
    86. America: What The F*ck Is Going On?!

    enNovember 21, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • MFCO team expanding with Vaughn's return and need for fan supportThe MFCO team, including Ian, Polly, Sal, DJ, Vaughn, John, and Von Go, is growing as Vaughn rejoins them full-time. They aim to produce a daily show but need fan support to make it happen. Fans can contact Vaughn directly to express interest.

      The team behind the MFCO (My Favorite Couch Origins) show, consisting of Ian Priscilla, Polly, Sal, DJ, Vaughn Halen, John Von Joby, and Von Go, is expanding as Vaughn is moving back to join them full-time. The team aims to produce a show every day, but they need support from their audience to make it happen. Ian suggested that fans could contact Vaughn directly to show their interest. The team also discussed the challenges of finding each other on social media due to various spellings of their names. To avoid confusion, they suggested using the correct names and considering using the website "let me Google that for you" to help with searches. The team's goal is to provide more content for their fans and continue delivering authentic and unfiltered discussions.

    • Encourage self-reliance through GooglingEmpower individuals to find answers on their own by using 'Let Me Google That For You' and rubber ducky reminders, saving time and fostering focus on complex tasks.

      Instead of answering every question directly, especially those that can be easily answered with a simple Google search, it's more productive and respectful of others' time to encourage people to use search engines themselves. This concept was introduced to the speaker through a tool called "Let Me Google That For You" (LMGTFY), which sends a link to the answer instead of providing it directly. The speaker also uses rubber ducky reminders to encourage Googling before asking questions in the workplace. This approach not only saves time but also empowers individuals to find information on their own. It's essential to trust the accuracy of search engines and consider using alternative search engines like Bing or DuckDuckGo for certain queries. By adopting this mindset, we can reduce interruptions and focus on more complex tasks.

    • Questioning the media's narrativeStay focused on common goals, be open to being wrong, and avoid extreme ideologies to promote unity as a nation.

      It's important to question the information we receive from the media and not blindly believe everything we hear. The speaker has expressed concerns about the media's narrative surrounding the presidential election and the potential for disappointment and division if the outcome doesn't align with people's expectations. He encourages Americans to focus on common goals, such as freedom and being left alone, rather than getting caught up in extreme ideologies that push for conflict. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being open to being wrong and being willing to unite as a country, rather than burning it down with anger and lies.

    • The Importance of Voter ID and Preventing Electoral CheatingRequiring IDs to vote is a reasonable measure to prevent cheating and ensure fair elections, while fact-checking and transparency are crucial in addressing political polarization and misinformation.

      The right to vote is a sacred American right, and the possibility of voter fraud and insecurity in the electoral process is a deeply frustrating issue for many people. The speaker expresses his frustration with the lack of voter identification requirements and the potential for dead people or ineligible individuals to vote. He believes that requiring IDs to vote is a reasonable request to prevent cheating and ensure fair elections. The speaker also expresses his disappointment in the political polarization and misinformation surrounding tax policies, and his belief that both sides are guilty of playing up expectations and spreading false information. He emphasizes the importance of fact-checking and transparency in the electoral process.

    • Disparity in Corporate TaxationLarge corporations and wealthy individuals often pay lower tax rates than middle-class individuals and small businesses, impacting local economies negatively.

      The discussion highlights the issue of income inequality and taxation, specifically focusing on how large corporations and wealthy individuals often pay a lower tax rate than middle-class individuals and small businesses. This discrepancy can lead to increased prices and a negative impact on local economies. The speaker argues that while he supports the success of large corporations and their ability to reinvest, it is important that they pay their fair share in taxes to support infrastructure and small businesses, which are crucial to local economies. The media's portrayal of the "rich" often misrepresents the issue and paints a false narrative. The speaker emphasizes the importance of upholding the rules and laws of capitalism to ensure a level playing field for all.

    • Navigating the Uncertainty of the Political ClimateStay informed, but approach information with a critical and factual mindset to separate truth from falsehoods in the political climate.

      The current political climate is filled with uncertainty and negativity, and it's important to be cautious and not absorb all the information being presented without fact-checking. The media's handling of the election and allegations of voter fraud have been a contentious issue, with valid concerns on both sides. However, it's essential to remember that the office of the President-elect does not exist yet, and no one knows the final outcome. It's crucial to remain informed, but also to approach information with a critical and factual mindset. The truth often lies somewhere in between the narratives presented by different sources.

    • Maintaining confidence in the democratic system amidst election uncertaintyBoth parties and the media have biases, seek the truth, and hold those in power accountable to maintain confidence in the democratic process.

      The media and political narrative surrounding the 2020 US Presidential election results should be met with skepticism and a demand for the truth. The speaker argues that both parties and the media have their biases, and the election outcome is uncertain. The process of certifying electors and declaring a president-elect is essential for maintaining confidence in the democratic system. People should not be manipulated or used by false narratives and should focus on seeking the truth, regardless of their political affiliations. The speaker emphasizes the potential dangers of election rigging and the importance of holding those in power accountable. The uncertainty of the election outcome underscores the need for transparency and a commitment to the truth.

    • Demanding the truth and coming together amidst political differencesAmericans must take allegations of voter fraud seriously, critically evaluate evidence, and avoid media manipulation to ensure transparency and accountability in politics.

      Americans need to demand the truth and come together despite political differences, as corruption exists in every country, including the US. The ongoing developments regarding alleged voter fraud should be taken seriously, with evidence presented by Giuliani and others given due consideration. The media's role in creating emotional reactions and civil disturbance by discrediting these individuals is dangerous and should be recognized. The importance of critical thinking and staying informed is crucial to understanding the situation and avoiding being manipulated. The history of corruption in American politics highlights the need for transparency and accountability.

    • Questioning the sources of informationCritically evaluate information and seek truth and understanding, not swayed by labels or media narratives. Distinguish facts from opinions and question the sources of information.

      It's important to critically evaluate information and not be swayed by labels or media narratives. The speaker expresses concern over the unwillingness of people to look at facts and context, instead choosing to believe what aligns with their preferred narrative. They argue that this can have serious consequences, as people may be accepting false or incomplete information. The speaker encourages everyone to question the sources of information and consider why certain messages are being spread. They also remind us that opinions, including their own, should be distinguished from facts. Ultimately, the goal is to seek truth and understanding, rather than winning or losing based on preconceived notions.

    • Emphasizing fairness and learning from lossesThe speaker advocates for a fair process and outcome in elections, emphasizing the importance of grace and learning from losses. He draws parallels between politics and business experiences and highlights the value of experience in navigating complex situations.

      The focus should be on ensuring a fair process and outcome, rather than solely on who wins an election. The speaker expresses a desire for a clear winner but emphasizes the importance of grace and learning from losses. He also draws parallels between the political climate and business experiences, highlighting the value of experience in navigating complex situations. The speaker acknowledges the historical context of the United States and its founding fathers, who faced similar challenges and wrote the constitution as a result. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for a more thoughtful and measured approach to political discourse and outcomes.

    • Protecting individual rights and holding power accountableHistorically, people have come together to challenge oppression and protect individual rights. Today, it's important to focus on these principles, rather than getting caught up in political divisions. Tech CEOs, like Dorsey and Zuckerberg, could face negative consequences for their perceived detachment and potential abuse of power.

      We should be more concerned with protecting our individual rights and holding those in power accountable, rather than getting caught up in political divisions. The speaker argues that historical events, such as the writing of the Constitution, were driven by people's desire to push back against oppression. The speaker also criticizes tech CEOs like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg for their perceived detachment from real life experiences and their potential abuse of power. The speaker believes that these individuals are alienating a significant portion of the population and could face negative consequences in the long term. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of unity and real-world perspective in addressing societal issues.

    • Rudy Giuliani's complex political historyUnderstanding Giuliani's background as a law and order mayor and his stance against corruption is key to evaluating his actions and motivations, but perspectives on law and order can vary widely.

      Rudy Giuliani, despite being known as America's Mayor for transforming New York City from a crime-ridden place to a vibrant metropolis, has a complex political history. He was once a Democrat, turned independent, and then a Republican, similar to Donald Trump. Giuliani's past as a law and order mayor and his stance against corruption are important considerations when evaluating his actions and motivations. However, it's crucial to remember that not everyone shares the same perspective or experiences. Those who have not dealt with crime firsthand may not fully understand the importance of holding people accountable and maintaining law and order in society. The ongoing crime wave in New York City serves as a reminder of the consequences of letting things slide. It's essential to engage in constructive dialogue with like-minded individuals and work towards finding common ground.

    • Culture of victimhood and entitlementPeople need to take responsibility for their actions and learn from challenges to improve their lives, rather than dwelling on what's unfair.

      There's a widespread issue with accountability and personal responsibility in society, leading to a culture of victimhood and entitlement. The speaker expresses frustration with being judged negatively and feels that people no longer take responsibility for their actions. They believe that this mentality, if left unchecked, will lead to further societal decay, as seen in places like New York City. The speaker also touches on the idea that life isn't fair and that everyone will face obstacles, but it's important to learn from these challenges and work towards improving one's life rather than dwelling on what's unfair. Overall, the speaker calls for a shift towards personal accountability and responsibility to build a better future.

    • Using past struggles as a crutch for self-pity is unproductiveInstead of dwelling on past hardships, recognize lessons and move forward, focusing on present growth and happiness

      Focusing on the hardships of the past and using them as a crutch for self-pity is a weak perspective. Instead, recognizing the lessons learned from difficult experiences and using them to move forward is a more productive and empowering approach to life. The speaker emphasizes that everyone has faced adversity, and dwelling on it only distracts from the potential for growth and happiness. He encourages embracing the positive aspects of life and not letting past struggles define one's identity. The speaker also mentions his own experiences growing up, including living in a van and having parents who owned a VCR repair shop. He acknowledges that there were challenges but also recognizes the advantages and valuable lessons gained from those experiences. Overall, the message is to focus on the present and the potential for growth, rather than being consumed by the past.

    • Our past experiences shape who we becomeRecognize the importance of learning from past experiences, acknowledge the impact of different starting points, and strive for better opportunities for future generations.

      Our past experiences, no matter how challenging or seemingly insignificant, shape who we become. The speaker shares stories from his upbringing on a Hoosier rock in St. Louis, recalling both the fun times and the hardships. He acknowledges the less-than-ideal aspects of his relationship with a significant figure in his past, but emphasizes the importance of learning from these experiences rather than dwelling on negativity. He also reflects on how the acquisition of a new car, a 1994-95 red Jeep Cherokee, was a significant milestone for his family. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing that everyone's starting point in life is different and that he wants to ensure his children have better opportunities than he did. He also observes the impact of unheld accountability in the current generation and laments the lack of societal hardship in recent times.

    • The Influence of Social Media on Values and Role ModelsSocial media has led to a shift in values, with people seeking attention through activism and controversial actions, rather than genuine understanding and morally correct behavior. It's crucial to be aware of who we support and what their messages truly represent.

      We are living in a time where attention and social media have become the new currency, leading to a shift in values and role models. The speaker expresses concern over the current generation being raised on video games and social media, who derive their value from activism without fully understanding the issues they're advocating for. The speaker also believes that athletes, once seen as heroes and role models, have changed due to the influence of social media, leading them to seek attention through controversial actions rather than good behavior. This trend, according to the speaker, has resulted in a lack of unity and tolerance, with people screaming a million different things instead of coming together for the greater good. The individual ego has taken precedence over morally correct actions, leading to a chaotic and divisive environment. It's important for us to be aware of who we support and what their messages truly represent, as many may be pandering for attention rather than genuinely believing in their causes.

    • Separating Beliefs from the LawRespect the Constitution, support private funding for personal beliefs, and engage in rational conversations without hatred.

      It's essential for individuals to separate their personal beliefs from the law and respect the Constitution, allowing for a free and diverse society. The speaker, who identifies as pro-choice, emphasizes the importance of private funding for abortion and handling such situations on a case-by-case basis. They also stress the need for adults to have rational conversations and agree to disagree without hatred. Ultimately, everyone has the right to their opinion, and it's crucial to recognize that opinions don't always require extensive research or studies.

    • Understanding the dynamics of manipulation and controlRecognize control tactics, unite with others, and fight back against manipulative forces for empowerment.

      Individuals are being manipulated and controlled by higher powers, and it's essential to recognize this dynamic and work towards gaining control of our own lives. The speaker uses the analogy of ants and grasshoppers to illustrate this concept, where ants serve the grasshoppers, but when ants stand up and fight back, grasshoppers line up in fear. This dynamic can be seen in the current societal and political climate, where individuals are being restricted and controlled, and many are feeling powerless. However, the speaker encourages individuals to support each other and stand up against these controlling forces, as seen in Ian Smith's call for solidarity. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the motivations of those in power, which is often rooted in money and ego. Overall, the message is one of empowerment and unity in the face of control and manipulation.

    • Understanding the Frustration Surrounding COVID-19 RulesPerceive info critically, recognize statistics can be misleading, and maintain humility to learn from experiences

      The rules and restrictions applied during the COVID-19 pandemic have felt unfair and inconsistent to some, leading to feelings of frustration and confusion. This frustration is further fueled by the perception that certain individuals and groups are being given preferential treatment, while others are being unduly burdened. To put things into perspective, the chances of dying from COVID-19 are relatively low compared to other causes of death, such as plane crashes or cancer. However, the way these statistics are presented online can be misleading, creating a sense of exaggerated fear and uncertainty. Ultimately, it's important to approach information with a critical and open-minded perspective, recognizing that our understanding of the world is not fixed and that there is always more to learn. Humility and a willingness to admit when we are wrong are essential qualities for personal growth and learning from our experiences.

    • Perspective and Adapting to New SituationsBe open to learning and adapting to new situations to grow and improve, rather than being stuck in our ways.

      Perspective plays a significant role in how we handle losses. George Kissel, a legendary baseball player, used to compare people to rocks in water. If we keep approaching situations with the same approach and expect different results, we become the "rock in the water." Instead, we should be willing to make adjustments and learn from our losses to grow and improve. The quote "Everything's bigger in Texas" was used to highlight the importance of adapting to new environments and situations. By not making adjustments, we limit our potential for growth and success. The entertainment industry, such as movies, can also inspire us to make changes and broaden our perspectives. Overall, the key takeaway is to be open to learning and adapting to new situations, rather than being stuck in our ways and becoming the "rock in the water."

    • Emphasizing the importance of fact-checking and cultural sensitivity in comedyFact-check information, appreciate cultural significance of comedies, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities. Learn from history and recognize influential comedians' contributions.

      During a discussion about movies and comedy, it was emphasized that people should fact-check information and not assume they have all the answers. The conversation touched upon various topics, including Cheech Marin, Quentin Tarantino, and cultural humor. It was noted that humor can be a powerful tool for healing and bringing people together, but it's important to be mindful of cultural sensitivities. The suggestion was made to rewatch classic comedies and appreciate their cultural significance. Additionally, the importance of fact-checking and not trying to prove oneself right at the expense of others was emphasized. The conversation also touched upon the importance of learning from history and recognizing the contributions of influential comedians like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy.

    • A unique aspect of dating in the pastPlanning to rent movies added excitement and anticipation to dating, contrasting the instant gratification of streaming services today.

      The experience of renting movies and watching them with a partner before the rise of streaming services added value and intimacy to the dating scene. The process of strategically planning to get the latest releases and physically going to the video store created a sense of excitement and anticipation. The struggle to watch adult content without parents finding out also added an element of adventure. The speaker fondly remembers this organic and creative experience, contrasting it with the instant gratification of streaming services today. He laments the loss of this unique aspect of dating and the overall impact it had on the experience.

    • Maintain Perspective and Prioritize Personal Well-beingSet boundaries, limit negative information intake, practice mental discipline, focus on controllable aspects of life, avoid alcohol, and maintain awareness to navigate through challenging times with greater ease and reduce overall stress.

      During times of chaos and uncertainty, it's essential to prioritize personal well-being by setting boundaries, limiting negative information intake, and practicing mental discipline. External sources of pain and anxiety are often used to elicit reactions, so it's crucial to maintain perspective and observe situations from a detached perspective. Additionally, focusing on controllable aspects of life, such as nutrition, hydration, workouts, and learning new skills, can significantly improve mental and emotional resilience. Alcohol, a common coping mechanism, should be avoided as it is a depressant that negatively impacts focus, clarity, and anxiety levels. By taking control of what we can and maintaining awareness, we can navigate through challenging times with greater ease and reduce overall stress.

    • Recognizing Personal Control and AccountabilityAcknowledge personal accountability, take proactive steps to address negative issues, stand up for individual freedoms, and challenge tyranny.

      Individuals have more control over their lives than they may realize, and denying this fact can lead to feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, and a lack of personal agency. It's important to acknowledge personal accountability and take proactive steps to address negative issues rather than surrendering control to external circumstances. Additionally, it's crucial to stand up for individual freedoms and resist oppression, whether it comes from external sources or perceived authority figures. The speaker encourages everyone to think of themselves as Americans and consider their responsibilities to the country, including the obligation to challenge tyranny and disobey unjust orders.

    • Stay Calm, Seek the Truth, and Show EmpathyStay calm during complex issues, question beliefs, challenge confirmation bias, show empathy towards others, and work towards progress through fact-finding. Unity and protecting the country are essential, and applying macro and micro disciplines can help avoid manipulation.

      In the midst of complex and emotional issues, it's essential to stay calm, seek the truth, and not let emotions be manipulated by others. It's important to remember that people may have different perspectives, and empathy should be shown towards those who disagree. The speaker encourages everyone to question their beliefs, challenge confirmation bias, and strive for progress through fact-finding. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of unity and protecting the country, as we're all in the same boat and need to ensure its security. The concepts of macro and micro disciplines can also be applied to exercising influence and avoiding manipulation.

    • Every small action countsDon't give in to despair or apathy. Speak up, take a stand, and perform good deeds to make a difference, even if it's uncomfortable.

      No matter how overwhelming the world may seem and how powerless we may feel in the face of adversity, every small action we take can make a difference. Despair and apathy are not options. Instead, we should focus on performing good deeds, treating others with kindness, and speaking up for what is right. Passively accepting a system that doesn't respect our values only emboldens those who seek to undermine them. It's essential to recognize that our inaction can have severe consequences. Therefore, we must find the courage to speak up and take a stand, even if it means dealing with the discomfort and backlash that comes with it. In the end, if we all do our part, the collective impact of our actions can lead to positive change.

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