
    878 How to Build Life Changing Habits and Break Addiction with Dr. Jud Brewer

    enNovember 20, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the difference between habits and addictionsIdentify BBO to replace addictive behaviors, practice mindfulness for awareness, and understand addiction science for transformation

      Habits and addictions, though often used interchangeably, are different phenomena. Habits are automatic behaviors, while addictions involve a compulsive desire to engage in a behavior despite negative consequences. Dr. Judd Brewer, an addiction psychiatrist and mindfulness expert, shares research-backed methods to break addiction cycles, including identifying the "Bigger Better Offer" (BBO) that can replace the addictive behavior. Mindfulness practices can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and habits, leading to improved well-being. By understanding the science behind addiction and applying practical strategies, one can transform their life and overcome long-standing addictive behaviors. Listen to the full episode for more insights from Dr. Brewer.

    • Understanding Habits and AddictionsOur brains are wired for habits and addictions due to a trigger-behavior-reward loop. Recognizing this habit loop can help us overcome unwanted addictions and free up mental energy.

      Our brains are wired for habits and addictions due to a basic learning principle that helps us survive. This principle, which consists of a trigger, a behavior, and a reward, drives a significant amount of our behavior. While habits can be beneficial, they can also lead to problematic addictions when applied to modern-day conveniences like junk food or endless relationship chasing. The excitement of the chase can be addictive, and once the initial reward fades, we may feel disconnected and seek out new sources of excitement. Understanding this habit loop can help us recognize and overcome unwanted addictions, allowing us to free up mental energy for other pursuits. As for the hardest addiction to overcome personally, Charles Duhigg, the speaker in the conversation, humorously quips that he's a recovering "thinker."

    • The importance of being open to new ideas and letting go of egoBeing overly attached to our thoughts and ideas can hinder personal growth. Openness to new ideas and letting go of ego can lead to more fulfilling experiences and better learning.

      Being overly attached to our thoughts and ideas, and the ego that comes with it, can hinder personal growth and prevent us from moving forward. This was discussed in the context of scientific research, where the importance of being open to new ideas and being willing to have hypotheses disproven was emphasized. The speaker shared how their own addiction to thinking and the ego associated with it caused suffering and prevented them from truly learning and growing. They learned to break this addiction through meditation and introspection, and discovered that stepping out of the reward cycle of seeking validation for our ideas can lead to more fulfilling experiences. This relates to the idea that to change habits, we need to update the reward value, and understanding how these rewards are set up in the first place can help us make positive changes.

    • Rewiring Habits by Providing Brain with Updated InformationTo change deeply ingrained habits, provide brain with updated info about behavior's true value through mindful observation, revealing new rewards for healthier alternatives.

      Our habits are deeply ingrained in our brains, often formed during childhood and reinforced over time. These habits are controlled by the oldest and most primitive part of our brain, which can be difficult to override with rational thinking. To change these habits, it's essential to provide our brains with accurate and updated information about the behavior's true value. This can be achieved by paying close attention to the experience of the behavior in the present moment. For example, a smoker might be encouraged to notice the taste and smell of the cigarette, revealing that it doesn't taste as good as they once thought. This new information can then open up the space for a "bigger, better offer" - a healthier alternative that provides greater rewards. Similarly, a person with a fear of driving or overeating might benefit from mindfully observing their experiences and challenging their outdated beliefs. By giving our brains updated information, we can rewire our habits and improve our overall well-being.

    • Identifying habit loops for positive changeRecognizing and addressing negative habits by understanding their causes can lead to significant improvements in various areas of life

      Understanding and identifying our habit loops can help us break free from negative patterns, leading to significant improvements in various aspects of our lives. The story of the man with anxiety and weight gain illustrates this. By recognizing how eating was linked to his anxiety and realizing the unrewarding nature of this habit, he was able to lose a substantial amount of weight and also improve his anxiety. This process involves mapping out our habits, both positive and negative, and focusing on the negative ones causing problems. Common negative habits include worrying, smoking, and overeating, which are often driven by our brain's attempt to minimize uncertainty. Curiosity and awareness can then serve as powerful tools to help us discover healthier alternatives and ultimately change our habits for the better.

    • Understanding the rewards of unhealthy habitsTo change unhealthy habits, focus on the underlying rewards and replace them with healthier alternatives using the 'bigger, better offer' approach.

      People are more likely to form and maintain unhealthy habits, such as smoking or drinking, due to the rewards or relief they provide, rather than just the behavior itself. These rewards can be masked by clever marketing or social norms, making it harder for individuals to recognize and address the root cause of their addiction. To effectively change these habits, it's essential to understand the underlying rewards and replace them with something more rewarding and beneficial. This approach, known as the "bigger, better offer" (BBO), can help our brains learn new behaviors more naturally and effectively. By focusing on the rewards rather than just the behavior, we can make the process of changing habits less daunting and more successful.

    • Change behavior by offering a better rewardWillpower alone is insufficient to break unhealthy habits. Brain needs a better offer to replace old habits, as shown by the Rescorla-Wagner curve. It takes about 10 tries to change behavior by updating reward value.

      Willpower alone is not enough to break the cycle of overeating or other unhealthy habits. The brain needs a bigger, better offer to replace the old habit. This concept is backed by scientific research, specifically the Rescorla-Wagner curve, which shows that devaluing a reward can significantly change behavior. To test this, the Eat Right Now app has users imagine their desired food, remember their last experience with it, and then eat it mindfully to assess the actual reward value. It takes about 10 tries on average for the brain to update the reward value and change the behavior.

    • Hack cravings with curiosityRecognize the difference between cravings and curiosity, and choose curiosity to expand and explore instead of fulfilling cravings, leading to healthier choices and improved well-being.

      By practicing mindfulness and reflection, we can learn to recognize the difference between cravings and curiosity, and choose the latter as a healthier alternative. Cravings are often associated with a closed, contracted feeling in the body, while curiosity is expansive and expressive. By exploring our experiences in the moment, we can "hack" cravings with curiosity and tap into the superpower of expansion and exploration. Even when cravings persist, we can get curious about them and observe their changing nature, rather than giving in to the urge to fulfill them. This approach, which can be reinforced through an app-based training program, can help us make healthier choices and improve our overall well-being.

    • Mindfulness and meditation help us become more aware and update old habitsMindfulness practices offer the most promising solution to break addictions by increasing awareness and allowing healthier choices

      Mindfulness and meditation are effective tools for addressing habits, relationships, and even societal conflicts. The science suggests that mindfulness helps us become more aware, which in turn allows our brains to update and devalue old habits. This awareness can manifest as curiosity, connection, kindness, or even physical and mental well-being. The root of addiction lies in a survival mechanism that has been hijacked in modern times, leading us to continue using substances or behaviors despite adverse consequences. While the length of time it takes to break an addiction varies, the research indicates that mindfulness practices offer the most promising solution. It's not about willpower or magical thinking, but rather about being present and aware, allowing us to make healthier choices and form new, positive habits.

    • Recognize and interrupt habit loops with mindful practicesInformal mindful practices can lead to effective habit change by increasing awareness of behaviors in the moment and offering new, healthier alternatives.

      Understanding the habit loops and mindful practices in the moment are essential for effective habit change. The formal meditation practices can be helpful, but the most impactful change comes from informal practices that help individuals pay attention to their behaviors as they occur. These practices can be layered into daily life with short, bite-sized trainings, making them accessible to anyone. The key is not to force attention but to understand the mind and its habits. Through this approach, individuals can begin to recognize the rewards of old habits and make room for better offers. This method, as proven by research, can lead to significant results in managing anxiety and other behavioral issues.

    • App-based mental health interventions effectively reduce anxiety and target specific brain regionsDigital therapeutics, or app-based training programs, can help manage anxiety and addiction outside of traditional office settings, bringing mental health interventions to individuals and promoting balanced well-being

      Digital therapeutics, or app-based training programs, have been shown to effectively reduce anxiety and target specific brain regions associated with anxiety and craving. These programs, which were not even a term several years ago, can help bring mental health interventions to individuals, allowing them to manage their conditions outside of traditional office settings. The founder of the company, who has helped people overcome various addictions, shared that he has also improved his own addictive tendencies through this work. While everyone has habits that can get out of control, it's essential to recognize the difference between healthy habits and addictions that cause adverse consequences. For instance, exercise is beneficial for health, but becoming addicted to it and continuing to exercise despite injury is problematic. The goal is to find a balanced approach to maintaining our well-being, both physically and mentally.

    • Positive addictions can turn negative when individuals can't engage in them, leading to harmful habitsCultivate curiosity to foster positive habits and overall fulfillment in life, distinguishing between habits and addictions, and seeking support for mental health.

      Positive addictions, such as surfing, can turn into negative addictions when individuals are unable to engage in their loved activities due to injury or other circumstances. This can lead to the substitution of harmful habits, like drug use, to fulfill the craving for the adrenaline rush. It's essential to distinguish between habits and addictions, as habits provide positive rewards and don't result in adverse consequences. To foster positive habits and improve overall fulfillment in life, individuals should cultivate curiosity, focusing on the journey rather than the destination. Curiosity is an open quality that helps us tap into the positive feelings and possibilities that are always available to us. Remember, there are two types of curiosity: deprivation curiosity, which can feel like an addiction, and interest curiosity, which is about being curious about the journey itself. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and while mental illnesses may not have a straightforward solution, focusing on mental health and seeking support when needed can significantly improve individuals' lives.

    • Understanding our minds for better mental healthLearning to understand and adapt to our mental processes, such as anxiety and mental illness, can improve mental health. Mindfulness practices, like accepting things as they are and breaking free from repetitive thought patterns, are effective tools.

      Mental health and mental illness are closely linked, and our perception of these conditions plays a significant role in how we approach them. Anxiety, for instance, can be seen as our brain's planning mechanism going off track. Rather than fighting against these processes, we can learn to understand and adapt, bringing us back into the realm of mental health. Mental illness is not something that can be cured in the traditional sense, but we can change our relationship to it, making it less debilitating. This idea is exemplified in the field of schizophrenia research, where people are taught to relate differently to their voices rather than viewing themselves as sick. Mindfulness, which involves accepting things as they are and changing our relationship to them, is a powerful tool in this process. To improve mental health, it's essential to understand our minds, starting with recognizing our habit loops. This awareness allows us to work with our minds more effectively, ultimately leading to greater peace and well-being. Mindfulness and meditation are effective practices in this regard, as they help us develop a deeper understanding of our thoughts and emotions. Overthinking, on the other hand, is getting stuck in repetitive thought patterns, such as worry or rumination. Mindfulness, with its focus on awareness and acceptance, can help us break free from these loops.

    • Understanding mindfulness and addictionMindfulness helps break habit loops, ancient wisdom and science support it, personal experience is crucial, seek professional guidance, and positive impact comes from connecting with others

      Mindfulness is about staying present and becoming aware of our habit loops instead of getting caught up in them. Ancient wisdom and modern science both support this practice, but personal experience plays a crucial role in truly understanding its benefits. For those struggling with helping a loved one overcome an addiction, it's essential to begin by understanding their own mindset and seeking professional guidance. Mindfulness and modern scientific approaches, when combined, can provide accessible solutions to alleviate suffering. Ultimately, the most fulfilling moments come from connecting with others and making a positive impact on their lives.

    • Practicing compassion towards ourselves and othersCompassionate self-awareness and positive habits can help us overcome addictions and support others in their struggles

      Understanding our own minds and practicing compassion towards ourselves and others is a powerful step in dealing with addictions and helping others in their struggles. By not taking things personally and being present with someone's suffering, we can provide healing and naturally foster compassion. Building positive habits, such as true generosity and genuine connection, can also be reinforcing and make it easier to let go of negative habits. Remember, it takes practice and self-awareness to break free from old patterns and embrace new, healthier ones.

    • Focus on kindness and connection for a fulfilling lifeFocusing on acts of kindness and connection leads to greater happiness and fulfillment, breaking free from negative addictions and living a more meaningful life

      Building positive habits starts with self-awareness and choosing to focus on the expanded, rewarding experiences that come from acts of kindness and giving, rather than holding onto negative experiences or seeking immediate rewards. The science of habit formation supports this, as research shows that generosity and kindness lead to greater feelings of happiness and fulfillment. As the speaker put it, "curiosity, kindness, connection" are the keys to living a meaningful and complete life. These principles can be applied through various methods, such as practicing mindfulness, holding the door for others, or engaging in acts of generosity. By focusing on these positive habits, we can break free from negative addictions and live more fulfilling lives. For those interested in exploring these ideas further, the speaker's research and resources are available through various channels.

    • Exploring the Root Causes of Addictions and Offering Positive Alternatives with Dr. Judson BrewerExplore the root causes of addictions and negative habits with Dr. Judson Brewer, discover positive alternatives, and access free resources like courses, videos, and apps on his website.

      Dr. Judson Brewer, a renowned researcher and creator of several helpful apps, invites us to explore the root causes of our addictions and negative habits, and offers positive alternatives to transform our lives. His website, drjudd.com, provides a wealth of free resources, including courses, videos, and apps like Unwinding Anxiety, Eat Right Now, and Craving to Quit. His book, The Craving Mind, shares his personal journey and scientific findings. Dr. Brewer's work, born from his curiosity and dedication, helps countless individuals find peace and relief from suffering. His definition of greatness: egolessness. Share this message with a friend and let's help spread inspiration for personal growth. Don't forget to check out Dr. Brewer's apps using the code SCHOOLOFGREATNESS20 for a discount. If this episode resonated with you, please leave a review and connect with me on social media at Lewis House.

    • Find peace and strength in being presentFocus on being rather than thinking or wanting for inner peace and strength, and extend love to yourself and others

      It's important to take a moment to be present and appreciate the joy of just being, as emphasized by Eckhart Tolle. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to get lost in thoughts and desires, leading to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. However, by focusing on being rather than thinking or wanting, we can find peace and strength within ourselves. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that we are loved and to extend that love to ourselves and others. The world needs more self-love and less self-hate. So, take a deep breath, be present, and go out there and do something great. Remember, you're not alone - we've got your back.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Gary Vee – https://link.chtbl.com/1618-pod

    Sarah Jakes Roberts – https://link.chtbl.com/1606-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

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    Judson Brewer || Unwinding Anxiety

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    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Some of the books we mention during this episode (of which contain affiliate links):
    Atomic Habits by James Clear - https://amzn.to/3gTeiik
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    The music we use during the butterfly chase is called Goofballs. How appropriate...

    Presented by Clare Freeman and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    238: Belonging is a Critical Part of Identity & Purpose

    238: Belonging is a Critical Part of Identity & Purpose

    How Do You Belong to Yourself and to Others While Building Your Own Identity?


    Listen in as Sarah Elkins is joined by Paul Haury in an engaging conversation about the journey in self-belonging and Paul's story. Check it out today!

    Discovering Clarity One Bite at a Time course is now available!



    “Every single one of us is born without self belonging…somewhere along the way our self belonging forms in that space” - Paul Haury


    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



    Brown bottle flu reference

    Belonging by Owen Eastwood. 
    Brain Rules by John Medina. 


    About Paul Haury:

    “I guide people to experience belonging, in self-belonging, in their own brilliance, and within their company tribes, to really live & perform better than they ever imagined. In my most recent endeavors, I've served as VP of people & culture and as a professional coach, specializing in belonging and optimal performance for individuals and OrgDev. I believe we perform at our highest when we belong, and believe in shared purpose together. There, we simply fear less and aspire more.”

    Check out Paul’s LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.



    Sarah Elkins with dog in snow, Elkins Consulting logo and Gallup Strengthsfinder logo

    "Uncovering the right stories for the right audiences so executives, leaders, public speakers, and job seekers can clearly and actively demonstrate their character, values, and vision."

    In my work with coaching clients, I guide people to improve their communication using storytelling as the foundation of our work together. What I’ve realized over years of coaching and podcasting is that the majority of people don’t realize the impact of the stories they share - on their internal messages, and on the people they’re sharing them with.

    My work with leaders and people who aspire to be leaders follows a similar path to the interviews on my podcast, uncovering pivotal moments in their lives and learning how to share them to connect more authentically with others, to make their presentations and speaking more engaging, to reveal patterns that have kept them stuck or moved them forward, and to improve their relationships at work and at home.

    The audiobook, Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will is now available!

    Included with your purchase are two bonus tracks, songs recorded by Sarah's band, Spare Change, in her living room in Montana.