
    93 - My Diet Made Me Depressed (+ Other Psychology Stories) ft. Kimberley Wilson

    en-usMay 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Connection Between Gut Health and Mental HealthNeglecting gut health can lead to mental health issues, including depression and chronic pain disorders. A balanced diet is crucial for optimal gut health and mental well-being.

      There is a strong connection between gut health and mental health, and neglecting this connection can lead to negative consequences. The speaker shares her personal experience of trying to go vegan to improve her health, but instead, she turned to processed foods and worsened her situation. The result was a chronic pain disorder and clinical depression due to a lack of essential amino acids for producing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. This episode serves as a foundation for understanding how the food we consume impacts our mental health and mood. It's essential to provide our bodies with a balanced diet to ensure optimal gut health and mental well-being.

    • Mental health is a full-body experiencePhysical activity boosts endorphins and improves mental health, gut health affects mental health, natural remedies like Lion's Mane mushrooms support brain and gut health, prevent Alzheimer's disease with a holistic approach

      Mental health is not just about the brain, but a full-body experience. The speaker shares her personal experiences of how physical activities like spinning, boxing, and boot camp classes help her produce endorphins and improve her mental health. She also discusses the connection between gut health and mental health, sharing her own experience of feeling depressed when her gut was out of balance during a trip to Mexico. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut and the role of gut health in mental health. She also introduces Lion's Mane mushrooms as a natural remedy that strengthens brain cells, stimulates the growth of new ones, supports the immune system, and improves gut health. The speaker also mentions Alzheimer's disease as a leading cause of death in the UK and encourages listeners to take preventative measures to avoid it. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to mental health, incorporating physical activity, gut health, and natural remedies.

    • The connection between brain health and nutritionAdequate nutrition is crucial for both mental and physical health, as it impacts brain structure and function through the production of neurotransmitters

      Our mental and physical health are deeply connected, and our brain's structure and function depend on adequate nutrition. While the gut-brain axis is gaining attention for its influence on brain function, it's important to remember that our brain is made of food. Nutrients like amino acids and vitamins play crucial roles in producing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet is essential for both mental and physical well-being. Additionally, the brand Lilybod, which sponsors this episode, supports this holistic approach to health by offering high-quality activewear and promoting the importance of mental health alongside physical health.

    • Understanding the Role of Cofactors in Brain HealthEnsuring proper cofactor presence is crucial for optimal brain health as they facilitate neurotransmitter production. Iron, for instance, is a cofactor for serotonin synthesis. Address potential deficiencies or blockages to maintain a well-functioning production line.

      Our brain health is closely linked to the nutrients we consume and the production process in our body. Tryptophan, an amino acid, serves as the raw material for producing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. However, these neurotransmitters cannot be produced without the presence of cofactors, which are additional substances that facilitate the production process. For instance, iron is a cofactor for serotonin synthesis. A deficiency in iron can hinder the production process, regardless of the availability of tryptophan. Therefore, it's essential to ensure the proper functioning of the production line by addressing potential deficiencies or blockages. This analogy of a factory conveyor belt can help us understand the importance of cofactors in brain health. Furthermore, it's crucial to recognize that symptoms like low mood, depression, ADHD, and panic attacks might be indicators of underlying brain health issues. Instead of solely relying on medication, we should consider the role of nutrition in addressing these symptoms. Our brain, as the hungriest organ in our body, requires proper nourishment to function optimally.

    • Proper nutrition during pregnancy impacts brain health and future generationsOptimizing brain health through nutrition, especially during pregnancy, can lead to better mental health and overall well-being, and nutritional status during pregnancy can influence the development of future generations.

      The health of our brains, which requires more energy and nutrients than any other organ in our body, significantly impacts our mental health. The nutritional status during pregnancy can also influence the development of future generations, as seen in the Dutch hunger winter cohort study. This research shows that a lack of nutrition during pregnancy can lead to metabolic health risks and a tendency to hold onto calories. Therefore, optimizing brain health through proper nutrition, especially during pregnancy, can contribute to better mental health and overall well-being. The interconnectedness of various factors, from early development to daily lifestyle choices, plays a crucial role in how we think and feel.

    • Maternal Nutrition Impacts Child's Health and Behavior Across GenerationsMaternal nutrition during pregnancy and before conception can alter gene expression and impact child's personality, leading to internalizing or externalizing behaviors. Malnutrition can increase risk of criminal behavior later in life.

      The health and nutritional experiences of a mother during pregnancy and even before conception can have significant impacts on the health and behavior of not only her child but also future generations. This is due to epigenetic changes that can alter gene expression. These nutritional deficiencies can also influence the development of a child's personality, leading to internalizing or externalizing behaviors. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive functions like decision-making and impulse control, is particularly vulnerable to impaired nutrition. Research suggests that malnutrition in early life can increase the risk of internalizing behaviors, such as quietness, rumination, and self-harm, while externalizing behaviors, like fighting and disruptiveness, may result from shifts in brain configuration. Later in life, these nutritional deficiencies and resulting brain changes can manifest in increased criminal behavior, as seen in prison studies. It's important to note that this research challenges the common belief that personality and behavior are solely volitional and decision-based, as our justice system is based on this assumption. Instead, it highlights the complex relationship between nutrition, personality, and behavior.

    • Nutritional deficiencies impact behavior, reducing violence by 30%Nutrition plays a significant role in behavior, with deficiencies leading to increased violence and aggression. This has implications for the judicial system and child development.

      Nutritional deficiencies can significantly impact our behavior, leading to an increase in violence and aggression. This is evident in various studies, including one that showed a 30% reduction in objective incidence of violence when participants were given vitamin and mineral supplements. This raises important questions about personal responsibility and the role of external factors in shaping our behavior. For instance, in the judicial system, it's essential to consider whether there are underlying nutritional deficiencies that could be contributing to someone's violent behavior, rather than solely attributing it to their decision-making abilities. Furthermore, this discovery has significant implications for how we approach and label children and young adults who struggle with impulse control and concentration. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making and impulse control, doesn't finish developing until the age of 25. Thus, it's crucial to consider the role of nutrition in shaping behavior, especially during critical developmental stages.

    • Factors beyond genetics contribute to Alzheimer's developmentStarting 10-20 years before symptoms, addressing modifiable risk factors like diet and exercise can reduce Alzheimer's risk, despite it being the leading cause of death in the UK and disproportionately affecting women.

      Learning from our discussion today is that the development of complex conditions like Alzheimer's disease involves multiple factors, and it's never too early to start making positive changes for your brain health. Contrary to popular belief, genetics are not the sole cause of Alzheimer's, with less than 1% of cases being genetically determined. Instead, lifestyle factors, such as nutrition, play a significant role in the increasing rates of this disease, which is the leading cause of death in the UK. Moreover, women are disproportionately affected, with twice the risk compared to men. Yet, many people are unaware of the preventative measures they can take to reduce their risk. These measures include addressing modifiable risk factors, which can be influenced by individual choices, such as diet and exercise, starting approximately 10-20 years before any symptoms appear. By recognizing the importance of these factors and taking action early, we can help bridge the gap between the risk and our belief in our ability to impact the outcome.

    • Empowering yourself with knowledge during midlife to tackle modifiable risk factorsUnderstand and address modifiable risk factors for diseases in midlife, expand your perspective on global health issues, and explore personalized approaches to nutrition for optimal health.

      Midlife is a crucial period to focus on modifiable risk factors for diseases that typically emerge in older age. These risk factors, such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and high stress, can start causing damage in your forties. Empowering yourself with knowledge is key, as it allows you to take control of your health trajectory not only for yourself but also for future generations. Moreover, being aware of global health issues and their causes can broaden your perspective. For instance, the obesity crisis in some countries may be linked to the widespread consumption of sugary drinks. Remember, everyone is bio-unique, so it's essential to explore testing and personalized approaches to nutrition. Focusing on inclusion and addition, consider incorporating essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and leafy green vegetables into your daily diet. These cornerstone foods provide irreplaceable health benefits, and finding creative ways to include them can make the process enjoyable.

    • Eat Fish, Greens, Berries, and Beans for Better Brain HealthRegularly consume fish for omega-3 fatty acids, greens and berries for brain-boosting nutrients, and beans for fiber to maintain the blood-brain barrier and protect against neuroinflammation.

      Incorporating certain foods into your diet can contribute to better brain health. These foods include fish, leafy greens, berries, and beans. Fish provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. Leafy greens and berries are rich in nutrients important for long-term brain health. Beans are a great source of fiber, which helps maintain the integrity of the blood-brain barrier and protect against neuroinflammation. Impaired blood-brain barrier integrity is linked to the early stages of dementia, so ensuring you get enough fiber is crucial. While there are many fiber sources, whole grains, beans, and vegetables with skins are particularly good options. So, aim to include fish, greens, berries, and beans in your diet regularly for better brain health.

    • Exploring Fiber: Struggles and SolutionsConsidering fiber intake is crucial for health. Fruits, fish, meats, veggies, avocado, and spinach are easy to obtain and prepare, but fiber from beans can be a challenge. Kimberly Wilson plans to explore this further and encourages listeners to follow her for updates and resources.

      Importance of considering fiber in one's diet. The speaker expressed ease with obtaining and preparing fruits, fish, high-quality meats, vegetables, avocado, and spinach, but acknowledged her struggle with ensuring adequate fiber intake. She plans to explore incorporating beans into her diet, despite not knowing how to cook them. The conversation also touched upon the gut microbiome, but ran out of time before delving deeper. As we conclude, the speaker, Kimberly Wilson, shared where listeners can find her and her work. Her book, "Ultraprocessed," is available in the US in June and internationally through The Book Depository. For updates, research insights, and meal inspiration, follow her on Instagram @foodandsych. For those interested in her prison studies, check out her podcast series "Crime and Nourishment" on her website, kimberlywilson.co. The conversation covered a wealth of information, and it's essential to note that all the ideas discussed have been thoroughly researched. We encourage listeners to explore these resources and learn more about the impact of food on health and well-being. Thank you, Kimberly, for sharing your knowledge and inspiring us with your work. We look forward to future conversations.

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    154 - SOLO - Why a situationship f**ks you up more than a relationship ft. Louise Rumball

    154 - SOLO - Why a situationship f**ks you up more than a relationship ft. Louise Rumball
    Situationships can be crazy, soul crushing, exhilarating journeys. Who can relate? One moment you’re on top of the world, the next you’re desperately waiting for them to text you back feeling like the world is going to end. You’re not alone if you’ve been left wondering how so much damage could be caused by such a short-lived experience. Today, in a highly requested solo episode, Louise dives deep into the REAL WHY behind how and why these situationships can f**k you up.  Louise gets into the juicy details of: How situationships can be tied to early life experiences, brain structure, nervous system, and neurotransmitter function (yes really). The rollercoaster of emotions that come with a situationship  How the concepts of hope & silence can drive our inner child crazy (and how inconsistency of the highs and lows can exacerbate this cycle) The biochemistry of obsession The concept of fantasy bonding & maladaptive daydreaming (and how it is actually a coping mechanism) How imbalanced neurotransmitters can leave you craving situationships And more. Louise has been there. You’re not alone. You’re not going crazy and when you listen to this episode you will understand WHAT is going on a biochemical level and HOW this person has such a grip over you. Welcome to clarity, peace and healing! ----- WANT TO GO DEEPER? 🎧How to Heal Heartbreak Podcast Pathway🎧: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0sJjU8tmZ2F7cp9znyZtz9 ⭐Join the There She Glows Waitlist⭐: https://www.thisisopenhouse.com/how-to-rewire-your-subconscious-mind  Join OPENHOUSE PREMIUM now at: https://openhouse.supercast.com/ Connect with Louise on Instagram: @iamlouiserumball Follow Louise (The Therapy Girl) on TikTok: @thetherapygirl__ Connect with OPENHOUSE on Instagram: @theopenhousepodcast ⠀ Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud ⠀ Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    153 - HEALING - Because the little 'you' deserves the whole damn world (inner child healing) ft. Tasha Bailey

    153 - HEALING - Because the little 'you' deserves the whole damn world (inner child healing) ft. Tasha Bailey
    Healing girlies already know they need to heal their inner child - but where do you start? Today, Louise sits down with psychotherapist Tasha Bailey to get into this & more. Louise & Tasha discuss: What inner child healing *actually is*  How our childhood shapes our adulthood The concept of age regressions (including you anger, we see you!) The connection between the inner child, the inner critic, the shadow, and how you feel about yourself  Big bad boundaries (and the importance of them when healing a wounded inner child)  How important play is for children and adults alike ----- ⭐ Want more bonus episodes, Home Truths, Voice Notes from Lu and access to our community area The House? Join OPENHOUSE PREMIUM for all of this + exclusive access to our 'Ask A Therapist' room with guaranteed therapist responses. Plus, enjoy all episodes ad-free! Join OPENHOUSE Premium here: https://openhouse.supercast.com/ ⭐ ----- Connect with Louise on Instagram: @iamlouiserumball Follow Louise (The Therapy Girl) on TikTok: @thetherapygirl__ Connect with OPENHOUSE on Instagram: @theopenhousepodcast Connect with Tasha Bailey on Instagram: @realtalk.therapist Purchase Real Talk: Therapy Lessons in Healing & Self-Love by Tasha Bailey - Available Worldwide here Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    LLN Episode #209:  Dr. David Wiss - Unlocking the Mind: Nourishing the Gut-Brain Connection for Healing

    About Dr. Davis Wiss:

    David Wiss became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) in 2013 and founded Nutrition in Recovery, a group practice of RDNs specializing in treating eating and substance use disorders. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Health with a minor in Health Psychology from UCLA by investigating links between adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes among socially disadvantaged men. Dr. Wiss can be your nutrition and health consultant, functional medicine practitioner, recovery coach, or provide psychoeducation related to his expertise. Learn more about the intersection of nutrition and mental health using his new app called Wise Mind Nutrition and follow him on Instagram @drdavidwiss.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Dr. David Wiss and Lynne have a conversation about nutrition and mental health, discussing the importance of the gut-brain connection and how nutrition can play a role in treating eating disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety, and trauma.

    Dr. Wiss discusses the interconnectedness of gut health, mental health, and disordered eating. He emphasized the importance of understanding individual psychology and biology when addressing nutrition, and the need to rewire taste buds to develop preferences for healthier foods.

    We also discuss the challenges of transitioning from a dieting mindset to intuitive eating, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's body and tracking how food makes them feel. We also touch on the connection between gut health and mental well-being, highlighting the role of the immune system in linking the gut and the brain through inflammation.

    Dr. Wiss went on to emphasize the connection between gut health and brain health, especially the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet with high fiber and colorful foods.

    We discussed the importance of breaking free from diet culture and prioritizing long-term health over immediate results. Dr. Wiss also mentioned his affordable nutrition app that offers free features and a subscription option for personalized programs. (See information below.)


    Key Takeaways:

    • How food and mental health impact the body positivity movement
    • Ultra-Processed Food Addiction and its Controversies Disordered Eating Recovery
    • Nutrition for mental health
    • Understanding the mental implications of diet
    • Why is gut health important for mental health? 
    • How is nutrition connected to mental health? 
    • Why is it difficult for people to change their eating habits?
    • How adverse life experiences impact your eating


    Free Resource from Dr. David Wiss:

    5 Ways You Can Use Nutrition to Improve Your Mental Health: https://docs.wisemindnutrition.com/WMN-5Ways-Freebie.pdf  


    Resource from Dr. Davis Wiss:

    Dr. Wiss’ Wise Mind Nutrition App: Wise Mind Nutrition is an app that delivers educational content using nutrition and lifestyle medicine to improve mental health outcomes. The app contains an innovative food log, digital workbook, and data-driven personalized messaging for the ultimate transformative experience based on Dr. Wiss's clinical experience. The program includes nutrition education, cooking instructions, meditations, and downloadable resources such as recipes and assignments. (Free to download with an option to subscribe.)


    Connect With Dr. David Wiss:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidwiss  


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidwiss/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/wisemindnutrition

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdavidwiss/  

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Drdavidwiss


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


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    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    Phoebe Lapine | Wellness with Hashimoto's and SIBO

    Phoebe Lapine | Wellness with Hashimoto's and SIBO

    Through her illness, Phoebe Lapine has evolved as a food writer and chef turned health advocate. She runs the food blog Feed Me Phoebe and is the co-author of 2011's In the Small Kitchen: 100 Recipes from Our Year of Cooking in the Real World. Her 2017 book is titled The Wellness Project: How I Learned to Do Right by My Body, Without Giving Up My Life, which chronicles her life with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Phoebe is also the host of the SIBO Made Simple Podcast.


    Phoebe discusses her experiences with both Hashimoto's and SIBO and how she got started on her wellness path. She talks to Anna about how much food contributes to both gut and mental health.


    Be sure to follow us on Instagram (@yourbestlifepodcast)! Also, join our official Facebook Group, "Your Best Life Podcast," to keep the conversation going.

    How the Standard American Diet is Making Us Depressed, Anxious, and Inflamed

    How the Standard American Diet is Making Us Depressed, Anxious, and Inflamed

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    It's easy to overlook the connection between what we eat and how we feel, but in a country where more than 1 in 5 adults are battling mental illness, suicide is on the rise, especially in children, and drug overdoses are at an all-time high, we need to stop and ask why? Why are we witnessing such unprecedented rates of mental illness? The answer lies not only in our modern-day, high-paced, stressful environment but at the end of our forks. 

    In this episode of my Health Bites series, I discuss why our brains are so broken, the root causes driving neuroinflammation, and how this drives disconnection between our prefrontal cortex (the adult in the room) and amygdala (our reactive, child-like brain), causing our anxiety and emotions to take over. We’ll also discuss the research clearly showing how our toxic SAD is a key driver of our mental health crisis and how you can eat (and supplement) your way out of many mental health issues. 

    This episode is brought to you by Cozy Earth and Happy Egg.

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    In this episode I discuss (audio version):

    • The state of the impact of our Standard American Diet on mental health (2:20)
    • Why are we dealing with unprecedented rates of mental illness? (4:46)
    • Top inflammatory foods and factors that are setting our brains on fire (6:34)
    • What is metabolic health? (9:34)
    • The impact of metabolic dysfunction on our brains, mood, and overall health (14:04)
    • How is UPF driving poor metabolic health? (16:22)
    • The link between leaky gut and leaky brain (21:47)
    • How inflammation impacts the brain (23:33)
    • Research on the link between junk food and mental Illness (28:01)
    • The link between junk food consumption, violence, and aggression (32:38)
    • The link between UPF, social functioning, and ADHD (36:58)
    • Practical steps to fix your brain (39:36)

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.