
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Media Sources: Podcasts, Streaming Services, and TV ChannelsIndividuals seek diverse media sources and devices, adapting to new technologies, and embracing free content to enhance their daily lives.

      Technology and media consumption have become intertwined in our daily lives, with individuals seeking various means to access content from different sources. The conversation between the speakers touched upon topics such as podcasts, streaming services, and TV channels. They discussed their experiences with various devices, including Fire Stick and antennas, and their struggles to watch content on different platforms. The speakers also shared anecdotes about discovering new channels and the appeal of free content. The conversation highlighted the importance of adapting to new technologies and the curiosity that drives individuals to explore different media sources.

    • Cultural Practice of Chicken Fighting in Mexican CommunityUnderstanding the cultural significance behind controversial practices like chicken fighting is crucial for fostering cross-cultural understanding.

      Animal fighting, specifically chicken fights, is a cultural practice that exists in various communities around the world, including the Mexican community. The discussion also touched upon the idea that different communities have varying hierarchies of animals they care about, and chickens rank low on that scale. The speaker shared personal experiences of encountering a rooster crowing in the middle of the night and theorized about potential reasons for its behavior. Additionally, the topic of chicken coops and the design of chickens' feet for perching was explored. Despite the controversial nature of animal fighting, it's essential to recognize and understand the cultural significance behind these practices.

    • Misconceptions About Diet and Health: The Role of Manipulated ResearchDespite popular beliefs, cholesterol is not inherently bad, and saturated fat is good for you. Processed foods, containing trans fats and sugars, are the real health culprits. Historical misconceptions and marketing misinformation have led to dietary confusion and potential harm.

      For around $50,000 in the past, companies paid off scientists to manipulate research results, leading people to believe that saturated fat causes heart disease and weight gain, while sugar was actually the culprit. Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is not inherently bad, and dietary cholesterol does not significantly impact your cholesterol levels. Saturated fat, on the other hand, is now considered good for you. Trans fats, found in foods like Doritos and Fritos, are illegal now due to their negative health effects, and unsaturated fat is not good for you. The marketing of sugar as good and carbs as bad is misleading, and the lack of fiber in carbs is the real issue. Processed foods, which have been widely available since the mid-20th century, contain large amounts of trans fats and sugars and are responsible for many diet-related health issues. The discussion also touches upon the historical context, where people in the 1920s and 1930s appeared slender, and the prevalence of processed foods in modern diets. The speaker expresses frustration with the misinformation that has been perpetuated for decades, leading many to make poor dietary choices and potentially harm their health. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning dietary advice and seeking accurate information.

    • Vegan Foods: Not Always HealthyVegan labels don't guarantee health, processing and preservatives can make vegan foods less healthy, individual experiences with veganism vary, and everyone's dietary choices are unique.

      Not all vegan foods are healthy, and just because something is labeled vegan does not mean it's good for you. The use of certain processing techniques and preservatives can make vegan foods less healthy than their non-vegan counterparts. Additionally, individual experiences with veganism can vary greatly depending on personal circumstances, such as schedule and access to healthy food options. The speaker's experience of being vegan for five years and then transitioning to a diet that included meat again was influenced by a variety of factors, including energy levels, access to healthy food, and personal relationships. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with dietary choices is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

    • Impact of Hunting Wild Game on Health and Connection to NatureHunting and consuming wild game provides health benefits and a deep connection to nature. However, the source of much venison in the US raises concerns over ecosystem disruption and loss of native wildlife.

      The speaker's experience with hunting and consuming wild game, such as elk and deer, has a profound impact on him, providing an extra charge of energy and nutrients. He admires figures like Ted Nugent, who also promote the health benefits of hunting and consuming wild game. However, most venison sold in the US comes from New Zealand, where the animals are not native and the ecosystem was previously disrupted by human introduction of animals and extinction of native predators. The speaker expresses a desire to visit New Zealand for its natural beauty, but laments the loss of native wildlife and the impact on the local ecosystem. Furthermore, the speaker reflects on his own transformation after taking steroids, comparing it to the feeling of eating wild game. He expresses a sense of connection to the animal and its natural environment, and a desire to experience this connection more deeply. The speaker also mentions his new grill and plans to cook elk steaks at his studio, inviting the listener to share in this experience. Overall, the speaker's discussion highlights the importance of connection to nature and the impact of food on our physical and emotional wellbeing.

    • Interconnected Wildlife Preservation and Hunting LawsHistorically, unchecked hunting led to wildlife extinction, so laws were established to protect wild game and public lands for sustainable hunting. This benefits both wildlife populations and hunters, providing superior taste and quality meat, while preserving the tradition for future generations.

      The preservation of wildlife and wild game meat are interconnected. The unchecked hunting and selling of wild game animals in the past led to their near extinction. To prevent this from happening again, laws were established to protect wild game and public lands were set aside for hunting. These actions allowed for the survival and sustainable harvesting of wild game animals, such as elk and wild boar, which are considered to be of superior taste and quality compared to farmed animals. These animals thrive in their natural habitats and provide a healthy source of meat for those who hunt them. It's important to appreciate and respect the history and significance of these laws, as they have ensured the continuation of the hunting tradition while also preserving wildlife populations for future generations.

    • Impact of Food Production and Consumption on Quality and Health RisksThe way we produce and consume food affects its quality and potential health risks, with confined animal farming and processed foods often leading to diseases and health issues for animals and consumers alike. Consider the ethical and health implications of food choices.

      The way we produce and consume food has significant impacts on its quality and potential health risks. The discussion highlights the example of deer farming and how keeping animals in confined spaces and feeding them corn instead of their natural diet can lead to diseases like chronic wasting disease. This is similar to how mass-produced processed foods are made to make animals fatter and cheaper, often at the cost of their health and the consumer's health. The speaker also touches upon the idea that what we eat affects its taste and quality, and how some people prefer the taste of corn-fed animals over grass-fed ones. The discussion also touches upon the idea that some people, like Anthony Bourdain, have found their dream jobs in exploring and sharing the world's food culture and experiences. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of considering the ethical and health implications of our food choices and production methods.

    • The Value of Comedy Clubs for ComediansComedy clubs offer unique performance experiences and opportunities for comedians to practice, connect with audiences, and grow in their craft.

      Working smarter and staying in one place can lead to increased productivity and a better experience for comedians. The importance of comedy clubs as a place to practice and perform cannot be overstated, despite any past contentious relationships with club owners. Each club has its unique vibe and DNA, and while some may offer larger audiences and productions, smaller clubs provide a more intimate and frequent performance experience that can lead to more work and better connections with audiences. Comedians may not have the resources to open their own comedy clubs, so they rely on these establishments to hone their craft and grow as performers.

    • Small comedy clubs foster new talentSmall comedy clubs offer opportunities for new performers to learn and grow, creating a supportive community for comedians and contributing to the industry's success.

      Small, independently-owned comedy clubs play a crucial role in nurturing and developing new talent in the comedy scene. These clubs provide opportunities for comics to start out as open mic performers, learn the ropes, and eventually headline shows. They create a sense of community and a supportive environment that is often lacking in larger, corporate comedy venues. Houston's comedy scene serves as a prime example of this, with its rich history and influential figures like Kinison and Hicks. The recent opening of the Secret Group in Houston, with its multiple rooms and outdoor space, is a promising sign of a new up-and-coming scene. Ultimately, the success of the comedy industry relies on these small businesses and the individuals who run them.

    • Exploring the Psychological Effects of Pressure and InterrogationsPeople's fascination with confessions during interrogations raises ethical concerns, and prolonged pressure can have significant psychological impacts, including false confessions. Natural disasters, like tornadoes, can also cause devastating damage and leave lasting impacts.

      People are fascinated by the human capacity to withstand pressure and confess to crimes during interrogations, despite it being illegal and ethically questionable. The speaker also shared an experience of being delayed on a plane and feeling trapped, drawing a comparison to the psychological effects of being interrogated for hours. The speaker expressed admiration for those who don't break under pressure, but concern for those who do, acknowledging the potential for false confessions. The conversation also touched on natural disasters and their devastating impact on communities, with a focus on tornadoes and the destruction they can cause. The speaker shared a specific example of a town being wiped off the map by a tornado and expressed surprise at the scale of the damage. The conversation ended with a reflection on the speaker's fear of tornadoes as a child and the lasting impact of movies like "Twister" on shaping perceptions of natural disasters.

    • Discussing Unimaginable Wealth and LuxurySome individuals possess wealth beyond imagination, including multi-million dollar homes, private jets, and unlimited resources. The existence of such wealth is often hidden from the public.

      Wealth and excess are prevalent in some parts of the world, with individuals possessing resources beyond imagination. The discussion revolved around a house in Bel Air selling for half a billion dollars, including a helicopter and car collection, and the existence of unimaginable wealth held by certain individuals, such as Middle Eastern oil tycoons and royal families. The anecdote of a sultan from Brunei was shared, who had a harem filled with women earning substantial sums and showered with gifts. The conversation also touched upon the idea of an Airbnb in such opulent settings and the existence of wealth unknown to many. Overall, the conversation highlighted the existence of immense wealth and luxury beyond common comprehension.

    • Exploring the Unfathomable Wealth of the Extremely RichThe extreme wealth of the rich, from sources like oil money, is vastly different from our imagination, providing limitless resources and fueling passions. Understanding its origins and impact is crucial.

      The world of extreme wealth, especially from sources like oil money, is vastly different from what most of us can imagine. This discussion highlights the mind-boggling level of wealth that exists and the seemingly limitless resources it provides. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding the origins of such wealth and its impact on the world. The anecdote about Jay Leno's car collection serves as a vivid example of this unfathomable wealth and the passion it fuels. While many may view his collection as an indulgence, it's clear that for Leno, it's more than just a hobby – it's a lifelong pursuit and a testament to his genuine love for cars. This conversation offers a glimpse into a world that most of us can only imagine, and it challenges us to expand our understanding of wealth and the power it holds.

    • From Indifferent Interviews to Appreciating Passions: A Comedian's JourneyAs we age, we develop deeper appreciations for the things we love, and wealth often comes from unexpected sources, such as corporate gigs, not just fame.

      The guest on the podcast, who is a famous comedian and car enthusiast, had an honest conversation about his past experiences hosting a late-night talk show. He mentioned that he used to be indifferent to the guests he interviewed and didn't care about their work. However, as he's gotten older, he's developed a deeper appreciation for things he loves, such as cars. The comedian also revealed that the majority of his wealth comes from corporate gigs, not his Tonight Show hosting. The conversation also touched upon the power and potential dangers of making enemies with extremely wealthy and powerful individuals. The podcast host expressed his reluctance to make such a powerful enemy and mentioned a rich man named Ike, whom he had talked about before. The conversation ended with speculation about the Sultan's hobbies and interests, suggesting that they must be extravagant and luxurious, given his wealth.

    • Customized Diets and Country PerceptionsWealth enables diverse dietary choices and religious observances, while long country names may influence perception and cause confusion.

      Wealth allows individuals the luxury of customizing their dietary preferences, possibly including vegan or halal options, due to the ability to afford various food items being shipped in. Religious or cultural beliefs also play a role in dietary choices for some individuals, such as a Muslim ruler who follows the halal diet due to his faith. The name of a country can also have an impact on how it is perceived by others. For instance, a country with a long name like Czechoslovakia might seem insignificant compared to its size, leading to confusion or amusement. The actions of world leaders, such as Trump's plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, can cause controversy and tension with other countries.

    • Unscripted humor from the unpredictableThe Jackass series brings laughter through raw, unfiltered footage of people getting surprised or hurt in unexpected ways.

      The Jackass series, known for its outrageous and edgy content, showcases the instinctual and undeniable humor of people getting hurt or surprised in unexpected ways. The unfiltered and raw footage, often too extreme for MTV, is compiled in movies like Jackass 2.5. A memorable example is a scene featuring an Indian man with incredibly long fingernails pouring beer over them, which Steve O watches in awe as the beer rolls down the nails and onto his face. The unscripted and documentary-style footage leaves viewers in stitches, highlighting the uncontrollable laughter and amusement that comes from the human experience of the unexpected.

    • The Unpredictable Sobriety of Andy DickAndy Dick's sobriety is unpredictable, and when he relapses, he loses control completely. Substance abuse is a complex issue with unclear causes and no guaranteed cure.

      Some people struggle greatly with substance abuse, and their sobriety can be unpredictable. Andy Dick, a talented and funny individual, is one such person. His sobriety is a mystery to many, and when he falls off the wagon, he does so completely, often leading to uncomfortable and chaotic situations. His past behavior, which included attempts to get intimate with people and heckling famous comedians on stage, is a stark contrast to his sober self, where he is a nice and great guy. The cause of his addiction is unclear, and it's debated whether anyone can truly cure it. Furthermore, when someone with a substance abuse problem starts drinking, it's rarely just a little, and it often leads to a complete loss of control. It's a genetic predisposition that some people have, and for others, they may never fully overcome it.

    • Individual experiences with substancesEveryone's response to substances like alcohol and caffeine varies; some feel a strong connection, while others have a muted response or use it for productivity. Tolerance and timing impact experiences, and awareness of individual responses is key.

      People's relationships with substances, be it alcohol or caffeine, can vary greatly. Some people, like Tate, have a strong connection to their drink or caffeine, feeling an intense pull towards it and experiencing heightened effects. Others, like the speaker, may have a muted response or even rely on it for productivity without feeling its full effects. Tolerance plays a role in these experiences, as well as the timing and frequency of consumption. For example, some people may choose to abstain from caffeine for a long time before consuming it in large amounts to enhance its psychedelic effects, while others may struggle with memory loss when using certain strains of marijuana. Ultimately, everyone's experience with substances is unique, and it's essential to be aware of our individual responses and potential risks.

    • Impact of Experiences on Personal GrowthExperiences with others can influence habits and perspectives, trying new things leads to discoveries, what works for one may not work for another, and be open to change.

      Experiences and interactions with others can significantly influence personal habits and perspectives. The speaker shares how spending time with Snoop Dogg inspired him to increase his weed consumption due to Snoop's constant creativity and humor. Additionally, the speaker discusses the impact of trying new things, such as changing up one's living situation or routine, which can lead to new discoveries and insights. However, it's important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another, and it's essential to be open to change and adaptation when necessary. The speaker also touches on the unexpected realities of homelessness and the use of storage units as temporary living quarters. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of experiences and connections in shaping personal growth and development.

    • Cultural Differences in Public Behavior: San Francisco vs. TexasSocietal norms shape acceptance of public behaviors, with San Francisco embracing tolerance and Texas enforcing strict property rules. Women's marches against Trump's election showed opposition, and some individuals hold strong negative feelings towards him.

      Societal norms and attitudes towards public behavior vary greatly from place to place. For instance, in San Francisco, there is a culture of tolerance and open-mindedness, which allows for more acceptance of homelessness and public protests. In contrast, in Texas, there is less tolerance for such behaviors, and individuals are expected to adhere strictly to private property rules. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the massive turnout for women's marches against Trump's election, which showed that there were many women who opposed him despite popular beliefs that most women voted for him. Lastly, the conversation revealed that some individuals have strong negative feelings towards Trump, and his past actions and words have left a lasting impact on their opinions of him.

    • Every Vote Counts: Personal Beliefs MatterVoting is a civic duty, based on personal beliefs, and every vote matters, even if the preferred candidate may not win. Protests can also influence decisions.

      Every vote matters, regardless of who you choose to support. The speaker shared his perspective on why he voted for Gary Johnson, but acknowledged that it was unlikely for him to win. However, he emphasized that voting is an important civic duty and should be based on personal beliefs. The speaker also discussed the significance of the massive protests against Trump, suggesting that they could potentially influence his decisions as president. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of engaging in the political process and expressing one's views, even if it may seem like a throwaway vote.

    • Perspective and Crowd Sizes at Presidential InaugurationsMedia reports of crowd sizes at presidential inaugurations can be influenced by perspective and angle, social media and alternative sources shape public opinion, and evaluating information from multiple sources is crucial.

      The discussion revolves around the size of crowds at different presidential inaugurations and the role of perspective in shaping perceptions. A friend of the speaker mentions how he took a photo of the crowd at Trump's inauguration, which contradicts media reports of a smaller turnout. They also compare crowd sizes for Bush, Obama, and Clinton's inaugurations, with varying numbers. The speaker suggests that the media may have exaggerated the difference in crowd size between Trump and Obama, and that the angle and perspective from which the photos were taken can significantly impact the perceived size of the crowd. The conversation also touches on the influence of social media and alternative sources of information in shaping public opinion. The speaker mentions an instance of Alex Jones, a well-known figure, being present at the Trump inauguration and the spread of rumors about him. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of considering multiple sources and perspectives when evaluating information.

    • Discussing Inauguration Crowds and False StatementsTrump's claim of having the largest inauguration crowd ever was proven false, and his press secretary was accused of spreading false information, highlighting the importance of truth and accuracy in political communications.

      During the discussion, there was a comparison between the crowd sizes of former President Bill Clinton's inaugurations and that of President Trump's. While Trump claimed his inauguration had the largest crowd ever, this was proven to be false. Furthermore, Trump's press secretary was accused of being a propagandist, similar to Baghdad Bob from the Iraq War, who spread false information. The discussion also touched on Trump's speeches, specifically his use of phrases from previous speeches without attribution. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of truth and accuracy in political communications. Trump's repeated false statements and his press secretary's role in disseminating them were criticized. The conversation also touched on the idea that a president should start off their term with honesty and transparency.

    • Fact-checking Websites: Consider Biases and ReliabilityUse multiple sources and fact-checking websites to verify info, be aware of potential biases, and approach sources with political agendas with caution. Always fact-check thoroughly before sharing or relying on info.

      While fact-checking websites like Snopes can be helpful in debunking false information, it's important to consider their biases and the reliability of their sources. Snopes has been criticized for having a left-wing bias and their fact-checks are not always objective or unbiased. It's recommended to use multiple sources and fact-checking websites to verify information and to be aware of potential biases. Additionally, some sources, like RT Russia Today, may have political agendas and their information should be approached with caution. Ultimately, it's essential to be critical consumers of information and to fact-check thoroughly before sharing or relying on information.

    • Different Perspectives of CNN and Fox NewsMedia outlets like CNN and Fox News present varying narratives and focuses on events, shaping public understanding of current issues, with potential consequences for journalists.

      The media, specifically CNN and Fox News, can present vastly different perspectives on the same events, creating a biased and fragmented understanding of current issues for the public. The speaker's personal exploration of the post-debate coverage revealed significant differences in the narratives and focus between the two networks. While Fox News was considered more reputable, CNN was criticized for its lack of credibility. The speaker also shared personal anecdotes about controversial figures like Keith Olbermann and Brian Williams, highlighting the potential consequences of crossing media lines and the importance of maintaining a clear focus in journalistic pursuits.

    • The Complexities of Public Perception and Selective MemoryDespite the difference between words and actions, public figures like Trump and Clinton are judged differently, with selective memory playing a role in how past scandals are remembered.

      Despite people's fatigue with the constant discussion of politics, particularly regarding Trump, there is a significant difference between hearing someone say something and knowing they have actually done it. The example given was the comparison between Trump's "grab them by the pussy" comment and Bill Clinton's infidelity, with the latter being overlooked due to his status as a great president. The conversation also touched upon the history of Bill Maher's issues with ESPN and the leniency shown to Penn State after the Sandusky scandal. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and nuances of public perception and the selective memory of the public.

    • The Value of Authentic Connections and Hard Work in ComedyAuthentic connections and hard work are crucial in the comedy industry for long-term success, despite the existence of favoritism and nepotism. Stay true to your art and build relationships organically.

      The informal conversation between the speakers reveals the importance of authentic connections and hard work in the comedy industry, as opposed to relying on favors or shortcuts. They discuss the allure of going behind the scenes but emphasize that true success comes from staying focused on one's craft and building relationships organically. The speakers also acknowledge the existence of favoritism and nepotism in the industry, but they emphasize the value of staying true to one's art and not compromising integrity for short-term gains. Additionally, they touch upon the evolution of the industry, noting that while networking and favors were once more prominent, the landscape has shifted, and genuine talent and hard work are now more valued.

    • Collaborative Comedy Writing: Creatives and WordsmithsComedy writing is a team effort with various roles, from creative vision to putting words to paper. Success comes from different approaches, such as performing or writing, and collaboration brings ideas to life. However, transitioning from a team to solo writing can be difficult.

      Comedy writing is a collaborative process often involving a team of writers, with some writers being more focused on the creative vision and others on putting words to paper. These roles can be fluid, and success in comedy writing can come from different approaches. Some writers may be stand-up comedians who practice their craft on stage, while others may not perform but hone their skills through writing. The writing process involves constantly generating ideas, characters, and plots, and comedy teams can help bring these ideas to life. However, some writers may struggle when their collaborative relationships end, and finding success as a solo writer can be a challenge. Overall, comedy writing is a unique and intriguing profession that requires a creative mind and the ability to turn ideas into written content.

    • The Challenges of Creating and Refining IdeasSuccessful creators face setbacks and terrible ideas, but refining them through practice and performance leads to iconic entertainment.

      Even successful writers and creators encounter terrible ideas and setbacks in their careers. The speaker shared an anecdote about a writer who was given a huge development deal after leaving a sitcom, only to deliver a terrible first script. The concept was so bad that even the funny members of the comedy team distanced themselves from it. The speaker also reflected on his own experiences with coming up with ideas and the importance of refining them through practice and performance. He admired the work of prolific creators like Stephen King, who have produced iconic entertainment despite the challenges and setbacks they've faced. Ultimately, the process of creating and refining ideas is a necessary part of the creative journey, and even the most successful creators encounter their fair share of failures along the way.

    • Impact of Strokes on Motor Skills and Enduring Appeal of MediaStrokes can cause significant motor impairment, but cognitive function may remain unaffected. The enduring appeal of media, like Tim Conway's radio show and movies, provides joy and connection during adversity.

      The human brain functions like a complex circuit board, and even a small stroke or injury can significantly impact certain motor skills or abilities, while leaving cognitive function relatively unaffected. This was discussed in relation to the experiences of Tim Curry and Richard Dawkins, both of whom suffered strokes but recovered with varying degrees of motor impairment. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the enduring appeal of certain media, such as Tim Conway's radio show and movies like Beetlejuice and Talladega Nights. The conversation also highlighted the evolution of technology and media, with a comparison of the special effects in older and newer films. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, as well as the enduring power of art and entertainment to bring joy and connection.

    • Mixed Reactions to Movies: Disappointments and ExcitementsPeople have diverse opinions on movies, some were disappointed by predictability and lack of engagement while others were thrilled by unique concepts and suspenseful storylines.

      Some people found certain movies, such as one with 3D effects, disappointing and even caused them to fall asleep due to their lack of engagement. Another movie, "Split" by M. Night Shyamalan, was criticized for its predictability and unrealistic concept. However, some movies like "Don't Breathe" and "A Girl with All the Gifts" were praised for their unique concepts and suspenseful storylines. Additionally, some people expressed excitement for upcoming movies like John Wick and a zombie movie called "A Girl with All the Gifts." Overall, it seems that people have varying opinions on the quality and entertainment value of different movies. Some were disappointed, while others were engaged and excited.

    • Changes during presidential transitionsDuring presidential transitions, changes in social issues and cabinet appointments can raise concerns, but they are not always unexpected and can be part of the regular process. Stay informed and engage in dialogue to protect the interests of the country and its people.

      The transition of power from one presidential administration to another can bring significant changes, particularly in areas like social issues and cabinet appointments. During this period, there can be concerns about the intentions of the incoming administration and potential impacts on various policies. For instance, the removal of certain pages from the White House website and the appointment of controversial figures to key positions can raise alarms. However, it's important to remember that these changes are not always unexpected and can be part of the regular process. At the same time, citizens may need to take action and protest against potentially harmful decisions, as seen in the case of the Dakota pipeline protests during the previous administration. Ultimately, it's crucial to stay informed and engage in dialogue to ensure that the interests of the country and its people are protected.

    • Dispute over Federal Land Drilling: Economy vs. EnvironmentDrilling on federal lands sparks debate: boosts economy but threatens ecosystems and wildlife. Public lands valued for recreation and conservation, yet face environmental challenges from combustion engines and plastic production.

      The extraction of natural resources from federal lands, such as shale oil and natural gas, is a contentious issue. While some see it as a way to tap into vast untapped reserves and boost the economy, others view it as a threat to natural habitats and the environment. The speaker expressed concern over the impact of drilling on ecosystems like Yellowstone and the potential harm to wildlife. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the importance of public lands for recreation and conservation, and the efforts to preserve them. The conversation also touched upon the role of combustion engines and plastic production in the economy and their negative environmental impacts. The discussion ended with the speakers promoting their comedy shows and encouraging the audience to check out their websites.

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    RWH040: Go Global w/ Laura Geritz

    RWH040: Go Global w/ Laura Geritz
    In this episode, William Green chats with Laura Geritz, founder of Rondure Global Advisors, which scours the globe in search of high-quality companies trading at attractive prices in places like India, China, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Brazil, & Mexico. Here, Laura makes the case for allocating more money to undervalued stocks outside the US. She also discusses her unusual lifestyle, which is built around relentless travel, voracious reading, & abundant time to think. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 08:15 - How Laura Geritz earned the nickname “Money Bags.” 09:41 - How she broke into the investment industry by living in Japan. 12:55 - How she was shaped by the frugal, unflashy culture of rural Kansas. 22:57 - What she learned from her mentor & partner, Robert Gardiner. 30:14 - Why so many talented women quit the investment business. 36:54 - Why she believes many investors are taking too much risk. 38:56 - Why foreign stocks may be overdue for a powerful rebound. 41:20 - How she weighs the risks & rewards of Chinese stocks. 52:26 - How she screens 70,000 stocks to identify great businesses. 1:03:36 - What foreign investors don’t understand about Japanese companies. 1:11:51 - How to become a continuous learning machine. 1:25:38 - How Laura handles adversity when her investing style is out of favor. 1:32:06 - Why she maintains a remarkably uncluttered calendar. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Laura Geritz’s investment firm, Rondure Global Advisors. Graham Greene’s book The Quiet American. Yasunari Kawabata’s book Snow Country. Michael Pollan’s book A Place of My Own. Rolf Potts’ book Vagabonding. Pico Iyer’s book The Half-Known Life. William Green’s podcast interview with Pico Iyer | YouTube Video. William Green’s book, “Richer, Wiser, Happier” – read the reviews of this book. Follow William Green on X (AKA Twitter). Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts.  SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Linkedin Marketing Solutions NetSuite Fidelity Shopify Toyota TurboTax Babbel American Express Business Gold Card Fundrise Vacasa HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices