
    A Librarian Spoke Against Censorship. Dark Money Came For Her.

    enNovember 17, 2022
    What challenges did Amanda Jones face as a librarian?
    Why is diversity important in library collections?
    How did the community respond to Amanda's advocacy?
    What role do librarians play in promoting inclusivity?
    What implications do censorship and free speech have for libraries?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Role of Librarians in Advocating for Diverse LiteratureLibrarians play a vital role in promoting representation and inclusivity by curating diverse collections and advocating for inclusive literature, despite facing backlash and controversy.

      The importance of representation in literature and the role of librarians in curating diverse collections was brought to light in this discussion with Amanda Jones. Amanda, a middle school librarian in Louisiana, realized the lack of diversity in her library's collection and made it her mission to change that. However, her efforts were met with controversy and attacks online. Despite the backlash, Amanda continued to advocate for representation and the value of diverse books in helping all students see themselves reflected in literature. The conversation highlights the need for open communication and understanding in communities, especially when it comes to issues of representation and inclusivity. It also underscores the crucial role librarians play in providing access to a wide range of books that represent the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their students.

    • Navigating Controversial Educational Resources in LibrariesLibrarians must maintain open dialogue with their communities to address any misunderstandings or concerns regarding controversial educational resources, while ensuring equal access to all ages.

      As a librarian, navigating the line between educational resources and potential controversy can be a challenging experience. The speaker shared her personal encounter with accusations of teaching critical race theory and liberal propaganda after showing pictures and displaying books related to a lesson. Despite open communication with her principal and a concerned parent, she acknowledged the increasing trend of heated school board meetings and book challenges across the country. The incident became even more alarming when she noticed similar controversies unfolding at a public library in a nearby parish, raising concerns about the potential for such incidents to happen closer to home. The speaker emphasized the importance of public libraries as resources for all ages and the need to maintain open dialogue with the community to address any misunderstandings or concerns.

    • Lafayette Library's Book Display Ban Sparks ControversyCommunity engagement is crucial in local decision-making processes, as outside influences can significantly impact these decisions.

      The Lafayette Public Library's decision to ban book displays on certain topics has sparked concerns about censorship and led to a heated library board meeting over a teen health sex book. A woman from an outside group, Citizens for Louisiana, posted about the book on a local Facebook page, urging people to attend the meeting. The speaker, a school librarian, felt obligated to go and speak up as a local resident and expert on the topic. The meeting was filled with tension as both local and outside attendees voiced their opinions. The incident highlights the importance of community engagement and the potential for outside influences to impact local decisions.

    • Library Board Discusses Controversial BooksLibrary board debated removing or relocating LGBTQ and sexual health books, sparking controversy and concerns over censorship and impact on marginalized communities.

      The Lewiston Parish Library Board of Control discussed the potential removal or relocation of books with LGBTQ themes and sexual health content during a recent meeting. Some board members expressed concerns about the appropriateness of these materials for children and young adults, while others argued against censorship and the targeting of historically marginalized communities. The 2021 School Library Journal National School Librarian of the Year, Amanda Jones, spoke passionately against censorship and its impact on marginalized communities, sharing her personal experiences as a teacher and advocate for LGBTQ youth. The issue of book censorship is not unique to Lewiston Parish or Louisiana, but is a growing concern across the country. Organizations like Citizens For New Louisiana, a 501c4 dark money group, are pushing for the removal of certain books, adding to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, the board decided to table the discussion and continue the conversation at a later date.

    • Misinformation can lead to controversy and harmBe vigilant against the spread of misinformation, fact-check before sharing, and remember individuals are more than their professional roles.

      The power of misinformation is significant and can lead to unnecessary controversy and harm, even when it is based on a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of facts. In this case, a simple mention of "book content" at a library board meeting led to a false accusation of promoting pornography and erotica. The speaker was targeted online with hateful comments and false allegations, causing distress and damage to her reputation. It's important to be vigilant against the spread of misinformation and to fact-check before sharing or reacting to information, especially in public forums. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that individuals are more than their professional roles and that personal and professional reputations can be easily tarnished through online attacks.

    • Protecting Yourself from Online HarassmentWhen facing online harassment, prioritize self-care, communicate effectively, scrub social media, and seek support. Remember, addressing the root causes may require broader conversations.

      Online attacks and rumors can be devastating and embarrassing, leaving individuals feeling scared and vulnerable. In the face of such situations, it's essential to take steps to protect oneself and communicate effectively with loved ones. This may involve explaining the situation in detail, scrubbing social media accounts, and seeking support from professionals or trusted friends. Remember, when dealing with online harassment, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and not let the situation consume you. Additionally, it's important to recognize that extremist voices can sometimes become a vocal majority, and addressing the root causes of such behavior may require broader conversations about politics and censorship.

    • Standing up against online defamationTaking action against false online accusations is crucial for protecting reputation and setting a precedent, despite challenges and potential consequences.

      Standing up for oneself against online defamation can be a long and expensive process, but it's important to take action to protect one's reputation and potentially set a precedent. The speaker, a school librarian, shared her experience of dealing with false accusations online and the steps she took to file a lawsuit. Despite the challenges, she hopes to make a difference and hold those accountable for spreading lies. The experience has followed her into her daily life, affecting her interactions with parents in her community and even causing fear when she attends school events. However, she remains determined to stand up for herself and send a message to others that there are real consequences for online actions.

    • Balancing freedom of speech and defamation in librariesThe fear of retaliation and censorship in libraries can hinder free speech, but defendants' right to express opinions can't always be silenced through defamation lawsuits. Ongoing dialogue and education are crucial for understanding the complexities and importance of free speech and censorship in libraries.

      The fear of retaliation and censorship in the library community, as well as the use of strategic lawsuits against public participation, can hinder the free exchange of ideas and information. The dismissal of Amanda's defamation lawsuit based on the defendants' right to express their opinions highlights the complexities and challenges surrounding the balance between freedom of speech and defamation. Despite the setbacks, Amanda continues to pursue her legal action, emphasizing the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and challenging the status quo. The ongoing debate underscores the need for ongoing dialogue and education about the role of libraries, librarians, and the broader implications of censorship and free speech.

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