
    9 Boys 1 House - Safety Third 96

    enFebruary 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A group of YouTubers discuss their ongoing podcast and experimentsRegular podcast guests met through various channels, discuss their work and share experiences, despite occasional mishaps, have been ongoing for several years, and reflect on early ambitions and project evolution.

      The Safety 3rd podcast is an audio file uploaded to the internet, and its guests include various YouTube personalities who often discuss their projects and experiments. The group started out with a larger number of participants but eventually narrowed down to a core group of regulars. Despite occasional mishaps, such as accidentally uploading an unfinished episode, the podcast has been ongoing for several years. The group members met each other through various channels, including a monster truck rally and collaborative projects. They often discuss their work, which involves breaking things down to rebuild them, and share their experiences and insights. The group includes individuals like Alan, Kevin, and William Osman, among others. While the podcast has been ongoing for some time, its members reflect on their early ambitions and the evolution of their projects.

    • Enjoying YouTube and Podcasting with Mark RoberThey enjoy educational content on YouTube, have a successful podcast, and discussed the importance of asking thoughtful questions during interviews

      The speakers in this conversation enjoy watching educational content on YouTube, specifically Mark Rober, and have a successful podcast with a quick turnaround time of two days. They also had an entertaining conversation about various topics, including the taste of cock Tumblr post, Tom Scott, and bidets. The speakers joked about various topics and even attempted to prank each other using a Kahoot quiz. Despite their light-hearted banter, they also discussed the importance of asking thoughtful questions, such as when they interviewed Hank Green and asked about his circumcision experience. The conversation showcases their enthusiasm for learning and sharing knowledge with their audience.

    • Unexpected inspiration from a carbonated bidet conversationExplore unconventional ideas, find support in a community, and never underestimate the potential of a seemingly absurd concept

      Creativity can come from the most unexpected places, even during seemingly unrelated conversations. During a discussion about a carbonated bidet, the idea of adding carbonation for a "vibe" and various add-ons like menthol, warm air, and baby powder emerged. This concept could potentially be developed into a unique product. The conversation also highlighted the importance of having a supportive community, like a Maker Club or Shark Tank, to help bring ideas to life. Additionally, the discussion showcased the importance of not being afraid to explore unconventional ideas, even if they may seem absurd at first. The bidet business mentioned in the conversation, Swipe Swipe dotGG, is an example of this, as it sells a bidet product engineered by Ludwig.

    • Bidets vs Toilet Paper: A Hygienic RevolutionPassionate advocates argue bidets offer a more hygienic, efficient, and life-changing experience compared to toilet paper, despite challenges like DRM cartridges and broken chairs.

      The discussants passionately advocate for the use of bidets over traditional toilet paper due to their belief that bidets provide a more hygienic and life-changing experience. They compare the use of toilet paper to ancient methods like using leaves or underwear, and argue that bidets are a more efficient and cleaner solution. The conversation also touches upon the topic of a DRM cartridge system for a French bidet and the discussants' experiences with breaking chairs. Despite the challenges they face, they continue to use and value their vintage, albeit weak, chairs. The conversation ends with a wish for a stronger bond between them, as they feel they could benefit from each other's creative ideas and gift-giving opportunities.

    • Exploring the Unexpected Sources of CreativityCreativity can strike in unexpected moments and pursuing unexpected ideas can lead to innovative solutions and potential opportunities, but it's important to consider practical considerations like budget and resources.

      Creativity often strikes in unexpected moments and can lead to unique and exciting ideas. The speakers in this conversation shared stories of their creative processes, from designing a set for a podcast to coming up with a name for an esports team. Some ideas came from brainstorming sessions, while others were inspired by travels or everyday experiences. Despite the challenges and limitations, they pursued their ideas, resulting in innovative solutions and potential opportunities. However, they also acknowledged the importance of practical considerations, such as budget and resources, in bringing their ideas to life. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of being open to inspiration and taking calculated risks to bring creative ideas to fruition.

    • The Importance of a Strong FoundationA strong foundation is essential for the longevity and success of any project, be it a broken chair or a business venture. It requires collective effort, communication, adaptability, and a commitment to quality.

      A strong foundation is crucial for any project, no matter how small or large. This was evident in the discussion as the group worked on reinforcing a broken chair. They used steel rods, tape, and their collective effort to create a solid base that would ensure the chair's longevity. This concept extends beyond the physical world, as it applies to various aspects of life, including business and personal relationships. The group also touched upon the importance of teamwork, communication, and adaptability in bringing ideas to fruition. Additionally, they discussed the complexity of operations behind the scenes, such as the companies involved in Ludwig's YouTube career. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of a strong foundation and the collaborative efforts required to build and maintain it.

    • Producing events for YouTubers and streamers: Unique challengesWorking with YouTubers and streamers demands patience, adaptability, and a deep understanding of their unconventional work schedules and monetization needs to create successful events.

      Producing events, especially those involving YouTubers and streamers, comes with unique challenges. These creators, while passionate and engaging, can be difficult to coordinate due to their unconventional work schedules and mindset. Streamers, in particular, require a high level of flexibility and understanding as they are driven by the constant need to be online and monetize their time. The dynamic nature of their work can lead to last-minute changes and high-pressure situations. Despite these challenges, the rewards of working with these creators can be significant, as they bring energy, creativity, and a dedicated fanbase to events. Ultimately, producing events for this demographic requires patience, adaptability, and a deep appreciation for the unique nature of their work.

    • From Super Smash Brothers Melee to streaming successTwo individuals' resilience and determination led them to build a following in the streaming community despite unconventional beginnings and unexpected challenges

      The origins of popular content creation, such as streaming and YouTube, can have unexpected and unconventional beginnings. This was exemplified in the story shared about how two individuals met through playing Super Smash Brothers Melee in middle school and eventually became known figures in the streaming community. Their early experiences included competing in tournaments and hosting events in less-than-ideal living conditions. One notable incident involved a burst hot water pipe in their house, which led to a lack of water for several days during a Smash Brothers tournament. Despite the challenges, they persisted and eventually gained a following. This story highlights the resilience and determination that can lead to success in unconventional paths.

    • Unexpected Encounters and Shared HumorFriendship, resilience, and following your dreams are key to overcoming challenges and achieving success. Instant connections can form through shared experiences and humor, and people can surprise you with their goals and accomplishments.

      Unexpected experiences and shared humor can lead to strong friendships. The story begins with the narrator's first encounter with Ludwig during a game of Mafia, which led to an instant connection. Over time, they shared goals and living arrangements, and even faced challenges together, such as flooding their house. Despite these obstacles, their friendship remained strong. Another key takeaway is that people can surprise you, as Ludwig's dream of becoming a late-night talk show host seemed unlikely when he first arrived in LA, working at a vape company. However, with determination and support from his friends, he eventually pursued streaming and achieved success. Overall, the story highlights the importance of friendship, resilience, and following your dreams.

    • A candid conversation about cheating and academic integrityDespite the frustrations and potential threats, the speakers shared a love for learning and a sense of humor in their discussion about academic integrity and cheating.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including personal experiences, hypothetical situations, and trivia. The speakers expressed frustration over technical issues and potential threats to their livelihoods. They also shared their academic backgrounds and experiences with cheating. The conversation then shifted to the U.S. Bill of Rights and the First Amendment, leading to a humorous exchange about the amendments and their incorrect recollections. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of frustration, humor, and a shared love for learning, even if the learning was through unconventional means.

    • Playful Discussion on Constitutional AmendmentsDuring a conversation, various ideas for potential amendments to the US Constitution were proposed, ranging from clarifying the Second Amendment to implementing universal basic income and changing the voting age.

      During a playful and sometimes nonsensical conversation, various ideas for potential amendments to the United States Constitution were proposed. These ideas ranged from clarifying the Second Amendment to allow for dual wielding, to implementing universal basic income, to allowing everyone a "get out of jail free card" at birth. Other suggestions included changing the voting age to as young as three years old, and freezing the salaries of senators and representatives until after an election. The conversation also touched on historical amendments and their significance, such as the 13th Amendment and women's suffrage. While the discussion was at times unclear and humorous, it highlighted the importance of understanding the Constitution and the potential for continuous improvement and adaptation to meet the changing needs of society.

    • Delaying Politicians' Pay Raises: A Historical TraditionDelaying politicians' pay raises is a long-standing US tradition to prevent potential abuse and ensure financial security throughout their term.

      The practice of delaying pay raises for politicians to prevent potential abuse or scandals is a long-standing tradition in the US. This discussion touched upon the potential reasons behind this practice, which include preventing pressure and ensuring the security of pay throughout a politician's term. The conversation also brought up the memory of 9/11 and the role Mark Wahlberg could have potentially played in preventing the attacks, as well as some controversial incidents involving the actor. Despite the tangential topics, the core takeaway remains the historical significance of delaying pay raises for politicians.

    • A Fascinating Discussion about Mark Wahlberg's Personal Life and CareerParticipants shared personal experiences, explored rumors, and delved into Wahlberg's filmography, highlighting the power of online communities to generate engaging conversations around popular figures.

      The discussion touched upon various aspects of Mark Wahlberg's personal life and career, including his family background, rumors, and filmography. Some participants shared their personal experiences with Wahlberg, such as visiting a Wahlbergers restaurant or having seen some of his movies. Others delved into more controversial topics, like his circumcision status and past controversies. Despite the diverse range of topics, there seemed to be a shared fascination with Wahlberg and his public persona. Some participants even admitted to having a "Mark Wahlberg kick" and enjoying deep dives into his life. However, the conversation also highlighted the importance of fact-checking and avoiding clickbait or inappropriate content. Overall, the discussion showcased the power of online communities to generate engaging and sometimes unexpected conversations around popular figures.

    • Discussions on Pinterest's limitations and creating controversial contentSpeakers shared frustrations with Pinterest's image size restrictions and discussed creating content on unusual topics, leading to valuable learning experiences and unexpected outcomes.

      During a discussion about various topics, the speakers expressed their frustrations with Pinterest and its limitations, particularly in regards to accessing full-size images and sources. They also shared their experiences with creating content and engaging with unusual or controversial topics. Despite some missteps and misunderstandings, they learned a lot from each other and appreciated the opportunity to explore new ideas. For instance, they discussed Hank Green's "dumb" response to a safety video, which was seen as a positive outcome. They also mentioned creating a Fleshlight based on a joke and turning it into a real product. Overall, the conversation showcased the value of sharing knowledge and experiences, even if it meant encountering unexpected or unusual content.

    • Creating a Custom Fleshlight: Challenges and ComplexitiesCreating custom-made products involves navigating various challenges, including finding the right manufacturer, dealing with potential contamination, and handling legal considerations. Clear communication and a strong business foundation are crucial.

      This conversation revolves around the creation of custom-made products, specifically a custom Fleshlight, and the challenges encountered during the production process. The speakers discuss various issues such as potential contamination by rodents, the importance of working with the right manufacturer, and the legal considerations involved in selling such products. Despite the initial excitement and creativity, the project crossed a line when they involved a real person's likeness, leading to discomfort and unease. The conversation also touches upon the importance of starting a business, handling legal matters, and the importance of clear communication with partners and clients. Overall, this discussion highlights the complexities and intricacies of creating and selling unique, custom-made products.

    • Misunderstanding a Design DiscussionDuring a design discussion, miscommunications can lead to unexpected and humorous outcomes. Clarify misunderstandings promptly to ensure project success.

      During a discussion about creating a unique and unusual flashlight design, there was a misunderstanding regarding the intended use of a fruit or vegetable mold. One participant suggested using a watermelon, imagining the hollowed-out vegetable as the flashlight's cavity. Another participant misunderstood and thought they were discussing which fruit or vegetable to use as an object to be "fucked," leading to a series of humorous and unexpected suggestions. The conversation eventually clarified the misunderstanding, and they decided to use corn for the mold due to its shape and potential texture for the flashlight's exterior. They also agreed that the conversation should remain private and not be shared publicly.

    Recent Episodes from Safety Third

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    Here’s where you can fund Vicki and her work:
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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Leaves_Cobwebs
    Tumblr: http://tumblr.com/victorianations-writer

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    J & B

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    Thanks for listening!