
    962 Racism, White Privilege, and Healing America with Reverend Michael Beckwith

    enJune 03, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing love and education for changeDuring times of anger and frustration, focusing on love and education can lead to positive change. White individuals are encouraged to educate themselves about racism and acknowledge their privilege.

      During this emotional and challenging time, it's essential for all individuals to strive for love, equality, and justice. The tragic death of George Floyd has sparked nationwide protests and feelings of anger, pain, and frustration. Reverend Michael Beckwith, a spiritual leader and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, emphasizes the importance of love and education in creating change. He shares his personal experiences with racism and encourages white people to educate themselves and acknowledge their privilege. The conversation highlights the need for a more loving and equal society and the potential for this apocalyptic moment to bring about significant change.

    • Experiences with racism in education and law enforcementChallenging and addressing racism is essential throughout life, as it can manifest in unexpected ways even in seemingly progressive contexts.

      The speaker's experiences in the 60s, 70s, and 50s illustrate how systemic racism was deeply ingrained in various aspects of society, including education and law enforcement. Despite facing discrimination and discouragement, the speaker persevered and achieved his goals. However, the presence of racism continued to manifest in unexpected ways even after he started his organization, Agape, in 1986. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of challenging and addressing racism at every stage of life, as well as the need for greater awareness and understanding of the complexities and hidden nature of racism.

    • Creating safe spaces for open dialogue about raceAcknowledge and confront systemic racism, foster understanding through open dialogue, and work towards dismantling it in today's political climate.

      We are living in a time where systemic racism, though progress has been made, still exists and is being brought to light. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating safe spaces for open dialogue about privilege, experiences, and perceptions to foster understanding and growth. The historical context of slavery and its justification by dehumanizing those enslaved is a significant contributor to the ongoing narrative of racial superiority. Social media has made it easier for these issues to be seen, but it also means that the existence of racism is undeniable. Healing requires acknowledging and confronting the issues, rather than denying or ignoring them. The current political climate has emboldened those holding racist beliefs, making it crucial to have these conversations and work towards dismantling racism.

    • Educating Yourself About Systemic RacismWhite individuals should research the historical context and daily experiences of racism, not rely on marginalized communities to educate them, and actively contribute to dismantling it.

      It's essential for everyone, particularly white individuals, to educate themselves about systemic racism and its impact on marginalized communities. The current protests, sparked by the murder of George Floyd, highlight the need for action against racism and the responsibility of those with privilege to contribute to dismantling it. White people can begin by researching the historical context and daily experiences of racism. It's not their responsibility to ask for education but to seek it out themselves. Racism won't be eradicated by those most affected; it's up to those with privilege to assist in the process. Jane Fonda's example of dedicating herself to learning and understanding racism serves as an inspiration for others to do the same. It's crucial for all individuals to acknowledge their role in the conversation and actively work towards creating a more equitable society.

    • Eye-opening experiences revealing racial disparitiesTwo personal experiences showed the speaker the disproportionate representation of white people in the prison system and the unequal justice faced by people of color.

      The speaker had two eye-opening experiences in their life that made them aware of racial disparities in society. The first was when they visited their brother in prison and noticed they were the only white family in the visiting room. The second was when they moved to Alabama and experienced the deep-rooted racism and discrimination towards people of color. These experiences made them realize that although white people make up only 17% of the population, they are disproportionately represented in the prison system. The speaker also noted the issue of unequal justice, where people of color often receive harsher sentences and are pressured to plead guilty even if they're innocent due to lack of resources. These experiences highlighted the systemic issues of racism and discrimination that need to be addressed.

    • A turning point in the fight against systemic racismThe death of George Floyd sparked moral outrage and a push for police reform, highlighting the need for greater accountability and sensitivity training for officers.

      The death of George Floyd and the resulting social unrest can be seen as a watershed moment in the fight against systemic racism and the push for police reform. The lack of justice in past cases, combined with the graphic nature of Floyd's death, created a buildup of energy and moral outrage. To prevent similar incidents in the future, there is a need for more psychological and sensitivity training for police officers, as well as a greater commitment to holding those who violate the law accountable. The conversation also touched on the historical precedent of tragic events, such as the killing of Emmett Till, sparking significant social change. Ultimately, the hope is that this moment will lead to meaningful reforms and a more equitable society.

    • Healing from racial wounds: internal and external workIndividuals of color: self-empowerment, forgiveness, identity. White individuals: compassion, empathy, education. Love and consciousness shift for a just society.

      Addressing racial injustice requires both internal and external healing. For individuals of color, it's essential to work on self-empowerment, forgiveness, and understanding one's identity beyond racial labels. For white individuals, compassion and understanding through empathy and education about history are crucial. Ultimately, a loving and just society can only be built on a foundation of love and consciousness shift, which is a deep and ongoing process. Healing from past wounds and shifting perceptions are not quick fixes but require dedication and commitment. The conversation around love, compassion, and societal change should be ongoing and inclusive for all.

    • Set an intention for personal growth and positive impactDuring tough times, focus on setting a positive intention to grow and contribute, rather than just reacting to events. Peaceful protests are valid, but destructive actions undermine the message. Focus on intention and positive actions to make a difference.

      During challenging times, it's essential to establish an intention to better oneself and contribute positively to the world, rather than just reacting to external events. Intention sets the universe in motion to bring opportunities and resources to fulfill that goal. Peaceful protests are a valid form of expression and should be supported, but it's crucial to differentiate between peaceful protests and destructive actions that undermine the message. By focusing on intention and positive actions, individuals can make a difference in their own lives and in society as a whole.

    • Protests call for police system reform, not just individual officersEveryone can contribute to a more equitable society by using their abilities and resources to effect change, from contacting elected officials to participating in protests or starting dialogues on social media.

      The current police system needs reform to address the issue of bad apples and ensure accountability. The protests are not just about individual officers, but also about the system that allows for such behavior. White people have a role to play in promoting equality and advocating for change, and everyone has a part to contribute based on their abilities and resources. It's essential to ask oneself what is within one's power to effect change and use that as a starting point for action. This could range from calling or emailing elected officials to marching in protests or starting a dialogue on social media. Ultimately, everyone can do something to contribute to a more equitable society.

    • Creating Change: Everyone's RoleIdentify skills, contribute, be vocal for a just society, focus on vision and strategy for change.

      Everyone has a role to play in creating change and bringing about justice, whether it be through peaceful protest, strategic planning, or providing essential services. The recent events have highlighted the need for a clear vision and strategy to address systemic issues, particularly those related to healthcare, justice, and the treatment of the most vulnerable members of society. It's important for individuals to identify their skills and talents and use them to contribute to the cause, while also being vocal about the vision for a better global society. The confusion and frustration of the past few months have revealed the need for a more vocal and strategic approach to creating change, and it's essential to look beyond the current dialogue about what isn't working and focus on what a just society looks like and how to get there.

    • Understanding White Privilege is Key to Fighting Racial InjusticeWhite people can contribute to the fight against racial injustice by acknowledging and understanding white privilege, starting conversations, seeking education, and overcoming fear of offending.

      Acknowledging and understanding white privilege is a crucial step for white people to contribute to the fight against racial injustice. This can be a difficult concept to grasp without personal experience, but it's essential to have open conversations and seek education. A powerful example was shared about a white woman's experience with her son getting pulled over by the police, and how it served as a teaching moment for her about the disparities faced by people of color. White people can make a difference by starting conversations with others, being interested in learning, and getting over the fear of offending. This can lead to a greater understanding of the perspectives and experiences of people of color. Additionally, personal experiences, like the one shared in South Africa, can serve as powerful reminders of the importance of this conversation.

    • Sharing experiences fosters compassion and understandingThrough open conversations, individuals can gain empathy and deeper understanding of different experiences, ultimately fostering compassion and unity.

      Experiencing the perspectives of others through open and honest conversations is essential for fostering compassion and understanding. The speaker shares a personal experience of racial discrimination and how it changed the perspectives of white individuals involved. This experience highlighted the importance of empathy and the need to understand the daily struggles faced by marginalized communities. The speaker suggests simulated training or conversations as potential ways to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of different experiences. However, she emphasizes that having these conversations requires courage and the willingness to be judged and criticized. Ultimately, the goal is to create a safe space for dialogue and to continue learning and growing together.

    • Embrace discomfort for personal growth and societal changeFacing challenges and adversity, including hate and negativity, is necessary for personal growth and societal change. Instead of avoiding discomfort, embrace it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and make positive changes for a kinder, more just society.

      Facing challenges and adversity, including hate and negativity, are essential parts of personal growth and contributing to a better society. Instead of trying to avoid discomfort, we should embrace it and use it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and make positive changes. By keeping our focus on contributing to a kind and just global society, we can find meaning and purpose in the challenges we face. Remember, dismantling systemic issues like racism requires sacrifice and discomfort, but it's worth it for the greater good. So, let's be instruments of peace, compassion, intelligence, and joy as we navigate these uncertain times. Embrace the discomfort and make it sacred.

    • Embracing change and growth despite discomfortEmbrace change and growth, seek community support, and practice spiritual healing to overcome fear and reach new heights.

      Growth and progress require discomfort and stepping out of comfort zones. As Michael Beckwith shared, individuals who have brought about change in society, whether through invention, dance, athletics, or business, have all experienced this "sweet pain." The comfort zone is actually an enemy to our growth, as the good we seek lies in the unknown realm. By having a vision and persistently moving towards it, we encounter new challenges and learn to overcome them. Michael also emphasized the importance of community and spiritual healing, especially during challenging times. Agape International Spiritual Center offers weekly services, including meditation and inspirational messages, as well as a safe space for dialogue on various issues. To join, visit agapelive.com and follow Michael on Instagram, YouTube, and his new app for regular inspiration and practices. In essence, while the fear of the unknown and discomfort may hold us back, embracing change and growth, as well as seeking support from community and spiritual practices, can lead us to greater heights.

    • Focus on physical and mental well-being during crisisWash hands, wear masks, eat right, strengthen immune system, practice inner work, take one step towards growth weekly, support events, and access wisdom and love to overcome fear

      During times of crisis, it's essential to focus on both physical and mental well-being. The fear of the virus is just as dangerous as the virus itself, and taking care of our immune systems, both physically and mentally, is crucial. This includes washing hands, wearing masks, eating right, and getting new microbes to strengthen the immune system. Additionally, practicing inner work, such as meditation and self-discovery, can help us build a better being and create positive change in our lives and communities. The speaker encourages everyone to take one step towards inner growth each week and actively participate in the process. Supporting this mission can be done through donations and attending virtual events, such as morning prayers, noon meditations, and community gatherings. Ultimately, we all have equal access to the wisdom and love that can help us overcome fear and uncertainty, but we must take the initiative to dive in and make a difference in our own lives.

    • The role of spiritual guidance during challenging timesStay connected, learn, and take action towards personal and societal growth. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote reminds us that true measure of a person is how they respond during challenges.

      The importance of spiritual guidance and leadership during challenging times. Michael Beckwith, a renowned spiritual teacher, shared his insights on defining greatness, the power of love, faith, and peace, and the role of each individual in societal reform. He encouraged listeners to continue the conversation and take action towards personal growth and societal change. The podcast host emphasized the importance of education and resources, inviting listeners to join the conversation on social media and take inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s quote, reminding us that true measure of a person is how they respond during moments of challenge and controversy. Overall, this episode underscores the significance of staying connected, learning, and taking action towards personal and societal growth.

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    Some Life.Church locations have resumed services. To ensure safety at our locations, our weekend services have been redesigned to create a sanitary, touchless environment that allows for physical distancing. To see if your location is open, please visit https://www.life.church/updates


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    Bridging The Racial Divide (Pt. 2) w/ Shaka Hilton

    Bridging The Racial Divide (Pt. 2) w/ Shaka Hilton

    Follow me, Nicholas, on Instagram, for more motivational content and a sneak peek into my daily activities @Teacherinyourpocket

    To purchase one of my books, please view the links below:

    For Bright Bored & Disruptive Students

    For Tired Frustrated Angry Morose Teachers

    For all other requests, comments, and contact information, please visit my website

    John Valverde

    John Valverde

    John Valverde is the President and CEO of YouthBuild USA. He joined YouthBuild in 2017 after decades of work as an advocate for creating access to opportunity and removing barriers for formerly incarcerated and low-income people.

    John began working with imprisoned individuals in 1992 to ensure access to HIV/AIDS counseling, high school equivalency instruction, alternatives to violence programs, and college education. In 1995, responding to the gap created by the elimination of TAP and Pell funding for people in prison, he led an initiative to develop and deliver a college-level certificate program, the Certificate in Ministry and Human Services. Today called Rising Hope, this program continues in several New York State prisons. In 1998, he co-founded Hudson Link for Higher Education, the first privately funded accredited college program in New York’s prisons. More than 450 students in prison have graduated from Hudson Link, which has grown to serve five prisons with six college partners.

    In 2009, John worked with a team at the Osborne Association to create New York City’s first green jobs training program exclusively for people with criminal records. As Osborne’s Executive Vice President, John launched, managed, and led programs including children, youth, and family services; substance abuse treatment; workforce development; community benefit projects; financial literacy; health and wellness services; housing; alternatives to incarceration; mentoring and leadership development; and social enterprises. John has led teams that offer multiple evidence-based interventions, with a trauma-informed approach, to distinct populations that range from very young children to the elderly.

    As a steady and persistent advocate for creating access, John has worked with city, state, and federal agencies to develop and operate proven job readiness and placement programs. He forged Osborne's first relationships with labor unions and has served on the Board of Pathways to Apprenticeship that supports individuals from traditionally underserved communities gain access to apprenticeship programs.

    John often serves as a keynote speaker at important and related events to share his personal story of transformation and second chances. As a young man who was incarcerated at 21, John’s work to accept responsibility for his actions and commit to making amends started him on a journey of redemption that allowed him to imagine and build a new future. Though he was incarcerated for almost 16 years, John is now recognized as a proven leader and example for people affected by the criminal justice system. John’s personal and professional life embodies the work of YouthBuild and is a powerful representation of its mission. He is the proud recipient of the 2018 Brian S. Fischer Achievement Award from Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison. This award is presented annually to a formerly incarcerated leader who has made an impact by advocating for positive change in the world.

    John is a graduate of Aspen Institute’s Sector Skills Academy and a 2018 Pahara-Aspen Education Fellow. John received his Master of Professional Studies in Urban Ministry from the New York Theological Seminary and holds a Bachelor’s degree in behavioral science from Mercy College.


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    Music courtesy of Dan Rodriguez:
    "The Allies Theme" by Dan Rodriguez

    The Jordan Rules

    The Jordan Rules

    Brian and La discuss a friendship that Brian had with a young African American man named Joddi Jordan at their place of employment in the early 90's. Their friendship helped Brian realize there are two set of rules in the United States that vary depending on ones ethnicity. Listen in as Brian describes the racial inequalities and blatant racism that Joddi faced during his tenure at a local furniture store and the lessons and growth that Brian took from this troubling experience.

    Sofa Express
    Towny Quinn
    Aunt Jemima
    White silence