
    The Science of Brain & Heart Coherence w/ Dr Joe Dispenza

    enApril 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the mind-body connection leads to remarkable transformationsGrasping the principles behind the mind-body connection activates the prefrontal cortex, enabling focus and dampening irrelevant thoughts, leading to profound emotional experiences and potential biological upgrades.

      Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned expert in brain science, epigenetics, and neuroscience, is sharing groundbreaking research on the transformative power of understanding the connection between the mind and body. He has seen extraordinary biological upgrades in people through his immersive events, including those with blindness, deafness, and paralysis. When individuals grasp the "what" and "why" behind these principles, their prefrontal cortex is activated, allowing them to focus solely on the task at hand and dampen down irrelevant thoughts. Science is used to demystify the mystical, and when people witness the truth of these principles in action, it creates a profound emotional experience that enriches the brain and changes us. Dr. Dispenza is currently working with reputable scientists to study the cellular and metabolic effects of these transformative experiences.

    • Intense connection leads to high brain energy and order, while stress causes incoherence and narrow focus.Stress narrows focus and activates incoherent brain states, while expanding focus and opening the mind leads to integrated and coherent brain states, enhancing self and experience.

      During moments of intense connection, the brain produces a high level of energy and order. However, during times of stress, the brain becomes incoherent and activates various neurological networks, leading to a narrow focus on the material world and a decrease in trust, love, communication, cooperation, and creativity. By teaching people to broaden their focus and open their minds to nothing material or physical, the different compartments of the brain can synchronize, leading to a more integrated and coherent state. This can result in a greater sense of self and the experience of elegant, coherent brain states.

    • Optimize brain function by entering lower brainwave statesDaily practice in self-regulation can help access creativity, imagination, and heightened suggestibility, leading to positive changes in biology and personality.

      Our brain functions optimally when it's in a state of coherence, and we can achieve this by learning to dial down our analytical thinking and enter into lower brainwave states like alpha and theta. In these states, we can access creativity, imagination, and a heightened suggestibility to information, which can program our subconscious mind. This process doesn't require transcendental experiences but rather daily practice in self-regulation. By doing so, we can become less reactive to our environment and reduce our victimization to external factors, leading to long-term positive changes in our biology and personality. However, the challenge lies in breaking the cycle of repetitive thoughts and behaviors that keep us stuck in familiar patterns.

    • Focus on the present to unlock liberationBy consciously choosing to focus on the present and letting go of past excuses and blame, we can retrain our bodies to be in charge, leading to improved health, wealth, relationships, and overall well-being.

      Our thoughts and emotions condition our bodies to live in the past, keeping us stuck in suffering and preventing us from fully experiencing the present moment. By consciously choosing to focus on the present and letting go of excuses and blame, we can retrain our bodies to be in charge and unlock a liberation of energy, leading to improved health, wealth, relationships, and overall well-being. This process may be uncomfortable at first as the body leaves its familiar territory, but it is the perfect place to create from and ultimately leads to a state of being "beyond yourself."

    • Harnessing the Power of ThoughtsPracticing positive thoughts and emotions can change the brain, leading to a new personality and personal reality. Self-regulation and gratitude are key to creating a coherent brain and attracting positive experiences.

      Our thoughts have the power to shape our reality, but becoming consciously aware of them is the first step to changing the narrative. The more we practice focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, the more we can install new hardware in our brains, leading to a new personality and personal reality. Rehearsing positive behaviors and emotions can even change the brain, making it more automatic and automatic. However, it can be challenging to teach our bodies to feel emotions before they occur, but doing so can lead to healing, abundance, and self-love. The key is to practice self-regulation and gratitude to create a coherent brain and attract positive experiences.

    • Emotions and heart coherence shape our realityFocusing on heart coherence and positive emotions can influence genes, create new possibilities, and attract desired external things.

      Our emotions and heart coherence play a significant role in shaping our reality. When we're in a state of awe or empowerment, we can experience mystical moments and even influence our genes through epigenetics. Heart coherence, which is achieved when our heart rate and breathing are synchronized, allows us to move out of survival mode and into a state of creation. This coherence creates a magnetic field that can carry information, such as thoughts of wealth or health, and influence our brains to create and explore new possibilities. By focusing on heart coherence and emotions, we can transcend our environment and attract the external things we desire.

    • Emotions impact performance and experiencesRegulating emotions and focusing on creating from the quantum field can help improve performance and attract desired experiences.

      Our emotions and mindset significantly impact our performance and ability to create desirable experiences in life. When we're in a state of stress, our heart rate increases, leading to incoherence and over-analysis, hindering our creativity and connection with others. Conversely, when we're in a state of elevated emotions, our hearts signal our brains to create and attract experiences that align with who we are being. To maintain this state, we must learn to regulate our emotions and focus on creating from the quantum field rather than from matter. By doing so, we can shorten the distance between our thoughts and the experiences we desire.

    • Harnessing the power of consciousness to shape realityThrough disconnecting from the physical world and connecting to the quantum field, we can experience synchronicities, personal growth, and transformation.

      Our consciousness and awareness have the power to influence the quantum field, which in turn shapes our three-dimensional reality. By learning to disconnect from the physical world and connect to the field, we can experience synchronicities and coincidences that lead us to personal growth and transformation. These experiences are not limited to rare moments but can be a regular part of our lives. The ultimate goal is to connect with the source of pure love and wholeness, which we came from and will inevitably return to. We are all experiments in self-discovery, and the practical application of this understanding is the key to healing and creating the life we desire. Don't be discouraged if you can't explain everything; the most important thing is to take action and be open to the transformative power of the quantum field.

    • Focus on emotions for personal growthIdentify emotions behind desires, acknowledge negative thoughts, and create positive changes for emotional growth.

      Focusing on the emotions we desire, rather than just the material things we think will bring us those emotions, is a more effective approach to personal growth. The speaker emphasizes that people have the power to change their lives by asking themselves what they truly want and identifying the emotions attached to those desires. By acknowledging and addressing negative thoughts and habits, individuals can create positive changes in their lives and eventually reach a state of heightened intention. This perspective challenges the cultural emphasis on setting clear intentions for physical possessions and instead encourages people to prioritize the emotions they wish to experience regularly.

    • Break free from difficult emotions and circumstancesPractice forgiveness, lower emotion volume, and build heart-brain connection for peace, resilience, and positive change

      We have the power to change and grow, even in the face of difficult emotions or circumstances. The stronger our emotional response to someone or something, the more energy we give to it. To break free, we can practice forgiveness, lower the volume of our emotions, and focus on building a coherent connection between our heart and brain. This can lead to a sense of peace and resilience, allowing us to take back our power and create positive change in our lives. It's never too late to start, and even those who seem to be in the most challenging situations have the capacity to transform their lives through consistent practice.

    • Finding peace through meditation during challenging timesConsistent meditation practice during hardships can lead to personal transformation, improved health, and increased resilience.

      Despite facing doubts and fears, practicing meditation consistently during challenging times can lead to personal transformation. This transformation can have positive side effects, such as improved physical health and resilience. Even during difficult periods, finding time for meditation is essential, and its benefits can be compared to learning a new skill or taking medication. The process of meditation demystified can lead to significant changes in one's life, and it is an exciting time in history to explore these practices, especially for younger generations. To begin, focus on learning and being present with the content, and practice regularly to create new connections in the brain.

    • Our brains are malleable and capable of change through learning and experiencesThrough conscious and intentional thoughts, feelings, and actions, we can create positive changes in our lives by focusing on learning and immersive experiences

      Our brains are not static, but rather malleable and capable of change through new experiences and learning. Knowledge serves as the foundation for these experiences, and the more we understand the "what," "why," and "how" of what we're doing, the more exciting the application becomes. Our mindset and emotional response play a significant role in the value we derive from experiences. By focusing on becoming more conscious and intentional in our thoughts, feelings, and actions, we can create positive changes in our lives. Practice and consistency are key to making these changes stick. The brain scientists report that 100% of participants in immersive experiences show brain changes for the better after just one week.

    • Believe in yourself and show up daily for personal growthConsistently believing in oneself, practicing relaxation and awareness, and utilizing resources like Dr. Joe's Formula series can lead to personal growth and success.

      Consistent effort and belief in one's worthiness are key to achieving success. The universe responds to our beliefs and actions, and showing up for ourselves every day helps us feel worthy and deserving of our goals. Dr. Joe emphasizes the importance of relaxation and awareness in achieving brain and heart coherence, which is essential for personal growth and breakthroughs. By following Dr. Joe and utilizing his resources, such as the Formula series, individuals can begin their journey towards a more relaxed and awake state. The power of consistency, belief, and the application of knowledge cannot be overstated, and listening to or watching Dr. Joe's content multiple times is a testament to its depth and impact. So, keep showing up, stay worthy, and continue to max out your life.

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    With love, 


    Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby 
