
    #977 - Jeff Evans & Bud Brutsman

    en-usJune 21, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Friendship and Adventure: Climbing Everest with a Blind Man and Kayaking the Grand CanyonFriendship fuels our most daring adventures, from summiting mountains to kayaking rivers. The human spirit of pushing limits and overcoming challenges, even with risks involved, is deeply inspiring. Recognize and support those who make these experiences possible, like Sherpas on Everest.

      The adventure of pushing one's limits and overcoming challenges, whether it's climbing Mount Everest or kayaking the Grand Canyon, resonates deeply with people. Jeff Evans, a neighbor and friend of the speaker, shared his experiences of taking a blind man to the top of Everest and kayaking the Grand Canyon. These feats, while impressive, were not without their challenges and risks. The speaker reflected on their friendship and how they often teased each other, with Evans being the target of the speaker's jests. The conversation also touched on the commercialization of Everest and the role of Sherpas in making it more accessible to climbers. While the mountain is now less raw and more commercialized, the speaker expressed admiration for the Sherpas who put in the hard work and take on the greatest risks. The speaker advocated for their recognition and support. Overall, the discussion highlighted the human spirit of adventure, the importance of friendship, and the appreciation for those who make extraordinary experiences possible.

    • Mount Everest's Accessibility and RisksProper preparation is essential for a safe and successful climb of Mount Everest, as commercialization and inexperienced climbers can create additional risks.

      Climbing Mount Everest has become more accessible in recent years due to commercialization, but it still presents significant dangers. While some climbers are skilled and experienced, others may be ill-prepared, leading to potential hazards for themselves and others. The presence of long lines and inexperienced climbers can also create additional risks. Despite these challenges, many people continue to aspire to climb Everest, and it remains a dream and a life goal for many. However, it's important to note that proper training, acclimation, and experience are crucial for a successful and safe climb. The consequences of bypassing the necessary preparation can be severe, including injury or even death.

    • A climber stranded near Mount Everest's summitClimbing Mount Everest requires adequate oxygen and support, or the harsh conditions can leave climbers stranded and in danger.

      Climbing Mount Everest is an extremely dangerous and challenging endeavor, especially near the summit where the lack of oxygen can be fatal. The speaker described a harrowing experience where they had to send Sherpas to rescue a climber who was only 500 feet from the summit but unable to continue due to the harsh conditions. The climber had run out of oxygen and was left stranded, with no one able to carry her down due to the thin air and treacherous terrain. The situation was so dire that the Sherpas had to brave the dangerous conditions at night to find her. The death zone, which begins at around 8,000 meters, is where the lack of oxygen can be fatal, and the terrain becomes increasingly treacherous. The speaker emphasized the importance of having adequate oxygen and support when attempting to climb Mount Everest.

    • A dangerous and challenging climb with stories of triumph and tragedyThe mountain's harsh conditions and lack of resources have led to high fatality rates for climbers and sherpas, with over 200 bodies on the mountain. Despite this, many continue to attempt the summit each year, driven by determination and courage.

      Climbing Mount Everest is a dangerous and challenging endeavor with a rich history and many stories of both triumph and tragedy. The Hillary Step, a notoriously difficult section of the climb, has claimed many lives, including that of George Mallory, who is still preserved on the mountain. Despite the risks, climbers continue to attempt the summit each year, with record numbers doing so in recent times. The mountain is home to over 200 bodies, some of which serve as markers for climbers. The harsh conditions and lack of resources for local workers, known as sherpas, have led to high fatality rates among them as well. Efforts have been made to help support their families through initiatives like the Juniper Fund. The history of Everest is filled with stories of determination, courage, and loss.

    • The Human Spirit's Resilience in Extreme ConditionsIn the face of life-threatening challenges in high altitude mountaineering, individuals can display remarkable resilience and determination, even when faced with impaired decision-making and harsh conditions.

      The harsh conditions of high altitude mountaineering can push individuals to their limits, both physically and mentally. The story of Mingma and Chetna illustrates this, as they faced the challenge of saving a woman's life in extreme conditions. Despite the difficulties, they persisted, using humor and music to keep their spirits up. Chetna, who was Indian and had been a disparager, was found barely alive, barely clinging to life at 8,000 feet. Her decision-making was impaired due to her cognitive state and severe cerebral edema. The rescuers worked tirelessly to get her down, using ropes and oxygen, facing their own challenges in the process. Despite the euphoria that comes with hypothermia, the rescuers knew they had to keep going, and they eventually got Chetna to safety. The reunion between Chetna and her husband was a tearful and joyful moment, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

    • The Power of Teamwork and Selflessness on EverestTeamwork, selflessness, and the limits of human endurance are crucial in climbing mountains like Everest. The emotional toll of being left behind and the dangers of pushing beyond one's limits remind us of the importance of supporting each other and respecting our own boundaries.

      Climbing a mountain like Everest is a complex and risky endeavor, where choices and circumstances can have significant consequences. The story shared highlights the importance of teamwork, selflessness, and the limits of human endurance. The husband and wife's experience demonstrates the emotional toll of being left behind, while the death of the triathlete underscores the dangers of pushing beyond one's limits. Climbing is a selfish pursuit, but it can also be a selfless act when done for the sake of others. The record-breaking team's success story illustrates the power of friendship and a shared goal in overcoming the challenges of the mountain.

    • Descent from Mount Everest: More Dangerous Than the Ascent80% of mountaineering accidents occur during descent, emphasizing the importance of energy and focus for a safe journey down, and the appeal of climbing mountains for personal growth and community connection remains despite the risks.

      Summiting Mount Everest is an incredible experience, but the descent can be even more dangerous than the ascent due to compromised decision-making and a false sense of accomplishment. The speaker shares his own experience of feeling exhilarated at the summit but then worrying about getting down before a storm hit. He emphasizes the importance of having energy and focus for the descent, as 80% of mountaineering accidents occur during this phase. The appeal of climbing mountains and pushing one's limits is a common motivation, but the risks should not be underestimated. The speaker also values the camaraderie and sense of belonging in the mountain community. Despite the dangers, the thrill of accomplishment and rejuvenation of the soul keep drawing climbers back to the mountains.

    • Exploring Human Limitations: Uli Steck and Extreme MountaineeringUli Steck, a Swiss mountaineer, inspires awe and admiration through his daring feats without ropes, setting records on challenging mountains. His dedication and focus enable him to overcome fear and inspire others to push their own limits.

      Extreme athletes like Uli Steck push the limits of human endurance and commitment. Steck, a Swiss mountaineer, is known for his daring feats without ropes, setting speed records on some of the world's most challenging mountains, such as the Eiger. His dedication and focus allow him to overcome fear and achieve the seemingly impossible. Despite the risks, he continues to challenge himself, inspiring awe and admiration. The loss of such athletes is a big loss to the world, as they push the boundaries of human potential. The desire to conquer new challenges and set records is a common thread among climbers, with Everest being a prime example. Alex Honnold, another renowned free solo climber, also shares this commitment and focus, having recently set a new record on El Capitan. Their calculated approach and intense focus enable them to accomplish seemingly impossible feats, leaving us in awe.

    • Jimmy Chin's achievements in climbing go beyond physical abilityJimmy Chin's unique biochemistry, commitment, and mental fortitude set him apart in climbing, allowing him to push past high-stakes challenges with a focused mindset and remarkable resilience.

      Jimmy Chin's accomplishments in climbing go beyond physical ability; they also require mental, emotional, and behavioral fortitude. His unique biochemistry, commitment to his craft, and ability to remain calm under pressure set him apart from other climbers. Despite the high-stakes nature of his sport, where one mistake could be fatal, Chin continues to push himself, training relentlessly and approaching each challenge with a mellow, focused mindset. His unwavering dedication and remarkable resilience have earned him a place as one of the greatest athletic feats in history.

    • Free Solo Climbing: Pioneered by Alex Honnold with Unique Attributes and Training ToolsAlex Honnold, a free solo climbing pioneer, utilizes unique attributes, training tools, and the extreme connection to nature for his record-breaking climbs.

      Alex Honnold, a renowned free solo climber, is considered a pioneer in his field despite the risks involved. His unique wiring and physical attributes, such as his strength-to-weight ratio and finger strength, set him apart from others. The use of training tools like campus boards and fingerboards has contributed to his exceptional abilities. Free solo climbing, which involves climbing without ropes or protective gear, gained popularity in the late 1990s, particularly in areas like Yosemite Valley and Joshua Tree, where there was a high concentration of climbers. The extreme connection to nature and the feeling of being fully present in the moment are significant aspects of free solo climbing for many climbers, including those who use psychoactive substances to enhance their experience.

    • Microdosing with psychedelic substances can enhance performance and sensesSome individuals report improved focus, connection, and heightened senses from microdosing with psilocybin, potentially leading to better performance in sports and social situations. However, individual experiences can vary greatly and potential risks should be considered.

      Some individuals, including the speaker, report improved performance and heightened senses when using microdoses of psychedelic substances like psilocybin from mushrooms or goo. These substances, when consumed in small quantities, can make users feel more connected and focused, enhancing their experiences in various aspects of life, including sports and social interactions. The speaker's friend, a high-level kickboxer, is an example of someone who has noticed significant improvements in his performance after microdosing daily. However, it's important to note that while some find these substances beneficial, others may not, and individual experiences can vary greatly. Additionally, potential risks and concerns, such as addiction and negative reactions, should be considered before deciding to use these substances.

    • Personal Uniforms and BeliefsPeople develop unique attachments to colors, styles, and beliefs, shaping their identities and impacting society.

      People develop personal uniforms or preferences in their lives, and it's not uncommon for individuals to have strong attachments to specific colors or styles. This conversation between the speaker and Bud, who only wears black, is an example of this phenomenon. The speaker also touches upon the idea that some people, like Mormon founder Joseph Smith, have created religions or beliefs that significantly impact society. Despite the potential confusion or seemingly odd choices, these uniforms and beliefs are a part of who people are. Additionally, the speaker muses on the idea that marriage, as an institution, may cause more harm than good due to high divorce rates and the significant financial implications. Ultimately, people make choices that reflect their individuality and preferences, even if they seem unusual to others.

    • Bow hunting in an overpopulated deer islandThe overpopulation of deer on the island made for a challenging yet rewarding hunting experience, with hunters needing to be skilled in stalking and wind checking to successfully hunt these agile animals. The delicious meat was a popular draw for hunters, with Maui offering additional game options.

      The speaker had an incredible bow hunting experience in an island with an overpopulation of deer. The deer were incredibly fast and agile, making it a challenging yet rewarding hunting experience. The animals were not indigenous to the island, and lacked natural predators, leading to their overpopulation. Hunters had to be skilled in stalking and wind checking to successfully hunt these animals. The meat from these deer was described as delicious and a popular draw for hunters. The speaker also mentioned that Maui was another great place for bow hunting with various game options, including axis deer, muflan, and pigs. The experience was physically demanding, requiring a lot of crawling and stealth to avoid detection by the deer. Overall, the speaker highly recommended the island for bow hunters looking for a unique and challenging hunting experience.

    • Unique hunting experiences in Hawaii for deer on public and private landsHawaii's deer populations need management, and hunting is a sustainable, ethical way to do so. The meat is pure, organic, and delicious, with minimal regulations, making it an attractive destination for hunters. Hawaii's diverse landscapes and cultures add to the overall hunting experience.

      Hawaii offers unique hunting experiences, particularly for deer, in both public and private lands. The deer populations need to be managed, and hunting is a sustainable and ethical way to do so. The meat is considered pure, organic, and delicious, and is even served at high-end restaurants. The tax situation allows for hunting without excessive regulations, making it an attractive destination for hunters. Hawaii's diverse landscapes and cultures add to the overall experience, making it a fascinating and rewarding place to hunt. The speaker's personal experiences in helping in Nepal after an earthquake further emphasizes the importance of being able to travel freely and help in times of need.

    • Helping in times of crisis leads to meaningful experiencesProviding aid in crisis zones can lead to unexpected connections and personal growth for both the giver and the receiver.

      Helping others in times of crisis can lead to unexpected and meaningful experiences. The speaker shares his experiences of providing medical aid in Nepal after an earthquake and later in Iraq during the fight against ISIS. In both instances, he formed strong connections with the local communities and the organizations he worked with. The experiences were challenging and required putting himself in harm's way, but they were also deeply rewarding. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open to new opportunities and the impact that can have on both the giver and the receiver.

    • Serving in a combat zone as a medical professionalMedical professionals in combat zones face intense trauma, danger, and emotional strain, but they persevere and innovate to save lives, finding ways to cope through writing and moving closer to the front line.

      Serving in a combat zone as a medical professional is an intense and challenging experience. The volume of profound penetrating trauma and constant danger, including gunshot wounds and IED explosions, can be emotionally draining. Despite the danger, these medical professionals persevere and do their best to save lives, often innovating and improvising in difficult situations. They also find ways to cope, such as writing daily blogs to help process their experiences. Despite the risks, they choose to move closer to the front line to make a greater impact and save more lives.

    • Rush of Displaced Locals and Intense AttacksDuring a medical mission in West Mosul, the team faced a large crowd of displaced locals, a tragic case of a young girl with a gunshot wound, and three RPG attacks, resulting in the death of their head of security. The team remained dedicated to helping the patients and continued their work in dangerous conditions.

      During a medical mission in West Mosul, the team faced intense situations with a high volume of trauma patients and unexpected attacks. On the third day, a large crowd of displaced locals rushed towards the clinic due to their release from captivity. The team had to secure the area to ensure safety. The following day, a five-year-old girl arrived with a gunshot wound to the head, marking a grim start to the day. Later, the team faced three RPG attacks, one of which killed their head of security. Despite the danger, the team remained dedicated to helping the patients and continued their work.

    • Using pigeons to identify enemy positionsWar zones are unpredictable and emotionally taxing, requiring high-level skills and specific gear for survival.

      War zones can be unpredictable and dangerous, as shown by an incident where a local sleeper cell used pigeons to identify the position of American helpers, nearly leading to their demise. Another important point is the profound emotional impact on those involved, with the speaker expressing deep appreciation for the struggles faced by military personnel and civilians alike after traumatic experiences. Additionally, the challenges of working in extreme environments, such as the technical climbing required on K2, were highlighted as demanding high-level skills and specific gear.

    • The importance of reliable gear for survivalReliable gear is essential for survival, especially in challenging environments. Inadequate equipment can put individuals and teams at risk, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and accountability.

      Relying on reliable gear is crucial for survival, especially in challenging environments. The story illustrates the consequences of having inadequate equipment and the impact it can have on both individuals and the team. The anecdote also highlights the importance of self-reliance and accountability in extreme situations, and the potential dangers and risks involved in bringing in external help. The transition back to the modern world and dealing with seemingly insignificant problems can be a challenging adjustment for those who have experienced high-stress, high-risk situations.

    • Embracing adversity and finding meaningGratitude and connecting with others through challenging environments can lead to personal growth. Seek out experiences that test you and serve others to make a positive impact.

      Gratitude and finding meaning in challenging environments are essential for personal growth. The speaker, inspired by his experiences in the military and reading books like "Tribe" by Sebastian Junger, has found that working in volatile, uncertain, chaotic, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments helps him appreciate life and connect with others. He gravitates towards people and situations that test him and remind him of what it means to be human. The desire to push oneself and face challenges, whether through mountain climbing or military service, stems from the desire for engagement and connection with others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of serving others and being a positive role model. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the value of embracing adversity and finding meaning in difficult situations.

    • Overcoming Challenges with Blind Climber Eric WeinmeyerBlind climber Eric Weinmeyer's experiences show that fear and danger can be overcome, being in hostile environments can lead to fulfillment, and having a strong support system is crucial for personal growth.

      Overcoming challenges and pushing boundaries, regardless of physical limitations, can lead to remarkable experiences and personal growth. Eric Weinmeyer, a blind climber and adventurer, is a prime example of this. Despite his visual impairment, he has summited seven of the world's highest peaks, kayaked through the Grand Canyon, and become a motivational speaker. His experiences have shown him that fear and danger can be overcome, and that being in hostile environments can lead to a deep sense of fulfillment. Weinmeyer's story also highlights the importance of having a strong support system and refusing to let life pass by. His journey serves as an inspiration for many to push beyond their comfort zones and embrace the challenges that come their way.

    • Training for Mountain Climbing: Consistent Practice and SupportEffective mountain climbing training involves consistent practice with heavy loads, seeking mentors or communities for guidance, and embracing personal growth through the demands of the sport.

      Effective training for mountain climbing involves consistent practice with heavy loads and long hours. This can include carrying large packs and enduring grueling, multi-hour sessions. However, as climbers gain experience and strength, they may choose to lighten their loads for better mobility and efficiency. Climbers often start out with little experience or adventurous backgrounds, and may find mentors or communities that help them learn the ropes and develop the necessary skills. Growing up in non-adventurous families, some climbers may seek out mountain climbing as a means of self-discovery and personal growth. Ultimately, the physical and mental demands of mountain climbing require dedication, perseverance, and a strong support network.

    • Preference for quieter, less crowded areas vs urban stimuliSome people value peace and quiet in less populated areas, while others enjoy the energy and stimuli of urban environments.

      Some people prefer less populated areas with a simpler way of life, while others are drawn to the energy and stimuli of urban environments. The speaker, who has lived in both Boulder, CO and Evergreen, CO, is leaving Boulder due to its high population and congestion. He shares a story of taking his nieces from Maui to Los Angeles, noting the overwhelming amount of stimuli they experienced. The speaker reflects on his experiences in crowded environments, such as living in Manhattan and serving in Iraq, and how he now craves quieter, less populated areas. He is moving to Evergreen, CO, which he finds to be beautiful and less crowded, and is looking forward to the peace and quiet it offers. However, he acknowledges that everyone's preferences are different and that some people may prefer the constant stimuli of urban environments.

    • Emphasizing the importance of a grateful and meaningful lifeDiscover joy in helping others, navigate life's challenges, embrace new adventures, learn from each other, and express gratitude for those who inspire us.

      The importance of living a grateful and meaningful life was emphasized in this conversation. The speakers shared their experiences of finding joy in helping others and navigating life's challenges. They also discussed the excitement of embarking on new adventures, even if they come with risks. The conversation underscored the idea that everyone is on a journey of self-discovery and that we can learn and grow from each other. The speakers expressed gratitude for the people in their lives who have influenced them and inspired them to live fully. They also highlighted the value of instilling these qualities in the next generation. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of living a life filled with gratitude, compassion, and a sense of adventure.

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