
    A Keynote: PRSM2018 in Nashville, Tennesee

    enMay 18, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Social media's influence on B2B dynamicsImmigrants and children of immigrants can learn valuable business lessons and leverage social media to connect with potential B2B clients, leading to significant financial successes.

      The impact of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat extends beyond consumer industries and can significantly influence business-to-business dynamics. Gary Vaynerchuk, a businessman and entrepreneur, emphasized this point during a recent conference, sharing his personal experience of growing up as an immigrant in the US and learning the importance of hard work and saving. He noted that his biggest financial successes have come from working with large corporations and B2B businesses, highlighting the potential for one major account to make a significant impact. Vaynerchuk encouraged the audience, particularly those who are immigrants or children of immigrants, to understand the value of hard work and the importance of social media in today's business world. He emphasized that social media platforms are not just for consumer brands but can also be powerful tools for B2B businesses to connect with potential clients and make an impact.

    • Understanding the value of attention in businessBe aware of overpriced and underpriced attention, adapt to cultural trends, identify strengths and weaknesses, and understand that attention is the currency of business

      Attention is the most valuable asset in business, and following where the consumer's attention is can lead to success. The speaker shares his personal experiences, from selling lemonade as a child to navigating the culture of baseball cards in the late 1980s, and how he became self-aware and focused on understanding where to find and how to capture attention. He emphasizes the importance of being aware of overpriced and underpriced attention in today's market and the need to adapt to changing cultural trends. The speaker encourages self-awareness and the understanding that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and the key is to identify them and use them to create value. He also shares his experience of going from making a large profit selling baseball cards to working in a liquor store and the lesson he learned about hard work and perseverance. Overall, the message is that attention is the currency of business and understanding where it is and how to capture it is essential for growth.

    • Childhood isolation shapes entrepreneur's journeyEarly experiences of isolation and disapproval led the speaker to pursue higher education and join the family wine business, shaping his personal and professional growth.

      The speaker's childhood was significantly impacted by his family's disapproval of his father, leading him to spend much of his time in isolation. This experience shaped his interests and eventually led him to join the family wine business. Despite his initial reluctance to attend college, a last-minute application to Mount Ida College allowed him to pursue higher education. The speaker also shared his early experiences with the internet, which was a novelty at the time and required payment for usage. These formative experiences influenced the speaker's personal and professional growth, and serve as a reminder of the significance of persevering through challenging circumstances.

    • Capitalizing on under-priced attention with emerging technologiesRecognize and leverage new technologies to reach under-priced attention, adapt to technological advances, and stay competitive in business.

      Successful entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk built his business empire by recognizing and capitalizing on under-priced attention brought about by emerging technologies, such as email marketing and Google AdWords. He encourages individuals and businesses to do the same, rather than holding on to outdated practices or ignoring new opportunities. Vaynerchuk also emphasizes the importance of adapting to technological advances and understanding their potential impact on businesses, rather than being left behind. He believes that everyone, regardless of their comfort level with technology, can leverage it to grow their business and stay competitive.

    • Leveraging Free Content for Business Growth on LinkedIn and FacebookInvesting in advertising on LinkedIn and Facebook can lead to significant business growth by reaching decision-makers in the B2B sector, despite reservations. Delaying investment may result in missed opportunities.

      In today's digital age, particularly in the B2B sector, giving away valuable content for free on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook can lead to significant business growth. The speaker emphasizes that most people don't take action on the information they receive, but those who do can reap the benefits of a relatively untapped market. He shares his regret for not investing more in Google advertising earlier in his career and encourages others to take advertising on LinkedIn and Facebook seriously, despite any reservations they may have. The speaker's success is rooted in understanding that these platforms are marketplaces where decision-makers can be reached, and the longer businesses delay in investing, the more value can be extracted by those who do.

    • The Shift to Digital Platforms for AdvertisingTraditional advertising methods are less effective due to the rise of streaming platforms and social media. Businesses can sell more by investing time in learning how to use digital platforms effectively for marketing, emphasizing authenticity and passion in content creation.

      Traditional advertising methods, such as TV commercials and banner ads, are becoming less effective as more people shift to streaming platforms and social media. A speaker at an event shared his experience of encountering CEOs who criticized social media for negatively impacting democracy but still relied on it for selling their products. He pointed out that over 80% of the audience in the room primarily watched streaming services, leaving very few people exposed to commercials. Additionally, he mentioned that digital ads, including banner ads, were also not effective as people were not clicking on them. The speaker emphasized that businesses could sell more by investing time in learning how to use social media and other digital platforms effectively for marketing. He also shared his personal experience of starting a wine show on YouTube over 16 years ago, which he initially intended to use for selling wine but soon realized the importance of authenticity and passion in content creation for digital platforms.

    • Impact of criticism and consumer trends on industriesCriticism and consumer trends can shape industries, and understanding them can lead to successful investments. Staying authentic and adapting to technological shifts are essential for success.

      Content and authenticity are powerful tools that can influence consumer behavior and shape industries. The speaker, an early wine reviewer and tech investor, learned this lesson when he criticized wine brands on his podcast, causing a stir in the industry. He also discovered that understanding consumer trends and behaviors can lead to successful investments. The speaker's career took a significant turn when Google bought YouTube for $1.7 billion, leading him to invest in Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. He emphasizes that the impact of platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn on businesses should not be underestimated, as they can reach and influence a large audience. We are currently experiencing a major shift in attention due to technology, and those who can navigate and adapt to these changes will be successful. The speaker's experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of staying authentic, understanding consumer trends, and being open to new opportunities.

    • Shifting to digital media leads to wealth creationCompanies that effectively use digital platforms to reach and engage their audience can leave opportunities on the table by not investing in it. Focus on providing value and building expertise, not just making a hard sell.

      The shift from radio to television in America led to massive wealth creation for businesses that adapted to the new platform, and the same is happening now with digital media. Companies that effectively use digital platforms to reach and engage their audience can leave significant opportunities on the table if they don't make the mental and strategic decision to invest in it. The speaker emphasizes that this is not just about out-marketing competitors, but about becoming a media company or thought leader in your industry. By producing valuable content and sharing it on platforms like YouTube, Google, and LinkedIn, businesses can attract attention and opportunities that go beyond traditional sales pitches. The speaker encourages everyone to educate themselves on how to effectively use these platforms, and offers the example of creating informative slideshows to reach potential customers on LinkedIn. The key is to focus on providing value and building expertise, rather than making a hard sell. The speaker's conviction comes from observing the success of businesses that have made this shift, and encourages everyone to take the necessary steps to do the same.

    • Stand out from the crowd with content marketing on LinkedIn and FacebookInvesting in content marketing on LinkedIn and Facebook can provide a disproportionate return on investment for businesses, but it's crucial to hire knowledgeable professionals to execute this strategy effectively to stay competitive and prepared for technological advancements.

      In today's business world, traditional marketing methods are becoming increasingly commoditized, leading to a race to the bottom on pricing. To stand out, investing in content marketing on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook can provide a disproportionate return on investment. However, it's important for businesses doing over $1,000,000 a year to hire knowledgeable professionals to execute this strategy effectively. Failure to do so can leave businesses vulnerable and ill-prepared for the technological advancements that are constantly evolving. This is a crucial time for businesses to embrace digital marketing and educate themselves on the latest trends, as the technological landscape is only going to become more complex in the coming years.

    • How Technology Can Be a Teamplayer or a Rival for BusinessesAdapt to technology, learn through search engines and content consumption, and consider context instead of just timing when releasing content.

      Technology is a significant force in society that can either be a teammate or a rival for businesses. Chris Rock shared a personal experience about how Uber disrupted the taxi and limo industry, causing the collapse of his father's friends' businesses. He emphasized the importance of adapting to technology and figuring out how to use it to grow businesses instead of fearing it or ignoring it. He suggested learning through search engines like Google and YouTube or by consuming content in various ways. During the Q&A session, a question was asked about releasing duplicate content on multiple platforms, and Rock emphasized the importance of considering context rather than just the timing.

    • Understanding audience psychology and adapting to new technologyAdapt messaging based on platform, invest in voice technology, and focus on audience psychology to maximize content impact

      The way people consume content and respond to it varies greatly depending on the platform they're using, and marketers need to adapt their messaging accordingly. For example, a 47-year-old woman may be in a buying mindset on Pinterest but keeping up with her world on Facebook. Marketers should also prepare for the rise of voice technology, which is still in its early stages but has the potential to significantly change how we consume content. Investing in voice technology and producing a podcast could be valuable strategies for businesses, even if they have small audiences. As Matthew McConaughey put it, "B to b is the best. Your stinking podcast can have 88 listeners but that can have a $5,000,000 impact." Overall, understanding the psychology of your audience and adapting to new technology can help marketers make the most of their content and reach their goals.

    • The ROI of fear, complaining, and negativity is not worth itFocus on positivity and surround yourself with positive influences to foster personal and professional growth

      Focusing on fear, complaining, and negativity is not productive and can hinder personal and professional growth. Ivan Piper, from the Piper Companies, emphasized the importance of optimism and positivity during a discussion. He shared his belief that the ROI of fear, dwelling, and complaining is not worth it, as the only people who listen to our problems are often those who are also struggling. Instead, Piper encouraged everyone to audit their circles and surround themselves with positive influences. He also highlighted the ease of inflicting harm in today's world and the importance of recognizing the perspective and context of our current challenges, which are minor compared to historical hardships. Overall, the message was to focus on the positive and find ways to make the most of the current era, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

    • Embrace digital tools for personal branding and business growthUtilize social media, collaborations, advertising, voice technology, and empathy to build a successful online presence

      In today's digital age, being on offense in building your personal brand or business is crucial. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of utilizing modern tools such as social media, collaborations, and advertising to reach and grow your audience. He encourages embracing advertising, especially when underpriced, as a means to target specific individuals and locations. Additionally, empathy towards your audience and understanding their needs is essential for building a successful online presence. Voice technology, specifically voice conferences and apps, is the next frontier in business and marketing, and staying informed and involved in this area is important. In essence, being proactive, informed, and empathetic in utilizing digital tools can lead to significant growth and success.

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