
    Halt and Catch Drama

    The Drama Mamas follow the rise of the internet age in Halt and Catch Fire.
    en-usThe Drama Mamas44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Valley of the Heart's Delight (0301)

    Valley of the Heart's Delight (0301)
    Valley of the Heart's Delight
    This week we embark on a new journey. In California.
    Mutiny is breaking free of the storage-related bonds by utilizing their own mainframe, thanks to Gordon...'s money! and his hard work along with Donna.
    Joanie is having trouble acclimating to this new West coast life.
    A new coder is anxious to address some security issues, but Donna and Cameron have other priorities. You know who does see the value of security?
    Joe mf'n McMillan. And though we only get like, 90 seconds of him in the season opener, he makes an impact.
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    Heaven is a place (HCF 0210)

    Heaven is a place (HCF 0210)
    Heaven is a Place

    This week, we draw season 2 to a close.
    Donna FINALLY learns about Gordon's infidelity. Joe learns that he is the laughing stock of his industry. Boz settles into his new/old career. And Cameron looks to the future. Obviously, everyone reacts well to these new circumstances.
    The episodes serves as an excellent point to slingshot our fearsome foursome into the rapidly changing future that is the dawn of the internet age.
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    HCF 0208

    HCF 0208
    This week a lot of shit goes down. Buckle up, it's a wild ride.
    Joe and Sarah got married. And that's all there is to say about that.
    Mutiny holds its first ever meet-up picnic to bring users together. It's like Community IRL.
    Cameron and Tom are falling out of sync, not quite on the same level as Cameron seems out of sorts when faced with Mutiny's base as mostly non-gamers. Although to be fair, Gamers were the least likely group to show at a social gathering, amirite?
    Gordon continues to spiral mentally into a dark, paranoid place.
    Joe has a Hello, darkness, my old friend moment before clubbing in all white while on MDMA. As you do.
    And then the show takes a dark turn as we learn why Jacob was super chill with Cameron giving his purchase the finger. and HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS.

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    HCF 0207

    HCF 0207
    Working for the Clampdown

    This week Gordon FINALLY tells Donna his brain is broken. But that's as far as his honesty stretches regarding his Big Secrets. He plans to go forward with his PC building  business.
    Joe comes to Mutiny with a purchase offer which Cameron doesn't trust. But when Lev gets a taste of the darker side of the internet, she finds herself in a vulnerable place with him and finds a reason to trust him again.
    Also, Joe decides to elope. So, big movements in the latter half of the season, gaining momentum as we move toward the finale.

    It's a new year, and we're thrilled to be back! Can't wait to get to the final few episodes and hit the halfway mark of this amazing series!

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    Holla-day Update!

    Holla-day Update!
    Happy Holla-days from us, your friendly neighborhood Drama Mamas!

    You won't be hearing from us for a couple weeks. We know, we're bummed about it, too. But 2019 will have us back like we never left. Also, we'll have a movie for Christmas like last year. So you won't miss us too much!
    Happy New year and whatever Solstice holiday you observe!
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    HCF 0206

    HCF 0206

    This week, Joe didn't come to play. 
    Jacob wants to flip the script on Mutiny and begin charging them the going rate for storage. The sweetheart deal they got only 2 episodes ago is done, now that they aren't needed. And Jacob gives Joe something very dangerous. Leverage. 
    Mutiny is forced to dance to Joe's tune and begin to get creative about it. 
    Gordon, meanwhile, continues to spread the word about his brain damage to evertone except his wife. Also, he spreads other stuff.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0205

    HCF 0205
    Extract and Defend

    This week Donna learns exactly who Gordon's contact is. Joe who? This again proves Gordon has no business being involved in Mutiny.
    The moment we've been waiting for since Comdex comes to pass as Cameron and Joe meet face to face. She learns through a third party of his engagement.
    Donna and Gordon continue their helathy relationship by hiding their own medical issues from one another.
    And Boz has a really rough date.
    It's not the most action packed episode, but don't skip it! Important things are happening, people. PLOT RELEVENT!
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0204

    HCF 0204

    Play with Fire

    This week Donna and Cameron deal with the fallout of Sonaris. Mutiny is on the brink of collapse. Joe and Gordon do illegal shit again, and Gordon continues to have health issues. Gordon forges a sweetheart deal for Mutiny to make ammends. And Donna has a huge shock.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF S02E03

    HCF S02E03
    The Way In
    This week we face betrayal, sabotage, disrespect. And that's just Gordon.
    Joe is fighting his way through his future father-in-law's skepticism, looking for the next big idea. Gordon has a project, which, SURPRISE! leads to destruction. He goes from Superman to Zod in no time at all.
    And Donna and Cameron continue to have poor communication and increased tension.
    Shit's getting real, guys.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0202

    HCF 0202

    New Coke
    This week Joe meets the parents and starts a new job.
    Cameron and Donna have an investor meeting with Misogynist, Inc.
    Gordon plays with Mutiny and it's not good enough. So he gets coked up and neglecgts his kids.
    It's a fun time!
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0201

    HCF 0201
    We pick up in 1985. Mutiny is expanding, very quickly. Too quickly for the nerds at Cameron's house to keep up. Donna andCameeron disagree on how to face these problems.
    Gordon and Joe are cut checks for their cut of the sale of Cardiff. Gordon doesn't know what to do next. Besides to cocaine in his desk.
    But Joe. Settled into domestic bliss and looking very well-adjusted, we're left wondering when and how he will be self-destructuing this season.
    All our heroes are teed up for an interesting season and we can't wait to dive in.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0110

    HCF 0110
    This week we tie up loose ends. Donna and Gordon are in a new and more equal place. Cameron has a fresh start, and Joe goes to live in the woods.
    If that sounds like everyone is left in rainbows and sunshine, listen on. There's fire, graffiti, and newly formed alliances. It's a great end to an excellent season of television. We can't wait to dive into the future of next season which picks up in 1985.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0109

    HCF 0109
    Up Helly Aa
    This week we arrive to COMDEX! If you recall, Gordon was there a few years ago. He's the expert.
    It's off to a rocky start when our heros lose both their booth space and their room. Lucky for all, Gordon and Joe work together to con poor nerd bros out of theirs.
    We learn that Donna's rockin' bod wasn't the only thing that caught Hunt's eyes. Joe is faced with a moral dilemma and we get to see Camerin's marketing skills in action.
    All in all, it is an excellent penultimate episode that applies incredible pressure to all of our major players. How will this impact their uncertain futures? We'll see next week.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF S01E08

    HCF S01E08
    This week Gordon finds his Zen. And promptly loses it.
    Joe and Cameron ride a feels roller coaster in a glass case of emotion.
    And Donna is eaten up with guilt.
    We're all getting ready for Comdex, and sh*t is getting real. Boz gets arrested for cyber theft. Feds sieze all the things, but luckily Gordon thinks quick and assumes (correctly) that the fuzz wouldn't be able to know what they're looking for. Which he later steals back and we leave our crew setting off on a new and uncertain adventure.
    It's a lot.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF 0107

    HCF 0107
    This week it gets real. Donna gets some action, we learn more about Joe's past and get all the feels from Cameron. There's not much more to say other than to quote River Song, "Spoilers!"
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF S01E06

    HCF S01E06

    This week there's a natural disaster. Also, a hurricane.
    Gordon announces to the office that Cameron and Joe are doing the dirty. He also wakes his wife for some nookie, and in doing so, volunteers to get a doll for his child, which he fails to do before the storm. He's, everyone say it together now, THE WORST.
    Cameron seeks answers from a cagey and combative Joe.
    Joe and Donna have dinner, and we're all shocked to find yet another cast member she has more chemistry with than her on-screen husband. Dameron, anybody? Joe McI-can-dig-him-with-Donna? We're bad at couple names.
    The storm hits and teaches Joe about human connection.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF S01E05

    HCF S01E05
    This week Gordon has a brilliant, project saving idea. And he immediately bombs it. Cameron deals with a shitty boss who likes to mansplain and be condescending. Been there, girl. She handles it. Donna has more sexual chemistry on the phone with her boss than she does with Gordon in their sex scene. And Boz is likeable. As usual.

    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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    HCF S01E04

    HCF S01E04
    Close to the Metal
    This week, shit gets real. We ride the high of crossing the Doherty Threshold (because we totally know what that is), and the lows of LOSING ALL PROGRESS.
    Under the microscope of a visiting reporter, our ragtag team of genius misfits must scramble to get it all together. And succeed due to an unlikely hero.
    Also, Gordon sucks.
    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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