
    A Bit of Relief: Rick Steves' Travel Dreams

    enMay 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Rediscovering old passions during pandemicDespite travel restrictions, Rick Steves finds joy in cooking, playing the trumpet, and inspiring others to explore the world

      Rick Steves, the renowned travel guru, has had to adapt to a new way of life during the global pandemic as his constant traveling came to a halt. Instead of being disheartened, Steves has found joy in rediscovering old passions and exploring new hobbies, such as cooking and playing the trumpet. This experience has reminded him of the importance of living in the moment and enjoying the simple pleasures of life, even when faced with unexpected challenges. Despite the cancellation of his travel plans, Steves continues to inspire others to explore the world and broaden their horizons through his books, podcasts, and television shows. His philosophy of embracing new experiences and appreciating different cultures remains a source of motivation for many.

    • Exploring new experiences during challenging timesDespite limitations, find joy in new experiences, keep travel dreams alive, and engage socially through virtual means.

      Even during challenging times, it's important to expand our horizons and find joy in new experiences, even if we can't physically travel. The speaker shares how they've missed out on social experiences in the past, like cooking and connecting with others during parties. Now, they're discovering new ways to engage, such as learning to cook and play travel-themed games. Furthermore, they emphasize the importance of keeping travel dreams alive and finding joy in vicarious experiences, like watching travel shows. The speaker also acknowledges the privilege of being able to adapt to these changes and hopes that social distancing won't become the norm. They express the belief that their travel show, Rick Steves, can provide a sense of escape and positivity during this time, and have even created a travel-themed bingo game for viewers to enjoy. Overall, the speaker encourages us to find joy in new experiences and keep our travel dreams alive, no matter the circumstances.

    • Exploring Europe through Performances and Personal ExperiencesThe speaker uses wine and European culture as themes in his shows to bring Europe into one's home. He shares personal experiences traveling in Europe and suggests ways to explore new cultures during travel restrictions.

      The speaker, who is a performer, uses wine and European culture as themes in his shows, creating a sense of bringing Europe into one's home through various imaginative ways. He shares his personal experiences traveling in Europe, particularly in India, and how those experiences have influenced his performances. The speaker's creativity and adaptability are evident as he suggests ways to bring Europe into one's home during times of travel restrictions. Through his stories and suggestions, he invites listeners to explore new perspectives and embrace the beauty and richness of different cultures.

    • A Defense of Civil Liberties through Marijuana AdvocacyRaul Gonzalez, a marijuana advocate, views his work as a defense of civil liberties and uses his creativity heightened by marijuana to write in his journal and pursue dreams like guiding a perfect meal in Tuscany.

      Raul Gonzalez, a prominent figure in the marijuana legalization movement, views his advocacy as a defense of civil liberties rather than a pro-marijuana stance. He keeps a journal filled with creative ideas and insights, which he writes in while high. One of his dreams is to guide us through a perfect meal in Tuscany, immersing us in the ambiance and local ingredients. Raul's life's work and his journal are testaments to his unique perspective and the brilliance that comes to him when he's in a state of heightened creativity. His contributions to the legalization movement and his introspective journal are valuable additions to our society and democracy.

    • Food connects us to heritage and traditionFood brings people together, representing deep connections and inspiring joy through shared experiences and cultural exploration

      Food brings people together and represents a deep connection to heritage and tradition. The image of a family gathering around a table, sharing a meal made from the land they've worked for generations, is a powerful and elemental moment. The conviviality, heritage, and terroir of such a meal are what make it special and worth celebrating. Whether it's in Italy or in our own homes, this shared experience can inspire us and bring joy. I, for one, can hardly wait to return to these moments post-crisis and continue to explore and appreciate different cultures through their food.

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    Background reading: 

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