
    Podcast Summary

    • From lottery winnings and heartbreak to social media fameWinning the lottery and going through a breakup can unexpectedly lead to a luxurious lifestyle and social media fame, even if not initially sought after.

      The speaker, who has amassed a significant fortune and gained a large social media following, reflects on his unconventional path to living a luxurious lifestyle. He shares how winning the lottery and experiencing a breakup led him to live out his wildest dreams, which included extravagant spending and posting about it on social media. He also mentions the attention he receives from individuals who stalk his account without following him. The speaker doesn't seem to have initially aimed for fame but rather enjoyed the freedom to do as he pleased and share his experiences online. His actions led to an impressive reach of over 175 million people on Instagram alone.

    • Paying for sex: A natural human desireThe speaker argues that paying for sex is a simple transaction, distinguishes it from manipulative arrangements, and sees it as a natural human desire with ancient origins.

      The speaker believes that paying for sex is a simple and straightforward transaction, free of moral judgment or complications. He distinguishes this from the "sugar daddy, sugar baby" dynamic, which he sees as deceptive and manipulative. He also argues that the stigma around paying for sex is unwarranted, as it is a natural human desire and an ancient practice. He uses the example of chimpanzees to illustrate this point, and argues that making pleasure a crime is unreasonable. The speaker also mentions his upcoming app, where he plans to address common misconceptions about his lifestyle.

    • Decriminalizing sex work and drugsBelief in decriminalization for sex work and drugs, reducing violence and coercion, and criticizing politicians for opposing legalization for financial gain

      The speaker expresses a belief in the decriminalization of sex work and the regulation of drugs, comparing the potential benefits to the legalization of alcohol and marijuana. They argue that such decriminalization would eliminate the need for pimps and coercion, and reduce associated violence and victimization. The speaker also criticizes politicians, like Hillary Clinton, for opposing marijuana legalization for financial gain, and expresses frustration with the wealth accumulated by former presidents through speaking engagements and other questionable deals.

    • The Speaker's Perspective on Politics and RelationshipsThe speaker, with a large social media following and wealth, sees politics as disingenuous and values authenticity in relationships. He emphasizes that success and wealth are a result of character and hard work.

      The speaker, who is known for his large social media following and wealth, views politics as a form of disingenuous communication and sees himself as an "anti-politician." He also discusses the attention and opportunities that come with his fame, including being approached by those in the political sphere for influence. The speaker expresses that he values options in relationships and doesn't believe that being with someone solely because they are attractive is a valid reason for a relationship. He also emphasizes that a person's success and wealth are a reflection of their character and hard work.

    • Relationships and financial pressuresFreedom and choice are essential in relationships, and societal norms and expectations should be questioned when necessary.

      Both life and relationships come with their own challenges and risks. Money can bring unwanted attention and pressures, and there are societal double standards that exist in various aspects of life. In the case of relationships, they can be compared to a financial agreement rather than a loving one, leading to feelings of being trapped and potential dissatisfaction. These issues can be magnified when one partner is not invested equally, leading to resentment and potential infidelity. It's essential to remember that freedom and choice are valuable, and being in a relationship should be a mutual decision based on love and respect. Additionally, societal norms and expectations can create confusing and unfair double standards, and it's crucial to question and challenge them when necessary.

    • Divorce: A Draining Experience with Long-Term Financial ConsequencesDivorce can result in significant financial loss, especially when income or assets differ greatly between parties. Long-term alimony payments can be a negative free role, potentially draining resources and affecting future financial stability.

      Going through a divorce can be a financially and emotionally draining experience, often resulting in significant financial loss for one party. This is particularly true when there is a large disparity in income or assets between the two parties. The process can be lengthy and contentious, with each party requiring legal representation, leading to additional costs. Relationships that involve legal contracts can become forced and inorganic, and the long-term financial consequences can be devastating. For instance, some men end up paying their ex-wives large sums of money for years after the divorce, even if they have remarried and have new families. These situations can be described as negative free roles, where the potential for loss is high, but the potential for gain is low. It's important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and to consider taking steps to protect themselves financially, such as prenuptial agreements.

    • Wealth and jealousy in divorcesWealth attracts jealousy and lengthy legal battles during divorces, draining finances for all parties involved, including lawyers. Successful men are often targeted, creating a power dynamic that can lead to significant financial gains.

      Wealth attracts attention and jealousy, leading to lengthy legal battles and financial draining during divorces. This is because successful men are often targeted and sought after by many, creating a power dynamic that can result in significant financial gains for all parties involved, including lawyers. Additionally, losing money to someone who has a substantial wealth can be less irritating as there's a perceived chance of winning it back. The speaker's own experience of being mistaken for a rich trust fund kid and using this misconception to his advantage in poker is another interesting observation. The speaker's background includes serving in the military and dealing with various injuries, leading to disability payments. Despite these challenges, he eventually found success in poker.

    • Overcoming Adversity with Determination and PerseveranceDetermination and perseverance can help you overcome setbacks and achieve unexpected outcomes, even in the face of adversity.

      Determination and perseverance can lead to unexpected outcomes, even in the face of adversity. The speaker shares a story of his experience in the military, where he overcame multiple setbacks, including injuries and rejections, to pursue his goal of becoming a seal. Despite being medically retired and facing numerous challenges, he took risks and bet on himself, ultimately winning a bet and earning the opportunity to train once more. Though the journey was difficult and filled with obstacles, his unwavering commitment and belief in his abilities led him to defy expectations and achieve his goal.

    • Speaker's determination despite injuriesSpeaker overcame injuries to graduate from military training, but potential career impact of safety violation is unclear

      Despite suffering from bilateral tibial stress fractures in his legs for over a year and a half, which could have potentially qualified him for a military pension or disability benefits, the speaker chose to push through and continue his military training instead. He went back to Seal Training a second time with a dismissive attitude, not worrying about the consequences, and ultimately graduated. However, he received a safety violation during training, which may have impacted his military career in the long run. This story illustrates the speaker's determination and resilience in the face of adversity, but also highlights the potential benefits and considerations of taking advantage of disability or pension options in the military.

    • Military training challenges and poker winsOvercoming adversity through perseverance and adaptability in military training and poker games shaped the speaker's character.

      The speaker experienced harsh treatment during military training, which included being put on watch during live fire drills and being rolled back in the course due to safety violations. Despite feeling brainwashed and not wanting to argue with his instructors, he eventually decided to go through the entire training again. After completing his military service, he went to college, learned to play poker from his brother, and had a wild ride turning a small investment into a large win. The experience of facing challenges and overcoming them in both the military and gambling worlds shaped his character. The speaker's story highlights the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the face of adversity.

    • Dan Bilzerian's poker career fueled by Bellagio Casino and poker boomTiming, opportunity, and image played crucial roles in Dan Bilzerian's rise to fame in poker during the Bellagio era, before the game was fully solved.

      Dan Bilzerian's rise to fame in poker was significantly influenced by the Bellagio Casino and the poker boom following Chris Moneymaker's win in the 2003 World Series of Poker. During that time, there were fewer training tools and the game hadn't been fully solved yet, making it an attractive opportunity for many. Bilzerian's character as a "crazy baller poker player" was further amplified by the media and the trend of celebrities playing poker. Although Bilzerian has been criticized for his lifestyle and treatment of women, some argue that he provides opportunities for women in his inner circle, similar to how Hugh Hefner did with his Playmates. Overall, Bilzerian's story highlights the power of timing, opportunity, and image in building a successful persona and career.

    • Living a wild life can lead to fameFame can come from wealth and lifestyle, not just accomplishments or talents. Drake's example illustrates this concept.

      Fame and success can come in various forms, and for some individuals, it may be as simple as living an extravagant lifestyle. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes that being a "baller" or living a wild and unrestrained life can lead to fame, even without any notable accomplishments or talents. He uses Drake as an example, highlighting how the rapper's fame comes primarily from his wealth and lifestyle. The speaker also touches upon the idea that fame can be confusing and that it's hard for outsiders to understand what it's like to experience it firsthand. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the notion that fame and success can come in unexpected ways and that living a life full of excess and pleasure can be a path to achieving it.

    • Finding inspiration and motivation on InstagramInstagram can offer authenticity and excitement, inspiring us to seek joy and challenge societal norms for a more fulfilling life

      Social media, specifically Instagram, can provide an escape from the monotony and despair of daily life for many people. The authenticity and excitement portrayed on Instagram can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for those feeling stuck in their routines or unsatisfied with their current situations. The speaker's experiences of meeting a successful actor and encountering Thoreau's quote served as a reminder that there's more to life than the mundane and that it's important to seek out joy and authenticity, even if it means taking risks and challenging societal norms. The speaker's defense of living an unconventional life, filled with adventure and fun, highlights the importance of finding meaning and fulfillment in one's experiences, rather than conforming to societal expectations.

    • Social media's impact on women's careers and incomeWomen in entertainment can earn substantial income from social media, but face pressure and intrusion. Personal choices can also lead to career changes and improved lifestyle.

      Social media has transformed the way people build careers and make money, particularly for women in the entertainment industry. For instance, a woman with a modest following can quickly amass a large fanbase and earn substantial income through sponsored posts and collaborations. This can provide financial benefits and flexibility, but it also comes with its own challenges, such as the pressure to constantly post and the intrusion of unsolicited messages from wealthy suitors. Another anecdote shared involved a man who turned his life around by quitting smoking cigarettes and replacing it with marijuana, leading him to pursue his passion for playing guitar and living life on his own terms. Overall, social media and personal choices can significantly impact one's career and lifestyle.

    • From Navy SEAL to Content Creator: Embracing Life's AdventuresEmbrace life's adventures, create joyful experiences, and be prepared for unexpected challenges

      While some people may focus on security measures to protect their possessions, others may choose to live life to the fullest and create platforms for others to share their experiences. The speaker, who went from being a Navy SEAL to a successful gambler, has amassed wealth through various means and is now focusing on creating apps and sharing exciting content with others. However, even someone with a seemingly charmed life has faced challenges, such as health scares. Despite this, the speaker emphasizes the importance of enjoying life and experiencing new things, whether it's through partying, wake surfing, or creating content for others to enjoy. Inevitably, everyone must consider their own priorities and plan for their future, whether it be through saving money, buying assets, or pursuing new ventures. Ultimately, the speaker encourages others to live their lives to the fullest and find joy in their experiences, while also being prepared for unexpected challenges.

    • Embracing Individuality and ResilienceDan Bilzerian values individuality, resilience, and the power of social media. He encourages others to believe in themselves and push boundaries, despite challenges and limitations.

      Dan Bilzerian values individuality, resilience, and the power of social media. Despite his team's limitations, he remains confident in his abilities and encourages others to do the same. He also acknowledges the challenges that come with age and the importance of listening to one's body. The comparison to other successful individuals, such as Giovanni Vachi, motivates him rather than discouraging him. Bilzerian's unique approach to life, combined with his charisma and social media presence, has helped him amass a massive following. He continues to push boundaries and inspire others to do the same, regardless of their age or circumstances.

    • A blend of extravagance, fun, and healthThe individual's social media showcases entertaining content with exotic animals, dancing, and a focus on health and fitness.

      The discussed individual's social media presence showcases a unique blend of extravagance and fun, with elements of dancing and exotic animals, likely intended to entertain and engage his large following. The production of such content requires significant planning and resources. The individual's physical fitness and health are also notable, with references to his tattoos, body shape, and past injuries, which he has addressed through various treatments. The conversation also touches upon the topic of stem cell therapy and its potential benefits for injuries. Overall, the discussion highlights the individual's dedication to creating captivating content and maintaining his health.

    • Hanging from a chin-up bar can help alleviate shoulder painHanging from a chin-up bar stretches shoulders, relieving pain for some. Placenta-derived stem cell therapy is effective for shoulder injuries, and regular exercises strengthen shoulders.

      Hanging from a chin-up bar can help alleviate shoulder pain for many people. This simple exercise stretches the shoulders and can provide significant relief for those dealing with impingements or other shoulder issues. Additionally, stem cell therapy, specifically using placenta-derived cells, has shown to be an effective treatment for shoulder injuries and pain. The speaker personally experienced great results after receiving this type of therapy. Regularly incorporating hanging exercises and shoulder strengthening routines can further support shoulder health.

    • An Unusual Experience with Performance-enhancing Drugs and Traveling for Medical TreatmentsA man shares his unexpected strength gain from an unknown substance and his intention to travel for stem cell treatments, highlighting the differences in regulations between the US and Europe.

      The speaker had an unusual experience with performance-enhancing drugs, leading to a significant strength increase after a gym session. He then shared his plans to travel to Tijuana, Mexico, for medical treatments, despite safety concerns. The conversation also touched upon the history of stricter regulations on stem cell research in the US compared to Europe. The speaker expressed admiration for Germany's advancements in stem cell research and applications, which led him to discover Regenexx injections. The conversation was filled with anecdotes and references to various movies and personal experiences.

    • The Cat-and-Mouse Game Between Athletes and TestersAdvanced medical treatments like stem cell infusions are pushing the boundaries of sports, but detection methods are also evolving to keep up. Caught cheating can result in severe consequences, including stripped medals and damaged reputations.

      The world of professional sports is constantly evolving, with athletes seeking new ways to gain an edge through advanced medical treatments and performance-enhancing substances. One such treatment is stem cell infusions, which are not yet banned but could be in the future. The detection methods for such substances are also advancing, with organizations like the UFC freezing samples for up to eight years to stay ahead of potential cheats. The consequences for getting caught can be severe, as seen in the case of Russian Olympic gold medalists whose medals were taken away years later. The stakes are high, and the cat-and-mouse game between athletes and testers continues.

    • Early MMA fighters' endurance and challengesRoy Nelson's endurance and heavy carb intake, early MMA's corrupt refereeing and focus on excitement, Kimbo Slice's rise to fame and tragic death

      Roy Nelson's extreme endurance in MMA is likely a result of both genetics and intense training, despite his reportedly heavy carb intake. The discussion also highlighted the challenges faced by MMA fighters in the early days of the sport, including corrupt refereeing and a focus on excitement over technical skill. A notable example given was Kimbo Slice, a tough and beloved fighter who tragically passed away due to a heart defect. Kimbo's rise to fame came through viral YouTube videos, and his fights often drew large crowds and controversy. Despite the challenges and controversies, these early MMA fighters paved the way for the sport's growth and popularity.

    • The power of determination and resilienceUnexpected challenges can be overcome with determination and resilience, allowing us to adapt and persevere even in the face of adversity

      Determination and resilience can help overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. In the discussed MMA fight between Kimbo Slice and Ganon, Kimbo was expected to win easily, but Ganon's exceptional strength and endurance led to an unexpected outcome. Despite being illegal and against the norm, Ganon's ground and pound tactics proved effective, and he managed to beat Kimbo. Similarly, in the speaker's personal story, he pushed through a difficult situation, despite feeling terrible after a night of heavy drinking and partying, to eventually recover and continue his day. Both instances demonstrate the importance of perseverance and the ability to adapt in the face of adversity.

    • The consequences of reckless behaviorExcessive substance use and reckless actions can lead to negative physical and emotional consequences, ultimately leaving us feeling drained and unsatisfied.

      Excessive substance use and reckless behavior can lead to negative consequences, both physically and emotionally. The speaker's decision to gamble, use drugs, and engage in sex with multiple women in a short period of time resulted in physical pain, emotional exhaustion, and a lack of satisfaction. Despite his initial success in gambling and feeling a temporary boost from the drugs, the experience ultimately left him feeling drained and unsatisfied. It's important to consider the potential long-term effects of our actions and make responsible choices for our overall well-being.

    • Ignoring serious health symptoms can have dire consequencesUnderestimating health symptoms can lead to delayed treatment and severe health complications. Honesty with healthcare providers about lifestyle choices and drug use is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

      Underestimating the severity of health symptoms can lead to serious consequences. The speaker in this text had no idea that his shoulder pain was a sign of a heart attack, and his decision to take a cab instead of an ambulance delayed his treatment. His experience also highlights the importance of honesty with healthcare providers about lifestyle choices and drug use, as these factors can significantly impact one's health. Despite his lack of knowledge about the science behind heart attacks and the effects of certain substances on the heart, the speaker's experiences serve as a reminder to prioritize health and seek professional help when needed.

    • Sleep apnea and improved enduranceSleep apnea can increase red blood cell count for better endurance, but lack of proper recovery can be problematic. A mouthguard can help improve sleep apnea and change one's life.

      Sleep apnea can lead to an elevated red blood cell count, which can in turn provide more endurance during physical activities. However, the lack of proper recovery can be a problem. The speaker had a mouthguard made to help open his airway and improve his sleep apnea, which significantly changed his life. During a bike ride with Lance Armstrong, they did vehicle drafting, which was surprisingly challenging due to the lack of visibility and the need to stay close to the vehicle. The speaker also shared a harrowing experience of almost getting hit by a truck while drafting a vehicle on a bike. Despite the challenges, the speaker's high red blood cell count, likely due to sleep apnea, helped him in endurance activities.

    • The importance of authenticity and trust in high-stakes environmentsIn high-stakes environments like poker, authenticity and trust are essential. Breaking a bet or lying can lead to severe consequences and being ostracized from the community.

      In high-stakes environments like poker or gambling, the importance of keeping one's word and being authentic cannot be overstated. Betting and making wagers are common practices, but the consequences of breaking a bet or lying can be severe. The speaker shared an anecdote about a bet made in a poker game between Bill Perkins and his brother, where Perkins bet that the brother couldn't go three days without saying the word "the." When the brother refused to back down, Perkins ended up buying him out. The speaker emphasized that in such communities, trust and authenticity are crucial, and breaking a bet or lying can lead to being ostracized. The speaker also shared other examples of outrageous bets and physical challenges in the poker world, as well as their own experiences with enduring physical tests. They also mentioned how some seemingly easy tasks can turn out to be challenging due to unexpected factors. Overall, the speaker's anecdotes illustrate the importance of authenticity, trust, and the limits of what the human body can endure in high-pressure situations.

    • Stories of extreme experiences and their unintended consequencesBe aware of potential risks and consequences before engaging in extreme experiences, as they can lead to unexpected and uncontrollable outcomes.

      Extreme experiences, whether it's taking a powerful date-rape drug or participating in a disgusting stunt like an eggnog drinking contest, can lead to unexpected and uncontrollable consequences. The speaker shared a story about a friend who took a date-rape drug and blacked out, and another story about an intern named Pat Duffy who participated in a radio stunt where he had to lean over a garbage can and let another man throw up in his mouth. Both experiences were ridiculous and extreme, and they highlight the importance of being aware of the potential risks and consequences of our actions. The speaker also emphasized that some substances, like date-rape drugs, can be dangerous and even deadly if misused. The eggnog stunt, while seemingly harmless, was also a reminder that people will go to great lengths for the sake of a story or a dare. Overall, these stories serve as a reminder to be cautious and considerate of the potential consequences of our actions.

    • A man's extraordinary bike ride from LA to VegasPeople can accomplish great feats with determination and preparation, even when faced with skepticism and challenges

      People are capable of extraordinary feats, even if they seem impossible. This was illustrated in a story about a man named Bam Margarita who made a bet that he could ride a bike from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in under six weeks. Despite skepticism from others, he trained and eventually completed the journey. Meanwhile, there's a cautionary tale about a woman who died from drinking too much water during a radio contest. The story also highlights the importance of preparation and determination in achieving goals, even when faced with challenges and doubts. The conversation took place before the era of YouTube and the bet likely happened around 2003 or 2004.

    • Betting big on a grueling raceDespite advice against it, the speaker took a risk and bet large sums on completing a challenging race, showing determination and belief in his abilities.

      The speaker took a huge risk by betting large sums of money and even his plane on completing a grueling bicycle race against the advice of others. He saw it as a free roll for himself, as he didn't mind the potential consequences if he didn't succeed. The bet added pressure and stakes to his already challenging journey, but it also showed his determination and belief in his abilities. The speaker also had to keep the bet a secret to avoid distractions or interference from fans or enemies. Ultimately, he completed the race in about 32 hours, surprising many who doubted him.

    • Bike race: Controversy over draftingDuring a 32-hour bike race, drafting behind cars was helpful on flat terrain but unnecessary and potentially dangerous on uphill and downhill sections. The speaker finished the race without drafting, demonstrating determination and focus in a high-stakes competition.

      During a 32-hour long bike race, drafting behind cars for safety and efficiency was a contentious issue. The speaker found that drafting was helpful on flat terrain but unnecessary and potentially dangerous on uphill and downhill sections. The race took place on a one-lane road with minimal shoulder space, making safety a constant concern. The speaker also faced challenges such as extreme temperatures, fatigue, and encounters with debris on the road. Despite these challenges, the speaker persevered and ultimately finished the race without drafting. The race was a high-stakes competition, with millions of dollars at play, and the speaker's determination and focus were key to their success.

    • Pressure and focus in high-stakes pokerPlayers in high-stakes poker face immense pressure and must assess opponents while remaining calm and focused, with technology allowing them to process more hands than ever before.

      High-stakes poker involves immense pressure and focus, with players often putting their entire net worth on the line. Players must constantly assess their opponents' hands, motives, and mental states while trying to remain calm and focused for extended periods. The use of performance-enhancing drugs or other substances can have unpredictable effects, and the evolution of technology has allowed players to see and process more hands in a single session than many players see in a lifetime. The stakes are high, the competition is fierce, and the mental and emotional challenges are immense.

    • Understanding Opponents in Online vs Live PokerOnline poker relies on stats and patterns, while live poker demands human intuition and observation.

      Online poker has become more of a mathematical and statistical game due to the availability of software that provides players with detailed information about their opponents' playing styles. In contrast, live poker involves a greater element of human interaction and intuition, as players must read their opponents' body language, emotions, and behavior to gain an edge. Some players may even subconsciously want to lose, trying to be popular or feeling undeserving of their winnings. While both forms of poker have their unique challenges, the speaker prefers the human connection and unpredictability of live poker.

    • Emotional Dynamics in Gambling and Competitive SportsUnderstanding emotional responses to wins and losses is crucial for effective bankroll management in gambling and maintaining focus in competitive sports.

      In gambling, especially in games like poker, once you've experienced significant gains or losses, it becomes psychologically challenging to go back to smaller stakes. This is known as bankroll management, and it's a common issue for professional players. The more you win, the harder it is to accept losses, no matter the size. Conversely, if you've lost a substantial amount, it's difficult to regain your footing and start winning again. This emotional rollercoaster can lead to anger, frustration, and even violent behavior. The stakes in gambling have grown over time, making it even more challenging for players to bounce back from losses. It's essential to understand that in games like poker, the sessions never truly end. You're always playing, and the more you win, the more others lose, and the worse they play. Similarly, in martial arts and fighting, you don't want to lose to someone you hate, and this emotional factor can significantly impact performance. The mind games and pressure can be overwhelming, leading to subpar performance. Ultimately, understanding these emotional dynamics is crucial to managing risk and maintaining a healthy perspective in both gambling and competitive sports.

    • Manipulating Opponent Psychology in Poker and High-Risk IndustriesMental toughness and psychological management are vital in poker and high-risk industries. Manipulating opponent psychology can impact game outcomes, and losses are inevitable, requiring bankroll management and mental fortitude.

      In both poker and high-risk industries like the stock market, mental toughness and psychological management are crucial factors for success. The speaker shares his experience in poker, where he found that manipulating the dynamics of competitive yet friendly relationships with opponents can significantly impact the game's outcome. He emphasizes that it's not just about skill or luck but also the ability to navigate the psychological aspect of the game. The speaker also draws parallels between poker and other high-risk industries, such as the stock market, where losses are inevitable, and the importance of bankroll management and mental fortitude is essential. He concludes by reflecting on the allure of taking risks and the thrill it offers to the average person, emphasizing that while most people can entertain the idea, only a few have the determination and resilience to pursue it.

    • The level of difficulty in achieving a goal depends on the alternatives one perceivesHaving fewer alternatives can make it easier to achieve a goal, while an abundance of options can make it harder. Commitment and a strong desire can help overcome challenges, but maintaining motivation and the right mindset is crucial.

      The level of difficulty in achieving a goal depends on the alternatives one perceives. Those who are driven by a strong desire and have limited alternatives may find it easier to stay focused and persevere, while those with more options and distractions, such as wealth and fame, may find it harder to maintain their commitment. The scene from "Officer and a Gentleman" illustrates this concept, as does the experience of professional fighters. For some, the goal may be to become the greatest of all time, while for others, it may be about the experience or the money. Regardless, those who are truly committed and have no other options are often the most successful in achieving their goals. However, even for the committed, the grind can take a toll mentally and physically, making it essential to have the right motivation and mindset to push through.

    • Finding Balance in Happiness and FulfillmentSeek balance in motivation, reward, intensity, focus, discipline, and pleasure for true happiness. Experiencing highs and lows is necessary, and focusing on personal growth can lead to a more meaningful life.

      The pursuit of constant happiness may not lead to true fulfillment. Instead, it's essential to find a balance between motivation, reward, intensity, focus, discipline, and pleasure. This balance can be challenging to achieve, especially in risky or high-stakes situations. The speaker suggests that experiencing both highs and lows is necessary for true happiness and that our previous experiences shape our perspective on new experiences. Additionally, the pursuit of material possessions may not fill the void of emptiness once those possessions are obtained. Instead, focusing on finding what genuinely makes us happy and fulfilling our personal growth can lead to a more meaningful and satisfying life.

    • True happiness comes from goals, comradery, and creativityRecognize that true happiness comes from within, through setting goals, finding fulfillment in relationships, and engaging in creative pursuits.

      Material possessions can bring temporary pleasure, but true and lasting happiness comes from setting and achieving goals, and finding fulfillment in things like comradery, friendship, and creativity. This idea may be difficult to fully grasp until one has amassed significant wealth and realizes that material possessions no longer hold them back or possess them. However, for most people, the joy and excitement of acquiring smaller material possessions can still bring happiness in their own right, even if it is fleeting. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that everyone's definition of success and happiness is unique, and it may take different forms for different people.

    • Balancing New Experiences and Meaningful ConnectionsFind balance between seeking new experiences and maintaining deep relationships, while effectively interacting with others both in person and online.

      While some people may seem to be living life to the fullest with excessive stimulation and experiences, they may also be overcompensating for past lacks or seeking intense focus to achieve success. The constant stimulation from technology can lead to overstimulation and a lack of meaningful connection, making it harder for individuals to interact and form deep relationships. However, technology also allows for greater connectivity and access to information, bridging gaps between people and places. It's essential to find a balance between seeking new experiences and maintaining meaningful connections, as well as learning how to effectively interact with others in person and online. Ultimately, it's a new world with new challenges, and humans will continue to adapt and find ways to manage the constant stimulation and connectivity.

    • The Internet: A Revolution in Accessing and Using InformationThe internet has transformed how we live and learn, providing instant access to vast amounts of information and changing the way we fact-check and communicate.

      The easy access to information through the internet has significantly changed the way we live and learn, making it a norm for us to instantly know anything we want to know. This era is considered one of the biggest changes in human history, and future generations will look back on it in awe. The speaker shared his personal experiences with the internet and how it has impacted his life, from having all the encyclopedias to being able to Google anything at any time. He also talked about his experiences with psychedelics, particularly DMT, and how it had varying effects on him. The internet has also made it easier to fact-check and uncover information about people, making it harder for scam artists and liars to deceive others. Overall, the internet has revolutionized the way we access and use information, and it continues to shape our world in profound ways.

    • Unexpected situations during mushroom tripsMushroom trips can lead to profound realizations and insights, but may also result in unexpected situations, highlighting the importance of these experiences.

      Psychedelic experiences, such as mushroom trips, can lead to profound realizations and insights. However, they can also result in unexpected situations, like getting arrested for urinating in public. The first mushroom trip the speaker had with his friend Eddie led to a deep understanding of the concept of atmosphere and the vastness of space. But during another trip, they encountered an unexpected situation when one of their friends was arrested for urinating on a secret door of a police station. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of these experiences and the valuable insights they bring.

    • Perspective and psychedelic experiencesPsychedelic experiences can offer new perspectives and help individuals overcome challenges, ultimately influencing their mindset and happiness

      Perspective plays a significant role in our experiences and overall well-being. Psychedelic experiences, such as those from LSD or mushrooms, can offer new perspectives and help individuals overcome addictions or adversity. The interviewee shared how such experiences had a profound impact on him and others, allowing them to view challenges in a positive light and find joy in life despite hardships. The veteran's story of acceptance and gratitude serves as a powerful reminder that our mindset and attitude can greatly influence our experiences and happiness.

    • The unpredictability of life's eventsLife's adversities may lead to unexpected benefits, so maintain a positive perspective and keep striving for excellence.

      Life's events, whether perceived as positive or negative, have the potential to shape our future in ways we cannot predict. Using the analogy of the Chinese farmer, the speaker emphasizes that it's impossible to determine if a seemingly negative event is truly so, as its consequences may ultimately prove beneficial. He shares his own experience of being kicked out of SEAL training and how, with time, he came to see it as a turning point that motivated him to continue striving for excellence. The speaker encourages us to keep this perspective in mind when faced with adversity, recognizing that the long-term effects of our experiences may not be immediately apparent.

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    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    You can find us on social media @sohardpod, at our website itssohard.info and support us and our industry guests at patreon.com/itssohard.

    Content Warning: NSFW, contains explicit sexual descriptions and some naughty humour

    Hosts: Jenn and Tess Louise
    Intro Music: Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/58028 Ft: rslane32

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    “Every single one of us is born without self belonging…somewhere along the way our self belonging forms in that space” - Paul Haury


    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Brown bottle flu reference

    Belonging by Owen Eastwood. 
    Brain Rules by John Medina. 


    About Paul Haury:

    “I guide people to experience belonging, in self-belonging, in their own brilliance, and within their company tribes, to really live & perform better than they ever imagined. In my most recent endeavors, I've served as VP of people & culture and as a professional coach, specializing in belonging and optimal performance for individuals and OrgDev. I believe we perform at our highest when we belong, and believe in shared purpose together. There, we simply fear less and aspire more.”

    Check out Paul’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.



    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.


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    Join our hosts for a laugh, a muse and some of the real (and occasionally sexy!) convos. And if you're keen to participate in the pod, or just give us feedback, you can find us on social media @sohardpod, at our website itssohard.info or support us at patreon.com/itssohard.

    Content Warning: NSFW, contains explicit sexual descriptions and some naughty humour

    Hosts: Jenn and Tess Louise
    Intro Music: Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/58028 Ft: rslane32