimental Innovators - Accumulate knowledge through their careers and find groundbreaking ways to analyze, interpret and synthesize that information into new ways of understanding. The long periods of trial and error required for important experimental innovations make them tend to occur late in a Nobel laureate’s career. Success comes from recognizing that as an innovator we need to shift from the conceptual to the experimental.

    Let’s connect; I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter. If we do connect, drop me a note and let me know. The email address is feedback@philmckinney.com or you can go to PhilMcKinney.com and drop me a note there. If you are looking for innovation support go to TheInnovators.Network or want to be challenged to develop the next big idea, check out our Disruptive Ideation Workshops. Don’t forget to join our Innovators Community to enjoy more conversations around innovation.

    Jackin’ it in Baca Medow

    Jackin’ it in Baca Medow
    Jim Jesus joins a whole slew of co-hosts and guests at the fifth annual Jackalope Freedom Festival Non-Event 2016 at Baca Meadow, AZ. Baron von Stormhaven, Kenny Palurintano, James Babb, Violet Babb, Donna Slopey, “JAY NOONE,” Adam Kokesh of TheFreedomLine.com, Ernie Hancock of Freedom’s Phoenix, Robert Anderson, and Robert Kruger (who I didn’t formerly introduce, sorry) … Continue reading Jackin’ it in Baca Medow