
    83: Grace & Chris Hughes Address Dating Rumours?! Anton Faces EXTREME Fear & Wild Celeb Arguments…

    enNovember 15, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Forming unexpected connections during events or toursBeing open-minded and approachable can lead to forming unexpected friendships and memories during events or tours

      Even if you attend an event or tour solo, you don't have to feel alone. Many organizations, including concert promoters, understand that and make efforts to help attendees connect with each other. Preconceptions and judgments based on appearances or limited knowledge can lead to misunderstandings, but forming genuine connections often surprises us. During the Saving Grace podcast episode, the hosts discussed their initial doubts about getting along with certain cast members, but they found that they got on better than expected. The experience of being on the tour together created strong bonds, and they learned that everyone has unique qualities and stories to share. Ultimately, the importance of being open-minded and approachable can lead to unexpected friendships and memories.

    • Shared experiences create bondsUnexpected moments, whether awkward or challenging, can lead to strong bonds and lasting memories when we adapt and find humor in them

      Shared experiences, even if they start off awkwardly or uncomfortably, can lead to strong bonds and lasting memories. This was evident during a meal before a meeting where one person removed their teeth and passed them to another, resulting in a moment of bonding despite the initial germ-sharing concerns. Another example was during a challenging situation on a plane ride, where one person's discomfort and fear were met with support and understanding from their companion. These experiences, whether pleasant or uncomfortable, can bring people closer together and create meaningful connections. Additionally, the importance of adaptability and openness to new experiences was highlighted, as the group encountered unexpected situations, such as unfamiliar food and uncomfortable travel conditions, and found ways to make the best of them. Overall, the shared experiences and the ability to adapt and find humor in uncomfortable situations were key themes in the discussion.

    • Staying Hydrated with Air Up Water BottlesAir Up water bottles offer flavored hydration without artificial sweeteners or sugar, and serve as a reminder to face fears and maintain balance in life.

      Staying hydrated can be a challenge during the holiday season with all the tempting sweets and treats around. The queen has found a solution with Air Up water bottles, which offer various flavors without artificial sweeteners or sugar. She highly recommends them and even plans to gift some to her friends. The discussion also touched upon a past experience involving a bungee jump where fear and uncertainty were prevalent. Despite the initial fear, they eventually went through with it, highlighting the importance of facing fears and challenges. The Air Up water bottle not only helps with hydration but also serves as a reminder to face fears and maintain balance in life.

    • Understanding and clear communication during stressful situationsBe aware of surroundings and effects on others, clear communication and following instructions prevent misunderstandings and potential danger.

      Communication and understanding are crucial during stressful situations. The speaker recounted an experience where they reacted instinctively to a loud noise, unintentionally hurting someone else. They later realized the other person was struggling and felt guilty for their actions. It's important to be aware of our surroundings and the effects of our actions on others, especially in high-pressure situations. Another key point is the importance of clear communication and following instructions to avoid misunderstandings and potential danger. The speaker also shared an experience where they were in a difficult situation and didn't fully understand the instructions given to them, leading to confusion and potential danger. Overall, these experiences highlight the importance of effective communication, empathy, and adaptability in dealing with unexpected situations.

    • Using the right tools and resources can make a big difference in business successHaving Shopify and a strong support system helped a contestant overcome fears and grow their business.

      Having the right tools and resources can make a significant difference in achieving success, especially in business. This was highlighted in the discussion when one contestant shared how using Shopify, an all-in-one commerce platform, helped them grow their business. Despite initial fears and challenges, the contestant was able to overcome their fears and succeed with the support of Shopify. Additionally, the importance of having a strong support system was emphasized, as the contestant credited their friend for encouraging them to take the leap. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of having the right tools and resources, as well as a strong support system, in overcoming challenges and achieving success.

    • Trusting oneself and others during challengesRecognizing fear and uncertainty, trusting oneself and the situation, and seeking support from others can help individuals overcome challenges and build strong bonds.

      Fear and uncertainty can lead individuals to unexpected reactions, whether it's freezing up or pushing through despite feelings of anxiety. During an adventure challenge, the speaker initially felt like a free spirit during the swing, but later became fearful of the potential danger and held onto the rope too tightly, causing more fear. This experience highlights the importance of trusting oneself and the situation, as well as recognizing the importance of support from others during challenging experiences. Additionally, the shared experience of facing fears and overcoming challenges can create a strong bond between individuals. However, it's important to remember that everyone reacts differently to challenges and some may need more encouragement and reassurance than others.

    • Overcoming challenges in a competitionHonest advice and facing challenges can lead to growth and learning experiences, even if initially daunting. Trust in the process and safety measures during uncertainty.

      Giving honest advice and facing challenges head-on can lead to growth and learning experiences, even if they may seem daunting at first. During a competition, the speaker expressed concern for a teammate and shared his desire to surpass another competitor. However, when they reached a high point, they encountered difficulties and had to abseil down the dam. The experience left the speaker feeling uneasy about the safety measures and their own abilities. Looking back, he realizes that the challenges they faced were a necessary part of the competition and that they had all made it through together. Despite initial fears and setbacks, the speaker learned valuable lessons and gained a new perspective. It's important to trust in the process and have faith in the safety measures, even when faced with uncertainty.

    • Effective communication and trust crucial for adventure successCommunication and trust are vital for overcoming challenges and ensuring safety during adventures, as well as in everyday life.

      Trust and communication are essential for overcoming challenges and achieving success. During an adventure, both parties had trust issues and miscommunications, which led to dangerous situations. One instance involved a lack of proper safety equipment and harnesses, resulting in only one point of contact, putting them in trouble. Another instance was when one person mentioned having only seen one death in their lifetime, causing anxiety and fear among the group. Effective communication and trust would have prevented these issues and ensured a safer and more successful experience. The importance of these skills extends beyond adventures and applies to various aspects of life.

    • Overcoming fear with focus and motivationFear can lead to hesitation, but finding focus and motivation can help overcome even the most challenging situations, like skydiving. Remember, fear causes hesitation and hesitation leads to worse fears.

      Fear and hesitation can be debilitating, but finding focus and motivation can help overcome even the most challenging situations. This was exemplified in a story shared about a harrowing experience jumping out of a plane. The speaker was encouraged by the words of Patrick Swayze's character in the movie "Point Break," who reminded him that fear causes hesitation and hesitation leads to worse fears. Despite the speaker's initial hesitation and fear, he was able to recite the movie's lines, take off his gloves, and successfully jump. The experience also included moments of uncertainty and even humor, like when the speaker held onto his friend's leg for 70 minutes during their descent. Through this experience, the speaker learned the importance of staying focused and motivated, even in the face of fear.

    • Finding humor in team challengesIndividuals can find ways to cope with fear and adversity through humor and teamwork, ultimately overcoming challenges together.

      Despite the challenges and fears faced during their team experience, individuals can find ways to cope and even find humor in difficult situations. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of being left behind during a water challenge and feeling a sense of pride and amusement at the situation. However, upon reflection, he acknowledged that his teammates were also dealing with their own fears and struggles. Though they had disagreements and arguments, they ultimately found a way to move forward and even laugh about their experiences together. The speaker also acknowledged that he still had fears, but had learned how to manage them differently. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of finding ways to cope with fear and adversity, and the value of teamwork and support in overcoming challenges.

    • Overcoming Fear with Perseverance and SupportPerseverance and support from others can help individuals overcome their fears and grow. Focus on personal growth and don't compare oneself to others.

      Even in the face of fear and self-doubt, perseverance and the support of others can help individuals overcome their challenges and grow. The discussion reveals a participant's personal journey of facing their fears during a challenge and the impact of encouragement from a friend. Despite feeling demoralized after not completing the challenge, the individual found the strength to continue and eventually overcome their fear. The conversation also highlights the importance of not comparing oneself to others and focusing on personal growth. The participant's experience underscores the power of resilience and the importance of staying positive and supportive, even when faced with adversity.

    • Using fear as motivationFear can help individuals push through challenges and achieve their goals, even when faced with unexpected obstacles and longer-than-expected timelines.

      Fear can be a powerful motivator. During an intense challenge, a contestant discussed how his fear kept him going despite the difficulty and the lengthy preparation time. He shared how he repeated a mantra, "I am Bray," which helped him push through. The team encountered various obstacles, including a runner who gave up and a wire that was purposely made loose for television. The contestant fell during the challenge but was determined to finish, even though he hadn't fallen during practice. The experience lasted longer than expected, with filming starting late and the actual walk beginning hours after arriving on site. Despite the challenges, the contestant persevered and completed the challenge with a solid performance. This demonstrates how fear can drive individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

    • The importance of communication and teamwork during high-pressure situationsMaintaining focus, clear communication, and effective teamwork are essential for overcoming unexpected challenges during high-pressure performances.

      Having the right mindset and understanding the importance of communication and teamwork are crucial in overcoming challenges, especially during high-pressure situations. The speaker experienced this firsthand during a wire walk performance, where a tangled wire caused a delay and required him to climb back up to the top of the stadium to fix it. Despite the unexpected obstacle, the speaker's focus remained on the task at hand, and he was able to complete the performance with the help of his team. However, the incident also highlighted the importance of clear communication and the potential consequences of misunderstanding instructions. The speaker also shared that having the right amount of tension on the wire is essential for successful performance, and too much tension can hinder progress. The safety briefing before the performance, where the speaker was assured that there would be no tension on the wire, ultimately led to a fall due to a miscommunication. Overall, the experience taught the speaker the importance of being prepared, staying focused, and communicating effectively to overcome challenges.

    • Encouragement and support from others during challengesEven in the face of adversity, the encouragement and support from others can help us push through and complete challenges, fostering resilience and strengthening relationships.

      Even in the face of adversity and uncertainty, the support and encouragement from others can help us push through and complete challenges. During a competition, a participant expressed confusion and concern about falling during a task, but was reassured by his partner that he wouldn't fall, although there would be a significant drop if he did. The participant also shared memories of past struggles and how the encouragement of others helped him get through difficult times. Additionally, he acknowledged the importance of being immune to the tears and struggles of others during long-term relationships and how they learn to cope with hardships together. Overall, the importance of resilience, encouragement, and support was emphasized in overcoming challenges.

    • The power of support and reasoning during adversityFriends' perspectives and experiences can provide valuable insight and help us overcome fears. Communication and being present for each other are crucial during challenging times.

      During challenging situations, the support and reasoning of others can provide strength and help us overcome our fears. This was emphasized during a conversation where one person was on the edge of doing something dangerous, but was dissuaded by a friend who had experienced a significant loss. The friend's perspective helped the other person gain perspective and realize that the potential action was insignificant compared to the friend's loss. Additionally, the importance of communication and being present for each other was highlighted when one person failed to show up for an intended activity, leaving the other feeling uneasy and unsure. Overall, the conversations and experiences shared illustrate the power of connection and support during adversity.

    • Impact of fear and pressure on performance and decision-makingFear and pressure can influence our actions and decisions, even in unrelated situations. Staying focused on the task and supporting each other can help mitigate their negative effects.

      Fear and pressure can significantly impact our performance and decision-making, even in seemingly unrelated situations. The speaker's experience with goading a German driver and bungee jumping illustrates this. In the first instance, the speaker felt the need to prove himself and push the driver, which led to unnecessary tension and stress. In the second instance, the fear of letting down a crowd prevented the speaker from fully experiencing the bungee jump. These experiences highlight the importance of staying focused on the task at hand and not getting distracted by external pressures or expectations. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting each other through challenges, as experienced during their time together on the show. Overall, these experiences demonstrate the power of fear and pressure to impact our lives and the importance of staying grounded and focused in the face of adversity.

    • Embracing Discomfort and FearOvercoming fear and discomfort requires determination, a positive mindset, and a balanced perspective. Falling and making mistakes are part of the learning process, especially in a supportive environment. Finding beauty and joy in unfamiliar situations can lead to memorable experiences.

      Fear and discomfort can be overcome with determination and a positive mindset. During a challenging experience, a participant expressed feeling embarrassed when he couldn't hide his fear while performing a task. However, he learned that falling and making mistakes is not a problem, especially when working in a supportive environment. Another participant shared an experience of feeling uncomfortable but finding beauty and joy in an unfamiliar situation. Despite initial hesitation, they discovered that embracing the discomfort and focusing on the positive aspects could lead to memorable experiences. The importance of a balanced perspective was also highlighted, as an argument during a competition was not fully represented in the edited version. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of resilience, self-confidence, and a sense of humor in dealing with uncomfortable situations.

    • A therapeutic space for grieving individualsThe podcast offers a safe and healing environment for individuals dealing with loss, fostering a supportive community through open discussions and understanding hosts.

      The podcast or show provided a safe and therapeutic space for individuals grieving the loss of loved ones to cancer. The hosts, with their understanding and considerate approach, allowed open discussions about personal journeys and struggles. This aspect is often unseen in their line of work but is crucial in creating a supportive community. The podcast served as a source of grace and healing for the participants, offering an absolute pleasure and privilege not easily found. The audience is encouraged to engage by liking, subscribing, following, and leaving positive reviews. The hosts bid farewell, emphasizing the importance of embracing the gift of grace in the grieving process.

    Recent Episodes from Saving Grace

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    116: GKBarry Calls Out Girlfriend's Trolls, Love Island RANT & Meeting Elon Musk!
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    Grace is back with another solo pod! 🎙️ She calls out trolls targeting her love for Harriet, goes on a Love Island rant, and shares her experience meeting Elon Musk! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
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    115: EXCLUSIVE Amy & Eva From I Kissed A Girl Talk WORST One Night Stand, S*X Tips & Dating Jojo Siwa?!

    115: EXCLUSIVE Amy & Eva From I Kissed A Girl Talk WORST One Night Stand, S*X Tips & Dating Jojo Siwa?!
    ARCTIC ICED COFFEE | Get yours herehttps://bit.ly/BuyNowArcticCoffee and follow here https://www.instagram.com/arcticicedcoffee/ 

    EXCLUSIVE! Amy & Eva from I Kissed A Girl spill the tea on their worst one-night stand experiences, share some spicy s*x tips, and discuss the rumours about dating Jojo Siwa?! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enJune 26, 2024

    114: Rufus Rice Talks Boarding School SECRETS, DIRTY Dating Life & Raps For GKBarry!

    114: Rufus Rice Talks Boarding School SECRETS, DIRTY Dating Life & Raps For GKBarry!
    ARCTIC ICED COFFEE | Get yours here https://bit.ly/BuyNowArcticCoffee and follow here https://www.instagram.com/arcticicedcoffee/  

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    BETTER HELP | Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/savinggrace for 10% off your first month #ad  

    Rufus Rice spills all! He talks about boarding school secrets, his dirty dating life, and even raps for GKBarry! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enJune 19, 2024

    113: Nicola McLean On Dating Justin Timberlake, Partying With Mariah Carey & Kim Kardashian’s S*X Tape!

    113: Nicola McLean On Dating Justin Timberlake, Partying With Mariah Carey & Kim Kardashian’s S*X Tape!
    SHOPIFY | Go to https://shopify.co.uk/grace for your £1 per month trial period #ad 

    Nicola McLean dishes all the dirt! She talks about dating Justin Timberlake, partying with Mariah Carey, and gives her take on Kim Kardashian’s s*x tape!

    Nicola: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8FK7XPozMA/?hl=en 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enJune 12, 2024

    112: GKBarry Talks Benidorm Holiday (Gone Wrong), Reacting To Love Island & MORE!

    112: GKBarry Talks Benidorm Holiday (Gone Wrong), Reacting To Love Island & MORE!
    ARCTIC ICED COFFEE | Get yours here https://bit.ly/BuyNowArcticCoffee and follow here https://www.instagram.com/arcticicedcoffee/ #ad  

    BETTER HELP | Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/savinggrace for 10% off your first month #ad 

    GKBarry is here to share all of the juicy gossip from her romantic get away to Benidorm with Lashes. She doesn't hold back holiday drama, reacting to Love Island & updates on her relationships. 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enJune 05, 2024

    111: Ruesha Littlejohn Reveals SECRET Relationship, Football DRAMA & MORE!

    111: Ruesha Littlejohn Reveals SECRET Relationship, Football DRAMA & MORE!
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    Ruesha Littlejohn spills all! She reveals her secret relationship, dives into football drama and MORE! 

    Ruesha: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuozndixGqv/?img_index=1  
    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enMay 29, 2024

    110: Arrdee Calls Out UK RAPPERS, Near De@th Experience & Opens Up About ADHD!

    110: Arrdee Calls Out UK RAPPERS, Near De@th Experience & Opens Up About ADHD!
    SHOPIFY | Go to https://shopify.co.uk/grace for your £1 per month trial period #ad 

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    Arrdee is here to dish all the dirt on his diss track, calling out Strandz & opens up about his ADHD!

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enMay 22, 2024

    109: Ella Thomas Exclusive on Tye Breakup, Chris Brown & Partying With Kylie Jenner!

    109: Ella Thomas Exclusive on Tye Breakup, Chris Brown & Partying With Kylie Jenner!
    SHOPIFY | Go to https://shopify.co.uk/grace for your £1 per month trial period #ad 

    Ella Thomas is bringing the heat and spilling all the tea! Get ready as she opens up about her breakup with Tye, addresses those dating rumors with Chris Brown, and spills the deets on what really went down at Kylie Jenner's party! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com
    Saving Grace
    enMay 15, 2024

    108: Joe Baggs & GKBarry Rates Their WORST Outfits, Performing With Sugababes & Vibrator Dilemma!

    108: Joe Baggs & GKBarry Rates Their WORST Outfits, Performing With Sugababes & Vibrator Dilemma!
    BETTER HELP| Go to https://www.betterhelp.com/savinggrace for 10% off your first month #ad 

    HELLO FRESH| Go to https://hellofresh.co.uk/GRACE60 for 60% off your first order + free dessert for life #ad

    Joe Baggs & GKBarry rate their worst outfits, share wild stories about performing with Sugababes, and dive into listener dirty dilemmas! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

    107: GKBarry Reveals New RELATIONSHIP, Wild Nights Out & MORE!

    107: GKBarry Reveals New RELATIONSHIP, Wild Nights Out & MORE!
    Gkbarry is back with another solo podcast, spilling all the details about her new relationship status, including some juicy insights and MORE!! 

    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
    🎧Listen Here: https://linktr.ee/savinggracepodcast
    💖Follow on TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@savinggracepod
    💗Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savinggracepod/

    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

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