
    85. How do I tell my kids about their narcissistic grandparents?

    enOctober 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Dismissing pain can lead to serious health issuesAdvocate for your health, don't accept dismissive responses, and trust your instincts to prioritize your well-being.

      Ignoring our health concerns and dismissing our pain can lead to more serious issues. In this episode, Katie shared her experience of having a sore arm for months without addressing it due to downplaying the severity of her pain. She was advised by a friend to see a physio, who discovered that her arm pain was connected to issues with her neck and shoulder, and she also had tennis elbow. Katie had told her doctor about her arm pain during a previous visit, but he dismissed it as just pulling something. This experience highlights the importance of advocating for our own health and not accepting dismissive responses from others. It also underscores the potential dangers of not seeking proper care when needed, as the condition can worsen and potentially lead to more significant health problems. It's crucial to trust our instincts and prioritize our well-being.

    • Ignoring physical pain can lead to overlooked health issuesRecognize signs of trauma, seek professional help, and don't minimize your own experiences to avoid overlooking potential health issues

      Ignoring physical pain or discomfort, especially when it's persistent, can lead to overlooked health issues. The speaker shared an experience of dismissing shoulder pain for months, only to discover later that it was affecting her arm and even keeping her awake at night. She also emphasized the importance of recognizing signs of trauma and not minimizing one's own experiences, as she had initially done with her doctor. Another key point from the conversation was the value of seeking professional help, such as physiotherapy or therapy, to address issues that might seem minor but could have deeper implications. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of community support and the benefits of joining online platforms like Patreon for resources and connection with others going through similar experiences.

    • A deeper level of support and guidance for healing and growthThe Patreon community offers practical tools, resources, accountability, and empowerment for individuals seeking to understand and manage their behaviors and emotions, creating a safe space for reflection, learning, and growth.

      The Patreon community, in addition to the podcast, offers a deeper level of support and guidance for individuals seeking healing and growth. Unlike the podcast, which focuses on explaining the experiences of trauma and validation, the Patreon provides practical tools and resources to help individuals understand and manage their behaviors and emotions. This approach, which combines accountability and empowerment, is similar to therapy and can accelerate the healing process. The Patreon community, which fosters deep connections and mutual support, can be seen as "therapy on steroids," providing a safe space for individuals to reflect, learn, and grow. The combination of the podcast and Patreon creates a powerful and effective platform for personal development and transformation.

    • Impact of experiences on children's emotional developmentChildren's experiences during formative years shape their emotional intelligence and social skills. Lack of exposure or emotionally abusive environments can hinder their development, leading to emotional stunting or arrested development.

      The experiences children have during formative years can significantly impact their understanding and development of social rules and emotional intelligence. The speaker shared an experience with her autistic daughter, who struggled with shopping due to limited exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic. This experience reminded the speaker of how children growing up in emotionally abusive environments may also lack the necessary experiences and understanding to navigate social situations and relationships. The speaker emphasized that children in both situations may blame themselves and believe they are the problem, leading to emotional stunting or arrested development. The speaker's insight highlights the importance of providing children with varied experiences and opportunities to learn and grow, allowing them to develop the necessary skills for healthy relationships and emotional intelligence.

    • Identifying emotions is crucial for mental health and healingRecognizing emotions is essential for self-regulation and healing, allowing us to validate feelings and normalize them. Parents should give children space to experience emotions without trying to rescue or smother them.

      Recognizing and naming our emotions is crucial for our mental health and healing. This was highlighted in a TikTok video about a woman who struggled to identify her feelings until her friend helped her by suggesting different emotions and their definitions. By doing so, she was able to recognize her anger and understand the source of her feelings. This process of identifying emotions is essential for self-regulation and healing, as it allows us to validate our feelings and normalize them. It's important to remember that we all deserve to feel our emotions and be heard, and it's crucial for parents to give their children space to experience their emotions without trying to rescue or smother them. This process of recognizing and naming emotions is a powerful tool for emotional intelligence and overall well-being.

    • Understanding and validating emotions during challenging situationsEmpathizing with children's emotions and allowing them to express themselves safely is crucial for emotional regulation and development. Naming emotions can help parents respond appropriately and avoid power struggles.

      Understanding and validating emotions, especially during challenging situations, is crucial for both parents and children. The speaker shares her experience as a parent of an autistic child, where she previously tried to prevent meltdowns due to her own fear and discomfort. However, she later learned that allowing children to experience and express their emotions safely is essential for their emotional regulation and development. Naming emotions, such as fear, can help parents better understand their reactions and respond appropriately, rather than getting trapped in a cycle of avoidance or reacting out of fear. This shift in perspective not only benefits the child but also empowers the parent to be the adult in the situation and avoid giving away power and control. The speaker encourages listeners to identify their emotions and recognize how they felt as children in similar situations, emphasizing the importance of creating a safe environment for emotional expression.

    • Childhood Emotional Abuse: Long-lasting ImpactChildhood emotional abuse can shape an individual's life, leading to fear, guilt, anxiety, and a lack of understanding about healthy relationships. Seeking therapy can help break the cycle and prevent repeating the same pattern in adulthood.

      Childhood experiences, even those involving emotional abuse, can significantly impact an individual's life. The speaker grew up with a mom who would frequently lose her temper over small matters and hold grudges for extended periods. These experiences instilled fear and guilt in the speaker, leading her to seek therapy in her adulthood to prevent repeating the same pattern in her own parenting. The speaker's mom's temper was fueled by her own emotional instability, which was likely exacerbated by the speaker's father's alcoholism. The speaker's upbringing was marked by anxiety, shame, and a lack of understanding about healthy relationships. Despite these challenges, the speaker was a high-achieving student and went on to attend a top university. However, her past continued to haunt her, influencing her relationships and self-perception. The speaker's story highlights the long-term impact of childhood emotional abuse and the importance of seeking help to break the cycle.

    • Family conflicts can leave deep emotional woundsAcknowledge and address conflicts, seek help when needed for healing and growth in family relationships

      Family dynamics can be complex and can lead to deep-rooted emotional wounds. The speaker shares an experience of sending a photo to her uncle that led to a significant fallout with her parents. Despite their later love and care for their grandchild, the speaker felt angry and misunderstood by her mother. The situation escalated further when the speaker's brother was kicked out of the family home, and she and her husband took him in. The speaker's mom went no-contact with her for several months, and the family's relationships have been strained ever since. The speaker is now a parent herself and dreads explaining her grandparents' absence to her children. The experience has taught her the importance of open communication and understanding in family relationships. It's essential to acknowledge and address conflicts rather than letting them fester, and it's okay to seek help when needed. Family dynamics can be challenging, but with effort and understanding, healing and growth are possible.

    • Identifying and understanding emotions from past traumasRecognizing and naming emotions from past traumas is the first step towards personal growth and healing. Sharing these experiences in safe relationships can lead to acceptance and separation from the trauma.

      Identifying and understanding our emotions, especially those suppressed due to traumatic experiences, is crucial for personal growth and healing. Trauma can be worn as a protective coat, hiding our true selves and making us confused with our identity. The first step towards removing this coat is recognizing and naming our emotions, even if it's scary and vulnerable. This process can be challenging, but it's essential for starting to accept ourselves fully and separating ourselves from the trauma. The coach in the discussion emphasizes the importance of identifying our internal experiences and sharing them in safe relationships. By doing so, we can begin to heal and grow, accepting ourselves as unique individuals separate from our traumas.

    • Labeling emotions with 'I feel' instead of 'my emotion', empowers us and brings us closer to experiences.Using 'I feel' instead of 'my emotion' can help us own emotions, process them, and prevent emotional abuse.

      The way we label and speak about our emotions can significantly impact how we perceive and process them. Instead of saying "my anxiety" or "my depression," it's more empowering to use "I feel anxious" or "I feel depressed." This shift in language can help us own our emotions and bring us closer to our experiences, rather than separating ourselves and distancing from them. It's also important to recognize that feelings are processes that come and go, and it's crucial to provide a safe space to process them. The discussion also highlighted the damaging effects of emotional abuse, such as blaming the victim for their emotional responses and using food or communication as weapons to control and manipulate. These actions can lead to psychological torture and emotional abandonment, causing fear, anger, and devastation for the child or adult experiencing it.

    • Emotionally withdrawing from a child is damaging abuseStonewalling can condition children to believe they cause parent's anger and manage emotions, leading to codependency and distorted self-worth, and is damaging for child's development.

      Stonewalling, or emotionally withdrawing from a child, is a damaging form of abuse that puts a child's brain and physiological response system into a state of terror. This behavior, often used by narcissistic parents, can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. The child is conditioned to believe that they are the cause of their parent's anger and that they must fix the relationship and manage their parent's emotions. This can lead to codependency and a distorted sense of self-worth. The emotional abandonment and personal rejection can be devastating for a child's development. Both parents can contribute to this behavior, with one starting the wound and the other cementing it. It is important to recognize that children do not voluntarily subject themselves to abuse and that they should not be expected to fix relationships they did not break. Instead, they deserve healthy relationships and the freedom to recover from the trauma inflicted upon them.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perception of safety and autonomyChildhood experiences, particularly those marked by neglect or toxic relationships, can impact our desire for safety and autonomy. Recognizing and escaping toxic situations is crucial for personal growth and self-protection.

      Childhood experiences, especially those marked by neglect or toxic relationships, can shape an individual's perception of safety and their desire for autonomy. The listener's connection to the book "Matilda" highlights this, as she found solace and safety in the imaginative world of the story. This desire for safety and autonomy can manifest in various ways, such as the longing for a different family or a safe space. The listener's experiences of bullying and potentially abusive relationships underscore the importance of recognizing and escaping toxic situations. By sharing these experiences and understanding their impact, individuals can gain a deeper sense of self and the strength to protect themselves from harm. The listener's empathy and compassion, as well as her connection to "Matilda," serve as powerful reminders of the resilience and survival instincts that can emerge from even the most challenging childhoods.

    • Empowering individuals to recognize and prevent unhealthy relationshipsThe podcast provides valuable insights to help individuals recognize patterns of abusive behavior, protect themselves, and cultivate healthy connections.

      Knowledge is powerful and accessible through the podcast, as it provides valuable insights to help individuals recognize patterns of abusive behavior and prevent unhealthy relationships. The podcast aims to empower people to protect themselves and be healthy, as growing up in toxic environments can lead to damaging coping mechanisms. The fear of shame and being shunned is a common theme, and it's essential to recognize the difference between healthy and toxic shame. The podcast covers various topics, including fear and shame, and it's empowering to be able to speak openly about personal experiences without fear of judgment or shame. The podcast's goal is to help individuals identify and avoid abusive relationships and cultivate healthy connections in their lives.

    • Shaming someone for past mistakes can cause emotional harmShaming someone for past mistakes can lead to a loss of trust, support, and sense of innocence, causing long-lasting emotional harm. Offer compassion, empathy, and support instead.

      Shaming someone for their past mistakes, particularly during sensitive situations like an unplanned pregnancy, can cause long-lasting emotional harm. The speaker shares an example of a mother who shamed her daughter for getting pregnant at a young age and having an abortion. This shaming led to a loss of trust, support, and even the sense of innocence and escape the daughter had imagined. It's essential to recognize that emotions like sadness and relief can coexist, and one should not suppress feelings of loss or grief due to societal or personal pressures. Providing compassion, empathy, and support during challenging times can help individuals heal and move forward in their lives.

    • Growing up with narcissistic parents: A lifetime of fear, shame, and isolationNarcissistic parents can use their children's difficult decisions as weapons, instilling deep shame and fear that lasts a lifetime

      Growing up in toxic environments where every action is scrutinized and weaponized against you can lead to a lifetime of fear, shame, and isolation. This is particularly true for children of narcissistic parents who see their offspring as extensions of themselves rather than autonomous individuals. Making difficult decisions, such as having an abortion as a teenager, can cause profound and lasting impacts, including feelings of grief, loss, and social judgment. Narcissistic parents may use these moments as weapons to hold power over their children, instilling a deep sense of shame and fear that can last a lifetime. It's crucial to recognize the damaging effects of such behavior and to offer compassion and understanding to those who have experienced it.

    • Recognizing and Processing Past Emotional TraumasAcknowledge past traumas, validate emotions, differentiate guilt from shame, and communicate effectively with loved ones.

      It's important to acknowledge and process past emotional traumas, even if they are triggered during seemingly insignificant moments. Trauma is stored in the body, and when it's triggered, it can lead to emotional flashbacks that transport us back to the original painful experience. During these moments, it's crucial to recognize the emotions and allow ourselves to feel them, rather than suppressing them. It's also essential to communicate effectively with our loved ones, especially when our children are involved. We should validate their feelings and reassure them that it's okay to experience emotions, including sadness and anger. It's not a sign of weakness, but rather a natural response to life's challenges. Additionally, it's important to differentiate between guilt and shame. Guilt is a healthy emotion that can propel us to make amends, while shame is a toxic emotion that can make us feel unworthy and unlovable. By understanding these distinctions, we can better navigate our emotions and communicate effectively with our loved ones.

    • Narcissistic behavior at weddingsAllowing a narcissistic parent too much control can lead to chaos, emotional pain, and damage relationships. Recognize and set boundaries to prevent destructive behavior.

      Allowing a narcissistic parent too much control can lead to chaos and inflict emotional pain on the child, even during joyous occasions like a wedding. In this case, the listener made the decision to let her mother control the guest list, resulting in the exclusion of the paternal grandmother. When the family found out, they were furious with the listener, not the mother. The mother, instead of taking responsibility for her actions, punished everyone by stonewalling and refusing to communicate. The father, instead of supporting his wife or finding out where his missing wife was, manipulated the listener into contacting the family, who then attacked her. This situation demonstrates the manipulative, controlling, and destructive nature of narcissistic behavior and the importance of recognizing and setting boundaries against it.

    • Destructive behavior towards siblingsBeing a sibling and a parent figure can lead to damaging dynamics. Recognize and treat each other as adults and siblings to foster healthy relationships.

      Enabling abuse and neglect towards children, as seen in the discussed situation with a younger brother, is a destructive behavior that not only harms the child but also creates unhealthy dynamics between siblings. The listener, who is financially and emotionally supporting her younger brother, should be mindful of not overstepping the boundary between being a sibling and a parent figure. This can lead to a damaging dynamic in their relationship as they both grow into adulthood. It's essential to recognize and treat each other as adults and siblings to foster a healthy and loving relationship. The focus on creating healthy relationships extends to our children as well, and it's interesting to note that sometimes, our perception of our parents' abilities can lead to feelings of anger and jealousy. The mother's behavior towards her own children can be a complex mix of love and neglect, and it's crucial to address these dynamics to build healthy family relationships.

    • Narcissistic parents' behavior towards grandchildrenNarcissistic parents' actions towards grandchildren can evoke complex emotions in their children, including grief and loss, due to unmet needs during their upbringing.

      The behavior of a narcissistic parent, even if it changes for the better when directed towards others, such as grandchildren, can lead to profound feelings of grief and loss for the child. This is because it confirms that the parent did not value them enough to display such behavior towards them. The nurturing and loving actions of a narcissistic grandmother towards her grandchildren can be a manipulative tool to establish control and dependency, ultimately weaponizing the children against their parents. When answering questions from children about their grandparents, it's essential to provide age-appropriate information without burdening or oversharing. It's important to acknowledge the complexities of the situation while maintaining the child's emotional wellbeing.

    • Validating children's feelings and educating them about healthy relationshipsParents should validate emotions, protect from harm, model empathy, and communicate effectively to help children develop healthy relationships and emotional intelligence

      It's important for parents to validate their children's feelings and educate them about healthy relationships. When dealing with difficult situations, such as unkind relatives, parents should create a safe space for their children to express their emotions and ask questions. It's crucial to protect children from harmful behavior and explain why certain actions are not acceptable. Additionally, modeling empathy and cognitive understanding can help increase children's empathy and emotional intelligence. Parents should also be mindful of how they communicate boundaries and rejections, ensuring that their children understand the difference between trying to fix things and recognizing the reality of a situation. Ultimately, the goal is to help children develop healthy emotional responses and relationships while providing them with a secure and loving environment.

    • Answering tough questions from kidsPrepare responses, validate feelings, use clear language, and encourage open dialogue when answering children's questions about sensitive topics.

      When answering difficult questions from children, it's essential to keep responses simple, honest, and age-appropriate. Practicing answers beforehand with a trusted person, such as a spouse, can help parents feel more prepared and confident. When answering questions about sensitive topics, like the absence of grandparents, using clear and concise language is crucial. Parents should also validate their children's feelings and encourage open dialogue. It's important to remember that children pick up on adults' emotions and may already have some understanding of the situation. By giving them a voice and creating a safe space for them to express their thoughts and feelings, parents can foster healthy communication and strengthen their bond. Additionally, parents should avoid silencing their children on sensitive topics and instead, encourage open and honest dialogue.

    • Normalize open communication about sensitive topicsParents should communicate openly about sex ed without shame, set boundaries with abusive family, reflect on past experiences, be authentic, ask for permission, and prioritize well-being.

      Open communication about sensitive topics like sex education should be normalized and ongoing between parents and children, without any shame or fear. Parents have the power to protect their children and make decisions for their well-being, even if it means setting boundaries with abusive family members. It's essential to reflect on past experiences and understand that setting boundaries is not a sign of being high maintenance or unlovable. Additionally, being authentic and sharing the true parts of oneself can lead to stronger relationships. It's okay to ask for permission or seek accountability to help make decisions and grow. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize one's own well-being and the well-being of one's children.

    • Personal pain and privacy in therapyDiscussing personal pain takes courage, and privacy is essential for dealing with it effectively. Everyone can relate to the process of facing and understanding their pain.

      Privacy and comfort are essential when dealing with personal and painful topics. Katie, in the podcast, shared her decision to go back to therapy and her reasons for keeping it private. She acknowledged that discussing her pain and understanding it takes courage. The speaker expressed his support and understanding, emphasizing that everyone can relate to the process of dealing with their pain. The conversation around therapy and self-care is one that the speaker and Katie would have had extensively. The speaker also shared his own experiences and the importance of emotional robustness in facing future challenges. The podcast ended with gratitude to the sponsors, listeners, and patrons, and a reminder to take care.

    Recent Episodes from In Sight - Exposing Narcissism

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    120. Protecting Yourself - The Legal Queen, Part 1

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

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    This week we're focusing on how to protect yourself during divorce and separation, but fear not - Tracey returns next week to chat about the rights around children and grandparents.

    Find The Legal queen on TikTok.

    Note: Tracey specialises in English and Welsh law only, and this episode does not constitute legal advice.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    119. Do I Have to Lose Everyone?

    119. Do I Have to Lose Everyone?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    TW: child loss, sexual assault

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    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    118. How Do I Protect My Sister?

    118. How Do I Protect My Sister?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener begins to spot red flags in her brother-in-law's behaviour, including massive invasions of privacy and public shaming of their children. She's worried his ultra-religious views and need for control have not only traumatised his wife, but her children are at risk too. Our listener asks if her sister is somehow enabling his abuse, and more importanly how can she protect her?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on..

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    117. How Do I Deal With The Anger?

    117. How Do I Deal With The Anger?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

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    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    116. Why Can’t I Cry?

    116. Why Can’t I Cry?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    After a nasty outburst on a family holiday, our listener this week is struggling with words from her mother that can’t be unsaid. As the insults chip away at her self-esteem, examples of toxic behaviour in childhood bubble to the surface and she’s questioning everything she thought she knew about her role in the family. But is she really unlovable, a bad mother, and ‘broken’?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    TW: This episode talks about sexual abuse.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    115. Should I Confront Her?

    115. Should I Confront Her?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener this week recalls a family conversation about her grandmother’s toxic behaviour. However, her mother is oblivious to how she displayed the same behaviour, and the lasting effects it had on our listener. Despite her mother’s difficult relationship with alcohol and emotional manipulation, our listener doesn’t want to rock the boat by saying how she’s feeling and asks, can there ever be healing in confrontation?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    114. Can I Protect Myself & Keep My Siblings?

    114. Can I Protect Myself & Keep My Siblings?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Growing up in the shadow of her siblings, our listener has recognised the toxic traits that were always excused and enabled. Despite going low contact, she's struggling with the idea of giving up on her siblings when she's been taught that "family is everything". Can a relationship with her siblings be salvaged, and should it?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    113. Mother in Law + Trauma = Smothering. What Do I Do?

    113. Mother in Law + Trauma = Smothering. What Do I Do?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener this week shares how her kind and generous mother-in-law is "the nicest person you could ever wish to meet", with an enticing ability to keep the peace. But digging deeper, it appears there's so much more to her fawning and people-pleasing behaviour. As worry and exhaustion bubble to the surface, our listener asks how she can protect someone that doesn't believe they deserve protecting?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    112. Is My Mother Toxic or Am I Being Unfair?

    112. Is My Mother Toxic or Am I Being Unfair?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    TW: Pregnancy loss

    Despite a history of cold, abusive behaviour from her mother leading to a trail of broken family bonds, our listener is haunted by the notion that 'life is short'. She is questioning whether she was right to go low contact, or will she regret her decision in the future?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    111. YNTP Book Launch

    111. YNTP Book Launch

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    This week we break from the usual format to talk about one of the most surreal weeks we've had, embarking on a whistlestop media tour of Ireland to launch YNTP! Plus, we make In Sight history as we are actually recording in the same room for the first time - catch the video on YouTube!

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

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    ❤️ The importance of taking responsibility for your own healing and growth in a relationship.
    ❤️ The positive effects of letting go of the need to fix your partner and focusing on becoming a better person yourself.

    If you're ready to improve your relationship and create a more positive, healthy dynamic with your partner, this video is for you. Join us as we explore the pitfalls of trying to fix your partner and discover a new path forward toward a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

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    Embrace GRATITUDE & Unleash a World of Positive Energy & Opportunities

    Embrace GRATITUDE & Unleash a World of Positive Energy & Opportunities

    What are you grateful for, and how do you express your gratitude? In this special episode, the transformative power of gratitude and its impact on personal and societal growth is explored through the experiences of three distinguished guests.

    Dr Joe Dispenza, a renowned expert in neuroscience and human potential, delves into the transformative power of living a life anchored in gratitude and service. He discusses how these principles can rewire our brains, leading to profound personal and societal changes.

    Renowned actor and singer Taye Diggs emphasizes the importance of embracing our unique identities and the power of positive self-perception. The conversation explores the concept of endless gratitude, where Diggs reveals how an attitude of thankfulness has transformed his life and career as a Tony Award-winning Broadway actor.

    Fab 5 star Karamo Brown shares his inspiring journey, highlighting the importance of embracing one's true self and the role of community in fostering personal growth. He emphasizes how gratitude can reshape our perspectives, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How gratitude and service can profoundly rewire our brains and instigate societal change
    • The power of embracing your community and giving back without receiving
    • The transformative effects of an attitude of thankfulness, especially in challenging times
    • The significance of authenticity and community support in personal growth, and why we should express gratitude to those who lift us up
    • How adopting gratitude as a core life principle can lead to a more fulfilling and genuine existence.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1534

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960


    Dr Joe Dispenza – https://link.chtbl.com/1494-pod

    Taye Diggs – https://lewishowes.com/podcast/taye-diggs/

    Karamo Brown – https://link.chtbl.com/1457-pod

    The Science of Brain & Heart Coherence w/ Dr Joe Dispenza

    The Science of Brain & Heart Coherence w/ Dr Joe Dispenza
    Your BRAIN is the most powerful organ in your body.  Brain function is the most studied and, in some ways, least understood part about us.  It continues to AMAZE, MYSTIFY, CHALLENGE, and ASTONISH us every day.Knowing all this, it’s surprising we don’t spend a lot more time on our BRAIN HEALTH, taking every step we can to better understand how our brain works and how it impacts every part of our life.This week, I’m welcoming back a bonafide EXPERT on how our BRAINS FUNCTION for another engaging exchange.  DR. JOE DISPENZA has traveled to more than 33 countries to give lectures on discovering the full potential of the human brain and has three New York Times bestselling books to his name.He has devoted much of his life to studying neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence.  Don’t let those words intimidate you.  It all boils down to Dr. Dispenza digging into the INNER WORKINGS OF WHAT GOES ON INSIDE YOUR HEAD.Do you want to know how STRESS affects the relationship between your HEART AND BRAIN?Or why you cling on to the SUFFERING in your life instead of EXPLORING THE UNKNOWN?Are you curious how athletes gain a MENTAL EDGE to compete at the highest levels?What are the benefits to having all parts of your brain on the same “wavelengths” so that BRAIN COHERENCE works in your favor?Dr. Dispenza has powerful INSIGHTS to help you shed unwanted thoughts and mental roadblocks using proven science-based research.  You will discover how to replace what’s holding you back with CLARITY, INTENTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS, and POSITIVE EMOTIONS.This isn’t an hour spent talking about theories.  It’s an hour of DOWNLOADABLE AND TEACHABLE STRATEGIES that will fortify how you think so you can change your life for the better.Get ready because Dr. Joe is about to “DISPENZA” a lot of practical advice……and give your brain a lot of important things to think about. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Unlock Constricting Patterns

    Unlock Constricting Patterns

    Patterns can be debilitating and painful, and a tremendous opportunity for to shore up the past.  By understanding why a pattern exists we can begin to unlock the cycles that keep us stuck and stumbling.  Rick can help demystify the process of change and illuminate the pains that keep us resourcing old strategies.  Join us for a enlightening conversation on expanding through joy rather than pain.  We will be taking live callers for those ready to move beyond specific patterns.