
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Rogan's Impact on Spreading Insights About Natural AbilitiesJoe Rogan influences notable figures with discussions on accelerating cell regeneration and the importance of personal accomplishments and authenticity.

      Joe Rogan, a well-known figure, is making a significant impact in spreading important insights about natural abilities and their potential, despite facing challenges in getting the message out. He shares his experiences and scientific evidence, emphasizing the importance of personal accomplishments and authenticity. Rogan's influence is growing, with notable figures like Tony Robbins expressing interest in his teachings. They discuss techniques for accelerating cell regeneration, which could challenge current scientific understanding. The conversation highlights the importance of pushing boundaries and exploring the capabilities of the human body and mind.

    • Breathing techniques for enhancing body's ability to adapt to extreme conditionsDeep breathing techniques can increase red blood cell count, improve oxygen saturation levels, suggest a larger lymphatic system capacity, and potentially prevent autoimmune diseases caused by chronic acidity.

      The body's ability to adapt to extreme conditions, such as high altitudes, can be enhanced through conscious breathing techniques. These techniques, which involve taking deep breaths and consciously releasing and refilling the lungs, can help increase red blood cell count and improve oxygen saturation levels in the blood. This discovery, which was recently validated by a biochemical professor, also suggests that the lymphatic system has a larger storage capacity for chemistry than previously thought, and that chronic acidity in the lymphatic system can contribute to autoimmune diseases. The body's inability to deal with stress and acidity can lead to their storage in the lymphatic system, and this professor estimates that 95% of autoimmune diseases are caused by such chronic acidity. Joe Rogan's unique abilities, including his influence on the autonomic nervous system and his achievement of 26 world records, have been substantiated by scientific research, including an experiment where he was injected with an endotoxin and was able to force his immune system to fight it off within a quarter of an hour.

    • Overcoming Fear and Limits through Extreme ExperiencesExtreme experiences like running marathons, practicing Wim Hof's breathing method, and connecting with nature can lead to personal growth and improved well-being.

      Pushing past perceived limits and facing fears, whether it's running marathons in freezing temperatures or walking on hot coals, can lead to incredible experiences and personal growth. Wim Hof's breathing method is a legitimate and effective way to tap into the body's natural adrenaline system and overcome fear. Additionally, spending time in nature and grounding oneself can have positive effects on the body, such as releasing negative ions and improving overall well-being. Whether it's through barefoot hikes or simply stepping outside, connecting with nature can have a profound impact on our physical and mental health.

    • Mind-body connection: Influence body chemistry through deep breathing and focusDeep breathing can oxygenate cells, create an alkaline state, and influence body chemistry, helping us endure extreme conditions and control inflammation.

      Our mind and body are deeply connected, and by focusing on our breathing and tapping into our mind, we can influence our body's chemistry and even reach the DNA level. This can help us endure extreme conditions, like running a half marathon barefoot in freezing temperatures, and even control inflammation. By practicing deep, profound breathing, we can oxygenize our cells and create an alkaline state in our body, enabling us to direct various systems and improve our emotional reactivity. This connection between mind and body is a powerful tool that can help us overcome challenges and improve our overall well-being.

    • Deep breathing and exercise impact our body and mindDeep breathing and exercise can improve circulation, make bodies more alkaline, reach affected brain areas, regulate chemistry, and lead to better mental health and overall well-being.

      Our breathing significantly impacts our body and mind. By practicing deep, oxygen-rich breaths, we can improve our circulation, make our bodies more alkaline, and reach areas of the brain that may be affected by trauma, anxiety, or depression. These techniques can help regulate the chemistry in our bodies and minds, leading to better mental health and overall well-being. Studies have shown that rigorous exercise, particularly cardio, can also be effective in managing depression due to its impact on oxygen intake and chemistry balance. So, instead of focusing on complex theories about emotions and mental health, we can prioritize simple practices like deep breathing and regular exercise to improve our mental and emotional well-being.

    • Exploring the effects of cold exposure on the bodyWim Hof's extreme cold experiments reveal potential benefits for various health issues by influencing the autonomic, hormonal, and immune systems, and controlling stress responses.

      Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," has used his extreme experiences in cold exposure to discover ways to influence the autonomic nervous system, hormonal system, and immune system. His unique approach of voluntarily exposing himself to extreme cold and studying the effects on his body has gained the interest of the scientific community. Hof believes that these discoveries could potentially help people with various health issues, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and autoimmune diseases, by tapping into the body's natural hormonal responses. The key is to control the stress response, as seen in Hof's ability to produce adrenaline in a controlled manner, which can be beneficial in dangerous situations. Overall, Hof's work highlights the potential of using nature as a source of healing and understanding the body's natural responses to stress and extreme conditions.

    • Reconnecting with our primal responsesPracticing breathing exercises and cold exposures can help reestablish the mind-body connection, leading to increased energy, confidence, and improved cardio and tranquility.

      Our primal responses, including the fight or flight response, are linked to our brainstem and are driven by energy related to survival and procreation. However, many people have lost touch with this deeper connection, leading to an inability to manage stress and adrenaline effectively. This can result in anxiety, panic, and diminished performance. Practices like breathing exercises and cold exposures can help reestablish this connection, leading to increased energy, confidence, and improved cardio and tranquility. The difference between high-performing athletes lies not only in their physical conditioning but also in their ability to control their mind-body connection and manage their adrenaline and neurotransmitters effectively. For instance, acetylcholine, which plays a role in neurotransmission and muscle function, performs better in an alkaline environment. Therefore, maintaining an alkaline state through practices like deep breathing can significantly impact performance.

    • Proper breathing techniques for an alkaline body boost performancePracticing alkaline breathing can enhance punching speed, endurance, and overall resilience in fighters.

      Maintaining an alkaline body through proper breathing techniques can significantly improve physical performance. This is because alkaline conditions allow electrical signals in the body to travel faster, leading to increased punching speed and endurance. However, most people are naturally acidic, and stress or anxiety can further acidify the body. In the case of a fighter, not practicing proper breathing techniques could lead to exhaustion or even defeat, despite having strong muscles. Additionally, regular training and conditioning are crucial for maintaining peak performance levels. Furthermore, this breathing method can potentially help mitigate some of the damage taken during fights by reducing the acidity in the body and improving overall resilience.

    • The Mind-Body Connection and HealthThe mind and body are interconnected, with mental focus helping individuals overcome health challenges and deep breathing, scientific research, and cold exposure improving immune function and overall health.

      The body and mind are interconnected in ways that can significantly impact our health and wellbeing. Repeated physical trauma, such as what fighters experience, can lead to a loss of ability to take punches due to the brain's response to the punishment it has endured. This condition, known as getting "chinny," is a concern for doctors and may signal the need for retirement. However, the power of the mind and focus can help individuals overcome various health conditions, such as arthritis, Crohn's disease, and even depression. By tapping into the body's natural systems and improving immune function through deep breathing exercises, scientific research, and cold exposure, individuals can improve their overall health and quality of life. This approach, which can be applied to extreme athletes and those with health conditions, harnesses the power of the mind and the body's natural healing abilities.

    • New discoveries in human's ability to influence autonomic nervous system and immune systemRecent research reveals humans can significantly impact ANS and immune system, published in PNAS, and new findings challenge the belief of 100% oxygen saturation in blood, potentially revolutionizing energy production and oxygen utilization within the body.

      Over the past year and a half since the first podcast, the discovery of humans' ability to influence the autonomic nervous system and immune system significantly has gained recognition in the scientific community. This groundbreaking finding, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has led to a full chapter in university textbooks. While the world is beginning to grasp the implications of this discovery, the speaker expresses a desire for more scientific validation. Additionally, recent research has revealed that 100% oxygen saturation in the blood is not actually 100%, and that the mitochondria in cells are able to receive more oxygen, which is a first in scientific history. These findings have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of energy production and oxygen utilization within the body.

    • Lack of oxygen for 48 hours can lead to cancer, but techniques like positive thinking and breathing exercises can increase energy and oxygen production.Techniques like positive thinking and breathing exercises can potentially benefit cancer patients by increasing energy and oxygen production, making chemotherapy more effective.

      The lack of sufficient oxygen in a cell for 48 hours can lead to cancer. However, there are ways to influence the cell's engines to produce more energy and oxygen through techniques like positive thinking, breathing exercises, and influencing the autonomic, endocrine, and immune systems. These methods can potentially benefit cancer patients undergoing treatment, as they can make chemotherapy more effective. It's important to note that these claims may be met with skepticism due to the prevalence of false claims in the field, but legitimate research and evidence support their potential benefits. The investigative journalist's experience with the speaker is an example of the skepticism and scrutiny that comes with making grand claims, but ultimately, the journalist was convinced of the speaker's legitimacy. The techniques, such as standing barefoot in the snow, can help individuals learn to control the acidity in their bodies and discover their hidden capabilities.

    • Scientist X's Incredible Feat on Mount Kilimanjaro and BeyondScientist X broke world record for most push-ups on a single breath while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, inspiring older individuals with arthritis and demonstrating human endurance.

      A scientist and anthropologist named X did an incredible feat by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with the speaker last January. He also wrote a book about his methods, which focuses on human capabilities and endurance. X is known for his ability to hold his breath and do push-ups without air in his lungs, impressively doing 80 push-ups in a row. Some find this hard to believe, but X's accomplishments extend beyond physical strength. He also helped older individuals with arthritis improve their fitness by having them do push-ups, which in turn helped them control inflammation and increase oxygen intake. X and the speaker accomplished the Kilimanjaro climb in an impressive 44 hours with a group of 26 people, breaking the world record for the most push-ups done on a single breath, which is currently 60. Despite the risks, X did not take malaria medication during his travels to Africa. His story is a testament to human potential and the power of pushing one's limits.

    • Exploring the Connection Between Nature and ImmunityReconnecting with nature can boost immunity and lower disease risk, as seen in personal experiences and stories of individuals like Justin Ren.

      Reconnecting with nature and allowing ourselves to experience various environmental stimuli can significantly strengthen our immune systems and reduce the chances of contracting diseases like malaria. The speaker shared his personal experiences and beliefs, as well as stories of individuals like his friend Justin Ren, who have benefited from this connection to nature. The speaker also touched upon the potential loss of telepathic abilities due to overreliance on technology. While some of these claims are anecdotal, the speaker emphasizes the importance of exploring these connections and rediscovering our innate abilities.

    • The Connection Between Humans and AnimalsAnecdotal accounts and scientific research suggest a deep connection between humans and animals, as well as within species, with potential for learning and behaviors to spread even at great distances. Reconnecting with nature and our inner selves through practices like breathwork and cold exposure can promote health, happiness, and strength.

      There are intriguing phenomena suggesting a deep connection between humans and animals, as well as between individuals within species. An anecdotal account shares a man's belief in developing telepathic abilities with animals while isolated. Scientific studies, such as Rupert Sheldrake's research on morphic resonance, suggest that learning and behaviors can spread among species and even between individuals at great distances. These findings, while controversial, highlight the potential for interconnectedness in the natural world. Additionally, there is a growing movement to incorporate practices like breathwork, cold exposure, and belief in healthcare and education to promote health, happiness, and strength, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with nature and our inner selves.

    • Unexpected peace and connectionFind peace and connection in unexpected places, stay true to oneself, and challenge assumptions.

      Even in unexpected situations or encounters, one can find peace and enjoy simple pleasures. The speaker in this conversation shares a vivid story about an imaginary orangutan in a city bar, who, despite his size and unusual appearance, manages to find ease and connection with others. The story serves as a reminder that no matter how different or intimidating someone may seem, there's always the potential for understanding and harmony. The speaker also highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting fear or preconceptions dictate our actions or perceptions. The story's punchline, about the orangutan asking about the bar prices, underscores the idea that sometimes our assumptions can be challenged and that we may discover things about ourselves and others that defy our expectations.

    • Nature's power and unexpected consequencesUnderestimating nature's power can lead to unexpected consequences. Be aware of your body's limits and investigate the unknown.

      Nature holds immense power and force, and trying to trick or manipulate it can have unexpected consequences. This was exemplified through a comedian's story about an elephant swatting a man, and the discussion about the human body's capabilities in comparison. The comedian's joke, while humorous, served as a reminder of the real power and force present in nature. Additionally, the importance of understanding the limits of one's own body and being aware of the potential dangers when pushing boundaries was emphasized. The conversation also touched on the importance of research and investigation to gain a better understanding of the world around us.

    • Human Capabilities and FearRecords showcase human potential, but come with risks. Fear can hinder interaction with nature, but the Maasai offer insights to overcome it.

      The human body is capable of incredible feats, as demonstrated by records like the most push-ups in an hour (3,877) or the most consecutive push-ups (10,500). However, these records are achieved through specific techniques and definitions, and in some cases, the performers have suffered significant damage to their bodies. Another intriguing topic discussed was the impact of fear on humans, particularly how it can be a barrier to interacting with nature. The Maasai people, who are known for their ability to cope with fear in the presence of wild animals, have inspired the speaker to launch a charity project called the Garden of Eden Project, which aims to help people overcome their subconscious fears and reconnect with nature. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of human potential, fear, and the importance of understanding and respecting nature.

    • From lions to helping the homelessShift focus from donating to providing opportunities for homeless individuals to rejoin society and regain a sense of belonging

      While lions may be less mythical than werewolves, their consistent presence and size make them a more intimidating and scarier creature. However, the conversation soon shifted to a more meaningful topic - helping the homeless. The speaker expressed the importance of providing not just food, but also opportunities for homeless individuals to become active members of society. He emphasized the need to move beyond just donating and instead focus on getting them back into the infrastructure and system of civilization. The conversation also touched upon the importance of empathy and understanding that homelessness is not just about lacking a physical place to live, but also about feeling disconnected and invisible in society. The speaker encouraged everyone to see homeless individuals as fellow human beings and to extend a helping hand whenever possible.

    • Balancing acceptance and actionRecognize the power of acceptance, but also take positive action to make a difference. Promote self-help, mindfulness, and creativity in schools.

      We all have the power to make a difference, whether it's through consciousness, inspiration, or action. The conversation touched on various issues, including homelessness and mental health, and the importance of open-mindedness and acceptance. However, when taken too far, acceptance can lead to problems, such as the normalization of homelessness in cities like San Francisco. The solution lies in a balance between acceptance and action, and the promotion of self-help and mindfulness, especially in schools. The conversation also highlighted the importance of recognizing and nurturing creativity as a viable career option. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of taking positive action and inspiring others to do the same.

    • Exploring Personal Passions Beyond Traditional EducationEmbrace self-expression and creativity to unlock your soul's purpose, prioritize personal happiness, strength, and health in education and career choices for a more fulfilling society.

      The traditional education system and job market can often feel restrictive and uninspiring for many individuals, particularly those in creative fields. This system can leave people feeling ununique, unsupported, and trapped in debt, making it difficult to pursue their true passions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-expression and creativity as means to unlock one's soul's purpose and contribute to a beautiful and vibrant world. They encourage a shift towards prioritizing personal happiness, strength, and health in our education and career choices, ultimately leading to a stronger and more fulfilling society.

    • Early life experiences and environmental factors shape developmentExploring various disciplines and reconnecting with nature can help manage trauma and mitigate negative impacts of modern civilization on our health

      Early life experiences, including trauma and environmental factors, can have a profound impact on our psychological and physical development. This individual's birth in a cold, traumatic environment led him to explore various disciplines, including psychology, and ultimately discover ways to tap into and manage the resulting trauma, leading to personal growth and potential health benefits. Modern civilization, with its stress, pollution, and unnatural food, can negatively impact our chemistry and DNA, causing deregulation and potential health issues. Reconnecting with nature and learning to cleanse our bodies and minds can help mitigate these effects.

    • Finding Inner Peace Amidst Chaos with Wim HofObserving and letting go during stressful situations allows the nervous system to handle stressors effectively, promoting inner peace and calmness.

      The ability to find inner peace and calmness lies within us, even during chaotic and stressful situations. Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," shared his experiences of finding tranquility amidst extreme conditions, such as sitting in the cold or dealing with difficult people. He emphasized the importance of observing and letting go, rather than interfering, to allow the nervous system to handle stressors effectively. Hof's approach to life, which involves love, effectiveness, and giving, is rare and inspiring, as not many people live extraordinary lives and openly share their experiences with scientific research. The act of podcasting allows listeners to benefit from these conversations and connect with extraordinary individuals, making the experience mutually rewarding.

    • A Friendship Formed through Collaboration on PodcastsThe speaker values Chris Ryan's scientific approach to human sexuality and appreciates open discussions, despite disagreements, and the importance of love over power.

      The speaker had a great experience on Joe Rogan's podcast and formed a friendship with Chris Ryan. They have since continued to collaborate on podcasts and have a mutual respect for each other's work. Chris Ryan's book, "Sex at Dawn," explores the origins of human sexuality and is controversial but rooted in science. The speaker disagrees with some of the sexual explanations in the book but appreciates the scientific approach and the importance of open discussions about sex and proper education. The speaker also touches upon the issue of problematic sexual behavior in America and the importance of love over power. The conversation ended with a positive note, expressing appreciation for the podcast and the potential for future collaborations.

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    [00:15:30] Dr. John Vervaeke discusses the relationship between physiological awareness and emotions, suggesting that even when people are immobilized, they can still experience emotions.

    [00:19:40] Highlighting the complexity of the relationship between sensory motor capacity and cognitive ability, Vervaeke suggestis a top-down approach might also be at play.

    [00:23:16] Rafe Kelley discusses the importance of our relationship with 'being' and how it drives meaning in life.

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    Holy F/ck - Our Thoughts Are The Real FAKE NEWS?? 🗞️

    Holy F/ck - Our Thoughts Are The Real FAKE NEWS?? 🗞️

    Team… our thoughts are the real FAKE NEWS 🗞️😱. ⁣ ⁣ Ok, ok play with me here.

    Science shows our thoughts are repetitive, cyclical, automatic, often unconscious, so could it be true that often what we think (I’m not speaking about that intuitive voice) but the narrator that lives inside your head just maayyybeeeee is feeding you a highlight real of fake news everyday?

    Just a very limited read out based upon wheat you’ve experienced to date, what you see yourself as capable of, and usually the ideas that are familiar and destined to keep you locked in a trance of mediocrity? ⁣ ⁣

    I for years never questioned what was going through my mind. Whether it was true, whether it was desired, hell whether I even had a choice.. these thoughts and these narratives were coming from deep, rooted, disempowered belief system(s) that were formed based on my earliest childhood experiences. ⁣ ⁣

    These were not the thoughts rooted in expansion, or my limitless, higher self. ⁣ ⁣So, could we play with the idea that may be everything we think isn’t real and it’s just a very limited set of ideas that are coming from the smaller parts of ourselves? ⁣ ⁣

    Let me know what you think, did this land for you? Please DM me on IG HERE

    or email me @ christine@christinebanno.com and share any of your ah-ha's and breakthroughs.

    P.S. If you want to be on the list for any new offerings or retreats coming Fall 2023 get on my email list HERE (plus score a free 8 min meditation).


     - CB xx