
    934 The Power of Your Voice and How It Can Change the World with IN-Q

    enMarch 30, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Find your voice, speak your truthExpressing your thoughts and ideas, even if afraid, is essential for unlocking inner greatness and inspiring others.

      Finding the courage to express your thoughts and ideas, even if you're afraid, is essential for unlocking your inner greatness and bringing your dreams to life. Eleanor Roosevelt's quote, "Speak your mind even though your voice shakes," encourages us to share our stories and use our voices to make a difference. Our guest, NQ, is a national poetry slam champion and award-winning poet who has inspired millions through his performances and storytelling workshops. He emphasizes the importance of being specific about what you want in life and using your voice to inspire others. NQ's new book, "Enquire Within," explores the themes of love, inspiration, and solving the world's major problems. By sharing our stories and expressing our ideas, we can create a ripple effect and impact the lives of others. So, find your voice, speak your truth, and let your dreams come to life.

    • Appreciating the journey and impact of your workTake time to reflect on the progress made, appreciate the impact of your work, and find joy in the present moment.

      Making a significant impact on the world and reaching a large audience can be an enriching experience, but it's essential to take time to reflect on the journey and appreciate the progress made. As Lewis shared, he's been touched by messages from followers who have watched him grow over the years, but it's only when he takes a moment to reflect that he truly feels the impact of his work. It's easy to focus on the future and the next goal, but it's crucial to be present and enjoy the current moment. As someone once said, the best time of your life might be the present if you're not always waiting for it to be over. Instead of constantly striving for the next accomplishment, it's essential to find joy in the present and appreciate the journey towards your goals.

    • The importance of internal validationSeeking external validation can hinder personal happiness and self-pride. Instead, focus on being true to oneself and finding internal validation.

      The pursuit of external validation through accomplishments can hinder personal happiness and self-pride. The speaker shares how they were always driven to achieve more, but never felt truly satisfied or proud of themselves. However, they discovered the importance of internal validation and being true to oneself, even when no one is watching. This shift in perspective came from a deep introspection and a relationship where honesty and acceptance were valued. The speaker now strives to always tell the truth and be proud of who they are, regardless of external validation.

    • Authenticity and self-love in relationshipsBe truthful and practice self-love for a deep, fulfilling connection. Commit to the process and find balance in negotiations.

      Authenticity and self-love are key to a successful and fulfilling relationship. Being truthful with your partner and practicing self-love allows you to let go of the need to hide or feel insecure, even when faced with external pressures or challenges. By committing to the process and remaining compassionate and understanding, both parties can deepen their connection and grow together. The relationship may go through seasons of challenges and beautiful moments, but it's important to remain committed to the process and find a balance between what is negotiable and non-negotiable. Ultimately, the goal is to create a strong foundation of love and respect, where both individuals can be their authentic selves and thrive.

    • Navigating chaos together builds intimacyIntimacy is found in how we handle hardships, forgive, accept, and cherish each moment in a lifelong relationship.

      Building a lifelong relationship requires learning to be with your partner in both good and bad times. It's easy to be positive during good times, but true intimacy is found in how you navigate chaos together. Forgiveness and acceptance are crucial, and every moment, even the difficult ones, offers an opportunity to open your heart and connect deeply with another person. Reflecting on past experiences, such as the loss of a beloved pet or the unexpected passing of a symbol of invincibility, can serve as powerful reminders of the importance of cherishing each moment and living fully. Ultimately, intimacy is a process that teaches us to embrace the full range of human emotions and experiences.

    • Exploring the depths of love through poetryPoetry allows us to delve into the complexities of love and express our deepest desires and dreams for love, serving as personal reminders and prayers for a fulfilling life.

      Love, with all its complexities and transformations, is the most profound theme in life. It deepens and evolves over time, and writing poetry can serve as a means of exploring and manifesting our deepest desires and dreams for love. The poems we write are our personal reminders and prayers for the life we aspire to live. When it's right, love feels like finding a perfect home, with all its ups and downs, challenges, and joys. It's a modern-day fairy tale filled with intimacy, commitment, and a deep connection that transcends words. Love is a long ladder up to heaven, and the journey of discovering and deepening our love is a beautiful and infinite one.

    • Love knows no ageLove is about emotional connection, companionship, and cherishing moments together, regardless of age.

      Love knows no age. It can blossom at any stage of life, even in old age. Love is about connection, understanding, and companionship. It's about sharing experiences, memories, and laughter. It's about being there for each other through thick and thin, and cherishing every moment together. Love is not about physicality, but about the emotional connection that keeps two people together. It's about appreciating each other, accepting each other's quirks, and growing old together. It's about finding joy in the little things and cherishing the journey of life. So, whether you're 25 or 85, never give up on the chance to fall in love. It's a dance that continues, with moments of separation and coming back together, sunshine and stormy weather, but always leading back to the warmth and comfort of each other's embrace.

    • The interconnectedness of love, loss, and the human experienceAuthenticity and waiting for the right time are crucial in creating true intimacy, while avoiding unrealistic expectations and projecting illusions can lead to disappointment and heartache.

      Loss and the human experience of love and heartache are interconnected. The speaker shares their personal experience of loving someone deeply but being unable to be there for them in certain ways, leading to sadness and eventual separation. They also discuss the impact of growing up without a father and the challenges of creating a sense of love and safety in relationships. Another key point is the importance of authenticity and avoiding unrealistic expectations in relationships, as projecting illusions onto partners can lead to disappointment and resentment. The speaker reflects on past experiences and the importance of waiting for the right time and finding true intimacy.

    • Authentic connections through love and artAuthenticity in relationships and art comes from knowing and loving people without projections or fantasies, leading to deeper connections and effective communication.

      Knowing and loving someone authentically, without projections or fantasies, leads to deeper connections in both personal relationships and artistic performances. The speaker shares how they learned this lesson in their romantic relationship, where they didn't put pressure or expectations on the connection, allowing them to truly get to know their partner. This authenticity translates to their art and stage performances, as they no longer try to control the audience's experience or give their energy to those who aren't engaged. Instead, they focus on themselves and the people who are genuinely connecting with their work. This self-love and contained energy leads to more effective communication and stronger connections in both personal and professional contexts.

    • Authentic artistic expression through unconditional loveBe present and true to oneself in art, connect to hearts with poetry, and be the vehicle for the message without personal obstruction

      Unconditional love, both for oneself and the audience, is key to authentic artistic expression. The poet in this conversation emphasizes the importance of being present and true to oneself, rather than being codependent on the audience's response. Poetry, with its ability to connect to the heart and provide moments of stillness in a disconnected world, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to social media and the need for introspection in a constantly stimulated society. The poet's role is to be the vehicle for the poetry's message, while also being mindful of not letting personal needs obstruct the communication of truth.

    • Balancing external knowledge with introspection and self-reflectionTechnology connects us to the world but can lead to isolation. Seek knowledge within and find voice, purpose, and passion. Self-forgiveness and learning from past experiences are essential. Poets can achieve success and personal challenges can inspire introspection and self-discovery.

      Technology, while connecting the world, can also lead to feelings of isolation. To truly understand ourselves and the world around us, it's important to balance seeking knowledge externally with introspection and self-reflection. The author's book, "Choir of Inner Voices," is an invitation for readers to inquire within and find their own voice, purpose, and passion. The author also emphasizes the importance of self-forgiveness and learning from past experiences. Poetry, as an art form, is expected to continue growing in popularity and reach in the coming decade. The author believes that poets can achieve widespread recognition and success, just like other artists and celebrities. The author also suggests that personal hardships and challenges can serve as catalysts for introspection and self-discovery, leading individuals to ask deeper questions about themselves and their environment.

    • Using voices to inspire empathy through poetryPoetry can spread positive messages, reach wider audiences through internet, and inspire empathy in today's world, especially during challenging times.

      Using our voices to build up and inspire empathy, particularly through poetry, is essential in today's world. The poet, Rudy Francisco, inspired the creation of a book as a means to bring poetry into popular culture and change people's perception of it. With the internet as a tool, individuals can reach wider audiences and spread positive messages. However, it's easier to tear down rather than build up, but creating something with that energy is more impactful. The upcoming election year may bring heightened negativity, but focusing on empathy and coming together as human beings can lead to the best possible outcome. The current moment is significant due to climate change and other global issues, and recognizing our shared humanity can help us overcome challenges.

    • The urgency of climate change may require a traumatic event to awaken humanityExperiencing a traumatic event can help us reevaluate beliefs and behaviors to address the climate crisis

      Climate change is a global issue that requires collective action, and it's unfortunate that it may take a drastic event to awaken humanity to the urgency of the situation. Ideas and ideologies can shape our perspectives, but they can also become rigid and limiting. To truly make a change, we may need to experience a traumatic event that forces us to reevaluate our beliefs and behaviors. This applies to individuals as well as to humanity as a whole. If we could only share one poem with the world before we died, the poem "Inhale" and "Exhale" from the book would represent the importance of taking action and letting go of attachments, respectively. The time is now for us to come together and address the climate crisis before it's too late.

    • Personal growth and social awareness interconnectRecognize the impact of personal actions, make proactive steps towards change, and continuously improve for a positive impact on the world.

      Personal growth and social awareness go hand in hand. The speaker shares how her personal poem about her father opened her eyes to the world around her, and her realization of the urgency of climate change led her to make personal sacrifices like giving up meat and reducing plastic use. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's actions and making proactive steps towards change, rather than shaming oneself or ignoring the issue. The speaker encourages continuous improvement and recognizes that everyone is on a journey of figuring out how to make a positive impact on the world.

    • The power of art, connection, and personal growthEmbrace the present, engage with art and community, and make a positive impact on others and yourself.

      Focusing on the present and making positive changes can have a ripple effect on the past and future. The speaker shared his admiration for a friend's impact on people and encouraged everyone to check out the friend's upcoming book tour and poetry performances. He also mentioned the release of an audio book and encouraged listeners to engage with him on social media. The speaker emphasized the importance of art and creativity, and how sharing it with others can bring new life to it. He also reflected on the significance of having a supportive community and how it can lead to personal growth and joy. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of art, connection, and personal growth.

    • The Power of Forgiveness and GratitudeSuppressing emotions and holding onto hate can lead to a disconnected and unfulfilling life. Forgiveness and gratitude are powerful tools for healing and growth.

      Holding onto hate and anger towards others can lead to a numb and unfulfilling life. The speaker in this text had a strained relationship with his father, leading him to feel anger, rejection, and a lack of self-worth. He suppressed his emotions and lashed out at those around him, including his mother. The speaker found solace in TV and the depiction of masculinity it presented, leading him to suppress his sensitive emotions. However, this suppression caused him to feel disconnected from himself and the world around him. It wasn't until he sought help and began to confront his past and emotions that he was able to start living a more authentic and fulfilling life. The speaker learned that forgiveness and gratitude are powerful tools for healing and growth. Despite the challenges he faced in his relationship with his father, he came to appreciate the gift of life and the impact his father had on shaping who he is today.

    • Becoming a caregiver for a loved oneUnexpected life events can change relationships, cherish moments with loved ones, and prepare for the unexpected.

      Life can unexpectedly change in an instant, leaving long-lasting impacts. Adam shared his experience of becoming a caregiver for his father after a severe car accident that left him with amnesia and a traumatic brain injury. For 14 years, Adam had to help his father learn basic skills and rebuild their relationship in a new dynamic. Despite the challenges, Adam found moments of connection and is grateful for the 21 years of great memories they shared before the accident. This experience highlights the importance of cherishing the time we have with our loved ones and being prepared for the unexpected twists and turns that life may bring.

    • Transforming tragedy into growthDespite unfortunate circumstances, we can find meaning and develop new skills, empowering ourselves and positively impacting others.

      Even in the face of tragedy and loss, we have the power to transform our experiences into something empowering. The speaker shared how his father's passing led him to develop new skills and become the person he is today. Though the situation was unfortunate and unfathomable, he chose to find meaning and growth in it. The speaker also emphasized the importance of using our voices and sharing our experiences with others to positively impact their lives. Ultimately, the speaker's transformation, fueled by his father's memory and support, is a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit.

    • Empowering Lives: A Place of GreatnessDedicated platform for personal growth and success, providing resources and support from exceptional individuals, emphasizing self-expression and making a difference.

      During these challenging times, the commitment to personal growth and greatness remains unwavering. Through this platform, we aim to provide the best resources and support from exceptional individuals to help individuals thrive. This is not just an ordinary platform, but a place of greatness where we are dedicated to empowering lives. Eleanor Roosevelt's words remind us of the importance of expressing ourselves, even when it's difficult. So, let us speak our minds, share our voices, and go out into the world to make a difference and do something great.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1624

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    It's A Tale of Two Emcees Episode

    It's A Tale of Two Emcees Episode
    (DISCLAIMER) This Episode is NOT meant for debate, this is NOT meant to Entertain. This is NOT a music podcast, I REPEAT...THIS IS NOT A MUSIC PODCAST but this is a episode geared towards a story of two of our generations top emcees. Todays episode drops at 1:28am, the significance of the number in this tale seems to start a trail of events leading up to the date. Enjoy a full episode on Isaiah Rashad and Jermaine Cole, their relationship or lack there of, why would it be worth mentioning or even listening to....just give me 55 minutes to explain. AGAIN, This Episode is NOT meant for discussion, It is NOT meant for debate, this is NOT meant to Entertain. -RJ (CB).

    From the Bauer of a Larch in Autumn (Mental Health) - Story #12

    From the Bauer of a Larch in Autumn (Mental Health) - Story #12

    Avery is about to turn 28, which means that soon she'll have lived longer than her father, the legendary rock-star Kash Bauer, ever did. She's been dealing with that fact all year, and this morning she can't seem to escape it. By the boughs of a larch in autumn, Avery Bauer seeks the answers to her questions. Dealing with depression, mania, and suicide, this is a story about mental health, family, and the healing power of closure. This episode is dedicated to the memory of my friend, M.S.

    CW: mental health, suicide, reference to drug use

    Stories from the Hearth is an experimental storytelling experience ft. truly original fiction and thoughtfully produced soundscapes. The aim of this podcast is to rekindle its listeners' love for the ancient art of storytelling (and story-listening), and to bring some small escapism to the frantic energies of the modern world. Stories from the Hearth is the brainchild of queer punk poet, environmentalist, and anarchist Cal Bannerman. Vive l'art!

    Stories from the Hearth is taking a short break, but will return in February 2022. Happy holidays!

    Support the podcast and earn exclusive perks through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/storiesfromthehearthpodcast

    Instagram: @storiesfromthehearth
    Twitter: @Hearth_Podcast
    YouTube: Stories from the Hearth
    Email: storiesfromthehearthpodcast@gmail.com

    Original Artwork by Anna Ferrara
    Anna's Instagram: @giallosardina
    Anna's Portfolio: https://annaferrara.carbonmade.com/

    Thank you for listening. Please consider following, subscribing to, and sharing this episode, and please do tell your friends all about Stories from the Hearth.

    Some of the recorded audio in this episode is courtesy of www.freesound.org.

    少しずつの世界 / So Little Of The World and 広島 / Hiroshima by Pierce Murphy are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licenses. To read more about these licenses, click here.

    Exlibris by Kosta T is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. To read more about this license, click here.