
    Acne Deep Dive: Candida, Mold, Heavy Metals, Pore Clogging Ingredients, Hair Care, Diet Soda & How To Order At Restaurants w/ Clearstem Founders Danielle & Kayleigh (Pt. 2)

    enApril 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Examining Hidden Acne Causes: Personal Care Products and Internal TriggersExplore personal care products for pore-clogging ingredients and consider internal factors like candida, mycotoxins, molds, and heavy metals when addressing acne. The Clear STEM AcneLab panel testing can help identify internal triggers, offering a more holistic approach to acne treatment.

      Before making dietary changes to address acne, it's essential to examine personal care products for pore-clogging ingredients. These hidden culprits can significantly impact skin health. In this episode of The Pursuit of Wellness podcast, hosts Mari Llewellyn and her guests Danielle and Kaylee from Clear STEM delve deeper into acne causes, discussing topics like candida, mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, and various skincare and dietary considerations. The Clear STEM AcneLab panel testing was launched to help identify and address internal triggers contributing to acne, beyond topical treatments and lifestyle changes. The episode offers valuable insights and recommendations for those dealing with persistent acne, providing a comprehensive approach to achieving clearer skin. Listeners are encouraged to take notes and explore the resources mentioned throughout the conversation.

    • Identifying acne causes through individual consultations and lab workThe Acne Lab Panel offers personalized evaluations of lab work results and ongoing support for women to discover the root causes of their acne and connect with a community of like-minded individuals.

      The founders of Clear Stem and San Diego Acne Clinic identified common patterns in acne causes through individual consultations and lab work. However, they realized the need for a more individualized approach and a larger community to help people understand their body's root causes. They collaborated with Emily Morrow and developed the Acne Lab Panel, which provides specific evaluations of lab work results through an acne lens, and offers a membership with ongoing support and resources. The membership provides a platform for individuals to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other. The lab testing and membership aim to give women the autonomy to discover their own health information without the need for confusing doctor appointments. The Acne Lab Panel has seen significant growth and success in helping women uncover the root causes of their acne and supporting each other through the process.

    • Daily choices and their hidden impacts on wellbeingUnderstanding the impact of daily choices on wellbeing, including potential issues with heavy metals, mycotoxins, and candida, can lead to improved overall health through informed dietary decisions and testing for markers like fasting blood sugar and cortisol.

      Our daily choices, even those we consider healthy, can have hidden impacts on our wellbeing. Heavy metals, mycotoxins, and candida are common issues that often go unnoticed, affecting women in particular with symptoms like skin issues, brain fog, and bloating. A healthy diet is crucial, but the timing and combination of foods can make a significant difference. For instance, waiting an hour after eating before having caffeine can help manage cortisol levels and reduce psychological addiction. Additionally, testing for markers like fasting blood sugar and cortisol can provide valuable insights into potential liver or digestive issues. Overall, being aware of these interconnected factors and making informed choices can lead to improved overall wellness.

    • Learning positive coping mechanisms and boosting confidence through therapy and self-care practicesConsistently attending therapy sessions helps improve mental health, while self-care practices like comfortable clothing and simple rituals can enhance overall well-being.

      Both therapy and self-care practices can significantly improve various aspects of one's life. The consistency in therapy has been instrumental in helping the speaker learn positive coping mechanisms, set boundaries, and be the best version of themselves. They highly recommend BetterHelp for its convenience and affordability. Meanwhile, Honeylove's comfortable shapewear has revolutionized the speaker's wardrobe, providing both comfort and confidence. Additionally, incorporating small self-care practices, such as drinking warm water with lemon and salt, or bringing one's own coffee while traveling, can lead to noticeable improvements in overall well-being. These simple yet effective practices can lead to significant enhancements in one's mental, emotional, and physical health.

    • Listening to our bodies for optimal healthExplore alternatives, trust intuition, and prioritize self-discovery for better body understanding and potential health benefits

      Self-discovery and intuition are key to understanding what works best for our bodies. The speaker shares her experience of how moving and changing her lifestyle affected her skin and led her to explore alternative coffee options. She emphasizes the importance of listening to our bodies and making our own decisions based on what we feel. The speaker also highlights the benefits of mushroom coffee as a potential alternative to regular coffee, especially for those with sensitivities or health conditions. She encourages trying new things and giving them time to see how they affect us, rather than feeling shame or pressure to conform to societal norms. Lastly, she acknowledges that the journey to understanding our bodies and their needs can be long, but the power of making our own decisions and taking care of ourselves is worth it.

    • Overcoming health challenges involves balance, flexibility, and self-loveFind balance between dedication and flexibility when managing health challenges, build confidence when dining out, and remember everyone's body responds differently to dietary restrictions

      Overcoming health challenges, such as managing acne, requires persistence and flexibility. It's important to find a balance between being dedicated to your goals and accepting that setbacks and prioritizing other areas of your life are inevitable. This process involves testing limits, learning to love yourself, and being informed. When it comes to dining out, it can be challenging for those with dietary restrictions, but building confidence and communication with servers can make the experience easier. For those with acne, a strict elimination diet, such as avoiding dairy and gluten, may be necessary, but it's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently and finding what works best for you is key. It's also important to remember that servers want to make you happy and accommodating your requests is part of their job.

    • Being kind to yourself and others in the service industrySmall changes in diet and lifestyle can lead to significant improvements in wellbeing. Practice kindness and moderation, recognize individual differences, and consider limiting caffeine intake.

      You don't have to label yourself as high maintenance when it comes to treating yourself or interacting with service industry workers. Being grateful and kind goes a long way. As for diet sodas, they can be a treat as long as consumed in moderation. The speaker suggests trying club soda first and then having a small amount of diet Coke as a reward. It's essential to recognize that everyone's body reacts differently to various foods and drinks, and eliminating small habits that negatively impact your health can lead to significant improvements. The speaker's boyfriend's experience of giving up gluten-free cookies, chips, and Oreo pops at Erewhon led him to feel better overall. The speaker suggests trying to limit caffeine intake, especially if it's having a negative impact on your cortisol, anxiety, and skin. Overall, making small changes in your diet and lifestyle can lead to significant improvements in your wellbeing.

    • Beware of hidden sugars and unidentifiable ingredients in beveragesFocus on whole foods and supplements with pure ingredients for health benefits, avoid hidden sugars and unidentifiable ingredients in beverages and skincare products.

      Consuming certain beverages, even those marketed as healthy or trendy, can negatively impact our bodies if they contain high amounts of sugar or unidentifiable ingredients. Instead, focusing on whole foods and supplements with high-quality, pure ingredients, like Peak's morning ritual beverage, can provide numerous health benefits, including metabolism activation, energy sustainability, hormonal balance, and clearer skin. It's essential to be aware that "clean" labels don't always guarantee acne safety and to be vigilant about pore-clogging ingredients in our external skincare routines. These hidden culprits can contribute to acne and other health issues, so it's crucial to read labels carefully and choose products wisely. By prioritizing whole, natural foods and supplements, we can nourish our bodies from the inside out and promote overall wellness.

    • Identify and remove pore-clogging ingredientsCheck your skincare products for pore-cloggers and replace them with breathable, non-clogging alternatives to improve skin health and absorption of anti-aging ingredients

      Eliminating pore-clogging ingredients from your skincare routine is a crucial first step to achieving clearer, healthier skin. These ingredients, which can include thick fillers, can clog pores, cause acne, and prevent the skin from "breathing." By using an ingredient checker to identify and remove these culprits, you'll allow your skin to do its natural processes better and improve the absorption of other skincare products, including anti-aging ingredients. Clear Stem, with its founders' personal experience with acne, is a trusted brand that can help you navigate this process. Remember, even if your primary concern is anti-aging, using thick, pore-clogging ingredients can still negatively impact your skin's aging process. So, take the time to check your skincare products for pore cloggers and replace them with breathable, non-clogging alternatives. Your skin will thank you!

    • Importance of internal and external skincareBe aware of ingredients, maintain a healthy diet, and use specific products for external care. Experiment with application methods for optimal results.

      Having a well-rounded skincare routine involves both internal and external care. The speaker shared her experience of attending a facial and breaking out due to a mask containing shea butter, which she had asked the esthetician about beforehand. This incident reminded her of the importance of being aware of all ingredients and their potential reactions on the skin. To deal with the external issue, she used specific products like an exfoliating mask, a diamond buff tool, and sulfur spot mask. For internal care, she emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding pork clogging ingredients. The speaker also highlighted the importance of treating different areas of the face differently based on their specific needs. She recommended experimenting with various application methods of the sulfur spot mask, such as leaving it on for 30 minutes or overnight, depending on the severity and location of the breakouts. In summary, having a comprehensive skincare routine involves being mindful of both internal and external factors, and being prepared with the right products and knowledge to address any issues that may arise.

    • Understanding the Unique Experience with RetinoidsRetinoids offer benefits but can cause purging and irritation for some. Listen to those who have negative experiences and promote inclusivity and understanding in skincare community.

      Everyone's skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. When it comes to retinoids, while they can offer great benefits, they can also cause purging and irritation for some individuals. Purging can be a necessary part of the process in certain situations, but for others, it can lead to mental health issues and long-term skin damage. It's essential to understand that everyone's experience with retinoids will be different, and it's crucial to listen to those who have had negative experiences and make them feel heard. The skincare community should aim to be inclusive and understanding, rather than judgmental or dismissive, towards those who cannot use certain ingredients. Ultimately, the goal is to help everyone find the best skincare routine for their individual needs and to promote a positive and supportive environment for all.

    • Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Acne TreatmentsConsider holistic approaches to acne treatment, including nutrition, lifestyle, and alternative therapies like PRP. Stay informed and work with professionals to find the best solutions for your unique skin concerns.

      Dermatologists have limited tools and resources to address acne, often relying on antibiotics, birth control, spironolactone, topical retinols, and Accutane. This leaves many people seeking alternative solutions, particularly those related to nutrition and lifestyle, which are often overlooked in medical education. As a result, there's a lot of misinformation and confusion surrounding these topics. Moreover, certain treatments, such as microneedling, can exacerbate acne for some individuals. It's essential to understand your skin's unique needs and consider holding off on such treatments during active breakouts. Instead, gentle alternatives, like Selvranie serum, can be used to support the healing process. Additionally, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatments, which involve using your own blood to promote healing, can be a more effective alternative to traditional microneedling solutions. While these treatments can be pricey, the added benefits make them worth considering for those looking to improve their skin health. In summary, it's crucial to approach acne treatment holistically, considering both medical and lifestyle factors. By staying informed and working with knowledgeable professionals, you can find the best solutions for your unique skin concerns.

    • Caring for Skin After Treatments and Perioral DermatitisProperly caring for skin after treatments, such as PRP, involves amplifying healing response, using mineral-based SPF, avoiding touching skin, and applying zit patches. Perioral dermatitis requires understanding causes and effective treatments, while overall skin care is essential for optimal results.

      Optimizing the healing process after skin treatments, especially PRP, is crucial. This involves amplifying the healing response directly after the procedure, and using a non-pore clogging, mineral-based SPF to protect the skin. Additionally, avoiding touching the skin and using zit patches can help prevent further damage and promote healing. Perioral dermatitis is a common skin condition characterized by irritation around the mouth, and its causes can vary. It's important to understand the basics of this condition and how to address it effectively. Overall, taking proper care of the skin before, during, and after treatments is key to achieving the best possible results.

    • Factors affecting skin issues: gluten and cosmeticsBe aware of potential skin irritants like gluten and certain cosmetics. Brands specializing in acne-safe products can help avoid pore-clogging ingredients and allergens.

      Certain internal and external factors can contribute to skin issues, including gluten and chemical reactions from certain cosmetics. Gluten, which can cause pigment loss in conditions like Vitiligo, is a common culprit. Brands like Pria, which specialize in acne-safe products, are recommended to avoid pore-clogging ingredients and potential allergens. Specifically, Armani Luminous Silk and some products from Euphoria and Make Beauty have been identified as potentially pore-clogging, depending on individual skin sensitivity. Always triple check ingredients and consider consulting a professional for personalized recommendations. Brands like Pria, which prioritize acne-safe formulations, can help improve skin health and appearance.

    • Game-changer serum for acne-prone skinThe Clear Stem Clarity serum uses mandelic acid to unclog pores, turmeric and vitamin C to enhance its effectiveness, and is recommended to be used with the pregame mask or after gentle exfoliation. A new acne-safe hair care line is also launching soon.

      The Clear Stem Clarity serum is a game-changer for unclogging pores and treating acne. It contains mandelic acid, which physically travels into pores to dissolve the clog caused by makeup, dead skin cells, and oil. The serum also includes turmeric and vitamin C to enhance its effectiveness. For those new to exfoliation, it's recommended to use the pregame mask followed by hydrating ingredients or to lightly exfoliate before using Clarity. The speaker also announced the upcoming launch of Acne Safe Hair Care, a luxury line of salon-quality, acne-safe shampoo and conditioner, addressing the long-standing question for a product that is safe for acne-prone individuals. This line is expected to be a game-changer for those experiencing acne around their hairline, behind their ears, on their neck, and on their scalp.

    • Exploring the Versatility of Skin Spray All DaySkin Spray All Day is a new product with hypochlorous acid, flower extract, antioxidants, magnesium, peptides, and UV protection, offering benefits for acne, dandruff, luxury spa moments, and makeup setting. Launching in May, Clear Stem also has upcoming hair care and sleep magnesium products.

      Everyone has their unique challenges when it comes to beauty and skincare, and it's important to embrace those challenges while also seeking out effective solutions. During a discussion about a new skincare product, Mari expressed her excitement about its potential benefits for acne and dandruff, as well as its use as a luxury spa moment and makeup setting spray. The product, called Skin Spray All Day, contains hypochlorous acid, flower extract, antioxidants, magnesium, peptides, and UV protection. Mari shared her personal experience with the product, praising its calming effect, pleasant scent, and versatility. The product can be used after cleansing, as a makeup setting spray, and even on bare skin for UV protection. Skin Spray All Day is set to launch in May, and the brand has a pipeline full of upcoming products, including hair care and a sleep magnesium product with inositol for people with PCOS and acne. If you're interested in trying Clear Stem products, use code POW for 15% off. While the AcneLab is not included in the discount, it's clear that Clear Stem is dedicated to providing effective solutions for various skincare concerns.

    • Understanding Acne as an OpportunityAcne is a sign of important body information, embrace the journey to clearer skin through holistic self-care and effective products from Clear Stem.

      Acne is not something to be ashamed of, but rather an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about our bodies and make intentional choices about what we put in them. The journey to clearer skin involves viewing inflammation as a sign of important information and taking a holistic approach to skincare, which includes topical products and self-care. Clear Stem, a skincare brand, offers a range of effective products and resources for those on this journey, and they are expanding to include hair care as part of their Acne Lab panel. To learn more and stay updated, follow Clear Stem and the brand's founders, Danielle and Kaley, on social media. Remember, sexy people get acne, and the benefits of this journey extend far beyond clearer skin. Embrace the process and the learning that comes with it. Clear Stem's website is clearstem.com, and their products are available everywhere Clear Stem Skin Care is sold.

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    Dr. Mark Hyman on The Truth Behind Metformin, Gut Health, PCOS, Fertility Issues, Hormone Health & Ozempic

    Dr. Mark Hyman on The Truth Behind Metformin, Gut Health, PCOS, Fertility Issues, Hormone Health & Ozempic
    Ep. #110 On today’s episode of Pursuit of Wellness, Dr. Mark Hyman joins me for a discussion on the fusion of traditional and functional medicine.  We dive deep into the importance of being in tune with your body, getting the proper testing done, and mixing various medicines for personalized medicine. We talk all about hormonal health, managing PCOS and insulin resistance, and of course, fertility. Tune in to uncover insights into natural fertility techniques and the effects of medications like Metformin and Ozempic. It’s all about taking charge of your health journey and embracing the uniqueness of your biology for ultimate well-being. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Mark’s Instagram click here! To join Function Health, go to functionhealth.com and use code POW100 to skip the waitlist. Available up to 1000 listeners For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Visit BetterHelp.com/POW today to get 10% off your first month. Today my listeners receive 20% OFF any AquaTru purifier! Just go to AquaTru.com and enter the code “POW” at checkout. Use code POW15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order at www.vionicshoes.com when you log into your account. 1 time use only. Vionic Shoes. Wearable well-being for your feet. Show Links: The Fertility Diet Fed Up Can Ozempic Fix Our Obesity Crisis? Function - use code POW100 to skip the waitlist Topics Discussed 03:04 - Mark’s spark for health and fitness 07:32 - Functional Medicine vs Western Medicine 12:07 - Shift in academic programming 16:53 - Knowing what’s going on with your own body 20:10 - Hormonal Health and PCOS 26:59 - Accelerate timelines from scientific discovery to adoption 31:12 - Incorporating various styles of medicine 35:01 - The importance of personalized medicine and knowing what is going on in your body  40:45- The low down on Metformin 45:27 - Natural methods for fertility complications 50:02 - Ozempic and fertility 55:43 - Wellness is waking up in the morning and doing what you want to do that day
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 10, 2024

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition
    Ep. #105 I’m here today on the Pursuit of Wellness as a thirty year old! This milestone fills me with excitement and confidence as I embrace this new chapter. With a supportive community by my side and a harmonious balance between work and play, I'm ready to share the wisdom gained in my twenties and the aspirations shaping my thirties. Whether you're navigating your twenties or thirties like me, join me on this insightful episode as we explore growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of wellness. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Visit clearstemskincare.com and use code POW at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/POW Head to eightsleep.com/pow and use code POW to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia Topics Discussed 02:13 - Not being dictated by your skin or what other people think 04:17 - Dong the things you want to do 05:36 - Letting go of obsessing 07:19 - Enjoying the health and wellness journey 09:25 - Being vulnerable in relationships 16:30 - Ditching doom scrolling and spending less time on social media 18:00 - Trusting your intuition 19:39 - What Mari is bringing into her thirties 26:16 - Excitement for the new decade
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 06, 2024

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship
    Ep. #104 Imagine waking up every day feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck—that was Daisy Keech’s reality, battling mold toxicity and relentless acne. In this episode of Pursuit of Wellness, Daisy shares her journey from the soccer field to health clinics, discovering issues like candida and a detoxification gene mutation. Moving to Los Angeles, Daisy found solace away from the Hype House’s party culture, leading to a fulfilling career in real estate and home renovation. She candidly discusses her ongoing skincare struggles, experimenting with various treatments and coping with the emotional toll. Amid serious health discussions, we also enjoy lighter moments about matcha, Bloom products, and a humorous take on a potential mold cleansing program. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Daisy's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Bite is offering our listeners 20% off your first order. Go to trybite.com/POW or use code POW at checkout to claim this deal.  Right now, my listeners can receive 40% off Earth Breeze just by going to earthbreeze.com/pow to cut out single-use plastic in your laundry. This week from June 3rd - June 9th you can get 20% off on all Stainless Steel Cookware. Plus, if you visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT you can take 10% on all other products. Again, visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT or use code PURSUIT at checkout for Caraway Home products and an automatic 20% off Stainless Steel Cookware. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern. Show Links: The Candida Diet CLEARSTEM LYMA Laser Illuminare Makeup King Coffee Topics Discussed 02:43 - Daisy’s wellness journey  08:22 - The Candida Diet 12:49 - Sugar sensitivity and brain fog 13:58 - Fat loss and glute growth   16:54 - Personal growth and self-discovery journey  21:32 - Life transformation through real estate development 29:38 - Choosing the right partner  32:50 - Ance, skincare, and self-value 40:15 - Tallow skincare trends and experiences  43:41 - Skin reactions to makeup products 45:28 - Reactions to mold  47:41 - What’s next for Daisy
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 03, 2024

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi
    Ep. # 103 This week, we're catching up after my big 30th birthday bash in Mexico! From life lessons learned in my 20's to tackling estrogen dominance and detoxing, we're dishing out all the juicy details. Plus, we're serving up some nutrition tips for all the ladies out there. Stay tuned for insights on gut health, skincare, and a rapid-fire Q&A session!  Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Fi's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Listeners of my show can save $250 by going to mylifeforce.com/pow that’s mylifeforce.com/pow. Give Lifeforce a try and find out what the healthiest version of yourself is capable of Save 15% and get free shipping on your Starter Kit when you use code POW at www.branchbasics.com Use code POW15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order at www.vionicshoes.com when you log into your account. 1 time use only. Vionic Shoes. Wearable well-being for your feet Show Links: Acre Resort Inositol Powder  Sol & Sky Sunscreen Topics Discussed 01:07 - I’m officially 30!  03:39 - Birthday trip to Mexico  06:51 - Life Lessons from my 20s  07:46 - Estrogen dominance 10:37 - Detoxing estrogen  15:21 - Nutrition & recipe tips for women   18:41 - Getting to the root of my acne  24:14 - Gut issue treatment  29:37 - Having compassion for myself  32:01 - Antibiotics  33:13 - Ozempic updates  35:02 - Rapid Fire Q + A 43:16 - Horsegirls 44:21 - Sunscreen Recommendations
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

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    • Katie’s skincare recommendations

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