
    A Radical New Dietary Approach To Cancer Treatment with Dr. Thomas Seyfried

    enJune 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Metabolic Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach to Treating CancerUnderstanding cancer metabolism is crucial to treating and preventing cancer. Calorie restricted ketogenic diets can be effective in slowing down cancer growth, and the link between sugar and cancer risk is gaining recognition. However, there is still much progress to be made in the field.

      Metabolic therapy or metabolic oncology is a radically different approach to treating cancer compared to the usual slash burn and poison strategies. The approach involves understanding cancer metabolism and using calorie restricted ketogenic diets to prevent and treat cancer. Dr. Thomas Seyfried, an expert in the field of metabolic therapy, explains how the metabolic theory of cancer originated early in the 1900s from scientist Otto Warburg. Warburg's theory was initially discredited, but researchers like Dr. Seyfried have taken the theory to the next level. The idea that sugar is a major contributor to cancer risk is gaining acceptance in the medical community. Though progress has been made, cancer treatment has a long way to go.

    • The Effects of Calorie Restriction and Ketogenic Diets on Cancer and EpilepsyCalorie restriction and ketogenic diets can help manage seizures and shrink tumors by reducing blood sugar and elevating ketone bodies. Nutrition plays a powerful role in disease prevention and management, but the pharmaceutical industry has been slow to embrace it.

      Calorie restriction and ketogenic diets have an effect on cancer and epilepsy. The lower the glucose, the better the seizure management, and restricting calories and reducing blood sugar can shrink tumors. Calorie restriction diets reduce blood sugar and elevate ketone bodies, an adaptation to food restriction used for energy in the brain and other tissues. Calorie restriction is powerfully anti-angiogenic, meaning it can damage abnormal blood vessels in tumors. However, when the mechanism by which calorie restriction and ketogenic diets work was discovered, the drug company dropped the project. This highlights the power of nutrition in disease prevention and management, but also the reluctance of the pharmaceutical industry to embrace it.

    • The Power of Calorie Restriction and Fasting on Cellular HealthCalorie restriction and water-only fasting can reduce targeted inflammation, decrease angiogenesis and cellular death. A ketogenic diet mimics calorie restriction and can be used to target cancer cells by targeting defective mitochondria.

      Calorie restriction and water-only fasting can have powerful effects on cells, including targeted inflammation reduction, decreased angiogenesis and cellular death. Water-only fasting in humans can mimic the effects of calorie restriction seen in mice. A ketogenic diet was developed as a prolonged way of treating epileptic seizures but also mimics calorie restriction through fat burning. Cancer cells have a defect in the mitochondria's ability to produce energy, which is compensated for by upregulation of glycolytic fermentation pathways. Dr. Thomas Seyfried and his team are exploring how water-only fasting and a ketogenic diet can be used to target cancer cells and heal the microenvironment by targeting the defect in mitochondria.

    • Understanding Cancer's Relationship with Energy ProductionCancer cells replace energy through fermentation with glucose, linking cancer to diabetes and insulin resistance. Understanding the Krebs cycle and energy production can help manage cancer more effectively.

      Cancer cells produce lactic acid instead of energy from glucose, which changes the environment and is a key factor in cancer development. They can only run on sugar, not fat, causing a dirty burning fuel and linking cancer to diabetes and insulin resistance. Understanding the biochemical pathways of energy production is important for managing cancer effectively. Cancer cells replace energy through fermentation without oxygen, unlike normal cells which produce energy through oxidative phosphorylation with oxygen.  These pathways utilize glucose from the body. The Krebs cycle is how we turn food and oxygen into energy and is one of the most important processes in our body. Knowing these processes enables individuals to manage cancer and becomes a part of understanding how cancer develops.

    • Exploring the Energy and Metabolic Theories of CancerCancer cells utilize fermentation for energy and consume oxygen to produce carcinogenic and mutagenic reactive oxygen species. The Warburg theory highlights the chronic disruption of oxidative energy as a possible cause of cancer. The somatic mutation theory focuses on the effects of cancer, while glutamine fermentation offers another explanation for cancer behavior.

      Energy is essential for our existence and our body can shut down instantly without it. Cancer cells are resistant to cyanide as they have replaced oxidative phosphorylation with fermentation, which is energy without oxygen. Otto Warburg's Mitochondrial metabolic theory of cancer claims that cancer starts with a chronic disruption of oxidative energy through res oxidative respiration and then transition to fermentation. The controversy regarding cancer cells' consumption of oxygen has been solved as it was found that tumor cells consume oxygen to produce reactive oxygen species, which are carcinogenic and mutagenic. The somatic mutation theory of cancer is the basis of immunotherapies, but it only focuses on the effects and not the cause of cancer. Glutamine fermentation is another concept that explains cancer cells' behavior, which was not known to Warburg.

    • Shifting towards a metabolic theory of cancerTargeting the fermentation pathways driven by glucose and glutamine has shown great promise as a new mainstream thinking in cancer treatment, with a ketogenic diet being used to treat once-death sentence cancers like glioblastoma. The metabolic approach is also associated with numerous beneficial effects.

      The traditional genetic theory of cancer is shifting towards a metabolic theory that focuses on the common pathological phenotype, fermentation. The fermentation pathways driven by glucose and glutamine are the targets to stop the beastly growth of cancer. This metabolic approach has shown great promise in dealing with stage four cancers and has no side effects as compared to the current therapies. A ketogenic diet is being used to treat cancers that were once considered death sentences, like glioblastoma. Precision medicine and targeted therapies have missed the actual metabolic targets, making metabolic oncology a new mainstream thinking in cancer treatment. Overall, a metabolic approach has numerous beneficial effects, like reducing inflammation, improving stem cell function, DNA repair, and dealing with oxidative stress.

    • A Metabolic Approach to Managing Chronic Diseases and Cancer Growth.Chronic exposure to different chemicals can cause chronic diseases, and mitochondrial dysfunction is the root cause of cancer growth. Managing cancer involves restricting glucose and glutamine and putting metabolic pressure on tumor cells through calorie restriction with a high-fat ketogenic diet. Use the Glucose ketone index calculator to track GKI levels and build personalized diets. Overall, a metabolic approach can improve many chronic diseases while marginalizing cancer cells.

      Many chronic diseases are caused by disturbed bio-metabolic homeostasis, which can be attributed to chronic exposure to different chemicals resulting in systemic inflammation. Mitochondrial dysfunction is the root cause of cancer growth. According to Dr. Thomas Seyfried, the best way to manage cancer is to pull the plug on glucose and glutamine in order to restrict fermentation fuels. Calorie restriction with a high-fat ketogenic diet can put significant metabolic pressure on tumor cells, leading to autolytic cannibalism, where cancer cells are marginalized and eliminated. The Glucose ketone index calculator can help track your GKI levels and build personalized diets to manage cancer and stay healthy. Overall, a metabolic approach can effectively improve many chronic diseases by increasing metabolic homeostasis of normal cells while marginalizing cancer cells.

    • Understanding the Different Theories and Treatments for CancerWhile limiting sugar and protein can limit tumor growth, other inhibitors are needed to target and eliminate tumor cells. Exploring alternative theories and treatments is vital for progress in cancer management, but ideological dogma may hinder this progress.

      Cancer is a metabolic disease, and its treatment depends on whether the treatment is based on the somatic mutation theory or the mitochondrial metabolic theory. Restricting sugar and protein can limit tumor growth, but there is no diet that can reduce glutamine, which is essential for glu found production and found in healthy foods. The glutamine inhibitors and other glucose inhibitors are needed to target and eliminate tumor cells in a non-toxic way. Scientific literature and research papers are essential to understand the varied treatment options and their effectiveness. The medical establishment's absolute resistance to consider alternative theories is the tragic force that hinders the progress in the cancer management field. Ideological dogma, which underlies religion and political affiliations, is also responsible for maintaining the status quo in managing cancer.

    • The Role of Glutamine in Cancer Management with Press-Pulse StrategyAdministering drugs that inhibit the glutamine pathway, along with a ketogenic diet, can effectively manage cancer by reducing glucose levels and eliminating toxicity while increasing therapeutic efficacy. However, careful pulsing of the system is necessary to prevent damage to the immune system and gut.

      Glutamine is an essential amino acid for our body's immune, gut, and urea cycle function. There is no diet that can effectively reduce the availability of glutamine, so drugs are needed to inhibit glutamine pathways. The press pulse strategy for managing cancer involves pressing glucose levels down with diet and replacing glucose with fats and ketone bodies that tumor cells can't use for energy. Then, the glutamine issue requires administering drugs like 60 oxy nor leucine, which inhibits the glutaminolysis pathway. However, too much glutamine targeting can damage the immune system and gut, so it is essential to pulse the system for a short period and then pull it away to allow the immune system to pick up and eliminate dead tumor cells. Lower dosages of drugs, used in the correct context with the ketogenic diet, eliminate toxicity while increasing therapeutic efficacy.

    • Maintaining Healthy Mitochondria to Prevent Cancer: Adopting a Traditional LifestyleAvoid processed carbs and exercise regularly to safeguard your mitochondria from cancer. Though historically proven, adapting a healthy lifestyle is imperative in the current fast-food era.

      Cancer is a disease of western diets and lifestyles, and it never existed in traditional living populations like Inuits and African tribes. Maintaining healthy mitochondria is the key to preventing cancer, and the best way to do that is by avoiding highly processed carbohydrate foods and doing regular exercise. However, it's challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle in today's world of fast food and other unhealthy options. There is a need to adapt and adopt a healthy lifestyle by following a healthy diet. Although there is a lack of evidence, the traditional way of living can prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. It is essential to change our lifestyle to avoid chronic diseases and maintain healthy mitochondria.

    • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Metabolic Therapy for Cancer TreatmentHigh sugar intake can cause major cancers, but a ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy can target tumor cells without harming the body. Fetal butyrate and glutamine compound can also be used as a drug.

      High sugar intake in our diets is driving many cancers, and the major cancers including colon, breast, prostate, and lung cancers are caused by it. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, in combination with a ketogenic diet, can facilitate the killing of tumor cells through oxidative stress without causing collateral toxicity to the rest of the body and ox is hyperbaric oxygen once the patient is in therapeutic ketosis. This becomes another arm of treatment under the therapeutic strategy called metabolic therapy. Fetal butyrate and glutamine compound can also bind the glutamate and cause excretion of the urine, which is available as a drug.

    • Exploring Promising Therapies for Blood Cancer TreatmentPhenyl butyrate and ketogenic diets show potential in killing blood cancers. Testing on dogs and preclinical mouse models are underway, but mainstream implementation may be hindered by powerful institutions backing the somatic mutation theory of cancer.

      Phenyl butyrate can be an effective way to reduce glutamine levels and kill blood cancers. Ketogenic diets can also be a powerful way to kill blood cancers like brain cancer and colon cancer. Cancer treatment protocols are being developed to bring together all the right therapies. Dogs are a useful tool to test these therapies as cancer is the number one killer of domestic dogs. Troubleshooting different strategies and doses for the long-term management and possible resolution of human cancers is being done in preclinical mouse models. This research is predominantly funded by private foundations and philanthropy. The somatic mutation theory of cancer has powerful institutions built around it, so it is unclear when these therapies will become a reality.

    • Metabolic Therapy and Gradual Changes: Effective Cancer Treatment.Combining metabolic therapy with lower doses of chemo and radiation can improve cancer outcomes with lower toxicity. Gradual changes from traditional treatment to metabolic therapy can be essential for success. Keto diets can also help reduce side effects.

      Cancer cannot be a genetic disease and is a Mitochondrial metabolic disease. Using metabolic therapy along with lower doses of chemo and radiation can significantly improve the outcome with significantly lower toxicity. The hybrid transition period of combining the traditional treatment with metabolic therapy can be essential. The radiation of brain cancer should be eliminated as soon as possible. Most of the oncologists that support metabolic therapy are those who are retired. Gradual changes are essential in shifting from one series of treatments to another. Keto diets can be used along with chemo and radiation to improve effectiveness and reduce side effects. The strategies for complete resolution of cancer using metabolic approaches alone, are not yet completely developed and validated in clinical trials.

    • The Beginning of Hypotheses: How Anecdotes Led to the Discovery of Metabolic Therapy for Cancer PatientsAnecdotal evidence of cancer patients who have experienced significant recoveries through metabolic therapy cannot be ignored. Future research should seek to understand the hard science behind this approach and conduct clinical trials to prove its effectiveness.

      Anecdotes can be the beginning of hypotheses and scientific research method, as it is the observation of what you see and being curious about it. The story of Pablo Kelly, who was diagnosed with glioblastoma and took metabolic diet therapy, had a remarkable outcome as he survived for nine years. The cancer revolution documentary highlights stories of several other cancer patients who were treated with metabolic therapy and are still alive. The anecdotal evidence of patients who should have been dead but are still living with quality of life cannot be suppressed any longer. The hard science behind the mechanisms of metabolic therapy needs to be understood, and clinical trials should be conducted to prove its effectiveness in treating cancer.

    • Metabolic Therapy as a Treatment for CancerMetabolic therapy can effectively treat cancer by addressing its fundamental metabolic issue. Starting early and using it in combination with other treatments like immunotherapy can increase chances of success. Clinical trials may not always lead to conclusive results.

      Metabolic therapy is an almost risk-free and effective way of treating cancer since it deals with the fundamental metabolic issue that drives cancer. Waiting until the last minute to try metabolic therapy after having gone through all other treatments is not advisable. Clinical trials can also be misleading since it's based on the somatic mutation theory of cancer, and not all treatments work for everyone. Shrinking the tumor down with metabolic therapy before using more perfected treatments like immunotherapy can increase the potential of immunotherapy being successful. There's hope as more mainstream oncologists and scientists are applying metabolic therapy in clinical trials, and we may be at an inflection point for cancer therapy.

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    It follows then, explains Professor Seyfried, that if we can somehow stop this fermentation process, then cancer cells will die. Cancer uses glucose and glutamine to fuel fermentation. While we don’t want to block glutamine, as it has other uses in the body, we can drastically lower our glucose levels to stop driving cancer growth.

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    Professor Seyfried has spent decades researching and proving a metabolic cause for this devastating disease. This a compelling and optimistic conversation, packed with actions we can all take to reduce our risk not just of cancer, but all the chronic conditions driven by metabolic disruption.

    CAUTION: This podcast discusses ketogenic diets and water-only fasting. Always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before making any drastic changes to your diet or before going for prolonged periods without eating.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/385

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Dr. Pedre’s Background 1:36
    Environment affecting Gut Health 26:04
    Probiotics 55:00
    Contact info Dr. Pedre 66:13

    “I know that if I can’t change the mindset at the beginning, so that the person gets into the mindset of healing, then it doesn’t matter what you do. You can do everything to perfection. You cannot bypass your healing process. In other words, you can’t be a type A person and just want to insert the right salads and nutrients… into your life and still be rushing and not do any self-care and think that you’re going to heal.” 16:06


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    Visit Dr. Syfried's website at tomseyfried.com
    Read Tucker Goodrich's blog here.
    For more content by David Gornoski visit aneighborschoice.com

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