
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring stories and topics with enthusiasmThe speakers share their excitement for storytelling and learning, despite nerves and fears, and look forward to creating a Halloween-themed episode filled with listener submissions and reflections on past civilizations.

      The speakers in this discussion are excited about sharing stories, whether it be through reading or watching shows, and they enjoy exploring various topics and theories, even if they veer off topic at times. The atmosphere of the Mission Inn in Riverside, California, where they are recording, adds to the spooky and imaginative nature of their conversation. Despite the fear of public reading and the nervousness about being in a supposedly haunted place, they are looking forward to creating a Halloween-themed episode filled with listener submissions. They also reflect on the vast diversity of life that has existed throughout history and the intriguing possibilities of past civilizations. Overall, their enthusiasm for storytelling and learning new things shines through in their conversation.

    • A Haunted Hotel's Chilling AtmosphereListener's experiences of paranormal activities add to the hotel's eerie reputation, dating back to the late 1800s and hosting famous guests, potentially making it a hotspot for supernatural phenomena.

      The old hotel featured in the YouTube video, with its eerie vibe, old smell, and reported paranormal activities, shares similarities with the setting of the horror movie "The Shining." A listener's story adds to the chilling atmosphere, as she describes her own experiences with paranormal occurrences starting at the age of 17, including toys going off and a figure in black radiating hatred. These events left her feeling terrified and unable to explain what had happened. The hotel's history, dating back to the late 1800s and hosting famous guests, adds to the belief that it may be a hotspot for supernatural phenomena.

    • Encounters with unexplained entities across time and placesSome individuals have experiences with entities that follow them, questioning the nature of reality and the connections between people

      Some people have experiences that defy explanation, such as encounters with entities that seem to follow them across time and places. These experiences can be deeply unsettling and raise many questions about the nature of reality and the connections between people. For instance, a woman recounts being haunted by the same man in different locations, even having a friend describe an uncanny encounter with him. Another woman's young daughter also seems to interact with this entity. These stories suggest that there may be unexplored dimensions to our world and that some individuals have unique abilities to perceive them. The implications of these experiences are profound and require further exploration.

    • The power of perception and its impact on realityOur brains can significantly influence our perception of reality, creating illusions and shaping beliefs. Personal experiences play a crucial role in shaping these beliefs, whether rooted in rational understanding or unexplained phenomena.

      Our perception of reality is influenced significantly by our brains, and we may not be as aware of it as we think. The speaker shares her skepticism towards unexplained experiences, acknowledging the limitations of human knowledge and the power of the brain to create illusions. She emphasizes the fascination and potential fear that comes with encountering unexplained phenomena, and the importance of personal experiences in shaping beliefs. The speaker also shares her own experiences of paranormal events, highlighting the surreal and disorienting nature of such occurrences. Overall, the discussion underscores the complex relationship between perception, belief, and reality.

    • Children's curiosity towards spirits and ghostsChildren may not fear spirits or ghosts due to their naivety and lack of exposure, instead showing curiosity.

      The presence of unexplained phenomena, such as spirits or ghosts, can instill fear and uncertainty in adults, but children may not be as affected due to their naivety and lack of exposure to such concepts. This was exemplified in a discussion about an experience with a haunted house, where a child's interaction with a spirit was not met with fear, but rather curiosity. The speakers also touched upon the possibility that such phenomena may have existed throughout history, with various cultures holding beliefs about spirits and ghosts. They also shared anecdotes about animals sensing these entities and the idea of spirits taking different forms to gain trust. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the intrigue and mystery surrounding the existence of spirits and the impact they can have on different people.

    • Strange occurrences in a house believed to be caused by a ghostA woman shares her experiences of unexplained events in her house, including hearing noises, moving objects, and seeing a dark figure, which she believes to be a ghost. Despite seeking help, the occurrences continue to happen, leaving her questioning the nature of her experiences.

      The speaker experienced unexplained events in her house, including hearing strange noises, items moving, and even seeing a dark figure, which she believed to be a ghost. These occurrences mainly happened at night when she was alone, leading her to believe that the ghost was more active during vulnerable moments when her guard was down. Despite her skepticism, she shared her experiences with her now fiance, who also encountered strange happenings in the house. Together, they sought help from a ghost-hunting professor, but the situation seemed to persist even after they left the house. The speaker continues to have occasional encounters with the figure, leading her to question the nature of these experiences and whether they were dreams or reality.

    • Spiritual encounters during sleepBelief in spiritual encounters during sleep can leave a lasting impact, making us more receptive to further contact. The nature of spirits and their attachment to places or people remains a curiosity.

      Our vulnerability during sleep makes us more susceptible to spiritual encounters. These encounters may require our energy, and if we're open to them, they can leave a lasting impact. The speaker shares her belief that once we've experienced a spiritual encounter, we become more receptive and may even attract further contact. The discussion also touches on the curiosity surrounding the nature of spirits and their attachment to places or people. Despite the scientific skepticism, there's a shared hope for the possibility of an afterlife and continued learning beyond our current existence.

    • Misunderstandings and FearOur fears can be based on misunderstandings or misinterpretations, leading us to jump to conclusions that may not be true. It's important to question our assumptions and not let fear dictate our actions.

      Our perceptions and experiences can often be misconstrued, leading us to fear the unknown. This was evident in the first story where the speaker heard footsteps and assumed intruders were in the house, only to discover it was their parents. In the second story, a Buzz Lightyear doll speaking their mother's name caused terror, leading the family to believe it was a ghost or possessed doll. However, it's important to remember that our fears can sometimes be based on misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Additionally, the unexplainable can be both terrifying and fascinating, as seen in the second story where the family was unable to explain how the doll spoke without batteries. Overall, these stories serve as reminders to question our assumptions and not jump to conclusions based on fear alone.

    • A personal story of a supernatural encounter with a doll and exploring communication with the deceasedSkepticism about the nature of ghostly interactions, suggesting they might be more about stored energy or memories, and the idea that people might be more likely to report paranormal experiences with technology to record them.

      The speaker shares a personal experience of a supernatural encounter involving a doll that spoke their name. They also discuss the idea of making a pact or promise to communicate from the other side if there is an afterlife. The speaker expresses their skepticism about the nature of ghostly interactions, suggesting they might be more about stored energy or memories rather than sentient beings. The conversation also touches upon the idea that people might be more likely to report paranormal experiences when they have technology to record them. Overall, the conversation explores the themes of the unknown, communication with the deceased, and the nature of the supernatural.

    • Exploring the mysteries of the afterlife and supernaturalBeliefs and experiences shape our understanding of the afterlife and supernatural, with themes of unresolved issues, resolution, reincarnation, and energy interchangeability.

      The nature of the afterlife and the existence of the supernatural remain intriguing mysteries, with various beliefs and experiences contributing to the ongoing debate. The discussion touched upon the concepts of unresolved issues, resolution, and reincarnation, as well as the idea that energy and matter might be interchangeable. The shared stories of encounters with the supernatural, including the grandmother's visit in a dream and the child with memories of a past life, highlight the diverse experiences people have and the role that personal beliefs play in interpreting these phenomena. Ultimately, the exploration of these topics invites us to consider the possibilities of the unknown and the power of our beliefs in shaping our understanding of the world.

    • Encounter with the Black Eyed ChildrenA woman had a terrifying encounter with the 'black eyed children', leaving her with a deep sense of fear and belief in their existence. Warns others to research the phenomenon.

      The speaker had a chilling encounter with the so-called "black eyed children" on a secluded road. This experience began when her friend Caitlin claimed to have seen the children on the same road a few days prior. The speaker, skeptical at first, dismissed Caitlin's claim. However, three days later, while driving home to meet her friend for a sleepover, she saw the children herself. The girl and tall figure were glowing silhouettes, while the boy was pale and had black, veiny eyes and mouth. The speaker was terrified and felt as if she was in a never-ending tunnel on the road, unable to get service to call for help. This encounter left her with a profound sense of fear and a belief in the existence of these mysterious entities. The speaker encourages others to look up the black eyed children for themselves, warning that the stories are terrifying.

    • Encounter with the Black-Eyed ChildrenThe black-eyed children are reportedly seen in various forms and cause fear and unease, with the exact nature of these entities remaining a mystery.

      The encounter with the black-eyed children was a deeply disturbing and unexplained experience for the speaker. Despite seeing the children in different circumstances, both she and her friend Caitlin shared identical descriptions of the children. The speaker was puzzled by how she could have missed seeing the children, even though they were right next to her, while Caitlin saw them clearly in broad daylight. The children were reportedly seen in various forms, including a little boy in a red jacket and a child in an old sailor suit. The speaker's husband and father-in-law had also heard of the black-eyed children legend and shared their own experiences. The speaker was left with a lingering fear every time she drove that road alone at night, even years after the encounter. The legend of the black-eyed children is a chilling one, with reports of these children appearing in various forms and causing fear and unease. The exact nature of these entities remains a mystery.

    • Paranormal Experiences: Personal and Professional EncountersSpeakers shared personal and professional encounters with unexplained phenomena, ranging from feeling an unexplained presence to witnessing objects move on their own. Beliefs ranged from full acceptance to skepticism, but all agreed these experiences could be unsettling.

      The speakers shared various paranormal experiences they had encountered in their personal and professional lives, ranging from feeling an unexplained presence to witnessing objects move on their own. These stories left some feeling terrified, while others remained skeptical, particularly when it came to the existence of aliens versus ghosts. The speakers' beliefs ranged from full acceptance of the supernatural to a more skeptical stance, but all agreed that these experiences could be unsettling. The shared stories also highlighted the bravery of one speaker's mother, who had an encounter in a real estate listing that left her feeling uneasy and compelled to leave. Overall, the conversation underscored the idea that there are unexplained phenomena in the world that can evoke strong emotions and beliefs.

    • Discussion on ghosts vs real intruders in living spacesFear and unease are common responses to uninvited entities, whether they're ghosts or real people, due to the unknown and potential harm.

      The presence of an uninvited entity, be it a person or a ghost, in one's living space can cause significant fear and discomfort. The discussion revolved around a viral TikTok video where a family playing a game in their living room captured an image of a girl in a nightgown standing in their doorway, which was not explainable. The debate ensued on whether a ghost or a real person would be scarier, with the consensus leaning towards a real person due to the potential for harm. The conversation also touched upon personal experiences of fear and the unexplained. Regardless of whether it's a ghost or a person, the fear and unease they bring is a common thread. The stories shared were fascinating and explored the idea of the unknown and the unexplained, highlighting the impact it can have on individuals.

    • A family's haunted experience and its impact on their childrenHaunted homes can negatively affect children's mental and emotional health. If strange occurrences escalate, seek help and don't ignore the signs.

      The presence of supernatural entities in a home can have profound and disturbing effects on the mental and emotional well-being of its inhabitants, especially children. The story recounts a family's experience with a haunted house where strange occurrences escalated, leading to the manifestation of a malevolent spirit that terrorized the children. The mother, who was sensitive to the supernatural, tried to protect her family but was met with skepticism from others. The situation reached a critical point when the youngest son began exhibiting aggressive and bizarre behaviors, and even the family's attempts at seeking help from religious figures failed to provide lasting relief. Ultimately, the family was forced to leave the house to escape the ongoing torment. This experience serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of staying in a haunted home and the importance of taking such situations seriously.

    • Exploring the world of spirits and ghostsThough often portrayed negatively, spirits can bring comfort and connection, especially for children. Be open to the possibility of positive experiences with the spiritual world.

      Our perception of spirits and ghosts is often shaped by fear and misunderstanding. The speakers in this discussion share their experiences with encountering spirits, including a dog seeing a ghost and children having imaginary friends that might be spirits. They also discuss how these experiences are often portrayed negatively in popular culture. However, they suggest that spirits can also bring comfort and connection, especially for children who are more open-minded and sensitive to the spiritual world. The speakers also mention the idea that spirits might visit vulnerable and naive individuals, such as children, in their sleep. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of challenging our preconceptions and being open to the possibility that spirits can have positive experiences and meanings in our lives.

    • Dreams as a source of spiritual comfortDreams of deceased loved ones can bring comfort and reassurance, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual connections during times of grief.

      The belief in spiritual visits, particularly in dreams, is a common theme in cultures that hold positive views of the afterlife. Sharing personal experiences, the speaker recounts dreams of deceased loved ones that brought comfort and reassurance. These experiences, while not factually verifiable, hold significant emotional weight and can provide solace during times of grief. The speaker also mentions anecdotes from listeners who have had similar experiences. The speaker believes that dreams offer a unique opportunity for spiritual connections due to the vulnerability and openness of the sleep state. These experiences, though not scientifically proven, can provide a sense of peace and closure for those grieving the loss of a loved one.

    • Understanding the significance of dreamsDreams can provide a sense of mission, connection to past experiences, and even a feeling of transcendence. They offer insights into the human psyche and the desire for meaning and connection in our lives.

      Dreams can be a deeply personal and meaningful experience for some people. They can offer a sense of mission, connection to past experiences, and even a feeling of transcendence. Some people, like the speaker in this conversation, have vivid and frequent dreams that can feel like a combination of random experiences and profound moments. For these individuals, dreams can offer a unique perspective on life and even shape their desires for how they want to be remembered after death. Whether it's through being spread over a body of water or becoming a coral reef, the idea of continuing to exist in some form after death can be a source of comfort and freedom. Ultimately, dreams and the experiences they provide can offer insights into the human psyche and the desire for meaning and connection in our lives.

    • Unique Perspectives on Death and the AfterlifeRespect individual choices regarding death and the afterlife as everyone's experience and wishes are unique.

      Individuals have unique perspectives on death and the afterlife, influenced by cultural backgrounds, personal beliefs, and individual desires. Some prefer cremation or returning to nature, while others may wish for preservation or even space travel. Ultimately, it's essential to respect each person's choices, as death is a deeply personal experience. The speaker in this conversation expresses a preference for cremation, drawing on both cultural and personal reasons. They also entertain fantasies of space travel or becoming a diamond, reflecting the diverse ways people imagine their post-mortem existence. It's a reminder that death is a complex and deeply personal topic, and everyone's experience and wishes are unique.

    • From shorter to longer podcast episodesListeners' preferences for longer episodes have led to evolving podcast lengths, showcasing the unpredictable nature of everyday life and the importance of staying calm and seeking help when needed.

      The length of their podcast episodes has evolved over time, with some listeners requesting longer episodes despite initial concerns about audience attention spans. The speakers also shared a personal story about an unexpected and eerie experience, involving a mysterious voice coming from a vent in their home. Despite initial fear and panic, they were able to call for help and discover the source of the noise was not malicious. The incident brought back memories of other strange occurrences in their home, including the discovery of jars with unknown contents. These experiences added to the sense of unease and mystery, but ultimately, they were able to find explanations and move on. Overall, the conversation showcased the unexpected twists and turns that can come up in everyday life, as well as the importance of staying calm and seeking help when needed.

    • A group discusses their varying reactions to horror movies and superstitionsPeople have different reactions to horror movies and superstitions, and it's important to respect individual differences and preferences.

      While some people may find entertainment in watching scary movies or engaging with superstitious beliefs, others prefer to avoid such experiences due to personal fears and beliefs. During a conversation, the group discussed their varying reactions to horror movies and superstitions, with some expressing their love for true crime and murder mysteries, while others shared their fear and discomfort with such content. One person mentioned the movie "Old People" and their strong negative reaction to it, while another brought up their belief in the power of voodoo dolls and the influence of movies like "The Skeleton Key" on their beliefs. The group also discussed the idea of watching a scary movie together for content, but not everyone was on board with the plan. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respecting individual differences and preferences when it comes to entertainment and personal beliefs.

    • Protecting Yourself from Supernatural EntitiesBeliefs and circumstances determine the best defense against supernatural entities, from assertiveness and crystals to ethical sourcing of sage and boldness.

      Protection and self-defense against supernatural entities can take various forms, depending on personal beliefs and circumstances. During a group therapy session, the topic of protecting oneself during vulnerable moments arose. While some suggested matching the energy of the entity or using protective crystals, others advocated for assertiveness and standing one's ground. The ethical sourcing of sage for cleansing was also discussed, as it's essential to buy from indigenous or Native American sellers to ensure sustainable harvesting practices. Ultimately, the best defense may depend on the individual's beliefs and the nature of the entity encountered. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that supernatural beings might be deterred by boldness and curiosity, as opposed to fear and submission. The conversation also included a personal story about a ghost that was deterred when the family members stayed together and showed assertiveness.

    • Homes with past traumas or paranormal activities impact residents' experiencesLearning about a home's past can help explain unexplained occurrences and improve residents' experiences, but individual perceptions and sensitivities to energy can vary.

      The presence of past traumas or paranormal activities in a home can significantly impact its energy and the experiences of its residents. This was evident in the stories shared about two houses where tragic events had occurred before the families moved in. Despite their religious beliefs, the families experienced unexplained occurrences, leading them to take measures such as getting their new homes blessed or performing cleansing rituals. Interestingly, even after learning about the past incidents, the negative energy seemed to dissipate, and the families reported improved experiences in their homes. However, one house, where the residents had no prior knowledge of the past events, continued to give them distressing dreams. These experiences highlight the idea that the energy of a place can be influenced by its history and that everyone's perception and sensitivity to such energies can vary.

    • Our experiences with the paranormal can be influenced by beliefs and expectationsBeliefs and expectations shape our paranormal experiences, and the line between fear and excitement can be blurred

      Our experiences with the paranormal can be influenced by our beliefs and expectations. We were in a supposedly haunted location, but our encounters were limited. However, an employee mentioned that strange occurrences usually happen on the 4th floor, where we were staying. Despite our skepticism, we decided to explore and invite these experiences. Some may argue that this was inviting unwanted paranormal activity, but others see it as being open to the unknown. The fear of Ouija boards stems from the belief that they invite spirits, but aren't we doing the same by investigating a supposedly haunted location? Our experiences can be shaped by our mindset and expectations, and sometimes, the line between fear and excitement can be blurred.

    • A powerful reminder of enduring love and spiritual connectionsLove and comfort can transcend the physical realm, providing solace and strength during life's challenges

      The world beyond our physical reality may be filled with unexplained phenomena, and sometimes, these experiences can bring comfort and peace during difficult times. The nurse's encounter with the patient's deceased husband is a powerful reminder of the enduring bond between loved ones, even in the afterlife. This experience challenges our understanding of the boundaries between the living and the dead and invites us to consider the possibility of spiritual connections beyond our current comprehension. It's a reminder that love and comfort can transcend the physical realm and provide solace and strength during life's most challenging moments.

    Recent Episodes from Two Hot Takes

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

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    enMay 19, 2024

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    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

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    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

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    162: NOT Too Stunned to Speak.. Ft. Spencewuah

    162: NOT Too Stunned to Speak.. Ft. Spencewuah
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Spencer Hunt aka Spencewuah!! What started as a theme where we were too stunned to speak turned into too flustered not to say something. These are a wild assortment of stories that have us discombobulated and ready to pop off in some regard. What are your thoughts on them?

    Checkout Spencer's content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7DRLEHTG2hrQl4OGa1fZg

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    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Show Art: Alika Spahn Naihe (www.hauoliart.com)

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