
    A Big Announcement About The Fight Ahead (Ep 1276)

    enJune 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Misinformation and the Dunning-Kruger effect impacting police use of force issuesBe cautious of information sources, emphasize factual knowledge, and prioritize reliable resources like ETS magazines. Dan Bongino continues his fight against tech tyrants with an upcoming important announcement.

      Misinformation and the Dunning-Kruger effect are leading to dangerous misunderstandings about police use of force issues in America. Dan Bongino urges listeners to be cautious of where they get their information and emphasize the importance of factual knowledge. During his show, he promoted ETS magazines, which he uses in his household due to their durability, reliability, and affordability. Additionally, Bongino announced an upcoming important announcement that he's been teasing, which is part of his fight against tech tyrants. Despite receiving some criticism for his emotional response during a recent appearance on Sean Hannity, Bongino remains firm in his stance against misinformation and the need for factual understanding.

    • Liberal Narrative About Police Use of Force is FalseDespite common belief, officers can use deadly force in self-defense or defense of others, even if rounds hit suspect in the back.

      There is a dangerous and false narrative being spread in liberal circles and media about police use of force, specifically regarding officers shooting individuals in the back. This claim is categorically false, and individuals without experience or expertise in policing should be cautious about making such statements. Geraldo Rivera, a media personality, made such a claim during a recent debate, suggesting there is no scenario where an officer can legally use deadly force if their rounds hit someone in the back. However, this is not true, as there are situations where an officer may be justified in using deadly force in self-defense or the defense of others, even if the rounds hit the suspect in the back. It's essential to recognize the importance of accurate information and expertise when discussing sensitive topics like police use of force.

    • Impact of high-stress situations on police decision-makingHigh-stress situations can impair an officer's ability to make clear and rational decisions, affecting use-of-force incidents. The complexities and realities of policing should be considered.

      During a high-stress situation like a violent encounter with a felon, a police officer's ability to make clear and rational decisions can be significantly impaired. The officer in question was engaged in a physical altercation, was assaulted, and had a weapon pointed at him. The suggestion that he could have easily identified the taser as such, despite its yellow color and the chaos of the moment, is unrealistic. The fog of war and tunnel vision are real phenomena that can impact decision-making in high-pressure situations. It's important to consider the complexities and realities of policing when evaluating use-of-force incidents.

    • Misconceptions about use of force rules for law enforcementPolice officers are trained to follow the use of force continuum and would only be justified in using lethal force again if they reasonably believe their own life or the lives of others are in imminent danger.

      There is a common misconception about the use of force rules in the United States that prevents law enforcement from shooting a suspect who turns away after an initial shot, even if there is a fear they may turn back and pose a threat. This misconception was strongly refuted in the discussion, emphasizing that police officers are trained to follow the use of force continuum and would only be justified in using lethal force again if they reasonably believe their own life or the life of others is in imminent danger. The speaker expressed frustration and anger towards the current state of affairs, feeling pressured to conform to societal norms and the hijacking of various institutions by the left. He urged for a collective effort to fight against these issues and not take breaks or vacations, but instead double down in the face of adversity. Additionally, the speaker promoted Omaha Steaks as a Father's Day gift option, offering a significant discount with the promo code BONGINO.

    • Impact of NYPD's Decision on Crime PreventionNYPD's decision to disband plainclothes anti-crime units may hinder crime prevention as these officers are effective in apprehending criminals due to their non-identifiable presence. Potential precedent for other cities.

      The NYPD's decision to disband plainclothes anti-crime units, which account for a significant percentage of self-observed arrests, could have serious implications for crime prevention in New York City and potentially in other liberal cities. The units, staffed by officers in plainclothes and unmarked vehicles, are effective in apprehending criminals because they are not readily identifiable as police officers, allowing suspects to commit crimes in their presence. While there are downsides, such as potential identification issues, the benefits of having plainclothes officers in anti-crime units outweigh the drawbacks. The NYPD's move to reassign these officers to other duties based on data could set a dangerous precedent for other cities.

    • Plainclothes Anti-Crime Units: Advantages and DisadvantagesPlainclothes anti-crime units have risks like misidentification, but they also lead to numerous arrests and saved lives. Their unpredictability aids in removing illegal firearms and preventing crimes.

      The use of plainclothes anti-crime units in policing comes with both advantages and disadvantages. The downside includes potential identification issues leading to misunderstandings or even blue on blue shootouts. However, the upside is significant, with countless instances of criminals being apprehended and lives being saved due to the unpredictability of plainclothes officers. It's essential to acknowledge both sides of the argument, as the benefits of plainclothes anti-crime units can outweigh the risks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these units in removing illegal firearms from the streets and preventing crimes. Despite the challenges, the speaker believes that staying informed and aware of the situation is crucial, and for those living in liberal cities with questionable safety and property rights, considering relocation might be necessary. The United States, according to the speaker, is increasingly divided, and choosing a side that upholds American values and individual rights is crucial.

    • Securing Life Insurance and Supporting Free Speech PlatformsPrioritize securing life insurance for loved ones through Policy Genius and support free speech platforms like Parlor to counteract disinformation campaigns and protect open dialogue

      During these uncertain times, it's important to prioritize securing life insurance for your loved ones. Policy Genius, an insurance marketplace, can help you find the best rates and handle the application process, saving you time and money. Additionally, Dan Bongino, the speaker, has taken an ownership stake in Parlor, a social media alternative to tech platforms that have declared war against conservatism and free speech. Bongino's commitment to free speech and open dialogue sets Parlor apart from other sites, and he is confident in its success. Another key point is the influence of social media disinformation campaigns, which the speaker believes will be even more powerful than Russian campaigns. Overall, securing life insurance and supporting platforms committed to free speech are important actions to take in the current climate.

    • Tech companies censoring conservative voicesTech companies suppress voices, particularly conservatives and President Trump, for political gain and to avoid monopolization of info sources, impacting diverse perspectives.

      Tech companies, including Snapchat and Twitter, are censoring content and silencing voices, particularly those of conservatives and President Trump. This censorship campaign extends beyond Facebook and includes popular sites like Reddit and Wikipedia. The motivations behind this censorship include political gain and the suppression of voices that incite racial violence and injustice. The fight against tech tyranny is not just about free speech, but also about the importance of having diverse perspectives and avoiding the monopolization of information sources. This issue is not new, but it's critical that we continue to point out the media hypocrisy and the unprincipled actions of those who claim to be unbiased sources of information. The alternative is to seek out and support platforms that prioritize free speech and the exchange of ideas. Parler, for instance, is one such alternative that values individual liberty and freedom of expression.

    • Hypocrisy in Speaking Out on Social IssuesUS banks' silence on China's human rights abuses contrasts with vocal support for social causes. NYC Mayor's contact tracers omission hides protest's virus impact. Athletes, coaches lecture on social issues but ignore facts.

      Hypocrisy was a recurring theme in the discussion. US banks have been vocal about social causes like Black Lives Matter but have remained quiet on human rights abuses in China, such as concentration camps and freedom of speech suppression. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also showed hypocrisy by instructing contact tracers not to ask new coronavirus patients if they attended protests, potentially hiding the impact of protests on the spread of the virus. Professional athletes and coaches, like Steve Kerr, have also shown hypocrisy by lecturing on social issues while ignoring facts and data. The inconsistency in speaking out on important issues based on perceived political gain was a common thread in the discussion.

    • NBA coaches and public figures under fire for silence on China's human rights abusesCritics question the responsibilities and limitations of public figures in speaking out against human rights abuses in foreign countries

      NBA coach Steve Kerr and other public figures have been criticized for not speaking out against human rights abuses in China, despite their vocal stances on other social and political issues. Critics argue that their silence on China undermines their credibility and principles. However, Kerr has defended his position by stating that he is not an expert on Chinese politics and that it's not his place to comment on issues that don't directly affect him or his country. The debate raises questions about the responsibilities and limitations of public figures in addressing global human rights issues.

    • Critics of Trump face their own controversiesDespite their opposition to Trump, critics like Rick Wilson and Chris Salaza have faced criticisms for their past actions and inconsistent stances, highlighting the importance of transparency and consistency in political activism.

      Rick Wilson, a prominent Republican critic of Donald Trump, frequently expresses his opposition to Trump based on his own principles. However, Wilson's principles have been called into question due to his past criticisms of Joe Biden and his hypocritical stance on abortion, as well as the questionable use of funds by the organization he is a part of, The Lincoln Project, which endorsed Biden and ran ads against Trump. Another criticism against Wilson and The Lincoln Project came from the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which raised millions to bail out criminals who had burned down buildings in Minnesota but only managed to distribute a small fraction of the funds. Chris Salaza, another critic of Trump, also faced criticism for focusing on insignificant issues, such as Trump's cautious steps down a ramp at West Point, instead of addressing more pressing matters related to the President's health. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of consistency and transparency in one's principles and actions.

    • GOP officials report potential landslide victory for Trump despite pollsConsidering various perspectives, like local GOP reports vs polls, can lead to better business decisions, such as adopting NetSuite for growth

      While polls indicate a challenging reelection bid for President Trump, local GOP officials on the ground report a different story, suggesting a potential landslide victory. This conflicting information underscores the importance of considering various perspectives when making decisions. In business, this concept applies to adopting a comprehensive software solution like NetSuite by Oracle, which streamlines operations and provides clear visibility and control. This is a crucial time for businesses to assess their needs and make necessary changes for growth. NetSuite's free guide, based on insights from hundreds of business leaders, offers valuable strategies for navigating the current economic climate. Ultimately, staying informed and considering multiple viewpoints can lead to better outcomes.

    • First-time voters impacted polling accuracy in 2016Despite economic recovery, many first-time voters were missed in 2016 polls, adding uncertainty to election outcome

      The 2016 election polls were inaccurate due to a large number of first-time voters who didn't appear in the polls. Dan Malloy, a former politician, shared his personal experience of encountering many Trump supporters who weren't on his campaign's walk list because they had never voted before. He urged caution when interpreting polls and suggested that some people might be giving inaccurate information to pollsters. While some of these voters will likely show up in this year's polls, it's important to remember that many first-time voters were missed in 2016. The economy is also recovering faster than expected, with retail sales experiencing a record increase in May. However, not all businesses will survive the economic downturn. Overall, the future outcome of the election is uncertain, but the economy is showing signs of improvement.

    • COVID-19 savings and economic reboundThe pandemic's savings could fuel an economic rebound with measures like payroll tax cuts, but complex decisions need to be made and every life lost is a tragedy

      The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting stay-at-home orders have led to significant savings for many people, creating a potential for a strong economic rebound if measures like payroll tax cuts are implemented. However, the situation is complex, and there are difficult decisions to be made. Meanwhile, it's important to remember that every life lost is a tragedy, and the world often exists in shades of gray rather than black and white. Keep listening to Dan Bongino's show for more insights and perspectives. Remember to download Parlour, the new social media app, to join the conversation and protect your online identity. Stay tuned for more on Fox and follow Dan Bongino on Twitter for daily updates.

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