
    89: Amy Childs Talks Traumatic Twins Birth, Friendship With Paris Hilton & MORE!

    enDecember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From Reality TV to Salon Owner: Amy Charles' JourneyAmy Charles, a reality TV star and salon owner, gained fame through her unconventional looks and catchphrases, and later became an expert in spray tans, offering the service at her own salon.

      Amy Charles, also known as the Queen of Essex, gained fame through creating slang and rocking unconventional looks, such as red hair, on the reality TV show "The Only Way is Essex." She initially went on the show after being suggested by her boyfriend, who thought she would be a good fit for the "ditzy" character. Despite having a full-time job as a beautician, she was asked to go on the show and eventually left to open her own salon, where she became known for her spray tan services. An unexpected side effect of her appearance on the show was the sudden attention and fascination with her appearance and catchphrases, making her an overnight celebrity. The experience of getting her first spray tan was not a positive one, as she felt self-conscious about her appearance and looked orange instead of tanned. However, she later became known for her expertise in applying spray tan, which became a popular service at her salon.

    • Regrets and Risks of Plastic SurgeryBoth speakers share their regrets over getting plastic surgery due to societal pressures and changing beauty trends. They warn of the addictive nature of procedures and potential negative effects on self-esteem and relationships.

      Both the speakers in this discussion have had experiences with plastic surgery and have developed regrets due to societal pressures and the changing trends in beauty standards. The speaker expresses her regret for getting plastic surgery at a young age and feeling the need to keep up with changing beauty trends. She also shares her concerns about the potential negative effects on her children if they were to express a desire for similar procedures. The other speaker agrees and adds that the addictive nature of plastic surgery can lead individuals to continually seek out new procedures, even when they may not be necessary or desired in the long term. The conversation also touches on the influence of social media and the impact it can have on individuals' perceptions of their bodies and the pressure to conform to certain beauty standards. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the potential risks and downsides of plastic surgery.

    • Gaining fame at a young age can be challengingDespite harsh criticism and negative commentary, staying true to oneself and focusing on strengths can help navigate the challenges of fame at a young age.

      Fame at a young age, especially during a time with minimal filter in the media, can be a double-edged sword. Amy Childs, a former reality TV star, experienced this firsthand when she gained over 300,000 followers on Twitter overnight at the age of 19. Initially, she enjoyed the attention and compliments from the public. However, she was also subjected to harsh criticism and negative commentary in the press. Despite the backlash, Amy remained true to herself and continued to appear on the show, TOWIE. She also attended a small school in Essex due to her struggles with dyslexia, where she was made head girl. The experience instilled in her the confidence to face criticism and expect the unexpected in the public eye. She learned to take the negativity in stride and focus on her strengths. In the end, Amy's experience taught her the importance of staying true to herself and not letting the opinions of others define her.

    • Grace's experiences on TOWIE and vajazzlingGrace shared her authentic self on TOWIE, leading to unexpected opportunities and experiences, including live vajazzling and continued success in media.

      The speaker, Grace, shares her experiences with vajazzling and being on reality TV show "The Only Way is Essex" (TOWIE). She expresses how she found herself in unexpected situations, such as getting a vajazzle on live TV and being offered numerous opportunities after leaving TOWIE. She also reflects on the authenticity of the show and the unique dynamics of its cast. Grace emphasizes that she was being true to herself, despite people assuming she was an actress. The show's success and the impact it had on popular culture are also discussed. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's experiences and reflections on her time on TOWIE and the unexpected opportunities and experiences it brought her.

    • The blurred lines between reality and performance on reality TVReality TV can challenge one's patience and resilience as interactions with others may be misinterpreted and friendships or adversaries formed in confined spaces.

      The experience of being on a reality TV show, like Big Brother, can be both surreal and challenging. The lines between reality and performance can blur, even for the participants themselves. For example, during her time on the show, Jill felt that Simon Cowell, a famous television personality, believed her interactions on the show were scripted, when in fact they were not. Despite this misunderstanding, Jill was grateful for Cowell's support and admiration for her performance on the show. The experience of living in a confined space with other contestants, some of whom became friends and others became adversaries, tested Jill's patience and resilience. She learned that being too nice to people could be a disadvantage and that it was important to stand up for herself. Overall, Jill's experience on Big Brother was a memorable and formative one, filled with unexpected twists and turns.

    • The impact of entertainment and celebrities on young peopleDiscussing popular TV shows and meeting celebrities can boost confidence and inspire young people, but it's essential to promote kindness and understanding of fame in their upbringing.

      The power of entertainment and the influence of celebrities can have a significant impact on people's lives, especially on younger generations. This was evident in a conversation about the popular TV shows "Emily in Paris" and "The Only Way is Essex," where fans were excited about meeting and interacting with actors they admired. Polly, a daughter from the conversation, was described as confident, kind, and growing up with a clear understanding of her mother's fame. She even expressed a desire to appear on a reality TV show like Love Island. The conversation also highlighted the enduring appeal of older shows and actors, as some participants shared their fondness for actors who had appeared in both new and old productions. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of nurturing confidence and kindness in children while acknowledging the influence of entertainment and celebrities on their lives.

    • Following heart and instincts leads to unexpected joysTrusting instincts can lead to unexpected joys like finding a loving partner and having a family, even with initial opposition from loved ones.

      Even when faced with opposition from loved ones, following one's heart and instincts can lead to unexpected joys, such as finding a loving partner and having a family. The speaker's mother was initially hesitant about her daughter's relationship and her pregnancy, but ultimately came around and supported her. The speaker met her husband in London and fell in love quickly, and they had twins together. Despite initial concerns about how a new partner would fit in with existing children, the speaker's husband proved to be a loving and dedicated stepfather. The speaker also shared her surprise pregnancy experience, which happened quickly and resulted in twins. Another interesting point discussed was the possibility of twin syndrome, where one twin may disappear in the womb, although it's not guaranteed. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of trusting one's instincts and the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Experience of having twins: Challenges and joysDespite initial fears and challenges, having twins brings unique joys and a strong bond between parents and children.

      Having twins comes with unique challenges and fears, but the experience is also filled with love and surprise. The speaker was initially worried about how her family would react and the added difficulty of caring for two newborns. However, she discovered that her loved ones were supportive, and she found help through community and resources. Her pregnancy was similar to carrying one child, but the delivery was unexpectedly complicated, leading to an emergency C-section. Despite the initial shock and challenges, she came to appreciate the joy and bond that comes with raising twins. Her biggest fear was the logistics and stress of caring for multiple children, but she found that with support, it was manageable. Overall, the experience of having twins brought unexpected challenges and joys, and she came to cherish the experience.

    • Midwife saves baby's life during labor with quick interventionA midwife's timely intervention during a cord prolapse incident saved a baby's life, highlighting the importance of medical care during labor and delivery.

      The timely intervention of a midwife during a labor and delivery process saved a baby's life. The midwife noticed that the baby was experiencing cord prolapse, a condition where the umbilical cord slips out of the cervix before the baby, cutting off the baby's oxygen supply and potentially leading to stillbirth. The midwife quickly acted and performed an emergency cesarean section, saving the baby. The mother was unaware of the severity of the situation at the time but was grateful for the midwife's intervention. The experience was traumatic for the mother, and she expressed regret for not listening to her mom's advice to have a planned cesarean section due to her high-risk pregnancy with twins. The naming of the baby, Bill, was a source of joy for the family, as it was a common name among them. Overall, the experience was a reminder of the importance of timely medical intervention and the critical role midwives play in ensuring safe deliveries.

    • Supporting each other through unexpected challenges in parentingRemember that everyone's experiences and choices in parenting are unique, prioritize the health and happiness of children, and offer support to each other through the ups and downs.

      Parenting comes with unexpected challenges and uncertainties, and it's essential to be supportive of each other as parents. A friend's experience of having a premature baby in a home birth led to a traumatic experience, raising concerns about the potential risks and guilt associated with home births. Breastfeeding is another area where parents may face criticism and pressure, but ultimately, what matters most is the child's wellbeing and the parents' ability to provide for them. The mother's defense league, or the judgmental opinions of others, can add to the stress of parenting, but it's crucial to remember that everyone's experiences and choices are unique. In the end, the most important thing is to prioritize the health and happiness of our children, and to support each other through the ups and downs of parenthood.

    • Everyone's motherhood journey is uniqueSupport and uplift each other, recognizing the diverse experiences of motherhood instead of judging

      Everyone's experiences with motherhood are unique and not all methods work for everyone. So, while some women may have had positive experiences with breastfeeding, others, like Rich and Jane, found it challenging or even traumatic. Rich shared her difficulties with breastfeeding, including her discomfort and the extreme measures she took to try and make it work. Despite these efforts, it didn't work for her, and she felt judged for her decision not to continue. It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to motherhood, and what works for one person may not work for another. Instead of judging each other, we should support and uplift each other, recognizing and celebrating the diverse experiences of motherhood.

    • Two Perspectives on Organization and TidinessRespect individual differences and understand unique ways of living and expressing oneself

      Organization and tidiness are important values for some people, but not everyone shares the same priorities. The conversation between the speakers reveals their contrasting habits and preferences, with one person living in a meticulously organized home and the other admitting to being disorganized. The speakers also discuss various life experiences, including childbirth, engagements, and weddings, highlighting the diversity in how people approach and celebrate these milestones. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of respecting individual differences and understanding that everyone has unique ways of living and expressing themselves.

    • Embrace your natural beauty and value yourselfFind self-acceptance and self-love, cherish relationships, and surround yourself with genuine friends who accept you for who you are.

      Self-acceptance and self-love are crucial for personal happiness. The speaker expresses her gratitude for finding a loving partner and regrets past decisions, such as undergoing cosmetic surgery. She advises her younger self to embrace her natural beauty and not let societal pressures dictate her self-worth. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of surrounding oneself with genuine friends who accept and value us for who we are, rather than how we look. Additionally, she emphasizes the significance of cherishing relationships and not taking them for granted. As we age, the speaker intends to continue embracing change and staying true to herself, rather than succumbing to societal expectations or the desire for perfection.

    • TOWIE Cast Member Shares Insights on Show and Personal LifeReality TV star discusses cast relationships, being a peacemaker, personal engagements, weight loss goals, and interactions with celebrities

      The speaker is an avid fan and cast member of the reality TV show "The Only Way is Essex" (TOWIE), and she is excited to be back on the show after a break. She enjoys being part of the drama but also values being the peacemaker among the cast. She shares her thoughts on various cast members' relationships and her own personal life, including her engagement and weight loss goals. Additionally, she mentions her interactions with famous celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, who have reached out to her on social media. Overall, the speaker expresses her love for the show and her enthusiasm for being a part of it.

    • Appreciating the charm of Essex men despite complicationsThough interpersonal relationships can be complex and uncomfortable, maintaining a positive attitude and recognizing the charm in others can lead to growth and moving on.

      The speaker had a complicated relationship with someone, who followed him and tried to imitate him at a Halloween party. Despite being busy with work and feeling upset about the situation, the speaker appreciated the compliment about his outfit and eventually moved on, recognizing the charm of Essex men. The conversation also showcased the speaker's humor, wit, and ability to make light of uncomfortable situations. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude.

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