
    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Comets: Seeking Support for Scientific ResearchUnderstanding the role of cataclysms and supporting scientific research on the impact of comets is essential for grasping Earth's history and its potential significant impact on our planet.

      There is a group of highly credible scientists known as the Comet Research Group, who have been investigating the impact of a massive comet series on the North American ice cap 12,800 years ago. They believe this global cataclysm wiped out an entire civilization from prehistory. However, these scientists have been facing opposition and lack of funding for their research. To further their studies, they have initiated a crowdfunding campaign that can be found on Graham Hancock's website. It is crucial to understand the role of cataclysms in Earth's history, and supporting this research is essential. This conversation highlights the need for public funding and emphasizes the significant impact of comets on our planet.

    • Acknowledging the Cataclysmic Threats and Taking Proactive MeasuresIt is crucial for us to recognize the possibility of cataclysmic events caused by comets or asteroids and to take proactive steps in preventing or mitigating their impact, by remaining open to change and studying historical evidence.

      There is a significant possibility of a cataclysmic event caused by comets or asteroids impacting the Earth, and this possibility has been underplayed by mainstream science. It is important for us, as a species, to acknowledge this probability and take proactive measures to prevent or mitigate such an event. The existing model and theories should be open to change when new evidence emerges, rather than trying to explain away the evidence that does not fit the current narrative. The skepticism towards past civilizations and the lack of awareness about historical catastrophes need to be addressed in order to fully understand the impact these events have had on our planet and civilizations. The presence of scars on Earth's surface and the discovery of previously unknown asteroids highlight the need for greater vigilance and a more comprehensive approach to studying and preparing for potential cataclysmic events.

    • Protecting Earth from Near-Earth Objects: Low-tech Solutions and Future PossibilitiesThere are potential low-tech methods to protect Earth from asteroids, such as painting them or giving them a slight nudge. Additionally, mining asteroids for resources could benefit humanity's future, but the torrid meteor stream poses a hidden danger that is often overlooked.

      There are potential methods to protect the Earth from near-earth objects, such as asteroids. One low-tech solution suggested is to paint one side of the asteroid, affecting its albedo and causing the sun's rays to push it in a specific direction, therefore shifting its orbit. Another option is to give the asteroid a slight nudge using a rocket, without the need to blow it up. Additionally, the conversation highlights the possibility of mining asteroids in the future, as they contain abundant resources that could benefit an expanding civilization. However, there is a need to focus on the torrid meteor stream, as it poses a hidden danger with potentially massive objects that could impact Earth. Unfortunately, this topic is largely ignored by mainstream science, potentially due to a reluctance to accept cataclysms and separate themselves from religious influences.

    • Rethinking the Extinction of North American MegafaunaNew research challenges the belief that human overhunting caused the extinction of mammoths in North America, pointing instead to cataclysmic events and a population crash as the main factors.

      There is compelling evidence that the extinction of megafauna in North America, such as mammoths, was not caused by human overhunting as previously believed. Instead, research suggests that a massive series of cataclysmic events, particularly related to the collapse of the North American ice cap, led to their extinction. Hunter-gatherer populations, as observed today, do not overkill their game and instead hunt them respectfully as a renewable resource. The evidence of mass mortality sites, with mammoths found with broken legs and instantaneously deposited sedimentary matrix, points towards sudden catastrophic events like floods rather than slow individual sinkhole entrapment. Additionally, the sudden disappearance of the Clovis culture aligns with the megafaunal extinctions, indicating a human population crash rather than deliberate overhunting.

    • Rethinking Human History and PrehistoryOpen-mindedness and challenging established beliefs are necessary to uncover the truth about our past and advance our understanding of ancient civilizations.

      The mainstream understanding of human history and prehistory is constantly evolving. Until recently, it was widely believed that there were no human beings in North America before 13,000 years ago. However, new scientific research has challenged this belief, leading to the overthrow of the Clovis model. This model not only affected our understanding of ancient civilizations but also had implications for genetic links between different populations. Despite the availability of thoroughly documented evidence, alternative views in academia often face hostility and resistance. The reluctance to accept change and fear of being labeled as pseudoscientists prevent many individuals from embracing new ideas and exploring different possibilities. This conversation highlights the need for open-mindedness and a willingness to challenge established beliefs to uncover the truth about our past.

    • The Reality of Comets and the Need for ActionComets are a real threat to Earth, and it is crucial to prioritize research and funding to protect our civilization from potential disasters. We should also consider ancient myths for valuable insights.

      There is clear and hard evidence supporting the existence of comets and their potential impact on Earth. The conversation highlights the resistance from some individuals who are invested in other models and the media's tendency to give them a voice. Despite this resistance, mainstream scientists in the comic research group have taken it upon themselves to investigate the reality of comets, even though they face criticism and lack funding. The conversation emphasizes that comets should not be a controversial topic, as there is sufficient evidence to support their existence and potential cataclysmic impact. It is important to prioritize funding and research in order to protect our civilization from potential disasters. The conversation also suggests that it is essential to approach ancient myths and tales with an open mind, as they often contain valuable information about past cataclysms.

    • The Power of Perseverance and Firsthand Evidence in Shifting PerspectivesBeing open-minded, exploring evidence firsthand, and challenging established beliefs are essential in the pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

      Sometimes it takes consistent perseverance and gathering multiple lines of evidence before accepting a paradigm shift. Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock discuss the story of James Goulooly, a skeptic of the idea of flooding in Washington state. Despite being dismissive initially, Goulooly eventually went out in the field and saw the evidence firsthand, leading to his epiphany. This highlights the importance of exploring evidence firsthand rather than relying solely on preconceived notions. Additionally, the conversation exposes how the human desire for knowledge and innovation can be hindered by ego and the resistance to accepting new information that contradicts established beliefs. It is crucial to remain open-minded and willing to challenge existing ideas in the pursuit of knowledge.

    • Embracing Heretics: Fostering Innovation and DiscoveryChallenging established beliefs, questioning existing knowledge, and exploring alternative avenues are crucial for advancing our understanding of the past and fostering innovation and discovery.

      There is a need for heretics and alternative perspectives in society in order to foster innovation and discovery. Graham Hancock discusses the importance of challenging established beliefs and questioning existing knowledge, citing his friend John Anthony West as an example of a leading heretic in the field of ancient Egypt. He emphasizes the value of listening to what ancient civilizations have to say about their own history and legacy. Additionally, the conversation touches on the significance of underwater archaeological discoveries, highlighting the vast amount of land that was lost due to rising sea levels at the end of the ice age. This prompts the need for further exploration in these underwater areas. Overall, challenging the status quo and exploring alternative avenues are crucial for advancing our understanding of the past.

    • Exploring the Deep Secrets of Human CivilizationMarine archaeology offers insights into submerged coastal civilizations and challenges traditional interpretations of historical structures, emphasizing the need for further research and exploration.

      Marine archaeology holds the potential for significant discoveries about the deep history of human civilization. The ocean poses numerous challenges, such as poor visibility and strong currents, but it is likely that much of our cultural development during the ice age took place near coastlines that are now underwater. There is evidence to suggest that advanced civilizations may have existed in these submerged areas. It is important to approach these ideas with an open mind and conduct further research instead of dismissing them outright. Additionally, the conversation highlights the need to consider alternative explanations for well-known structures like the Great Sphinx, which may have been eroded by heavy rainfall during a different era. Ultimately, more exploration and investigation in the field of marine archaeology is necessary to uncover the true history of humanity.

    • Unearthing Evidence of Ancient CivilizationsArchaeological discoveries challenge existing theories, revealing the remarkable achievements of lost civilizations and suggesting a major cataclysmic event that calls for a reconsideration of our understanding of history.

      There are significant archaeological discoveries that challenge mainstream theories about ancient civilizations. One such discovery is the 1460-ton block of stone found at Barb Ekover in 2014. This block, along with others weighing over 900 tons, showcases the remarkable achievements of a lost human civilization. These findings suggest that there may be more to uncover about our ancient past than previously thought. Additionally, scientific research into cosmic impacts and the presence of nano diamonds further supports the idea of a major cataclysmic event occurring around 12,800 years ago. Despite some resistance from mainstream archaeology, these discoveries provide tangible evidence that invites a reconsideration of our understanding of history.

    • Understanding Catastrophic Events: Wildfires, Tsunamis, and MoreThe discovery of impact proxies, black matte layer, meltwater spikes, and freshwater tsunamis raises the importance of studying catastrophic events in shaping Earth's history.

      There is evidence of catastrophic events in the past, including massive wildfires and tsunamis, that have shaped the landscape. Graham Hancock discusses the discovery of impact proxies and the deposition of a black matte layer, suggesting widespread wildfires in the past. He also raises the possibility of a bombardment episode lasting several decades, rather than a single impact event. Moreover, he highlights the occurrence of meltwater spikes and their correlation with the melting events of the ice sheet, which caused freshwater tsunamis. The conversation emphasizes the need to consider multiple sources of water for these floods, with evidence suggesting that the floodwater may have originated from British Columbia. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding and studying these catastrophic events in shaping our planet's history.

    • Exploring the Origins of Subglacial Reservoirs and Cosmic ImpactsGraham Hancock suggests that a cosmic impact could have caused the rapid melting of glaciers, challenging conventional explanations for the formation of subglacial reservoirs and emphasizing the importance of considering unconventional ideas.

      There is a controversial debate surrounding the source of water that formed the massive subglacial reservoirs in regions where glaciers once were. While some critics believe that it was impossible to form such large volumes of water under the ice sheet, Graham Hancock argues that a major cosmic impact into the ice sheet could explain the instantaneous melting of enormous volumes of ice, eliminating the need for subglacial reservoirs. Furthermore, the conversation touches on the creation of the great lakes by melting glaciers and the existence of a lost civilization called Atlantis, dating back to around 9600 BC, which adds weight to the importance of considering extraordinary ideas instead of dismissing them outright.

    • Celestial Events and Ancient Myths: Clues to Catastrophic Events and Halloween OriginsThe Taurid meteor stream and ancient calendars provide insights into potential collisions with Earth and the origins of Halloween as a global day of the dead.

      Ancient myths and celestial events are often intertwined, providing clues to past catastrophic events. The story of Phaeton, who wanted to drive the chariot of the sun and caused chaos on Earth, symbolizes the potential consequences of celestial bodies falling to Earth. The Taurid meteor stream, originating from the direction of the constellation Taurus, holds the possibility of large objects colliding with Earth. Eyewitness accounts describe the meteors appearing to come from the sun, which aligns with the Taurid meteor stream's perihelion passage. The crossing of Earth through this stream could lead to Tunguska-like impacts, generating both stunning light shows and potential disasters. Additionally, the synchronization of ancient calendars with the Pleiades' position suggests that modern Halloween may have roots in a global day of the dead.

    • Uncovering the Hidden Hand in Human HistoryExploring the connection between celestial events, myths of destruction, and cultural celebrations can potentially reshape our understanding of human origins and challenge mainstream academia. Critical thinking is essential to distinguish between well-founded claims and pseudoscience.

      There is a hidden hand in human history that our science is closing its eyes to. This hidden hand is related to myths about the destruction of the world by a great flood or fire, which are connected to celestial events and the constellation forest. Celebrations of the day of the dead across different cultures around the world also coincide with these celestial events. Mainstream academia has yet to fully adapt to this new science, but if they do, it could lead to a reexamination of our origins and archaeological anomalies. The discussion emphasizes the importance of skepticism and critical thinking, while cautioning against falling for unfounded claims and pseudoscience.

    • Maintaining Balance in the Study of Ancient MysteriesApproach ancient mysteries with an open mind, while critically evaluating evidence and relying on reliable translations. Consider different perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding, without dismissing intriguing ideas outright.

      It is important to approach the study of ancient mysteries and hidden knowledge with a balanced perspective. While it is tempting to be drawn to fantastical and outlandish theories, it is crucial to critically evaluate the evidence and not get carried away with one's own fantasies. The conversation highlights the need for thorough research and reliable translations of ancient texts, as well as the importance of skepticism in filtering out unsubstantiated claims. Additionally, it emphasizes the value of exploring different sources and perspectives to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the past. It is crucial not to dismiss intriguing ideas outright, but rather to carefully consider the evidence and its potential implications for the advancement of human knowledge.

    • Exploring consciousness and alternate realities through DMTDMT allows us to tap into the unknown realms of consciousness and gain insight into the complexities of the universe, expanding our understanding of reality.

      There is a vast and fascinating realm of consciousness and reality that can be explored through the use of DMT. The encounters and experiences described by individuals who have done DMT are far more awe-inspiring and alien than traditional concepts of extraterrestrial beings. This suggests that there are other dimensions and intelligences within our reach that we may not be aware of in our everyday lives. The exploration of consciousness and altered states of mind can provide insights and knowledge about the complexity of the universe and our place within it. DMT offers a tool for investigating the mysteries of consciousness and the true nature of reality beyond what our senses can normally perceive.

    • The Masons: Beyond the SurfaceEmbracing diverse viewpoints and remaining open-minded is crucial in uncovering hidden truths and maintaining objectivity.

      The Masons, although misunderstood by many, play an important role in preserving and passing down a vast corpus of symbolism. While they may be seen as a men's drinking club on the surface, there are individuals within the Masons who delve into esoteric interests and explore mysteries. However, joining such a group may constrain one's perspective and ability to remain open-minded. In the case of Graham Hancock, as an author and researcher, he believes that not affiliating himself with any particular group allows him to maintain his objectivity and continue exploring all possibilities. This conversation highlights the importance of remaining open-minded and embracing diverse viewpoints in order to uncover hidden truths.

    • Embracing Alternative Ideas: Graham Hancock's Influence in a Shifting SocietyGraham Hancock's measured approach in reporting alternative ideas, supported by facts and evidence, has made a significant impact in challenging established channels and encouraging society to question and embrace outsiders.

      There is a paradigm shift happening in society, and Graham Hancock has played a significant role in bringing alternative ideas to the mainstream. He is not pretending to be a guru or possess secret knowledge, but rather, he sees himself as a reporter and outsider who reports on offbeat subjects. The internet and platforms like podcasts have allowed for the dissemination of information in a way that challenges established channels. Hancock's measured approach, backed by facts and evidence, has gained a large following and has made a real difference in getting alternative ideas out there. This conversation highlights the importance of questioning established ideas and embracing outsiders in society.

    • The Importance of Openness and Critical Examination in ArchaeologyArchaeology should involve open-mindedness, critical examination, and exploration of alternative theories, as evidenced by the discussions on individuals challenging mainstream beliefs and the need for rational analysis in examining archaeological claims.

      There is a growing openness among academics and experts to engage in discussions and explore alternative theories in archaeology. Graham Hancock highlights the importance of individuals like Robert Schoch and Danny Hilman Natura Joccha, who have the courage to follow the evidence, even if it challenges mainstream beliefs. The conversation also mentions the Bosnian pyramids, which Graham Hancock personally visited and concluded were not actually pyramids but hills. This emphasizes the need for critical examination and rational analysis when considering archaeological claims. Additionally, the conversation reveals that there are thousands of pyramids in China, many of which remain unexcavated due to lack of funding or a patient approach to exploration. Overall, the conversation encourages a balanced and open-minded approach to archaeological research.

    • Challenging Assumptions and Uncovering Hidden SecretsArchaeology is a constantly evolving field, and it is crucial to question established beliefs and explore new perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of ancient civilizations.

      Archaeology can sometimes be limited in its understanding of ancient civilizations, and it is important to consider alternative perspectives. The discussion highlights the awe-inspiring nature of the terracotta army in front of the pyramid, which is much more extensive than initially thought. It is revealed that the pyramid was constructed using ramped earth instead of massive stone blocks, allowing for the growth of crops on its sides. The conversation also explores the complexity of Chinese civilization throughout history, including the massive Chinese treasure ships and the emperor's decision to isolate the country for 200 years. Overall, this conversation prompts us to question our current knowledge and encourages further exploration of our past.

    • Unveiling the Mysteries of Gravel Landscapes: Deltas, Ripples, and Massive Water FlowsThe presence of massive ripples and distinct features in gravel landscapes suggests that they were formed by a gigantic flood event rather than gradual accumulation over time.

      The landscape being discussed consists of massive amounts of gravel and distinct features such as deltas and rippled landscapes. These ripples are similar in appearance to those found on beaches but occur on a much larger scale, towering over houses. They indicate the presence of a massive water flow that created these formations. It is worth noting that no one disputes the existence of these features or the fact that they were caused by massive water flows. While some may believe in the accumulation theory, where these formations were created gradually over time, the prevailing argument is that they resulted from a singular, enormous flood event.

    • The Unprecedented Flood: A Comet Impact's Devastating ConsequencesThe massive flood 12,800 years ago, caused by a comet impact, had unparalleled magnitude, reshaping the landscape, leaving high watermarks, and highlighting the impact of natural disasters on civilization.

      There was a massive flood in North America 12,800 years ago caused by a comet impact on the ice cap. This flood was on an unprecedented scale, with water sweeping over the land that was over 1,000 feet deep. The volume of water flowing was inconceivable, many times greater than every river flowing on Earth today. The flood covered five states and resulted in seismic responses due to its massive weight. The water flow was so intense that it created high watermarks etched into the hill sides. This flood was the largest ever to occur on Earth and has significant implications for our understanding of civilization and our vulnerability to natural disasters.

    • Uncovering Lost Knowledge: The Impact of Cataclysmic Events and the Destruction of HistoryUnderstanding the past is essential to protecting the future. Exploring native wisdom and confronting historical events can help preserve valuable knowledge and prevent the repetition of collective traumas.

      There is a great deal of knowledge and history that has been lost or deliberately destroyed throughout human civilization. The impacts of cataclysmic events, such as ancient floods or asteroid collisions, have had a significant impact on the human memory and our understanding of the past. Native American tribes in the Americas, who have suffered immense destruction and abuse, hold valuable wisdom and oral traditions that provide insight into these events. Additionally, there is a strange and destructive instinct in humans to erase or destroy the relics and icons of the past. This inclination may be driven by a collective trauma or deeply suppressed memory. Therefore, it is crucial for us to confront these historical events and support research efforts to better understand our past and protect our future.

    • The Survival Advantage of Hunter-Gatherer SocietiesHunter-gatherer societies are more likely to survive cataclysmic events due to their adaptability and self-sufficiency, highlighting the importance of maintaining survival skills in an uncertain world.

      In times of catastrophic events and major cultural collapse, it is often the hunter-gatherer societies that have a higher chance of survival compared to technologically advanced civilizations. This is because hunter-gatherers possess the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt and thrive in challenging environments. If a cataclysm were to occur today, it is likely that those from advanced civilizations would struggle to survive due to their dependence on complex systems and lack of self-sufficiency. Conversely, hunter-gatherers, who have been successfully living off the land for thousands of years, would continue to thrive and carry the human story forward. This highlights the importance of maintaining knowledge and skills that prioritize survival in an uncertain world.

    • Fragility of CivilizationOur civilization is fragile and susceptible to disruption. We must prepare for future catastrophes and not rely on the survival of a few to determine the fate of humanity.

      Our civilization, despite appearing strong, is actually very fragile. Just a little push can disrupt all the amenities and infrastructure we rely on. We often have a sense of complacency and arrogance, thinking that we are the apex of human civilization, but history has shown us that this mindset is dangerous. We must recognize that our reality can easily shift, just like when a piece of glass separates us from the outside world. Disasters like Katrina have revealed the stark contrast in human behavior, with some rising to the occasion while others turn barbaric. We must be prepared for potential future catastrophes and not leave the fate of civilization in the hands of those who survive. Our modern civilization has incredible potential, but it is also accompanied by rigid mind control and a narrow focus on production and consumption.

    • Choosing our path: Embracing expansion or succumbing to control?The outcome of humanity's crossroads depends on our willingness to tap into our potential and resist manipulation, but with positive shifts happening, there is hope for a paradigm shift.

      Humanity is at a crossroads, where we have the opportunity to choose between a great path and a horrible path. While we are witnessing positive shifts in people waking up, questioning old structures, and refusing to be told what to think, there are also efforts being made to control and manipulate our thoughts and choices. The outcome will depend on whether we embrace expansion of consciousness and tap into the incredible potential of the human race or succumb to a society that turns us into worker drones. However, the conversation highlights the optimism and belief that we are heading towards a positive path, with examples such as the legalization of cannabis and the impact of psychedelic drugs in the past. The hope is that another transformative event can awaken more people and lead to a paradigm shift.

    • The necessity for unity and open communication in the face of potential catastrophic events and societal shifts.Unity, open communication, and rejecting toxic divisions are essential for societal progress, especially in recognizing the fragility of existence and embracing individual sovereignty.

      Humanity needs a wake-up call, whether it be a catastrophic event or a shift in societal consciousness. The discussion revolves around the potential impact of an asteroidal event, highlighting the need for people to recognize the fragility of our existence and come together. There is a shared belief that such an event would focus minds and bring about a major change in perspective. Additionally, the conversation touches on the importance of recognizing adult sovereignty over one's own body and consciousness, particularly in the context of cannabis legalization. Ultimately, the key takeaway is the necessity for unity, open communication, and a rejection of toxic divisions in order to progress as a society.

    • Fostering Communication, Empathy, and UnderstandingOpen, empathetic communication and a willingness to understand different perspectives are vital for building better relationships and creating a more inclusive society.

      Open lines of communication, empathy, and the ability to have different opinions are crucial in overcoming misgivings and misunderstandings amongst people. The speakers discuss how marijuana fosters open and vulnerable conversations, leading to the realization that many of our perceptions about each other are simply misconceptions and miscommunications. They highlight the importance of listening to others' opinions empathetically, without hatred or anger. The conversation also touches upon tribalism and nationalism, stating that they are remnants of our innate tribal mentality. Furthermore, the conversation sheds light on the geological significance of a river's impact on the landscape, emphasizing the importance of understanding the natural world around us. Overall, the key takeaway is that open communication, empathy, and a willingness to understand different perspectives are fundamental in fostering better relationships and a more inclusive society.

    • Unraveling the Secrets of Ancient Geological FeaturesNew technology and a broader perspective are revealing that a single catastrophic flood might have shaped the landscape, challenging previous beliefs.

      The landscape features observed, such as meandering lakes, rock blades, potholes, and scab land, were created by a massive volume of water rushing through the area. It is only now, with the availability of high-resolution photographs and drones, that we can truly understand and appreciate the scale of these features. Mainstream geology acknowledges the occurrence of catastrophic flooding, but suggests it happened through multiple smaller floods over a span of 2 or 3000 years. However, the evidence presented challenges this viewpoint, indicating that a single large catastrophic flood may have been responsible. This conversation highlights the importance of new technology and a broader perspective in gaining insights about our planet's geological past.

    • Uncovering the truth of our planet's history through field exploration, evidence appreciation, and engaging in discussions can be done by everyone, not just specialists.We all have the right to understand the history of our planet and contribute to valuable research like the Comic Research Group, which has the potential to change the narrative of our past and future.

      The exploration of our past and understanding the history of our planet is an exciting and democratic endeavor. It is not limited to specialists or authorities in academic science. By getting out into the field, appreciating the evidence, and engaging in discussions and debates, we can all be a part of uncovering the truth. The Comic Research Group, in particular, is conducting valuable research that has the potential to change the narrative of our past and future. They need our support, not just with funding, but with our voice as the people. It is our right as human beings to understand the history of our planet and this incredible story that has been written in its landscapes for thousands of years. Through this exploration, we can find a new perspective and appreciation for the mysteries and enchantments of our majestic cosmos.

    • Discovering the Beauty of the Night SkyTaking the time to observe the night sky away from cities allows us to fully appreciate its beauty and understand the risks it poses, urging us to prioritize resources and address potential threats.

      People should take the time to observe the night sky away from urban areas to truly appreciate its beauty. Joe Rogan suggests going out into the desert during a moonless night with clear skies to experience the wonder of the stars. The conversation also highlights how light pollution in cities prevents us from witnessing high altitude events or clusters of fireball type events in the sky. The speakers discuss the importance of being aware of the sky and its potential risks, such as the possibility of entering a period of episodic bombardment where human civilization is at risk. The conversation emphasizes the need to prioritize resources and take action to solve potential threats, such as asteroid impacts.

    • The Impact of a Devastating Flood on the Pacific Northwest LandscapeThe conversation highlights the significance of the comet research group's connection to the Missoula flood and acknowledges the efforts of individuals like Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock in spreading awareness about this important event.

      The Pacific Northwest landscape has been heavily scarred and devastated by a massive flood that occurred 12,000 years ago. This flood has left its marks everywhere, causing significant changes in the region. The visuals provided during the conversation further emphasize the scale of this event, highlighting features like scabland tracks, the Grand Coulee, glacial till, and Moses Coulee. However, it is important to note that a large portion of the audience may not have access to these visuals. The conversation raises the importance of recognizing the connection between the work of the comet research group and the Missoula flood effect, which, unfortunately, is not acknowledged by many. Finally, the conversation expresses gratitude for the existence of individuals like Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock, as they have been instrumental in bringing this important information to light.

    • The impact of a catastrophic event in Earth's historyThe melting of a massive ice sheet around 12,000 years ago caused severe floods and mass extinction events, leaving evidence in core samples and cultural stories that highlight the importance of understanding our planet's history.

      There is a strong indication of a catastrophic event in Earth's history that had a significant impact on the planet. The evidence shows that North America, along with other parts of the world, was covered by a massive sheet of ice around 12,000 years ago. This "eraser for the world" melted and caused severe floods and mass extinction events. The severity of these events is comparable to what occurred millions of years ago. The core samples reveal fluctuations in temperature coinciding with the melting ice, further supporting this theory. The existence of flood legends and traditions across different cultures also suggests a collective memory of this catastrophic event. It is important to separate the evidence from the ideologies associated with certain beliefs to fully explore and understand our planet's history.

    • The Evidence of a Past Flood and Its Geological EffectsThe stories of a massive flood are found in various cultures, showcasing its historical significance. The geological formations caused by the flood are comparable to Niagara Falls, demonstrating the impact of water erosion and sedimentation on both large and small scales.

      There is evidence of a massive flood that occurred in the past, which can be found in various cultures and is not exclusive to monotheistic religions. The stories of this flood have been passed down through generations and have undergone translations and changes, resulting in some loss of information. The conversation also highlights the fascinating nature of the geological formations caused by the flood, with comparisons made to Niagara Falls. It is mentioned that the scale and variance of water erosion and sedimentation can create similar features on both large and small scales. Additionally, different rock types erode differently and the flow regime of water affects its erosive potential.

    • The Power and Influence of Past Hydraulic EventsRecognizing the dynamic nature of our planet and the potential impact of geological forces is crucial for developing an environmental consciousness and deepening our understanding of Earth's history.

      There is evidence of past gigantic hydraulic events that have shaped the planet, causing massive floods and erosion. The size and scale of these events cannot be ignored, as they have left behind debris and geological formations on a vast scale. The conversation highlights the importance of recognizing the dynamic nature of our planet and the potential impact it can have on every aspect of life. It also emphasizes the need for a new environmental consciousness that acknowledges the power and influence of geological forces. The information being exposed and the logical connections being made provide a deeper understanding of our planet's history and its role in the evolution of life.

    • The role of catastrophic floods in shaping the landscapeCatastrophic floods and extreme rainfall events around 12,000 years ago played a significant role in shaping the landscape and should be considered when studying geological formations like the Sphinx.

      There is evidence of catastrophic floods and extreme rainfall events around 12,000 years ago. The speakers discuss how a Caldera suddenly filled up with water and overflowed, cutting a deep canyon. They connect this event to widespread flood events happening in other regions during the same time period, as well as a potential comet impact. The presence of large, water-transported boulders and sediment load further support the theory of powerful floods. The conversation highlights the need to consider these events in understanding the age of geological formations like the Sphinx. Overall, the evidence suggests that these catastrophic floods and rainfall events played a significant role in shaping the landscape during a specific time window in history.

    • Cataclysmic events that shaped Earth's climate and topography.Past cataclysmic events, like the end of the ice age, drastically changed Earth's climate and topography, leading to a rise in temperatures, melting of residual ice, and rising sea levels. Distinguishing between flood regimes and conducting further research is crucial to understanding these phenomena.

      There is evidence of past massive cataclysmic events on Earth that have significantly altered the climate and topography. One such event occurred around 11,600 years ago, marking the end of the ice age. The impact of this event led to a sudden rise in temperatures and the melting of residual ice, causing sea levels to continue rising for thousands of years. The planet experienced a drastic shift in its climate and the balance of nature. However, it is important to distinguish between different flood regimes and not to confuse the impacts of different events. Further research and detailed analysis are needed to fully understand and document these phenomena.

    • The Forgotten Flood: An Ancient Chaos that Shaped Our LandscapeEvidence of a massive flood event in the past, carrying icebergs filled with debris, has been forgotten but played a significant role in shaping our current landscape.

      There is evidence of a massive flood event that occurred in the past, carrying icebergs carrying huge boulders across thousands of square miles. This flood was a chaotic and jumbled mess of powerful water currents, eroding and transporting various debris. The presence of these boulders in mounds called "Berg mounds" provides proof of this flood's magnitude. The icebergs were not just made of clean ice, but were dirty and filled with gravel and debris. As the floodwaters subsided, the icebergs stranded on land melted, leaving behind these mounds and huge boulders. This flood event has been significant in shaping our landscape and has been forgotten in our collective memory.

    • Unearthing Ancient Catastrophic Floods and their Impact on CivilizationExploring the geological evidence of catastrophic floods can provide insights into our forgotten past and help recover our collective memory, supporting alternative research is crucial in this endeavor.

      There is significant evidence pointing to past catastrophic flood events that have shaped the landscape and had a profound impact on human civilization. The discussion highlights the presence of spectacularly preserved flood features such as massive meltwater coolies, underfit streams, and enormous potholes. These geological formations can only be explained by a flood scenario, and this explanation aligns with ancient myths and traditions that speak of a time of darkness and a rainfall of mud. The conversation also emphasizes the need to explore and understand these past events, as they occurred relatively recently in human history. By supporting alternative and heretical research, we can delve deeper into our forgotten past and recover our collective memory.

    • Website, DVD, Book, Events, Social Media, and a Field TripGraham Hancock provides resources for further exploration, Joe Rogan praises the show's impact, and they plan an exciting collaboration in the form of a field trip and video.

      Graham Hancock has a website where people can find links, connections, and follow-ups related to the podcast. He also mentions a DVD with images that can be downloaded from the website. Joe Rogan suggests getting it on iTunes or Amazon instead. Additionally, Graham Hancock discusses his book, events, and social media accounts, where fans can follow him for more information. Joe Rogan expresses his gratitude for the podcast and the captivating topics discussed. He believes that the show is opening doors for unthinkable thoughts and commends Graham Hancock for his contribution. Finally, they plan to go on a field trip to Washington State and make a video together.

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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