
    A Bad News Tsunami For Biden And His Corrupt Family (Ep 1818)

    enJuly 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Host Dan Vongino expresses concern over economic state and Biden policiesHost Dan Vongino criticized the Biden administration's handling of the economy, warned about potential risks of certain bills, and urged listeners to stay informed and protect personal data.

      The host, Dan Vongino, expressed concern over the current economic state of the country, which he believes has entered a recession due to President Joe Biden's policies. He criticized the administration's handling of the economy and warned about the potential risks of certain bills, such as the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, which he believes could put consumers' data at greater risk. Additionally, Vongino discussed the ongoing scandal involving the Biden family and their business dealings with China, expressing skepticism towards fact-checking sites like PolitiFact and their ability to accurately report information. Overall, Vongino urged listeners to stay informed and engaged in political issues, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal data and holding politicians accountable for their actions.

    • Allegations of Joe Biden's involvement in son's business dealings with Chinese firmDespite denials, emails and recordings suggest Joe Biden may have had a role in son's business dealings with a Chinese firm, sparking controversy and calls for transparency.

      There have been allegations of Joe Biden's involvement in his son Hunter's business dealings with a Chinese firm, despite denials from Biden's campaign. Hunter reportedly referred to Joe as "the big guy" or "my chairman," and it was emphasized that his father's involvement should not be mentioned in writing. However, an email surfaced showing that a business partner referred to Joe as "the big guy," indicating his involvement. The media has fact-checked these claims, but some have been accused of downplaying or dismissing the allegations. Tony Bobolinsky, a business associate of Hunter's, released emails, text messages, and audio recordings that he claimed showed Joe's involvement. The media and fact-checking organizations have generally dismissed these claims as unsubstantiated, but some have questioned their motives and credibility. The controversy surrounding these allegations continued into the 2020 election, with some claiming that there was a cover-up and others dismissing it as a smear campaign. The controversy took a new turn when it was reported that one of the fact-checkers, Bill McCarthy, had resigned, adding fuel to the fire.

    • The US as a 'Third World Republic' with Corrupt InstitutionsThe US government, including the FBI, DOJ, and White House, is accused of corruption, with Joe Biden at the center. Despite allegations, Biden is predicted to avoid investigations if re-elected, and the media is reportedly covering for him.

      According to James Gillier, the United States is currently living in a "Third World Republic" with a corrupt government, including the FBI, DOJ, and White House. Gillier believes that Joe Biden, referred to as "the big guy," is deeply involved in corruption and may have blackmail material on him from China. Despite this, the media is reportedly covering for Biden and allowing him to continue in office. Additionally, Gillier predicts that Biden will not face investigations into his influence peddling operation if he wins the election, as he will be too busy focusing on other matters. The country is facing a recession, and the White House is attempting to redefine the term to downplay its significance. The situation raises serious concerns about the integrity of American institutions and the future of the country.

    • Is the US in a recession? Debate continuesThe economy shrank in Q2 and Q3 under the Biden administration, according to some economic indicators, leading to a recession debate. Critics blame policies like spending, tax hikes, and regulations.

      There is ongoing debate about whether the United States is currently in a recession, with some arguing that we are based on economic data, while others dispute this definition. The speaker, Tom Norton, believes that based on the data from Statista, the economy shrank in the second and third quarters of the Biden administration, meeting the common definition of a recession. He argues that this is due to policies implemented by the Biden administration, such as spending, tax hikes, and regulatory reforms. Norton also criticizes the media for defending the administration's actions and ignoring the economic data. Regardless of one's political stance, the debate highlights the importance of understanding economic indicators and their implications.

    • Politicians' Inconsistent Definitions of Economic RecessionsPoliticians Ben White and Brian Deese have contradicted themselves on the definition of economic recessions, causing confusion and mistrust among the public during an economic downturn

      Certain individuals, including Ben White from Politico and Brian Deese from the White House, have faced criticism for their inconsistent definitions of economic recessions. Previously, they both acknowledged that two consecutive quarters of negative growth is the technical definition of a recession. However, more recently, they have argued against this definition. Their contradictory statements have led to a loss of credibility and trust from the public. This inconsistency is particularly noteworthy as the United States is currently experiencing an economic downturn, making it crucial for clear and accurate communication from public figures.

    • Growing unease over administration's economic messagingWhite House officials contradict each other on recession definition, downplaying economic challenges undermines public trust, and criticism mounts over lack of transparency and clear plan to address food shortages and inflation.

      There is ongoing debate and confusion regarding the definition of a recession, with some White House officials contradicting previous statements and downplaying economic challenges. The speaker expresses concern over this inconsistency and the potential impact on public trust and the economy. Additionally, there are comments criticizing the administration for downplaying issues such as food shortages and inflation, and suggesting a lack of transparency and accountability. The speaker also expresses frustration with the administration's handling of the economy and calls for acknowledgement of the challenges and a clear plan to address them. Overall, there is a sense of growing unease and dissatisfaction with the administration's messaging on economic issues.

    • Staying Engaged in the 2022 ElectionsComplacency could lead to unexpected election outcomes. Stay informed, participate in primaries, and hold elected officials accountable to ensure preferred candidates represent you. Media's role in shaping perception and potential economic instability serve as reminders of importance of civic engagement.

      Complacency could lead to unexpected outcomes in the 2022 elections. Despite some optimistic predictions, the current polling data suggests that the Democrats may not be as competitive as anticipated. It's essential for voters to stay engaged and participate in upcoming primaries to ensure their preferred candidates represent them. Additionally, the media's role in shaping public perception and covering for political figures, such as the current administration, should not be overlooked. The economy's poor state and the potential for another recession serve as a reminder of the importance of holding elected officials accountable. Overall, it's crucial not to underestimate the significance of active civic engagement and staying informed.

    • Voting in Primaries and Local ElectionsSupport liberty-loving candidates in primaries and local elections to impact education policies and American values. Check local election dates and vote to prevent critical theory-based politics and pro-mask, racist candidates.

      It's crucial to vote in primaries and local elections, not just in November. Ryan Goodersky, a guest on a radio show, emphasized the importance of supporting liberty-loving candidates for school boards and other local positions. Many primary elections have already taken place, but some are still upcoming, like the one in Florida on August 23rd. These elections can significantly impact education policies and the future of American values. So, even if you've already voted or missed the primary, check your local election dates and make sure to vote in any upcoming primaries or local elections. Your vote matters, and it can help prevent the promotion of critical theory-based politics and pro-mask, racist candidates.

    • School Board Elections: Bringing Focus Back to EducationElect committed candidates to prioritize education, fight against divisive activism, and ensure children learn essential skills.

      School board elections matter greatly in ensuring that children receive a quality education focused on reading, writing, and life skills, rather than becoming a ground for activism and division. The speaker emphasized the importance of electing committed candidates like Amy Pritchett and Jennifer Russell in Martin County to bring schools back to their fundamental purpose. Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the irony that while the left accuses the Republicans of being the party of racists, it's the left that's promoting racism through their actions. The speaker encouraged everyone to vote and make a difference in taking back these school boards. Despite the challenges, it's crucial to stay engaged and fight for what's right.

    • Senator Manchin's $1.1T Proposal Amid Economic UncertaintySenator Manchin's $1.1T Inflation Reduction Act includes $730B in new taxes and $369B in spending, worsening economic uncertainty and inflation for American households.

      Senator Joe Manchin, despite occasional votes that align with Democratic interests, has consistently shown a willingness to raise taxes and spend large sums of money during a time of economic uncertainty and inflation. His latest proposal, the Inflation Reduction Act, includes $730 billion in new revenue through taxes and $369 billion in spending on climate change and healthcare subsidies. This comes as Americans are dealing with less purchasing power due to inflation and entering a recession. The bill's name change does not alter its substance, which critics argue will worsen the current economic situation. The proposed semiconductor bill, which passed the Senate yesterday, is also criticized for giving billions to corporations without effectively addressing the root cause of inflation. Ultimately, these actions by Manchin and other politicians could negatively impact the economy and American households.

    • Government subsidies can lead to inefficiencies and inferior goodsGovernment subsidies can insulate industries from competition, resulting in inefficiencies, overcapacity, and substandard products. The market should determine prices, and consumers should be prepared to pay for goods or services.

      Government subsidies in protected industries can lead to inefficiencies, overcapacity, and substandard products. Using the example of Brazilian computer companies in the past and the current semiconductor industry, subsidies can insulate industries from competition, resulting in inferior goods and negative impacts on related industries. Similarly, attempts to negotiate drug prices with Medicare could lead to rationing, price controls, and potential quality issues. Ultimately, the market should determine prices, and consumers should be prepared to pay for goods or services or risk rationing. The speaker also shared a personal story about working in a high-crime precinct, emphasizing the importance of understanding human nature and the potential consequences of government intervention.

    • Submit your questions for Dan Bongino's 'truth account' segmentEngage with Dan Bongino by submitting questions for his show through his social media accounts

      Dan Bongino encourages his audience to submit questions for his upcoming "truth account" segment on his show. To do so, they should check his social media accounts, specifically the Bongino page, for a post where they can submit their questions. This is a great opportunity for listeners to engage with Dan and have their questions addressed on the show. It also shows Dan's commitment to involving his audience in the content he produces. So, if you have a burning question for Dan, be sure to check his social media accounts tomorrow and submit it for a chance to be featured on the show.

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