
    847 Unleash Your Untapped Potential with Marie Forleo

    enSeptember 09, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Embrace growth and learning throughout lifeMarie Forleo emphasizes the importance of embracing growth, learning from experiences, and not adding unnecessary pressure to enjoy the continuous journey of life

      Potential is limitless and life is a continuous journey of growth and learning. Marie Forleo, a successful entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist, emphasizes the importance of embracing this concept and tapping into unused wisdom and talents. She shares her experiences on scaling back work, the significance of honest conversations in relationships, and the powerful lesson she learned from her father about taking care of people. Forleo encourages everyone to remember that things keep getting better, and the best years are still ahead. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of not adding unnecessary pressure and stress to oneself, as the work gets done more joyfully and creatively without it.

    • Balancing Business and Personal LifeSuccessful entrepreneurs like Marie Forleo understand the importance of collaboration, delegation, and balancing business responsibilities with personal life.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like Marie Forleo, have high expectations for themselves and their teams, but also understand the importance of collaboration and delegation. Marie started her free content platform, MarieTV, out of necessity when she didn't have time to write blog posts due to training a new puppy. Over the past decade, she's faced the challenge of staying present and growing her company while maintaining a balanced life and relationships. Marie shares that she made many mistakes in the past, working non-stop to get her business off the ground, but even after letting go of side jobs, she continued the habit of working relentlessly. However, she's learned the value of collaboration and trusting her team to help her create something magical. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that as entrepreneurs, we must learn to balance our responsibilities, delegate tasks, and trust our team to succeed, while still maintaining a fulfilling personal life.

    • The importance of self-care and personal relationshipsWorking constantly without time for self-care and relationships can lead to burnout and relationship issues. Prioritize self-care and personal relationships for a successful and fulfilling life.

      Constantly working without taking time for personal relationships and self-care can lead to relationship issues and burnout. This was the experience of the speaker, who shared how her strong work ethic and belief that she wasn't worthy unless she was constantly working almost led to the end of her long-term relationship. However, a turning point came when her stepson went off to college and she and her partner went through couples therapy. During this process, she realized that she needed to shift her mindset and understand that taking time for herself and her relationship was essential for a successful and fulfilling life. This realization came after many years of operating out of scarcity and habit. The speaker emphasized that different stages of life and creative processes require different rhythms, and it's essential to learn when to adjust and put boundaries in place for self-care and personal relationships. The speaker and her partner now prioritize setting non-negotiable adventure time at the beginning of each year for their relationship.

    • Taking regular breaks for productivity and moraleAnnual trips, company-wide shutdowns for increased productivity, reduced stress, and improved morale.

      Prioritizing regular breaks and downtime, both personally and professionally, can lead to increased productivity, reduced stress, and improved morale. The speaker shares how they make annual trips to Italy their "happy place" and established company-wide shutdowns for two weeks in the summer and winter. This practice not only allows employees to recharge without fear of missing out on work, but also fosters a culture of openness and understanding about the importance of taking time off. The speaker's personal experience of stumbling upon a closed business and realizing the need for downtime in their own digital company led to the implementation of this policy. The feedback from the team has been overwhelmingly positive, and there have been no negative effects reported. While the idea of longer breaks has not been explored, the current two-week breaks have proven to be a beneficial amount of time for the team.

    • Investing in employee well-being leads to increased engagement and productivityAllowing employees time for rest and relaxation, fostering safety and security, delegating tasks, and trusting team members can lead to a more engaged, creative, and productive workforce.

      Allowing employees time for rest and relaxation, as well as fostering a sense of safety and security within the workplace, can lead to increased engagement, creativity, and overall well-being. The speaker shares anecdotes of employees returning from time off with renewed energy and innovative ideas. They also discuss the importance of delegation and trusting team members, which can lead to a more collaborative and productive work environment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a company culture that values its employees' contributions and invests in their health and well-being, as opposed to one that leaves them feeling expendable and disengaged. This approach not only benefits the employees but also the organization as a whole, with potential economic, emotional, and psychological gains.

    • The value of personal relationshipsPersonal relationships and love are more valuable than external success or achievements. Trust your innate compass to guide you in prioritizing what truly matters in life.

      Prioritizing personal relationships and taking quality time with loved ones is more valuable than any external success or achievement. The speaker emphasizes the importance of love and connection in life, stating that it's something we can't have enough of and that we never know when it might be taken away. They also mention that they've learned this lesson viscerally over the past 10 years and that it's something they would never regret. Despite societal pressure to have children, the speaker shares that they've never wanted them and have chosen a partner who already had a child. They believe that everyone is born with an innate compass of what they want to experience in life and that it's important to trust and follow that. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to prioritize personal relationships and to appreciate the love and connections in their lives above all else.

    • Trusting your instincts and finding personal fulfillmentEmbrace individuality, prioritize personal happiness, and respect diverse perspectives while navigating judgment and criticism.

      Everyone has unique priorities and choices in life, and it's essential to trust your instincts and not be swayed by judgment or criticism from others. The speaker shares her experience of being judged for not having children or getting married, but she emphasizes that everyone's path is different, and what matters most is finding personal fulfillment and happiness. She encourages having open conversations around productivity, business growth, and priorities, but also acknowledges the importance of understanding and respecting each other's perspectives. When faced with judgment or negativity online, the speaker suggests evaluating the context and responding respectfully or ignoring it altogether, depending on the situation. Ultimately, she believes that focusing on helping others find their answers and live their best lives is the most rewarding and fulfilling way to approach life.

    • Creating a positive learning environmentEstablish clear boundaries, ensure open communication, and join high-level programs for effective skill development and growth.

      Creating a positive and focused learning environment is crucial for effective skill development and understanding. Establishing clear boundaries, such as a zero-negativity policy, helps ensure a safe space for learning. For those looking to scale their business and make a bigger impact, consider joining high-level programs like the Greatness Mastermind, where strategies for brand growth and increased income can be learned from experienced influencers and entrepreneurs. In personal relationships, open communication and honesty are essential. Couples should have real conversations about future plans, such as marriage or having more children, and remain open to change while maintaining a strong foundation of trust and understanding.

    • Building healthy relationships through respect, trust, and passionNurture individual growth, foster respect, trust, and passion in relationships, and recognize the potential for a fulfilling life without a romantic partner.

      Love and relationships should be built on mutual respect, trust, and passion, rather than manipulation or pressure. The speaker emphasizes the importance of individuality and nurturing the growth of one's partner, rather than trying to bend them to one's will. The speaker also reflects on how her long-term relationship has positively impacted her personal and professional life. She acknowledges that being single for the last 10 years could have gone either way, but she is grateful for the love and connection she has in her life. The speaker also mentions an example of a friend who is in her 60s, single, and happy, demonstrating that it is possible to have a successful and fulfilling life without a romantic partner.

    • Support and trusting timing are keys to growthMarie Forleo shares how her mother's lessons on support and trusting timing have contributed to her personal and professional growth, and how these principles have helped successful businesspeople. She also emphasizes the importance of addressing collective challenges and leaving a legacy.

      Having a supportive relationship and trusting one's own timing are key to personal and professional growth. The speaker, Marie Forleo, shares how her mother taught her this lesson growing up, and how she's seen it play out in her own life and in the lives of successful businesspeople. She also emphasizes the importance of addressing collective challenges, and how she wrote her book "Everything is Figureoutable" as a legacy she would leave behind if something were to happen to her. Trusting oneself and having a strong foundation of love and support can help individuals bloom and reach their full potential.

    • The Power of Simplicity in Communicating Complex IdeasSimplifying complex ideas makes them accessible to a wider audience, as seen in successful books like 'The Four Agreements' and 'The Five Second Rule'. Investing time and effort to craft compelling arguments and narratives is essential to inspire change.

      Simplicity is key to creating impactful and successful works. The speaker shared her experience of writing a book that contained essential, profound ideas presented in a simple way. She acknowledged the challenge of condensing complex concepts into a concise format but emphasized the importance of making the information accessible to a wide audience. She also highlighted the power of simplicity in best-selling books, such as "The Four Agreements" and "The Five Second Rule." The speaker reflected on the process of communicating these ideas effectively through an engaging narrative, while also ensuring the audience walks away with actionable steps. Despite feeling less confident in certain areas, such as delivering keynote speeches, she emphasized the importance of investing time and effort to craft compelling arguments and cases to inspire others. Overall, the discussion underscores the power of simplicity in effectively conveying ideas and inspiring change.

    • Exploring new skills for personal growthContinuous learning new skills brings inner confidence and joy, transforming self-consciousness into inner freedom

      Continuous learning and personal growth are essential for personal fulfillment. The speaker expresses excitement about exploring new skills, such as learning a language and vocal training, despite having spent the last decade focusing on other areas. These new skills are not just for external validation, but for inner confidence and joy. The speaker shares how learning a new dance style, salsa, transformed her experience from feeling self-conscious to feeling fluent and confident. Similarly, she hopes to achieve the same feeling through singing lessons and vocal training. It's never too late to learn something new, and the process can lead to remarkable personal growth and inner freedom.

    • Facing Fears for Personal GrowthOvercoming fears leads to personal growth and development. Attend a fusion of a concert and TED Talk to learn and grow in a supportive environment. Push past fears and take on new challenges with the help of the speaker's upcoming book and free course.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and facing your fears, no matter what the discipline may be, can lead to personal growth and development. The speaker shared his experience of being terrified to sing in front of a music producer he admired, but with time and practice, he became more confident and even expanded his vocal range. He also expressed curiosity about how other people deal with fear in various areas of life, such as public speaking, starting a business, or learning a new skill. The speaker is creating an event described as a fusion of a Beyoncé concert and a TED Talk, where attendees can learn and grow in a supportive environment. He encourages everyone to push past their fears and take on new challenges, no matter how intimidating they may seem. The speaker's upcoming book will offer readers access to a free course to help them do just that.

    • Adapting to Criticism with a Growth MindsetDespite setbacks, stay adaptable and find new opportunities in criticism. Daily practices like movement and meditation can boost productivity and maintain a positive mindset.

      Even when faced with setbacks or criticism, it's important to maintain a growth mindset and find ways to adapt and improve. The author, in this case, received feedback from editors suggesting the removal of a chapter from her book. Initially disappointed, she later realized the material would be more beneficial as an online course. By providing this extra resource for free, she aimed to help readers embed the belief that everything is figureoutable into their own psychology. Additionally, the author emphasized the importance of daily practices, such as movement and meditation, to maintain a positive mindset and increase productivity, even on challenging days.

    • Practicing self-care improves well-beingMeditation, hydration, loved ones time boost memory, focus and creativity. Balance self-care and productivity for overall health and happiness.

      Prioritizing self-care practices like meditation, proper hydration, and quality time with loved ones significantly improves mental and physical well-being. The speaker noticed improved memory and focus after meditating, and found that neglecting these practices led to increased difficulty in creative endeavors and harsher self-criticism. Additionally, engaging in activities like real estate browsing, although seemingly frivolous, can serve as a mental break and source of inspiration for some individuals. The key is to find a balance between self-care and productivity, making choices that benefit overall health and happiness.

    • The joy of building a team and loving deeplyBuilding a successful team brings pride and joy. Loving deeply enriches relationships and cherishing present moments is essential.

      Building a team and loving those around us deeply brings great pride and joy. The speaker is proud of the team and company they have built, and the happiness of their team members brings them immense satisfaction. However, they fear causing unintentional harm to those they care about. The speaker's mother taught her the importance of loving one's partner deeply and cherishing the present moments together. These lessons, while not explicitly mentioned in the book, have significantly impacted the speaker's life. The speaker's dad also influenced them, but the specific lesson was not shared in the discussion.

    • The Value of Going Above and BeyondBelieve in the figure-outability of problems or dreams, break down big goals into smaller steps, and persistently work towards solutions to achieve personal and professional growth.

      Going above and beyond to take care of people and delivering more than expected in business is a valuable lesson. My father instilled in me the importance of work ethic, caring for clients, and creating a positive work environment. Marie Forleo embodies this concept by inspiring and impacting people through her work, especially women entrepreneurs. She encourages owning one's truth and living authentically. The idea that everything is figure-outable can be achieved by following three simple rules: believing that all problems or dreams are figure-outable, breaking down big goals into smaller steps, and persistently working towards solutions. These principles can lead to personal and professional growth.

    • Believe in the figureoutability of life's challengesEmbrace the mindset that every challenge is solvable, leading to personal growth and meaningful change.

      According to Marie Forleo, everything in life is figureoutable. Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, there is always a solution to be found. This mindset can lead to personal growth, learning, and the ability to make meaningful change in oneself and the world. This idea, while not always easy to apply, can be particularly powerful in difficult circumstances. For example, a woman named Jen was able to find solutions for her mother's care despite her terminal illness. As a final exercise, Marie suggests imagining that you have accomplished everything you want in life and are facing death, but you can only leave behind three truths to guide others. Marie's truths would be that everything is figureoutable, and she encourages others to embrace this mindset. Her definition of greatness is liking who you are, what you do, and how you do it, and she believes that if these things are aligned, anyone can feel a sense of greatness.

    • Believe in Your PotentialBelieve in your ability to reach your full potential, share knowledge, help others, and take small steps each day towards growth.

      Everyone has the potential to grow and make a positive impact on others' lives. By sharing valuable resources, like those from Marie Forleo, we can help others improve their businesses, relationships, and overall well-being. It's important not to let the fear of unfulfilled potential hold us back. Instead, we should take small steps each day, even if we make mistakes or face failures. Remember, this never-ending process is about reaching our potential and discovering new opportunities for growth. As Charles Schultz said, "There is no heavier burden than an unfulfilled potential." So, go out there and do something great. Share knowledge, help others, and most importantly, believe in your ability to reach your full potential.

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    Buy her book for yourself and a friend! THE SOURCE - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life

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    • The impact of smell on emotional memory and cognitive function.
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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1629

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you ever wondered what truly makes someone confident, even in the face of insecurities and challenges? Welcome back to The School of Greatness, in today's masterclass episode, we're diving deep into the essence of true inner strength with some of the world's top experts.

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    • The importance of living with purpose and serving others to enhance confidence.
    • Techniques to overcome imposter syndrome and insecurities.
    • The impact of childhood experiences on adult self-perception.
    • The role of faith and intention in maintaining confidence and humility.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1628

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    Full episodes featured today:

    Mel Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1405-pod

    Ed Mylett – https://link.chtbl.com/1274-pod

    Matthew McConaughey – https://link.chtbl.com/1422-pod

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    Discovering Your Career Path and Where To Go From Here

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    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jadynhaileyy/ & https://www.instagram.com/busyyetpretty/

    - Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx48PsDdAossgZjWWnXbvvg

    - Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fairyjadyn

    - Shop my Closet on Motom: http://www.motom.me/?referral_id=2otTRBb5O&client_group_token=c2cad9169bb6afa9af7a4b70abf24aad

    - My Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jadynhaileyy

    --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/busyyetpretty/support

    Filmmaking, Food and Fun with Guest, Reyshan Parker

    Filmmaking, Food and Fun with Guest, Reyshan Parker

    The Beet Goes On Podcast with Michelle Peth is proud to bring you a new episode featuring Reyshan Parker, a filmmaker and host of the Beyond the Check TV Series and Podcast. Join Michelle as she sits down with Reyshan to talk about misadventures in the kitchen and the hilarious stories that come with it. They also share their thoughts on the popular fast-food chain Sonic and why it falls short of expectations. Together, they offer tips and tricks on how to stay calm and balanced as a business owner, ensuring you don't get caught up in the stress and pressure of running a business. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking for inspiration, guidance, and a good laugh. Join Michelle and Reyshan as they explore the world of business and share their stories and tips for success. Don't miss out on this episode of The Beet Goes On Podcast, as Michelle and company help you start your journey towards a balanced life today.

    SPONSORED BY BEETTAN - https://beettan.com

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beettan_official

    Find Reyshan Parker:


    Support the show

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    “Hand Made” with Designing Woman, Guest Elizabeth Seeger

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    SPONSORED BY BEETTAN - https://beettan.com
    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beettan_official

    Find Elizebeth: 

    Support the show

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    Tipped and The Service Industry, with Guest Barbara Sloan

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    SPONSORED BY BEETTAN - https://beettan.com

    LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beettan_official

    Find Barbara:

    Support the show

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beetgoesonpodcast
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.peth
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beettan/
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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beettansunless/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beettan/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@beettan
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@beettanofficial

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    Summer Fun - Live Music

    Summer Fun - Live Music
    Welcome back to the Teach Lead Coach Podcast! This summer, we will be diving into summer fun episodes! In these episodes we will share a story, an inspirational quote, and a challenge for you to make your most out of this summer with your loved ones. :) In this episode we talk all about our live music experience, how to make time to have some fun this summer, and the importance of trying new things.

    We would LOVE to coach you this summer if you need help hitting those goals and creating a healthier, happier version of YOU. We offer a free video chat to hear where you are at, and 1:1 coaching programs starting at just $199. Contact us on Twitter, Instagram, or via email for more information.

    Please leave us a review so more people like you can find us. :)

    Connect with us!
    Instagram: @tlceducators
    Twitter: @tlceducators
    Website: www.teachleadcoach.com
    DM us any questions or comments you have! You can also email us at: teachleadcoach.info@gmail.com

    Thank you and “see you” next time!
    Taylor & Chad