
    #93 - Eddie Bravo (Part 2)

    en-usMarch 28, 2011

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in optimal performanceDedication and investment lead to improved content quality, whether it's music or film. Tips for sound guy and stage manager ensured optimal audio and live performance.

      Creating high-quality content, whether it's music or video, requires dedication and investment. The speaker in this conversation shared his experiences with improving the audio and live performance of his music, which involved tipping the sound guy and stage manager extra money to ensure optimal performance. This investment led to significant improvements in the quality of the show. Similarly, Michael Jai White, a movie star and martial artist, was praised for his authentic portrayal of MMA in films, despite some movies in the genre falling short due to a lack of authenticity and understanding of the sport. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of investing time, effort, and resources to create authentic and high-quality content.

    • Importance of Authenticity in Martial Arts MoviesAuthentic martial arts techniques add believability and engagement to movies, even with imperfect execution.

      Authenticity matters in storytelling, especially in genres like martial arts movies where technical accuracy can make or break the believability. The speaker shares his experience of being dismissed by Hollywood studios for his expertise in martial arts, only for them to later realize the importance of real techniques in their movies. He uses the example of Never Back Down, where the inclusion of arm bars and triangles, though not perfectly executed, helped introduce these techniques to a wider audience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of a genre and incorporating authentic elements to create a compelling and believable story.

    • Embracing Jujitsu for MMA SuccessFalling in love with jujitsu, continuously progressing, and having a warrior's mindset are crucial for MMA success. Adaptability and dedication are key traits for fighters.

      The journey of a fighter in mixed martial arts (MMA) can be unpredictable, and it's never too late to focus on improving a specific skill, such as jujitsu, to reach the top. The discussion highlighted the careers of several fighters, including Hojiro Nogara, who was known for his brutal knockouts early on, and Alistair Overeem, who faced numerous losses but eventually became a champion by mastering the guillotine choke. The importance of falling in love with jujitsu and continuously progressing in it was emphasized, as it can be a game-changer in MMA, especially when opponents try to take the fight to the ground. Additionally, having a warrior's mind, a strong work ethic, and a fragile ego are essential traits for a successful fighter. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of dedication, continuous learning, and adaptability in the world of MMA.

    • The importance of wrestling in MMATo excel in MMA, especially against elite wrestlers, having a strong grappling foundation, specifically wrestling experience, is vital. New wrestlers are entering the sport, making it crucial to be prepared.

      To succeed in MMA, particularly against elite wrestlers, having a strong grappling foundation, specifically wrestling experience, is crucial. Getting signed to the UFC is just the beginning, and making it to the main card requires winning multiple fights and being exciting. Many Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belts have failed to make it due to their inability to deal with elite wrestlers. New wrestlers are entering MMA in increasing numbers, making it even more essential to be prepared for this challenge. If you haven't wrestled your whole life, having an exceptional guard is a must. The Michael McDonald vs. Edwin Figueroa fight serves as an example of the talent and dedication required to succeed in MMA.

    • The importance of mastering wrestling, striking, and jujitsu in MMATo succeed and last in MMA, fighters must invest time in mastering all aspects - wrestling, striking, and jujitsu - as each plays a crucial role. A strong jujitsu game is especially important for reducing damage and increasing options against opponents who excel in multiple areas.

      In MMA, having a well-rounded skill set is essential for a successful and long-lasting career. The discussion highlights the importance of mastering wrestling, striking, and jujitsu, as each aspect plays a crucial role in the sport. The example of Figaro's fight against McDonald underscores the significance of having a strong jujitsu game, especially when facing opponents who excel in multiple areas. The speaker emphasizes that the days of average MMA fighters with weak jujitsu are numbered, and the sport is evolving to demand a high level of proficiency in all areas. By falling in love with and investing time in learning jujitsu, fighters can increase their options, reduce damage, and ultimately improve their performance in the cage.

    • Adapting to different scenarios is crucial for successVersatility and adaptability are essential for success in any competitive field, allowing individuals to excel in various aspects and outmaneuver opponents.

      Versatility and adaptability are key to success in any competitive field, as exemplified by the fighting career of George St. Pierre. He is known for his ability to excel in various aspects of the sport, whether it's boxing, grappling, or striking. St. Pierre never commits to one strategy and is always prepared for different scenarios. This makes him a formidable opponent, as Jake Shields can attest. The upcoming match between these two fighters promises to be an intriguing chess match, with both men trying to outmaneuver each other. Ultimately, the outcome will depend on who can adapt better to the situation and capitalize on their opponent's weaknesses. This philosophy can be applied to various fields, from business to sports, emphasizing the importance of being well-rounded and prepared for different scenarios.

    • Appreciating the Role of Physical Attributes and Hard Work in SportsNatural talent and hard work are both essential for success in sports. While physical attributes play a role, individual effort and determination are crucial components of athletic achievement.

      Physical attributes and hard work are essential for success in sports. The speaker admires the athletic abilities of certain individuals, particularly those with a mesomorphic build, and acknowledges the importance of both natural talent and dedication. He also addresses the controversial topic of genetic predispositions in sports, suggesting that it's not racist to acknowledge the physical advantages some groups may have historically. The speaker emphasizes that natural talent alone is not enough and that hard work and intelligence are crucial components of success. He shares personal experiences and anecdotes to illustrate his points, drawing comparisons between different body types and athletic achievements throughout history. Ultimately, the speaker encourages appreciation for the unique qualities that contribute to athletic prowess, while acknowledging the importance of individual effort and determination.

    • The speaker's belief in racial and evolutionary distinctivenessThe speaker expresses a provocative belief in their own racial and evolutionary uniqueness, envying certain groups and seeing themselves as more closely related to monkeys than to others.

      The speaker expresses a belief in their own racial and evolutionary distinctiveness, using a provocative and disturbing narrative to explore this idea. They suggest that their genetic lineage includes a monkey ancestor, and that they identify more closely with monkeys than with certain other racial groups. The speaker also expresses a sense of envy towards certain groups, particularly Asian people, whom they view as more evolved. The conversation veers into discussing the normalization of animal sexual encounters in some cultures, which the speaker seems to find both intriguing and disturbing. Overall, the speaker's perspective is marked by a sense of alienation, both from other racial groups and from their own body and evolutionary history.

    • A bizarre conversation about bestiality and the benefits of sheep relationshipsSome people have unconventional desires, such as bestiality with sheep, which can lead to societal taboo and even violent cultures.

      During a bizarre conversation, the topic of bestiality and the supposed benefits of having a relationship with a sheep arose. The speaker described a violent sheep culture, where they felt superior to females and attacked those who cheated or smelled of other sheep. This sheep obsession had led to a sheep gang war and even a cheap alternative to human relationships. The speaker also shared his personal preference for sheep over other animals and the supposed spiritual connection one could have with them. Despite the illegality and societal taboo, some people still find themselves drawn to this unconventional desire.

    • Exploring the Enduring Nature of Human DesiresDespite societal norms and technological advancements, human desires for power, control, and depravity have remained consistent throughout history.

      Human behavior and desires have remained relatively constant throughout history, despite advancements in technology and societal norms. The speaker in this conversation muses about the existence of a hypothetical contest for individuals who wish to engage in sexual acts with animals, drawing comparisons to ancient civilizations and their violent spectacles. He argues that, if societal structures were to collapse, such behaviors could resurface. The speaker also reflects on the human desire for power and control, suggesting that the concept of royalty and the associated elevation of certain individuals may have originated from this desire. Ultimately, the conversation sheds light on the enduring nature of human nature and the potential for both depravity and grandeur.

    • The Dangers of Absolute Power and the Importance of TransparencyAbsolute power can lead to unchecked actions and lack of accountability. Transparency and access to information are crucial for good governance and preventing tyranny.

      Absolute power can lead individuals to act in unconscionable ways, and the lack of transparency and access to information can perpetuate the cycle of tyranny. The speaker shares anecdotes about historical figures who ruled like gods, requiring extreme submission from their subjects. He also discusses current political situations, suggesting that the more access people have to information, the more likely it is for leaders' actions to be scrutinized and questioned. The speaker admires figures like Alex Jones for exposing corruption and wrongdoing, even if some of their claims seem far-fetched. He argues that transparency and accountability are essential for good governance and that even those in power should be subject to scrutiny. The speaker also touches on the topic of cloning and life extension, implying that these technologies could be used to maintain power and control, further emphasizing the importance of transparency and checks on power.

    • Government agents instigate violence at WTO protestGovernment agents in military outfits and ski masks instigated violence at a WTO protest, suppressing free speech and causing embarrassment for the authorities, according to Alex Jones's documentation.

      During a protest against foreign delegates at the World Trade Organization meeting, the government allegedly sent in undercover agents to instigate violence and shut down the peaceful protest. These agents wore military outfits and ski masks, causing chaos and embarrassment for the authorities. Alex Jones, a controversial figure, extensively documented this incident, providing evidence through news reports and footage. The government's actions, according to the speaker, were un-American and reminiscent of authoritarian regimes. Despite some inaccuracies in Jones's beliefs, the speaker maintains a high level of confidence in his information on this specific event, which involved the suppression of free speech and the use of force to quell a protest.

    • Fascination with lifelike companions in a robot apocalypseIn a future ruled by robots, humans may long for controllable companionship as the most valuable commodity.

      The robot apocalypse may bring about unexpected desires and innovations. The speaker expresses fascination with the potential for advanced technology to create lifelike companions, from soulless robots to genetically engineered beings. Despite the potential dangers, there is a longing for connection and control, even in a world where humans may no longer be the dominant species. The speaker also reflects on the rapid advancements of technology throughout history and imagines a future where the most valuable commodity could be a real, controllable human companion. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complex relationship between humanity and technology, and the desire for companionship and control in a world of endless possibilities.

    • Exploring Ethics and Human Connection in Technology and ImmigrationThe speaker reflects on the ethical complexities of technology, particularly AI, and the desire for human connection, while sharing personal stories about immigration and the complexities of borders.

      The speaker expresses a complex perspective on the topics of technology, immigration, and human connection. They discuss their experiences with a potentially malfunctioning robot, leading them to ponder the ethical implications of sex with artificial intelligence. The conversation then shifts to a discussion on the current state of sex slavery and the challenges of accurately estimating population numbers. The speaker shares personal stories of family members who immigrated to the US illegally and reflects on the complexities of borders and the desire for a more open world. Ultimately, the speaker questions the importance of borders and regulations, suggesting that the real challenge is creating a world where everyone is "nice" and can coexist peacefully without the need for such boundaries.

    • Exploring the Value and Concerns of MapsMaps can provide valuable insights, but concerns over privacy and authenticity must be addressed. Authenticity is crucial to maintain trust and avoid misinformation.

      The discussion touched upon the idea of maps and their potential value, but also brought up concerns regarding privacy and authenticity. The speakers shared their experiences with various types of maps, from star maps to maps of businesses like Home Depot and Strawberry Fields. They also discussed the issue of fake products being sold, such as fake marijuana in magazines, and the ethical implications of profiting from misleading or inauthentic offerings. The conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity and the potential risks and consequences of misinformation.

    • Complex legal status of psychedelics and related substancesDespite potential benefits and minimal harm, the legal status of psychedelics can lead to confusion and inconsistencies, emphasizing the importance of personal autonomy and open dialogue.

      The legal status of certain psychedelic substances, like 5MEO DMT, is complex and often related to the illegal status of related substances. This can lead to confusion and inconsistencies in the law. The discussion also touched on the lack of openness and scrutiny around the illegal status of psychedelics, despite anecdotal evidence of their benefits and minimal harm. The conversation highlighted the importance of personal autonomy and control over one's consciousness as significant issues that are rarely discussed in politics. The speaker emphasized the transformative power of psychedelic experiences and the need for a more mature and open dialogue around their use.

    • The line between truth and falsehood in scientific discoveriesApproach scientific discoveries with a critical mindset, as the truth may be subjective and anecdotal evidence can be unreliable

      The line between truth and falsehood can be blurred, even in the realm of scientific discoveries. The stories of scientists like LSD-using Watson and Crick's alleged acid-induced discovery of the double helix structure of DNA bring up questions about the reliability of anecdotal evidence. Meanwhile, the example of Ed Clay's transformation through the use of Ibogaine highlights the power of personal experiences and the potential for illegal substances to offer life-changing insights. Ultimately, the truth may be subjective, and it's essential to approach all information with a critical mindset.

    • Ibogaine's potential for addiction healingNaturally occurring Ibogaine offers hope for addiction recovery, but its legal status hinders access

      Ibogaine, a naturally occurring psychoactive substance, holds significant potential for physical and psychological healing from addiction. The dedication of individuals like Ed Clay to making this treatment accessible is crucial, as many legal drugs, such as opioids, are known to be highly addictive and harmful. The stigma surrounding Ibogaine, which can be traced back to Hunter S. Thompson's journalistic misadventures, has hindered its acceptance and availability. Despite its potential, the legal status of Ibogaine remains a barrier for those seeking relief from addiction.

    • Debates on movie quality and unique tastesPeople have diverse opinions on movies, and age and perspective can influence how they perceive a film's quality.

      People's opinions on movies can greatly vary, and sometimes it's surprising to find out how different they can be. The speaker shared an experience of encountering intense debates on message boards about the quality of movies, with some people praising films that others considered terrible. The speaker found it intriguing that despite the negative reviews, these people remained steadfast in their appreciation for these movies. They also acknowledged that age could be a factor, as some people might be more forgiving or excited about certain films due to their age or perspective. The speaker also shared some examples of movies that were widely panned but had dedicated fans. Overall, it's a reminder that everyone has unique tastes and that movies can evoke strong emotions and opinions.

    • Internet enables open dialogue between individualsThe internet connects people, facilitates dialogue, and offers opportunities for self-expression and growth, as shown by Roger Ebert's exchange with Charlie Sheen and the success stories of individuals like Brody Stevens.

      The internet allows for open dialogue and interaction between individuals, regardless of their opinions or circumstances. This was exemplified in the discussion about Roger Ebert's criticism of movies like Gladiator and Charlie Sheen's response. Despite Ebert's critical stance and physical limitations, he engaged in a public exchange with Sheen, showcasing the reach and impact of the internet. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the unique talents and careers of individuals like Brody Stevens, who have found success through digital platforms. Overall, the discussion underscores the power of the internet to connect people, facilitate dialogue, and provide opportunities for self-expression and growth.

    • Dr. Drew's stance on marijuana influenced by bias and personal beliefsDespite evidence of marijuana's benefits for healthy individuals, Dr. Drew's opposition may be influenced by his work with addicts and personal beliefs, while the dynamic between him and the speaker showcases a friendly disagreement on the topic.

      Dr. Drew's stance on marijuana, as portrayed in the show "Celebrity Rehab," may be biased due to the population he works with and his personal beliefs, despite evidence suggesting that healthy individuals can benefit from marijuana use. The discussion also reveals that Dr. Drew's strong opposition to marijuana may stem from a desire to protect his reputation as a respected addiction specialist. Additionally, the conversation highlights the complex dynamic between the two friends, with the speaker playfully challenging Dr. Drew's views while acknowledging the importance of his work in helping those struggling with addiction.

    • Marijuana Addiction: Personal Predisposition MattersSome people may become addicted to marijuana due to underlying psychological issues, while others may not. A rigid stance on drug use, ignoring potential benefits, can limit understanding and progress.

      While some people may not develop addictions to substances like marijuana, others may become addicted due to underlying psychological issues. Marijuana, like any other substance, can be addictive for those with a predisposition. Dr. Drew's rigidity on the topic of psychedelic drugs, including marijuana, despite potentially benefiting from them personally, is a source of frustration. Ayahuasca, an orally active version of DMT, is a significant discovery in the Amazon, where it's used to help prevent alcoholism in young people by allowing them to connect with the spirit world. The process of making and consuming ayahuasca is lengthy and unpleasant, but the potential benefits are profound. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that everyone's relationship with substances is unique and that a one-size-fits-all approach to drug use is not effective.

    • Exploring the Spiritual World: Harmony with Nature and PsychedelicsConnecting with the spiritual world can lead to a shift in priorities and a newfound appreciation for nature. Experiences like those facilitated by psychedelics can challenge our beliefs and leave us with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

      Connecting with the spiritual world is a valuable experience, regardless of cultural or technological advancements. The people who live in harmony with nature, such as those in indigenous communities, are often reported to have frequent interactions with the spirit world. They are not lost or unaware of Western civilization, but prioritize harmony with nature over materialistic possessions. The use of psychedelics like DMT can facilitate profound spiritual experiences, which can lead to a shift in priorities and a newfound appreciation for the natural world. The speaker's personal journey from religious upbringing to atheism and back to agnosticism was influenced by various experiences, including encounters with psychedelics and the unexplained abilities of a hippie guitarist who guessed their birthdays. The speaker's initial disbelief in the spiritual world gave way to a newfound openness, as he came to realize that there may be more to the universe than meets the eye. The idea that such experiences can be explained by probability theory is a flawed explanation, as the odds of two separate individuals guessing the same birthdays are extremely low. The speaker's encounter with the hippie guitarist was a pivotal moment in his spiritual journey, leaving him with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the mysteries of the universe.

    • An encounter with a mystical individual sparks a lifelong quest for understanding the mysteries of the universe.An encounter with a seemingly psychic individual at age 21 led the speaker on a journey exploring ancient cultures, conspiracy theories, and the possibility of an afterlife and higher power, ultimately believing in the existence of an afterlife and infinite knowledge through meditation and frequency control.

      The speaker's encounter with an individual who seemed to have the ability to read thoughts or have otherworldly knowledge led them on a lifelong quest to understand the mysteries of the universe. This experience, which occurred when the speaker was 21 years old, made them question their beliefs and led them to explore ancient cultures, conspiracy theories, and the possibility of an afterlife and higher power. The speaker's fascination with these topics grew through their exposure to various sources, including Terence McKenna's podcasts and the documented readings of Edgar Cayce. Ultimately, the speaker became convinced that there is an afterlife and a source of infinite knowledge, which they believe can be accessed through meditation and controlling one's frequency.

    • The power of the human mind and imaginationThe mind and imagination have the power to access vast knowledge beyond current understanding, demonstrated historically and supported by ancient beliefs and modern practices.

      The human mind and imagination have the power to access vast amounts of knowledge and understanding, beyond what we currently know or understand. This was demonstrated by a historical figure who had a deep understanding of the human body, despite limited scientific knowledge at the time. This idea is supported by ancient beliefs, such as the Akashic records, and modern-day experiences with hypnosis, trance, and meditation. The imagination is a powerful tool that can manifest ideas into reality, and it may provide access to an infinite source of knowledge. This raises questions about the nature of consciousness, creation, and the afterlife. Ultimately, the mind and imagination may hold the key to unlocking deeper truths and understanding the mysteries of the universe.

    • Exploring the Possibility of a Higher Power or Intelligent DesignThe speaker suggests that there may be a higher power or intelligent design responsible for an infinite river of knowledge, and that humans may be striving to connect with this power or consciousness to realize our interconnectedness.

      The speaker believes in the existence of a higher power or intelligent design, which may be responsible for an infinite river of knowledge. They suggest that this power could have created multiple dimensions and that humans may be at a relatively low stage of intelligence in the grand scheme of the universe. The speaker also acknowledges the possibility of evolution and the idea that humans may be the most intelligent beings in the universe, but they believe that there is a higher power or consciousness that we are striving to connect with. They suggest that this connection may lead to the realization that we are not separate from this higher power or consciousness, but rather an integral part of it. The speaker also acknowledges the complexity of these ideas and the limitations of human understanding.

    • Discovering new perspectives through unexpected sourcesEmbrace new experiences and challenge preconceived notions, as they can lead to personal growth and unexpected benefits.

      Life is interconnected, much like the ocean and its water molecules. We are all part of something greater than ourselves, and sometimes we need to be open to learning new things from unexpected sources. In the speaker's case, this came from his best friend who taught him a new Jiu Jitsu move called a twister. This experience not only deepened their friendship but also challenged the speaker's preconceived notions about marijuana use. Despite initial beliefs that pot smokers were lazy, the speaker discovered that being high didn't hinder productivity but rather fueled creativity and motivation. This revelation allowed him to embrace new experiences and continue to push himself in various aspects of his life.

    • Unusual hours and habits for productivity and creativityEmbrace your unique schedule and interests, as they may lead to unexpected opportunities and discoveries. Late nights, marijuana, and chance encounters can inspire productivity and creativity.

      Productivity and creativity can be linked to unusual hours and habits. The speaker in this conversation mentions how he writes his best material late at night when others are sleeping. He also shares how he discovered the benefits of marijuana and how it helped him appreciate comedy and understand its structure. The speaker's chance encounters with Eddie Bravo, whom he met at a comedy show and a jiu-jitsu class, led to a lifelong friendship and a new passion for jiu-jitsu. The conversation also touches on the societal stigma against marijuana use and how it has changed over time. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to embrace their unique schedules and interests, as they may lead to unexpected opportunities and discoveries.

    • Creating an authentic MMA productionExpert consultation and attention to detail are vital for creating an engaging and believable MMA film. Hardcore fans appreciate accuracy.

      Authenticity and expertise are crucial in creating an engaging and believable production, especially in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA). Brian Redban shared his experience working as a consultant on the film "Never Back Down 2," where Michael Jai White, a producer, star, and director, ensured the film was authentic to the sport by bringing in experts to fill in the gaps and make it as accurate as possible. This attention to detail paid off, as hardcore MMA fans were able to appreciate the film without finding any major flaws. Another key point from the discussion was Joe Rogan's success in the comedy and podcast world, with sold-out shows and a growing audience. He encouraged listeners to check out his events and use the discount code "Rogan" on joerogan.net for Fleshlight purchases. Lastly, Rogan will be teaching a seminar at 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu in Springfield, Missouri, on March 10th.

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