
    A Fireside Chat with Vaynermedia Summer Interns in NYC

    enAugust 04, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Relationships and experiences matter in internshipsMeet as many people as possible during internships, focus on strengths, and value relationships and experiences over technical skills

      During an internship, the people you meet and the relationships you build are more valuable than the technical skills you may learn. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes that information is becoming commoditized, and the people you work with and the experiences you have can greatly impact your career. He encourages interns to make the most of their time by meeting as many people as possible and focusing on their strengths. The world is moving fast and niched out, and those who are comfortable staying focused on their passions, even if they're not the best at them, are more likely to succeed. Ultimately, the experiences and relationships gained during an internship can provide invaluable insights and opportunities that last long after the internship ends.

    • Find and embrace your passions and talents for extreme success and happinessReflect on your passions and abilities, and either be content with being average or dedicate yourself to unique talents, avoiding self-deception about your abilities.

      Finding and fully embracing what you love and are naturally good at is crucial for achieving extreme success and happiness in life. This means either being content with being average in something you love, or recognizing your unique talents and dedicating yourself to them. However, deceiving yourself into thinking you're less talented in your top choice is a surefire way to lose. It's essential to reflect on your current situation and seriously consider your passions and abilities, as time passes quickly and opportunities may be missed if you're unsure of your path. Additionally, open policies, such as unlimited vacation or access to leadership, can have unintended consequences and may require adjustments to ensure their effectiveness.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's Perspective on Death and LifeGary Vaynerchuk reflects on the natural part of life that is death, acknowledges its intrigue, and emphasizes the importance of embracing both success and failure, staying true to oneself, and finding joy in the journey.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, in his conversation, shared his thoughts on the polar opposite reactions we have towards death and life. He expressed that he has given thought to both his funeral and his preferred method of dying. While he finds it cliche to think about death, he acknowledges that it's a natural part of life. He also mentioned that he's equally intrigued by the idea of a quiet, painless death or a dramatic, eventful one. Additionally, Gary discussed his side hustle of designing t-shirts and shared that the quickest way to get his attention would be to email him. He also touched on his upcoming K Swiss sneaker collaboration, mentioning that he did it purely for personal gain and legacy, regardless of who it resonates with. Overall, Gary emphasized the importance of embracing both success and failure, viewing them as opportunities rather than setbacks. He encouraged staying true to oneself and finding joy in the journey, no matter the outcome.

    • Trusting abilities and market, Entrepreneurial spirit in AsiaTrust yourself, market will decide. Embrace Asian entrepreneurship for endless opportunities. Seize chances and follow instincts.

      Confidence and meritocracy are key factors in making important life decisions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of trusting one's abilities and letting the market decide, rather than being overly concerned with what others think. Additionally, the entrepreneurial spirit in Asia, with its unique challenges and opportunities, was identified as a promising new territory to explore. The speaker expressed a strong desire to help others make decisions that could significantly impact their lives and encouraged forcefulness in decision-making. The feeling of instant connection and excitement upon arriving in Hong Kong was described as a sign of a successful venture. There are countless valuable businesses yet to be built, and the speaker encouraged the audience to seize opportunities and trust their instincts.

    • Identifying and solving personal pain points is key to building successful businessesYoung people can leverage their unique experiences to identify and solve personal pain points, but must navigate moral dilemmas with integrity to build successful businesses. Recognizing the role of circumstances is also important.

      The best businesses come from identifying and solving personal pain points, and the courage to act on those solutions. Young people are particularly well-positioned to do this due to their unique experiences in a rapidly changing world. However, even those with a clear perspective and approach to life encounter moral dilemmas and specific situations where their solutions may not be so straightforward. It's important to navigate these situations with integrity, even if it means making unpopular decisions or facing criticism. The speaker's own experience of building a business while trying to make moral decisions, despite the challenges, is an example of this. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the role of circumstances, such as economic downturns, in shaping one's opportunities and experiences.

    • Importance of being a good person and treating others wellGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of good intentions, self-awareness, and long-term profitability for personal and business growth.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, despite leaving his previous business with no equity value and starting over, emphasizes the importance of being a good person and treating others well. He believes that having a strong intent to improve and do the best one can is crucial. Vaynerchuk also shared his thoughts on self-awareness, admitting his own shortcomings and acknowledging the importance of not tuning out the voice in one's head that informs self-awareness. He also discussed his approach to business, seeing profitability as a strength that allows him to invest in culture and people for the long term. Lastly, he warned against using alcohol as an excuse and encouraged investing early and wisely to secure a better financial future.

    • Balancing Selfishness and SelflessnessSuccessful managers balance self-interest and teamwork, recognizing when selfishness hinders growth. Buffett's investment strategy and macro patience with micro speed exemplifies this balance, leading to long-term success. Gratitude and appreciation for opportunities can further enhance personal growth.

      Successful managers exhibit both selfish and selfless traits, but it's important to recognize when these traits become detrimental. Selfishness can hinder growth and lead to defensive behaviors that ultimately harm the company. Selflessness, on the other hand, allows for appreciation of opportunities and a focus on growth. Buffett's success is a reminder that investing in the market, even during uncertain times, is generally a good long-term strategy. In terms of personal growth, having a mindset of macro patience and micro speed can help individuals make the most of every opportunity while maintaining a focus on the bigger picture. Additionally, being grateful and appreciative of current opportunities can lead to greater success in the future.

    • Maintaining a Positive Attitude for Effective LeadershipStay optimistic or grateful, deal with setbacks patiently, think long-term, understand cultural differences, and remain humble to be an effective leader

      Being a boss comes with numerous challenges and can be overwhelming at times. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, such as optimism or gratitude, to effectively navigate through the various internal and external pressures. He shares his personal experiences of dealing with setbacks and the importance of thinking long-term and being patient. The speaker also highlights the significance of understanding cultural differences, especially when doing business internationally, and being aware of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with different business environments. Ultimately, he encourages maintaining a sense of humility and gratitude to truly appreciate one's accomplishments and successes.

    • Staying true to oneself in diverse communitiesAdaptability and authenticity are key to success in diverse communities. Stay true to oneself while embracing new opportunities and respecting different cultures.

      Success in business and life often comes down to adaptability and staying true to oneself, even in unfamiliar cultures or environments. The speaker, a Russian immigrant, shares his experiences of thriving in diverse communities, from Mount Ida College to the world of hip hop and entrepreneurship. He emphasizes the importance of being the hunter rather than the hunted and staying authentic to one's interests, which in his case led him to entrepreneurship in various cultures and industries. The technology revolution and globalization have made it possible for individuals to succeed in multiple worlds, but it also requires a level of adaptability and respect for different cultures. The key is to stay true to oneself while embracing new opportunities and challenges.

    • Emphasizing Intuition and Breaking the Mold in EntrepreneurshipSuccessful entrepreneurship requires trusting your intuition, seizing opportunities based on strengths, and challenging societal norms. Undervalued companies with potential include Twitter and Spotify in the OTT media space.

      Entrepreneurship is increasingly becoming a desirable and cool pursuit for various professionals, from artists to athletes, reflecting the changing times and societal values. The speaker, who has experienced success in various industries, emphasizes the importance of intuition and seizing opportunities based on one's strengths, rather than relying on data or market trends alone. He also criticizes the tendency to conform to the marketplace and encourages breaking the mold instead. From his perspective, Twitter and Spotify are two undervalued companies with significant market share and potential for growth, especially in the OTT (Over-The-Top) media space.

    • Focusing on original content and eliminating frictions for successCompanies should prioritize original content and ease of creation to stay competitive, while Twitter may benefit from removing character limits and promoting visual content.

      Companies like Spotify and Twitter, with their vast subscriptions and attention respectively, should focus on original content and eliminating content creation frictions to stay competitive. Twitter, in particular, should consider removing limitations like the 140 character limit and pushing for more visual and less written content. Another key point is that successful investing involves a clear focus on the person and the idea, with a willingness to let go if one aspect doesn't work out. Additionally, the speaker has experience with selling equity to scale a business but is unsure if it would be a viable option again.

    • Expanding Business in Smaller Cities and Building ConfidenceGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of confidence, not being swayed by external pressures, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and having open conversations for successful partnerships.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO and chairman of VaynerX, is looking to expand his business in cities like Chicago and Dallas, but he's more interested in opening offices in smaller cities to tap into new markets and build his brand portfolio. He emphasized the importance of confidence and not being swayed by external pressures or opinions, which he attributes to his upbringing and experiences. He also highlighted the impact of the people we surround ourselves with and advised reevaluating friendships and befriending those we admire. For those considering business partnerships, especially with family members, Vaynerchuk advised having open and honest conversations upfront to ensure a successful and productive relationship.

    • Navigating difficult conversations in family businessesBeing willing to have hard conversations about roles, talent, and equity is crucial for the success of family business partnerships. Flexibility, understanding, selflessness, and a long-term perspective can help navigate unexpected circumstances and enable prioritization of family interests.

      Having difficult conversations upfront is crucial for the success of a business partnership, especially in family businesses. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his experiences of navigating such dynamics, emphasizing the importance of being willing to have hard conversations about roles, talent, and equity. He advises being flexible and understanding that unexpected circumstances may arise, requiring adjustments. Additionally, he suggests that being selfless and putting personal goals first can ultimately enable one to prioritize family interests. While entering a family business may come with unique challenges, the learning and experiences gained can be invaluable. Ultimately, approaching such situations with patience and a long-term perspective can lead to making different and potentially more effective decisions.

    • Focusing on consumer needs and present valueSuccessful entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk prioritize consumer needs and daily decision making over industry trends and long-term visions to reverse engineer consumer attention and adapt quickly to markets.

      Successful entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk approaches business decisions without considering industry standards or trends. Instead, he focuses on understanding and delivering what consumers want. He navigates decisions based on his confidence in achieving short-term goals, rather than long-term visions. Vaynerchuk's success is a result of his ability to reverse engineer consumer attention and adapt quickly to changing markets. He emphasizes the importance of daily decision making and staying attuned to consumer needs. Ultimately, Vaynerchuk's advice is to focus on the present and deliver value to consumers, rather than worrying about industry trends or long-term visions.

    • Valuing people over money for business successThe speaker believes that prioritizing employees leads to long-term financial success and intends to increase engagement to change the company's perspective, despite challenges.

      The speaker values people over money in running a business, believing that prioritizing employees will lead to long-term financial success. However, he feels that the company does not share this perspective and intends to change this by increasing his engagement with employees to ensure the company's vitality. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of this approach, including potential conflicts with those who prioritize financial concerns, but is passionate about the potential for the company to excel with his unique energy and leadership style. Ultimately, he encourages listeners to engage with him on social media and to watch his YouTube vlog for further insights.

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    May is the author of the best-selling books The Path to Wealth and The Gratitude Formula

    She is also the host of the Abundance Inc Radio Show.

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    Key Takeaways

    1. Success is not a secret, it’s a system. If you follow the system you can be successful.
    2. Success is being whole and complete with everything you desire and require in every area of your life.
    3. There is wisdom in the universe that’s all around us and when we figure out how to prepare ourselves to enable it to be more obvious and show up more often, it will direct our path and guide us to success.
    4. What if you celebrated your successes before they happened?
    5. It is very important to surround yourself with at least one person who is a champion for you.
    6. Whatever you think and speak is a declaration to this power in the Universe to manifest for you.
    7. Our choice of words is extremely important. Choosing words to describe what you want outcomes to be is probably the most important part of this practice.
    8. When you’re choosing to be grateful, you’re choosing to be magnetic.
    9. Gratitude is a choice, it’s not a feeling.

    Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/278-may-mccarthy-success 

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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