
    A Keynote: Elevate 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark | Session 1

    enDecember 07, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Empathy in Marketing: Understanding Customers' Needs and BehaviorsEffective marketing requires empathy towards consumers, understanding their interests, and mastering various marketing mediums to build relationships.

      Learning from Gary Vaynerchuk's discussion is the importance of empathy in marketing. Contrary to popular belief, being consumer-centric and understanding the customer's needs and behaviors is crucial for effective marketing. Gary emphasized that marketers should focus on listening to their customers and formulating strategies around their interests rather than trying to force them into buying or engaging with the product. He also highlighted the value of mastering various marketing mediums, such as Facebook, and becoming the best practitioner in that space. Additionally, he advised against letting personal biases or discomfort with self-promotion hinder marketing efforts. Instead, marketers should embrace the opportunity to connect with their audience and build relationships based on understanding and value.

    • Determining if a personal brand is right for youConsider the scalability, controllability, and credibility of a personal brand before investing time and resources.

      Building a personal brand is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every business. While it can be effective for certain industries and individuals who enjoy it, not every business owner needs to be out there five times a day on social media. Instead, it's important to reverse engineer the individual and their business to determine if a personal brand is a credibly owned and controllable IP that is scalable. However, marketing a service that people don't currently see as beneficial requires humility, patience, education, and a focus on underpriced attention. Marketers must continuously pound the value proposition and speak in business terms to eventually get people to understand it. As the speaker emphasized, "attention is the number one asset if you wanna build a business."

    • Entrepreneurship: Wearing Many Hats and Embracing the JourneyFocus on delivering a good product or service, personal branding matters, and embrace the entrepreneurial journey with its challenges and rewards.

      Entrepreneurs wear many hats and should allocate time for marketing, but their focus should be on delivering a good product or service as marketing efforts are meaningless without it. Entrepreneurship comes with significant challenges and requires constant attention, but the reward of living life on one's terms makes it worthwhile. Personal branding is also important in today's world, where people appreciate authenticity and understanding that individuals have multiple facets to their lives. The speaker emphasized the importance of being present in all aspects of the business and embracing the entrepreneurial journey, with its highs and lows.

    • Educating the Audience on VR Physical TherapyInvest in influencer marketing to reach a larger audience and build credibility for VR physical therapy, while creating informative and entertaining content to effectively communicate its value.

      When it comes to social media content for a leading VR physical therapy company, education is key. The audience needs to be made aware of what VR physical therapy is and how it can benefit them. This can be achieved through a combination of informational and entertaining content. Additionally, collaborating with influencers can help reach a larger audience and build credibility. For individuals looking to allocate time towards influencer marketing, it can be a worthwhile investment, especially for those in ambitious fields. Overall, the goal is to create content that resonates with the audience and effectively communicates the value of VR physical therapy.

    • Maximize your time as a young entrepreneurInvest time wisely, focus on business, seek leverage, and don't waste energy on distractions. Say yes to new opportunities and put in the work to make them successful.

      As a young entrepreneur, your most valuable asset is your time. You should be making the most of it by focusing on your business and seeking leverage. This means working hard and consistently, even on a tight budget. The early stages of a startup can be overwhelming, but it's important to remember that your energy, ambition, and time are your greatest assets. Don't waste them on distractions or things that don't contribute to your business's growth. Instead, invest your time wisely and figure out how to get the most out of every minute. And while it's important to consider the return on investment (ROI) of various strategies, remember that getting good at something takes time and effort. So, say "yes" to new opportunities and put in the work to make them successful for your business.

    • Offering free work for exposureStarting a business with limited resources? Offer free work for exposure to build awareness. Consider time investment and ensure value exchange. Mind expenses and seek alternative income sources. Immigrants' frugal mindset can lead to business success.

      When starting a business with limited resources, doing free work to build awareness is a valuable strategy. This means offering your products or services for free to bigger companies or individuals in exchange for exposure. However, it's important to consider the time investment and ensure that the value exchange is worth it. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be mindful of their expenses and consider alternative sources of income to support their business until it becomes profitable. Immigrants often over-index in business success due to their frugal mindset and willingness to save and invest in their business instead of buying unnecessary items. Ultimately, the reality of entrepreneurship can be challenging, and it requires practicality, smart decision-making, and a willingness to make sacrifices.

    • Effective Marketing Strategies for a New BusinessLeverage influencer marketing with underpriced local influencers, create high-quality content for Facebook, optimize ad spend, collect data through landing pages, and hire young, talented creators.

      For marketing a new business like a Strandblin Park opening in Copenhagen in 4 months, a multi-faceted approach is key. While Facebook and Google ads are a good starting point, influencer marketing can bring disproportionate attention with underpriced influencers in the area. Additionally, creating high-quality content for Facebook and understanding what converts is crucial to avoid wasting marketing budget. Before the opening, drive potential customers to a landing page with a Google form for data collection, and after the fact, make the conversion process as frictionless as possible. Lastly, consider documenting the journey of the business's creation as a potential marketing tool, and look for young, talented creators to join the team for low cost, high-quality output.

    • Adapt and evolve for long-term successSuccess is not just about tactics or data, but adapting, being grateful, and focusing on long-term goals for personal growth and impact on others.

      Success, whether it's in business or personal life, is not about being ideological or sticking to one way of thinking. Instead, it's important to adapt and evolve with the changing landscape of attention and platforms. Gratitude and mindset are crucial elements in maintaining online performance and achieving success in the long term. Success is not measured by tactics or data alone, but by the impact we have on others and the growth of those around us. Ultimately, personal success is about looking ahead and focusing on the long-term goals, such as raising well-rounded children or helping others build successful businesses.

    • Making a positive impact and leaving a lasting legacyFocus on authenticity, merit, and understanding audience to make a lasting impact and leave a positive legacy.

      Success for the speaker is not about short-term gains or pleasing others in the moment, but rather about making a positive impact on the lives of those around him and leaving a lasting legacy. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and merit, and encourages focusing on technical expertise and depth rather than entertainment value. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding one's audience and communicating effectively across various platforms. Ultimately, success is about living one's life in alignment with one's values and principles, even if it means taking a less conventional path.

    • Expanding Your Personal BrandCreating, engaging, and growing your personal brand can lead to bigger opportunities and a larger audience. Use influencer marketing, freelancing, and content creation to expand your reach.

      Building a personal brand, whether you call it that or not, can open doors to bigger opportunities. The speaker shared his own journey of using influencer marketing and freelancing on Fiverr to build a social media marketing agency. He also emphasized the importance of giving value to others through content and engaging with your audience. The speaker also shared his experience of hiring a ghostwriter to help him create content and how it helped him reach a larger audience. He encouraged everyone to expand their personal brand, as it will not only bring in bigger clients but also a larger audience. The universe, he said, will keep guiding you on your journey as long as you keep going. So, keep creating, keep engaging, and keep growing your personal brand.

    • Investing in a personal brand opens doors to opportunitiesBuilding a personal brand can lead to endless opportunities and options, making it an essential aspect of growing a successful business.

      Building a strong personal brand can open up a world of opportunities. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that every significant investment he's made in his career was built on the foundation of his personal brand. He also highlighted that the digital age has given everyone the chance to be as big as they want to be based on merit and skill, without the need for gatekeepers. However, it's essential to remember that reputation still matters. Gary also shared his thoughts on the Fiverr platform, suggesting it could be used as a stepping stone to bigger opportunities. Lastly, he encouraged interactivity with audiences, mentioning the growing trend of using Facebook groups instead of email lists for building communities and engaging with potential clients. Overall, the key takeaway is that investing in a personal brand can lead to endless opportunities and options, making it an essential aspect of growing a successful business.

    • Multi-channel approach for business engagementDiversify communication methods for business to reach and engage audiences, adapt to changes, and turn negatives into positives.

      Relying on just one platform or communication method for business is risky. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a multi-channel approach, such as using both Facebook and email marketing, to reach and engage with audiences. He shares personal experiences of platforms changing and losing attention, and how he adapted by building up other channels. He encourages business owners to be audacious, take risks, and not put all their eggs in one basket. The speaker also suggests that turning a negative situation into a positive one requires creativity, adaptability, and a positive attitude. For example, if an email campaign goes wrong, one could use it as an opportunity to reach out to recipients personally or through other channels to make things right.

    • Personally addressing customer issues leads to positive outcomesApologizing sincerely and reaching out personally to customers after a mistake can deepen connections and increase loyalty.

      Handling customer issues with sincere apologies and personal outreach can lead to a positive outcome, even after making a mistake that results in a large number of unsubscribers or negative reports. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, shared his experience of personally reaching out to every affected customer after an email marketing campaign went wrong, which led to a deeper connection with his audience and increased loyalty. He emphasized the importance of not being judged solely on the initial mistake, but on the actions taken afterwards. Additionally, Gary expressed his enthusiasm for Q&A sessions and the universal nature of the questions and answers that come out of them. Lastly, he encouraged listeners to pre-order his upcoming book, "Crushing It!" for valuable insights on personal branding and social media.

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