
    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying new opportunities early and patiently waiting for the market to catch upSuccessful entrepreneurs find new opportunities early, believe in them, and have the patience to let consumers catch up, using innovative strategies like Google AdWords and email marketing.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like the speaker, identify new opportunities early and have the patience to wait for the market to catch up. The speaker's career began in an entrepreneurial way, selling for his father's liquor store with no metrics or awards, and grew a small business into a multimillion-dollar one using innovative marketing strategies, such as Google AdWords and email marketing, during the early days of the internet. In the last 7 years, the speaker has applied the same approach to growing his agency, VaynerMedia, from a small team to a large one, despite making less money as an entrepreneur without a board or publicly traded product. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding new frontiers, believing in them, and having the patience to let consumers catch up.

    • Shifting priorities in advertising towards consumers and long-term implicationsThe advertising industry needs to focus more on consumers and their experiences, rather than short-term metrics, as the industry shifts towards direct-to-consumer models.

      The current state of the advertising industry is overly focused on short-term data and metrics, often disconnected from the reality of businesses. Common sense and the long-term perspective of consumers should be prioritized more. The industry is shifting towards direct-to-consumer (DTC) models, and those present in the room may not be around in a decade. Therefore, it's crucial to start caring about consumers and their experiences more deeply. The speaker advocates for a shift towards considering the long-term implications of decisions and the impact on consumers, rather than solely focusing on immediate metrics. Additionally, the speaker raises concerns about the authenticity of those in the industry, suggesting that some may not truly believe in what they're selling. This disconnect and the impending DTC shift necessitate a reevaluation of priorities in the advertising world.

    • The Importance of Consumer Engagement in AdvertisingExplore underpriced ad products like Facebook advertising for both sales and marketing, and prioritize consumer engagement over overpriced methods like day trading for attention.

      While there is ongoing debate about the effectiveness and cost of various advertising platforms, it's essential to consider both the math and the consumption of the content. The speaker expresses skepticism towards overpriced advertising methods like day trading for attention, but also dislikes banner ads. He believes that underpriced ad products like Facebook advertising, which can do both sales and marketing, are worth exploring. As traditional advertising methods continue to evolve, understanding the difference between sales and marketing and focusing on consumer attention is crucial for success. Despite the abundance of metrics and data, it's important to remember that math alone does not solve marketing challenges. The speaker also mentions the potential of native advertising, such as live read radio, as an underpriced and consumed asset. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of a holistic approach to advertising, considering both the math and the consumer's actual engagement with the content.

    • Relying too heavily on external platforms for business growth can be riskyFocus on creating unique value propositions to differentiate your business and reduce reliance on external platforms. Respect the value of time in today's world.

      Relying too heavily on external platforms for business growth can be risky. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of investing in Snapchat despite its decline, emphasizing that the market is unpredictable. He also warned against building on the mercy of these platforms, citing historical examples of companies like Google and Twitter. Instead, he advised focusing on what brings value to customers, like Uber did by selling time. He also highlighted the increasing value of time in today's technology-driven world, urging the audience to recognize the importance of respecting others' time. In essence, it's crucial to create unique value propositions that differentiate businesses from their competitors and reduce reliance on external platforms.

    • Prioritizing internal metrics over consumer experienceFocus on consumer outcome and experience to build stronger relationships and drive growth, rather than solely meeting internal targets.

      Many businesses prioritize internal metrics and scoring systems over the consumer experience and the effectiveness of their communication efforts. The speaker argues that brands and marketing executives often disregard the impact of intrusive ads and unwanted interruptions on consumers, focusing instead on meeting internal targets. This approach not only fails to build meaningful connections with customers but also risks damaging the brand's reputation. Instead, the speaker advocates for a more practical and grounded approach, focusing on whether the communication creates a desirable outcome for the consumer, such as a donation or a purchase. By prioritizing the end result and the consumer experience, businesses can build stronger relationships and ultimately drive growth.

    • Reevaluating priorities in advertisingAdvertising industry needs to prioritize creating meaningful connections with consumers over chasing trends and technologies for profit, and focus on understanding consumer emotions and creating authentic connections instead.

      The advertising industry needs to reevaluate its priorities and focus more on creating meaningful connections with consumers, rather than just chasing after the latest trends and technologies for the sake of making a profit. The speaker emphasized that the majority of Fortune 500 CPG brands lost market share last year due to their reliance on outdated advertising methods and a lack of understanding of their consumers' emotions. He also criticized the media agencies for pushing programmatic advertising and upfront television because of their solid margins, while neglecting more personalized and effective approaches. The speaker advocated for more challenging conversations within the industry to ensure that clients' interests are put first and that advertising efforts are truly resonating with consumers. He also highlighted the importance of creative in advertising, as it is the variable that determines success. However, he noted that most creative is produced for the sake of agencies' own gains, rather than for the benefit of the clients. The speaker concluded by expressing his belief that the industry needs to shift its focus towards understanding consumer emotions and creating authentic connections, rather than relying on metrics and trends that may not accurately reflect the impact of advertising efforts.

    • Facebook's Cost-Effective Inventory for AdvertisingFacebook offers cost-effective inventory for ads, beneficial for smaller businesses and startups. Brands like Wish have seen revenue growth through Facebook ads. Facebook's text-based format may not appeal to larger brands, but its ability to deliver engaging video content makes it a unique opportunity for brands to reach their audience.

      Facebook currently offers the most cost-effective inventory for advertising on the internet, surpassing other platforms in terms of scale and impact. This is particularly noticeable for smaller businesses and startups looking to create transactions. While Google's intent-based selling is effective for specific searches, the long-term benefits of Facebook advertising are often overlooked. Brands like Wish have seen significant revenue growth solely through Facebook advertising. When compared to traditional media spending, Facebook provides a unique opportunity for brands to reach their audience with engaging, non-commercial content. However, for larger brands focused on brand equity, Facebook's text-based format may not be as appealing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering the full customer journey and not just the initial transaction, as last-touch attribution can be misleading. Facebook's ability to deliver longer, engaging video content in a non-commercial setting is a significant advantage in today's media landscape.

    • Investing in Facebook and Instagram for Business GrowthLeverage underpriced advertising opportunities on Facebook and Instagram, understand human behavior for effective marketing, adapt and be historically correct, and focus on authentic content for capturing attention

      The speaker believes in investing heavily in Facebook and Instagram for business growth due to the underpriced advertising opportunities. He argues that common sense and understanding human behavior should guide marketing strategies, rather than relying on metrics or following the crowd. He shares his regret of not fully committing to digital advertising in the past and encourages taking calculated risks in business. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being historically correct and adaptable in business, and being open to selling various products or services. In essence, his advice is to focus on capturing people's attention through authentic and engaging content on social media platforms, rather than relying on traditional advertising methods.

    • Identifying and capitalizing on trendsSuccessful businesses can benefit from predicting trends and acting on them, either by addressing current events or consumer trends. However, it's important to address the mismatch between sales and metrics to effectively implement this strategy, and be aware of the limitations and risks of trend prediction.

      Successful businesses, whether in financial services or other industries, can benefit from predicting trends and acting on them before they become mainstream. This approach, which the speaker calls "transactional," involves identifying and capitalizing on current events or consumer trends, such as predicting the demand for hurricane supplies or recognizing the rise of a new cultural trend. However, this method also has its limitations, particularly for businesses that don't sell directly to consumers and are reliant on third-party metrics. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the mismatch between sales and metrics in order to effectively implement this strategy. Additionally, there's another dimension to trend prediction, which is more creative and culturally focused, and can have greater upside but also more risk. Overall, the ability to accurately predict trends and act on them can give businesses a competitive edge.

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    Bobby answers both curated or user-submitted questions from clients and viewers on each episode of Blueprint. If you have some of your own questions, submit them in the comments below or @SignaMarketing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube with the hashtag #BlueprintShow to get them answered in the next episode.


    #BlueprintShow is a conversational Q&A style show in which we answer any and all questions related to digital marketing and marketing your business online. From brand building to tactical digital marketing advice, the purpose of this show is to answer any burning online marketing questions that may be holding your business back.


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    Bobby answers both curated or user-submitted questions from clients and viewers on each episode of Blueprint. If you have some of your own questions, submit them in the comments below or @SignaMarketing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube with the hashtag #BlueprintShow to get them answered in the next episode.


    #BlueprintShow is a conversational Q&A style show in which we answer any and all questions related to digital marketing and marketing your business online. From brand building to tactical digital marketing advice, the purpose of this show is to answer any burning online marketing questions that may be holding your business back.


    For more digital marketing tips, be sure to visit our Tips & Insights Blog here: http://bit.ly/2wIYw7z


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    Bobby answers both curated or user-submitted questions from clients and viewers on each episode of Blueprint. If you have some of your own questions, submit them in the comments below or @SignaMarketing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube with the hashtag #BlueprintShow to get them answered in the next episode.


    #BlueprintShow is a conversational Q&A style show in which we answer any and all questions related to digital marketing and marketing your business online. From brand building to tactical digital marketing advice, the purpose of this show is to answer any burning online marketing questions that may be holding your business back.


    For more digital marketing tips, be sure to visit our Tips & Insights Blog here: http://bit.ly/2wIYw7z


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    Bobby answers both curated or user-submitted questions from clients and viewers on each episode of Blueprint. If you have some of your own questions, submit them in the comments below or @SignaMarketing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube with the hashtag #BlueprintShow to get them answered in the next episode.


    #BlueprintShow is a conversational Q&A style show in which we answer any and all questions related to digital marketing and marketing your business online. From brand building to tactical digital marketing advice, the purpose of this show is to answer any burning online marketing questions that may be holding your business back.


    For more digital marketing tips, be sure to visit our Tips & Insights Blog here: http://bit.ly/2wIYw7z


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    Have questions on how to market your business online? Ask us by submitting them for the Blueprint Show! Simply leave a comment here or on any of our social media channels.


    Bobby answers both curated or user-submitted questions from clients and viewers on each episode of Blueprint. If you have some of your own questions, submit them in the comments below or @SignaMarketing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube with the hashtag #BlueprintShow to get them answered in the next episode.


    #BlueprintShow is a conversational Q&A style show in which we answer any and all questions related to digital marketing and marketing your business online. From brand building to tactical digital marketing advice, the purpose of this show is to answer any burning online marketing questions that may be holding your business back.


    For more digital marketing tips, be sure to visit our Tips & Insights Blog here: http://bit.ly/2wIYw7z


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