
    Podcast Summary

    • Prescription Drugs: A Modern ViceOur society's excessive use of prescription drugs, including pain pills and Adderall, surpasses traditional vices and raises questions about over-prescription and potential consequences, particularly for children.

      Our society's reliance on prescription drugs, particularly pain pills and Adderall, has become a major concern. The discussion reveals how common use of these drugs has surpassed traditional vices like tobacco and cigarettes. Additionally, the conversation raises questions about the validity and over-prescription of conditions like ADD, and the potential consequences of medicating children with drugs like Prozac. The speakers also share personal experiences with drugs and their impact on behavior and focus. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of the role of prescription drugs in our society and the potential risks associated with their widespread use.

    • Personal experiences with dangerous drugsEncounters with ADD medication and speed led to dangerous behavior and consequences. Selling drugs added to the risks and potential harm.

      The speaker's past experiences involve encounters with drugs like ADD medication and speed. He recalls the strange taste of speed, which was sometimes disguised with peanut butter, and the erratic behavior of those using it. The speaker also mentions his encounter with a woman who was heavily involved in the drug scene, leading him to get involved in selling speed himself. He shares stories of the dangers and consequences of using and dealing with such substances, including poor judgment calls and the potential for physical harm. The speaker also touches upon the historical use of drugs like meth in warfare and their ability to heighten senses and alertness. Overall, the speaker's experiences illustrate the risks and negative consequences associated with drug use.

    • Misconceptions about Prison LifePrison life often demands focus on cleanliness and self-improvement, contradicting misconceptions of hopelessness and neglect. Sexual assaults are heavily discouraged and punished.

      The addictive nature of drugs can lead individuals to crave the physical motions associated with using them, even years after they've stopped. This was evident in a friend's behavior, who, despite being in prison for two years, still made the motion of spinning a lighter - a telltale sign of being a "tweaker." Prison actually encouraged inmates to stay clean and presentable to maintain respect and avoid being bullied. However, upon release, the temptation to use drugs again proved strong for many, leading to a common misconception that all prisoners give up hope and let themselves go. Contrary to popular belief, prison life often demands a focus on cleanliness and self-improvement. Another major misconception is that prisoners are routinely raped or sexually assaulted, but such incidents are heavily discouraged and punished in the prison system.

    • Life in Prison: Monotony and Moments of EnjoymentPrison life is characterized by a regimented routine and lack of freedom, but inmates and correctional officers can find moments of enjoyment amidst the monotony.

      Life in prison is regimented and lacks freedom. Despite the occasional fun moments, the lack of choice over daily activities and the long hours for correctional officers create a unique and challenging environment. The experience of prison is unlike life on the outside, with its own dynamics and hierarchies. The speaker's reflections reveal the contrast between the monotony and the moments of enjoyment, highlighting the paradox of finding pleasure within such restrictive confines. The experience of working in prison, whether as an inmate or a correctional officer, is unlike any other, with its own rhythms and realities.

    • The toll of hard physical laborWorking long hours in physically demanding jobs can leave little energy for other activities, and past experiences can shape who we become.

      Hard physical labor can be brutal and draining, and it taught the speaker that he couldn't just work all day and then have energy for other things. He shared his experience as a cement finisher, where the long hours and heavy labor took a toll on him. He also touched on the topic of illegal immigration in California and the difficulty of estimating the number of undocumented workers. The speaker also shared a story about his past as a gangster and a basketball player, where he had to defend himself against an elbow in a pick-up game and ended up beating the person up. Despite this, he left the scene and later became a comedian. The experiences from his past shaped him into the person he is today.

    • Past actions with unknown perpetrators can still have consequencesEven if decades have passed, past actions with unknown perpetrators can still lead to legal repercussions and negatively impact one's life.

      Even if a crime was committed decades ago with an unknown perpetrator, the statute of limitations does not apply, and the person could still be sued or arrested. The speaker in this discussion had beaten someone up in 2002 but was only identified and charged in 2004. He lost the case because he refused to take the stand for fear of appearing as a snitch. The experience left him with a negative view of the judicial system and the quick judgments made by juries. Despite his successful career in comedy and MMA, he felt that his past actions followed him and negatively impacted his life. It's a reminder that past actions, no matter how long ago, can still have consequences.

    • Navigating Riots in Jail: A Survival StoryStaying calm and quiet during dangerous situations can save lives. Loyalty and protection among inmates matter, but avoiding conflicts is crucial for survival.

      Survival in challenging situations often requires quick decision-making and staying calm under pressure. The speaker shares his harrowing experience of being involved in a riot in a county jail. He lost his comedy show debut on Showtime, and after losing a court case, he was taken directly from the courthouse to the holding tank. A riot broke out in the jail, and he had to choose a side to ensure his safety. He describes the chaos, with police using paintball guns, pepper spray, and other weapons to quell the riot. Marks on inmates' hands indicated their involvement, and those with marks were sent to the hole. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying quiet and not asking questions to avoid drawing attention. He also mentions the concept of "stripes," which signifies loyalty and protection among inmates. Ultimately, the experience taught him the value of staying safe and not getting involved in unnecessary conflicts.

    • From Minor Infractions to Major Sentences: The Complex Consequences of Prison LifeA small act of disrespect or self-defense in prison can lead to riots, solitary confinement, and extended sentences. Good behavior and family support may help reduce sentences, but the harsh conditions of solitary confinement are a significant concern.

      Even a small act of disrespect or self-defense in prison can lead to a chain reaction of events, including riots, solitary confinement, and extended sentences. The speaker's experience in the prison system demonstrates how a single incident can lead to a series of consequences, from a minor infraction to a major sentence. He also highlights the harsh conditions of solitary confinement and the importance of good behavior and support from family and friends in potentially reducing one's sentence. The prison system's use of a point system to determine housing and privileges was also discussed, with the speaker sharing his experience moving from a level three yard to a level two yard. Overall, the conversation underscores the complex and challenging nature of the prison system and the potential long-term consequences of even seemingly small actions.

    • Creative Inmates: Cooking and Community in PrisonInmates found joy and camaraderie through cooking and sharing resources in prison, despite challenging conditions and rules against some activities.

      Despite the challenging conditions in prison, inmates found creative ways to improve their living situation and even enjoy simple pleasures like cooking. They shared resources and worked together to make the best of their limited means. The prison guards generally allowed these activities as long as there was no danger of overdoses or fights. Innovations included using makeshift stoves like the "stinger" or heating food in old heaters. Inmates even made their own tattoo guns, although this was against the rules due to health risks. The shared experiences and camaraderie around food and cooking helped create a sense of community in the harsh prison environment.

    • Creating Tattoos in Prison with Unconventional MethodsPrisoners use unconventional methods and materials, including homemade tattoo machines powered by Walkman motors and ink made from burned newspaper ash, to create tattoos despite the risks and challenges.

      In prison, tattoos are created using unconventional methods and materials. Tattoo artists use motors from items like Walkman cassette players to power their homemade tattoo machines. The ink is made by burning newspaper and turning it into ash, which is then mixed with water and various substances to create the ink. The process is time-consuming, taking several days. Prisoners take significant risks to get tattoos, including the possibility of getting caught and facing consequences like being transferred to a more dangerous yard. Despite these challenges, some talented tattoo artists have emerged from prison, creating impressive and intricate designs using these makeshift tools.

    • Creativity in Prison: The Story of Charles Bronson's Award-Winning TattooInspite of the challenges and restrictions, prisoners continue to express their creativity and connect with others through unconventional means, as shown by the story of Charles Bronson's award-winning tattoo and the use of cup of noodles as currency.

      Despite the challenges and restrictions in prison, the human spirit for creativity and artistry remains strong. The discussion revolves around an award-winning tattoo by a prisoner named Charles Bronson, showcasing the lengths some inmates go to express themselves and connect with others. The use of unconventional materials like cup of noodles as currency adds to the intrigue. The conversation also highlights the historical context of smoking regulations and its impact on various industries. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the resilience and resourcefulness of individuals in the face of adversity.

    • Adapting to new environments for quitting smokingCreatively adapting to unfavorable situations can lead to unexpected opportunities and help maintain a sense of normalcy during the quitting process.

      Quitting smoking in a new environment can be challenging, but finding alternative ways to cope and improvise can help maintain a sense of normalcy and even lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares his experience of quitting smoking while in prison, where he found creative ways to work out and even discovered a talent for comedy. Despite the difficulties, he was able to focus on his goals and eventually drop other harmful habits. The absence of weights in prison led to innovative solutions, such as making sandbags from jumpsuits, and the availability of these makeshift weights allowed for continued exercise and improvement of physical strength. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of finding ways to adapt and make the best of unfavorable situations.

    • Unexpected comedy opportunities in unexpected placesMaking people laugh can lead to valuable connections and opportunities, even in unexpected places like a prison. Adaptability and a unique perspective are key to winning over an audience.

      Even in unexpected places, like a prison, the ability to make people laugh can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections. The speaker, who initially didn't want to be popular, found himself performing stand-up comedy for the inmates after being encouraged by guards and other inmates. He had to adapt to the unique payment system, using items as payment, and eventually assembled a crew and taught one of the inmates how to open for him. The experience taught him that the ability to make people laugh is a valuable skill and that anyone can be a comedian if they can get people to open up to their humor. However, not all inmates were receptive, and some had misconceptions about stand-up comedy, expecting impersonations or well-known jokes. Despite these challenges, the speaker's unique perspective and humor ultimately won over the audience, leading to a successful and unexpected experience.

    • Appreciating Goods After Struggle Makes Life EnjoyableStruggling through challenging experiences can deepen our appreciation for simple pleasures and make us cherish them even more.

      Appreciating something after experiencing struggle makes the experience even more enjoyable. The speaker shared an experience of receiving Kentucky Fried Chicken and Coke in prison, which was a huge treat for him and his friends. He also mentioned how struggling through a hunting trip in the rain made him appreciate the sunshine and simple pleasures even more. These experiences illustrate how human beings often need struggle to fully appreciate the good things in life. Additionally, the speaker discussed how being in unfamiliar environments, such as the woods while hunting or prison, can make us feel like we're in another world and bring a sense of awe and wonder.

    • Appreciating Nature's Beauty and ValueNature's beauty provides value beyond art and possessions, positively impacting Colorado's economy and society. Letting go of societal expectations allows personal choices regarding marijuana use.

      Nature can provide a peaceful and beautiful experience that surpasses the value of modern art and material possessions. The speaker shares his appreciation for the natural beauty of Colorado's mountains and the positive impact it has had on the state's economy and society. He also expresses frustration with the stigma surrounding marijuana use and the efforts of certain industries to keep it illegal. Despite this, he acknowledges the importance of letting go of societal expectations and allowing his children to make their own choices regarding marijuana use.

    • Having open conversations about drugs and their usageAcknowledge potential risks, promote responsible use, prioritize trust and honesty, learn from mistakes, and focus on positive relationships for happiness and fulfillment.

      People have different perspectives on drugs and their usage, and it's important to have open and honest conversations about it. The speaker acknowledges the potential risks of drugs, but also believes that some drugs, when used responsibly, can be enjoyable and not harmful. He emphasizes the importance of trust and honesty in relationships, especially when it comes to discussing sensitive topics. The speaker also reflects on the idea of growing up and the importance of learning from mistakes, rather than hiding them from children. Ultimately, the goal is to find happiness and create camaraderie with loved ones. Life may not always make sense, but focusing on positive relationships and experiences can bring joy and fulfillment.

    • Lessons from a strict upbringingTrue success comes from hard work, perseverance, and finding healthy outlets for competition and aggression.

      Focusing on material possessions and external validation is a trap, and true success comes from within. The speaker's older brother's strict upbringing and competitive nature instilled in him the importance of hard work and perseverance. The speaker believes that to achieve greatness, one must be imbalanced in their desire for success and have an outlet for aggressive behavior. He also notes that women, like men, need an outlet for competition and aggression. The speaker admires those who find a healthy venue for their competitive nature, such as martial arts, and warns against the dangers of letting ego get in the way of true success. Ultimately, the speaker values the lessons he learned from his brother and the impact it had on his own life.

    • The importance of finding the right coach or mentorFinding the right coach or mentor is crucial for mastering any skill, especially in martial arts and comedy. A good instructor or experienced mentor can make all the difference, while the wrong one can hinder progress.

      Finding the right coach or mentor is crucial in mastering any skill, especially in martial arts and comedy. The conversation around Ronda Rousey's impact on MMA highlights the importance of having a well-rounded game and good coaching. In martial arts, there are only a handful of truly exceptional instructors, and finding one can make all the difference. Similarly, in comedy, being in the right environment and learning from experienced comedians can lead to success. Conversely, starting off with the wrong people or in the wrong place can lead to bad habits and hinder progress. So, whether it's martial arts or comedy, the importance of finding the right coach or mentor cannot be overstated.

    • Overcoming ethnic barriers and finding acceptance through comedyDespite facing discrimination, the speaker found acceptance and personal growth through comedy, learning to let go of past affiliations and focus on living for himself and his family.

      Personal experiences shape our perspectives and can lead us to unexpected places. The speaker shares his experience of being told he couldn't go to certain places due to his ethnicity, but later finding acceptance and success in an unlikely place - a comedy club. He also reflects on the challenges of adjusting to life after being institutionalized and the pressure of being under constant scrutiny during parole. Through these experiences, the speaker learned to let go of past affiliations and focus on living for himself and his family. The comedy club provided a platform for him to express himself and connect with others, ultimately leading to personal growth and a new sense of identity.

    • The Psychological Impact of Constant MonitoringConstant surveillance can negatively affect individuals, leading to stress, pressure, and a stigma that can make re-entry into society challenging. However, staying strong and finding joy in small moments can help mitigate these challenges.

      Being under constant monitoring and surveillance can have negative psychological effects on an individual, even if it's necessary for their safety or rehabilitation. The speaker shares his personal experience of being on parole and the pressure he felt from frequent check-ins and visits. He also discusses how others perceived him as a result of his criminal record and the challenges he faced in adjusting to life outside of prison. Despite the difficulties, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying strong and finding moments of fun and normalcy in challenging situations.

    • Mass Incarceration: A Business and a ProblemMillions are in prison or on parole, driven by business interests and lobbying. Focus on reducing non-violent offenses to address the issue.

      The mass incarceration of people in the United States is a significant issue, with millions in prison or on parole, and the system is driven by various factors including it being a business and powerful lobbying. The speaker shares his personal experience of having friends in prison and the strange dynamics of being released and finding that people have moved on. He also highlights the devastating impact of prison itself and the insanely high numbers of people incarcerated compared to the rest of the world. The solution, as suggested, is to reevaluate what crimes deserve incarceration and focus on reducing non-violent offenses.

    • Prisons function as businesses, raising ethical concerns over labor practicesPrisons generate revenue through labor of incarcerated individuals, raising ethical concerns of modern-day slavery, and consumers have the power to support ethical businesses

      The prison system functions as a business, with prisons making money through various means including the labor of incarcerated individuals. This raises ethical concerns, as these individuals are often paid very little, and their labor is used to produce goods that are sold to the public. Some common products made in prisons include license plates, clothing, furniture, and military gear. This system can be seen as a modern form of slavery, where individuals are forced to work for little to no pay. The public may not be aware of this connection, and it's important to consider the moral implications of purchasing products made in prisons. Additionally, some prisons have inmate work programs, where incarcerated individuals produce goods for sale. These programs can range from crafting furniture to raising and training animals. The profits from these programs can be significant, and it's important to consider whether the labor of incarcerated individuals is being fairly compensated. It's essential to recognize the complexities of the prison system and the potential exploitation of incarcerated individuals. As consumers, we have the power to make informed choices and support ethical businesses that do not rely on prison labor.

    • The Complex History of Wild Horses in AmericaDespite historical efforts to control wild horse populations and conflicts with cattle farmers, efforts today focus on managing their population humanely through adoption programs.

      The issue of wild horses in America is a complex one with historical roots. Horses were once native to North America but were nearly extinct and then reintroduced. However, their presence on farmland raises conflicts with cattle farmers. The history of wild horses includes efforts to control their population through hunting and using them for dog food. Today, the focus is on managing their population humanely, such as through adoption programs. The wild horses are not attacking anything or in danger but are encroaching on farmland. The debate centers around whether the presence of wild horses is worth preserving despite the challenges they pose to cattle farmers.

    • The Encounter Between the Mayans and the Spanish: A Transformative Moment in HistoryThe Mayans, an advanced civilization with impressive architectural achievements, were conquered by the Spanish due to their superiority in weapons and technology, leading to the loss of many Mayan lives. Their deep connection to the stars and understanding of astronomy remains a testament to their intellectual achievements.

      The encounter between the Mayan civilization and the Spanish explorers, led by Hernan Cortez, was a profound and transformative moment in history. The Mayans, who had never seen horses or people riding them before, were initially bewildered and likely intimidated by the Spanish arrival. However, they were also an advanced civilization with impressive architectural achievements, such as the Mayan pyramids, which aligned with constellations and showed knowledge of the Earth's wobble. Despite their advanced knowledge, they were eventually conquered due to the Spanish superiority in weapons and technology, leading to the sacrifice of many Mayan lives. The Mayan civilization's connection to the stars and their deep understanding of astronomy is a testament to their intellectual achievements, which continue to inspire awe and fascination to this day. Visiting Mayan ruins like Chichen Itza offers a glimpse into this fascinating civilization and their complex history.

    • Exploring ancient civilizations and their unique practicesAncient civilizations had distinct beliefs and practices, some involving psychedelic plants for rituals, while others were brutal with human sacrifices, sparking curiosity and fascination for modern learners.

      The ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans and Egyptians, had unique practices and beliefs that are vastly different from our modern society. The speaker shared his experience of learning about the Mayan culture from a local guide, who revealed that the Mayans used psychedelic plants for rituals. The speaker also expressed curiosity about other ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians and Genghis Khan's Mongols, despite acknowledging that he wouldn't want to live during those times due to their brutal practices, such as human sacrifices. The speaker's reflections highlight the intrigue and fascination with the past and the desire to learn more about different cultures and historical events. The discussion also touches upon the concept of the unknown and the mysteries that still surround ancient civilizations, making it a thought-provoking and engaging topic.

    • Exploring the complexities of human civilization through historyFrom the brutal conquests of the Mongols to the ingenuity of ancient civilizations like Egypt, history showcases the depth and complexity of human civilization. Understanding these complexities can provide valuable insights and inspire innovation.

      Throughout history, humans have faced extreme challenges and achieved incredible feats. The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan, for instance, is known for its brutal conquests that reportedly killed ten percent of the world's population and significantly altered the carbon footprint of the human race. Dan Carlin's podcast series, "Wrath of the Khans," provides a deep dive into the history of the Mongols and their impact on the world. Moreover, the discussion highlights the vast differences between eras and the complexity of human civilization. For instance, the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt around 2,500 B.C. is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of ancient civilizations. The idea that they managed to build such structures with the limited technology available is mind-boggling. However, it's essential to remember that history is not always black and white. While the Mongols were formidable conquerors, they also had a complex society, with workers being highly paid rather than slaves, as previously believed. In essence, the discussion underscores the importance of understanding history to appreciate the depth and complexity of human civilization. It's a reminder that despite the challenges we face today, humans have always found ways to adapt, innovate, and thrive.

    • Ancient civilizations' resourcefulness and innovationDespite living without modern inventions, ancient civilizations created impressive structures and aligned them with celestial events, showcasing human spirit and ingenuity. The tropical climate theory adds to their mystery.

      Ancient civilizations, such as those that built the pyramids, were incredibly resourceful and innovative despite living in a time without modern inventions. The theories surrounding how they moved the massive stones are still debated, but it's possible they had advanced technologies or understanding that have been lost to history. The people of that time didn't have the luxury of modern conveniences, yet they managed to create impressive structures like pyramids and align them with celestial events. The world was likely harsher and more unforgiving than we imagine, but the human spirit and ingenuity prevailed. The discovery that the climate may have been tropical and rainforest-like during certain periods adds to the mystery and complexity of these ancient civilizations.

    • Ancient civilizations' advanced knowledgeAncient Egyptians had advanced knowledge in metallurgy and language, extracting iron from meteorites and using a pictorial writing system.

      Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, were more advanced than we initially thought. Evidence suggests that they had a deep understanding of various concepts, including metallurgy and language, thousands of years before recorded history. For instance, they were able to extract iron from meteorites and turn it into weapons or tools, as shown by the discovery of King Tut's meteorite dagger. Additionally, their writing system was based on images rather than letters, which could have influenced their thought processes and the way they perceived the world. The Egyptian language, which evolved into modern-day Egyptian Arabic, also underwent significant changes throughout history. Despite the challenges of interpreting ancient languages, these discoveries continue to shed light on the fascinating complexities of our past.

    • Moon's synchronous rotation with EarthThe moon's synchronous rotation keeps the same face towards Earth, crucial for Earth's development and life.

      The moon, despite appearing stationary from our perspective, undergoes synchronous rotation with Earth, keeping the same face towards us. This phenomenon is a result of the moon's orbital motion around the Earth and its rotational period being nearly identical. The moon's presence has been crucial for Earth's development, stabilizing its orbit, atmosphere, and temperature, allowing complex life to evolve. This discussion also touched upon the origins of the moon, which is believed to have formed from the collision of a Mars-sized body with Earth early in our planet's history. The fascination with celestial bodies and the possibility of extraterrestrial life was also a recurring theme.

    • Ancient Sumerians' Advanced Knowledge of Solar SystemThe Sumerians had astonishingly accurate knowledge of the solar system and Earth's moon thousands of years before modern discoveries.

      Ancient civilizations, specifically the Sumerians, had advanced knowledge about the solar system and the origins of Earth and the moon, predating modern discoveries by thousands of years. They left behind clay tablets with drawings of the planets, including their sizes and positions, which are remarkably accurate. However, the validity of some theories, such as those proposed by Zachary Sitchin, remains controversial. The discussion also touched upon the discovery of potential ancient structures in Mexico and the use of advanced technology to uncover hidden treasures and temples.

    • Building on the Past: Old Structures and HistoryOld structures offer valuable insights into history, but many are disappearing, raising questions about their importance in modern construction projects

      Throughout history, civilizations have built new structures on top of older ones, raising questions about the value of preserving the past. This practice is not limited to ancient civilizations, as we continue to demolish old homes and build new ones. For instance, during construction projects, the use of old nails with a wedge shape instead of modern cylindrical ones can serve as indicators of older buildings. These structures, like the houses in New England, offer a glimpse into history, with features such as plaster walls and thin, long boards. However, as time passes, these historical structures are gradually disappearing, raising questions about the importance of preserving them for future generations.

    • The Natural Way of Dealing with Deceased BodiesThe speaker argues against traditional embalming and burial practices, suggesting a return to natural decomposition as a more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and humane alternative.

      Our current methods for dealing with deceased bodies, such as embalming and burial in cemeteries, go against the natural process and can be seen as unnecessary and even inhumane. The speaker argues that these practices are expensive, a financial racket, and not environmentally friendly. Instead, they suggest that we should consider returning to the natural way of letting bodies decompose and become part of the environment, as this is what has happened throughout history. The speaker also mentions that these practices have been used to catch murderers, but overall, they see it as a strange and unnecessary custom. The speaker expresses a desire to be buried in a more natural way, but acknowledges the practical and societal challenges with this. The conversation also touches on the strange nature of voice communication through technology.

    • Challenging the Complexities of Death PracticesConsider questioning cultural death practices, such as burial and embalming, and explore alternatives like cremation or letting nature take its course, driven by practical reasons and fear of disease. Reflect on historical significance and personal beliefs.

      Our cultural practices surrounding death, such as burial and embalming, serve to separate us from the natural world and create unnecessary complexities. The speaker argues that our fear of disease and practical considerations, such as limited space in densely populated areas, drive these practices. He suggests alternative ways of dealing with death, such as cremation or letting nature take its course, and reflects on the historical significance of these practices. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to question the status quo and consider more natural, less complex ways of dealing with death. He also touches on the idea that our fear of death and the desire to preserve the deceased's bodies may stem from cultural and religious beliefs.

    • Historical complexities and societal contrastsUnderstanding historical events requires acknowledging their multifaceted nature and societal contexts. Societies have unique norms and values, and it's crucial to respect and learn from them.

      Historical events, even those involving controversial figures like Saddam Hussein, are complex and multifaceted. The treatment of his body after his death is just one aspect of a larger cultural and societal context. The discussion also touched upon the perspective of living conditions in different parts of the world, the impact of external influences on societal changes, and the prevalence of plastic surgery as a trend in South Korea. The conversation also highlighted the stark contrast between the isolated and repressive regime of North Korea and the advanced and technologically innovative South Korea. Despite the differences, it's important to remember that every society has its unique norms and values, and it's essential to understand them from their perspective.

    • Exploring cultural differences in plastic surgery preferencesCultural norms influence plastic surgery trends, with extreme makeovers common in some societies like Korea, involving procedures like jaw shaving and eye enhancements. Individuals seek surgeries to conform or enhance attractiveness, raising questions about societal pressures.

      People's preferences for physical appearances can lead them to undergo various forms of plastic surgery, with some procedures being more common in certain cultures than others. The discussion touched upon the practice of extreme makeovers in Korea, focusing on jaw shaving and eye enhancements. The speaker also shared personal experiences of encountering individuals who had undergone gender reassignment surgery. The conversation raised questions about societal norms and the lengths people go to in order to conform to these standards or to enhance their attractiveness. Ultimately, it highlighted the complexity and diversity of human desires and the role that plastic surgery plays in shaping perceptions of beauty.

    • Young athletes and training methodsConsider potential risks and benefits of intense training for young athletes, and stay informed about debunked myths and latest research.

      The way athletes are trained and the substances they use at a young age can have significant impacts on their development and performance. Some believe that weightlifting and other intense training methods at a young age can hinder growth or even be unhealthy, while others argue that it can actually promote bone growth and density. It's important to consider the potential risks and benefits and make informed decisions about athletic training for young people. Additionally, some myths about training and performance, such as not shooting a basketball after a workout or not doing archery after lifting weights, have been debunked, and it's essential to stay informed about the latest research and best practices.

    • Pressure to Grow Up Too Fast: A Child's PerspectiveExcessive pressure on children to lift weights or follow specific career paths can hinder their development and happiness. Let kids be kids.

      Putting excessive pressure on children to lift weights or follow specific career paths at an early age can negatively impact their development and happiness. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up with older brothers and feeling the constant pressure to keep up, leading him to question the importance of pushing young kids to grow up too fast. The discovery of myostatin inhibitors in animals, which allow them to grow more muscle, is fascinating but not relevant to humans as there is no supplement available for it. The conversation also touched upon the upcoming comedy shows of the speakers at the Brea improv.

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    024 | Legislation Explanation & the War on Snore

    In this episode, Amy Holman and Marcia Mueting discuss LB1181 & LB1035, two Nebraska legislation bills that the NPA testified in support of at the January hearing. From pharmacy inventory regulations to a prescription drug donation program, these bills directly impact the pharmacy industry and Nebraska pharmacy professionals.

    Even though this episode takes a deep dive into Nebraska legislation, it is anything but a SNORE! But don't worry if you do, Amy's Pharm Facts cover the history, causes, and remedies for snoring!

    Upcoming NPA Events:

    • February 24th - 2nd Annual Pharmasaurus Mini-Golf Open
    • March 19th - Virtual presentation with Biogen
    • June 28th - Long-Term Care Network Education Day
    • August 2nd - Health Systems & Industry Network Conference (HSINC)
    • Oct 17th-19th - Virtual Fall Pharmacy Forum


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    To learn more about Nebraska Pharmacy Association visit https://www.npharm.org/

    Alchemical Increase in Consciousness

    Alchemical Increase in Consciousness

    If all things are conscious according to both the mysteries and quantum physics.

    Then how do we increase our consciousness?

    Welcome to Episode 35 of Modern Alchemy Podcast with James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray.

    Will continue our discussion from last week's topic about the difference between consciousness and awareness. If you haven't seen our previous podcast yet, now is the time to go back and watch it.

    Consciousness is everything: God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal and awakens in man. ~ Sufi

    You cannot not be conscious as we discussed last week.

    Everything is conscious.

    So what do we have to do if we want to become more conscious?

    To know more we have to notice more?

    What are you noticing in your life, relationships, and business?

    What are you noticing on a regular basis about yourself—there is no value in lying…

    I invite you to join our discussion by leaving comments below about your opinions and thoughts.

    Please feel free to share our podcast with your friends and family. Don't forget to click the share button.

    Bersabeh and I strive to help you create successful businesses, meaningful relationships, and lives that are fulfilling.

    How committed are you to achieving your goals?

    It’s not for everyone, but if you think it might be for you then let’s talk.

    We can assist you by clicking this link for more information:

    Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now?

    Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now?

    In July, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services made significant headway in its implementation of the drug pricing provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). How can stakeholders respond to, implement, and comply with all these new provisions? On this episode, hear from special guest Sylvia Yu, Vice President and Senior Counsel of Federal Programs at PhRMA.

    Sylvia and Epstein Becker Green attorneys Connie Wilkinson and Alexis Boaz discuss the recent updates on the quickly moving implementation of the drug pricing provisions under the IRA and the industry's response.

    Visit our site for related resources and email contact information: https://www.ebglaw.com/dhc68.

    Subscribe for email notifications: https://www.ebglaw.com/subscribe.

    Visit: http://diagnosinghealthcare.com.

    This podcast is presented by Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights are reserved. This audio recording includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances, and these materials are not a substitute for the advice of competent counsel. The content reflects the personal views and opinions of the participants. No attorney-client relationship has been created by this audio recording. This audio recording may be considered attorney advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

    #50 -Your Physical Environment

    #50 -Your Physical Environment

    We've been discussing for the last several episodes how to practice Alchemy in the 7 different environments that affect your life, relationships, and business.

    Let's briefly discuss your Physical Environment this week.

    Your Physical Environment includes things such as:

     Your body, Furniture, Music, Television, Artwork, Possessions, Home, Office, & Financial

    It's a great Alchemical practice to take a frequent inventory of all these things and clean out what no longer serves you.

    Remember willpower is off and on. Environment is 24/7!

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    We look forward to seeing you there soon!