
    Podcast Summary

    • Criticisms of Pentagon's UAP report for errors and omissionsThe Pentagon's UAP report faced criticism for its flawed nature, lacking credible sources, proper citations, and appearing to support predetermined conclusions.

      The recently released report on UFOs by the Pentagon's UAP investigative arm, Arrow, has been criticized for its sloppy and flawed nature. This historical review, which was supposed to provide a comprehensive understanding of what is known about UFOs, was met with surprise and disappointment due to its numerous errors and omissions. The report, which lacked credible sources and proper citations, was seen as cherry-picked content that supported the conclusions the investigators had reached before starting their investigation. This raises concerns about the objectivity and thoroughness of the government's investigation into UFOs, as it is an internal investigation by the intelligence community. Historically, there have been few, if any, honest reports on UFOs from the government, with the last one being the Project Sign report in the 1940s, which acknowledged the unexplained nature of UFOs.

    • Skepticism Surrounds New UFO Report from PentagonThe recently released Pentagon UFO report is met with skepticism due to its limited investigation into significant cases and apparent bias towards natural or man-made explanations, fueling suspicions of a cover-up.

      The recently released UFO report from the Pentagon is being viewed with skepticism due to its apparent bias and lack of investigation into significant cases, such as the Tic Tac UFO incident. The report's conclusions, which suggest all UFO sightings can be explained by natural or man-made phenomena or are related to classified programs, have been dismissed as a whitewash by some members of Congress and UFO researchers. The limited distribution of the report to select media organizations, particularly those with close ties to the government, has fueled suspicions of a cover-up. The report's authors have ignored key cases, like the Tic Tac UFO incident, which have gained widespread attention and have significantly contributed to the renewed interest in UFOs. Overall, the report's conclusions do not match the available data and have not satisfied the curiosity and demands for transparency from the public.

    • Testimony from a former Navy intelligence specialistThe U.S. Navy encountered an unidentified object in 2004 that was not our technology, and those with access to this information are not sharing it with the public or Congress, fueling ongoing speculation and mistrust.

      The Tic Tac object encountered by U.S. Navy pilots in 2004 was not and is not U.S. technology. Dave Flaherty, a former Navy intelligence specialist, testified under oath before Congress that it was not our technology then and that it would be a bigger problem if it was, given the resources we've wasted on conventional technologies. The recent Pentagon report dismissing UFOs and their potential technological origins was met with skepticism by UFO researchers, who believe that those with knowledge of these phenomena are not forthcoming. The report may have deterred some casual observers from further investigation, but those most committed to the issue will continue their pursuit. Ultimately, those with access to this information are not sharing it with the public or with Congress, leading to ongoing speculation and mistrust.

    • UFO Report Met with Skepticism and CriticismThe recent UFO report released by the ODNI has been met with skepticism and criticism, with some accusing it of being a whitewash and a covert public influence operation. The public is encouraged to question the information presented and demand facts to counter any potential misinformation.

      The recent UFO report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has been met with skepticism and criticism from experts and the public. The report, which claims to provide a comprehensive analysis of UFO sightings, has been labeled as a whitewash and an opinion piece rather than a factual government report. Critics argue that the report is not based on verifiable evidence and that the ODNI has a history of downplaying or dismissing UFO phenomena. Some even accuse the ODNI of engaging in a covert public influence operation against Congress and the American public. The real fight, it seems, is not just about the report itself, but how it is disseminated and interpreted in the media. The public is encouraged to question the information presented and demand facts to counter any potential misinformation. Robert Powell, a researcher and friend of the podcast, has provided a point-by-point analysis of the report, highlighting what he believes to be false or misleading statements. Ultimately, the UFO phenomenon remains a mystery, and the public is urged to stay informed and engaged in the ongoing debate.

    • Skepticism and Criticism of Government UAP ReportRobert Powell, a critic, believes the UAP report is a whitewash, points out inconsistencies, and raises concerns about transparency and credibility.

      The recent government report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) has been met with skepticism and criticism from various sources, including Robert Powell, who encourages people to follow his insights on Twitter. Powell believes that the report is a whitewash and that those involved may have been pressured to conform to a certain narrative. He points out inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the report, such as incorrect statements about Harry Reid's place of origin, and the reliance on questionable sources. Powell also claims that the report fails to acknowledge important information and testimonies that have been shared, and that those who have come forward with classified information have not been fully acknowledged or believed by the organization responsible for the report. Overall, Powell's perspective raises concerns about the transparency and credibility of the government report on UAP.

    • Recent UFO report dismisses unexplained phenomena as mundane or secret projects, but acknowledges need for advanced tech to investigate UAPsThe UFO report plays down the significance of unexplained aerial phenomena, but new technology development indicates a more serious approach to investigations

      The recent UFO report dismisses unexplained aerial phenomena as either mundane explanations or secret government projects. However, the report also acknowledges the need for advanced technology to better investigate UAPs. The Department of Energy and Georgia Tech are developing "Gremlin" packages for hyperspectral surveillance to gather more data. Previous initiatives like AUSAP and the Defense Intelligence Agency's massive UFO database have been explained, but the report fails to mention them. The discussion also touched upon the Roswell incident, where the military initially admitted to a UFO crash cover-up before later retracting the statement. It's important to remember that admitting to one cover-up does not negate the possibility of others. Overall, the report seems to downplay the significance of UAPs, but the development of new detection technology suggests a more serious approach to investigating these phenomena.

    • UFO Report Analysis by AUSAP Unauthorized for Public ReleaseDespite an unauthorized report detailing a UFO's performance and capabilities, public pressure and whistleblower testimonies are seen as the driving forces for UFO disclosure.

      The release of a 100-page report about a UFO, specifically the Tic Tac, was an engineering analysis produced by AUSAP, detailing the performance and capabilities of the object and why it couldn't be of human origin. The report, which was not authorized for delivery to Congress, has not been made public, leaving many questioning the sincerity of any planned UFO disclosure by the government. The speaker expresses skepticism about a controlled disclosure and believes that the public pressure and whistleblower testimonies are the keys to revealing the truth about UFOs. The hard way forward, according to the speaker, is through open Congressional testimony and public opinion.

    • The Complexity of UAP Phenomenon and Pressure for DisclosureGovernments face pressure to disclose UAP truth amidst intrigue, potential foreign involvement, and public mistrust. Memes and creators like 'Weaponized' fuel awareness and curiosity.

      The UAP phenomenon, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as it's now called, remains a complex and intriguing issue. Despite extensive investigations, there is still much we don't know, and the possibility of involvement from foreign entities adds another layer of complexity. The public's trust in governments to disclose the truth is at an all-time low, but the potential impact of disclosure could be significant. Canadian MP Larry Maguire's memo and the growing interest from other nations suggest that pressure is building for governments to come clean. Memes, a seemingly trivial form of media, have emerged as a powerful tool for raising awareness and generating excitement about the topic. The creators of "Weaponized" have had an eventful year exploring UFOs and related phenomena, and they remain committed to sharing their findings with the world. Ultimately, the search for answers continues, and the future of UFO disclosure remains uncertain.

    • Exploring UFOs: Serious Conversations and MemesUFO enthusiast Jeremy Corbell emphasizes the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and thick skin while investigating UFOs. Notable interviews include those of Colonel Phil Corso and John Gutierrez, who share military perspectives. Using memes and humor can help engage the public and keep the conversation alive.

      The discussion centered around the topic of UFOs and the various perspectives surrounding their existence. Jeremy Corbell, a well-known figure in the UFO community, shared his fascination with the phenomenon while acknowledging the presence of memes and jokes related to the topic. He also highlighted some notable interviews, such as that of Colonel Phil Corso and John Gutierrez, who shared their perspectives from a military standpoint. Corbell emphasized the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and thick skin in the face of criticism and personal attacks. Despite the challenges, he believes that sharing information and engaging with the public is crucial in the ongoing investigation into UFOs. The use of memes and humor was seen as a positive contribution to the conversation, demonstrating the public's interest and engagement with the topic.

    • California UFO swarm incident remains unexplainedDespite public assumption, 2019 California UFO swarm incident's origin and nature remain unexplained, emphasizing the need to reconsider assumptions and investigate further with available data

      Learning from the discussion in the episode of "Weaponize" is that the 2019 California UFO swarm incident, where over 100 unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) surrounded 10 Navy warships, remains unexplained despite the public assumption that it has been. The UAP task force was unable to determine the origin or nature of the objects, which had no wings, tail, rudder, exhaust, or indications of how they were flying. Contrary to popular belief, the triangular shape seen in some footage was not due to bokeh effect or lens distortion, as experts have analyzed and confirmed. This incident, along with numerous other swarm cases happening worldwide, highlights the need to reconsider our assumptions about unexplained phenomena and the limitations of current knowledge. The availability of various types of data, including radar, thermal, infrared, and deck footage, offers a unique opportunity for further investigation.

    • USS Nimitz UFO encounter involved multiple objects and interactionsThe 2004 USS Nimitz UFO encounter involved multiple objects, hours of observation, and interactions with a larger spherical object underwater. Significant for involving multiple Navy warships, it remains unexplained and holds potential implications if non-human origin.

      The UFO encounter reported near the USS Nimitz in 2004 involved multiple objects, not just one Tic Tac shape as commonly referred to. These objects were observed for hours and were seen to interact with something larger and spherical under the water. This event, which also included the involvement of up to 14 radar tracks, is significant as it involved multiple Navy warships and remains unexplained. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the larger scope of this event and the potential implications it holds, especially if the objects were of non-human origin. The speaker also shares their efforts to make related government documents public and an interview with a key figure, Jay Stratton, who was the first to investigate the Tic Tac case and played a crucial role in the formation of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

    • UFO Footage and Expert Analysis on 'Weaponized' PodcastExperts believe self-illuminating, pyramid-shaped UFOs are shown in leaked footage, raising questions about unknown technology and potential government cover-up.

      The discussion revolves around the release of UFO-related footage and information obtained by the hosts of a podcast called "Weaponized." They have interviewed experts, including those with PhDs, who have analyzed the footage and believe it shows self-illuminating, pyramid-shaped objects that are unknown to current technology. The hosts have obtained and released some of this footage, such as the "green footage from the USS Russell," but are careful to ensure they have permission and that the information is not classified. They also discuss the Mosul Orb, a spherical metallic object filmed over Iraq, which was released after being leaked to them from a classified server. The military and intelligence community have labeled these objects as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), and the hosts believe that the government may be trying to downplay or dilute the significance of this footage by releasing alternative versions or explanations. The hosts emphasize that they are not making these claims themselves, but are simply sharing the information and expert opinions they have obtained.

    • Trusted sources vs. witnesses in UFO reportingCredible sources acknowledge and admit information, while witnesses who refuse to do so may not be trusted.

      The difference between a trusted source and a witness lies in their willingness to acknowledge and admit information. The discussion highlighted the contrasting behaviors of two individuals, one who acknowledged and admitted information, and another who refused to do so. The former, Jay Stratton, was invited on the show as a witness due to his credibility and role in running UFO programs within the United States government. The latter, Sean Kirkpatrick, was not invited due to his unwillingness to acknowledge and admit information. The conversation also touched upon various UAP incidents, such as the Mosul Orb and the Baghdad Phantom, which were thoroughly vetted by the intelligence community and considered unexplained. The release of footage and images from these incidents served as a way to put the Department of Defense on notice and bring UFO phenomena to public attention. The discussion underscored the importance of credible sources and witnesses in reporting on such phenomena.

    • Experts stress importance of witness testimony and thorough researchDespite reports of unusual aerial phenomena, experts urge listeners to consider witness accounts and conduct thorough investigations before jumping to conclusions.

      While there have been reports of unusual aerial phenomena, including potential flare sightings, the experts involved in investigating these phenomena emphasize the importance of ground witness testimony and thorough research. For instance, during episodes 18 and 19, witnesses testified that they did not observe flares, despite the potential alignment of images. Additionally, in episode 38, Dr. James Lukowski, head of the DIA's UFO program, admitted that the US government had acquired a craft of unknown origin. This admission contradicts previous reports, but the experts encourage listeners to delve deeper into the cases and consider the nuances of each situation. Overall, the focus is on bringing accurate and comprehensive information to the public.

    • Two intriguing UFO cases: 'chandelier UAP' and 'jellyfish UAP'Recent UFO cases, such as the 'chandelier UAP' and 'jellyfish UAP,' challenge our understanding of the world and highlight the need for continued research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena.

      The UFO phenomenon continues to intrigue and challenge our understanding of the world, with numerous unexplained encounters and objects being documented by various sources. In a recent series called "UFO Revolution," the hosts shared two intriguing cases, the "chandelier UAP" and the "jellyfish UAP." The chandelier UAP, an image of a moving object with bizarre heat patterns, had confounded the intelligence community and was released to the public for the first time. The jellyfish UAP, a strange rotating object, was also authenticated after a three-and-a-half-year investigation. These cases, along with many others, underscore the need for continued research and investigation into the UFO phenomenon, as the US military and intelligence community acknowledge the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena. Despite debunkers' attempts to explain these phenomena away, the evidence suggests that there are still many unexplored mysteries in our skies.

    • Evidence for Extraterrestrial Life and Government Cover-upsDespite official denials, there's growing evidence for extraterrestrial life and potential government cover-ups. Continued investigation and public awareness are crucial for progress.

      The speaker believes there is compelling evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups, despite continued denials and resistance from authorities. He emphasizes the importance of continued investigation and public awareness, as more people are becoming skeptical of official denials. The speaker also mentions the ongoing efforts towards government disclosure and the potential for future UFO hearings. He expresses optimism for progress but acknowledges the challenges and opposition they face. Overall, the speaker encourages persistence and curiosity in the face of uncertainty and secrecy.

    Recent Episodes from WEAPONIZED with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp

    UFOs and Nukes - The Pantex Incursions

    UFOs and Nukes - The Pantex Incursions
    WEAPONIZED is supposed be on hiatus, but recent bursts of gaseous emissions from the folks at AARO have made it difficult to lounge by the pool and sip frozen concoctions. The recent release of documents related to a proposed UAP-related program within Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was hardly a gesture toward transparency by AARO. In this unscheduled, unexpected episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George review the true history of the proposed Kona Blue program, what it could have accomplished, and how AARO's former boss has blatantly misled the public about whistleblower testimony allegedly related to Kona Blue. And what about those continuing drone incursions over sensitive U.S. military air space, the whitewashing of a UFO incident under investigation by members of Congress, and other assorted tidbits? It's a surprise episode inspired by Don Corleone. ••• See Dustin’s UAP REGISTER article here : https://uapregister.substack.com/p/uap-incursion-at-pantex-nuclear-facility and follow Dustin on X here : https://x.com/DustinSlaughter ••• Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259 ••• GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Battle for UFO Truth - The Michael Corleone Edition

    The Battle for UFO Truth - The Michael Corleone Edition
    WEAPONIZED is supposed be on hiatus, but recent bursts of gaseous emissions from the folks at AARO have made it difficult to lounge by the pool and sip frozen concoctions. The recent release of documents related to a proposed UAP-related program within Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was hardly a gesture toward transparency by AARO. In this unscheduled, unexpected episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George review the true history of the proposed Kona Blue program, what it could have accomplished, and how AARO's former boss has blatantly misled the public about whistleblower testimony allegedly related to Kona Blue. And what about those continuing drone incursions over sensitive U.S. military air space, the whitewashing of a UFO incident under investigation by members of Congress, and other assorted tidbits? It's a surprise episode inspired by Don Corleone. ••• Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259 ••• GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    AARO Misses Target - Congress & The Public Are Pissed

    AARO Misses Target - Congress & The Public Are Pissed
    In the Season Finale of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George look back at some of the key moments from the past thirteen months, including exclusive interviews with major insiders from government UFO investigations (Jay Stratton, Dr. James Lacatski, Dr. Colm Kelleher), disclosure proponents and journalists (Rep. Tim Burchett, Richard Dolan, Ross Coulthart, Bryce Zabel, UFO Joe Murgia), incredibly talented writers and artists (Robbie Williams, Dave Foley, Ben Schneider, Duncan Trussell, Whitley Strieber, John Long) and other surprises including leaked videos obtained from government files. In a fortuitous twist, the Pentagon's long-awaited report from AARO about the history of US investigations of UFOs was released just in time for our last episode. It turned out to be a perfectly predictable propagandized rewriting of history, punctuated by sloppy errors, blatant falsehoods, and the dismissal of testimony from dozens of witnesses. •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    What Washington Wants - First Hand UFO Witnesses

    What Washington Wants - First Hand UFO Witnesses
    This week, WEAPONIZED traveled to Washington D.C. to gain a sense of where the fight for UFO transparency stands at the moment. Debunkers, including former agency big-shots and social media nincompoops are scrambling to dissuade Congress from pursuing evidence about crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs. No further UFO hearings are on the schedule on Capitol Hill, but key members of Congress are confident such hearings will happen. In this episode, Jeremy and George share information gleaned from confidential meetings with members of Congress, key congressional staff members, and first hand witnesses who expressed concerns about where the topic might be heading.  •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  Watch the video analysis by HERE SUDDENLY on YouTube of the Antioquia Colombia UAP video here : https://youtu.be/V4MzC2Rb6PU  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Propaganda - The Dark Side Unleashes

    UFO Propaganda - The Dark Side Unleashes
    As long predicted, the closer the public gets to the truth about UFOs, the harder the pushback will become. That day has finally arrived. Since the beginning of 2024, the keepers of UFO secrets within government, along with their allies in defense corporations, and subservient toadies on various media platforms have unleashed a torrent of devious, ill-informed, sometimes laughable attacks on truth, facts, members of Congress, curious scientists, diligent journalists, and the public itself. Former AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick led the charge with a blistering denouncement of the program he directed and the members of Congress who created it. Dr. Kirkpatrick spent "a whole year" investigating UFOs but found "no evidence.” His demonstrably false allegations were quickly magnified in a seemingly coordinated series of articles written by like-minded friendly reporters. At the same time, a cabal of hard-core debunkers, masquerading as skeptics, had been outed for its secret takeover of all Wikipedia content regarding UFOs and prominent people who have investigated the subject. And on various social media platforms, where civil discourse is a rarity, a cohort of the usual suspects have participated in unleashing personal attacks that are vile, even by their own low standards. So, what's going on? Is all of this unfolding at the same time purely by coincidence? In this episode, Jeremy and George review some of the more glaring examples of the new era of pushback against UFO truth and give shout outs to some of the unsung heroes who are fighting hard to push back against the onslaught of propaganda.  Plus, don't miss a special segment featuring Bob Lazar, who sheds light on the intriguing anatomy of a flying saucer. Join us as we navigate through the stormy skies of disinformation to seek the elusive truth about UFOs.  •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ernie Cline - The Man Who Saw The Future

    Ernie Cline - The Man Who Saw The Future
    Ernest Cline is the visionary best-selling author of Ready Player One, Ready Player Two, Armada, and the upcoming Bridge to Bat City, as well as the co-screenwriter of the blockbuster movie Ready Player One directed by Steven Spielberg, and co-founder of Readyverse Studios.  Cline is a brilliant novelist and screenwriter whose books have earned worldwide acclaim and a legion of devoted fans around the world. Cline's first visionary bestseller Ready Player One was eerily accurate prediction of where AI and virtual reality tech are taking us. Cline worked with legendary director Steven Spielberg in creating a mega-hit movie based on the novel.  Cline's deep research into UFO history and extraterrestrial scenarios culminated in a second best selling novel about an alien invasion, which has also been optioned for a future film. A sequel, Ready Player Two, topped bestseller lists in 2023 and is in development to become a film.  In this bonus episode of Weaponized, George and Jeremy travel to Austin Texas to visit their pal and to tour his astonishing collection of iconic pop culture collectibles, movie memorabilia, and a vast library UFO and sci-fi books, films, and collectibles. Ernie also revealed his soon to be released next book, based on a true story from his home town. It's a fun peek into the life of one of America's best writers, sort of an episode of "UFO Cribs”. You can pre-order Ernie’s new book Bridge To Bat City here : https://a.co/d/hlBRice  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    THE "JELLYFISH" UFO - How It Happened & What It Means

    THE "JELLYFISH" UFO - How It Happened & What It Means
    In the fall of 2017, security personnel at a U.S. military base in Iraq detected a highly unusual intruder. The bizarre object was essentially invisible to all but a thermal imaging system. A thermal recording of the object as it flew across the base was made by astonished observers. Within minutes, a video feed of the episode was cut off from U.S. allies located within the same base. Intelligence assets at the base continued to monitor the object as it crossed the facility, then zipped over an adjacent body of water, stopped on a dime, plunged into the lake, then emerged 17 minutes later and blazed into the heavens at an astonishing speed.  An attempt was made by the base commanders to collect and suppress all evidence of the incident. Witnesses were all sworn to secrecy. The full video files were seized, then buried. But somehow, a partial copy of the video was made and stored on an secret internal server. The object, dubbed "the spaghetti monster" by those who later saw parts of the video, seemingly resembled a jellyfish. It was widely viewed by base personnel in the months afterward.   In this episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George reveal details about how and when they obtained a video of the sensational Jellyfish UFO, what steps were taken to try and discern what it might be, and also respond to spurious attempts to explain away the jellyfish UFO as something other than a legitimate UAP. That Jellyfish video exploded onto the UFO scene days ago and has now been viewed by millions of people around the world. Included in this episode are comments from one of the military personnel who was present at the base soon after the incident. •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Introducing The Chris Chatman Do-Over, starring Ike Barinholtz

    Introducing The Chris Chatman Do-Over, starring Ike Barinholtz
    In this improvised comedy podcast, Ike Barinholtz stars as controversial shock jock host Chris Chatman. Chatman’s hit podcast was canceled but he's listened, learned, and is back on the mic to finally win over a few female listeners. Or maybe even just one. In each episode, Chatman and his co-hosts Frankie (Lisa Gilroy) and the Professor (Neil Casey) unpack hot-button issues with expert guests but offend pretty much everyone in the process. Guest stars include Amy Poehler, Fred Armisen, Ashley Nicole Black, Carla Cackowski, Craig Cackowski, Liz Cackowski, Jessica St. Clair, E.R. Fightmaster, Ego Nwodim, Busy Philipps, Emily Spivey, and Alice Stanley Jr. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The History Of UFO Disclosure - Can The Public Handle The Truth? - Guest : Richard Dolan

    The History Of UFO Disclosure - Can The Public Handle The Truth? - Guest : Richard Dolan
    Despite remarkable events of the past six years, the UFO public is impatient when it comes to truth and disclosure. When do we get to see the craft and bodies? Where is the real evidence? Will more whistleblowers come forward? Esteemed historian Richard Dolan has heard these demands before. His meticulously researched books about the complicated politics surrounding UFO truth, including the heavy-handed tactics used by intelligence agencies, the DOD, and defense contractors, are widely regarded as the most comprehensive and accurate accounts of all time. What does Dolan make of recent whistleblower revelations, strident statements by members of Congress, and renewed interest within academic circles? In this far-reaching conversation, Jeremy and George ask Dolan about current events compared to previous periods in American history, about the global nature of UFO incidents, and about how the public might handle UFO disclosure IF the truth turns out to be far darker than we might imagine.  Dolan also reveals details about his latest research project - a gargantuan investigation of USO cases, that is, incidents involving unidentified objects in or around bodies of water.  Check out Dolan’s work here : https://www.RichardDolanMembers.com  •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander
    Long before the existence of AAWSAP or AATIP, there was another UFO investigation within the Dept. of Defense named ATP [the Advanced Theoretical Physics program], headed by a veteran intelligence officer named Col. John Alexander. Alexander and colleagues searched for hidden evidence of UFO crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs but didn't find any. For years afterward, Alexander was skeptical whenever "crashed saucers" were mentioned, but what about now?  His detractors refer to Col. Alexander as "Dr. Death”. He is purported to have psychic powers and mind control abilities, is often associated with the shadowy "Aviary" group of UFO insiders, and is viewed with fear and suspicion whenever he attends a UFO conference, on a par with the Men in Black or Darth Vader. Alexander chuckles about how he is perceived by ufologists. He led special forces teams into combat during the Vietnam conflict, was involved with the US Army's remote viewing program, became the head of Non-Lethal Weapons research at Los Alamos lab, and in the 90's, hooked up with NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science which was created and funded by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow. Alexander was with Bigelow when the businessman purchased what came to be known as Skinwalker Ranch.  In this episode, Dr. Alexander reveals to George and Jeremy how his view of the “crashed saucers” story has evolved, shares his impressions from the recent Sol conference, discusses previous attempts to achieve UFO transparency through congressional action, and gives his assessment of fellow intelligence officer Col. Phillip Corso.  Check out Col. John B. Alexander's books here : https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-B.-Alexander/author/B001HCZBZY  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    SC EP:894 I Was Being Stalked

    John writes “January of 2017 I moved to Pikeville, Eastern Kentucky. The apartment complex I moved into was an old abandoned coal mine holler that had been converted which had an old coal road that went up a mountain and then swing around it with acre’s of woods.

    Well, whenever Id sit in the picnic area to have a cigarette id notice around 10+ at night this howling out in the nearby hills which now i can say sounded almost identical to the Ohio Sounds. I’d hear one howl and then maybe 30 seconds later there’d be another one from another hill that was maybe a mile or so away, and then I’d hear another, and another, and you could listen to these call and responses for hours without end. Well by April I was trying to get back into shape and I love to hike so I decided I’d get up around 6 am and hike up that coal road and back. As I’m hiking up and it got darker and darker up that road I noticed this strange bird whistling at me. It was strange because of how loud it was, and I mean the pitch was just so loud and I thought to myself, “that’s a big damn bird!” And I whistled back. Wes, my grandpa was a Green Beret in Vietnam who partly helped raise me, and I’ve been in the woods of Illinois and Wisconsin my whole life and never encountered much that was weird, although my Grandpa did and told me stories here and there, but I wasn’t afraid of much. Well, I’m hiking up and not only is that whistling getting closer, and I mean close to where it was like ten feet from me in the treeline of woods. I turned on the flash light on my phone and couldn’t see anything it was so dense. But then I noticed this “bird” was keeping pace with me.

    Then small pebbles started landing in front of me as I walked down. At first I thought it was just loose rock sliding down, but then it became apparent that something was tossing them right at my feet. At this point I’m about 300 feet up this old road in the pitch dark. So, I gently tossed one back, and then a big one, maybe 1/2 pound rock flung right at my feet. I froze man! Now, I gently yelled out, “is someone out there?” And that bird whistling started up even louder than it had before! Idk what overcame me, but I started belting out the St. Michael prayer in Latin and then the Hail Mary pretty audibly, and not wanting to turn back continued up that road. All of this whistling, keeping pace, and Pebble tossing just amped up as I was coming to a bend in the road that turned with the mountain. Idk what it was, but as I reach it with rosary in hand I got this bad bad feeling like something is really wrong here, and I spoke aloud and said, “idk what ya are, but im just walking here…” And the Pebble tossing got more intense and I could now hear “things” trudging through the wood at paces that I knew werent people. So I turned around and calmly began to go home. I thought that this could be bear or well hell a damn bigfoot. How loud the trudging was, combined with the whistling, and Pebble tossing I wanted to run the hell outta there down back into that holler, but if ya think that there’s an animal ya just don’t do that. And idk why, but something told me do not turn your back to them. So I’m trying to make it down while keeping an eye on what’s behind me, and the moments that I looked down the road towards the apartment complex something just leaped from the side of the mountain onto the road, and then down into a bunch of thicket. And I stopped and yelled, “what the fuck was that!” If it were a man he’d have fallen 400 feet down a vertical fall and broke his neck or something I mean it was steep! And covered in thicket and thorn bushes. And how loose the rocks were I mean if you did get a footing you’d just fall on your ass and slide and tumble down. Whatever this was got it’s footing and slid and trudged down with great volume like stomping through a huge snow drift. So there I am feeling like a fool the sun is begging to make the horizon pink up just a little at this point.

    I kept thinking to myself that this is not how I’m gonna die! By this point I felt with all of the noise that had to be five to eight things in the woods stalking me. Honest to God I knew that I was being followed and scrutinized and that I had pissed something off with my presence! The pebbles were being tossed at an alarming rate, there were by now eight or so “big birds” whistling at me from about ten or so feet in the woods, branches were snapping, and it was like multiple freight trains just trudging through those woods! This is a steep hill I mean it is steep I cannot imagine men being able to do this without falling down the only flat surface was the road. When I got about 100 feet down before the apartment idk what overcame me but something told me to just book it for the farm lamp and I ran like hell until I got to it spun around. I stood there watching and couldn’t see anything! They had stayed up there, but were still just making all sorts of noise.

    Idk what I started, but after that I felt like I was being watched whenever I was outside in that holler. If I went outside my apartment by my car to smoke pebbles would start getting tossed right at my feet in the parking lot from a mountain side, or a big bird would start whistling at me. And we had huge street lights shinning onto our parking lot. And as this is happening I’d take out a big old flashlight and shine into the woods. I did get eye shine a couple of times, but couldn’t make out faces of what they were which just creeped me out to no end. I went up the mountains couple of times in the day and found what appeared to be tree breaks, a couple of structures, sticks in the road. Now idk, these sticks were just laid ever so carefully in the road. What creeped me out was that they’d appear when I was coming back down. On one hike, idk I got dizzy on the way home. Now I do have epilepsy, but this was different. I’m hiking down the road and suddenly I got dizzy, the sound in my ears was like tv static, and I wanted to take my shirt off because I felt so hot, but I laid down in the dirt ditch for a few minutes and just felt drained of everything I just thought of my mother and picked myself up and forced myself down that road. When I got home I just collapsed in bed and slept for a good six hours. Now I think looking back that that was side effects of infrasound.

    But then one night my roommate and I went out to one of the picnic areas to smoke and talk and as we’re making it back toward my building idk Wes the ground shook to the point I felt like I’d lost my footing like a giant was stomping in front of us BOOM BOOM BOOM and let out this scream I’ve never heard before or since it was like a woman mixed with a bear, a lion, and a witch all in one terrifying scream idk, but I JUMPED like three feet up and just ran up a picnic table and I could not look at it! We were stuck in that parking lot until the sun came up! Everytime we even made an attempt towards my building it would scream and we couldn’t find it, couldn’t see it! We had the sensation that it was behind this old 100+ year old white oak tree, but we made five attempts to go home and it was not having it. But when the sun began to rise we made our sixth attempt and then heard something just trudge up that mountain side in time that no man or woman could! I’m talking a 100 foot vertical hike that this thing scaled in seconds and just kept going until we saw trees moving at about 500 feet up. We never went that far out at night again and that was a lighted parking lot/picnic area in the middle of an apartment complex. After that I’d smoked at night at the door dealt with the whistling and Pebble tossing give it the finger and go inside. I moved to Louisville in June and never went back! I’m not afraid of the woods or anything, but I definitely will never go in them again without a 30-30 or something bigger!

    The power just in the lungs of this thing it could have killed us if it had wanted to! I ldk what we did that night; we weren’t messing up in the woods or nothing and I feel like I was being stalked for having gone up there, but over residents went up there, but not at night. I have a deeper respect, appreciation of the mountains and the woods. Since all of this the guns I have and carry with me in the woods are enough to take down a bear, but yeah, like I said I will never go in the woods unarmed again.”


    I will also be speaking to Brian. Brian said “I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in Washington state. We were running a training exercise and we saw what we thought was someone in a ghillie suit. This made no sense since we all had the same equipment and there was not any snipers present. This “guy” was huge he was about 7 foot tall, I am 6’4. I did not know anyone in my unit that big. We decided to track it and find who is was. That is when it stood up. I thought it was 7 foot tall but it was crouched. When it stood up it was closer to 9 feet. Five of us saw it that night.”


    SC EP:694 Sasquatch Evidence Of An Enigma II

    SC EP:694 Sasquatch Evidence Of An Enigma II

    Cater will be returning to the show, he has investigated and created many eyewitness reports for the BFRO. This is part two of our conversation.

    Carter writes “For those that believe, or want to believe, this book should be a good place to start. I cover basics of investigations, mine, and others theories, as to who they are and what they may be capable of behavior wise.”



    EP: 149 Paranormal Patrols with Veteran with a Sign

    EP: 149 Paranormal Patrols with Veteran with a Sign

    Zach Bell from veteranwithasign joins Blurry Creatures as we cap off a month or more of military accounts and stories from the Blurryverse. A former marine, he did multiple tours in Afghanistan before coming home to work on behalf of the veterans of our armed forces. While never planning on being a voice for the military and veterans community, there were glaring issues in that space he cared deeply about, and it all began by holding up a cardboard sign on the side of the road that read: “Take Motrin, drink water, change your socks.” Now a massive movement for veteran health and well-being, Zach is using humor and handwritten signs to bring awareness to the struggles of those who served us both domestically and overseas. While on deployment, Zach had some encounters in the wilds of Afghanistan with the unexplained. From the stories told by afghani translators and local villagers of giants in the north, to the local account of the Kandahar Giant that predates public knowledge, and even seeing a UFO hovering and tracing his position while on patrol--Zach brings these experiences and reports directly from the front lines. 

    Intro Song: Dream Kid 83

    Guest: Zach Bell - @veteranwithasign



    Socials www.instagram.com/blurrycreatures



    Music Kyle Monroe: www.tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: Brandon Weaver https://ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: www.timecop1983.com

    EP: 143 Military Mysteries with Tales from the Grid Square

    EP: 143 Military Mysteries with Tales from the Grid Square

    Blurry Creatures goes military. Instagram legend "Tales From The Grid Square" makes his debut appearance to share some of his favorite accounts of the paranormal from the eyes of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. These stories get blurry! Some of the encounters of our men and women in uniform are downright terrifying and range from the appearance of UFOs to cryptids, ghosts, giants, and more. The United States military deploys to some of the most remote and desolate places on Earth and sometimes they run into things they cannot explain. Find out what the military is seeing go bump in the night.

    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com


    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures facebook.com/blurrycreatures


    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com