
    A Very Present Help

    enJune 06, 2024
    What does Psalm 46 say about God's help?
    How do deists view God's involvement in creation?
    In what ways has God provided refuge historically?
    What assurance does Psalm 46 give during trials?
    Why should we start each day with gratitude?

    Podcast Summary

    • God's presence during times of troubleGod is not distant or detached, but actively involved and engaged with His creation during times of trouble, providing refuge and protection to His people

      God, as described in Psalm 46, is a "very present help" during times of trouble. This means that God is not distant or detached, but actively involved and engaged with His creation. Those who hold a deistic view, believing that God started the world but then left it to evolve on its own, are mistaken. Instead, God has been with His people throughout history, providing refuge and protection during cataclysmic events like the great flood. Even as we face future judgments and trials, we can trust that the Lord of hosts is with us, offering refuge and strength. From the beginning of creation to the end of the age, God has been and will continue to be a "very present help" to His people. So, let us trust in God's presence and provision, and start each day with praise and gratitude.

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