
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Idaho's Natural Beauty: Skiing, Fishing, and Hunting in Sun Valley, Boise, and McCallIdaho offers diverse outdoor activities in beautiful and lesser-known destinations like Sun Valley, Boise, and McCall, with clear waters and abundant snow for skiing, fishing, and hunting.

      Idaho is a beautiful and diverse state with various outdoor activities to offer, including skiing, fishing, and hunting. Mike Baker shared his experiences of enjoying the stunning scenery in Idaho, particularly in the areas around Boise, Sun Valley, and McCall. He highlighted the unique charm of these places, ranging from the high-end community of Sun Valley to the more rustic town of McCall. The abundance of snow and clear waters makes Idaho an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts. However, the locals are known to keep the beauty of the state under wraps to prevent overcrowding. Despite this, the state's natural beauty and recreational opportunities make it a must-visit destination.

    • Public lands in the US: Valuable resources for outdoor activities and conservationPublic lands in the US generate billions in revenue through hunting, fishing, and related activities, funding conservation and preserving habitats.

      Public lands in the United States are a valuable resource for various outdoor activities, including hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping. These lands are primarily maintained through fees and activities related to these pursuits. The economic impact of hunting and fishing is substantial, with billions of dollars spent annually on conservation and preserving wildlife habitats. Public lands are unique to the United States and should be protected from being sold off. The hunting community plays a significant role in this, as they contribute significantly to conservation efforts and the economy. For instance, in Minnesota alone, 1.65 million people hunt or fish, generating 3.17 billion dollars in a single year. These funds are used to preserve wildlife habitats, wetlands, and ensure healthy animal populations. The economic and environmental importance of public lands cannot be overstated.

    • Exploring New Opportunities for Energy and Kids' ActivitiesParent finds energy boost from nitro coffee, supports kids' unique interests through Taekwondo

      The speaker is an energetic and involved parent who values trying new things, from nitro-infused coffee to martial arts for his children. He's always on the lookout for ways to boost his energy and improve his kids' experiences. The nitro coffee, with its impressive 270 milligrams of caffeine, is one such discovery. For his kids, he's found a Taekwondo school that fits well with their schedules and interests. He's also discovered the importance of allowing them to express their unique personalities and channel their energy in a productive way through martial arts. Despite the challenges of balancing work, family, and various activities, the speaker remains enthusiastic and committed to exploring new opportunities.

    • Unexpected encounters with unpredictable boysBoys can behave unpredictably, leading to physical encounters that can surprise and even hurt adults. Historically, foreign powers like Russia have interfered in US politics, and Trump's actions have created unnecessary tension between him and the intelligence community over Russian meddling.

      Boys at a certain age can be unpredictable and rough, leading to unexpected physical encounters. The speaker shared an experience of being unexpectedly punched in the groin by his six-year-old son, who found it hilarious. This behavior is a normal part of growing up for boys, but can be surprising and even painful for adults. Moving on to the political topic, the speaker expressed concern over the ongoing tension between Trump and the intelligence community. According to the speaker, Trump's tweets and actions were the cause of this rift. The Russians have historically interfered in US politics, and during World War II, they even tried to keep the US out of the war by influencing public opinion. Today, the Russians continue to meddle in US politics, and Trump's questioning of intelligence about Russian meddling has created unnecessary conflict. The speaker emphasized that the Russians have a long history of interfering in US politics and that it's important for the US to be aware of this threat.

    • Russian interference in US electionsRussians interfered in 2016 US election, obtained private info and distributed it, Trump initially questioned intelligence but acknowledged involvement, discussions for restructuring intel community and increasing resources for human intel.

      The Russians have a history of meddling in democratic institutions to create chaos and chip away at public trust. During the 2016 US election, they were involved in the DNC hacking, obtaining private information and distributing it. Trump's initial response was to question the intelligence, but after receiving briefings, he acknowledged the Russian involvement. Since then, there have been discussions about restructuring the intelligence community and increasing resources for human intelligence. It's important to acknowledge the good and the bad of any president's actions, and while some may disagree with certain policies, it's crucial to maintain a civil discourse.

    • The Importance of U.S. Leadership in the WorldRecognizing the U.S. as a global leader, despite its imperfections, is crucial for maintaining international stability and order.

      While it's important to acknowledge the imperfections of political leaders, it's also crucial to recognize the role of the United States as a global leader. The speaker expresses their preference for the U.S. to maintain its position at the top of the international order, ensuring stability and order amidst the chaos and self-interest of other nations. They acknowledge mistakes but believe that, on the whole, the U.S. acts for the right reasons. The speaker also acknowledges criticisms and opposing viewpoints, such as anti-globalization and anti-military industrial complex sentiments, but ultimately asserts the need for a strong, principled leader on the world stage.

    • Balancing Perspective on US and Global ChallengesThe US has unique freedoms, but acknowledging global challenges and maintaining a balanced perspective is crucial. The Russia investigation highlights the importance of intelligence agencies working together and the unprecedented nature of Russian propaganda campaigns.

      The United States is a unique and innovative place with numerous freedoms and liberties, but it also has its flaws. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective and recognizing that other parts of the world may have their own challenges. Regarding the Russia investigation, there was initially disagreement between the FBI and CIA over Russian involvement due to differing approaches and the difficulty of proving motivation in intelligence work. However, both agencies eventually came to the same conclusion that the Russians were engaged in propaganda campaigns to sow mistrust and chaos. Despite the arrest of a Russian operative, such public acknowledgement and punishment is unprecedented for Russia. Overall, it's important to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of our own country and to maintain a nuanced understanding of global issues.

    • Russian interference vs. DNC corruptionThe 2016 U.S. election allegations of Russian interference were more complex than just hacking. The real scandal was the DNC's manipulation of the democratic process against Bernie Sanders, exposed through leaked emails.

      The 2016 U.S. election allegations of Russian interference were a complex issue with various layers of corruption. While Russia may have released private information from the DNC, they did not hack voting machines or election systems. The real scandal was the DNC's rigging of the primaries against Bernie Sanders, which was exposed through the leaked emails. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the former DNC chair, was involved in this corruption and was later hired by Hillary Clinton's campaign. The conversation about Russian interference distracted from the more significant issue of democratic process manipulation. Every nation engages in influence operations, and it's essential to acknowledge the importance of transparency and accountability in democratic processes.

    • Cyber Threats and Political InterferenceCountries engage in cyber activities to defend themselves, but the 2016 US elections interference by Russia is a complex issue with unclear intentions, highlighting the serious cyber threat landscape that requires constant defense.

      Cyber attacks and hacking are a constant threat in today's world, with both commercial and public sector infrastructure frequently probed and attacked. The US, like many other countries, engages in such activities to defend itself. The media, such as the Showtime series Homeland, provides an accurate portrayal of the constant cyber threats. The Russian involvement in the 2016 US elections is a complex issue, and it's unclear if they wanted Trump to win or not. However, Putin's decision to allegedly interfere in the elections may have been based on what he perceived as being in Russia's best interests, rather than an intent to throw democracy into chaos. Overall, the cyber threat landscape is a serious concern, and countries must be prepared to defend themselves against constant attacks.

    • Political Instability and Mistrust in Democratic InstitutionsThe Clinton email scandal, Russian interference in the 2016 election, and a Secret Service agent's controversial Facebook post created instability and mistrust in democratic institutions.

      The actions of certain political entities, such as those involved in the 2016 presidential election, create instability and mistrust in democratic institutions. The discussion touched upon the Clinton email scandal, Russian interference in the election, and the Secret Service agent's controversial Facebook post. The Clinton email scandal raised concerns about mishandling of classified information and the lack of consequences for those actions. Russian interference, specifically in the DNC, led to chaos and uncertainty. The Secret Service agent's Facebook post, expressing her unwillingness to protect President Trump, created controversy and potential disciplinary action. These events, though unrelated, contributed to a sense of instability and mistrust in democratic institutions.

    • Freedom of Expression After Leaving PowerRetired public figures can express their true opinions without fear of legal or agreement repercussions. Unusual behaviors and intense emotions from figures can capture public fascination.

      While being in a position of power, such as a secret service agent or a public figure like a president, comes with certain restrictions and expectations, once one retires, they have the freedom to express their true opinions without fear of violating any laws or agreements. The discussion also touched upon the unusual behavior exhibited by some public figures during political events, such as the former President Bill Clinton checking out his daughter Ivanka during the inauguration, which became a topic of fascination for some. Another intriguing aspect was the intensity of emotions and reactions from people towards certain political figures, which can sometimes lead to surprising outcomes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and intrigues of politics and public figures, and the impact they can have on people's emotions and perceptions.

    • President's Health Issues and ControversiesEvery president faces challenges, including health issues and controversies. It's essential to evaluate their performance objectively, acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses.

      The presidency is a demanding role that often exposes a leader's character, and past presidents have had their share of health issues and controversies. For instance, President Kennedy faced significant health issues, including back pain and various medications, yet he managed to lead the country during a critical time. However, his successor's actions, such as commuting Chelsea Manning's sentence and stopping the Dakota Access Pipeline, have been subject to debate. The conversation also touched on the tendency for supporters to overlook a president's flaws and focus solely on their positive actions. It's essential to acknowledge that every president has strengths and weaknesses, and it's crucial to evaluate their performance objectively. The discussion also highlighted the complexities of the presidency and the challenges that come with the role.

    • Chelsea Manning's Sentence Commuted, Snowden's Pardon SpeculatedChelsea Manning served time in military prison, while Snowden never faced trial and fled to Russia. Manning's conviction and prison experiences were discussed, raising questions about Snowden's motives for protecting sensitive information.

      The discussion revolves around the commutation of Chelsea Manning's sentence and the speculation surrounding potential pardons, specifically for Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. The conversation also touches upon Manning's experiences in military prison, including being placed on suicide watch and being stripped naked for parades. Despite some misunderstandings, it's clear that Manning was convicted and served time in prison, while Snowden never faced trial and fled to Russia. The idea of Snowden protecting sensitive information from foreign intelligence services is questioned due to the ease of detection in places like Hong Kong.

    • Balancing National Security and Individual PrivacyEdward Snowden's actions raised awareness about privacy invasions, but breached agreements and could have been addressed through proper channels. Politicians must ensure ongoing discussions about security and civil liberties.

      The Snowden case highlights the importance of a balanced approach to national security and individual privacy. Edward Snowden, while not a mastermind, identified vulnerabilities in government systems and raised public awareness about potential invasions of privacy. However, his actions breached agreements and could have been addressed through proper channels. Ultimately, the failure lies with politicians who did not fulfill their roles in ensuring ongoing discussions about security and civil liberties. It's crucial for these conversations to continue, as the pendulum between security and privacy is constantly shifting.

    • The influence of money in politics and term limitsLong-term politicians in Washington D.C. have excessive power due to fundraising and campaigning, term limits could bring new perspectives and reduce influence, some people believe in conspiracy theories about terrorist attacks, it's important to maintain a broad perspective and accept necessary security measures.

      The speaker believes that local politics and the constant need for fundraising and campaigning in Washington D.C. leads to excessive influence and money in politics. He suggests implementing term limits to allow for new candidates and reduce the power of long-term politicians. The speaker also touches upon the topic of conspiracy theories and the tendency for some people to view terrorist attacks as false flags, rather than accepting them as isolated incidents. He encourages a broader perspective and the importance of recognizing the necessity of increased security measures in response to such events. The conversation also touches upon the speaker's experiences with local and national politicians and the challenges they face in their roles.

    • False rumors and anonymous sources in mediaBe cautious of unverified rumors and rely on reputable sources for news to avoid spreading misinformation

      The spread of unsubstantiated rumors and reliance on anonymous sources in major news reporting can create a dangerous and misinformed narrative. The speaker expressed frustration with the media's handling of a false rumor involving a public figure, highlighting the hypocrisy of reporting such an unverified story while also frequently relying on anonymous sources in their own reporting. The speaker also touched on the topic of political opposition research and the sketchy individuals involved in it. Furthermore, the conversation revealed the deep divisions and anxieties within society regarding political issues, with people on both sides believing in and spreading false information. Overall, it's crucial for individuals to fact-check information and be mindful of the sources they rely on for news.

    • A balanced perspective on current eventsHistorical events like 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the assassination of Lincoln, and the Great Depression should be considered when evaluating the current state of the country. Maintaining a balanced perspective is crucial for understanding complex global events.

      During a conversation at a dinner in New York, the speaker overheard some individuals expressing their concerns about the current state of the country, labeling it the "worst thing that ever happened." The speaker challenged their perspective, asking if they considered historical events like 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the assassination of Lincoln, and the Great Depression as being worse. The conversation ended without resolution, but the speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective and considering the complexities of historical and global events. Additionally, the speaker discussed the loss of American influence in the Middle East, citing examples of Iran and Russia increasing their influence in the region. The speaker also noted Israel's concerns about American commitment to their security and the potential implications for the region. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering historical context and the complexities of global events when making judgments about current affairs.

    • Instability in Middle East creates power vacuum for extremist groupsThe Middle East's instability due to American withdrawal and weak governments allows extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda to rise, threatening Israel and requiring U.S.-Israel alliance, complicated by shifting alliances and tensions between U.S. and Israel.

      The instability in the Middle East, caused by the withdrawal of American involvement and the failure of governments in countries like Libya, Iraq, and Syria, has created a power vacuum that has led to the rise of extremist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. This instability poses a significant threat to Israel, which has few options but to align itself with the U.S. due to the absence of a reliable alternative ally. The recent realignment of alliances between countries like Germany, Turkey, the UK, China, and France, as well as the growing tensions between Israel and the U.S. under the Obama administration, have further complicated the situation. The U.S. is now re-committing itself to its alliance with Israel, recognizing the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with its democratic ally in the region. The failure of states in the Middle East has led to chaos and instability, providing opportunities for extremist groups to thrive, and it is crucial for the U.S. and its allies to work together to address these challenges and protect their shared interests.

    • Creating a vacuum through military intervention leads to the rise of another extremist groupMilitary action alone is not a sustainable solution to international conflict, and a multi-faceted approach including diplomacy and community engagement is necessary to transform regions into functional democracies and prevent future conflicts.

      The destruction of groups like the Islamic State in the Middle East through military action alone is not a sustainable solution to the complex issue of international conflict. The speaker emphasizes that creating a vacuum through military intervention only leads to the rise of another extremist group. The real challenge is transforming these regions into functional democracies, which is a difficult and lengthy process. The speaker also reflects on past interventions, such as the US presence in Afghanistan, and acknowledges the unintended consequences and long-term commitments involved. The speaker advocates for a multi-faceted approach, including diplomacy and community engagement, to address the root causes of extremism and prevent future conflicts.

    • The importance of identifying hidden threats and seeking help from family and acquaintancesIdentifying hidden threats can be difficult, but seeking help from family and acquaintances may provide valuable information. It's crucial to be realistic in foreign policy, act in our best interests, and create allies while acknowledging the interconnectedness of the world and the consequences of our actions.

      Identifying hidden threats can be challenging, and the best chance of finding information might come from family members or acquaintances. The San Bernardino attack serves as a reminder of this, as many people knew of the attackers' radical views but did not intervene. The far reaches of ideologies, whether it's the far left or right, can lead individuals to be blinded by their beliefs and create a sense of hopelessness when it comes to creating peace on earth. However, it's essential to be realistic in foreign policy and act in our own best interests while creating allies. The world is interconnected, and every action has consequences. The challenge lies in knowing when and where to exert influence. Ultimately, the United States, as the premier superpower, has a significant role to play, but it's essential not to overextend ourselves.

    • China's economic rise and global power status questionedDespite China's economic growth, infrastructure issues and potential economic instability pose risks, while nuclear weapons in unstable hands pose the greatest global security threats.

      China's economic rise and its status as a global superpower should not be overestimated. The speaker expresses concerns about China's infrastructure issues, and the potential for economic instability, which could negatively impact the rest of the world. Additionally, the speaker highlights the dangers of smaller nations with a nuclear arsenal or nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands as the most significant global security threats. The speaker also touches upon the geopolitical tensions with countries like Iran and Pakistan, but finds humor in their nuclear capabilities contrasted with their other issues. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of global stability and the potential risks of nuclear proliferation.

    • Navigating the complexities of cyber attacks in international relationsDiplomacy and military action blur in cyber attacks, requiring caution and discipline from political leaders to avoid escalating tensions and severe consequences.

      The complexities of international relations and cybersecurity make it challenging to determine the appropriate response when a nation engages in cyber attacks. The rhetoric surrounding this issue can be confusing, and the line between diplomacy and military action is not always clear. If a nation's electrical grid or other critical infrastructure is taken down through a cyber attack, it could take weeks or even months to restore, and the response could involve diplomatic efforts or military action. The Pentagon is still working on establishing protocols for responding to cyber attacks, and it's important for political leaders to exercise caution and discipline in their messaging to avoid escalating tensions. The consequences of underreacting or overreacting to a cyber attack could be severe, and it's crucial to avoid playing catch-up in a constantly evolving cyber threat landscape.

    • Effective communication and diplomacy in international relationsUnderstand global dynamics, remain open-minded, and focus on progress in international relations, despite uncertainties and unexpected political shifts.

      Effective communication and diplomacy are crucial in international relations, even during times of conflict. Intelligence services continue to work together behind the scenes to maintain open lines of communication. The people in power, while unpredictable, can still bring in competent and pragmatic advisors. The importance of understanding global dynamics and being measured in response cannot be overstated. Despite the uncertainties and unexpected political shifts, it's essential to support the administration and work towards the betterment of the country. Change can bring about positive outcomes, including economic growth. It's important to remain open-minded and not be entirely for or against, but rather focus on the potential for progress. While some individuals may be driven by personal gain, it's crucial to maintain a focus on the greater good.

    • Potential for Positive ChangeThe president's openness to diverse voices and productive dialogue could lead to improvements in infrastructure and intelligence community alignment. It's crucial for individuals to move beyond partisan mentality and work towards the betterment of the country.

      Despite the chaos and criticism surrounding the current administration, there is potential for positive change through infrastructure investment and productive dialogue. The president's willingness to listen to diverse voices and consider different perspectives could lead to improvements in various areas, including infrastructure and intelligence community alignment. However, it's crucial for individuals to move beyond partisan mentality and work towards the betterment of the country, rather than hoping for the other side to fail. The media also plays a role in shaping public perception, and it's essential to look beyond the headlines and engage in constructive dialogue and action. Ultimately, the transparency of the current administration could lead to a better understanding of the political process and foster more informed and productive discourse.

    • Trump's Popularity among Voters through Social MediaTrump's use of social media to bypass traditional media and communicate directly with supporters is a significant factor in his popularity. Critics view him as irrational, but his exceptional persuasion skills and media manipulation through outrageous statements have gained him free press and a large following.

      President Trump's use of social media to bypass traditional media and communicate directly with his supporters is a key reason for his popularity among certain voters. This strategy, which Trump believes helped him get elected, is unlikely to change. Many critics view Trump as an irrational and unintelligent figure, but Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, predicted Trump's success due to his exceptional persuasion skills and ability to manipulate the media through outrageous statements. Despite not voting for Trump, Adams recognized Trump's powers of persuasion and the free press he gained from media coverage of his controversial statements. However, there have been security concerns regarding individuals close to the President, such as a sign language interpreter for Obama who was later found to be a fraud and a potential security risk.

    • High-stress job of executive protection illustratedExecutive protection requires diplomacy, common sense, agility, and quick thinking. The job is challenging, thankless, and demands a high level of dedication.

      The job of executive protection, particularly for the president, is incredibly challenging and requires a unique set of skills. An incident at the CDC involving a private security guard getting too close to the president in an elevator illustrates the high-stress nature of the job and the importance of diplomacy, common sense, and being alert at all times. The job can be thankless, with principals often not wanting protection, and there's no room for ego. The best bodyguards are those who are smart, agile, and able to think on their feet, rather than relying solely on physical strength. The stakes are particularly high when it comes to protecting the president, but the job requires a similar level of diligence and professionalism in any context. Overall, the executive protection industry is a complex and fascinating field that demands a unique skill set and a high level of dedication.

    • Understanding Putin's perspectiveDespite differing interests, it's vital to engage in diplomacy with Russia, acknowledging Putin's belief in rebuilding Russia's power and influence post-Soviet Union.

      While Putin and Russia should be a concern due to their conflicting interests with the West, it's essential to approach the situation realistically. The end of the Cold War brought a false sense of security, leading to discussions about disbanding intelligence agencies like the CIA. However, Russia, under Putin's leadership, never shared this perspective. Putin views the collapse of the Soviet Union as a catastrophe and has been working to rebuild Russia's power and influence since then. This includes territorial expansion, like the annexation of Crimea, but also gaining leverage and influence through actions in places like Syria and Georgia. It's crucial to understand this mindset and engage in diplomacy while being pragmatic about the differences in interests between Russia and the West.

    • Understanding Putin's motivationsTo navigate international tensions with Russia, a balanced approach is necessary, recognizing Putin's desire to rebuild Russian influence and clashing nationalistic mindset.

      Understanding the motivations and mentality of leaders like Putin requires a pragmatic and non-judgmental approach. Putin's actions are driven by a single-minded desire to rebuild Russian influence in the world, rooted in his KGB background and nationalistic mindset. This mentality clashes with Western values, leading to misunderstandings and tensions. It's crucial to recognize this difference and approach diplomacy with a balanced approach that includes military, economic, and community efforts. The notion of Trump being Putin's "best friend" is a simplistic narrative that overlooks the complexities of international relations. Instead, we should focus on building a strong and united front to navigate the challenges of a globalized world.

    • Astrology in Politics and Religious Freedom DebateAstrology's role in political decision-making faced ridicule, but immigration policies prioritizing certain religions raise constitutional concerns, sparking debates on religious freedom and discrimination.

      The use of astrology in political decision-making, as exemplified by Nancy Reagan and her astrologer Joan Quigley, was once a subject of intrigue and mockery for political opponents. However, the prioritization of certain religious groups over others in immigration policies, as seen with Trump's order regarding Syrian refugees, raises constitutional concerns and sparks debate on religious freedom and discrimination. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the comedic and controversial aspects of televangelists and their sales tactics, such as Jim Baker's survival food and apocalyptic preparations.

    • Preparing for Potential Disasters and Security MeasuresStay prepared for disasters by having supplies ready and consider implementing security measures.

      During their discussion, the speakers touched upon the importance of preparation for potential disasters and the need for security measures. They joked about having supplies like buckets of water and shovels ready, and even mentioned a security company for listeners in need. They also shared their appreciation for a particular woman's appearance and expressed their excitement for an upcoming podcast episode featuring Brendan Schaub, Eddie Bravo, Brian Callan, and Jimmy Burke. Despite the apocalyptic tone, they assured listeners they would be back on Sunday to discuss the upcoming fights without watching them beforehand.

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    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Motolani's Paper: China’s Digital Silk Road and Africa’s Technological Future -- https://on.cfr.org/36FJvoU


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    Register for EMIA's webinar on Debt, Sustainability & Governance Forum on Zambia that will take place on December 16th.


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    BRICS Summit Preview

    BRICS Summit Preview

    The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed President Xi Jinping will travel to South Africa to attend the upcoming BRICS summit, the first time he'll visit Africa since 2018. Xi will be joined by three other of the group's leaders along with Russian President Vladimir Putin who will attend remotely.

    The two main priorities at this year's gathering will be expanding the bloc's membership to include any of the two dozen countries that have applied to join and the creation of a new BRICS currency as an alternative to the U.S. dollar.

    Emmanuel Matambo, research director at the University of Johannesburg's Africa-China Studies Centre, joins Eric & Cobus to discuss the upcoming summit and whether anything substantive will emerge from the discussions.


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