
    944 Matthew Hussey: Breakup, Healing, and Dating Advice During Isolation

    enApril 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Relationship Challenges During Uncertain TimesRenowned expert Matthew Hussey provides practical advice on communication, creating personal space, and coping with emotional breakups to help navigate relationship challenges during uncertain times. Embrace opportunities for growth and support each other through these experiences.

      This uncertain time brings challenges to relationships, but it also presents an opportunity for growth. Renowned relationship expert Matthew Hussey, a New York Times bestselling author and human dynamics specialist, shares valuable insights and tools to help navigate these challenges. Whether it's communication, creating personal space, or coping with emotional breakups, Matthew offers practical advice for those struggling in their relationships during these times. Remember, relationships are essential for personal growth and overall success in life. By embracing the opportunity to learn and grow, we can turn potential hardships into valuable lessons. So, share this episode with a friend who might be going through a tough time, and let's support each other in mastering relationships during this period.

    • Challenges in Relationships During Trying TimesMaintain open communication, practice patience, and show empathy to strengthen relationships during difficult circumstances.

      The current global situation has presented unique challenges for relationships, whether long-distance or living together. Matthew Hussey, a renowned love coach, shares his perspective on this issue, having experienced it firsthand in his own relationship. He emphasizes the importance of patience, clear communication, and understanding during these trying times. Hussey also highlights the need to be mindful of the additional stressors and anxieties that individuals may be experiencing, and to respond with compassion and empathy. Overall, the key takeaway is that relationships require effort and dedication, especially during challenging circumstances. By focusing on open communication, patience, and understanding, couples can navigate the complexities of their relationships and emerge stronger on the other side.

    • Improve relationships during challenging timesBe patient, understanding, and communicate openly to maintain healthy relationships during tough moments

      Being patient and understanding during challenging times can significantly improve relationships in the future. This involves being loving, not reacting negatively, and creating space for others' feelings. Productivity and having good days are important, but it's also essential to acknowledge and communicate when we're having off days. Sharing our emotions and needs with those around us can help them adjust their approach and prevent misunderstandings or explosive reactions. By openly communicating and maintaining a sense of humor, we can navigate difficult moments and maintain healthy relationships.

    • Expressing feelings openly strengthens relationshipsEffective communication, including sharing vulnerabilities and expressing emotions, prevents misunderstandings and deepens connections during challenging times.

      Effective communication is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships, especially during challenging times. Sharing vulnerabilities and expressing feelings openly can help prevent misunderstandings and arguments. When we communicate honestly about our emotions and challenges, our partners are more likely to respond with love and support, rather than defensiveness or blame. Additionally, during times of confinement or distance, it's essential to adapt and find new ways to navigate the unique challenges that come with the situation. By staying flexible and using effective communication tools, we can build stronger bonds and deepen our connections with the people we love.

    • Navigating Intimacy and Distance in Relationships During LockdownMaintaining balance of intimacy and distance is crucial for healthy relationships during lockdown. Inventive solutions are needed to cultivate this balance.

      The current situation presents unique challenges for relationships, as people are spending more time together than ever before, revealing new dimensions of their partners. Some find this surprising and even appealing, while others discover unmanageable aspects of their partners that they previously only encountered in smaller doses. Long-term relationships, especially those that thrive on separation and longing, may struggle in this context. Creating intimacy and distance, even in close environments, is crucial. Esther Perel's perspective adds that desire arises in the space between people, and maintaining that space is essential. In summary, this period requires inventive solutions to cultivate the balance of intimacy and distance necessary for a healthy and thriving relationship.

    • Requesting personal space in a relationshipPlan a special quality time together before asking for personal space to maintain a healthy balance in the relationship.

      Effective communication is crucial when requesting personal space in a shared living situation. To ask for space without hurting your partner's feelings, start by planning a special quality time together. This could be a movie night, a dinner, or any activity that both of you enjoy. By communicating your desire for this shared experience, you can then ask for space for a specific period. Make sure to give a timeframe and follow through with your commitment to return. This approach helps ensure that both partners feel loved and valued, reducing anxiety and misunderstandings. Remember, it's not just about the amount of time spent together, but the quality and presence in those moments.

    • The Importance of Connection in Relationships During Challenging TimesAcknowledge and validate emotions, prioritize quality time, and engage in self-care during relationship challenges. Avoid comparing yourself on social media and seeking quick connections or unhealthy relationships.

      Quality time and genuine connection are essential in relationships, especially during challenging times. Both partners may feel a disconnect due to differing priorities or circumstances. It's crucial to be present and engaged when spending time together. However, social media comparisons can add to feelings of loneliness and inadequacy. During times of isolation, it's essential to acknowledge and validate the full range of emotions, not just the highlight reels. For those experiencing emotional pain from a breakup, it's important to remember that healing takes time and that seeking quick connections or returning to unhealthy relationships may not be the best solution. Instead, focus on self-care, seeking support from loved ones, and giving oneself permission to feel and heal.

    • Recovering from a breakup during a pandemicFocus on self-care, build relationships, and improve other areas of life for long-term healing and resilience instead of short-term pleasures.

      Going through a breakup during a pandemic is a heightened experience of the same emotions of heartbreak, but it's important to recognize and differentiate between methods of recovery. The hangover recovery method, which involves indulging in temporary pleasures like sleeping around, drinking, or hiding away, may provide short-term relief but ultimately won't help in the long run. Instead, adopting the athlete recovery method, which includes focusing on self-care, building relationships, and improving other areas of life, can help individuals come out of the breakup stronger and more resilient. By prioritizing the well-being of the whole self, one can avoid compounding problems and ensure that when the heart does heal, the rest of one's life is ready to thrive.

    • Moments of happiness hold valuable clues to feeling better more oftenAcknowledging and exploring moments of happiness can help increase positive emotions and expand our capacity for happiness, breaking free from negative emotions.

      Emotions, while valid, do not define our importance or worth. Emotions are like weather, they come and go. During difficult times, such as heartbreak, it's easy to get stuck in negative emotions and focus solely on them. However, there are moments in our day where we feel better, even if it's just for a few minutes. These moments hold valuable clues to help us discover ways to feel better more often. By acknowledging and exploring these moments, we can use them as reference points to gradually increase the amount of time we spend feeling better. This approach can help us break free from the 90% of our day that we spend in negative emotions and expand our capacity for happiness.

    • Finding happiness in small momentsEmbrace small moments of happiness, stay committed to goals, and be aware of negative thought patterns during difficult times.

      Focusing on creating more moments of happiness and positivity in your life, even if they're small, can help you get through difficult times, such as heartbreak. However, it's important to respect the things that bring you down and not take the good times for granted. The danger lies in becoming complacent and forgetting the practices and routines that helped you get to a better state. Remember, if you can handle the pain at its height, you can handle it at any point in the healing process. Stay committed to your goals and the vision of the future you want for yourself. This advice applies not only to those going through heartbreak but also to those experiencing existential loneliness during solitude. Be aware of the tendency to go to dark places with your thoughts and consciously put positive experiences into your day.

    • Connecting with the experiences of great figuresDespite feelings of solitude and existential loneliness, remember that many great figures have experienced similar emotions throughout history. Seek comfort and connection with others, but avoid comparing yourself to others or believing that you're alone in your struggles.

      While solitude and feelings of existential loneliness can be challenging, it's important to remember that many great figures have experienced similar feelings throughout history. These moments can be romantic and even inspiring, as we connect with the experiences of others. It's essential not to compare ourselves to others or believe that we're the only ones struggling. Businesses and life in general can be messy and chaotic, and it's normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Instead of giving in to negative emotions, we should remind ourselves that we're in good company and that it's okay to seek comfort and connection with others. Additionally, it's important to recognize that our feelings and emotions don't always dictate our actions and that life is inherently difficult, but that's part of what makes it worth living.

    • Recognizing the value of personal challengesChallenges can lead to growth and self-improvement, even during difficult times. Everyone experiences adversities, and valuable lessons can be learned from them.

      It's normal to experience difficult emotions and thoughts during challenging times, such as being in isolation or going through a breakup. These experiences can be seen as part of one's personal hero's journey, and can lead to growth and self-improvement. It's important to recognize that everyone goes through adversities, and we learn valuable lessons from them. Matthew Hussey, for instance, has faced challenges in both his single and relationship life. He has learned that while desiring connection is important, it should not come at the expense of long-term needs and growth. These insights can help us navigate our own challenges and emerge stronger.

    • Paying Attention to Relationship Red Flags and Being True to OneselfRecognize relationship red flags, prioritize long-term goals, learn extroverted skills, and stay authentic for personal growth and fulfilling relationships.

      Being in a relationship that requires constant internal debate and questioning can be exhausting and hinder personal growth. It's important to pay attention to red flags and make conscious decisions based on long-term goals rather than short-term feelings. For the introverted individuals, learning extroverted skills can help in meeting new people, but the real challenge lies in putting oneself out there and being authentic. The speaker's experience of intense emotions and sensitivity has led him to relate to many people and share valuable insights, despite the challenges it brings. Ultimately, being true to oneself and making deliberate choices are key to finding fulfilling relationships and personal growth.

    • Reflecting on the importance of energy for active leisureConsider working fewer hours for more energy to engage in meaningful activities outside of work, as argued by Bertrand Russell.

      Energy, not just time, is crucial for engaging in meaningful activities outside of work. The speaker shares her experience of feeling exhausted after work hours, making it difficult for her to engage in active leisure or meet new people. She reflects on Bertrand Russell's argument for working four hours a day and using the rest of the time for active leisure. The speaker encourages people to consider this idea and reflects on her own struggle with finding the energy to pursue hobbies and meet new people. She concludes by sharing her fascination with the idea that during quarantine, many people have had more energy for active leisure due to reduced work hours.

    • Indirectly improving oneself for dating successFocus on personal growth through reading, learning, and reducing workloads to increase energy and creativity for dating

      The current situation has led to varying experiences for individuals when it comes to time and energy for dating. While some may have more time due to reduced workloads or homeschooling, others are struggling with additional responsibilities and exhaustion. The key is not to focus directly on dating, but rather on indirectly improving oneself through activities like reading, learning new skills, and reducing workloads. By doing so, one can increase their energy and creativity, making them more interesting and open to meeting new people. John Kay's principle of achieving results indirectly applies here, as focusing on adding value to one's life through various means can lead to unexpected benefits in dating. Ultimately, the most successful relationships require creativity and caring towards one's partner, with both parties focusing on each other's needs.

    • Embrace new experiences for increased creativityBy trying new things and immersing ourselves in unfamiliar situations, we can broaden our horizons, gain new perspectives, and stimulate our brains for increased creativity in our personal and professional lives.

      Both caring and creativity are essential in various aspects of life, including business and relationships. Caring provides the foundation, but creativity adds the spark that keeps things fresh and engaging. By stepping out of our comfort zones and trying new things, we can stimulate our brains and gain new perspectives. This can lead to increased creativity and a more fulfilling experience in our personal and professional lives. For example, taking a break from routine activities and immersing ourselves in new experiences, like traveling or trying a new hobby, can help us think differently and approach challenges with fresh ideas. By embracing new experiences and allowing ourselves to explore outside of our core focus, we can broaden our horizons and enrich our lives in unexpected ways. Additionally, it's important to recognize that focus can be a strength, but it can also be a limitation. By being open to new experiences and allowing ourselves to explore outside of our comfort zones, we can gain new insights and perspectives that can help us in our core areas of focus. As the speaker mentioned, even small changes, like turning a hamster wheel upside down, can provide a valuable new perspective and help us approach challenges in new and creative ways. So, don't be afraid to try something new and give your brain a new train of thought.

    • Trying something new can bring growth and perspectiveJoin a free membership for relationship and life advice, and consider subscribing to Matthew Hussey's YouTube channel for valuable insights on love and living life to the fullest.

      Sometimes shaking up our routine and trying new things can bring valuable perspective and growth to our lives, relationships, and mental health. The speaker's father was feeling stuck in his daily routine, but the speaker encouraged him to try something new through a membership that offers webinars on love and living life to the fullest. This membership, called the Love Life membership, aims to help individuals improve their love lives and learn how to love life more broadly. The speaker invites listeners to join for free for a limited time and ask a question that may be answered in a upcoming webinar. The speaker also recommends subscribing to Matthew Hussey's YouTube channel for relationship and life advice. The speaker emphasizes that the advice applies to everyone, regardless of gender, and that he shares his own growth journey with his community.

    • Navigating Isolation and Relationship ChallengesStay positive, focus on personal growth, communicate effectively, build a strong support system, and remember that difficult times can lead to growth and transformation.

      During times of isolation or relationship challenges, it's essential to focus on personal growth and not revert to past relationships out of loneliness. Matthew Hussey and Lewis Howes shared their experiences and strategies for navigating these situations and finding love. They emphasized the importance of self-reflection, communication, and building a strong support system. They encouraged listeners to check out Matthew's content, connect with loved ones, and spread positivity by sharing this message with others. Liz Gilbert's quote, "someday you'll look back at this moment as a sweet time of grieving, but your life was changing," highlights the potential for growth and transformation during difficult times. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of staying positive, focusing on personal growth, and reaching out for support during challenging times.

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    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    224: Eyes Wide Open Sex with Irene Fehr

    224: Eyes Wide Open Sex with Irene Fehr

    "My story was typical," Sex & Intimacy Coach Irene Fehr says describing her picture perfect marriage with her ex-husband. "We fell in love. Everything was wonderful in the beginning. We had amazing chemistry. We were the couple that everyone looked at and said, wow, we want to have what you’re having. It looked great from the outside but, on the inside, just by getting married, it didn’t make us experts in being married. It didn’t all of a sudden make us know each other and know how to make a relationship work, how to make love and sex work, how to negotiate, how to take care of each other’s emotional needs, how to even express our own emotional needs. So, the way I wasn’t living my own life was because I was performing. When it came to sex, what was I reading? I was reading Cosmo and the different tips and how a woman is supposed to be. I also grew up on shows like Friends who showed me you’re supposed to be nonchalant and easy about things. I couldn’t fathom this idea that I could actually ask a man to do something different. I was just on this receiving end of what came. Of course I felt powerless, like I wasn’t living my own life, because I had no agency."

    Thus begins, Irene's rolling awakening from closed eyes to eyes wide open, from friction sex to connection sex. Together we discuss the need to know what we want in order to truly consent to anything in a deep way and how exactly it's possible to finish sex feeling more open, more confident, more relaxed, and filled up with pleasure rather than empty and wanting.

    Irene Fehr:

    Website: https://www.irenefehr.com
    Blog: https://www.irenefehr.com/blog-and-writing
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ignitedwoman
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel
    Email: https://www.irenefehr.com/contact

    Chelsea Leigh Trescott:

    Website: https://breakupward.com
    Advice Column: https://www.huffpost.com
    Writing: https://thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-leigh-trescott
    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/thankyouheartbreak
    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/musings
    Email: chelsea@breakupward.com

    254: Welcoming in the Darkness with Jeanine Thompson

    254: Welcoming in the Darkness with Jeanine Thompson

    As a pain avoidant culture, we’ve been taught to fix what hurts us. To rush to the solve. To make it go away. That something’s wrong with us if we’re not feeling lovable. In today's episode, transformational and potentiality coach and author of 911 From Your Soul, Jeanine Thompson provides us an alternative approach and her signature soul solution, encouraging us to surrender to the challenge, journey, or crisis and rest in the darkness until the next reveal illuminates.

    Jeanine Thompson:

    Website: https://www.jeaninethompson.net
    Services: https://www.jeaninethompson.net/potentiality-coaching
    911 From Your Soul: https://www.jeaninethompson.net/book-release
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_jeaninethompson_
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeaninethompsonllc

    Chelsea Leigh Trescott:

    Website: https://breakupward.com
    Email: chelsea@breakupward.com
    Advice Column: https://www.huffpost.com
    Writing: https://thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-leigh-trescott
    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/thankyouheartbreak
    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/musings

    EP 58: "Original Gangster Of Love" with Susan Bratton

    EP 58: "Original Gangster Of Love" with Susan Bratton

    HOLY F**K Season 2 is off to one hell of a start right?! Well this week's episode is no exception! Joining Dustin this time is the one and only Susan Bratton. Susan is a trusted hot sex advisor to millions, an author, intimacy expert, and a true goddamn legend in the sex field. Susan brings decades of knowledge, experience, and passion to this interview and the result is one of the most value driven episodes of Sex Party we have ever done.

    Susan tells Dustin how to f**k your partner better, how to get f**ked by your partner better, how to "cum each other" nonstop, how good and frequent sex can make your life longer, the importance of intimacy,  and how the couple that f**ks better, stays together longer. Susan has real answers to real, everyday problems that couples face from the bedroom to the bank. So buckle up the f**k up because there is A TON of incredible information here on living a better, wetter, more fulfilling sex life with your partner. At any age. 

    At the very end of the episode, Susan shares what it was like to start an OnlyFans at age 61 and what she's up to over there. You don't wanna miss it. Trust us. 


    Watch the video version of the show on YouTube
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIuCkOl_XummXVdu1t3XOuQ

    Follow Susan Bratton
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susanbratton

    All of Susan Bratton's Programs can be found here

    Susan Bratton's Better Lover Channel

    Follow the show
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/sexpartyfm (@sexpartyfm)
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sexpartyfm (@sexpartyfm)

    Follow Dustin 
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/dustinrybka (@dustinrybka)
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/dustinrybka (@dustinrybka)

    Sex Party with Dustin Rybka

    The Dating Trend Kendall Jenner Can’t Nail

    The Dating Trend Kendall Jenner Can’t Nail

    Is a quiet breakup the ‘conscious uncoupling’ of 2023?

    We’ve got thoughts about this new celebrity relationship trend.

    Plus we sit down with actress Angourie Rice to find out about the new look Mean Girls film in cinemas next month.


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    Hosts: Laura Brodnik & Chelsea McLaughlin 

    Producer: Taylah Strano 

    Audio Producer: Scott Stronach

    Mamamia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land we have recorded this podcast on, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

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