
    Ep. 1181 - Does Biden Actually Have A Covid Strategy?

    enJanuary 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Online Privacy with VPNsUsing a VPN like ExpressVPN encrypts your network data and reroutes it through a secure server for more anonymous Internet usage, safeguarding privacy amidst data collection and potential linking to individuals.

      The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose challenges, with new variants adding to concerns. Meanwhile, debates persist over school openings and political issues. Regarding technology, using a VPN like ExpressVPN is a simple yet effective way to protect your online privacy. Despite common misconceptions, VPNs are not complex and can be easily used by anyone. ExpressVPN encrypts your network data and reroutes it through a secure server, allowing for more anonymous Internet usage. The importance of privacy becomes increasingly relevant as more data is collected and potentially linked to individuals. In terms of the pandemic, the United States has seen a decrease in COVID cases and deaths, but the emergence of new variants is a cause for concern. The vaccines appear to still be effective against these variants, but their increased transmissibility is a challenge. The United States currently ranks around 11th in terms of deaths per million population, highlighting that no country has a perfect handle on the pandemic. Ultimately, the prevalence of vaccinations is key to overcoming the virus and its variants.

    • COVID-19's Rapid Spread and New VariantsScientists worry about new COVID-19 variants increasing transmissibility, potentially causing another wave. The US response to the crisis has faced criticism, including Fauci's high salary and the politicization of the response.

      The transmissibility of COVID-19 has been a major difference between it and the flu, and the rapid spread of the virus has been a significant concern. Scientists are worried about the potential increase in transmissibility with new variants. The decline in new cases in the US is a promising sign, but the emergence of these variants could lead to another wave. The Biden administration's response to the crisis has faced criticism, and the role of Anthony Fauci as the go-to expert has been questioned. Fauci's high salary as the highest-paid federal employee has also been a topic of debate. Despite these issues, Fauci believes that the politicization of the response has been destructive to a unified approach. However, it's important to note that the US response to COVID-19 has not been uniform, and a top-down unified approach may not have prevented the vast spread of the virus.

    • Decentralized Approach to COVID-19 Crisis ManagementA decentralized approach to COVID-19 crisis management allows for more effective handling in some areas, with high mask usage and limited government role in prevention and vaccine distribution.

      The COVID-19 response in the United States has varied greatly among states, with some handling the crisis more effectively than others. California and New York, for instance, have had higher daily death tolls compared to Florida and Texas, despite having similar populations. The speaker argues that this decentralized approach allows for better handling of the crisis in some areas. However, Dr. Fauci and others advocate for more government centralization to ensure a unified public health message. The speaker challenges this view, pointing out that mask usage in the US is high, and the government's role in preventing the spread and distributing vaccines has been limited. The speaker also criticizes the politicization of public health measures and the idea that listening to experts would have solved the crisis. In conclusion, the speaker argues that a decentralized approach allows for more effective crisis management in some areas, and that the government's role should be supportive rather than dictatorial.

    • Starting the New Year Right: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Staying InformedCompare and save on life insurance with Policygenius, stay updated on vaccination progress, and be aware of rising poverty and health concerns.

      While the beginning of a new year brings a fresh start and new priorities, it's important to ensure you have the right protection in place for your loved ones. Policygenius makes it easy to compare and save on life insurance, handling the application process from start to finish. Meanwhile, public health officials have faced challenges in their predictions, with the goal of vaccinating 100 million people within the first 100 days of the Biden administration revised to mean 100 million vaccine shots administered. On a concerning note, the US poverty rate has seen a significant increase during the latter half of 2020, with an additional 8 million people becoming impoverished. This rise, which is nearly double the largest annual increase since the 1960s, disproportionately affects Black Americans. Additionally, there have been alarming increases in drug overdoses and suicides, which may result in more young Americans dying from causes other than COVID-19.

    • Biden's Shift in Narrative on COVID-19 PoliciesBiden initially advocated for centralized control but now distancing himself from pandemic responsibility, downplaying timeline for defeating virus, and revising vaccination goals.

      There has been a shift in narrative regarding COVID-19 policies from calling for centralized control during the campaign to distancing from responsibility for the pandemic once in office by President Joe Biden. Initially, governors like Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, and Phil Murphy, who implemented strict lockdowns, were praised as the best in the world. However, Biden, who previously advocated for more centralized control, is now downplaying the timeline for defeating the virus and taking credit for the recent decrease in deaths and hospitalizations, despite being in office for only a week. Additionally, Biden's vaccination goals have been revised multiple times, with his initial goal of administering 1,000,000 shots a day being surpassed before he took office, and his subsequent goal of 1,500,000 shots a day being a modest increase from the current rate.

    • Confidence in Spring COVID-19 Vaccine Availability with Logistical ChallengesBiden expresses confidence in spring vaccine availability, prioritizing high-risk groups, ongoing debate about young children's vaccination, complex politics, science can't dictate agenda, essential home security systems during pandemic

      President Biden has expressed confidence in making the COVID-19 vaccine available to the public this spring, although it will present logistical challenges. The priority will be given to high-risk groups, but there is ongoing debate about the necessity of vaccinating young children, who are at low risk for severe symptoms. The politics of COVID-19 response are complex, and science alone cannot dictate the agenda. Meanwhile, with the increase in deliveries during the pandemic, home security systems like Ring's video doorbell have become essential for monitoring and ensuring safety.

    • Politics Driving COVID-19 Policies: Stay-at-Home Orders and Teachers' UnionsCalifornia's Governor lifted stay-at-home orders despite fewer ICU beds, while teachers' unions refuse to return to work with little pushback. Evidence-based decision-making is crucial for effective public health policies.

      Politics, not science, is driving many COVID-19 policies. For example, California Governor Gavin Newsom's decision to lift stay-at-home orders despite having fewer ICU beds available now than when he implemented them. Similarly, teachers' unions' refusal to return to work is being met with little pushback from the Democratic party, despite evidence suggesting that teachers face no greater risk than the general population. The situation highlights the need for evidence-based decision-making in public health policies. Meanwhile, the Ring video doorbell offers peace of mind by keeping homeowners informed of activity at their front door and enabling them to monitor their property and loved ones. Listeners can take advantage of a special offer on the Ring welcome kit at ring.com/ben.

    • Chicago Teachers Union Votes for Remote LearningThe Chicago Teachers Union, representing over 25,000 educators, voted to work remotely despite the district's plan for in-person learning. A large majority of members chose safety over in-person instruction, sparking debates over union power and priorities.

      The Chicago Teachers Union, representing over 25,000 educators in the third largest school district, voted to work remotely despite the district's plan for in-person learning for kindergarten through 8th grade students. The union reported an overwhelming majority (71%) of its members voted against the district's plan, choosing safety over in-person instruction. Critics argue this demonstrates the corrupt nature of public sector unions, which bargain collectively against taxpayers and pay politicians for their support. However, the union maintains that prioritizing safety is necessary. Similar debates are ongoing in Ohio and New Jersey. Some teachers unions are refusing to return until every student is tested, while others claim reopening schools is an example of white supremacy. Critics argue these positions are not grounded in science and are causing harm to disadvantaged students and families who rely on public schools.

    • Biden Administration's Prioritization of Teachers' Unions Over Students' EducationThe speaker criticizes the Biden administration for prioritizing teachers' unions' interests over students' education, highlighting the potential corruption allowed by the National Labor Relations Act and urging for a focus on making schools safe for a return to in-person learning.

      The relationship between the Biden administration and teachers' unions has been a subject of controversy, with the unions' interests seemingly prioritized over the education of millions of students. The speaker expressed concern over the unions' influence on federal and state governments, pointing to the National Labor Relations Act and the potential corruption it allows. Despite the ongoing school closures, the Biden administration has been hesitant to condemn the unions, with Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, being considered for a cabinet position earlier. The speaker argued that the unions' wealth comes at the expense of students and urged for a focus on making schools safe for a return to in-person learning. Additionally, the speaker recommended Echelon as a cost-effective solution for home workouts during gym closures.

    • Affordable Fitness and Cultural Impact in Uncertain TimesEchelon and The Daily Wire demonstrate industry resilience with affordable fitness classes and cultural impact despite negative reviews

      Echelon offers affordable, high-quality fitness classes accessible to multiple family members at once, setting it apart from competitors like Peloton. Meanwhile, The Daily Wire has entered the cultural scene with its first film, "Run Hide Fight," available exclusively to members, despite negative critical reviews. In politics, the impeachment trial against former President Trump is seen as a political ploy by many, as the articles of impeachment lack specific allegations of a real crime. The standard for impeachment remains unclear, with Democrats' past actions and inflammatory language used by various political figures raising questions about what constitutes impeachable conduct. Echelon's affordability and accessibility in fitness, and The Daily Wire's cultural impact despite critical opposition, demonstrate resilience and innovation in their respective industries.

    • Impeachment standards and selective applicationSome argue for holding politicians accountable for inflammatory language leading to violence, but selective application of this standard raises concerns. Democrats' calls for Trump's impeachment, despite knowing conviction is unlikely, aim to castigate Republicans and set a dangerous precedent.

      During the discussion, it was argued that while President Trump's conduct leading up to the Capitol riots was egregious, there is no clear standard for impeachable conduct. Some believe that politicians using inflammatory language could be held accountable for any subsequent violent actions. However, this logic was criticized for being selectively applied, as similar incidents involving Democrats were not subjected to the same standard. The speaker also pointed out that Democrats, including Joe Biden, have advocated for Trump's impeachment despite knowing that a conviction is unlikely. The real goals of this impeachment process, according to the speaker, are to castigate Republicans for lacking moral principle and potentially setting a dangerous precedent for future political discourse.

    • Political goals of Democrats in Trump impeachment trialDemocrats see political gains in Trump's impeachment trial, whether through criticizing GOP, strengthening 2024 candidate, or dividing Republicans. While some argue it's about accountability, the speaker believes it's primarily driven by politics.

      The ongoing impeachment trial of former President Trump serves multiple political goals for the Democrats. While some argue it's about accountability, the speaker believes it's more about creating chaos and positioning Biden as a contrast to Trump. If the Senate votes to acquit, Democrats can criticize the GOP and potentially strengthen their 2024 candidate. If Trump is convicted and barred from holding future office, he may start a third party, further dividing the Republican Party. Ultimately, the speaker expresses skepticism that this is about principle for most Democrats, suggesting they are politically motivated. They want to keep Trump as a specter and highlight the supposed normalcy of the Biden administration. However, the speaker also acknowledges that Trump's actions on January 6 were despicable and historic in their own right, but argues that other actions, such as his attempts to overturn the election results, may be even worse.

    • Political Climate: Impeachment Trial and Media PolarizationThe impeachment trial and media polarization highlight the need for open and respectful dialogue in a healthy democracy.

      The political climate in the United States continues to be contentious, with debates and disagreements playing out in various arenas, including the impeachment trial and the media. The impeachment trial, which is being presided over by a democrat instead of the usual chief justice, has added to the circus-like atmosphere. Meanwhile, in the media, there have been calls to ban or cancel certain voices, particularly those on the right. This was evident in the case of Politico, where staffers expressed their displeasure over Ben Shapiro guest-authoring one edition of their playbook. The staffers even went as far as writing a letter to the publisher, attempting to pressure the editors into never inviting right-wing writers. This incident highlights the increasing polarization and intolerance towards opposing viewpoints in the media and beyond. It's important to remember that open and respectful dialogue is crucial for a healthy democracy.

    • Politico's Controversial Decision to Publish Ben ShapiroStaff backlash after Politico published Ben Shapiro led to demands for an apology, increased diversity, and clarified editorial process. Critics saw it as a demoralizing move undermining the outlet's reputation.

      The decision by Politico to publish Ben Shapiro as a guest writer sparked significant backlash and criticism from both within and outside the media industry. The controversy led to a letter from staffers demanding an apology and changes to the outlet's editorial standards, including a commitment to increase newsroom diversity and clarify the editorial process. The staff's frustration stemmed from Shapiro's history of controversial comments regarding various communities, which some considered to be bigoted. The top editor defended the decision as an attempt to experiment and keep the political coverage vibrant, but the staffers saw it as a demoralizing move that undermined the outlet's reputation. The incident highlights the ongoing debates around free speech, editorial standards, and diversity in media.

    • Social media platforms and speech regulationControversies over The New Yorker's publication of a controversial author and Twitter's new fact-checking program BirdWatch have sparked debate over free speech and censorship in media and social media. The importance of open and transparent dialogue is highlighted in these discussions.

      There is a growing concern over the role of social media platforms in regulating speech and fact-checking, as seen in the recent controversy surrounding The New Yorker's publication of a controversial author and Twitter's new community-driven fact-checking program called BirdWatch. The New Yorker faced backlash for publishing a controversial author despite staff objections, leading to an internal apology and calls for transparency. Meanwhile, Twitter's BirdWatch program, which allows users to add context to tweets they believe are misleading or false, has raised concerns over potential misuse and the suppression of free speech. Rupert Murdoch's recent condemnation of the "awful woke orthodoxy" and attempts to silence certain voices adds to the ongoing debate over the balance between free speech and censorship in media and social media. Ultimately, these issues highlight the importance of open and transparent dialogue and the need for careful consideration of the potential consequences of speech regulation.

    • Freedom of Thought and the Weaponization of MisunderstandingsMisunderstandings can lead to weaponized responses, threatening free thought and critical thinking. It's crucial to uphold these fundamental aspects of American freedom.

      Even in the face of seemingly absurd or offensive ideas, the right to free thought is a fundamental aspect of American freedom. Tucker Carlson's comments on this issue were misconstrued by some as defending the conspiracy theory QAnon, but his actual argument was that people should be allowed to hold even the most ridiculous beliefs. However, the left's response to this issue has been to weaponize these situations and silence those with opposing views. This trend is concerning and detrimental to the country as a whole. In other news, Disney is censoring classic films for children under 7 due to perceived racial insensitivity, and some teachers are using the concept of white supremacy as an excuse for not working. These issues highlight the importance of upholding free speech and critical thinking.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


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    Looking for a link we mentioned? It's here: https://linktr.ee/philosophyforourtimes

    When it comes to making risk-reducing decisions how does one strive for ethical and responsible outcomes? And how do we make any choice, if saving one group of vulnerable people has a disastrous impact on another?

    To help us explore the ethics of the pandemic we are joined by moral philosopher Susan Neiman, analytical philosopher Patricia Churchland and conservative journalist Peter Hitchens.

    There are thousands of big ideas to discover at IAI.tv – videos, articles, and courses waiting for you to explore. Find out more: https://iai.tv/podcast-offers?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=unpacking-the-ethics-of-covid-19

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    Grove Park Leaders Respond To News Of Quarry Yards Sale

    Grove Park Leaders Respond To News Of Quarry Yards Sale

    Plus, WABE reporter Roxanne Scott provides an update on the 2020 Census, as the current deadline draws new.

    And, Southeast Atlanta community leaders from NPU-Y and NPU-Z share their outlook for the future of their neighborhoods. Guests include: Shirley Nichols, NPU-Z Vice-Chair, Chris McCord, NPU-Y Chair, Gloria Hawkins Wynn, NPU-Y community member and Michael Fears, an NPU-Z community member.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    How To Spot An Emergency | Santiago Zabala

    How To Spot An Emergency | Santiago Zabala

    Looking for a link we mentioned? It's here: https://linktr.ee/philosophyforourtimes

    Is the greatest emergency in our current age the absence of emergency itself? And how helpful is freedom in tackling emergencies? On today’s episode we’re discussing the philosophy of crises and how society should respond to emergencies.

    Santiago Zabala is a philosopher and ICREA Research Philosopher at the Pompeu Fabra University, where he currently teaches contemporary and political philosophy.

    There are thousands of big ideas to discover at IAI.tv – videos, articles, and courses waiting for you to explore. Find out more: https://iai.tv/podcast-offers?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=shownotes&utm_campaign=how-to-spot-an-emergency

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.