
    9/13/21: Vaccine Mandate, 9/11 Retrospective, Dubya's Speech, Drone Strikes, Bernie vs Manchin, Cali Recall, Wall St Greed, and More!

    enSeptember 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring California's Attractions and Disconnecting from TechnologyCalifornia offers numerous attractions, but US Cellular urges people to disconnect for five hours. Biden mandates coronavirus vaccination or weekly testing for businesses with over 100 employees based on the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

      California was discussed as an ideal playground with various attractions including a wine country, surfing waves, Redwood Forest, and ski slopes. However, the conversation also touched on the importance of disconnecting from technology, with US Cellular encouraging people to put down their phones for five hours. Additionally, the show discussed various news topics such as new information on the links between Saudi and the 9/11 hijackers, former President George W. Bush's speech, and the final drone strike in Afghanistan. The main news of the day was President Biden's announcement of mandatory coronavirus vaccination or weekly testing for businesses with over 100 employees. The legal justification for this mandate is based on the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

    • OSHA's New Vaccine Mandate Faces Legal ChallengesThe Biden administration's OSHA rule mandating COVID-19 vaccines or weekly testing for large businesses is likely to go into effect despite legal challenges, striking a balance between individual rights and societal responsibility.

      The Biden administration's new OSHA rule mandating COVID-19 vaccines or weekly testing for large businesses faces legal challenges, but it's on relatively firm ground under existing emergency standards. The rule will likely go into effect, but it will be contested in court. The mandate is not a direct vaccine mandate, as employees can choose to get tested instead of getting vaccinated, making it a balance between individual rights and societal responsibility. Despite Republican governors' threats to sue, the Biden administration seems unfazed, leaning into a forceful political stance. The legality of the mandate ultimately depends on the courts and their interpretation of the OSHA act.

    • Mandatory vaccinations and social trustMandatory vaccinations for employees may create resistance due to concerns about trust and potential backlash. Incentive programs may be more effective in increasing vaccination rates.

      The implementation of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for employees, as proposed by some companies and the administration, raises concerns about social trust and potential backlash. While the vaccines are effective in preventing hospitalization and death, the use of strong language and the threat of termination may further polarize the issue and create resistance. Some argue that incentive programs may be more effective in increasing vaccination rates. The politics of the issue are clear, with the unvaccinated group posing risks to others, but the approach should avoid contempt and judgment towards those who choose not to get vaccinated. The success of vaccine mandates can be seen in other countries, but the trade-offs and potential consequences should be carefully considered.

    • Unvaccinated population imposes costs on vaccinated, vaccine requirements supported by majorityThe unvaccinated population is imposing significant costs on vaccinated individuals, and most Americans support vaccine requirements for in-person workers. However, concerns about natural immunity and potential disproportionate impact on lower-income individuals require attention. Trust and clear communication are crucial in implementing vaccine policies.

      The unvaccinated population is imposing significant costs on vaccinated individuals through increased strain on healthcare resources, leading to potential denial of critical care. According to recent polling, a majority of Americans support vaccine requirements for in-person workers, and the unvaccinated are a minority. However, there are concerns about natural immunity and its potential protection against the virus, which should be addressed by health officials. While vaccine mandates may be necessary in certain high-risk settings like hospitals and nursing homes, mass firings could disproportionately impact lower-income individuals. Trust is key in implementing these policies, and clear answers are needed for those who have already had COVID-19 and are unsure about getting the vaccine. Ultimately, the Biden administration and Democrats believe they are on solid political footing and prioritize controlling the pandemic over potential backlash.

    • Vaccinations and 9/11: Natural Immunity and Saudi ConnectionsThe speaker advocated for vaccinations but acknowledged challenges for those with natural immunity. They suggested using antibody tests. The discussion also covered the 9/11 attacks, focusing on the Saudi connection, with recent documents suggesting an individual linked to hijackers had ties to Saudi consular officials.

      The discussion touched upon the requirement for vaccinations, natural immunity, and the ongoing release of documents related to the 9/11 attacks. Regarding vaccinations, the speaker expressed their belief that it's necessary for individuals to get vaccinated. However, they acknowledged the challenge of implementing a system for those with natural immunity, suggesting the possibility of antibody tests. The conversation then shifted to the 9/11 attacks, with a focus on the Saudi connection. The speaker noted that while there is no concrete evidence of high-level Saudi government involvement, there are questions about lower-level individuals. Recently declassified documents revealed that an individual named Omar Al Bayoumi, who helped two of the hijackers settle in the US, had connections to Saudi consular officials and was being paid by the Saudi government. This raises suspicions that he may have been an intelligence agent operating on US soil. The discussion underscored the importance of addressing unanswered questions surrounding the 9/11 attacks.

    • Unanswered questions about CIA-FBI communication and potential Saudi cover-ups in the 9/11 attacksRecent declassification of documents shed new light on bureaucratic issues and potential cover-ups involving Saudi officials and their connections to the 9/11 hijackers, leading to mistrust and controversy surrounding the official narrative of the attacks.

      For over two decades, there have been unanswered questions regarding why a CIA cable identifying two individuals with visas to the United States in 2000, who were later linked to the 9/11 attacks, was not shared with the FBI. This incident is just one example of the numerous bureaucratic issues and potential cover-ups involving Saudi officials and their connections to the hijackers. The lack of transparency and accountability has led to mistrust and controversy surrounding the official narrative of the 9/11 attacks. The recent declassification of documents sheds new light on these issues, but it remains to be seen if the truth will ever be fully revealed. The 9/11 attacks and the subsequent responses, including the invasion of Iraq, have had profound and lasting consequences on U.S. foreign policy and global security.

    • Acknowledging Domestic Terror but Ignoring Past HarmFormer President Bush's speech received praise for acknowledging domestic terror, but his past actions under the War on Terror and the Patriot Act have caused significant harm and led to current polarization and distrust. Holding leaders accountable for their actions is crucial.

      Former President George W. Bush's recent speech received praise from some for acknowledging the existence of domestic terrorism, but his past actions and the consequences of his presidency, particularly the War on Terror and the Patriot Act, have caused significant harm to the country and led to the current state of polarization and distrust. The speaker expressed disappointment and anger towards the fawning response to Bush's speech, as they believe he is responsible for many of the issues facing America today. The speaker also highlighted the hypocrisy of some figures, such as Keith Olbermann, who have criticized Trump but praised Bush for similar sentiments. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of holding leaders accountable for their actions and recognizing the long-term impacts of policies.

    • Actions of political elites and media have fueled distrusted politicsPolitical elites, responsible for past mistakes like selling the Iraq war, evade accountability and continue to hold influence, while the damage inflicted on people and the country remains unaddressed. This lack of consequence fuels public anger and disillusionment.

      The actions of political elites, including those involved in selling the war in Iraq and reshaping public perception through media, have significantly contributed to the current state of polarized and distrusted politics in America. These individuals, who have evaded accountability for their past mistakes, continue to hold influence and even be celebrated, while the damage inflicted on ordinary people and the country as a whole is incalculable. The lack of consequence for elite crimes and the glorification of those responsible further exacerbates public anger and disillusionment. Recent events, such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the aftermath of a drone strike, serve as reminders of the long-term consequences of these choices and the importance of holding those responsible accountable.

    • Questionable intelligence leading to civilian casualties in drone strikesDrones strikes have resulted in civilian deaths, including aid workers and their families, due to unreliable intelligence. Transparency and accountability are needed to ensure legality and morality in their use.

      The use of drone strikes as a tactic in the US war on terror, particularly in countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, has resulted in the killing of civilians, including aid workers and their families, based on questionable intelligence. The military's claim of precision in these strikes is only as effective as the intelligence used, and the lack of transparency and accountability in the process raises concerns about the legality and morality of these actions. Despite the long-standing issue of civilian casualties, there has been a lack of oversight and investigation into these incidents. The recent killing of an aid worker and his family in Afghanistan serves as a reminder of the human cost of these military actions, and highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the use of drone strikes.

    • U.S. airstrike in Kabul met with skepticism due to lack of transparencyThe recent U.S. airstrike in Kabul raised doubts due to the Pentagon's lack of transparency, potentially ineffective targeting, and questionable handling of the situation, reflecting a pattern of controversial actions during the War on Terror.

      The recent U.S. airstrike in Kabul, which was claimed to target high-level ISIS-K militants, was met with skepticism due to the lack of transparency and detail provided by the Pentagon. The absence of identifying the targets and providing clear evidence raised suspicions that the attack may not have been as effective or justified as claimed. Furthermore, the Pentagon's handling of the situation, including the lack of admission to any mistakes and the potential burying of the issue, reflects a pattern of questionable actions during the War on Terror that has resulted in significant loss of life and resources without ensuring increased safety for Americans or those in the affected regions. Additionally, the ongoing debate among Democrats regarding the proposed $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill highlights the challenges of passing significant legislation, with some Democrats, like Joe Manchin, expressing concerns over the cost and urgency of the bill.

    • Democratic Party Debate Over Reconciliation Bill Size and ScopeModerates and progressives in the Democratic Party are at odds over the size and scope of the reconciliation bill, with key moderates pushing for a smaller package and progressives demanding significant climate provisions. Manchin and Sanders are the key players in this debate, and the outcome will significantly impact the Democrats' legislative agenda.

      The ongoing debate in the Democratic Party over the size and scope of the reconciliation bill is far from over, with key moderates like Joe Manchin and Josh Gottheimer pushing for a smaller package and progressives like Bernie Sanders and the Squad holding firm on their demands for a larger bill with significant climate provisions. Manchin has stated that the current $3.5 trillion proposal is not acceptable, and he refuses to meet the House Democrats' deadline to vote on the bill by the end of September. The moderate Democrats' goal is to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill instead, but they need progressive votes to pass the reconciliation bill. The progressives have been consistent in their stance of "no climate, no deal," but have not explicitly defined their red line. The ball is now in Bernie Sanders' court to guide the progressives on their next move. The lack of specificity on the progressives' red line and the eroding Republican support for the bipartisan infrastructure bill give them significant leverage in the process. The ongoing game of political maneuvering between moderates and progressives will likely continue as both sides try to push their agenda forward.

    • Negotiations for US Tax Legislation: Complex Bargaining SessionDespite a proposed corporate tax increase and changes to capital gains tax, getting the full $3.5 trillion package is uncertain due to political opposition and bargaining. The outcome will significantly impact working-class people and the Biden administration's legacy.

      The ongoing negotiations around the proposed tax legislation in the United States have resulted in a new proposal with a corporate rate increase to 26.5%, a 3% surtax on those earning $5,000,000 plus, and changes to capital gains tax. However, getting the full $3.5 trillion package is unlikely, and the process is becoming a complex bargaining session. Manchin's opposition to the child tax credit and potential support for a smaller package adds to the uncertainty. The substance of the legislation, particularly the climate provisions, is a priority for many Democrats, but the messy process and potential political fallout may overshadow its impact. The ongoing negotiations are reminiscent of the Obamacare debates and may result in a cobbled-together bill. The stakes are high for the Biden administration's legacy, and the outcome will significantly impact working-class people. The criminals responsible for the decisions made in the aftermath of 9/11, particularly the war in Iraq, should never be forgotten for their significant impact on American lives and resources.

    • The U.S. shifted focus from 9/11 perpetrators to Iraq, leading to false pretenses for invasionPresident Bush's ideology and advisors diverted resources and attention from 9/11 threats, resulting in devastating consequences and loss of trust in government

      The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks brought about a unique opportunity for the United States to focus on bringing the perpetrators to justice. However, President George W. Bush and his administration, driven by Bush's own ideological beliefs and the influence of key advisors like Paul Wolfowitz, shifted their focus towards Iraq, despite no clear connection to the attacks. This decision, which included letting Bin Laden escape during the invasion of Afghanistan, led to the diversion of resources and attention, and ultimately, the invasion of Iraq under false pretenses. The consequences were devastating, with the loss of countless lives, trillions of dollars spent, and the erosion of trust in government. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of staying focused on the true threats and avoiding the manipulation of public sentiment for personal or ideological gain.

    • The California recall election as a reminder of political dynamics during culture warsCulture war issues can mobilize voters, but extremist candidates can alienate moderates and independents. Focus on solutions, not divisive rhetoric.

      The September 11 attacks should be remembered for the victims, but it's also important to recall the failures of those in power. The California gubernatorial recall election serves as a reminder of the political dynamics at play, particularly when it comes to culture war issues. In the case of the California recall, Republicans attempted to capitalize on voter dissatisfaction with Governor Gavin Newsom, but their strategy backfired when they nominated an extremist candidate. The race shifted from a referendum on Newsom to a choice between him and Larry Elder, and Newsom effectively defined Elder as an anti-vaxxer and opponent of women's rights. The result was a surge in Democratic turnout and a decisive victory for Newsom. The takeaway for national politics is that culture war issues can be effective in mobilizing voters, but extremist candidates can also alienate moderates and independents. It's important for political leaders to focus on solutions rather than divisive rhetoric.

    • The Political Divide Over Vaccine Mandates and Corporate America's Response to 9/11Despite widespread support for vaccine mandates, corporate America's self-interest was evident after 9/11, with CEOs receiving discounted stock options during a market downturn, illustrating the importance of enforcing laws against the powerful.

      The debate over vaccine mandates continues to be a significant political divide, with a majority of Americans supporting such requirements for in-person workers. This trend is particularly pronounced in solidly blue states like California, where Democratic enthusiasm has surged as a result. Meanwhile, the response of corporate America after the 9/11 attacks serves as a stark reminder of the potential for greed and self-interest, even in the face of national tragedy. Companies like UnitedHealth, Black and Decker, Home Depot, and Merrill Lynch took advantage of the post-9/11 market downturn to grant their CEOs discounted stock options, demonstrating a shocking disregard for the human cost of the attacks. This behavior is a reflection of the broader question of whether society is willing to enforce laws against the powerful, and the consequences of not doing so can be devastating.

    • Bush's Tax Policies Post-9/11Bush's tax cuts, marketed as stimulus but primarily benefiting the wealthy and corporations, led to an economy heavily reliant on capital and contributed to the 2008 financial crisis.

      George W. Bush's policies during his presidency, particularly his tax agenda in response to 9/11, have had lasting negative effects on the economy and society. Bush ran on a humble foreign policy but once in office, he pushed for tax cuts largely benefiting the wealthy and corporations, which were already doing well. The 2001 tax cuts focused on wealthy individuals, while the 2003 tax cuts were marketed as a stimulus but were primarily for the extremely wealthy and corporate America. These tax cuts contributed to an economy heavily reliant on capital and led to the inflating bubble that eventually crashed in 2008. The speakers criticize Bush for using 9/11 as justification for his personal interests and radical ideologies, causing significant harm to the country and the world.

    • Take a break from your smartphonePause phone use for 5 minutes to reconnect with people and surroundings, potentially discovering new perspectives.

      Despite the many advantages of having a smartphone, it's important to be mindful of the potential distractions they can bring, especially when we're interacting with others. US Cellular encourages us to take a break from our phones for five minutes at a time to reconnect with the world around us and the people in it. By doing so, we may find new perspectives and deeper connections. So, while our smartphones are powerful tools, it's essential to use them responsibly and intentionally. To learn more about this initiative, visit uscellular.com/builtforus.

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    On Twitter, follow Jamie Smyth (@JamieSmythF) and Michela Tindera (@mtindera07

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

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