
    Halt and Catch Drama

    The Drama Mamas follow the rise of the internet age in Halt and Catch Fire.
    en-usThe Drama Mamas44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Ten of Swords (0410)

    Ten of Swords (0410)
    Ten of Swords (0410)

    It's the end of an era, you guys!
    If you've stuck it out, you have made it to a series finale that respects the viewer. Joe and Cameron don't get a happily ever after (yes, we're still salty about it), but it appears that Cameron and Donna do. And this is Drama Mamas approved.
    Joe makes a decision about what kind of impact he wants to have on the future.
    We touch on how our main players have changed since the pilot episode, and how far they've come.
    This series did not get the love it deserved when it was being aired, but we hope you tell a friend about it so that Halt and Catch Fire can get the notoriety it so much deserves.

    What to do next?!

    LET US KNOW!!!

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    NEW WEBSITE!!! thedramamamaspodcast.com

    Search (0409)

    Search (0409)
    Search (0409)

    This week we jump ahead 4 months. Comet is poised for their next big move. A new commercial is ready, complete with an appearance by the late Gordon Clark, and the even later Haley with long hair. Joe has a plan to maximize Comet to work best with Netscape who he feels is the next big thing. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!
    Haley is going through something between the Weiner World girl and being put in a commercial without consent, she's having a bad week. Joanie, also feeling lost, goes to find herself abroad.
    Donna hesitates to take the next logical step in her career, but Diane is tired of waiting for her to shit or get off the pot.
    Cameron realizes some things about her life and begins to make changes. Next week IS THE LAST EPISODE!!!
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    Insta: @thedramamamaspodcast

    Goodwill (0408)

    Goodwill (0408)
    Goodwill (0408)
    This week we see the aftermath of last week's death.
    How are you holding up? Fine?
    Haley and Joe go on an adventure that leaves Joe in a dark place. Joanie drives her mother crazy, just to feel alive. We get great Boz.
    And the reconciliation you've been waiting for finally begins.
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    Insta: @thedramamamaspodcast

    Who Needs a Guy (0407)

    Who Needs a Guy (0407)
    Who Needs A Guy (0407)
    This week Cam is in the zone. She's excited about the works she is doing. Joe, however, is in a completely different zone. And they are so out of sync.
    Boz and Diane finally make it official. And he invites Cameron as his daughter.
    Trip talks to Donna about Rover. And she discusses that info with Gordon.
    This inspires Gordon to rethink the future of Comet and Joe is worried Donna is setting them up for failure.
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    Insta: @thedramamamaspodcast

    A Connection is Made (0406)

    A Connection is Made (0406)
    A Connection is Made (0406)

    This week Donna has a problem. And it's not that suit and chunky jewelry. 
    Gordon and Haley go head to head and we learn a little more about his younger daughter. 
    Joe is emotionally sensitive, maintaining the balance of improving his EQ and his natural BDE. 
    Cameron is done with tech. So she gets the internet hooked up at her place in the sticks. 
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    Insta: @thedramamamaspodcast

    Nowhere Man (0405)

    Nowhere Man (0405)
    Nowhere Man (0405)
    This week light is cast in the darkest corners and SECRETS ARE REVEALED.
    Donna knows she's been lied to, and she's not having it. She plays some serious mind games this episode and we are Here. For. It.
    Gordon makes some health related decisions, Joe spins his wheels, and Boz has a FREAKIN' HEART ATTACK.
    Also Cameron tells Joe her big secret. Let's wait together for that other shoe to drop.
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    Tonya and Nancy (0404)

    Tonya and Nancy (0404)
    Tonya and Nancy (0404)
    This week mistakes are made.
    Donna's team is feeling the heat as Rover stumbles while Comet flourishes. Gordon and Joe tailor the site with experts in each category of their curated index. Haley finds her tribe in Comet and gains some confidence.
    Cameron struggles to get her groove back, buying property and a camper and marching off beat to her own drum.
    When Boz asks her for help, she freely gives it without a thought for what that means for the Comet vs Rover race. Spoiler: It's bad news.
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    Miscellaneous (0403)

    Miscellaneous (0403)
    Miscellaneous (0403)
    This week Haley is a star. Joe and Gordon bargain with her for her website, enamored with the idea of her take on an internet index. Enter Comet. Also enter discord between Joe and Gordon.
    Donna is having trouble finding balance in her attitude and life. She awkwardly navigates managing Rover and has a full on passive aggressive episode with Cameron.
    Oh, yeah, Cameron also has some drama at a conference, and has to face facts regarding Pilgrim.
    We're on Insta! Meme Monday, clips, and bts pics of the Drama Mamas? It's all there. @dramamamaspod
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    Signal to Noise (0402)

    Signal to Noise (0402)
    Signal to Noise (0402)
    This week we get a major throwback to the days of tying up phone lines for hours with your boo. Joe and Cameron reconnect via landline. Meanwhile, MCI is screwing Gordon over in a major way. CalNet's days are numbered.
    Haley is ALIVE, and her teen angst coupled with her genetic predisposition to nerdiness makes her an interesting addition we wouldn't be upset to see again.
    Donna has competition at work, and everyone there is failing to notice her BDE is far superior to Trip's. Don't worry, we have faith they gon' learn.
    We're on Insta! Meme Monday, clips, and bts pics of the Drama Mamas? It's all there. @dramamamaspod
    Follow us on Twitter:
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    So It Goes (0401)

    So It Goes (0401)
    So It Goes (0401)
    This week we fly through time. And no, it was not in a TARDIS. It was in a red plaid shirt that apparently Gordon has a huge affinity for.
    Three years pass. And Cameron is nowhere to be found. The browser/doorway/Rosetta Stone is dead in the water, although Joe refuses to give up. Being an internet service provider, however, is paying well and Gordon's side of the business is thriving. He tries to pull Joe from the dark side, but Joe is living in denial and trying to find all the websites out there.
    As Gordon turns 40, Cameron pops back into everyone's lives and with that comes some waves.
    We meet a new and improved Donna with a diamond hard exterior and a large Cameron shaped chip on her shoulder.
    We set the stage for the fourth and final season. Watch it and hear our thoughts. We'd love to hear yours, too!!
    We're now on Insta!
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    NIM (0309)

    NIM (0309)
    NIM (0309)
    This week we jump forward 4 years! Joanie's all grown up and has a video-dating sized chip on her shoulder. Donna and Gordon have (finally) split. And Cameron is at Comdex for her 4th installment of Spacebike.
    Donna wants to collaborate on a project woth Cameron but doesn't know how to reach her. so she calls Joe. Her ex. Seems legit.
    Joe and Cameron reconnect and we get a glimpse of the future via fax.
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    NeXT (0310)

    NeXT (0310)
    This week THE BAND IS BACK TOGETHER. Briefly.
    Joe and Cameron lay eyes on one another for the first time since they laid some other things on each other. You may be thinking that Joe won't be able to resist infusing all his words with heavy subtext, and you'd be dead right.
    Gordon brings his signature wet blanket to the table, but Tom will not be outdone in this area.
    Donna, the architect of this project, keeps the ball rolling, oiling wheels and playing referee when needed.
    In the end, we end up with a 3 person team and a broken wrist.
    We're 75% of the way through the series, you guys! Can't wait to crack open Season 4 with you. Coming Soon!
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    1000 Apologies (not technically an episode)

    1000 Apologies (not technically an episode)
    1000 Apologies (not technically and episode)
    This week The Drama Mamas had some distracting drama. Sorry 'bout it.
    We fully intend to talk about Episode 9 next week. Don't stop listening! We'll make it up to you, we've been through too much together to turn back now!
    In the meantime:

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    Email us: Dramamamaspod@gmail.com
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    You Are Not Safe (0308)

    You Are Not Safe (0308)
    You Are Not Safe (0308)

    This week the emotional abuse continues.

    Post vote, Cameron is isolated from the rest of the core cast, trying to heal.
    Donna is trying to fluff the market for Mutiny.
    Gordon enjoys a rare stroke of luck, completely unaware that Joe is the giver of said luck.
    And Ryan deals with the aftermath of his previous actions.
    Follow us on Twitter:
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    And She Was (0306)

    And She Was (0306)
    And She Was (0306)
    This week Joe and Ryan dream big and get a lot accomplished. Until Ken (Shaggy from the live action Scooby Doo) ruins everything and takes away Joe's power.

    Except you can take Joe out of a place of power, but you can't take the power out of Joe mf'n McMillan.
    Gordon and Cameron bond. Which is surprisingly less annoying than one would think it would be. Causing Joe and Cameron to have one of their ELECTRIC scenes together.
    Boz and Diane get closer.

    Oh, and Donna does shrooms.

    Follow us on Twitter:
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    Yerba Buena (0305)

    Yerba Buena (0305)
    Yerba Buena (0305)

    This week it's the 4th of July weekend! And no one is celebrating FREEDOM!
    Donna and Gordon take a staycation and get it on. They reminisce about days gone by and Gordon has an epiphane.
    Meanwhile Boz and Cameron take a road trip to TX, where everything is bigger. Icluding fights with loved ones.
    Joe gets dark. Real dark. And Ryan doesn't know what to do.
    Follow us on Twitter:
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    Rules of Honorable Play (0304)

    Rules of Honorable Play (0304)
    Rules of Honorable Play
    This week Mutiny absorbs Swapmeet and the transition could be smoother. Dickwad 1 and Dickwad 2, formerly Swapmeet, are under the impression they are Cameron's equal. A dream she is quick to wake them from.
    Boz and Diane run into Joe at a banquet. He manages to find a soft spot in both and poke it.
    Gordon continues to deteriorate until he finds an occasion to which he must rise.
    And Donna breaks the cardinal rule of Gal Pals.
    Follow us on Twitter:
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    Flipping the Switch (0303)

    Flipping the Switch (0303)
    Flipping the Switch (0303)
    This week Donna and Gordon appear unsuited. We know, we were shocked too.
    Cameron and Joe meet face to face and it's just as electric as you think it will be.
    Those are the highlights. Listen for the details.
    Follow us on Twitter:
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