
    About this Episode

    This is our last week of the summer series where we have been re-visiting some of my very favorite episodes of Keep Your Courage from the year. And so today, we experience this military life as one in which we live a life on behalf of others in so many ways. One surprising way I have experienced this? The power of this sisterhood of military wives and friends who show me what it looks like to live a life that is so brave and gritty that it has a ripple effect onto my own life. I need to see other women live this hard life well because it makes me believe that I can be it and become it, too. This all makes such a difference, I hope you'll listen and see. 

    Find Sarah on Instagram! 

    Other episodes mentioned:

    Episode 75: See a Hard Moment in a New Way

    Recent Episodes from Keep Your Courage

    106: This is What Trust Feels Like

    106: This is What Trust Feels Like

    In this military life especially, we are faced with so many opportunities where we don't control our own future or don't know what's coming next. In other words, we need to trust that it's going to be okay a lot. On my better days, I am able to do this with an adventurous and open heart. On my not better days, I hate it. You might be feeling the instability of this life right now in one way or another - listen in if you need encouragement that something is going to catch you when you fall.

    Other episodes mentioned: Episode 99 - What To Do When We Can't See What's Next

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    105: What Are Your Support Beams

    105: What Are Your Support Beams

    If you’re feeling a little threadbare from being a military spouse, if you need encouragement from the real side of military life, or if you can feel yourself spinning in anxiety or uncertainty or chaos or just plain overwhelm, you’re not alone and you’re in the right place. Listen in for a little extra boost in finding support to remain- or become- strong.

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    100: What I Wish I Had Known

    100: What I Wish I Had Known

    Happy 100 episodes! In this special episode, we talk about the question "If you could give your younger self who is just entering the military one piece of advice, what would that be?" So many of you sent in your own answers as well as hundreds of other spouses and so in this episode we talk about what is something you wish you had known as you began this journey in the military? Listen in for what you wish you had known too, or maybe some hard-won wisdom that might help you!

    Find Sarah on Instagram! 

    99: What to Do When We Can't See What's Next

    99: What to Do When We Can't See What's Next

    The military life causes us to reckon with how much we don't know about our future when we're not the ones deciding our future. There's so much uncertainty with our spouses' jobs, assignments, moves, a world in crisis. But are we the only ones who can't see what's next? Here's what we do about it. Listen in.

    Find Sarah on Instagram! 

    98: Keep Connected in Marriage

    98: Keep Connected in Marriage

    Military life asks so much of those who serve in it and marriages have to endure a lot of time apart. There's so many experiences we have without each other and it can be hard to bridge the gap. What if we could use the military life as a tool to push us closer together though rather than farther apart? Let's talk about it.

    Find Sarah on Instagram!