
    The Beautiful Side of Grief

    The Beautiful Side of Grief your go-to weekly podcast if you are wanting to hear interviews from people who have moved through heart-wrenching loss or those who are at the coal-face supporting this process. It diverse, heart-warming though most of all it is positive and filled with go-to's that you can use yourself. For user-friendly FREE resources visit https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com/free-resources
    enHelen Morris121 Episodes

    Episodes (121)

    97. The Cost of Angel Wings | June K Collins

    97. The Cost of Angel Wings | June K Collins

    March 20, 2012, at 4:00 AM, my nightmare began. My Kaleb gained his angel wings. I still, years later can remember every single detail of the night he died. It is a trauma I never will forget.


    Despite knowing Kaleb's day would come sooner than most, June was shocked when it happened unexpectedly. She felt alienated. That she had to walk alone in her grief. It was a year later that June made the courageous decision to fight the demons taking over her life and find her way back from child loss. In doing so, she discovered almost everything about herself and her life had changed. Through trial and error, she found what helps to give her understanding and peace.


    This episode is June's open, honest acccount of what she went through to have the life she has today, 11 years on, and the group she formed that helps other mommas facing childloss rebuild, and find their purpose. 




    June K. Collins is a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach. In 2012, she lost her son, Kaleb, and found herself hitting rock bottom and not understanding how to rebuild her life without Kaleb in it. During this time, she found a passion with the mind and how individuals react to trauma. Through her own experience and education, she now helps other women rebuild and find purpose in their life.

    June K. Collins wrote a book detailing her experiences with child loss and the demons she faced. She wrote 'Momma, You Don't Heal' to help other women to realize they are not alone and to help them begin the initial steps to rebuild their own life with purpose.


    Momma, You Don't Heal was released on June 16, 2023, her 12th birthday after the loss of her son, Kaleb.



    In this episode, June shares the following:

    [00:01:13] Favourite memories of Kaleb

    [00:01:56] Taking Kaleb to the Bahamas

    [00:01:56] Thanksgiving 2009 & Kaleb's birth

    [00:04:33] Conditions Kaleb was born with & life expectancy

    [00:06:10] Responding to Kaleb's death

    [00:06:54] Turning point

    [00:07:15] Figuring out what modalities would help

    [00:08:46] You don't heal

    [00:09:49] Whole life changing forever

    [00:11:18] Specialising in NLP & Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

    [00:14:16] So lost...

    [00:16:01] I don't have any kids

    [00:18:30] How NLP & Acceptance & Commitment therapy helped

    [00:20:28] When we understand something we can adjust

    [00:23:05] What reinvention looked like

    [00:28:04] Can these methods help with any trauma

    [00:29:55] Grief & trauma hand in hand

    [00:30:50] Knowing your positive triggers

    [00:32:05] Honouring Kaleb

    [00:33:42] What holds you back

    [00:36:35] Finding yourself pregnant again and dealing with that

    [00:41:24] Momma You Don't Heal & Women Surviving Childloss group

    [00:47:38] Grief that never leaves

    ... and so much more!



    " I learned that I had to rebuild my life on my own terms and find purpose my own way." ~ June K Collins




    June's links:

    Website:  www.theserenitydreamer.com

    Facebook: www.Facebook.com/theserenitydreamer

    IG: www.instagram.com/theserenitydreamer

    Show: https://www.facebook.com/groups/womensurvivingchildloss

    eBook: https://www.amazon.com/Momma-You-Dont-Heal-struggling-ebook/dp/B0C6X597B1


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    96. Abundance & Grief | Rebecca Whitman

    96. Abundance & Grief | Rebecca Whitman

    What does abundance have to do with grief I hear you ask. It's about understanding the foundation of abundance, so when you are ready to take your new normal to another level, your life can be everything you want it to be...whether that be getting your finances back on track, attracting another soul mate, or simply being in a place of peace and harmony.


    Rebecca Whitman is a master at helping overworked and overwhelmed women transform from burned out to balanced, beautiful and abundant. She takes us through her 7 Pillars of Abundance to help you create a balance in ALL areas of your life. Take a listen as there is a reason she is being recognised and picking up awards all over.


    Rebecca's Bio

    Rebecca Whitman, the Magnetic Abundance Mentor, and International best-selling author, graduated with honors from Princeton University. She was awarded Life Coach of the Year and Empowered Woman of the Year by International Association of Top Professionals. “LA Weekly” magazine featured her as one of the Top 7 Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023.

    She hosts the top 5% globally ranked “Balanced, Beautiful, and Abundant” podcast, which won the Positive Change Award. Her philosophy divides life into 7 Pillars of Abundance which include: spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social, and financial. She helps people achieve balance within these seven areas, so they can experience more fun and freedom in life!

    She has been featured in “New York Weekly,” “Miami Magazine,” and “LA Weekly” magazines. In addition to her appearances on ABC and CBS, she has guested on over 100 podcasts. She has given keynote speeches at Columbia University and UCLA; and has shared virtual stages with renowned thought leaders, Grant Cardone, Jack Canfield, and Les Brown.


    In this episode, Rebecca shares...

    [00:04:01] Shock of being one of LA's top 7 entrepreneurs to watch

    [00:05:50] Background story

    [00:07:46] Writing How to Make a 6 Figure Income working part time

    [00:09:19] Defining abundance

    [00:10:17] 7 Pillars of abundance

    [00:15:18] 1 of 3 areas women get stuck in

    [00:16:31] Taking a stress-free approach

    [00:19:46] Life coaching vs other forms of coaching

    [00:22:14] When you're ready for change

    [00:25:26] Benefits of having a morning ritual

    [00:29:30] Importance of self-care

    [00:32:24] How I manifested my soul mate

    [00:36:05] Attracting who you are, not what you want


    ... and so much more!



    "So I simply looked at what I did that worked and I reverse engineered it for my clients." ~ Rebecca Whitman





    Rebecca's links:

    Free Journal Prompts: https://bit.ly/abundancejournalprompts

    Website:  https://www.rebeccaelizabethwhitman.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.whitman

    IG: www.Instagram.com/rebeccaewhitman

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/rebeccaewhitman

    Podcast - Balanced Beautiful & Abundant: https://balancedbeautifulabundant.buzzsprout.com/


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    95. For The Lessons We Learn | Farah

    95. For The Lessons We Learn | Farah

    It's hard enough to lose your mother in her prime. Though to lose her to a random shooting, well that's even harder to get your head around. In this episode Farah shares how she embarked on a journey to understand the mysteries of her mother's death in tragic circumstances...

    Why would she choose for her mother to be shot?

    What was there to learn from this?

    As she unravelled these questions and more, her love of yoga and baking, yes, baking, provided much-needed respite. We discuss her book - Meher & Me, which portrays the struggles she faced of reconciling her childhood with her mother’s life and subsequent death, to eventually harness her inner strength to find equanimity (this is an Amazon #1 Bestseller by the way!). This episode is full of wisdom and wonderful insights to manage grief which will leave your heart full.  


    Farah's Bio

    Farah, who is of Parsi origin, was born in London and raised in North India. She is a British national with an Indian heart and embraces the different facets of her identity with ease. After the untimely loss of her mother, struggling to reconcile the mysteries of life and death, Farah embarked on a journey inward to find a conduit to channel her loss and pain. Farah has built a career in the banking industry, across continents, over the span of thirty-plus years and is now based in Dubai. In her spare time, Farah is an avid baker and Yogi


    In this episode, Farah shares:

    [00:01:08] Who her Meher is

    [00:05:46] Farah & Parsi heritage

    [00:07:46] Sense of displacement

    [00:08:40] A melting pot of people, cultures and experiences

    [00:12:16] The phone call & dream

    [00:14:24] Getting to Meher

    [00:16:17] Defying the odds

    [00:18:54] The shades of grief

    [00:19:41] Understanding why my mother would be shot as a lesson to learn

    [00:22:55] Sharing the story to help others

    [00:24:03] Facing my worst fears

    [00:26:25] Baking and yoga

    [00:31:54] The book - Meher & Me

    [00:33:18] Dealing with the emotions that arose

    [00:36:02] Struggles that teach us to develop emotional strength

    [00:42:29] Homatha, Ukatha, Uvarashtha

    [00:44:19] Biggest learning

     ... and so much more!



    "...that memory of that moment is something that I don't think you ever really get over. It's like time takes, perhaps, the sting out of it, but the memory stays." ~ Farah



    Farah's links:

    Website & Book (+ recipes 😊) www.farahpress.com

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/Farah.Press


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    94. I'll See You in Your Dreams Tonight | Katie Cosgrove

    94. I'll See You in Your Dreams Tonight | Katie Cosgrove

    Are you looking to know how you can talk about your loved one?

    Or how to have healthy conversations about your loved one?

    Or maybe you want to understand what your loved one coming to you in your dreams signifies...


    My guest today, Katie Cosgrove is going to help you out with that and so much more. Katie is a beautiful, compassionate soul whose dad died when she was 15, after an 18-month illness. She had no one to talk about him to in her social circle. Then one night, years later, he came to her in a dream that changed her entire life.


    This experience led Katie to founding her website, Grief is Good, writing her book I'll See You in Your Dreams Tonight - a heartwarming story that helps children process grief in a healthy way, doing a wonderful job as a Grief Doula in end-of-life care, and becoming a Trauma Informed Care Specialist.


    Let yourself be immersed in this beautiful soul and all that she is doing!


    Katie's Bio

    Katie Cosgrove is a Certified Trauma Support Specialist and once-grieving child. Growing up with death as a taboo subject, Cosgrove made it her mission to start talking about her grief publicly and encouraging others to do the same. In 2023, she founded Grief Is Good, a platform to discuss death and dying openly and honestly. She is also in the process of becoming an end-of-life doula.


    Cosgrove currently works for a leading publishing company as a Project Director and cares for dogs with behavioral issues. In her advocacy for healthier conversations about grief in her life and career, Cosgrove seeks to bring her values of empathy, care and compassion to everything she does.


    In this episode, Katie shares the following:

    [00:01:16] Being a dog lover and dog sitting

    [00:04:34] Losing her dad at 15

    [00:05:17] Depression and the connection of not talking about dad

    [00:07:04] Grief dream

    [00:09:07] Talking to your loved ones and healthy grieving

    [00:12:51] Talking to children about grief

    [00:14:57] Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs

    [00:16:15] Not having friends to speak to about grief

    [00:19:50] Making new memories and traditions

    [00:21:57] How Here to Eternity changed her life

    [00:25:11] Living a good life with grief

    [00:30:11] What a trauma-informed specialist is

    [00:33:52] Role of a Death Doula

    [00:37:06] What I'll See You in Your Dreams Tonight is about

    [00:46:28] How you can have a grief dream


    ... and so much more!



    "...focusing on yourself is dealing with your own trauma first and your own biases, because you can't hold space from somebody if you're triggered or if you're dealing with some feelings." ~ Katie Cosgrove





    Katie's links:

    Website:  www.griefisgood.com

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/itskatiecosgrove/

    TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@itskatiecosgrove

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Ill-See-Your-Dreams-Tonight-ebook/dp/B0CFJ7S5D5/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=i%27ll+see+you+in+your+dreams+tonight+katie+cosgrove&qid=1692118612&sprefix=I%27ll+see+you+in+your+drea%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-1


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


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    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    93. Happiness is a Choice | Clay Boatright

    93. Happiness is a Choice | Clay Boatright

    'It's all in how you choose to look at the situation. And happiness is a choice'

    - Clay Boatright


    Clay has definitely lives by these words. He nursed his wife and cherished friend, through two bouts of cancer, the later taking her life. And in between all of that, they their raised twin daughters, Paige and Mia, with severe disabilities, along with their elder daughter Blaine. Through this journey, Clay discovered a passion for advocacy, helping other families deal with disabilities at high levels both locally and nationally. He has a calm, centred approach to life and doesn't buy into drama. As you listen (and read his bio), you will discover he has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge which he shares in his book 'God's Plan, Our Circus'. This is a great conversation!


    Clay's Bio

    A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Clay Boatright has lived in Texas since 1994, where he and his wife Carole raised three daughters, including identical twins with severe intellectual disabilities and autism. With undergrad and graduate degrees from the University of Memphis, Clay managed two full-time careers for almost twenty years, one in the consumer-packaged goods industry to pay the bills and another as a volunteer advocate for people with disabilities.


    Over the years, Clay developed a deep understanding of the disability industrial complex and served on a host of health and education advisory committees, including Board President for both The Arc of Dallas and The Arc of Texas. In 2011, President Barack Obama appointed Clay to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Washington, DC, and in 2013, he was appointed Founding Chairman for Texas Health & Human Services’ IDD System Redesign Advisory Committee, which he held for six years.


    Published multiple times in various media, Clay is often contacted by legislators, the media, nonprofit organizations, and parents of children with disabilities to help understand the challenges that families like his live every day.


    Following Carole’s death in 2020 from ovarian cancer, Clay maintains a close relationship with his daughters and embraces the future with enthusiasm and a desire to help everyone know that God has a plan for their lives.



    In this episode, Clay shares:

    [00:01:42] His special memories of Carol

    [00:03:33] Carol's first experience with cancer

    [00:06:44] Birth of the twins

    [00:07:38] Knowing things were different

    [00:09:42] Where Paige & Mia are ta today

    [00:10:54] Asking 'why'

    [00:14:17] Asking God and getting the answer to 'why'

    [00:18:37] President Obama appointment

    [00:20:18] Juggling work, home and advocacy work

    [00:26:14] Fortuitous timing of second bout of cancer

    [00:33:22] What happened in Aisle Nine on Valentine's Day

    [00:35:42] Becoming Clay version 2.0

    [00:37:30] God's Plan, Our Circus

    [00:39:38] Everybody has experiences and challenges, baggage and drama

    [00:42:29] The only thing I can control is my attitude

    [00:43:30] When people feel sad and depressed, they have no options

    [00:45:57] Importance of giving to others

    [00:53:01] Top 5 pieces of advice for families with disabilities

    [00:58:55] Smiling in the face of severe disability

    [00:59:30] Out in public with the twins

     ... and so much more!



    "Baggage and drama are optional. It's all in how you choose to look at the situation. And happiness is a choice." ~ Clay Bowright




    Clay's links:

    Website:  https://clayboatright.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clay.boatright.9/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clayboatright/


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    92. The Power that Creates heals | Dr Lynn Carey

    92. The Power that Creates heals | Dr Lynn Carey

    What are your thoughts on what happens to us once we die?


    Dr Lynn Carey is a chiropractor, author and entrepreneur who believes there is no death, only changing forms.


    Her experience as an only child, being a perfectionist, worrying about everything, having her father pass over at a young age, her battle with scoliosis, all led her to the discovery of healing from within. Whilst figuring out what major to take, the sentence "the power that made the body heals the body", on a promotional pamphlet for chiropractic school set her on a pain of discovering wellness within, healing others, and ultimately creating the life she desired.


    Lynn's Bio:

    Dr. Lynn Carey earned a doctorate in chiropractic and a bachelor's degree in nutrition from Life University. She owned a practice in Wilmington, Delaware, for eighteen years, and has traveled to Brazil and India. Dr. Carey loves empowering others to create their desired life of health, wealth, and perfect self-expression. Today, she stays busy pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams and homeschooling her teenage son.



    In this episode, Lynn shares the following:

    [00:02:08] Background of childhood

    [00:02:30] Passing of her dad

    [00:06:10] Scoliosis

    [00:12:02] Deep knowing

    [00:13:17] The world of chiropractic

    [00:13:59] Honoring the whole body

    [00:14:59] Understanding how emotions create symptoms

    [00:16:26] The role of fear

    [00:16:46] Gonstead method

    [00:20:11] Philosophy of chiropractic

    [00:22:53] a practice of wellness

    [00:24:06] Brazil and India - the philosophy of oneness

    [00:25:43] Allowing the body to heal itself

    [00:30:36] Importance of feeling the emotions

    [00:31:57] Stuck energy

    [00:39:14] Raising a child naturally

    [00:46:58] My Journey to Grace


    ... and so much more!



    "...the more you work on people, you realize, oh, we're all energy and there's something bigger than me going on here." ~ Dr Lynn Carey





    Lynn's links:

    Website:  https://www.creatingmydesiredlife.com/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/lynn.carey.54/


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    91. Transforming Family Toxicity | Susan Gold

    91. Transforming Family Toxicity | Susan Gold

    Families! We all have them, though I secretly suspect many of us have harboured the thought of wishing we could magically belong to someone else's family. I know I certainly did. Toxicity in families is real. It exists. Yet, it is often swept under the carpet to deal with another time - or not at all.

    My guest today, Susan Gold, experienced an unimaginable childhood! From a very young age she adopted coping mechanisms to exist within this dysfunctional framework - invisibility; independence; hyperawareness; excessive exercising; overeating; little self-love and self-worth; co-dependency; and so many more... which worked until they didn't. As Susan boldly forged a highly successful career in the entertainment business of New York and LA, she also carried the baggage of her family trauma on her back, slowly unravelling it as crisis after crisis led her to new heights of discovering her authentic self. Amidst it all she learned how to understand and honour her family and embrace the learnings her childhood had etched upon her soul. That's what we will be discussing today, and how an internal 'knowing' gave her repeated hope to overcome the challenges she faced. 


    Susan's Bio:

    Susan's experience with performing arts led her into the world of mainstream entertainment after college, first at the global talent agency, ICM and later FOX. Within the entertainment industry, Susan became known for attaching celebrity talent to projects which led her into producing for television and film. Susan has booked A-list celebrity talent such as Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Taylor Swift, David Beckham, Andy Warhol and more.

    In addition to Susan’s business background, she is a decorated endurance athlete having competed in three marathons, dozens of triathlons, and has the distinction of finishing third in her age group at the treacherous Escape from Alcatraz event. Hanging up the gruelling demands of her swim, bike, run focus she turned to competing as a Master’s swimmer and within four years achieved multiple top ten national rankings including third in the country in the 400 IM.

    Susan is a big supporter of helping homeless animals, especially dogs and cats, and helping other business owners move up their career ladder. Her biggest pride is her son, a political science major at the University of the Pacific



    In this episode, Susan shares the following:

    [00:02:33] Andy Warhol

    [00:06:40] Being newly sober

    [00:08:49] Childhood

    [00:10:54] Therapist's office and alcoholism

    [00:12:40] Being empathic and trauma

    [00:12:40] Different perspectives on same situation

    [00:12:40] Coping mechanisms

    [00:16:49] Hurt and damaged children raising hurt and damaged children

    [00:20:28] Inner light

    [00:22:39] Inner child

    [00:25:37] Loving yourself

    [00:29:05] Feeling trauma in the body

    [00:33:47] Greatest guru

    [00:37:36] Impact on son

    [00:43:03] Earth is not for the faint of heart

    [00:45:47] Appendix of Tools

    [00:47:42] The power of Yes



    "I kept repeating that mantra 'This is the universe doing for you what you cannot do for yourself'." ~ Susan Gold




    Susan's links:

    Website:  https://susangold.us

    Facebook: https://linktr.ee/susangold

    IG: https://linktr.ee/susangold

    TikTok: https://linktr.ee/susangold/susangold



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    90. Courageous Grief | Clint Hatton

    90. Courageous Grief | Clint Hatton

    Seriously, how much does one person have to endure over a lifetime? It seems that some people get more than their fair share of BIG life-changing challenges.


    My  guest today, Clint  Hatton is one such person. At 12 years old he lived with his mum having suicidal ideation. He was an addict, was divorced by his late 20's, tragically lost a 17 year old son in a plane crash, experienced multiple close calls with the births of his children - yet, has used all of this to empower himself and his family to be resilient and thrive again no matter what life throws at them!


    It doesn't end there though, Clint is on a mission to develop courageous people to live inspired lives. He describes himself as a Transformational Speaker & Coach, Author and a deliriously happily married man of 20 years to his bride Amárillys, and a proud dad of three boys. Clint helps others unclutter their thoughts, clarify priorities, and create actionable plans that empower them to become their best version! In 2017 he was awarded the Distinguished Leadership Award as a Global Influencer by iChange Nations and is the author of the book Big Bold Brave - How to Live Courageously in a Risky World.



    Clint shares:


    [00:04:09] The most precious memory[of Gabriel].


    [00:08:43] I like Journey is because I feel like that better expresses what our lives are really like.

                        Cuz it's just kinda one flowing, ongoing movement, right?


    [00:10:35]  So it was really just me and my mom to, you know, kind of functioning together. And    

                        needless to say, at 11 or 12, I didn't know how to handle that or really

                        truly help her


    [00:12:15]  So what began to change for me, cuz you know, I, by then I went through the

                        divorce that you described and, you know, just a messy life...


    [00:17:05]  And, you know, I believe I was going through some healing from my past

                         and from my divorce and we did not have children with my, with my first wife. And I

                         really believed that I was gonna have that opportunity.


    [00:31:10]  I think one thing I wanna frame first, because I do think it's really important, and to

                         your, to your point, you know, our journey as a family, we had some ups and downs

                         as a family and we had some challenges.


    [00:32:37]  ...first chapter's called The Worst Nightmare, cuz that's what it is, right?


    [00:35:53]  I mean, he was just this adventurous soul, right? So he attacked life... the only way

                          that we can honor him is to honor the way he lived by us doing the same


    [00:38:22]   they're afraid to ask the other person how they're doing and it, and sometimes it's

                          because they're afraid they're gonna trigger the other person.


    [00:41:04]  fear is a very real thing that everybody deals with, right?


    [00:42:04]   The opposite of love is fear. Fear never co-mingles with love


    [00:47:35]  one of the chapters in my book is actually called Perfectly Imperfect. And, I'm

                         bringing that up because I think that's a big part of it


    [00:50:07]  That's what you need to tell yourself. Those who are listening to me, whatever

                         you've been through, whatever tried to knock you down, whatever tried to take you

                         out, you're still here. So write down the things that you've overcome...


    Plus so much more!




    "We always have two choices in life as to how we respond to loss...only one serves us and those in our world."~ Clint Hatton





    Clint's links:

    Website:   https://www.bigboldbrave.us/

                    https://www.bigboldbrave.us/join (Weekly newsletter)

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clint.hatton.5/

    IG:           https://www.instagram.com/clint.hatton/

    Twitter:     https://twitter.com/clinthatton



    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com


    89. Letting Go of Baby Too | Tsombawi Knibye Jr

    89. Letting Go of Baby Too | Tsombawi Knibye Jr

    This episode is dedicated to all dads, or would-be dads, who have suffered the crushing loss of losing a child through miscarriage. May your thoughts, feelings and emotions be heard through what Tsombawi shares today. And if you have been going it alone, trying to understand why this little being meant so much to you, I hope this episode can be the stepping stone to you being able to reach out and share the load you've been silently carrying.


    We often hear about miscarriage from a mother's perspective, so I'm excited to share with you this frank and open conversation from the lens of a male, husband and father. It's uplifting, inspiring, full of truth, heart, and great advice.


    Tsombawi Knibye Jr is an entrepreneur with entities that consist of an apparel brand, positive mindset podcast, music and video production services. He is also a youth mentor, parenting coach, songwriter, voiceover artist and an accomplished musician. He has worked in the school education system for over a decade working with students and their parents with after school programs, summer camps, job fairs, behavioral and social skills programs. His podcast involves having invoking conversations, interviews and insights from industry leaders. It also includes looking at life from a different perspective challenging your attitude and character. 


    Today, we focus on his book 'Letting Go of Baby Too' - part of the Letting Go of Babyseries.



    Tsombawi shares:


    [00:08:33] And about 10 minutes later, the doctor comes back in. And literally in his nonchalant shalan voice, he's like, well, everything looks good, but unfortunately the baby has died. 


    [00:11:32] Like, why did this happen to my wife? Why did this happen to us? You know, what have I done


    [00:12:42]  This is all about us conquering and at this moment in time, I'm feeling helpless.


    [00:14:33] It's interesting you say that because a lot of men do not talk about this. It, it actually, to me, what I found is it's a very sensitive and vulnerable subject for men to talk about because as men, you know, from a general standpoint, we are groomed to be, you know, you're tough


    [00:15:34] If you shake a soda bottle or a soda can up enough and not even much, but you shake it up enough and you open it, it's spilling out over everything and over everybody, and that's how men are like eventually, if we don't deal with those emotions and feelings we have, eventually we're going to blow up on somebody or something at the wrong place, wrong time


    [00:18:06] In this book I'm like, look, I'm talking to men. Most men, they wanna get to the main course of it and see, but I'm like, at the same time, we can't do that. We also gotta have some talks in this book about emotions and feelings and how to get through


    [00:27:00] And to take on that mindset, you have to surround yourself for people who are going to encourage you, allow you to grieve, and allow you to have that time of bereavement. But then after a while I said, okay, you've been here long enough, it's time to get back up


    [00:29:14]  And for men, we normally express our emotions and feelings in a non-healthy way. We express it in anger, we express it by, you know, going through the gym, lifting weights, which is fine...But then we'll also express it in a way that may cause us to do things that are detrimental to us and those attached to us


    ... and so much more!



    "Sometimes things happen in your own life to help somebody else who's coming behind you. To help them either deal with and go through it or to help them to avoid it altogether."~ Tsombawi Knibye Jr





    Tsombawi's links:

    Website:  https://tsombawi.com


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tknibyejr

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/tknibyejr/

    TikTok: https://twitter.com/tknibyejr/





    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com

    88. Are you an Empath? | Jennifer Moore

    88. Are you an Empath? | Jennifer Moore

    Are you a hot emotional mess?


    You know when you feel EVERYTHING - your brain goes into overdrive, and when you feel pain it's unnaturally intense, and the struggles you face seem to be on another level compared to others.


    Well I've got a guest today who I hope is going to help you make sense of all this and let you know it doesn't have to be this way. Her name is Jennifer Moore and she is a multi award winning author with her book Empathic Mastery. She's also an energy healer, an intuitive guide/psychic, and a mentor and master trainer for EFT International. Her passion is working with highly sensitive empaths and helping them to move from absorbing the distress of the world to using their unique gifts to thrive.


    No stranger to loss and grief, in May of 2020 Jen’s father died from CoVid after years of decline from dementia. This served as an invitation for her to redefine her priorities and boundaries. It has also allowed Jen to understand the interrelation between life and death and also to recognize that relationships do not necessarily end with someone’s passing.



    In this episode, Jen shares the following:


    [00:03:57] It was like people were speaking a completely, like a foreign language to me that I just didn't understand. And so all I could conclude from that was that there was something very wrong with me and that I was broken, that I needed to be better, that I needed to be a different person than I was.


    [00:05:00] It has a tendency to exacerbate all of the anxiety and the depression and the things that were not helping me at all. But it also was it, it basically became sort of the agent of change


    [00:05:27] So for that sugar really did what it was supposed to do because it wasn't working. It was, I, I had gotten sick and tired of being sick and tired


    [00:10:14] The difference between somebody who's like intuitive or psychic or has just sort of gifts versus, and, and the ability to pick up on sort of paranormal information, extra sensory perception is that what I've noticed is that those of us who are empaths process information somatically mentally and emotionally as if it's our own.


    [00:12:41] And what I believe is happening right now is that many of us are awakening to our empathic sensitivity because in order for us to survive as a species on this planet


    [00:18:28] So in my personal experience, one of the sort of dead giveaways about being an empath or that you are an empath is that you are going through life...


    [00:23:24] But most of us who are empaths grew up in environments where the feedback we got was, you are too sensitive


    [00:27:20] First going to protection if we just start putting a bubble of light up around ourselves and trying to just protect ourselves. The problem is that we are often going to be kind of containing all the stuff we've already absorbed.


    [00:35:45] But when we really make that connection to source to the divine till El Muno Bueno, we can ride through the journey and ride through the process and ride through the experience in a way that, like even the, you know, even the most heartbreaking experience


    ... and so much more!



    "Grief is not hard when I let myself feel it. Resistance to grief is hard." ~ Jennifer Moore





    Jen's links:

    Website:  https://empathicmastery.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpathicMastery

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/empathicmastery/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@empathicmastery

    Show: Http://empathicmasteryshow.com




    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com


    87. Island Escape | Jennifer Zwinck

    87. Island Escape | Jennifer Zwinck

    When you get married you are thinking of the foreverness of it all - a life with your partner by your side, someone you can confide in and who has your back, exciting times a head, a home, a family, the feeling that this is what life is all about. For some though, this dream is cut short.


    Jen Zwinck will never forget the moment that changed her life. In 2011, her husband was walking home from a bachelor party when he was attacked, robbed, and killed. Jen instantly became a young widow, left to raise their two year old daughter alone. Overcome with grief and anxiety over the loss, Jen chose her own unique path to heal. She packed 4 suitcases and moved with her daughter to a tiny island in the Caribbean where she knew no one.The years she spent on the island gave Jen the time to process the loss and rebuild her own strength and find the courage to move forward.


    Jen is now a Podcast host, Co-founder of the Widow Squad Online Community, Widow advocate, & Author, and in 2017 she remarried,  a year later welcomed another wonderful daughter into their family - so now they are enjoying a fun and crazy life in South Louisiana as a family of four.



    In this episode, Jen shares the following:


    [00:02:42] my favorite memories are about us going out on our boat.


    [00:11:16] it's 10 o'clock at night or whatever. But the, one of the detectives came up to me and he just said, okay ma'am, we just need you to go home and try and get some sleep and just let us do our job. And I was like, what did he just say to me?


    [00:18:17] I asked myself and I beat myself up over that. Like, why couldn't I just be that, that, that nagging wife that is like, no, you can't go. Stay home


    [00:22:33] I said, I have to go, I have to get outta here. I have to do something. I can't be here.


    [00:26:39] I have got to figure this out, trying to be a mom now on my own. And so, that was my plan.


    [00:34:33] It kept me grounded, it kept me safe. It really kept the anxiety at bay


    [00:38:51] I feel like that time that we had together, it was the best decision that I, I've ever made


    [00:39:41] I want people to know that the pain that they are feeling is not going to be forever


    [00:41:49]  you are in this time warp. Really. Time is so tricky with, with grief


    [00:44:03] And I went down the line of those of those widow friends that I was telling you about, and I interviewed them. And the whole concept and the whole mission behind the podcast was to put out these stories of hope


    [00:47:08] Some people, I mean, they don't, they don't have what I had with my, with my widow girls.


    [00:50:19] that's the big one, is the guilt because so many people feel like they are still married. They, they just feel like that, that's, that's still their husband.


    [00:52:13] And so they they stay in that, in that widow box, and they stay where they don't really want to be.


    [00:52:52] Yes, I put together a whole program about it. It's date about dating after loss


    ... and so much more!



    "Whatever moment you are in, just put your hand on your heart and go back to that memory and that love of them". ~ Jennifer Zwinck





    Jen's links:

    Feeling lonely?? Access this free presentation on how to handle loneliness after loss

          https://www.widow180.com/lonely -

    Website:  https://www.widow180.com


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/312036956454927

    IG:          https://www.instagram.com/widow_180/



    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com

    86. A Right Brain Awakening: What Grief Taught A Heartbroken Engineer | John Lodal

    86. A Right Brain Awakening: What Grief Taught A Heartbroken Engineer | John Lodal

    I had the pleasure of interviewing John Lodal, a former Hewlett Packard engineer for 32 years and self-confessed problem solver, on what he discovered following the death of his adored wife, Pam, to cancer. Used to thinking analytically and logically, he was unprepared for his world imploding and the storm of emotions he experienced when things quietened down after the funeral. Fortunately, a friend referred him to a wonderful grief counselor, who John refers to as his decoder of grief. What followed is a painful, yet wonderful journey into discovering ways to face the hurt, unleashing his creative talents, and revealing a new, softer side to himself as he got to know and understand his feelings.


    The wealth of information John shares is pure gold. His book, A Right Brain Awakening: What grief taught a heartbroken engineer, is aimed at helping left-brained individuals who find themselves lost in the foreign landscape of emotions, though will provide anyone listening with well thought-out perspectives on grief and helpful ways to navigate it. In this episode, John shares this wisdom with a great deal of heart.


    John  lives in Boise, Idaho. Has 2 children and 4 grandchildren. He is a musician, a rotarian, a member of the board of directors of the non-profit Semilla Nueva, and has a great desire to leave his hometown, and world at large, better than he found it 💜


    Highlights of this episode include:


    [00:05:04] Pam crossed the Rainbow Bridge. And my, my world exploded and I had a lot of things I had to figure out in terms of moving forward without without my true love by my side


    [00:06:58] I was so focused on being the best caregiver I could. There were so many things that that Pam needed. And I can tell your listeners that when your own last lap comes, look into hospice


    [00:07:59] And it was after everyone left. That's when I realized I. I am in a position now of something that I cannot do on my own


    [00:09:55] Well, you know, there was a lot of questions of faith


    [00:11:22] Eight months after Pam died, I came to the conclusion that that part of me died the same day Pam died, and that that is not earth shattering stuff, but I hadn't even thought of it until then. And I believe it was one of those metal circuit breakers clicking back in saying, okay, he's ready for this now


    [00:17:08] well, so, I guess I was lucky that Jerri was was particularly well suited to meet my needs. And this is, this is, we had some discussions and this is when I started to recognize that the right side of my brain was starting to wake up


    [00:23:02] How am I going to How am I gonna plan out who this new guy is gonna be? I'm not here just to take up space


    [00:29:45] I've got I've got a number of points that I like to share with folks. We talked about pain being your new full-time companion.


    [00:32:00] And the key on that journey is to keep your eyes and your ears and your heart open

    ... plus so much more!



    "This is not about the destination at all. This has everything to do about what you're learning, what you're seeing, who you're interacting with along the way." ~ John Lodal





    John's link:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/john.lodal/about_overview


    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com


    Do you need help to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, dread, or despair? Let's connect - send me a message 💟

    85. A Lot Less Fear | Lino Martinez

    85. A Lot Less Fear | Lino Martinez

    Note - this episode does mention suicide (though with the most wonderful outcome!). Listener discretion is advised, and please ensure you are well-supported on your grief journey.


    First off he shouldn't even be here.

    He has a rare genetic disease that wasn't diagnosed for years and years. Seriously, he was 36 before he found out he had Muckle Wells Syndrome! He's had over 40 operations between the ages of 28 and 40. He's had multiple body parts removed. He lost the ability to speak for 2 years - and this is just the tip of the iceberg of what he has endured medically. Having always felt he was a boy and unsure how long he would live he also made the decision to transition.A huge decision when you come from a LA Latino background.


    In between all of this Dr Lino Martinez got his doctorate in Clinical Psychology and recently became an author with his book A Little Less Fear, which he hopes will encourage others to live with his motto of living with less fear in their lives. If that isn't enough, this human dynamo is also a playwright, screenwriter, ASL Mentor, and LGBQT+ Life Coach AND... puts out 3 episodes a week on his podcast a Little Less Fear - where he talks outside the box - no subject is taboo. So buckle up as we are talking many different forms of loss today and the grief that ensues.


    In this episode, some of what Lino shares:


    [00:03:58]  I was barely five pounds. I was in the hospital for a little over a month and my mom wasn't able to bring me home


    [00:05:28] Because we're here, we're talking about grief and I do wanna explore and let you know that there's beautiful lessons that I've learned along. But before it became beautiful, it was very traumatic for me


    [00:10:03] You know why it was not a concern for me at the time because when I decided to transition, I was already, I was dying from this genetic disease. I, by that time, I had already undergone about 30 surgeries at the time, in, in, in just between 28 and 34


    [00:14:48] At 19 years old, I had a quarter of my cervix removed because they found stage three cancer cells caused by the hpv


    [00:21:42] So I spent six days in this hospital, but this is what changed my life, Helen


    [00:26:26] So there're just a lot of things and, and that was one of the biggest epiphany was at the time was don't have fear about who you are and because now you're gonna be a freaking doctor. Like, speak up for yourself. It's okay


    [00:34:09] You've suffered way too much. And he said, so this is what's gonna happen. We're gonna take your entire bladder out. We're gonna take your urethra out. It's no good anymore. It's been strictured.


    [00:37:19] ... so I, I lost my voice four years ago, maybe close to five years ago, and I lost it for two and a half years. And that was the disease progressing


    [00:38:30]  I feel that my higher self said, you know, this is the only way you're gonna sit your ass down and be quiet and really tune in by losing your voice and your hearing



    [00:39:58] And, and I, and I heard trust, I heard the words trust. And when I say hear, I didn't hear from my, my, my audible ear. I heard it as a thought. And the thought was trust.


    [00:41:00] And I just kept going, but it was very painful my first year, and now I'm in my second year and I. Happily say that I'm finally thriving


    [00:41:57]One of the biggest advices I can give is that failure is not fatal.


    [00:42:59] At the other side of grief, of losing who I, or, or, or lose losing who I guess I, I was gonna say my healthy self, but I was not healthy from the time I was born, but, but losing my ability to appear, losing my voice...


    [00:49:57]  I, I'm just so, I, I just feel so much gratitude to, to life in general. People I meet, I mean, life is so beautiful




    "A lot of your suffering that you go through can be to help someone else and to relate with someone else and help someone else. So don't underestimate some of the suffering that you've gone through." ~ Dr Lino Martinez





    Lino's links:

    Website: www.alittlelessfear.com

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/alittlelessfearpodcast/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alittlelessfear

    TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@alittlelessfear?lang=en

    Buzzsprout: https://alittlelessfearpodcast.buzzsprout.com



    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com


    Do you need help to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, dread, or despair? Let's connect - send me a message 💟

    84. Love Lingers Still | Marinda K Dennis

    84. Love Lingers Still | Marinda K Dennis

    I would like to let you know that this episode deals with suicide. This may be sensitive and triggering topic for some so please use your discretion and ensure you are well supported.


    It must rate as one of life's most distressing situations - having a loved child take their own life. This is what happened to Marinda K Dennis, my guest today, in the past year. Her bright  vibrant 15 year old made the decision to end her life.


    For most parents this would be enough for them to check out for a couple of years as they navigate the why's? Whys that can be neverending. Marinda, instead, threw herself into her work, teaching 13 college composition classes in one term. Now the beauty of this, is what Marinda discovered, a population of students crying out in their writing. A huge 52%!! She then proceeded to provide a safe space for them to tell their story, their way.


    Marinda is an author and editor in addition to being a college professor of English. She is a  published author, most recently in an anthology she produced entitled Love Lingers Still. The book was inspired from the pain she felt after losing her teenage daughter to suicide.

    She does guest appearances now to share her story and to help those who are grieving the loss of a loved one due to this heartbreaking modality.


    Her company, Energy Threads, now seeks to publish works that are specifically centered around themes of Love, Loyalty, and Healing. It's a company that desires to help those who grieve, those who seek solace after difficult times, and those who are weary from the trials of this life.  I think she has just summed up a large portion of the world's population in those phrases.


    In this episode, Marinda shares the following:

    • The background surrounding her very special daughter, Angel 
    • What she discovered in the writings of her students
    • Why you need to know YOU matter
    • How her anthology, Love Lingers Still, was born out of her pain
    • What is helping her less than a year into her grief

    ... and so much more!



    "We have a nation, we have a country, we have a global silent pandemic right now with people who are hurting. And they don't know how to get that help, and they want to understand it." ~ Marinda K Dennis





    Marinda's links:

    Website:  https://energy-threads.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marinda.kaye

    Check out the resources available on Marinda's website:  https://energy-threads.com/resources  


    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com


    Do you need help to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, dread, or despair? Let's connect - send me a message 💟

    83. Divine. Messy. Human. | Amanda Kate

    83. Divine. Messy. Human. | Amanda Kate

    Think back to a time that you were deeply disappointed that things didn't work out - a job, a relationship, a marriage, parenting, not travelling, or perhaps you're living with a body or illness that is simply not playing ball with how you want to look or feel.

    What you may not realise is that all of these things come with their own signature of grief. Throw that into the mix of what you are currently experiencing and I bet you've found yourself in one messy situation.


    So, I have a guest today who is going to help us unravel this for you.


    Amanda Kate experienced this first hand trying to juggle the corporate job of her dreams with parenthood, being a wife and looking after the home. And she got sick big time. The person she knew herself to be disappeared. Now she is a Spiritual Seeker, a truth teller and her inner Sage has an insatiable quest for knowledge, wisdom and new ways of becoming. She is the Author of Divine. Messy. Human. A Spiritual Guide to Prioritising Internal Truth over External Influence. She's a Kinesiologist, Mentor, Archetypal Life Coach, Mother and so much more. This recovering people-pleaser and self-flagellator wants to help people like you regain vitality, smashing through your limitations to find new levels of health, vitality and abundance - because she's walked this path herself. Plus Amanda also works with business owners to increase their vibration and attract greater wealth and prosperity.


    In this episode, Amanda shares the following:

    • When you have too much conflicting and competing stuff happening and the toll that takes on your body and mind
    • Unhappy? How to recognise that as grief
    • How to shift trapped energy through somatic healing
    • You don't have to have major life events to store trauma
    • Learning to live with loss and love
    • How what we eat and move affects how we feel
    • You don't have to understand the 'why'
    • ... and so much more!



    "We don't look at the grief of losing our jobs, losing our marriages, changing relationships, changing circumstances, having to cancel plans that, you know, we dismiss it as first world problems." ~ Amanda Kate





    Amanda's links:

    Website: www.amandakate.com.au

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandakatetransformation

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/amanda__kate/

    LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-kate

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@divinelymessy



    Follow me on:

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/healing2bu_

    Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website: https://healing2bu.com


    Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://tbs0g2021.libsyn.com/


    And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com


    Would you like to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, or despair? Let's connect - send me a message 💟

    82. It's Not a Rumour | Renee Schyjer

    82. It's Not a Rumour | Renee Schyjer

    IT’S NOT A RUMOUR - A Rock and Roll Journey through Life and Alzheimer’s. This is the incredible story of an unsung hero of 70's & 80's music scene - Freddy Moore or Rick Moore as he was known off-stage. For years, Freddy was center stage. A prolific singer/songwriter/musician who sold out iconic Los Angeles clubs and opened for headlining bands like The Police, The Knack, and The Motels.. yet, despite having hugely successful bands, that never translated to the right record deal for him and the other band members to sign.


    He was also the first husband of Demi Moore, and it is through that connection, that Rick came to meet and get to know the true love of his life, Renee Schyjer - who is my guest today. 

    Renne is a Renaissance woman, truth-seeker, and storyteller, devoted to sharing the life and legacy of her husband, Freddy Moore, who was diagnosed over a decade ago with early-onset Alzheimer's. This is their story.


    In this episode, Renee shares the following:

    • The background on this incredible musician and prolific learner
    • The connection between Demi Moore, Rick, and Renee 
    • The journey of identifying something was wrong and getting the diagnosis
    • What the connection between Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's is
    • What helped prolong Rick's life
    • What you need to be aware of taking supplements
    • Some thoughts on what you can do to help yourself as the primary carer

    ... and so much more!



    "I just had to keep reassuring him everything was okay. But by myself, like in the car driving home or driving to work or even at work, I was a wreck. I was a mess." ~ Renee Schyjer





    Renee's links:

    Purchase It's Not a Rumour: https://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-Rumor-Journey-Alzheimers/dp/164428183X

    Website: http://itsnotarumour.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsnotarumour

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/itsnotarumour/




    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    81. Empower-mE | Victoria Rader

    81. Empower-mE | Victoria Rader

    Just how do you recover from devastating events and go on to choose a response that will give your life growth and freedom?

    Well,you spend the next hour with my guest today, Victoria Rader, who shares some incredible insights of how we can look at grief in such a way that you can't help but view it differently going forward.


    Victoria did a PhD in Metaphysics to understand better how we create our daily reality. She is also certified in many energy healing modalities, success coaching approaches, plus she is the founder of the Empower-mE app, a component of which will walk you through 90 aspects of grief. This transformational speaker empowers coaches, entrepreneurs, and people that seek personal development to grow in all areas of their life so that they have more PEACE, PURPOSE, and PROSPERITY.


    As a four times bestselling author, Victoria is globally recognized along with Brene Brown, Richard Branson, and others for creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, and contribution to sustainability and mental health projects with CREA GLOBAL AWARD by Brainz Magazine.


    Amidst all these achievements she is no stranger to grief which she has known from a young age and continues to witness through her Ukranian heritage.



    In this episode, Victoria shares the following:

    • How to transform feeling powerless to reclaiming your power
    • How her business, YU2Shine, was created out of darkness
    • How the shift you need lies in surrender
    • Looking at death using the analogy of a light bulb!
    • Going from scared to Sacred
    • How understanding and having faith can get us through the toughest of times
    • 3 very practical, yet spiritual principles that have gotten Victoria to where she is in her life (this is POWERFUL!)

    ... and so much more!



    "There is this need to force it or to control it. And it's not what the shift is. The shift, ironically, lies in surrender." ~ Victoria Rader





    Victoria's links:

    Empower-mE App: search Empower-mE in the Apple or Google stores

    Website:  https://yu2shine.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yu2shine

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/vica_rader

    Listen NOW to your FREE meditation: www.ChooseSacred.mE

    Want to support those in the Ukraine? All money raised goes to rehabilitate soldiers, provide a place for children, orphans and so on: https://store.yu2shine.com/


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!


    80. A Phoenix Rising | Contessa Akin

    80. A Phoenix Rising | Contessa Akin

    When you have been abandoned as a toddler, abused, traumatised, experienced post natal depression, had a newborn die, which lead to thinking about ending it all, you need to be a phoenix rising!


    Emerging from trauma stronger, smarter, and more powerful, Contessa Akin found her way to being an Emotional Wellbeing Coach to nearly a thousand women. As she embarked on her healing journey her intuition guided her to free seminars that focused on self-worth, growth and positivity. A landscape that was foreign to her. This eventually led to her becoming a highly certified and successful life coach. Having been there herself, she understands the challenges women are dealing with and helps them find their own well of hope, self-worth and so much more through her signature Phoenix Process.


    **PLEASE NOTE - This could be a tough listen for some as it deals with confronting subjects of child loss, suicide and sexual abuse. Though it's also testament to rising above the worst life can throw at you.


    In this episode, Contessa shares the following:

    • When you decide to say 'No' to suicide, then what? What do you do with the heaviness you are still carrying.
    • Finding herself doing a Dr Phil Emotional Intelligence class and where that led
    • Why safety, peace and trust are cornerstones of healing
    • A walk through of how to deal with a tough emotion
    • What doing a fire walk is really about and what it says about how you deal with life... and so much more!



    "I just followed my intuition. I didn't like do a lot of searching online. I didn't do a lot of reaching out for help. I didn't do any of that stuff. What I did is I actually started just attending like you know, like real estate seminars." ~ Contessa Akin





    Contessa's links:

    Website: https://contessaakin.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/contessa.akin

    Grab a FREE copy of her book Rebel Rising: how I went from wanting to be dead to Loving everything in my head https://pxlme.me/W-PJI0pZ  


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    79. Out of Love | Lynn Abaté-Johnson

    79. Out of Love | Lynn Abaté-Johnson

    There are over one third of people caregiving in some capacity. Your initial response would probably be 'let's make this about the person who needs the care'. However, that can only last for so long before you realise your own self-care is being compromised or, worse still, non-existent. So how do you do this very important, often selfless job, adjust to what is happening with your loved one, and still be able to keep on track with your own life? You take a listen to my guest in this episode.


    Lynn Abaté-Johnson believes caregivers are worthy of the same love, care, and attention they give their loved ones, which means they need the emotional and logistical support to help them thrive. Unfortunately, it takes copious hours of research to find the resources caregivers need, which leaves them feeling drained, frustrated, and overwhelmed. In this episode, we discuss her book, 'Out of Love: a daughter's journey with her mum to the end', which provides readers with reassurance, comfort, and practical systems and tools to help caregivers provide care easier and discover how to blossom through their journey. Our conversation is full of honesty, openness and heart.


    In this episode, we share:

    • Ways to divy up caregiving between family members
    • Recognising that even if you are strong, capable, and accomplished you can suffer anxiety, stress or other symptoms in this new role
    • How to discern what it is you really need versus using your old addictions to fulfill it
    • Practising the beingness of being human
    • Tips for juggling caregiving with a fulltime job
    • Going from “What am I going to do without my mom?” to “I know I can thrive after she’s gone–just as she would want.”


    "Nobody felt I was distracted except for me, and so what happened was my nervous system took a big hit and the trauma just lived in me to where I started to pack on more weight on physically on my body." ~ Lynn Abaté-Johnson



    Lynn's links:

    To get your FREE chapter of Out of Love: https://www.LynnAbateJohnsonBook.com/freechapter

    To purchase Out of Love: A Daughter's Journey with her Mum to the End: https://OutOfLoveBook.mn.co

    Online community BY and FOR family caregivers: LynnAbateJohnsonBook.com

    Caregiver Bingo IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmxCN49OwO_/

    Create an online blog via https://www.caringbridge.org/


    Website: https://www.lynnabatejohnsonbook.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LAJBiz 

    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LynnAbateJohnson

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/LAJbiz?fbclid=IwAR0caATYRHZhdKuzAa0EV1A1UWqh71pn74x-uG7clFrYxz6lQ-b9ufBGiBE

    IG: https://instagram.com/LAJbiz?fbclid=IwAR3dk4qFo4i16hwC0ISPrCD56bfl2NnaH_9AxniY4ms8xoQ8DKJbr4HxnzQ 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LynnAbateJohnson


    PLUS check out the wonderful resources Lynn has for caregivers on her website!


    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!

    78. Shamanic Journeys | Martin Theis

    78. Shamanic Journeys | Martin Theis

    I have a topic which I believe will be really interesting for you to listen to today.  If you meditate you may have come across some shamanic meditations and, if you haven't had any experience with them before, may have wondered what shamanism is all  about,

    Well, My guest today, Martin Theis is a spiritual coach and teacher who focuses on mental and emotional well-being through the art of shamanic journeys. His mission is to is to assist others on their journey from suffering to finding inner peace and joy through his website Light Trails.co

    Martin divides his time living between Germany, Norway and Hawaii and is in the process of building a decentralised network of non-profit orginizations that aim at building low entrance

    barrier refuges for people to find healing and regeneration. What a beautiful mission that is!


    In this episode, you will learn the following:

    • Who Martin would most like to cook a vegan meal for!
    • What shamanic journeys are
    • How this gentle spiritual art form can help you go from suffering to joy!
    • How to find you totem animal



    "When we avoid feeling wants to be felt right, what is there, when we try to suppress that, that's when we lose most of our energy and our connection ." ~ Martin Theis





    Martin's links:

    Website: https://www.lighttrails.co

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Light-Trails-Co-102155525899302

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/lighttrails_co/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/light-trails-co/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9D_fPAidhrEC8J6B6Ro2xA



    Follow me on:

    Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com 

    Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

    Facebook:   https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

    Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

    YouTube:    https://www.youtube.com/@thebeautifulsideofgrief


    Loved this episode? Leave me a review and rating 💟



    And heartfelt Thanks to Gabe Dovaston for the music!