
    Podcast Summary

    • Doing good and buying smarterSupport companies that make a difference, like Diff Eyewear and Casper, and consider the impact of your purchases

      This podcast episode, sponsored by Diff Eyewear and Casper, emphasizes the importance of doing good and buying smarter. Diff Eyewear offers high-quality, stylish sunglasses starting at just $50, with every purchase providing a pair of reading glasses to someone in need. Casper sells premium mattresses directly to consumers, cutting out the middleman and offering a risk-free trial and return policy. Both companies offer discounts for podcast listeners. The episode also features John Dudley, discussing archery and hunting in Iowa. The podcast encourages listeners to make thoughtful purchases that benefit themselves and others.

    • Up close encounters with deer reveal their intelligenceBow hunting offers a unique perspective on deer, revealing their intelligence and awareness during close encounters, especially during the rut.

      Hunting, specifically bow hunting, provides a unique perspective on wildlife, particularly deer. These animals, though common, transform from distant creatures into intelligent beings when encountered up close. The experience of making eye contact with a mature deer reveals their awareness and intelligence, making the hunt more meaningful. The rut, a mating season, brings about significant changes in deer behavior, making them more visible but also more vulnerable. This encounter not only highlights the deer's intelligence but also the hunter's appreciation for the natural world.

    • Deer Antlers: From Velvet to BoneDeer grow antlers yearly, rich in blood vessels, harden after mating season, made of keratin, can be preserved with embalming fluid, European mounting style keeps velvet.

      Deer grow antlers every year, which are made of true bone and covered in velvet during the growth phase. These antlers are rich in blood vessels, and once the deer's mating season is over, the antlers harden, and the velvet falls off, revealing pure bone. Antlers and horns, like those of a rhinoceros, are made of keratin, the same material as fingernails. Hunters can choose to preserve velvet antlers by injecting them with embalming fluid to prevent decay. The European mounting style, which involves preserving the velvet, is a common practice in Europe, although some find it offensive. Understanding the growth and preservation of antlers adds to the fascination and appreciation for these fascinating animals.

    • Iowa's Unique Hunting Experience and Community InvolvementIowa's hunting program provides meat for those in need, encourages sustainable hunting methods, and emphasizes ear protection for hunter safety.

      Iowa offers a unique hunting experience with a strong focus on population control and community involvement. The state's "Hunters for the Hungry" program allows hunters to donate extra deer tags to provide meat for those in need. Iowa's population of deer is impressive due to effective population management and regulations on hunting methods. Hunters are encouraged to use bows instead of shotguns for longer, more efficient shots and a more immersive hunting experience. Unfortunately, the frequent use of firearms without proper ear protection has led to ear problems for many hunters. It's crucial to prioritize ear protection to maintain good hearing health. Iowa's hunting traditions and regulations aim to create a sustainable and caring community.

    • Weight cutting in MMA: A Hidden DangerFormer UFC champion Rafael dos Anjos' experience highlights the unseen dangers of weight cutting. Eliminating this practice could lead to improved fighter health and better performances.

      Weight cutting in MMA is a major issue that needs to be addressed. Rafael dos Anjos, a former UFC lightweight champion, had a terrible experience with weight cutting, which left him in bad shape before his fight against Eddy Alvarez. The damage from weight cutting is often unseen, but it can be as bad or even worse than the physical harm inflicted during fights. Eliminating weight cutting could lead to better performances from fighters and potentially save lives. The UFC's new owners have an opportunity to institute a program to address this issue and prevent it from being a "time bomb" in the sport.

    • Expanding weight classes for MMA athletesUFC should add more weight classes for women and potentially men to optimize athlete performance and enhance fight quality. This could lead to better-quality fights and a more diverse roster, but may require moving current champions and challenging their status.

      The UFC should consider adding more weight classes for women's MMA and potentially for men's MMA as well, to provide a full range of opportunities for athletes to compete at their optimal weight and improve the quality of fights. The absence of certain weight classes in the past has led to some athletes moving up or down significantly, resulting in mismatches and suboptimal performances. Adding more weight classes and potentially eliminating weight cutting could lead to better-quality fights and a more diverse roster of athletes. However, this would require moving some current champions to new weight classes and potentially challenging their status, which may not be an easy sell. The UFC's investment in a wider range of weight classes could help women's MMA grow and reach its full potential, similar to how the addition of new weight classes in the early days of men's MMA helped shape the sport.

    • Addressing Extreme Weight Cutting in Combat SportsImplementing new divisions, incentives, and natural weight management methods can prevent health risks and improve performance in combat sports. Proper nutrition and training are essential for optimal performance, and carrying excess body fat doesn't affect fitness in all sports.

      The issue of extreme weight cutting in combat sports like MMA is a major concern that needs to be addressed. The use of unhealthy methods to make weight can lead to serious health risks and negatively impact the athletes' performance. To prevent this, establishing new divisions, incentives, and a more natural and healthy approach to weight management could be implemented. Proper nutrition and training are essential for optimal performance, and it's crucial to remember that carrying excess body fat doesn't necessarily equate to poor fitness. The mental challenges of sports like archery, where the outcome depends on a single execution, can be just as intense as physical combat. Both require dedication, practice, and focus to master.

    • Bow hunting: More than just an animal pursuitBow hunting requires intense focus, patience, and responsibility for a clean and ethical kill, showcasing its martial art origins and advanced penetrating power developed for war.

      Bow hunting is more than just the pursuit of an animal. It's a discipline and meditation with immense pressure and responsibility. With only one shot and one wild animal, archery reveals itself as a martial art. Developed for war, archery's penetrating power was crucial for both hunting and killing. The intense pressure of this discipline tests and refines one's focus and patience. The responsibility of a clean and ethical kill adds depth to the experience. Despite the misconceptions, archery's history as a weapon for war showcases its advanced penetrating capabilities.

    • Impact of archery equipment design on performanceChoosing the right archery equipment, such as heavier bows and arrows, and using thumb rings, can enhance accuracy and penetration.

      The design and use of archery equipment, such as bows and arrows, can significantly impact their effectiveness. During a discussion, it was pointed out that a light target bow and field tips used for archery practice would not penetrate deeply compared to heavier arrows and hunting bows. The use of a thumb ring for holding and releasing the arrow, as practiced by the Mongols, was also highlighted as potentially more effective and consistent than using fingers. The Mongols were believed to have used 160-pound pole recurve bows, which were tremendous for their time, and they might have been the first to invent or adopt the recurve bow design. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of considering the specific design and use of archery equipment for optimal performance.

    • Mongol Archery Techniques: A Legacy of HistoryThe Mongols, known for their archery skills, used shorter recurved composite bows for horseback shooting, featuring a timing technique for optimal accuracy. Their dedication to archery left a lasting impact on history.

      The Mongols, an ancient civilization, were skilled archers who used recurved composite bows, smaller than modern Manchu-derived weapons, for hunting and warfare. These bows were designed to be shot off horseback, making them shorter than modern bows. Mongol archers had developed a timing technique where they released the bow as the horse was in the air to avoid disturbance from the horse's bouncing. Archery was and still is a discipline that requires significant effort and dedication, with people of any age and stature able to participate. The Mongols' archery techniques were so impressive that they left a lasting impact on history. One interesting anecdote shared during the conversation was about the speaker's experience trying to shoot a Mongol bow while riding on the back of a man, which was traditionally how these bows were used. The speaker had received the bow as a gift and was amazed by its history and the techniques associated with it. The conversation also touched upon the various methods used in archery and the debates surrounding their effectiveness. Overall, the discussion highlighted the rich history and complexity of archery and the Mongols' significant contribution to its development.

    • The Ancient Mongols' Military Dominance through Effective ArcheryThe Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, dominated large portions of the world with their archery skills and ruthless tactics, inspiring the invention of the compound bow in modern times.

      The ancient Mongols were remarkably effective warriors, particularly known for their proficiency in archery. Their ruthless tactics and efficient use of the bow helped them dominate large portions of the world during a time when technology and civilization were limited. The Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, believed in a doctrine that valued those who lived in tents over those who lived in homes, dehumanizing the latter. Dan Carlin's "Hardcore History" podcast provides an in-depth exploration of this period in history, offering fascinating insights into the lives of these ancient warriors and their military prowess. The invention of the compound bow in the 1960s, attributed to Wilbur Allen, revolutionized archery and could be seen as a modern-day equivalent to the ancient Mongol bows.

    • New Technology in Archery: Hoyt Pro Defiance Bow and Felt's E-BikesThe Hoyt Pro Defiance bow offers smoothness, accuracy, and long-range shooting, while Felt's e-bikes provide pedal assist and solar charging for ideal hunting conditions.

      Technology has significantly advanced in the field of archery, as evidenced by the new Hoyt Pro Defiance bow. This bow, which the speaker recently obtained, is impressive for its smoothness, accuracy, and ability to shoot arrows over long distances. The speaker also shares his connection to the Hoyt company, which began when he visited their factory and met Mike Looper. Looper, a practical joker, eventually connected the speaker with John Dudley, leading to their friendship and the speaker's appearance on Dudley's archery podcast. Additionally, the speaker discusses his experience with Felt's e-bikes, which have a pedal assist and can be charged with solar power, making them ideal for hunting in cold weather conditions where hikers may overheat and then freeze once they reach their destination. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of technology in enhancing experiences, whether it's through advanced archery equipment or e-bikes for hunting.

    • Merino Wool: A Survivor's MaterialMerino wool regulates temperature, has antimicrobial properties, and doesn't retain smell, making it an ideal choice for outdoor activities and survival situations.

      Merino wool is a remarkable natural material with unique properties that make it an excellent choice for outdoor activities. Merino wool has the ability to regulate body temperature, keeping wearers warm even when wet. It also has natural antimicrobial properties, preventing the growth of bacteria and eliminating the need for frequent washing. Merino wool's survivability stories date back to extreme cases, such as plane crashes and shipwrecks, where those wearing wool survived while others succumbed to hypothermia. Additionally, merino wool does not retain smell, making it an ideal choice for activities where feet may sweat. The podcast discussed the importance of specializing in a particular field and going deep into the subject matter, as seen in the hardcore archery podcast example. Merino wool's unique characteristics and survival stories make it a standout choice for outdoor enthusiasts and a testament to the power of natural materials.

    • Archery Competitions Enhance Bow Hunting SkillsCompeting in archery improves mental focus, discipline, and overall bow hunting performance.

      Competing in archery has significantly improved the speaker's skills as a bow hunter. The speaker started competing to ensure they could make the most of their hunting opportunities and reduce frustration from missed shots. The mental focus and discipline gained from competitive archery have translated into better hunting performance. The speaker's dedication to hunting during certain seasons led to a disagreement with the US team, ultimately resulting in their departure. The speaker's passion for hunting is evident, with elk hunting described as an encounter with majestic, powerful animals. The speaker's experience has shown that the mental and physical preparation gained from competitive archery can make a substantial difference in the success of hunting trips.

    • Discovering the Fascination with Extinct Animals: Irish Elk and Haast's EagleThe Irish Elk and Haast's Eagle, two extinct animals, fascinate us due to their massive sizes. The Irish Elk went extinct around 11,750 BP, while the Haast's Eagle, with a 10-foot wingspan, disappeared in the 1400s due to hunting or food scarcity. New Zealand lacked indigenous mammals, and these animals' extinction remains a controversial topic.

      The discussion revolved around the fascination with extinct animals, specifically the Irish Elk and the Haast's Eagle from New Zealand. The Irish Elk, despite being mistakenly believed to have gone extinct in the 20th century, actually died off much earlier, around 11,750 BP. The Haast's Eagle, on the other hand, went extinct in the 1400s due to hunting by the Maori people or due to food scarcity caused by the Maori's consumption of the same resources. Both animals were massive in size, with the Irish Elk being several meters tall and the Haast's Eagle having a 10-foot wingspan and weighing over 500 pounds. The conversation also touched upon the lack of indigenous mammals in New Zealand and the controversial hunting practices that led to the extinction of these animals. The group expressed their fascination with these animals and the desire to hunt them, despite the ethical concerns and the fact that they are extinct. The discussion ended with reminiscing about their experiences with hunting and enjoying wild game.

    • Understanding the importance of hunting invasive speciesHunting invasive species like Russian boars is necessary to control their populations and prevent damage to property. Rapid reproduction and excellent senses make these animals difficult to manage without hunting.

      Hunting can be a necessity and a way to control animal populations, especially when it comes to invasive species like Russian boars. Stacey, who initially disapproved of hunting, came to understand its importance when she saw the destruction caused by these animals on sod farms. Boars can reproduce rapidly and cause significant damage to property. They have excellent senses and are difficult to control without hunting. Texas, for instance, has a severe pig problem, leading to the use of helicopters and machine guns to cull their population. While this may seem extreme, it's a measure taken to prevent further damage and maintain balance in the ecosystem.

    • Exploring common threads of human experienceDespite cultural and linguistic differences, humans share common experiences and challenges, including distinct communities, language barriers, and the awe-inspiring yet isolating vastness of nature. Travel and exploration can broaden our perspectives and deepen our understanding of others.

      Despite the vastness and diversity of different cultures and populations around the world, there are common challenges and experiences that connect us all. For instance, the existence of distinct groups or communities, whether called mobs, tribes, or clans, and the barriers created by language differences. Additionally, the vastness and diversity of nature, such as the abundance of bears in Canada or the unique cultures in different parts of the world, can be both awe-inspiring and isolating. Another common thread is the shared human experience of travel and exploration, whether it's across continents or just a few miles, and the impact it can have on our perspectives and lives. The speaker's personal experiences of hunting, traveling, and interacting with different cultures have highlighted these connections and underscored the importance of embracing diversity and understanding the unique experiences of others.

    • Optimal nutrition and neurotransmitter support during physically and mentally demanding activitiesMaintaining good neurotransmitter levels through proper nutrition and supplements is essential for optimal performance and recovery, especially during travel and jet lag.

      Proper nutrition and maintaining good neurotransmitter levels are crucial for optimal performance and recovery, especially during physically and mentally demanding activities. The speaker shares his personal experience of surviving off a specific supplement regimen while backpack hunting for 30 days, which included Alpha Brain for neurotransmitter support, TPC packs for morning and evening, and Omega and Tonka bars for gut health. He emphasizes the importance of keeping neurotransmitters at good levels, especially during travel and jet lag, as it significantly impacts brain chemistry and sleep patterns. Additionally, he stresses the importance of shoulder mobility and strength for archery, and the benefits of using unconventional tools like club bells for improving range of motion and stability.

    • Training with kettlebells and steel maces for archery performanceUsing kettlebells and steel maces for archery training builds essential strength, mobility, and flexibility in scapular muscles and core. Unique movements mimic archery actions, improving performance and relieving shoulder pain with minimal investment and space.

      Using tools like kettlebells and steel maces for training can significantly improve archery performance by building essential strength, mobility, and flexibility, particularly in the scapular muscles and core. These tools require unique movements that challenge the body in ways that mimic archery actions, making them particularly beneficial. Additionally, equipment like chin-up bars and focusing on proper hanging techniques can contribute to shoulder stability and pain relief. These minimal investment, space-saving solutions offer a simple yet effective solution for archers seeking to enhance their skills.

    • Improve shoulder health through hanging exercisesHanging from a chin-up bar with proper form can strengthen scapula muscles, benefiting shoulder health. Online resources and archery videos can help beginners learn the discipline despite limited access to schools.

      Practicing shoulder exercises, specifically hanging from a chin-up bar with arms extended and contracting the scapula muscles, can lead to significant improvements in shoulder health. This exercise can be done without bending the arms and can be found in various instructional videos, including those by John Dudley on the Knock on Archery YouTube channel. It's important to note that proper form is crucial, and those recovering from shoulder surgery may need to gradually build up their strength. Additionally, there's a lack of good archery schools in some areas, making it difficult for beginners to learn the discipline. However, there are various resources available online to help get started. Overall, incorporating these exercises into your routine and exploring the world of archery can lead to improved physical health and a new hobby.

    • Try Casper mattresses with a 100-day risk-free trialCasper lets you test their mattresses for 100 days, with the option to return for a refund if not satisfied. Use promo code Joe at Casper.com to save $50.

      Casper is offering awesome mattresses with ridiculously low prices, an incredible risk-free trial that lasts for 100 days, and a simple return policy. Essentially, you can try out a new mattress for almost three months and still have the option to return it if you're not satisfied. To take advantage of this offer, visit Casper.com/Joe and use the promo code Joe at checkout. Keep in mind that terms and conditions may apply, but you could potentially save $50 on your purchase. This deal is a great opportunity to invest in a good night's sleep without taking on too much financial risk.

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    ABOUT US: 
    Unfiltered and unscripted, hosts Lino P and Ian Ebbitt pull no punches as they offer up entertaining insight into the world of combat sports and current events. Two guys from a huge fight town called Pittsburgh, bringing you a weekly podcast smothered in realness, sprinkled with humor and served with a side of whiskey neat. Light your cigars and bring your opinions… we certainly brought ours.

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    Hello! Episode 7 of MOOD SWINGS in Isolation is here and my guest is body piercer and tattoo artist NATHAN HAGUE. We discussed Nathan's new studio UTOPIA BODY ARTS, the challenges of opening a business during lockdown, UFC and combat sports, Anthony Bourdain as well as discussing some conspiracy theories surrounding coronavirus! Thanks Nathan! 

    Instagram: utopiabodyarts

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/utopiabodyart

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    We're sad to see it, but it's time for the end of an era.

    On this week's episode, Matt and Tim are joined by Matt's cameraman and all-around quarterback for the last five years, Scott Heminger.

    It's his last week on the job, and the guys take some time to answer your questions, and look back at the times they've had out in the whitetail woods over the years!

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