
    The Beautiful Side of Grief

    The Beautiful Side of Grief your go-to weekly podcast if you are wanting to hear interviews from people who have moved through heart-wrenching loss or those who are at the coal-face supporting this process. It diverse, heart-warming though most of all it is positive and filled with go-to's that you can use yourself. For user-friendly FREE resources visit https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com/free-resources
    enHelen Morris121 Episodes

    Episodes (121)

    116. Passports and Parasites! Vashti Kanahele

    116. Passports and Parasites! Vashti Kanahele

    In this episode of The Beautiful Side of Grief we are exploring war-torn Bagdad to the sunny caribbean, and many countries in between through the eyes of a diplomat's wife, who had to struggle with infertility, pregnancy loss, parental loss, and fast exits - all the while re-adapting to strange new lands, & dealing with a complex chronic condition. Yep, that sounds a pretty heavy load - though in the midst of this, Vashti Kanahele also discovered fabulous new cultures, places off the beaten track, and a resilience and strength to take control of her health. Vashti takes us into this world that she rediscovered through the writing of her book Passports and Parasites.


    We discuss...

    • the value of community when living far away from family and loved ones
    • having serious health concerns in foreign countries
    • how life can take it's toll without you realising
    • and finding your way through chronic conditions back to health through fnctional medicine


    This is a fabulous episode that you won't want to miss!


    Vashti's Bio

    My life story encompasses adventure, living abroad, resilience, and healing from complex chronic illness. Listeners who love or are interested in adventure, international living, and travel would find my interview interesting. My story also speaks to those looking for hope in their fertility journey and healing from complex chronic illnesses, specifically Lyme disease and Hashimoto's, and my journey to functional medicine. Listeners interested in diplomatic life will find my story appealing since I have spent the last 15 years married to a diplomat.




    "I was diagnosed with PTSD. It was all the years of  the things that had happened, not dealing with them." ~ Vashti Kanahele





    Vashti's links:

    Website:    https://passportsandparasites.com/, https://vashtikanahele.com/

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/vashti.kanahele

    IG:            https://www.instagram.com/vashtikanahele/

    LinkedIn:   www.linkedin.com/in/vashti-kanahele-2a9b4911a/

    Pinterest:   https://www.pinterest.nz/vashtikanaheleFMP/

    Passports and Parasites:  www.passportsandparasites.com


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    A Letter of Hope & Aroha (aLoHA):  https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com/p/email-subscription



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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music

    115. A Purpose, Lesson, & Reason for EVERYTHING | June Edward

    115. A Purpose, Lesson, & Reason for EVERYTHING | June Edward

    What would it mean to you to know that you are always right where you are supposed to be?

    That nothing is ever done "to you", it's being done "for you", and to understand why we have to lose our precious loved ones... and how we can grow from that to live a full loving life - well, that's just the tip of what we are exploring with my guest, Psychic Medium- Speaker, Teacher, & Bestselling Author and Relationship Expert, June Edward.

    June has been dealing with the unseen since childhood though it took an NDE at the tender age of 27 which allowed her to experience first-hand the other side - and believe it or not, she chose to come back. Following that experience, her exceptional mediumship skills exploded. She was dubbed The Massachusetts Medium, regularly selling out group-sessions.

    June is particularly skilled in working with Angels, guides and departed souls, to give closure and help loved ones heal on both sides. In addition, she helps us understand and appreciate what our journeys are all about so we can truly embrace this life we have - or change it up. We also talk about her latest book - Alls Fair in Love and Karma - 5 Steps to Relationship Mastery, and get to the bottom of the 5 things we need to master i our relationships.. And why we can attract the same ole deadbeats into our lives!


    This is a conversation that you're not going to want to miss!


    June's Bio

    June Edward has been psychic since a child; however she didn’t realize she was also a medium until later in life. Some of her gifts have been passed on, since her mother was also a medium. She also passed to the other side herself when she was 27 years old, and came back to this side by choice. She can offer firsthand experience that Life after Life does exist! She has a 100% success rate in bringing through souls from the other side, to give closure and help loved ones heal on both sides. Her sold out group readings can help give insight as to what’s going on in your life, and help to see what the Universe has in store. June’s special gifts include working directly with the Angels, Guides and departed Souls. Combined these tools have made her a very strong and accurate psychic and trance medium, able to bring through validating details to prove the connection and messages from the other side. June believes that her job as a psychic medium is not only to help those connect with their loved ones, and heal both sides, but to help encourage others to embrace this life, and be thankful for all the gifts they receive in their life every day!



    "It's very easy for them once they've gone into the light to come and be with you." ~ June Edward





    June's links:







    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music

    114. 2 NDEs, 2 SDEs, PTSD & DYING to LIVE! | Cathy Gabrielsen

    114. 2 NDEs, 2 SDEs, PTSD & DYING to LIVE! | Cathy Gabrielsen

    Grief is definitely multifaceted! Cathy Gabrielsen had a divine childhood devoted to Mother Mary and Christ. At 18 she had her first near-death experience in the same accident that left her boyfriend severly brain-damaged. Knowing she had to return to fulfill her purpose, she instead lived for many years with a tremendous amount of grief, sadness, anxiety, guilt, shame, and feeling like she had failed both God and her boyfriend.


    A battle with breast cancer led her to her second near-death experience, gifting her profound and valuable insights into end of life experiences. Following that were two shared-death experiences, one with her dad, and the other with a friend fearful of dying.


    This is one of those conversations that could have gone on forever! Cathy shares valuable insights covering trust, worthiness, and fear in our lives, and leaves us with some parting advice on trusting that you are not alone in your grief, and how to ease that darkness. Plus get your FREE healing stone chart!



    Cathy's Bio

    Cathy Gabrielsen is a Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Coach, Vedic Meditation Teacher, Graduate Teacher of Energy Medicine, and #1 best-selling author of Dying to Live: Surviving Near-Death. She has a private healing practice providing transformational healing sessions via Zoom.

    Cathy crossed the boundary into death, once as a teen and another time as a young mom recovering from cancer; she experienced spiritual transformations and discovered her paranormal gifts. Cathy returned to life to help others transform and heal emotional, spiritual, and physical wounds. Cathy is the founder of Connect Thru Cancer, the Gabrielsen Healing Center, and the Prana Detox. She has a private healing practice providing transformational healing sessions via Zoom.


    "I truly couldn't do the work I was able to do because I just hadn't done [it] myself. I hadn't taken care of myself enough to give to other people." ~ Cathy Gabrielsen





    Cathy's links:

    Website:     https://cathygabrielsen.com/

    Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/cathygabrielsenhealing

    IG:             https://www.instagram.com/gabrielsenhealingcenter/

    You Tube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmC9tFxdrap--ewfQ3r9uZw

    LinkedIn:    https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathy-gabrielsen-a1a9b324/ 

    My book link: https://www.amazon.com/Dying-Live-Near-Death-Cathy-Gabrielsen-ebook/dp/B08J5X2N7C

    Healing Stone Chart Free Gift: https://cathygabrielsen.com/healing-stone-chart/


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Want access to A Letter of Hope & Aroha (aLoHA)? Check out this link



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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!


    113. From WARRIOR to AWAKENING | John Lawyer

    113. From WARRIOR to AWAKENING | John Lawyer

    War does something to a person, not only emotionally, also physiologically. For starters, it rewires your brain to dampen emotional responses to what is being experienced, to exist in a hyper state of alertness and awareness, and to cope with altered sleep patterns. It  can also become very addicted to emotionally charged situations, where uncertainty exists. No wonder veterans can have a tough time readjusting to life outside, making sense of the trauma they've experienced, and simply adapting to living day to day without having to be in a constant state of alertness.


    My guest, John Lawyer, has gone from being a soldier and contractor in counter intelligence over 15 years, to an Awakening. That is a HUGE shift for anyone to make! So I'm excited to explore with him just what prompted that and then the journey from having his brain rewired through many years of being a warrior in war situations... to then having to undo that and find his way to a place of peace, calm and purpose through becoming a spiritualist and universalist. He describes it as coming out the other side of the swamp of sadness. John is now commited to merging this spiritual path into everyday life. So join us to hear his incredible story


    John's Bio

    From desert combat zones to a battle within, John Lawyer transformed from soldier to spiritual seeker. He acts as one of several guides for Kishar, a non-profit online spiritual community for people to share their journey and explore their own unique spiritual path. John is an Omnist and believes in the validity of great human thought from around the world and across time. He offers individual spiritual coaching and guidance services as part of the Kishar Spiritual Community.


    "Aligning what  your purpose is with what you're doing every day, I mean, how could there be anything more beautiful than that?" ~ John Lawyer




    John's links:

    Website:    https://kishar.org

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/KisharSpiritual

    IG:            https://www.instagram.com/kisharspiritual

    Twitter -X: https://twitter.com/kisharspiritual

    YouTube:   https://www.youtube.com/@PeaceOnYourJourney


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:      https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:     https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music

    112. My Mother's DEATH was My REBIRTH | Nichole Lee

    112. My Mother's DEATH was My REBIRTH | Nichole Lee

    Is your mum your best friend?

    What would you do if she died?

    Would your life continue to have the same meaning or would you feel like you were suddenly set adrift?


    The later is what happened to Nichole Lee in 2018 when she lost her mum to cancer....


    Nichole has trained in so many modalities since the death of her best friend and mum, and that helped her to transition from a highly 'successful' corporate job in change management into her hearts passion of helping others discover who they are amongst all the pain and heartache to gain harmony, expand in that joy and reconnect to yourself.


    What I most love about today's conversation with Nichole, who is a trauma-informed healer, intuitive guide, and transformational life coach (plus many other modalities!), is that we really get to explore how our grief experience can be the catalyst for understanding just what magnificent creatures we are and that we all have the power to heal from within. It's recognising what your body and emotions are telling you through this experience and then exploring them more.


    We dive into .... the mini roadblocks we create within when we suppress our emotions, the Emotion Code and Body Code modalities, a love of mine - HeartMath, and so much more. If you are feeling the winds of change within, then this is a must-listen to episode for you! 🧡




    Nichole is a trauma-informed healer, intuitive guide, and transformational life coach. She specializes in guiding individuals who are experiencing significant life transitions, feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or overwhelmed into rediscovering who they are, healing from past pain, and charting a fulfilling new path for their life. Before dedicating her life to healing and personal transformation, Nichole spent two decades as a Business Management Consulting Leader & Executive Coach, driving large-scale change initiatives for Fortune 500 companies. Nichole holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Instructional Design. She is certified in multiple disciplines, including life coaching, health coaching, spiritual coaching, energy healing (reiki, emotion code, body code), meditation and mindfulness, and as a trauma-sensitive heartmath practitioner.




    "My mother's death was my rebirth. It activated something in me beyond the grief." ~ Nichole Lee




    Nichole's links:

    Website:   www.nicholelee.love

    IG:           https://www.instagram.com/iamnicholelee/

    HeartMath Breathing Info:




    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    111. Cracked WIDE Open & Ready to Ascend | Suzanna Kennedy

    111. Cracked WIDE Open & Ready to Ascend | Suzanna Kennedy

    Grief can crack us wide open. Everything as we once knew it changes, a little in some areas, in others a lot. For many of us now that can result in becoming drawn to spirituality and ascension. Learning to rise above what we have experienced and to live our lives in ameaningful way, in a frequency of love, compassion, and service to others.


    Today, Suzanna Kennedy takes you through what led to her own ascension and just what ascension is all about, including how you can move beyond your limiting beliefs to craft the reality YOU want. Suzanna has even developed proven and effective tools that can make this process far less painful, plus offers a special gift to allow you to ease into this process. In fact, Bruce Liptonlists Suzanna as a preferred provider because of her incredible skills!


    This is a fascinating discussion we have that may well answer some of the questions or feelings you've had since losing your loved one. If you are ready to transform your grief, align with your highest truth and purpose, and live your most authentic life, then you definitely need to take a listen to this episode!



    Suzanna's Bio

    Suzanna Kennedy, a renowned Ascension Coach, and the creator of the transformative program, Reality Crafting 5.0. Suzanna's unique approach to personal growth and consciousness expansion has been making waves in the coaching and spirituality fields for over 20 years. The quality of her work is remarkable and she is a referred service provider on Bruce Lipton’s website.

    Suzanna has dedicated over two decades to guiding individuals on their spiritual journeys, helping them tap into their higher consciousness, overcome personal barriers, and manifest their desired reality. Her approach is rooted in the principle of "Reality Crafting Through the Diamond Heart," a philosophy that harmonizes quantum physics, spirituality, and emotional intelligence.

    Suzanna shares:

    [00:02:32] Favourite thing about Hawaii

    [00:03:39] How ascension came about

    [00:06:13] Clearing of beliefs in cells and sense of purpose

    [00:09:41] How people coped with Suzanna's transformation

    [00:10:39] Being a divine being

    [00:14:39] Connection with everything

    [00:15:18] Individual consciousness vs source consciousness

    [00:21:14] moving to a higher level of cnsciousness

    [00:24:00] what we need to do to level up

    [00:24:47] Clearing misinformation

    [00:26:00] Losing the fear of abandonment

    [00:29:30] Simple, easy, and powerful practices

    [00:38:21] Bringing through frequencies from 8th dimension

    [00:42:56] Sacred Union - Ascending to 5D

    [00:48:39] self Identity

    [00:53:28] This is your purpose




    "We can take those memories and turn those traumas, those emotional pains into love." ~ Suzanna Kennedy




    Suzanna's links:

    Suzanna's book Sacred Union:


    Website:   https://www.suzannakennedy.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reality.Crafting.Suzanna/

    ** Go to Suzanna's website for the Violet Flame meditation download**


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Do you need support during this time?

    Check out  my NEW programme on the following link:



    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music


    The Beautiful Side of Grief
    enFebruary 07, 2024

    Season 6 Trailer

    Season 6 Trailer

    I hope 2024 has started off well for you!


    Apologies for not letting you know season 5 was finishing with Nick's episode and that I would be off for a few weeks.


    Season 6 is on the way, though, early Feb with a line up of fabulous guests for you that i give you a sampling of in the trailer.


    I'm also on the lookout for some people willing to test out my new programme free of charge in return for feedback. If you are interested drop me an email to thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com with ALOHA in the subject line.


    Catch up with you soon!


    Cheers - Helen 💜

    110. What WILLIAM would want | Nick Shaw

    110. What WILLIAM would want | Nick Shaw

    How does a grieving, introverted dad cope with the loss of his 9 year old son after a magical day of skiing? He goes within - deep within. And from that emerges an incredibly insightful, compassionate book that tackles the complexies of child loss head on. Nick Shaw has written a book that is open. Is vulnerable. Is honest. Is beautiful. It's a journey to finding peace within, living in the present moment, and recognising the value of support and community. It also addresses the courage required to add another child into the family dynamic, without that child serving as a replacement.

    This is a wonderful and inspiring conversation that I have with Nick, about the loss of his son William, navigating the nuances of child loss, and writing beautiful poetry. He draws on his expertise as an accomplished executive coach, to help you think about how you accept and honour child loss...or any loss for that matter.


    Nick's Bio

    Nick Shaw is an accomplished executive coach, author, and speaker known for his profound insights into personal transformation, self-discovery, and authentic leadership. Through much reflection and soul-searching, Nick has realized a need to help others find ways of living more intentional and meaningful lives. As an executive coach, Nick works with leaders to help them fully embrace the privilege of being a leader to help them create environments where their team members can thrive. Nick is the Co-founder of Mirrorbox Leadership Lab, an Executive Coaching and Leadership Development consulting firm. Utilizing an individuals real life experiences, Mirrorbox’s goal is to help senior level leaders and  teams bring about meaningful change in service of their personal and organizational growth.

    With the 2023 release of his debut book, My Teacher, My Son: Lessons on Life, Loss, and Love, Nick invited readers to embark on an introspective journey of their own. Through a compelling narrative about his experience losing his son, William, at just nine years old, Nick’s book stretches the boundaries of the memoir form to teach and inspire its readers and to help them through their own complex emotions and experiences. In the pages of My Teacher, My Son, Nick offers a thought-provoking and supportive guide that urges individuals to examine their lives with honesty and self-compassion. Through poignant anecdotes, Nick encourages readers to reevaluate their choices and embrace a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.

    As of the publication of My Teacher, My Son, Nick lives in Carlisle, Massachusetts, with his wife, Susan, and his sons Kai (11) and Bodhi (3). His eldest son, William, is buried in Green Cemetery in Carlisle, a place where the family often spends time together and finds peace. Nick and his family enjoy spending time outdoors, hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, kayaking, and stand-up paddle boarding.

    In this episode, Nick shares:

    [00:03:04] favourite memories of William

    [00:04:42] a glimpse of life before

    [00:06:04] the accident

    [00:09:07] taking time out

    [00:10:53] how taking time helped the family

    [00:12:02] working out what Kai needed

    [00:13:58] the nameless club

    [00:14:58] key learnings William gifted you

    [00:17:09] being yourself

    [00:17:49] Viktor Frankl's The Meaning of Life

    [00:19:14] discovering you're a poet

    [00:21:52] the change process

    [00:24:07] finding your purpose

    [00:27:24] the yearning to be there with them

    [00:30:37] a new addition to the family

    [00:32:45] love and loss existing together

    [00:33:50] unique grief

    ... and so much more!



    "He was such a lover. That was just his nature. He was a very sensitive and loving boy." ~ Nick Shaw





    Nick's links:

    Website:  www.meetnickshaw.com

    Book - My Teacher, My Son: Lessons on Life, Loss, and Love https://a.co/d/2Pny0Mo


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music

    109. Delivering a MIRACLE! | Julia Marie

    109. Delivering a MIRACLE! | Julia Marie

    My guest, Julia Marie, was just like you and me, until life took an unexpected turn. She had a STE - a Spriritual Transforming Event, that took her away from conventional life and the military to communicating with the spirit world in fascinating ways. And she shares that everyone has these skills, if we choose to tap into them.


    Losing her brother at a young age opened Julia to awareness around not ignoring her intuition and that when we are more than our physical bodies. Years later, not feeling a fit with the life she was living led her to the awakening of her skills and a profound experience of mediumship with her brother.


    We have a fascinating conversation that explores how Julia was influenced by brother's death, found a life of spirituality to eventually become a conduit for healing and messages from Ascended Masters.



    Julia's Bio

    Julia Marie was just like you, until a series of Spiritually Transformative Events (STEs) changed everything.

    More than three decades later, she is ready to share what she's learned by living life guided by the wisdom within.

    She is a gifted trans-dimensional healer, intuitive medium, and experienced spiritual teacher.

    Her greatest honor is to provide messages of healing, hope and encouragement from those living on the other side of Life to their loved ones still here. She's served Spirit as a medium for almost 15 years.

    Julia Marie provides spiritual consultations to a global clientele, and looks forward to bringing her grounded, practical approach to spirituality to your audience. Her website is www.JuliaMarie.us, and her podcast can be found at www.EvolvingHumansPodcast.com.


    In this episode, Julia shares:

    [00:03:13] Most unusual job

    [00:04:54] Loss of her brother at a young age & lessons learned

    [00:08:20] Connecting through a book

    [00:11:01] Journey of awakening

    [00:14:05] Coping with seeing spirits

    [00:15:23] How spirit communicated

    [00:18:01] What our loved ones want us to know

    [00:20:33] If you think you are not receiving signs

    [00:24:13] Why our loved ones don't want us to be sad

    [00:25:28] Resources to tap into your intuition

    [00:36:36] RET energy healing

    [00:38:32] What the team is able to do

    [00:41:20] Delivering a Miracle

    ... and so much more!




    "My intent is just to be a clear and perfect channel for whatever is flowing through me to that person." ~ Julia Marie





    Julia's links:

    Website:  https://www.JuliaMarie.us

    Podcast:  https://www.EvolvingHumansPodcast.com

    Book - :   https://www.amazon.com/Signals-My-Soul-Spiritual-Awakening-ebook/dp/B0CQS6PXNN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XNR018UVHU68&keywords=Signals+from+My+Soul&qid=1703890663&s=digital-text&sprefix=signals+from+my+soul%2Cdigital-text%2C183&sr=1-1

    Get your  guide to 7 Simple Intuition Hacks via Julia's website


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    108. Awakening - the GIFT of Loss | Michael McGinnis

    108. Awakening - the GIFT of Loss | Michael McGinnis

    The death of my beautiful daughter, Tahl, led me on a path of discovery... And to an awakening.  The loss was so profound I ceased to view life as I once had. This event forced me to question a lot of aspects of my life and how I was living it... And this led to the happiness I have today.


    My guest on this episode, Michael McGinnis, explores this in a lot more depth. He helps us understand that we are ALL on a journey of awakening - we will just do it in different ways and at different times. What's really cool though, is that he has written a series of fictional books that grab our attention and entertain us while imparting these essential messages.


    The topic may be a little different though I'm sure you will welcome joining us in this insightful conversation 💜


    Michael's Bio

    As a change catalyst Michael McGinnis has dedicated his life to the awakening of humanity on a global level. Through extensive self-study and first-hand experience, he has been gifted to serve as a channel for the words the world needs to hear at the most crucial moment in history.

    Michael shows that through our perception, we are solely responsible for the joy and contentment we will experience in our lives, therein lying the key to our liberation or the lock that keeps us in the prison of victimhood indefinitely. “When you recreate the world through your perception, you not only recreate it for yourself but all people of the World.”


    In this episode, Michael shares:

    [00:02:26] Background to wanting to empower people

    [00:03:32] Catalyst for his awakening

    [00:04:33] Victim mentality

    [00:06:10] Conscious awakening

    [00:09:09] The Essential revolution

    [00:11:15] Channeling the books

    [00:13:40] Being open to downloads

    [00:16:31] Victimhood

    [00:22:53] The gift in opening up

    [00:25:50] Signs you're ready to awaken

    [00:28:45] Why are we here?

    [00:32:06] The Invitation - second book

    [00:34:32] Synopsis of all 3 books

    [00:36:17] How do we get a different message out there

    [00:42:03] Choosing your role

    [00:43:44] Standing for Sovereignty




    "The best thing you could do is to be the best example of the best version you can be." ~ Michael McGinnis





    Michael's links:

    Website:    https://www.michaelmcginnis.com/

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/michaelmcginnisofficial/

    IG:            https://www.instagram.com/michaelmcginnisofficial

    TikTok:      https://www.tiktok.com/@michaelmcginnisofficial?_t=8gds9pnelqd&_r=1

    YouTube:   https://youtube.com/@michaelmcginnisofficial



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music

    107. The Other Side of the GUN! | Susan Snow

    107. The Other Side of the GUN! | Susan Snow

    This is an episode that clearly illustrates the devastating effects trauma and PTSD can have on a person's life.

    My guest, Susan Snow, is the daughter of an Los Angeles Police Detective who was ambushed and killed on Halloween night back in 1985, while picking up his then 6 year old son from school. But worse was to come - both she and her mother were called to the school where they witnessed the body and the aftermath. Years later, the school shooting at Columbine High School brought Susan's trauma back to the surface with such a force, that she had no option but to seek help. Five years ago Susan undertook another painful task, reliving these events over and over again, to write her book - The Other Side of the Gun - My Journey from Trauma to Resiliency.

    This is an incredible story of the impacts of trauma, how to recognise the signs, and then finding a way to heal.


    Susan's Bio

    Susan Snow is the daughter of slain LAPD Detective Thomas C. Williams, who was ambushed and killed on October 31, 1985 when she was 17. She is a published author, speaker, and coach. Susan currently works as a Realtor in the Denver Metro area.



    In this episode, Susan shares:

    [00:02:57] A special memory of her dad

    [00:04:13] Teenage Susan

    [00:07:48] Susan post her dad's death

    [00:10:53] learning to hide behind the mask

    [00:15:08] The trigger of Columbine

    [00:17:50] The road to healing

    [00:20:11] The benefits of journaling

    [00:22:04] Rose-coloured glasses

    [00:24:32] EMDR

    [00:27:20] Trust and the therapist

    [00:34:15] You're not broken

    [00:34:41] How did it manifest for your brother?

    [00:35:59] Stackable trauma

    [00:42:08] Repercussions of putting yourself out there

    [00:45:06] Finding forgiveness

    [00:48:29] Massive turning point

    [00:53:09] Having control over my own self

    [00:58:15] Coming full circle

    ... and so much more!



    "I feel like it stole and robbed a lot of living from me." ~ Susan Snow





    Susan's links:

    Website:    http://susansnowspeaks.com

    Facebook:  http://facebook.com/SusanSnow

    IG:            http://Instagram.com/Susan_Snow1

    The Other Side of the Gun: My Journey from Trauma to Resiliency:



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    106. Wolfie's WISH for YOU! |Erica Messer

    106. Wolfie's WISH for YOU! |Erica Messer

    Is your pet your lifeline?

    Your absolute best friend, who provides you with unconditional love no matter what life is throwing at you?

    Perhaps you've even lost your treasured companion and are grieving and suffering in silence because it feels like nobody understands the impact their death is having on you...


    Then listen up! I have a guest today who is going to shed some beautiful light on honouring this important and valued pet, or pets, in your life. Erica Messer uses social media to share the important message that your pet matters - and being able to grieve them matters even more. Her website is a treasure trove of resources - videos, blogs, Pet Counselors, book recommendations, pet loss gifts including the Wolfie's Wish collection. Plus, she hosts a support group especially for pet lovers, where you can join like-minded souls in the journey of grieving. We have a fabulous conversation about all this and more today.


    Erica's Bio

    After the sudden passing of her cat, Wolfgang, Erica couldn’t find a simple product to help her cope so she created her own: Pet Loss Grieving Cards. Thus, her company Wolfie’s Wish was born. Grieving Cards have since won “Best New Product” at the Superzoo tradeshow.



    In this episode, Erica shares:

    [00:02:25] On performing pop and rock covers on her harp

    [00:04:38] The role Wolfie played

    [00:06:46] Why it is okay to lose your sh*t when they die

    [00:09:28] How Erica knew she was really being affectedd by Wolfie's passing

    [00:14:00] Karen Anderson & The Amazing Afterlife of Animals

    [00:15:33] Confronting beliefs

    [00:18:01] What really helped

    [00:21:02] Developing Wolfie's Wish

    [00:25:32] Trust -and amking a sustainable living

    [00:27:52] What else Erica offers

    [00:32:53] Shout out to mom

    [00:33:30] Self-care practices to consider

    [00:38:08] How has life changed

    [00:41:40] Even if you don't understand pet loss...

    [00:46:16] How to contact and final questions




    "And she's oh, Wolfie's Wish. And I said, what's that? And she said it's his wish is for all of us to heal." ~ Erica Messer





    Erica's links:

    Website:  www.wolfieswish.com

    Email:      erica@wolfieswish.com


    IG:          www.instagram.com/wolfies_wish



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!


    105. Defying DEVASTATING Loss! | AJ Coleman

    105. Defying DEVASTATING Loss! | AJ Coleman

    What makes someone resilient?

    Is it their ability to navigate a life-long disability?

    Is it learning to cope to with the pressures that come with that disability - being left out, feeling different, not fitting in?

    Overcoming anxiety and panic attacks?

    Is it suffering not one, or two, but multiple job losses when you are the bread-winner?

    Is it being left to raise a young baby as you also work, and provide care for your wife who has less than a year to live? Then deeply mourning the love of your life?

    Is it raising a child as a widowed dad?


    Any one of these would probably produce a resilient person. All of them combined makes AJ Coleman a very compassionate, beautiful, heart-centered guy, who is dedicated to sharing his wisdom with others through our conversation together and through his book 'Keep Those Feet Moving'.


    There was loads of info we didn't get a chance to explore, though what we did is a gift to you!


    AJ's Bio

    AJ Coleman holds several titles, including widower and single father. He’s also overcome a hearing impairment, job loss, and crippling anxiety. Through it all, AJ learned to channel these setbacks mentally and emotionally, finding the new inner strength to reach higher limits. He has embraced, accepted, and grown from his past through self-discovery.

    Now, what began as a blog to share his experiences and perspectives has turned into his true passion for helping others also conquer life’s challenges with practical guidance and resources. Despite his obstacles, AJ has a very positive outlook on life. He reminds himself daily of how far he’s come and always remembers to be thankful for each opportunity.

    A certified anti-money laundering specialist (CAMS) and fraud examiner (CFE), AJ earned his bachelor of science from the University of Florida–becoming a die hard Gator fan–and MBA from the University of Arizona.

    AJ lives in Illinois with his wife, Tracy, and daughter, Zoey. His late wife and Zoey’s mother, Cory, lost her battle with brain cancer at 33. In addition to being a devoted father, AJ loves to travel and learn languages and is an avid Florida Gator football fan.


    In this episode, AJ shares:

    [00:01:57] Wonderful memory of his wife

    [00:05:16] AJ's background

    [00:09:14] Getting through the diagnosis and being a first-time dad

    [00:13:27] Inner strength and resilience

    [00:16:32] Hiding from his hearing impairment

    [00:21:20] Being mum and dad - figuring things out

    [00:28:12] Navigating the 'mum' questions

    [00:33:37] Behinf the title - Keep Those Feet Moving

    [00:36:58] The Why and the Where

    [00:40:23] Moving from devastating loss to celebration

    [00:43:35] A different perspective on job loss

    [00:50:39] Additional thought

    [00:53:30] Wrapping up

    ... and so much more!



    "I'm moving forward no matter what setback I have, no matter what challenge that is presented." ~ AJ Coleman





    AJ's links:

    Website:    www.keepthosefeetmoving.com

    Facebook:  www.facebook.com/keepthosefeetmoving

    IG:            www.instagram.com/keepthosefeetmoving/

    Book:        https://www.amazon.com/Keep-Those-Feet-Moving


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


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    104. An ISOLATING, Uncomfortable, Confusing MESS! | Rebecca Whyman

    104. An ISOLATING, Uncomfortable, Confusing MESS! | Rebecca Whyman

    So you think life is going swimmingly well... then out of the blue your partner chooses to take his life, leaving you with a one-year-old, having to deal with disgruntled family members, plus a whole host of other issues to sort through!


    This is what my guest, Alexandra Wyman experienced. She shares her story with an honesty, vulnerability, and an openness, that comes from having to face the worst of life head-on - partner loss through suicide and the very messy aftermath of that. Her anchor was her young son - wanting to be the best role model she could be for him.


    I would love for you to join us as we explore Alexandra's journey and her book The Suicide Club:What To Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death.


    This episode may be triggering for some listeners so please exercise discretion. Please ensure you take extra good care of yourself and reach out for support from family, friends and professionals if you to 💜


    Alexandra's Bio

    Alexandra Wyman is an advocate and public speaker for resources in the aftermath of suicide. After she lost her husband to suicide in August of 2020, Alexandra found a need to change the language around suicide, and decided to write about it. Her memoir, The Suicide Club: What To Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death is an Amazon best seller. She has spoken at a variety of conferences and been on a variety of podcasts. Her story has also been featured on Today.com and CNN.com. Alexandra is the host of The Widows Club podcast. She practices pediatric occupational therapy and lives in Colorado with her son.


    In this episode, Alexandra shares:

    [00:02:48] Sharing the Shawn she knew

    [00:04:13] Favourite memory

    [00:05:44] What happened & the aftermath

    [00:08:16] Angry - but not at Shawn

    [00:09:14] Knowing

    [00:10:07] The stressors

    [00:13:02] Accepting the decision but not agreeing with it

    [00:15:01] Beliefs and loving ourselves

    [00:19:29] Growing strong kids

    [00:23:13] The isolating, uncomfortable, confusing mess

    [00:25:58] Challenges that surprised

    [00:29:03] The resources you need (& more on her website under the Tips Guide!)

    [00:34:01] The other stuff that came up

    [00:38:48] Navigating this with a young child

    [00:43:46] The elevator speech

    [00:49:53] Finding your anchor

    ...And other great insights!



    "Is it the grief that changes? Or is it our healing that changes how the grief impacts us?" ~ Unknown





    Alexandra's links:

    The Suicide Club Book:


    Website:     www.forwardtojoy.com

    Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/AlexandraWyman 

    IG:             https://instagram.com/forwardtojoy

    Book Recommendation: The Secret Language of Your Body - Inna Segal


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music

    103. A MULTI-SENSITIVE'S take on grief | Tracee Dunblazier

    103. A MULTI-SENSITIVE'S take on grief | Tracee Dunblazier

    Imagine crying yourself to sleep every single night from a young age because of all the grief you felt... that's what highly sensitive and multi-spirited Tracee Dunblazier did.


    Tracee is a highly respected authority on grief and in this episode we take a look at her book -Transformative Grief: An Ancient Ritual of Healing for Modern Times. This is a book helps people think differently about grief and healing, no matter what type of heartache they are experiencing. It has been described as an "eloquent, straight-forward lighthouse for anyone lost in the deep waters of grief."

    As well as great information on a vast array of different forms of grief, it is also a resource with ideas on how to process any particular type of grief, how to address certain topics such as speaking to someone who has lost a child, to processing end of life.


    We also deep-dive into her spirituality, what's behind night terrors (and the burlap sack of apples!), layered grief, child loss - and her favourite crystal - which also happens to be great for grief!


    Tracee's Bio

    Tracee Dunblazier, GC-C, is a Los Angeles-based spiritual empath, shaman, and an eight-time national award-winning author. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee's blend of intuitive information combined with different modalities has provided the opportunity for many to achieve deep healing and create the success and peace they seek in their lives. 


    Her compassionate, humorous, down-to-earth style empowers her clients, readers, and listeners to address difficult topics with courage and clarity. Because of this, Tracee is consistently called upon by the media for expert commentary on spirituality and relationship dynamics. In 2015, Tracee founded GoTracee Publishing LLC, a nationally awarded hybrid publisher that specializes in spirit-healing narrative nonfiction, and oracle decks-tools for self-discovery. These best-sellers offer light in a dark place-game changers for those who suffer.



    In this episode Tracee shares:

    [00:01:19] Favourite crystal

    [00:02:36] Childhood & what led to her to the world of grief

    [00:03:41] Are your family also spiritual

    [00:04:48] What led to writing the book

    [00:05:28] Healing your soul history

    [00:07:41] Night terrors

    [00:11:32] It's a good thing to be crying

    [00:13:31] Needing all the information around grief

    [00:16:31] Transformative grief

    [00:22:12] Illusion and delusion

    [00:25:23] All grief is transit - changing your relationship

    [00:26:22] Radical acceptance

    [00:27:52] Examples of suppressed emotions

    [00:31:21] Humiliation

    [00:34:42] How grief informs the systems in our bodies

    [00:35:54] Self loathing

    [00:40:35] Why some people never grieve at all

    [00:43:13] Ripple effect of suicide and suicidal ideation




    "The world, every minute of every day, things are changing. And if you don't like them right now, just give it five minutes." ~ Tracee Dunblazier





    Tracee's links:

    Website:    www.Traceedunblazier.com

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/traceedunblazier

    IG:               https://instagram.com/traceedunblazier

    YouTube:   Www.youtube.com/gotracee

    Check out - https://www.ourhouse-grief.org/



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    102. Teetering - TRUTHS about Bipolar | Steve Wilson

    102. Teetering - TRUTHS about Bipolar | Steve Wilson

    Do you feel like very single day is a balancing act?

    One moment you are okay, and then the next moment you are spiralling out of control. Your thoughts are all over the place. You feel that nobody will understand what you are going through. You feel isolated, alone on this journey, even if you are surrounded by family, workmates, friends, a room full of people. You live in fear that you are crazy. 


    If you are feeling any of this, my guest, Steve Wilson's story of a life-long struggle with bipolar will provide you a lot of valuable information that will help you in your own journey from recognising the signs, dealing with professionals, medications, to finding community in support groups. There isn't much he hasn't experienced. He shares his story with openness, vulnerability and so much heart. A must-listen for anyone experiencing the grief surrounding mental illness.


    Please note - this episode may be triggering if you have been on a similar journey yourself of sexual abuse and suicidal ideation. If this is you, please exercise discretion when listening and make sure you are well supported by family, friends, or professional services. Though, I have to also share that this is a life story that is so worth listening to. If you are not quite ready for this episode, you might want to check out his book “Teetering on a Tightrope, my bipolar journey” as a first step.

    Whatever your journey, I wish you well💜



    Steve's Bio

    From Delaware, Ohio, now reside in Scottsdale, Arizona. 74, married for 51 years, 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters. Retired from custom clothing business in 2019. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1978. Wrote my memoir. “Teetering on a Tightrope, my bipolar journey” in 2022.

    For the last seven years I have been the facilitator of two mental health support groups in Phoenix, Arizona. Through my own experiences and those of the numerous people I have worked with, I consider myself to be pretty damn knowledgeable on real life bipolar disorder. I reached out to ADAA because my research on who to contact showed that the organization is considered as one of the best.

    Teetering is both a deeply personal memoir and a call to action, rallying the reader to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness and find the support they need to resurrect their lives.


    Steve shares:


    [00:02:55]  I've been married for 51 years. I've ...

    [00:03:36]  What drives him to talk about bipolar

    [00:08:34]  What triggered my bipolar

    [00:09:39]  The day he decided to tell his psychiatrist

    [00:11:09]  Why it took so long to tell his wife

    [00:11:57]  What he has found working in support groups

    [00:13:01]  Family issues & faking it all the time

    [00:16:32]  Dealing with and overcoming suicide ideation

    [00:18:57]  Missing all the signals

    [00:21:23]  Discovering the depression was bipolar

    [00:24:29]  Leni & discovering Lithium

    [00:27:08]  Trust required in a specialist

    [00:32:34]  The burden on youth

    [00:36:15]  Recognising the mental health within his own childrne

    [00:41:22]  Loss of his daughter

    [00:44:01]  Key messages

    [00:49:29]  The value of finding a support group

    [00:50:37]  Round up questions





    "I was a jokester. I screwed around at school, and had what everybody thought was fun, but on the inside I was exploding." ~ Steve Wilson





    Steve's links:

    Website:   https://authorstevewwilson.com

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/stevewilson4990

    IG:           https://instagram.com/stevewilson4990


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    101. BEFORE You Go to the Dr LISTEN to This! | Dr Alex Joannou

    101. BEFORE You Go to the Dr LISTEN to This! | Dr Alex Joannou

    Falling ill as a doctor dramatically changed Dr Alex Joannou's life. His search for an alternative to surgery led him to exploring a variety of natural healing options including the Chinese philosophy of medicine to improve his own health.


    As part of his practice, he developed an integrative form of acupuncture incorporating Indian and Chinese philosphies, designed to raise people's levels of consciousness. He used this system initially to treat physical ailments, though was receiving such great feedback for overall improvement of health that he began using it for patients with various kind of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety and even, bereavement. His patients experienced such a dramatic improvement that he decided to document it in his book, Stick it to Depression: Get Your Life Back Naturally, and share this life-changing tool. Along side of this he also developed a version of the book as a resource for other doctors, with 80% of doctors' consults involving mental health issues... That's astounding! Take a listen, you wont be disappointed!



    Dr Alex's Bio

    Dr. Alex Joannou, Founder of Transformational Acupuncture International, is the leading global expert on depression and acupuncture, an award-winning speaker, 2x #1 best-selling author, and highly accredited GP. His 40-year medical career spans 400,000 patient consultations and over 60,000 acupuncture treatments. Dr. Alex trains acupuncture practitioners globally to “Stick It To Depression” using Transformational Acupuncture.


    In this episode, Dr Alex shares:

    [00:01:46] the story of his colourful shirts

    [00:05:15] his background of being a GP

    [00:05:26] developing Crohn's disease and the journey with that

    [00:09:25] developing transformational acupuncture

    [00:10:27] patient story with osteo arthritis

    [00:13:58] stats around depression and suicide in Australia

    [00:16:14] depression related to grief

    [00:20:23] why the balancing of our chakras is so important

    [00:23:29] taking responsibility for your own healing

    [00:26:32] how transformational acupuncture differs from traditional acupuncture

    [00:28:23] dealing with needle phobia

    [00:30:22] passing the system on to other practitioners

    [00:33:12] delivering quicker results

    [00:34:57] what conditions it doesn't work well with

    [00:36:29] what you can experience from this type of treatment

    [00:38:55] results from research group

    [00:39:46] tool for doctors

    [00:39:46] advice if you're stuck not able to access healthcare in a timely way

    [00:45:05] roundup questions

    [00:47:30] final thoughts around hope




    "There's 280 million people in the world with depression, believe it or not. That's the estimate by the World Health Organization, and I thought,I've really got to try and get that message out there." ~ Dr Alexander Joannou




    Dr Alex's links:

    Website:   https://stickittodepression.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrAlexJ

    IG:           https://www.instagram.com/dralexjoannou/

    Twitter:    https://twitter.com/Dr_Alex_Joannou

    Book:       https://www.amazon.com/Stick-Depression-Your-Life-Naturally/dp/0648701832


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    100. Monsters in My Closet | Star Hansen

    100. Monsters in My Closet | Star Hansen

    WooHoo! The Beautiful Side of Grief has hit 100 episodes!! I am so grateful to YOU for listening 🙏


    And what better way to celebrate than to understand what your clutter is saying to you! Yes, your clutter talks. It tells the story of what you fear, what you're hiding, what you need to feel safe... And so much more.


    Star Hansen is known as the Clutter Whisperer. Her approach is probably unlike  any you've seen or heard of before. It's compassionate. It's non-judgemental. It's real. And it works. Plus, you don't need to strive for a perfectly tidy house!


    Star guides us through this episode revealing the little-known stuff that you need to understand about what your clutter is revealing to you. The stuff that is often hidden from you at a subconscious level, so you may spend many years blindly unaware of your clutter story. Though once you know you then have the power to finally start shifting that stuck energy!That's exciting!


    In this episode I share some of my own struggles with clutter... Knowing how to deal with Tahl's possessions after she died. Staring at the unpacked boxes and not able to face them because of the memories they would bring to the surface. Plus how I felt about living with my mum's clutter as a child growing up and unable to do anything about it. I felt anxious, embarrassed, angry at my mum (sorry mum!) and helpless. I am sure I am not alone with these struggles.


    This is a powerful episode! 


    Star's Bio

    Star Hansen is a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO©) and Clutter Whisperer

    on a mission to help you banish your personal Clutter Monster, take control of

    your stuff, and create a life you’re truly proud of. Star looks at the deeper meaning

    of your stuff to help you figure out WHY you feel overwhelmed by your clutter in

    the first place. Star’s best selling book, “Why the F*#@ Am I Still Not Organized?”,

    has inspired countless individuals to tackle their clutter head-on and find lasting

    solutions. She has appeared on over 30 TV shows, given a TEDx talk, and shared

    her fitted sheet folding secrets with Oprah & her fans. Her unique methodology has

    helped thousands of people get (and stay!) organized when nothing else worked.



    Star shares the following:

    [00:03:13] What Star shared with Oprah

    [00:04:48] Sorting her grandpa's possessions changed her life

    [00:07:50] What led to becoming an organizer

    [00:10:53] Difference between clutter and hoarding

    [00:13:02] When someone wants to get help for a person with their hoarding

    [00:14:00] What NOT to tell someone who is struggling with clutter

    [00:14:35] What to say

    [00:16:00] Why she is a compassionate, non-judgmental organizer

    [00:17:34] Why people have clutter around them

    [00:21:29] Is conscious or subsconscious - what discovery questions reveal

    [00:22:50] Seeing through the clutter

    [00:25:43] What rooms represent

    [00:25:43] When you are a mirror to behaviours

    [00:31:15] What's stopping you getting organized

    [00:33:56] Honouring your loved one

    [00:38:34] Identifying our emotions - the list

    [00:41:54] The flip side of clutter

    [00:42:39] Helen's struggle of liviing with clutetr

    [00:45:44] Generatonal healing

    [00:46:27] The prep list to avoid distraction

    [00:48:16] Maintaining the orde

    [00:48:16] Everyone is an organizing genius

    [00:51:37] Dealing with a loved one's possessions who has passed on

    [00:55:51] What makes your book different

    [00:57:29] Final questions - best thing that happened; what most grateful for; what to do

                     when you have moments not going so well




    "The biggest thing that's stopping you from getting organized is the emotions - the overwhelm, the fear, the shame, the sadness, the grief." ~ Star Hansen





    Star's links:

    Website:   https://starhansen.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarHansen/

    YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/starhansen

    Twitter:     https://twitter.com/starhansen

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/star.hansen/

    TikTok:     https://www.tiktok.com/@starhansen

    Get a FREE copy of Star’s book, “Why the F*#@ Am I Still Not Organized?” at https://starhansen.com/podcast

    Feelings list: https://starhansen.com/feelingslist

    10 Steps to Get and Stay Organized (plus loads of other free resources): https://starhansen.com/2018-9-25-how-to-build-your-home-organizing-toolkit/

    Take the Quiz: https://starhansen.com/monsterquiz



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    99. If You Don't Own It, It Owns You | Marsha Vanwynsberghe

    99. If You Don't Own It, It Owns You | Marsha Vanwynsberghe

    Parenting - best job in the world, right?

    Not if you lose a precious child in unimaginable circumstances.

    Not if you are a parent having to hide the shame, guilt and embarrassment of the choices of your children make. 


    When her young teen boys found themselves caught up in substance abuse, Marsha Vanwynsberghe desperately sought a solution to help them. It was a dark, hidden world of masks, shame, guilt and hidden voices. Marsha decided to speak up. In doing so, she discovered that by freeing herself she freed her boys. As she confronted the difficult stuff she found her own story, and the courage to help others find and share their stories. As a precursor, Marsha also takes us on a journey of child loss in unimaginable circumstances and the impacts of that, on herself, her husband and their boys.


    This is a powerful episode full of hope. Full of courage. Full of information to help you rebuild your life to be able to fully find the light within. Our lives are full of mistakes. It's taking ownership of them that makes the difference.


    Marsha's Bio

    Years ago, in the midst of dealing with teen substance abuse, I lost my voice, my drive, and shame and judgment ruled my life. I was consumed with trying to fix, manage and control others. When I started to share my story on small stages, online, on podcasts, I could have never predicted that I would find my soul's purpose. I learned that I wasn't alone in my pain, and realized that the reasons we tend to feel alone is because we don't like to talk about the difficult things/parts/and stories in our lives. It became a personal mission to share my vulnerable story more openly. I wrote in 3 collaborative books, spoke on stages, launched my podcast, Own Your Choices Own Your Life, and released my bestselling solo book, When She Stopped Asking Why. Since then, I have been published 7 xs, launched a second podcast, created a brand new business from scratch during a pandemic, recovered from full back surgery, and am more passionate than ever that our stories are meant to be shared to serve, support and impact others. I am now an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, and have created a certification to support people in using NLP techniques to heal from their stories, craft their talk from stage, from a podcast, write their book, or grow their business. In addition, I see creating a publishing house to support people in sharing their stories, supporting authors and becoming published authors. Through these tools, NLP certifications, programs, coaching and two podcasts, I will continue to teach the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Our Choices in our own life. I empower men and women how to own and stand on their stories, be conscious leaders and build profitable platform businesses that create massive impact.


    In this episode, Marsha shares the following:

    [00:01:14] Fur babies

    [00:02:54] Intuitively knowing to get a dog

    [00:04:50] Marsha's background

    [00:07:10] The loss of Izzy

    [00:10:05] Findiing a mass

    [00:11:12] What the next six years looked like

    [00:13:27] How the pregnancy saved her life

    [00:14:51] The impact of chronic illess on the family

    [00:16:12] How people view the loss of a child pre full-term

    [00:18:45] Viewing miscarriages from the spouse's perspective

    [00:21:18] When things go awry that the fighter-fixer can't fix

    [00:24:07] Not your problem to solve

    [00:25:08] Finding a parent group that fit and the 100,000 mom fb group

    [00:26:18] Healing to share her journey

    [00:30:12] Not being in control and taking responsibility

    [00:32:23] Understanding change doesn't come from a space of blame

    [00:34:44] You don't get to pick and choose their behaviours

    [00:35:00] Taking care of self changed how she responded which changed what happened

    [00:38:44] Life with no regrets and who owns the problem

    [00:39:42] Leading yourself

    [00:41:55] Healing and sharing her story

    [00:46:24] Letting the masks fall away

    [00:47:10] Advice for others wanting to share their story

    [00:49:00] If you don't own the story it owns you


    ... and so much more!



    "I learned how to take care of myself, which changed how I was responding to what was happening, which started to change what was happening." ~ Marsha Vanwynsberghe





    Marsha's links:

    Website:  https://www.marshavanw.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marsha.vanwynsberghe

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/marshavanw/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@marshavanw

    YouTube: https://bit.ly/3Dmk75q




    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    98. Remembering Who You Love | Paul Zolman

    98. Remembering Who You Love | Paul Zolman

    Like me, you have probably grown up knowing about the 5 types of love language and may even know yours (mine is physical touch!). Growing up in a home devoid of love, full of anger and several failed relationships, it is surprising to find my guest, Paul Zolman's, life focused around love and the role of love.


    Through pivotal life experiences, including his mum having 3 children die, the loss of both parents over the last several years plus a brother last year, Paul came across Gary Chapman's Love Languages and began to apply them to his life. What resulted was, rather than solely identifying your own love language or your partner's, Paul developed a way to incorporate all the love languages into everyday life. He also shares new way to use the love languages that can help you remember what you loved about that person more than feel sad for yourself that they are gone. It's simple, yet super effective to create that loving mindset from grief. A mindset that can change literally within 30 days!


    Paul's Bio

    Paul Zolman has created a new way to demonstrate the principles of the love languages. It's a profound way to learn all five love languages to give them away. By giving them away, your vision will improve to the point that you can see them coming your way and respond appropriately. The system is so easy that even young children can be trained in this love giving system. Spoiler alert: it's a game where everyone wins.


    In this episode, Paul shares:

    [00:01:18] His generational background

    [00:02:05] Grandfather giving away his children

    [00:04:44] Breaking generational patterns

    [00:06:54] Residual anger

    [00:08:10] The event that began the turning point

    [00:13:04] Mum losing 3 children under the age of two

    [00:14:47] Losing his brother

    [00:16:51] Finding the Love Languages

    [00:22:10] Defining the 5 languages

    [00:25:37] A different way of looking at the languages

    [00:30:19] Grief and giving to others

    [00:32:53] The best sunsets have clouds

    [00:35:16] Overcoming grief with gratitude

    [00:37:29] What my relationships look like now

    [00:41:58] If it's out of your wheelhouse you don't have control over it

    [00:42:23] Using the love languages to make a difference in schools

    [00:45:33] Creating the daily habit of love

    [00:48:21] No dice? Improvise

    ... and so much more!



    "it took me six months of doing this... before I realized that the very best sunrises and the very best sunsets all have clouds." ~ Paul Zolman





    Paul's links:

    Website:  www.roleoflove.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulzolman/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/roleoflovedice/

    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/roleoflovedice



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!