
    A Plan To Preserve Liberty (Ep 1433)

    enJanuary 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting free speech online with a VPNUse a VPN like ExpressVPN to safeguard online privacy and combat censorship, standing up for free speech in the face of leftist attempts to silence opposing voices.

      In the current cultural climate, conservatives are under attack, specifically when it comes to free speech on social media. Dan Bongino urges individuals to take back control of their online privacy by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like ExpressVPN to hide their data from being sold to advertisers. The left's impeachment of Donald Trump, despite claims of his political demise, is seen as an attempt to silence opposing voices. By using a VPN and protecting online privacy, individuals can fight back against censorship and take a stand for free speech.

    • Discussions about impeaching Trump after he leaves officeConstitutional arguments against holding a Senate trial for a former president, no purpose other than to prevent him from running again, and concerns about false information spread by media

      There are ongoing discussions about the potential impeachment of President Trump after he leaves office on January 20th, but there are significant constitutional arguments against holding a Senate trial for a president who is no longer in office. Furthermore, some argue that impeaching a politically finished president serves no purpose other than to prevent him from running for office again. Additionally, there is a concern about the spread of false information by the left-wing media, which can lead to misunderstandings and even violence. The Washington Post recently published a false story about Mark Levin and other conservative radio hosts, implying they worked for a specific company and calling for tempering election fraud rhetoric. These issues highlight the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the face of misinformation.

    • Mark Levin denies being told to stop discussing election on his radio showMark Levin clarified that he has the freedom to discuss any topic on his radio show and no one from Westwood One, a sales agent for his show, has ever demanded him to stop discussing the election or any other topic.

      Mark Levin clarified on his radio show that he does not work for Westwood One, a sales agent for his show, and no one from the company has ever demanded him to stop discussing certain topics, including the election. He emphasized that he has the freedom to talk about whatever he wants on his show and that no one tells him what to say. The Washington Post story implying that he received such an email is categorically false. Levin also emphasized that he is committed to the truth and will continue to address important issues on his show. He expressed frustration over the need to clarify such misinformation and the resulting legal fees.

    • Parler Fights Back Against AmazonParler, a non-politically correct social media platform, is suing Amazon for being removed from their web hosting services. User data was not stolen, and the company does not sell user data or have illicit partnerships. Parler is committed to providing reliable firearms and is sponsored by trusted firearms manufacturer Bravo Company Manufacturing.

      Parler, the social media platform, is currently offline but assures users that it will be back soon. The company is suing Amazon for being removed from their web hosting services. Contrary to rumors, Parler was not hacked, and user data was not stolen. The platform does not sell user data or have any illicit partnerships. Parler prides itself on being a non-politically correct platform and is fighting back against being wiped off the internet. They manufacture high-quality, reliable firearms, with a moral responsibility to provide tools that will not fail in life or death situations. Bravo Company Manufacturing, the sponsor, is a trusted name in the firearms industry, producing professional-grade weapons for responsible citizens, law enforcement, and military personnel.

    • Amazon's Suspension of Parler Raises Questions About Tech Giants' NeutralityAmazon's secretive suspension of Parler, followed by Buzzfeed's publication of the suspension letter, highlights the power and potential misuse of tech giants' control over online platforms and the potential consequences for businesses and free speech.

      During a discussion about the attack on social media company Parler, which was suspended from Amazon Web Services (AWS) without notice, it was revealed that Buzzfeed had obtained and published an Amazon AWS suspension letter to Parler before Parler had even received it. This raises serious questions about Amazon's involvement in the leak and their alleged neutrality towards political ideologies. The incident highlights the power and potential misuse of tech giants' control over online platforms and the potential consequences for businesses and free speech. The situation is costing Parler millions of dollars and has led its CEO to file a lawsuit against Amazon. The incident underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability from tech companies in their dealings with users and the public.

    • Private Tech Companies and Freedom of SpeechPrivate tech companies' censorship actions against political opponents raise First Amendment concerns, and inconsistent media support for censorship should be challenged.

      There is a growing concern over private tech companies wielding significant power to censor content and silence political opponents, raising questions about freedom of speech and the role of these companies as de facto government entities. The speaker argues that the actions of these companies, such as Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, and Google, against political opponents, particularly conservatives, should be seen as a First Amendment issue. He challenges the media and those defending speech censorship to explain why these companies, acting on behalf of one political ideology, should be exempt from First Amendment concerns. The speaker also criticizes the media for their inconsistent application of freedom of speech principles and their support for censorship. He encourages listeners to consider the implications of these issues and to challenge the status quo.

    • Tech companies acting as de facto arms of the governmentTech firms rely on gov't subsidies, restrict comms for gov figures, pose national security risks, and infringe on First Amendment rights

      Tech companies, such as Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google, are effectively acting as de facto arms of the government due to their reliance on government subsidies, particularly Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. These companies, which only exist because of this government subsidy, are using their power to attack one political party (Republicans) and restrict communication channels for government figures (like former President Trump), while also posing a threat to national security. This raises First Amendment concerns, as these companies are only able to exist and act in this manner due to the government's subsidy. Additionally, these tech companies are not the only entities acting as de facto governments; governments themselves can also take actions that infringe on individual rights and freedoms. A solution to this issue could be reevaluating the government's role in enabling these tech companies' actions and ensuring equal treatment for all political parties and communication channels.

    • Tech companies suspending gov't communication channels: national security & legal implicationsTech companies suspending official gov't communication channels, such as Twitter and Amazon, has serious consequences including potential disasters during emergencies and unclear legal liability

      The actions of tech companies, such as Twitter and Amazon, in suspending official government communication channels, including those of the President of the United States, has serious national security and legal implications. This issue goes beyond US politics and affects the sovereignty of communication channels for leaders around the world. The potential consequences could be disastrous, particularly in the event of an emergency, where accurate and timely information is crucial. The legal liability for these tech companies in shutting down such channels has not been fully considered, and their actions could have unintended consequences. It is essential to recognize the significance of this issue and the potential risks involved.

    • A heated exchange between Dan and John Felt on social mediaDan accused John Felt of being a coward for mocking him online, while John Felt joked about Dan's investment and appearance. Dan expressed his commitment to fighting for his beliefs and criticized the media for serious coverage of constitutional crises, while also warning about the potential for violence on the left.

      During a discussion about a social media platform and its potential downfall, a person named Dan was mocked by another user, John Felt, who had previously quoted one of Dan's tweets about leaving the platform. John Felt, a historian and writer for various mainstream media outlets, joked about Dan's supposed investment in the platform and poked fun at his appearance. Dan, in response, accused John Felt of being a coward for not confronting him directly and criticized the serious coverage given to the constitutional crisis in the country by such individuals. Dan also expressed his commitment to fighting for his beliefs and called out the left for potentially donating money to John Felt. The conversation also touched upon the issue of violence being a leftist hallmark and the dire state of affairs in countries where such behavior is tolerated. Dan emphasized the need to take action and highlighted the ongoing arrests of lawmakers in Hong Kong as a potential warning sign. The conversation ended with Dan mentioning his sponsors and expressing a need for joy in his life.

    • Eat Well and Defend YourselfPrioritize healthy eating with Magic Spoon's delicious, sugar-free cereals. Stand up for your business and freedoms, even if it means legal battles.

      It's important to prioritize healthy eating, even during busy mornings. Magic Spoon offers delicious, sugar-free cereal options that are also keto-friendly, gluten-free, and come with a 100% happiness guarantee. Meanwhile, it's crucial to be aware of the potential financial losses that can come from standing up against opponents, especially in legal battles. The left has historically used this tactic to silence their adversaries. However, it's time for us to turn the tables and use legal means to fight back. By standing united and taking action, we can push back against ideological opponents and protect our businesses and freedoms. So, eat well with Magic Spoon and be prepared to defend ourselves against those who seek to impose material losses. Remember, use the code Bongino for $5 off your Magic Spoon purchase.

    • Republicans must take a firm stand against tech censorshipIt's essential for Republicans to support free speech and a free country, holding officials accountable for their stance on Section 230, the open internet, and political beliefs protection. Primary campaigns may be necessary if they waver, and the primary season is the time for change.

      In the current political climate, it's crucial for Republicans to take a firm stand against tech companies and political censorship. Business partners, payment processors, affiliates, and even banks could potentially turn against conservatives, so it's essential to ensure they support free speech and a free country. The 2022 elections are approaching, and it's necessary to hold Republican officials accountable for their stance on Section 230, the free and open internet, and political beliefs protection. If they waver, primary campaigns should be readied to replace them. Time is of the essence, and every effort should be made to get them on record and spread the word. Even if they're not perfect, they'll still be better than the Democrats, but the opportunity to remove them exists now. The primary season is the time for change, and it's starting early in 2021.

    • Protesting Tech Companies through Financial MeansIndividuals can make a difference by withholding funds from specific tech companies as a form of protest, impacting companies like Twitter, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, and potentially causing stock market downturns. The incoming administration's policies may also prioritize aid relief for certain racial and gender groups, sparking controversy.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference by withholding their financial support from specific tech companies as a form of protest. The speaker mentioned the potential impact on companies like Twitter, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, and shared that the numbers of people participating in this action are in the millions. He also highlighted the stock market downturn experienced by Twitter in response to these actions. Another significant point raised was the incoming administration's proposed prioritization of aid relief for businesses owned by certain racial and gender groups, which some argue amounts to racial discrimination. The speaker urged listeners to read an article on Townhall.com regarding this issue. Lastly, he shared a humorous note about Colin Powell's frequent departures from the Republican Party. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of individual actions and the potential consequences of government policies.

    • Political Party Crasher: Colin Powell's Changing AlliancesThe speaker expresses frustration with the constant shifting of political allegiances and encourages viewers to support him by subscribing to his Rumble account and visiting his website directly.

      The speaker is expressing frustration with the constant changing of political allegiances, specifically referencing Colin Powell's repeated departures from the Republican Party. He compares Powell to a person at a party who refuses to leave, despite being asked multiple times. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of subscribing to his Rumble account to continue producing and sharing his content. He encourages viewers to go directly to his website for the best experience and to bypass YouTube. The overall tone is humorous, but the message is clear: the speaker values the support of his audience and needs their help to continue his work.

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