
    Podcast Summary

    • Arya Shafir's Tech Break and Cultural AdventureTaking a break from technology and traveling to new regions can lead to personal growth, new friendships, and a deeper understanding of different cultures. Choose destinations wisely for favorable weather and historical significance.

      Arya Shafir's decision to take a four-month long break from technology and travel to a new region inspired by the best weather was an admirable and intriguing adventure. His podcast, "The Rollins Podcast," served as a source of motivation and entertainment during his journey. Despite initial apprehensions about being in unfamiliar territories, Arya found common ground with locals and learned about their cultures. He chose the regions between South America and Southeast Asia for their favorable weather and avoided places with unfavorable conditions during certain times of the year. Europe, with its rich history and recurring conflicts, was a place he longed to visit but not during certain months due to the harsh weather. The discovery of a large area in France that is off-limits to the public due to the presence of unexploded ordnance from World Wars served as a reminder of the region's turbulent history. Overall, Arya's journey highlights the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone, embracing new experiences, and gaining a deeper understanding of different cultures.

    • A discussion on the destructive power of war and the creative art of tattoosWar leaves behind destructive impacts on the environment, while tattoos showcase the creative skills of artists and the global connection of social media

      The world is filled with fascinating and often unexpected things, from the remnants of war-torn areas to intricately detailed tattoo art. During a discussion, the speaker expressed shock and awe at the discovery of a no-go zone in France, a place contaminated by chemical waste from explosives used in war. This area, filled with unexploded bombs, is a reminder of the destructive power of war and the long-lasting effects it can have on the environment. Meanwhile, the speaker also shared his fascination with realistic photograph tattoos, which he had seen on Instagram. He admired the skill of tattoo artists who can create such intricate designs, and appreciated the global connection made possible by social media. The speaker also mused about the allure of dangerous or unconventional tattoos, noting that they often elicit strong reactions and emotions. Thus, the conversation highlighted the contrasting yet interconnected themes of destruction and creation, and the power of art to transform and inspire.

    • Misunderstandings and Miscommunications: Affecting Different Generations and PerspectivesMisunderstandings and miscommunications can lead to conflicts, particularly on sensitive topics like asexuality, inclusivity, and protesting. Approach discussions with sensitivity, respect, and a willingness to learn and listen to others to promote understanding, empathy, and inclusivity.

      There's a misunderstanding and miscommunication between different generations and perspectives, particularly when it comes to topics like asexuality, inclusivity, and protesting. Some people hold strong opinions without fully understanding the issues or context, while others may be more open-minded and empathetic. The discussion also touched upon the development of the brain and how people, especially young adults, can be uninformed or misinformed, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. It's essential to approach these topics with sensitivity, respect, and a willingness to learn and listen to others. The incident at Evergreen College is a prime example of how miscommunication and misunderstanding can lead to significant consequences, including threats and protests. Ultimately, it's important to strive for understanding, empathy, and inclusivity in all our interactions.

    • Focusing on insignificant aspects is harmful and counterproductiveDuring disputes, focus on the issues at hand and avoid mocking physical attributes to promote meaningful dialogue and a more inclusive society.

      People often focus on insignificant aspects, such as physical appearance, to mock and shame others, rather than addressing the actual issues. This behavior, used by both sides, can be harmful and counterproductive. The real issues should be the focus, not personal attributes that cannot be changed. For instance, during political disputes, it's essential to address the matters at hand and not resort to mocking someone's height, hand size, or other physical features. Instead, we should aim for meaningful dialogue and understanding. Moreover, it's important to remember that everyone has unique qualities, and making fun of someone's differences only creates a negative environment. Instead, let's focus on the commonalities and work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful society.

    • Dangers and Violence Against Women in Law EnforcementWatching a disturbing video of a cop beating a woman raised concerns about the safety and suitability of women in law enforcement, acknowledging power dynamics and potential long-term effects, but emphasizing that not all places are equally dangerous.

      The world of law enforcement, as portrayed in media, can be a dangerous and often violent one, particularly for women. During a conversation, the speaker shared an experience of watching a disturbing video of a cop beating a woman, in front of her child, which raised questions about the safety and suitability of women in such roles. The speaker also acknowledged the power dynamics at play and the potential long-term effects on the women involved. While acknowledging the dangers, the speaker also emphasized that not all places are equally dangerous, and that the problem lies in specific areas or situations rather than entire cities or countries.

    • The transformative power of travel and self-reflectionThree months of traveling without responsibilities allowed the speaker to gain a new perspective on life and art, encounter diverse people, and reflect deeply.

      Traveling and experiencing new places can bring about a unique perspective and appreciation for life. The speaker shared his experience of spending three months traveling without any responsibilities, which led him to relax, think deeply, and explore new places. He encountered various people on his journey, some of whom had been traveling for years. The freedom from responsibilities and the ability to live in the moment allowed him to gain a new perspective on life and his art form. The speaker also mentioned the importance of having moments of reflection and introspection during travel. He ended his journey when he had to return for a show, but he was inspired by the three-month travelers he met and the idea of living a nomadic life. The speaker's experience highlights the transformative power of travel and the importance of taking time for self-reflection and exploration.

    • Embracing Minimalism for Experiences and Personal GrowthSimplifying life and possessions leads to valuable experiences and personal growth. Focus on journeys, essentials, and what's truly fulfilling. Find inspiration from minimalists like Henry Rollins.

      Simplifying one's lifestyle and possessions can lead to greater experiences and personal growth. Camping and hiking are examples of this minimalist approach, as they require carrying only essential items and focusing on the journey rather than material possessions. The importance of considering what is truly valuable and fulfilling in life, rather than chasing after monetary success, was also emphasized. Additionally, finding inspiration from individuals who have adopted similar philosophies, such as Henry Rollins, can provide insight and motivation for living a more intentional and fulfilling life. The discussion also touched on the challenges of self-sufficiency, such as hunting and camping, and the importance of being prepared with the right equipment, like a bivi sack, for such endeavors. The desire to travel and explore new places was also highlighted as a way to broaden one's horizons and gain new perspectives. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of prioritizing experiences and personal growth over material possessions and the societal pressures to accumulate wealth.

    • Societal Norms and the Power of UnderstandingHarsh treatments based on societal norms can harm individuals. Embrace open-mindedness, understanding, and empathy to foster growth and redemption.

      Societal norms and expectations can lead to harmful treatments for individuals, such as labeling and medicating them instead of truly understanding and accommodating their unique needs. Henry Rollins, despite growing up in a wealthy area and facing learning disabilities, developed intense ethics, egalitarianism, and a strong desire for exploration and understanding of different cultures. Conversations with him and experiences like traveling to Africa and meeting individuals with complex pasts, like General Butt Naked, highlight the importance of open-mindedness and the potential for redemption and growth. The history of Liberia, a country founded for freed slaves, serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges of displacement and the importance of empathy and understanding.

    • Work-life balance and health policies differ between culturesEuropeans typically have more vacation time and ability to save sick days, while US policies are more rigid, emphasizing the need for work policy reevaluation to prioritize employees' health and wellbeing.

      There are significant differences in work-life balance and attitudes towards health and wellbeing between cultures, particularly when it comes to vacation time and sick days. The conversation highlights the contrast between the US and European approaches, with Europeans generally having more vacation time and the ability to reclaim sick days if used for hospitalization. The US, on the other hand, has a more rigid system with limited vacation time and no ability to save or carry over sick days. This conversation underscores the importance of reevaluating work policies to prioritize employees' health and wellbeing. Additionally, the conversation highlights the inspirational figure of Hemi Rollins, who encourages exploration and adventure between life stages.

    • The 9-5 work schedule is outdated and unproductiveAdvocate for a more balanced approach to work and life, where people have the freedom to pursue their passions and interests outside of their jobs, and productivity is measured by quality of life and personal fulfillment, not just hours worked.

      The traditional 9-5 work schedule is a outdated expectation and a significant source of stress for many people. The speakers argue that this schedule is unproductive and unrealistic, as it demands long hours and little personal time. They suggest that society should reframe productivity in terms of quality of life and personal fulfillment, rather than just hours worked. The speakers also criticize the lack of flexibility and autonomy in many jobs, and the financial pressures that keep people working long hours even when they'd rather be doing something else. Overall, they advocate for a more balanced approach to work and life, where people have the freedom to pursue their passions and interests outside of their jobs.

    • Exploring Focused Topics with ExpertsEngaging in detailed conversations with experts on specific topics leads to valuable learning experiences and entertainment. Travel broadens perspectives and enhances understanding of the world.

      Having a focused topic and engaging with experts can lead to meaningful and entertaining conversations. The speaker, who enjoys doing a podcast, finds value in having a specific subject to discuss and the ability to ask detailed questions to those with experience. While some may view this approach as limiting, the speaker sees it as a way to stay focused and learn from those with knowledge. The conversation also touched on the importance of travel and experiencing new things, which can broaden one's perspective and understanding of the world. The speaker's love for podcasting and learning from experts is evident, as is his appreciation for the adventures that come with exploring new places.

    • Traveling as a Tourist vs. an InvaderTraveling can bring new opportunities and experiences, but it's essential to respect cultural differences and be aware of potential dangers.

      The concept of traveling as a tourist versus an invader has evolved throughout history. Initially, it may have been seen as unacceptable to venture into foreign lands, but as people became more adventurous and opportunities arose, traveling became more common. Some individuals, like the architect William Childress, have even combined careers in design with comedy or other creative pursuits while living abroad. However, it's important to note that cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. For instance, the phrase "72 virgins" has a different meaning in different contexts. Additionally, acts of terrorism, such as the Manchester bombing, serve as grim reminders of the potential dangers that come with traveling to crowded areas. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach new experiences with an open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt to new cultures.

    • Exploring the Complex Mindset of Suicide BombersThe mindset of someone considering suicide differs from a suicide bomber, who may believe in an afterlife and view their act as a means to attain it. Media influences our perception of complex issues, such as the human mind and suicide bombing.

      Understanding the psychology of suicide bombers is a complex issue that requires extensive research and consideration. The mindset of someone who contemplates suicide is different from someone who becomes a suicide bomber. The latter may believe in the afterlife and see their act as a way to attain it, despite the potential consequences. The discussion also touched upon the idea that attempting suicide may not be a genuine attempt, and the distinction between the two in the psyche of an individual. The Simpsons ride at Universal Studios was mentioned as an analogy for the complexities of the human mind and the impact of media on shaping our perceptions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for a nuanced approach when examining the motivations behind extreme actions.

    • Passionate Discussion on Animated TV Shows: South Park and F is for FamilyThe speaker shares his deep connection to animated TV shows like South Park and F is for Family, admiring their creative freedom, realism, and the impact they've had on him. He also expresses admiration for the creators' work ethic and dedication.

      The speaker passionately shares his love for animated television shows, specifically South Park and Bill Burr's F is for Family. He appreciates the creative freedom and realism these shows offer, and the long-lasting impact they've had on him. The speaker also expresses admiration for the creators' work ethic and dedication to their craft. The conversation also touches upon the controversy surrounding Bill Maher's use of offensive language and the alleged use of prison labor by Hillary Clinton during her time as First Lady of Arkansas. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for animated television demonstrates the power of storytelling and the deep connections people can form with their favorite media.

    • Hillary Clinton's Prison Labor PracticesCritics argue Clinton's strict enforcement of prison labor rules without payment may constitute modern slavery, while some believe emotional intelligence could impact criminal behavior.

      During her time running a prison, Hillary Clinton enforced rules strictly but made no mention of whether inmates were paid for their labor. Some critics label this as modern slavery due to the lack of payment and the forced labor aspect. A man named Gene Lebel, who trained with Clinton's husband Bill, was a national champion in Judo and wore a pink Judogi for cleanliness. The discussion also touched upon the idea that emotional intelligence may play a role in criminal behavior. The conversation did not provide a clear consensus on the morality or ethics of Clinton's participation in prison labor.

    • Putin's Formidable Power in Judo and PoliticsPutin's impressive physical strength and judo skills mirror his undeniable political power. Speculation surrounds the potential consequences of his departure from office.

      Vladimir Putin is a formidable figure, both in judo and in politics. His physical strength and technique in martial arts are impressive, and his political power is undeniable. The discussion also touched upon the intrigue surrounding Putin's leadership and the potential consequences of his departure from power. The speaker expressed admiration for Putin's ability to maintain control and speculated about the potential vacuum of power if he were to leave office. The conversation also included a brief mention of Putin's acting counterpart in the Netflix show "Narcos," Pablo Escobar, and the speaker's respect for the actor portraying him. Overall, the conversation highlighted Putin's unique combination of physical and political power.

    • Our food choices are shaped by cultural norms and personal experiencesCultural norms and personal experiences influence what we consider food. Some animals are deemed acceptable while others are not due to emotional connections or cultural taboos.

      Our perception of what is considered food can be influenced by cultural norms and personal experiences. The speaker shares an encounter with trying dog meat for the first time in East Timor and the conflicting emotions and reactions it evoked. He also discusses the idea that certain animals, like coyotes or chickens, are deemed acceptable as food while others, like dogs or parrots, are not, often due to emotional connections or cultural taboos. The conversation touches upon the complexities of food choices and the role of cultural norms in shaping our attitudes towards different types of food. The speaker also reflects on the idea that some animals, despite their physical similarities to pets, are considered fair game for consumption, while others are not. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and often nuanced relationship between food, culture, and personal experiences.

    • Cultural acceptance of cockfighting varies greatlyUnderstanding cultural differences is key to avoiding judgment and respecting norms, even if practices seem objectionable to us.

      Cultural norms and acceptance of certain practices can vary greatly from one place to another. The discussion revolves around the topic of cockfighting, which is a common practice in some countries but considered objectionable in others. The speaker shares his experiences of observing cockfights in different parts of the world and compares it to dog fighting. He notes that while both involve animals fighting each other, the cultural context and acceptance of these practices can be vastly different. In some places, cockfights are seen as a normal part of life and are even overseen by local authorities. In contrast, in other places, such practices are frowned upon and are illegal. The speaker also reflects on how his perspective on these practices evolved over time and how he came to understand that what might seem barbaric or objectionable in one context may be perfectly normal in another. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of recognizing and respecting cultural differences and avoiding judgment based on our own biases and experiences.

    • Breeding and Instincts: Shaping Animal BehaviorRoosters and pitbulls exhibit aggressive behaviors due to breeding and instincts. Pitbulls, despite their reputation, can make loving companions, while their fighting abilities are enhanced through neutering. Humans are responsible for shaping these behaviors, often for entertainment.

      The behavior of animals, such as roosters and pitbulls, is often a result of selective breeding and their natural instincts. Roosters are bred to fight each other for entertainment and food, while pitbulls are known for their intense loyalty and aggression. The dogs in pitbull fighting are often neutered to enhance their fighting abilities, but this can make them less effective fighters. The nature of these animals is not their fault, as they have been selectively bred over generations to exhibit certain traits. Despite their often violent and aggressive tendencies, pitbulls can make loving companions, as shown by the speaker's experience with a rescued pitbull. The line between rooster fighting and dog fighting is blurred, as both involve animals being bred and trained to fight to the death for entertainment. The animals are not aware of the consequences of their actions and are simply living out their instincts and training. The speakers' observations and experiences highlight the complex and often contradictory nature of animal behavior and the role of humans in shaping it.

    • Working dogs and wolves: Similarities and differencesBoth working dogs and wolves possess intense characteristics, with working dogs being trained for tasks and thriving on accomplishment, while wolves are wild animals with a stronger bite and greater cunning, living in packs and highly adaptable to harsh environments.

      Working dogs and wolves share similar intense and powerful characteristics. Working dogs, like German Shepherds, are large, fast, and incredibly strong. They are trained to perform tasks and thrive on the sense of accomplishment. Wolves, on the other hand, are massive, athletic creatures with a stronger bite and greater cunning. They live and hunt in packs and are highly adaptable to harsh environments. Although they may look similar to domesticated dogs, wolves are wild animals that can be dangerous if provoked. It's essential to respect their power and keep a safe distance. These animals' unique abilities and instincts make them formidable forces in nature.

    • Encountering Wildlife: Coyotes, Skunks, and Komodo DragonsWildlife encounters can be thrilling and educational, but also dangerous. Coyotes and skunks display coordinated attacks and communication, while Komodo dragons are formidable hunters. Respecting and understanding wildlife is crucial.

      Wildlife encounters can be both awe-inspiring and challenging. The speaker shares an experience of encountering coyotes and a skunk at a campsite, describing their coordinated attacks and communication. They also discuss the defensive spray of the skunk and the potential consequences of getting sprayed. The conversation then shifts to the Komodo dragon, with the speaker sharing stories of hunting and encountering these creatures in the wild. They reflect on the potential inspiration for the alien creature in the movie "Alien." The conversation also touches on the discovery of "Hobbit people" in Indonesia, who coexisted with modern humans around 12,000 years ago. Overall, the conversation highlights the diversity and complexity of the natural world and the importance of respecting and understanding wildlife.

    • Early Ancestors Faced Dangerous PredatorsOur early ancestors lived in a world with dangerous predators like Komodo dragons, who may have hunted them. The existence of larger animals, possibly introduced by humans, provided opportunities for these predators to hunt and feed.

      Our early ancestors, such as those found in Australia like Pythagoras, were similar to us but possibly shorter in stature. These ancestors may have coexisted with other species, some of which may have been dangerous, like the Komodo dragons. The use of venom by these animals is a more recent discovery, and our ancestors may have faced challenges like being hunted by these creatures. The existence of larger animals, like buffalo, was possibly introduced by humans for food. The Komodo dragons, being apex predators, would have taken advantage of these opportunities to hunt and feed. Overall, our ancestors faced a harsh and dangerous world, where survival was a constant struggle.

    • Encountering Wild Creatures: Awe-Inspiring and DangerousRespect wild creatures' power, follow rules, and be cautious for a safe and memorable encounter

      The natural world is full of awe-inspiring and dangerous creatures, like Komodo dragons, which can leave a lasting impression on those who encounter them. However, it's important to respect their power and stay safe, as these animals can be unpredictable and potentially harmful. A close encounter with one of these creatures, such as a reporter who was bitten while removing his shoes in a zoo, can result in serious injuries. Additionally, there are rules and boundaries that should be followed, such as not urinating in public places, to avoid any potential legal or social repercussions. Overall, the experience of encountering these wild creatures can be both terrifying and exhilarating, making it a unique and memorable part of life.

    • Regulations surrounding marijuana dispensariesRegulations restricting marijuana dispensaries from being near schools, churches, and liquor stores aim to maintain order and uphold community values, but their application can be inconsistent.

      Local regulations in certain areas prohibit marijuana dispensaries from operating within a certain distance from schools, churches, and liquor stores. The reasoning behind this is to maintain a clean and orderly environment, prevent potential conflicts, and uphold community values. However, the application of these rules can seem arbitrary and inconsistent, as some businesses, like liquor stores, seem to have more influence in shaping these regulations. The discussion also touched upon the contrasting attitudes towards alcohol consumption in different places, with examples given from New Orleans and Southeast Asia. Ultimately, these regulations highlight the complex relationship between community values, business interests, and government regulations.

    • The Debate Over Late-Night CulturesLate-night cultures offer unique experiences, but can lead to conflicts and dangerous situations. Balance and individual preferences play a role in the debate.

      Excessive drinking and late night hours can lead to unnecessary conflicts and potentially dangerous situations. However, some people thrive in late-night cultures, particularly in cities like New York, where diverse populations and extended hours create unique experiences. The debate over closing times and outdoor drinking ultimately comes down to personal responsibility and individual preferences. The speaker expresses a love for the late-night scene in New York, where people go hard and there's always somewhere to go, but acknowledges the potential downsides, such as gentrification and rising costs of living. Ultimately, it's about finding balance and creating spaces that cater to various lifestyles and schedules.

    • Prohibitions driving communities togetherDespite laws and restrictions, people come together to celebrate traditions and create community spaces, fostering camaraderie and lasting memories

      Laws and restrictions can unintentionally drive people away from cherished traditions and create a need for alternative community spaces. For instance, the prohibition of cookouts in certain areas led to the formation of vibrant community gatherings at local parks. These events bring people together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared joy. Despite potential challenges, such as the presence of diseases or restrictions on alcohol, the community continues to thrive. Ultimately, these gatherings serve as a reminder of the importance of coming together to celebrate culture and create lasting memories.

    • Tension between artistic expression and platform regulationsSocial media platforms have guidelines limiting creative freedom, leading to debates over censorship and frustration for content creators.

      Social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube have specific guidelines regarding what type of content is allowed, with a focus on avoiding explicit material and maintaining a family-friendly environment. This can limit the creative freedom of content creators, leading to frustration and debates over censorship. For instance, Instagram users might share humorous or lighthearted content, while YouTube might not allow certain types of videos due to advertising restrictions. The discussion also touched upon the idea of artists and creators being the "first wave" in gentrifying areas, bringing coolness and culture before being replaced by commercial interests. Overall, the conversation highlighted the ongoing tension between artistic expression and platform regulations.

    • Sharing personal experiences and authenticity in content creationAuthenticity and personal stories can make content unique and engaging, leading to success in content creation.

      Creating engaging content goes beyond just adding advertisements. Sharing personal experiences and unfiltered thoughts can make content unique and interesting to audiences. The speaker shared examples of his long-form podcast episodes that were popular due to their depth and connection to meaningful experiences. He emphasized the importance of authenticity and shared stories from his past, including witnessing unexpected fight endings at UFC events. The speaker also mentioned the business side of content creation can be challenging but focusing on the creative aspect and being true to oneself can lead to success.

    • Exploring Power Dynamics and Societal StructuresPower seeks and challenges, leading to societal complexities. Acknowledge historical contexts, strive for empathy and dialogue.

      Power and control are recurring themes in various societal dynamics, from interpersonal relationships to larger societal structures. Some individuals may seek power for personal satisfaction or enjoyment, while others may feel the need to challenge or resist perceived power imbalances. The discussion also touched upon the complexities and nuances of feminism and masculinism, and the importance of acknowledging historical contexts and their ongoing impacts on contemporary issues. Ultimately, it's crucial to strive for understanding, empathy, and constructive dialogue to address deeper societal issues.

    • Challenges of Growing Up in Divorced Household and Being Black in SocietyHistorical trauma and self-esteem issues faced by black communities add complexity to societal challenges. Progress requires education, understanding, and nuanced discussions, such as the definition of rape and consent.

      While there are systemic advantages for some groups, experiences like growing up in a divorced household can also present significant challenges. However, the unique experience of being black in society comes with an added layer of historical trauma and self-esteem issues, as the legacy of slavery continues to impact social perceptions. Anger and moral grandstanding, rather than education and understanding, can hinder progress in addressing complex issues. The definition of rape and consent remains a contentious topic, with varying perspectives and interpretations, highlighting the need for ongoing dialogue and nuanced discussions.

    • Understanding Consent and Personal Responsibility with AlcoholAwareness of personal responsibility is crucial when making decisions under the influence of alcohol, whether in intimate situations or driving.

      While society may hold different expectations for consent in various situations, such as driving under the influence versus sexual intercourse, the individual's responsibility remains the same. Consuming alcohol impairs judgment and control, whether behind the wheel or in an intimate setting. It's crucial to be aware of the potential consequences and make responsible decisions. The discussion also touched on the history of drinking and driving laws, highlighting the shift in societal norms and regulations over time. Ultimately, personal responsibility and awareness are key to navigating these complex issues.

    • An encounter with an unusual character and podcast collaborationSpeakers shared an odd encounter with a gimp and discussed potential podcast collaborations, expressing excitement for upcoming events and specials.

      The conversation between the speakers touched on various topics including food preferences, upcoming events, and podcast ideas. One intriguing part was the description of an encounter with an unusual character, a gimp wearing a mask and a leather leash, who was looking for a porn star. Despite the oddity of the situation, the person was reportedly nice. Another notable point was the discussion about a potential collaboration between podcasts, where each podcast would release the other's episode on their platform. The speakers also mentioned their excitement about upcoming events and specials, such as Joe Rogan's Netflix special and a possible hike and podcast recording. Throughout the conversation, they expressed their enthusiasm for each other's work and their appreciation for the audience.

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    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

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    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Assistant Producer: Sameer Merali

    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Podcast Executive Producer: Ben Mitchell

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    Corinne Foxx ON: Coping With Anxiety & Being Kind Even When Life Isn’t

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    Corinne Foxx sits down with Jay Shetty to talk about mental health. Diagnosed with anxiety at age 14, connecting with people became a challenge. She shares how coaching and therapy helped her get through her most difficult times and how she’s giving back as a volunteer after receiving help from others. Learning how to meditate and have the freedom to be creative continuously strengthens her resolve to keep sharing her talents with the world.  

    Corinne is the daughter of actor and singer Jamie Foxx. She is also a model, actress, a television producer, and became the DJ for the second and third season of Beat Shazam. In 2019, she starred in the horror sequel 47 Meters Down: Uncaged. 

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:51 Filming 47 Meters Down in London
    • 05:21 Living with the “You can do anything” mantra
    • 07:07 Getting help from life coaches and therapists
    • 10:53 A lot of people don’t feel they deserve help
    • 12:43 Yin Yang father-daughter relationship
    • 15:20 Different positions we have in our family
    • 18:04 “My mental health journey” - Corinne
    • 23:41 Forced therapy backfires sometimes
    • 29:10 Volunteer work at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
    • 32:30 Meditation is a mental health toolkit
    • 35:48 When is your most creative moment?
    • 38:40 Daily meditation practice
    • 39:51 Are you an introvert?
    • 42:12 Why listen to Am I Doing This Right? podcast
    • 47:24 Other people’s habit or principle that amazes you
    • 51:55 When you’re nervous, at least know your lines
    • 53:56 Corinne on Final Five  

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