
    A keynote: Inman Connect Conference 2016

    enDecember 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing the impact of the communication shiftIn today's fast-paced world, understanding the value of attention and adapting strategies accordingly is crucial for success in various platforms like Instagram stories, Snapchat, and emerging technologies.

      We are experiencing a massive communication shift, and every person in this room is underestimating its impact. Attention is the new currency, and it's moving faster than ever before. With the rise of social media and technology, we're producing content at unprecedented levels, leading to a significant supply and demand issue. End users are being bombarded with thousands of times more content than a decade ago, making it challenging to break through the noise. To succeed, it's crucial to recognize the value of attention and adapt strategies accordingly. Whether it's through Instagram stories, Snapchat, or other emerging platforms, staying informed and agile is key to standing out in today's fast-paced environment.

    • Investing in outdated platforms can lead to complacency and missed opportunitiesStay adaptable and evolve with new digital platforms to remain competitive, even if it means trying and failing

      Complacency in business, especially in the digital world, can be detrimental. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal experience of investing heavily in Twitter and feeling devastated when it no longer held the same attention. Instead of holding on, he urged the audience to adapt and invest time and energy into new platforms. He emphasized that trying new things may not always result in success, but the key is to keep experimenting and evolving. The real estate industry, in particular, was called out for not fully embracing their digital presence and becoming the "digital mayor" of their town. The shift to seeing oneself as a media company, regardless of industry, can lead to a fundamental change in business strategy and success. However, this change requires hard work and a willingness to adapt, which many people may not be prepared for.

    • Leveraging Local Content for Personal Branding and Effective Facebook AdvertisingIndividuals can produce local content for social media platforms like Facebook to attract potential residents and market themselves effectively. Facebook's ad products offer great opportunities for businesses to reach their audience and capture attention, especially with decreasing organic reach on TV.

      Every individual has the potential to become the content producer and media entity for their town by providing valuable information on local topics, such as school reviews, restaurant reviews, and interviews with community leaders. This not only brings value to potential residents but also allows the individual to market themselves more effectively on social media platforms like Facebook. While organic reach on Facebook has decreased, the platform's ad products have grown into one of the greatest advertising opportunities. With more and more people watching TV on their own time and skipping commercials, it's crucial for businesses to invest in Facebook advertising to reach their audience and capture their attention.

    • Staying Curious and Adapting to the Changing Digital LandscapeEarly adoption of digital marketing tools and understanding the current state of the internet, especially for mobile, can give businesses a significant advantage.

      The way we consume and interact with media has drastically changed, and it's important for businesses to adapt to this mobile-first environment. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experiences with early digital marketing on Google AdWords and email marketing, emphasizing how being an early adopter gave him a significant advantage. He also highlighted the importance of understanding the current state of the internet, which he refers to as "social media," and the need to optimize websites and marketing efforts for mobile devices. Vaynerchuk gave an example of a friend who successfully sold homes through Facebook Live, demonstrating the potential of social media platforms for business transactions. In essence, the message is to stay curious and adapt to the changing digital landscape in order to effectively reach and sell to consumers.

    • Maximizing Reach and Engagement on Social Media for Real EstateUse Facebook Live and Instagram for larger, more engaged audiences. Instagram attracts females and hashtags increase discoverability. Consider Facebook ads and editing video content for cost-effective conversions.

      Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram present significant opportunities for real estate professionals to reach potential clients and sell homes. During the discussion, it was emphasized that open houses can be less productive than expected, and using social media, particularly Facebook Live and Instagram, can help reach a larger and more engaged audience. Instagram, in particular, was highlighted for its potential to attract female demographics, who often play a key role in home transactions. The speaker recommended producing more content on Instagram, using multiple hashtags to increase discoverability, and considering Facebook's strong ad product to reach a larger audience. The discussion also touched on the importance of creating video content for Facebook Live and editing it for use in Facebook ads to drive down the cost of conversion. While some may feel intimidated by the technology, the speaker encouraged embracing it, as everyone has learned to drive at some point in their lives.

    • Staying Competitive in the Digital AgeEmbrace learning new digital tools and platforms to stay competitive in today's society. Resources like Google and YouTube can help you effectively use various digital platforms. Stay adaptable and open to learning to stay competitive.

      The digital world is constantly evolving, and if you're not keeping up, you risk being left behind. The speaker emphasized the importance of being digitally native in today's society, as technologies like Netflix, YouTube, smartphones, and Facebook have all emerged within the last decade. He warned that even successful businesses can be put out of business by technological shifts, using examples like Borders and the black car service industry. He encouraged the audience, particularly those not planning to retire in the next 10 years, to embrace learning new digital tools and platforms to stay competitive. The speaker recommended resources like Google and YouTube for learning how to use various digital platforms effectively. He acknowledged that some people may prefer visual or hands-on learning methods, and encouraged them to seek out those resources as well. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying adaptable and open to learning in the digital age.

    • The importance of adapting to new technologies in businessTo succeed in business, be open to new technologies and trends, understand consumer behavior, and adapt quickly to stay competitive.

      The business landscape is constantly evolving, and those who fail to adapt risk being left behind. The speaker shares a personal story about friends whose businesses were devastated due to technological advancements. He emphasizes that the internet, which has only been around for a short time, has already had a significant impact on our lives, and the same will happen with virtual reality in the future. The speaker encourages the audience to be open to new technologies and platforms, like Snapchat, as they can provide valuable opportunities for businesses. He also highlights the importance of being digitally savvy and understanding the behavior of consumers, as they are the ones driving the market. The speaker's message is clear: to succeed in business, one must be willing to adapt to new technologies and trends.

    • The keys to success in business and personal branding are work ethic and patience.Consistently put in effort and exhibit patience to build a successful business or personal brand, as success often comes down to dedication and persistence, not just talent.

      Success in business and personal branding comes down to two simple principles: work ethic and patience. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, emphasizes that these pillars have been essential for success long before the digital age and can be applied to any platform or industry. He shares his own experience of consistently putting out content on Facebook for years before seeing significant growth, highlighting the importance of persistence and learning. He also mentions the value of attention and how platforms like Facebook offer unique opportunities to reach consumers in ways traditional methods like direct mail cannot. Ultimately, the speaker encourages those aiming to build a business or personal brand to put in the hard work and exhibit patience, as the difference between those who win and lose is often less about talent and more about dedication and persistence.

    • Cost of Facebook ads to rise, become a media company to mitigateSmall businesses and individuals may struggle with rising Facebook ad costs, but investing in content creation and local following can help mitigate the impact.

      The cost of reaching people through Facebook ads is expected to increase significantly in the next few years due to increased competition from large companies shifting their advertising budgets from traditional media to digital platforms. This trend could make it difficult for small businesses and individuals to afford the ads needed to grow their businesses. To mitigate this, it's crucial to become a media company and invest time and resources into learning how to create effective Facebook ads and other forms of content that can attract and engage potential customers. Additionally, focusing on building a strong local following through channels like podcasting can be an effective way to reach and convert customers in your community. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize and adapt to the cultural shift towards digital communication and word-of-mouth marketing in order to succeed in business.

    • Embrace digital platforms and adapt to changeFocus on making actions align with words, understand importance of digital, adapt to new technologies for greatest rewards, fear of change is natural but adapters often succeed

      It's essential to embrace digital platforms and produce a disproportionate amount of content, even if some of it may not work out. The speaker's experience with Vine and Socialcam led him to success on Snapchat and Instagram video. Society and technology are constantly evolving, and it's not up to us to decide where it should be. Instead, we should focus on making our actions align with our words and understanding the importance of digital. The speaker encourages us to make a religious decision about the role of digital in our businesses or personal lives, rather than a tactical one. He also reminds us that fear of change has been present throughout history, and those who adapt and embrace new technologies often reap the greatest rewards.

    • Effective Social Media Platforms for Real Estate AgentsInstagram and Snapchat are essential for real estate agents. Engage with communities, produce content, and build a text marketing list for stronger connections and increased sales.

      Both Instagram and Snapchat are essential platforms for real estate agents looking to sell homes, with different demographics favoring each. Instagram stories are particularly effective for older demographics, while Snapchat skews younger. Agents should focus on both platforms, engaging with their communities and producing content even in brief moments, such as while walking to a door or waiting in line. Building a text marketing list by obtaining cell phone numbers is also recommended as it provides an intimate connection with potential clients. Ultimately, agents should maximize their use of technology and social media to build relationships and sell homes.

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