
    Podcast Summary

    • The Wider Impact of Spending PsychologyUnderstanding the psychology of spending money can reveal truths about human behavior and its impact on financial decisions, affecting everyone from the poorest to the wealthiest.

      While behavioral finance has primarily focused on the psychology of investing money due to its origins in academia and the influence of pioneering investors, the psychology of spending money has a much wider impact on the population as a whole. Most Americans save for retirement through 401ks and invest in stocks, but day-to-day spending decisions affect everyone, from the poorest person to the deca-billionaire. The author's first book, "The Psychology of Money," primarily explored the psychology of investing, but in recent years, the author has become more interested in the psychology of spending money and its impact on individuals and families. The study of this topic reveals seemingly obvious yet often ignored truths about human behavior and its impact on financial decisions.

    • Understanding the Psychology of Spending MoneyBeing aware of the underlying motivations behind our spending habits can help us make more intentional and satisfying financial decisions.

      The way we spend money is deeply influenced by psychology, and it's essential to be aware of the underlying motivations behind our spending habits. Money can serve as a tool to enhance our lives or a yardstick to measure ourselves against others. However, it can also have a significant impact on our autonomy and happiness. Everyone's definition of a fulfilling lifestyle varies, and it's crucial to recognize that what makes one person happy might not be the same for another. Our spending choices can also reflect our experiences and values. Ultimately, understanding the psychological aspects of spending money can help us make more intentional and satisfying financial decisions.

    • Understanding the Psychology of MoneyPeople's spending and saving behaviors are influenced by deeper psychological factors like past experiences and a desire for respect. Spending can bring happiness, but relationships and experiences matter most. Unspent money offers freedom and independence. Some struggle to spend due to a saver identity, while others show off to gain respect.

      People's relationship with money and spending goes beyond just practical needs or wants. It often stems from deeper psychological factors, such as past experiences and a desire for respect and admiration. While spending money can bring happiness, it's often the relationships and experiences that come with it that truly matter. Unspent money, on the other hand, provides freedom and independence. However, some people may struggle to spend money even when it could bring them happiness due to an ingrained identity as a saver. Lastly, some individuals may resort to showing off expensive items as a way to gain respect and admiration when they feel they aren't getting it through other means. Overall, understanding the psychological motivations behind spending and saving can provide valuable insights into people's behaviors and decisions.

    • Desiring Material Possessions Reflects Unmet NeedsMaterial possessions can't fully satisfy our desires for respect, fulfillment, or happiness. Aspiration for them is influenced by societal norms and what we see around us. True wealth and happiness originate from within.

      Material possessions can't truly fill the voids in our lives, and the desire for them can be fueled by a longing for respect or fulfillment in other areas. Additionally, what we consider desirable or a sign of wealth often trickles down from higher income groups, and our aspirations are shaped by what we see around us. There's a distinction between nice things that provide tangible utility and fancy things that offer mostly social status. While both can be appealing, it's important to remember that true wealth and happiness come from within and cannot be measured by material possessions alone.

    • Understanding the psychology of spending moneyOnce our basic needs are met, understanding desires and motivations behind consumer behavior is crucial for effective spending and happiness.

      While earning and investing money are important aspects of personal finance, understanding how to spend money in a way that brings happiness can be a complex and nuanced issue. As author Luke Burgess points out, once our basic needs are met, determining what to desire and how to spend money to achieve that desire can be more challenging than fulfilling our essential needs. This is a different, yet crucial, area of study in behavioral finance. Unlike the emotions of greed and fear that influence investment decisions, the psychology of spending money involves understanding the desires and motivations that drive our consumer behavior. This topic, while perhaps less studied, is arguably more practical and relatable to our daily lives. So, the next time you find yourself confused about how to spend your hard-earned money, remember that it's a natural part of the human experience and a fascinating area of study in behavioral finance.

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    Twitter: @bigirishjay @therealjackgalvin @randytvalerio @chaseabel1 @readysetblowpodcast

    Facebook: facebook.com/bigirishjay, facebook.com/jack.galvin.75facebook.com/randy.valerio.777, facebook.com/chase.abel.54

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    PLUS, the special way Tasha celebrates the anniversary! 


    Links and resources:


    Tasha's links

    Website: www.tashaw.net

    IG: https://instagram.com/lifewithtashaw_

    Tasha's latest book Recognize Your Opponent: When Your Greatest Enemy is Your Inner Me




    "Know that there is a beautiful side and a beautiful story to this. There's a reason why you're dealing with this loss because it's for you to help other people and just take one day at a time, one day at a time." ~ Tasha W


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!