
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Schilling's struggle with Snapchat and confusion over its popularityDespite the pressure to perform and the confusion over Snapchat's popularity, Joe Schilling values going all out in his fights with a warrior's spirit.

      Joe Schilling had a difficult time joining the Snapchat platform due to all the usernames being taken, and he expressed confusion about its popularity and the pressure to send explicit content. Additionally, Schilling discussed his intense emotional state during a fight, carrying the expectations of Bellator kickboxing and Spike TV for a ratings boost. He also emphasized his preference for fighting with a warrior's spirit and going all out, although the outcome of his last fight did not turn out as planned. The conversation also touched upon the pressure to fight smart versus fighting exciting and the impact of the internet's brutal criticism.

    • Navigating online criticismOnline criticism can be harsh, but it's important to remember that people may lash out when they're upset or feeling vulnerable. Use it as an opportunity for growth, rather than getting defensive or retaliating.

      The internet can be a harsh and unforgiving place where everyone has an opinion, but not everyone's opinion holds value. People may say things online that they wouldn't dare say in person. The consequences of actions, especially in the context of a fight or personal attack, can be much more severe than in other areas of life. It's important to remember that people may lash out when they're upset or feeling vulnerable, and it's not always a reflection of who you truly are. Instead of getting defensive or retaliating, try to understand where the criticism is coming from and use it as an opportunity for growth. At the end of the day, everyone is just trying to navigate the complexities of life, and it's important to show compassion and empathy, even to those who may not deserve it.

    • Life's experiences: winners, losers, risks takersApproaching challenges with a positive attitude can lead to valuable experiences and lessons

      Life presents us with a range of experiences, from winners and losers, to risks takers and those who prefer to live a muted existence. Floyd Mayweather, arguably the best boxer ever, faced criticism from a spectator during his career, but he continued to push forward and achieve greatness. Similarly, individuals who take risks and face challenges will have their moments of triumph and defeat, but the experience and lessons learned are invaluable. The discussion also touched upon the rules in kickboxing, specifically the ISK ruling body, and the interpretation of certain rules, such as the use of forearms or clinching. These rules add complexity to the sport and require a deep understanding to navigate effectively. Moreover, the conversation emphasized the importance of having a positive attitude towards failure and setbacks, and the value of pressing forward despite the difficulties. Joe Schilling, a fighter with multiple knockouts and surgeries, embodies this attitude and takes pride in his contributions to the sport of kickboxing. In essence, the key takeaway is that life presents us with challenges, and how we approach them, whether with a positive attitude or a critical one, can greatly impact our experiences and the memories we leave behind.

    • Rules and history of kickboxing debatedFormer kickboxer reflects on unexpected spinning back fist, debates rules' flexibility, and discusses kickboxing's rich history and excitement

      The rules in kickboxing, particularly those regarding elbows and spinning techniques, are a subject of ongoing debate. The interviewee, a former professional white firefighter and kickboxer, shares his experience of encountering an unexpected spinning back fist during a fight, which he acknowledges was not technically a legal shot but expresses his belief that the rules could be more flexible. The history of kickboxing is discussed, with the influence of various martial arts and boxing on its evolution. The interviewee also highlights the high level of excitement and skill in modern kickboxing, which he feels is not yet fully appreciated by the public. He shares his belief that the rules were designed to make fights more entertaining, but acknowledges that this perspective is not universally accepted. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the complexities and debates surrounding the rules and history of kickboxing.

    • Bellator's marketing strategy for kickboxingBellator's inclusion of kickboxing on MMA cards attracted a large audience, similar to how The Ultimate Fighter introduced MMA to the mainstream.

      Bellator's innovative approach to marketing kickboxing by featuring it on the same card as MMA fights attracted a large audience, similar to how The Ultimate Fighter reality show helped introduce mixed martial arts to the mainstream public. The discussion also touched upon the origins of the term "cuck," which stems from cuckold pornography, and how it has been used as an insult. The speakers expressed their excitement about Bellator's commitment to kickboxing and the potential growth of the sport. They also reflected on the significance of The Ultimate Fighter in popularizing MMA and how it changed the landscape of combat sports.

    • The Evolution of the Term 'Cuck'The term 'cuck' has lost its original meaning due to excessive use, highlighting the impact of the internet on language evolution.

      Language and insults evolve with time, and the term "cuck" is currently being used excessively, often without understanding its original meaning. Kurt Metzger, a comedian and writer, discussed this phenomenon during a conversation, noting how the term has lost its significance due to overuse. The internet has made information readily available to everyone, and even those in more rural areas can't escape the reach of new insults. The term "cuck" originated from the idea of a weak man who lets another man have sex with his wife, but it's now being thrown around without context or meaning. This overuse of the term is a sign of the ever-changing landscape of language and the influence of the internet on our daily lives.

    • Exploring Los Angeles' Lack of a True City Center and PodcastingThe speakers discussed the need for a more walkable, vibrant downtown area in Los Angeles and the idea of setting up a podcast studio with a city view. They also touched on the sensitivity surrounding language and the importance of free expression, as well as personal experiences with quitting smoking.

      There's a desire for a more walkable, vibrant downtown area in Los Angeles, as it currently lacks a true city center like New York. The speakers also discussed the idea of setting up a podcast studio with a great view of the city to enhance the production. Additionally, they touched on the topic of language and the sensitivity surrounding certain words, with the belief that people are trying to control language and limit free expression. The conversation also included a discussion about quitting smoking and trying alternative methods like vaping. Overall, the speakers expressed a range of thoughts on various topics, from real estate and podcasting to language and societal norms.

    • Navigating Sensitive Issues: Cultural Clashes and Political CorrectnessCultural differences and political correctness can lead to misunderstandings and offensive responses when addressing sensitive issues. Be aware of potential cultural clashes and strive for sensitivity and understanding.

      Cultural differences and political correctness can lead to confusing and insensitive responses in the face of sensitive issues. The discussion revolves around the New Year's Eve attacks in Germany and the controversial response from the mayor, who advised women to dress conservatively to avoid attracting unwanted attention from refugees. This sparked outrage and accusations of censorship and Islamophobia. The conversation then shifted to the evolving use of the term "cuck," which originally referred to a man whose wife is unfaithful but has since taken on new meanings, including being used as a derogatory term for those perceived as overly sensitive or politically correct. The conversation showcases the complexity of cultural clashes and the challenges of navigating sensitive issues while avoiding offense and maintaining sensitivity.

    • Muay Thai: The Art of Eight LimbsMuay Thai, a martial art from Thailand, contributes significantly to combat sports with its full-contact use of elbows, knees, shins, and fists. Its influence extends beyond Muay Thai to other martial arts.

      Muay Thai, a martial art originating from Thailand, has significantly influenced combat sports with its striking techniques, particularly its use of elbows and knees. Bellator MMA fighter Jim Wallhead expressed his frustration with Bellator's restriction of elbow strikes during kickboxing matches, suggesting a shift towards Muay Thai rules for a more authentic striking experience. Muay Thai, which translates to "the art of eight limbs," is unique in its full-contact use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins. Its history and cultural significance make it a crucial contributor to the evolution of combat sports. Thailand's impact on martial arts is immense, with its influence extending beyond Muay Thai to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Western wrestling, boxing, and others. The country's martial arts have shaped the way we understand and practice combat sports for centuries.

    • Muay Thai's Impact on MMA through FightersMuay Thai fighters, with extensive training and cultural background, bring unique clinching techniques, knee strikes, elbows, and leg kicks to MMA, setting them apart and revolutionizing stand-up striking.

      Muay Thai fighters from Thailand have revolutionized stand-up striking in MMA with their unique clinching techniques, knee strikes, elbows, and leg kicks. Their proficiency in Muay Thai, which is deeply ingrained in their culture since childhood, sets them apart from other fighters. Notable examples include Benny "Kid Pambelé" and Jose "Shorty" Torres, who have brought their skills to the US and achieved great success. Muay Thai fighters often have extensive fight records, starting at a young age, with some surpassing 200 fights. However, their dedication to the sport has come with physical costs, as evidenced by Boss Rutan's extreme measures to numb his shins during fights. Despite these challenges, their impact on MMA is undeniable.

    • The human body's ability to heal and adaptDespite extensive damage to their knees, individuals like Steve Graham and the speaker continued to push through and excel, thanks to advancements in medical technology.

      The human body's ability to heal and adapt is remarkable, as shown in the extreme cases of Steve Graham and the speaker themselves. Both individuals endured extensive damage to their knees, with Steve requiring multiple surgeries involving steel caps and artificial meniscus, while the speaker had their ACL and MCL torn, as well as a piece of cartilage torn out of their other knee. Despite the pain and setbacks, they continued to push through and even excel in their respective fields. The advancements in medical technology, such as cadaver grafts and tendon transfers, have allowed for improved recovery and function. It's a testament to the human spirit and determination to overcome adversity.

    • Proceed with Caution when Undergoing Regenerative TreatmentsProceed with caution when considering regenerative treatments like PRP and stem cell therapy, consult medical professionals and reputable clinics to minimize risks.

      While regenerative treatments like PRP and stem cell therapy hold great promise for healing injuries and conditions, it's crucial to proceed with caution. Stem cells, specifically those sourced from placenta, have the potential to transform into various tissues and repair damages. Daniel Cormier's successful knee treatment is an example. However, there are risks, especially when seeking treatments abroad. A man's unfortunate experience with unidentified tissue being injected into his body serves as a warning against anecdotal evidence and the potential dangers of unregulated treatments. It's essential to consult medical professionals and reputable clinics for these procedures. My personal experience with stem cell therapy for my shoulder injury has been positive, and it's gaining popularity among athletes as a viable alternative to surgery. However, not all injuries may respond similarly, and individual results may vary.

    • NSAIDs and InflammationRegular NSAID use can disrupt gut flora, leading to inflammation and a need for more NSAIDs. Healthy eating and natural anti-inflammatories like curcumin can help.

      Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen can create a harmful loop of inflammation in the body. Dr. Rhonda Patrick explained on a podcast that regular use of NSAIDs can disrupt gut flora, leading to inflammation and the need for more NSAIDs to alleviate the pain. A friend of Joe's named Cam Haines, an avid runner, experienced this firsthand. He stopped using Ibuprofen after the podcast and reported feeling better than ever. Instead, he focuses on eating healthy foods. Joe also emphasized the importance of healthy eating, stating that you are what you eat. He uses a meal prep sponsor, Chef Raoul, to help him maintain a healthy diet. Joe also mentioned his addiction to supplements like Alpha Brain and essential fatty acids, which he finds help with mental energy and joint health. Additionally, natural anti-inflammatories like curcumin were recommended. The discussion also touched on Bellator's international events.

    • Perception of biased commentary in a fight eventCommentators' biases can impact the way viewers perceive a fight, potentially missing important details and leading to unfair assessments of the athletes involved.

      During a discussion about various fighting events around the world, it was mentioned that commentators during a specific fight between two individuals were perceived as being one-sided and not giving one of the fighters enough credit for his actions. The speaker, who had a personal history with one of the fighters, felt that the commentary was biased and that important details were missed while watching the fight live. This experience is not uncommon in the world of sports commentary and can happen in various organizations. The speaker also shared that the way he was talked about in the media had changed recently, leading him to question potential biases or inside information. Despite these concerns, the speaker expressed respect for the organization and its contributions to the sport.

    • Celebrating achievements in sports and lifeRecognize and celebrate accomplishments, promote health and wellness, and stay positive in the face of challenges.

      While media may focus on sensational stories and personal struggles, it's important to remember and celebrate accomplishments and achievements. In the world of sports, this is especially true. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges the media's role in creating narratives, but also emphasizes the significance of promoting and recognizing an athlete's accomplishments and contributions to their sport. Additionally, the conversation touches on the importance of health and wellness, specifically the role of gut health and probiotics in overall well-being. The speaker shares his own experiences and recommendations for incorporating probiotics and fermented foods into one's diet. Another theme that emerges is the importance of staying positive and focusing on the good, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. The speaker encourages his friend to get off pain medication and cigarettes, and emphasizes the potential benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of celebrating achievements, focusing on health and wellness, and maintaining a positive mindset.

    • Serotonin and antidepressants interfere with each other affecting athletes' performanceAthletes need to balance their training to avoid overexertion and taxing their endocrine system. Intelligent training methods, like those of Nick Curse and Pavel Tsatsouline, prioritize recovery and long-term progress.

      Serotonin and antidepressants can interfere with each other, creating an imbalance in the body. This is particularly relevant for athletes, who put their bodies through intense physical stress and require optimal performance. Overuse of painkillers, poor nutrition, and lack of rest can further tax the endocrine system. Intelligent training approaches, such as those advocated by Nick Curse, focus on providing enough work to promote improvement without overexertion. Pavel Tsatsouline's philosophy of "greasing the groove" emphasizes heavyweight, low-rep workouts as a way to build strength as a skill, rather than leaving the body completely exhausted. These methods prioritize recovery and long-term progress.

    • Signaling the body for adaptation and growthEffective training and nutrition involve progressive overload and recovery, while proper nutrition includes consuming bioavailable sources of essential nutrients and staying informed about food industry influences.

      Effective training and nutrition involve sending the right signals to your body to adapt and improve, rather than damaging it beyond repair. The body responds to work and stress, but the best methods involve progressive overload through lower reps and weights, allowing for recovery and growth. Similarly, proper nutrition has evolved with new scientific discoveries, and it's essential to consume bioavailable sources of nutrients, especially essential fats and proteins, rather than relying on outdated advice. Additionally, government subsidies and economic influences can impact the food industry and the recommendations we receive, making it crucial to stay informed and question the sources of nutritional advice.

    • Unexpected ingredients in professional fightingStaying true to one's training and having a strong support system are crucial in professional fighting. Unexpected ingredients can be found even in seemingly pure foods, and consistency and familiarity in training are key.

      Even in the world of professional fighting, unexpected ingredients can be found in seemingly pure foods, like corn protein in beef jerky. Another key point is the importance of consistency and familiarity in training and having a solid team and coaches who understand your strengths and weaknesses. Joe Schilling shared his experience of training at different camps and the benefits of staying with his current team. He also discussed his decision to focus on kickboxing and the challenges of learning new techniques later in his career. Mark Kamuro, his Japanese trainer, was mentioned as a wise and knowledgeable figure in the martial arts world. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to one's training and the value of a strong support system.

    • Learning from Different Trainers and CommunitiesExpanding horizons and training with various coaches and martial arts communities can lead to growth and new techniques in MMA.

      Expanding your horizons and learning from different trainers and martial arts communities can significantly benefit your growth as a fighter. Dan Lambert of American Top Team is an excellent example of a wealthy benefactor who has built a world-class facility and contributed greatly to the development of MMA. However, it's important to remember that there are challenges and potential issues that come with such ventures. The importance of Dan Lambert's contributions to the sport cannot be overstated, and his new facility is a testament to his continued investment in the future of MMA. Additionally, working with various trainers and experiencing different training methods can help fighters pick up valuable techniques and knowledge. The Southern California area, in particular, is a hub for martial arts and a great place to explore these opportunities.

    • Mental Preparation and Relaxation in MMAMental calmness and focus are essential for optimal MMA performance, as demonstrated by Cote's resilient fight against Silva. Overthinking and stress can hinder performance, while relaxation techniques like consuming beer during fight week may aid in reducing stress and improving performance.

      Mental preparation and relaxation are crucial for optimal performance in MMA fighting. The discussion highlighted the case of Cote, who despite facing a challenging opponent and an injury, remained calm and focused, allowing him to put up a strong fight against Silva. The importance of not overanalyzing and allowing the mind to rest was also emphasized. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the potential benefits of a more relaxed approach to fight week, including the consumption of beer as a means of relaxation, and the potential reduction of weight cutting as a trend in the sport.

    • Exploring the Past for Present Healing with Timeline TherapyTimeline therapy is a form of hypnosis that enables individuals to access and process deep-rooted emotions and experiences from the past, leading to new insights, perspectives, and potential emotional healing.

      Timeline therapy, a form of hypnosis, offers an opportunity to access and process deep-rooted emotions and experiences from the past that may be impacting the present. During the session, individuals are guided to visualize their life as a timeline and recall significant moments, often leading to new insights and perspectives. For the speaker, this approach helped him release long-held anger towards his father and led to a renewed relationship. Timeline therapy can also be used to address specific phobias or negative emotions. Overall, this process allows individuals to gain a new perspective on their past and present, potentially leading to personal growth and emotional healing.

    • Holland's Impact on KickboxingHolland produced a high concentration of world-class kickboxing talent, with promoters like K1 and It's Showtime playing a significant role. Famous fighters like Badr Hari, Brokweide, Hoost, and Verhoeven emerged from the country, making it a hotbed for high-level talent.

      Holland played a significant role in the popularity and development of kickboxing, producing a high concentration of world-class talent. Vinny, a Muay Thai commentator and podcast host, shared stories about the small country's impact on the sport. K1 and It's Showtime were key promoters, with most of their management and fighters being Dutch. The US, still focused on MMA during this time, missed out on the kickboxing boom. Famous fighters like Badr Hari, Brokweide, and Hoost emerged from Holland, making it a hotbed for high-level talent. Despite some controversial behavior from fighters like Butterhurry, the passion and dedication to the sport were evident. Rico Verhoeven, a current heavyweight champion, is an impressive figure with his size, athleticism, and skill. The gypsy community, sometimes referred to as travelers or pikey, has a complex relationship with the term, depending on the region. In Alaska, Eskimo is not considered an insult, but in other places like Canada, it may be considered derogatory. Overall, the conversation highlighted the rich history and global impact of kickboxing, particularly in Holland.

    • A glimpse into the unique culture of traveler gypsiesThe traveler gypsy community, with their distinct traditions, laws, and way of life, is a fragile culture facing societal integration and changing times. Witness their bare-knuckle fights on YouTube for a rare insight.

      There exists a unique and complex culture of travelers, often referred to as "gypsies," who have a distinct way of life, including their own traditions, laws, and communities. These individuals, such as Tyson Fury, have a nomadic lifestyle and often live in trailers. Their existence is fragile, as their culture may not be around in the future due to societal integration and changing times. The travelers have a long history of challenging each other in bare-knuckle fights to settle disputes. These fights, and the culture surrounding them, can be observed on YouTube, offering a rare glimpse into this sensitive and potentially disappearing way of life. Despite their controversial reputation, it is important to respect their unique traditions and allow them to maintain their distinct identity.

    • Neighborhood Disruptions and Community DiversityDifferences among people can lead to misunderstandings and negative impacts, but finding common ground and appreciation for diversity can foster community harmony.

      Societal differences and the unfamiliarity with certain groups of people can lead to misunderstandings, fear, and negative impacts on property values and community harmony. The discussion revolves around friends of the speaker who experienced this issue when travelers moved next door to their house in England. The travelers' lifestyle and partying habits disrupted the peace of the neighborhood, causing fear and frustration among the residents. Despite the challenges, the speaker finds amusement in the situation and appreciates the unique element the travelers bring to the community. The conversation also touches upon a fitness machine called Frogger, which the speaker finds to be an intense workout. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of living in a diverse community and the importance of finding common ground and appreciation for differences.

    • Training with Unique Equipment and Smart TechniquesNick Curson uses the Curse machine for intense resistance workouts and emphasizes smart training methods like Tabata protocol for cardio and heart rate endurance improvement.

      Nick Curson uses unique training equipment, like the Curse machine, for his workouts, which provides intense resistance and a core workout. The machine can be used in various ways, including with resistance bands and for different exercises like cleans, presses, and rows. Curson also emphasizes the importance of smart training, such as Tabata protocol, which involves high-intensity 20-second sprints followed by 10-second rests, to improve cardio and heart rate endurance. When not using the Curse machine, Curson focuses on fight preparation through activities like sprints, tobotas, and pad work. Additionally, Curson has been given high-end cars from Kinetic Motorsports to use before fights.

    • A lifelong dream of owning a Ferrari TestarossaPassionately pursuing childhood dreams can lead to great satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

      The passion for cars, specifically the Ferrari Testarossa, was a shared dream among individuals, including Joe Schilling and Dana White, who grew up idolizing the iconic vehicle. This passion was so profound that it remained a lifelong goal, and when the opportunity presented itself, they seized it with great excitement and joy. The memory of achieving this dream brought immense satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, Schilling expressed his frustration with people using his name as their Snapchat profile picture and encouraged them to contact him directly. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of holding onto childhood dreams and the importance of celebrating the achievements that come from pursuing them.

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