
    ADHD Business Coach: How To Start A Burnout-Proof Business - Amanda Perry | Ep.14

    enJune 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Luxury solutions from Rebag and Blue NileRebag ensures authenticity and quality for luxury resale, while Blue Nile offers custom ring design for special occasions. Understanding impulsivity from ADHD can lead to valuable insights.

      Rebag and Blue Nile offer unique solutions for those in the market for luxury items. Rebag, a luxury resale platform, ensures quality and authenticity for buyers and sellers of high-end bags, watches, and jewelry from top brands. Blue Nile, on the other hand, allows customers to design custom rings online, offering convenience and personalization for special occasions. Looking back at the conversation, Amanda shared her experiences with ADHD, recalling memories of impulsivity and restlessness from a young age. She described the feeling of knowing something was wrong but being unable to resist, whether it was stealing sweets or turning to other vices in her teenage years. This impulsivity, she explained, is a common trait for those with ADHD, and understanding it has been a crucial part of her journey. For those looking to invest in luxury items or create a unique piece of jewelry, Rebag and Blue Nile are valuable resources. And for those living with ADHD, recognizing and understanding impulsivity can lead to valuable insights and growth.

    • Unhealthy eating habits and misdiagnosis in people with ADHDPeople with ADHD may develop unhealthy eating habits and be misdiagnosed with conditions like anxiety or depression due to overlapping symptoms. Early and accurate diagnoses are crucial for understanding oneself and avoiding negative experiences.

      Growing up, people with ADHD may develop unhealthy eating habits due to food being the only available source of excitement or distraction. Additionally, people with ADHD, especially women, can be misdiagnosed with conditions like anxiety or depression due to the overlapping symptoms. Receiving a diagnosis later in life can bring up painful memories and feelings of regret, but it's important to remember that we're living in a time where more research and awareness about ADHD is being conducted, leading to earlier and more accurate diagnoses. This not only helps individuals understand themselves better but also spares them from the negative experiences associated with misdiagnosis and misunderstanding. Therefore, it's crucial to keep talking about ADHD and raising awareness to ensure future generations don't have to go through the same struggles.

    • Childhood experiences shape us as adultsRecognizing and managing feelings from childhood can lead to valuable insights and growth, despite the challenges.

      Our past experiences, even those that may have seemed overwhelming or confusing as a child, can shape who we become as adults. The sensitivity and empathy we develop from dealing with difficult emotions can be a source of strength and success. However, it can be challenging to recognize and manage these feelings as a child. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel your feelings and that you're not alone in experiencing them. The stigma surrounding mental health conditions like ADHD can make it difficult for people to recognize the signs in themselves, but seeking help and understanding can lead to valuable insights and growth. As the speaker reflected on her past, she realized that her experiences as a child, which she had once dismissed as insignificant, were actually integral to who she is today. By recognizing and embracing her feelings, she was able to use them as a source of strength and success.

    • Understanding and managing ADHD through diagnosisA diagnosis for ADHD can lead to better self-understanding, effective management, and personal growth. Take it seriously, explore resources, and lean into your strengths.

      Getting a diagnosis for ADHD can be validating and instrumental in taking it seriously for oneself. The speaker shared how her diagnosis in 2020 was a turning point for her, as it helped her understand her condition better and take necessary steps to manage it. She also emphasized the importance of having a strong support network during the process. The speaker's experience shows that while it took her a year to come to terms with her diagnosis and share it publicly, it ultimately led to significant changes in her personal and professional life. She encourages those considering a diagnosis to take it seriously and explore the potential benefits it can bring, such as understanding one's strengths and implementing effective systems to lean into them. The speaker's success story, which includes starting and selling four businesses, is a testament to the potential for individuals with ADHD to achieve great things with the right support and resources.

    • Navigating Entrepreneurship with ADHDRecognizing when to let go and using effective systems are crucial for entrepreneurs with ADHD. Their unique strengths, like creativity and adaptability, can lead to success despite challenges in adhering to traditional employment and recognizing exit points.

      Having ADHD can present unique challenges in running a business, but it also comes with strengths and resilience. The speaker shared their personal experiences of starting multiple businesses, selling some, and facing burnout. They emphasized the importance of recognizing when it's time to let go and the value of using effective systems. Despite having failures, they emphasized the importance of moving forward and not dwelling on past setbacks. The speaker's ADHD was a significant factor in their entrepreneurial journey, with both advantages and disadvantages. They found it difficult to adhere to traditional employment and faced challenges in recognizing when to exit a business. However, their ADHD also gave them the ability to be creative, adaptable, and resilient in the face of failure. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding and embracing the unique qualities that come with having ADHD in the business world.

    • Realizing the impact of unique brain functioning on work environmentsSelf-awareness and adapting work environments to accommodate individual needs are crucial for personal and professional growth.

      Understanding one's unique brain functioning and its impact on work environments is crucial for personal and professional growth. The speaker shares her experience of realizing that her struggles in business were not due to personal failings, but rather a fundamental aspect of her brain's functioning. She reflects on how she had built a "prison" of a work environment that drained her energy and caused burnout. Moving forward, she intends to create a lifestyle business that suits her needs, allowing her to work independently and maintain a healthy work-life balance. She also acknowledges the importance of recognizing and addressing vulnerabilities, such as sensitivity to criticism, to ensure overall well-being. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of self-awareness and adapting work environments to accommodate individual needs for long-term success.

    • Selling a Business with ADHD: Stressful but PossibleDespite the challenges, selling a business with ADHD is achievable with the right support and strategies. Embrace your differences and adapt to succeed.

      Selling a business when you've lost interest in it can be a stressful and anxious experience, especially for those with ADHD. Leaving it too late can lead to burnout and the need to force oneself to keep the wheels turning. The due diligence and bureaucratic stages of selling a company can add to the anxiety, and it's essential to have a good support system in place. Neurodivergent founders, including those with ADHD, are changing the face of business with their unique perspectives. Many are still stuck in the mindset that business should be run in a neurotypical way, leading to common questions about how to adapt and succeed. Embracing one's differences and finding strategies that work with one's brain can lead to personal growth and business success.

    • Focusing on mental wellbeing leads to business successPrioritizing brain health boosts productivity, decision-making, and overall success for neurodivergent and non-neurodivergent founders alike.

      Building a business with a focus on mental wellbeing and personal lifestyle, often referred to as a "Brain First business," is essential for both neurodivergent individuals and everyone else. Contrary to common misconceptions, prioritizing brain health doesn't mean sacrificing revenue or goals. Instead, it leads to increased productivity, better decision-making, and overall success. For neurodivergent founders, particularly those with ADHD, recognizing and managing signs of burnout is crucial. This can include setting boundaries, creating routines, and utilizing tools like time tracking apps, meditation, and exercise. It's also important to remember that hyperfocus, while beneficial, can sometimes lead to overworking and wasting resources. By prioritizing brain health, we not only improve our own wellbeing but also create healthier, more sustainable businesses that positively impact those around us.

    • Consider the entire process of a project during hyperfocusDuring hyperfocus, evaluate the entire project process to make informed decisions, avoid unnecessary work, and ensure alignment with goals.

      It's essential to consider the long-term consequences of our actions during moments of intense focus, rather than just acting impulsively. While hyperfocus can lead to productivity and success, it can also result in burnout or missed opportunities if we don't take the time to evaluate our next steps. Thinking through the entire process of a project, from start to finish, can help us determine if we truly want to continue or if we should hire someone else or let the idea go. This is a challenging task, especially during hyperfocused moments, but it's crucial for avoiding unnecessary work and ensuring that our efforts align with our goals. The ability to control our actions during hyperfocus is a tricky balance, and it's not always easy to step back and assess the situation. However, taking the time to do so can lead to more significant successes and fewer failures. Ultimately, it's important to remember that every project or idea has a beginning, middle, and end, and considering the entire process can help us make more informed decisions and avoid unnecessary stress or burnout.

    • Balancing impulsive actions with thoughtful considerationConsider long-term implications before jumping into business opportunities. Evaluate the benefits and challenges of growing a business with a team versus solo operation.

      It's essential to recognize the importance of balancing impulsive actions with thoughtful consideration, especially when it comes to business opportunities. When faced with an exciting idea, it can be tempting to jump in headfirst without thinking through the potential challenges and consequences. However, taking a step back, evaluating the situation, and considering the long-term implications can save time, resources, and prevent unnecessary stress. Moreover, entrepreneurs often face the challenge of deciding whether to grow their businesses by hiring teams or continuing as a solo operation. While there are benefits to both, making the transition to a team can be difficult, especially when it comes to having uncomfortable conversations with team members. However, avoiding these conversations can lead to long-term dissatisfaction and unmet goals. Ultimately, understanding what life looks like currently, what business goals are, and what changes need to be made to achieve those goals is crucial. While it may be easier to paint a picture of an ideal situation, the real challenge lies in making the necessary adjustments to get there. By taking a thoughtful and intentional approach, individuals can navigate these challenges and build successful businesses that align with their values and priorities.

    • Successfully balancing entrepreneurship and homeschooling with ADHDIndividuals with ADHD can build successful businesses despite time constraints and personal needs, by recognizing unique abilities and utilizing resources and mindset.

      With the right support and strategies, individuals with ADHD can build successful businesses while continuing to homeschool their children or prioritize their personal needs. This was demonstrated through the creation of a time-shared business, where a mother was able to earn a substantial income within the limited hours she had available. This experience highlights the importance of recognizing and leveraging one's unique abilities, rather than viewing ADHD as a limitation. Additionally, there seems to be a common trend among successful founders diagnosed with ADHD, who often require guidance on adapting their businesses to their specific needs. Overall, the key takeaway is that with the right resources and mindset, individuals with ADHD can thrive in entrepreneurship.

    • Struggling with authenticity as a founderMany founders, especially women, feel pressure to mask their true selves and conform to societal expectations, leading to exhaustion and internalized guilt. Embracing authenticity can lead to greater success in personal and professional life.

      Many founders, particularly those with families and personal commitments, struggle with feeling out of sync with their external environments. This sense of heaviness and internalized shame and guilt can be a common theme, especially for women, who often internalize their hyperactivity as anxiety or perfectionism. Masking, or hiding one's true self, is a topic that comes up frequently in this context. It can be a challenging and vulnerable process to unmask and discover who one truly is, especially when it may not align with societal expectations. Founders may feel the pressure to conform to certain rules or work styles, leading to exhaustion and a sense of never being good enough. It's important to recognize these feelings and work towards making the outside reflect the inside, allowing for greater authenticity and success in both personal and professional endeavors.

    • Understanding Masking and its ComplexitiesRecognize the challenges neurodivergent individuals face and make accommodations to create an inclusive society where everyone can present their authentic selves.

      Masking, or altering one's behavior to fit social situations, is a complex issue that can be influenced by various factors, including comfort level, learned behavior, and societal expectations. For some, masking may be a conscious effort to fit in, while for others, it may be a natural response to exhaustion or a desire to be engaged in social settings. However, if we want to truly unmask and create a more inclusive society, education and understanding are necessary for everyone involved. This means recognizing the unique challenges neurodivergent individuals face and making accommodations when possible. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone has the right to present their authentic selves, and society has a responsibility to create an environment where that can happen.

    • Exploring alter egos or masks for personal growthEmbrace different aspects of yourself for personal growth, but ensure authenticity and control in your environment.

      Finding and embracing different aspects of ourselves, including alter egos or masks, can be a useful tool for managing various aspects of our personal and professional lives. However, it's essential to ensure that we're comfortable with who we're being and have control over our environment to minimize the need for masking. This concept, known as the Sasha Fierce alter ego or context collapse, is a complex and nuanced topic with many layers. It's important to remember that all versions of ourselves are authentic, even if they appear in different situations. As we grow and change, it's natural to evolve and adapt to new environments and social circles. The key is to be aware of our motivations for masking and to strive for authenticity while also recognizing the benefits of embracing different aspects of ourselves when necessary.

    • People adapt to fit different social situations, creating multiple versions of themselvesAdapting to social situations is natural, but it's crucial to find balance and intentionally limit exposure to maintain mental wellbeing, especially in the ADHD community regarding social media content.

      People adapt their behavior to fit different social situations, creating various versions of themselves. This can be seen in the example of stand-up comedians who are quiet and anxious off stage but become outgoing and hilarious on stage. However, it's important to note that this isn't an act or fake, but rather an authentic expression of themselves in different contexts. In the ADHD community, there are various groups of people with unique challenges and needs. Social media, including platforms like Instagram, has led to an influx of ADHD content, which can be beneficial but also overwhelming. Consuming too much ADHD content can lead to burnout and decreased enjoyment of the platform. It's essential to find a balance and intentionally limit exposure to ensure mental wellbeing.

    • Creating content about ADHD with genuine intentionsBe mindful of intentions, avoid exploitation, consider impact, avoid stigmatizing language, facilitate open conversations, and be aware of emotional burden.

      While there is a high level of engagement and growth potential in creating content related to ADHD, it's important to have genuine intentions behind sharing it. If the goal is solely to grow an account, the content may be perceived as exploitative. Additionally, it's crucial to be mindful of the type of content being shared and the potential impact it may have on consumers. Overly general or stigmatizing content can do more harm than good. As a content creator, it's essential to avoid positioning oneself as an expert and instead facilitate open conversations about the topic. Furthermore, it's important to consider the potential emotional burden that comes with creating and managing content on sensitive topics, as some individuals may reach out for support and guidance.

    • Balancing content creation and engagementPrioritize creating valuable content and engaging in meaningful interactions while also taking care of one's energy and resources.

      Engaging with every comment and direct message (DM) as a content creator can be exhausting and unsustainable. It's essential to find a balance between being responsive and focusing on creating valuable content. When asked an intriguing question, such as spending an afternoon with anyone from history, the answer revealed the fascination with Beyoncé and the curiosity about her relationship with Jay-Z. This conversation highlighted the importance of engaging in meaningful discussions and the value of sharing experiences and insights with fellow creators. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to prioritize creating valuable content and engaging in meaningful interactions while also taking care of one's energy and resources.

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    Recent Episodes from ADHD Chatter

    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    Rich & Rox (ADHD Love) FINALLY open up about Autism, Arguments + ADHD Confusions!

    Alex welcomes back Rich & Rox, two-time Sunday Times best selling authors, creators of the body doubling app called Dubbi and founders of the globally recognised brand, ADHD Love!


    00:00 Trailer

    02:16 What have you been up to and what have you learned about yourselves in the past 7 months!

    06:48 Have you had any huge ADHD realisations since we last had you on? Either Rox about your own ADHD, or Rich as a close observer of ADHD?

    09:45 So, no ADHD diagnosis for you yet Rich?

    13:44 Rich, are there still things you just have trouble understanding about ADHD no matter how often they're explained? 

    15:34 Rox, be honest, when was the last time you used ADHD to get out of an argument?

    28:02 Rich, which one of Rox’s ADHD traits is most likely to cause an argument in your relationship?

    31:51 What does a good day look like in your household?

    34:36 What does a bad day look like?

    35:39 Sobriety and how that’s impacted Rox’s music career

    39:48 How do you manage RSD when navigating the music industry?

    44:11 I've always wanted to ask a musician, what do you think the association between ADHD and music is?

    46:58 Has taking to the stage again dug up anything within you, either insecurities or passion for performing?

    50:08 So Rich, when was the last time you had a moment of "Thank god Rox is NOT neurotypical" and you found yourself really cherishing Rox's eccentricities?

    52:09 Do you consider that ADHD could be trauma related?

    56:30 Rox, has your father now accepted your diagnosis?

    60:13 Rox, my producer has a personal question for you…

    01:03:46 The ‘ADHD item’ segment

    01:05:47 Why your new book is called ‘Small Talk’

    01:20:38 Do any heartwarming stories from your audience spring to mind?

    01:24:08 Washing machine of woes

    01:31:18 Your most impulsive thing

    Buy their latest book, Small Talk 👉 https://www.amazon.co.uk/SMALL-TALK-negative-beliefs-neurodivergent/dp/1529915422/

    Download the Dubbi app 👉 https://www.dubbii.app

    Support ADHD Chatter:

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    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 25, 2024

    Neuroscientist: 3 simple ways to HACK your dopamine - TJ Power

    Neuroscientist: 3 simple ways to HACK your dopamine - TJ Power

    TJ Power is an esteemed neuroscientist, international speaker, and co-founder of Neurify, an organisation at the forefront of the mental health sector providing accessible and scientifically-backed teachings to enhance the management of mental health.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:49 Let's start with the very basics. What are the 4 happiness chemicals we have as human beings?

    03:03 Let's talk about Dopamine. When it comes to dopamine, what are the differences in someone with ADHD vs someone without ADHD?

    03:38 As an example, back when we were cavemen and cavewomen, where would our dopamine highs be coming from?

    05:54 What does the perfect morning routine look like for someone with ADHD

    07:11 Dopamine sources to avoid

    09:24 What is Effort dopamine vs Non-effort dopamine?

    10:25 How to get natural dopamine hits

    11:22 The perfect pre-bed routine for better sleep

    14:27 Ice bath demonstration

    17:23 What part do real human in-person connections with family and friends play on the ADHD brain with regards to our biochemistry?

    19:49 The biochemistry behind maintaining friendships

    21:38 Oxytocin and intimacy

    23:39 Optimal time to have sex for better sleep

    25:30 What is the difference in our biochemistry when a person has sex vs when they watch pornography?

    28:40 Can you explain the difference between genetic vs behavioural ADHD in the current day and why there might be some overlap there?

    30:12 Washing machine of woes

    34:57 The biochemistry behind body doubling

    36:22 Certain people with ADHD who might be high-functioning and successful, what do you think they are doing right?

    38:07 How does our pursuit for dopamine in ADHDers increase the risk of addiction

    43:36 Are coffee and dopamine related?

    46:56 The biochemistry of Rejection Sensitivity

    52:23 What does your knowledge of dopamine teach us about our eternal pursuit of happiness?

    55:38 Most impulsive thing

    Visit TJ's website 👉 https://tjpower.co.uk

    Find TJ on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/tjpower/?hl=en

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 17, 2024

    Diary Of A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    Diary Of A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    In this weeks Diary of late diagnosed ADHD woman, Alex chats to Dez Rock, who shares her late ADHD diagnosis story, and the lessons she's learnt along the way.

    Watch the full episode 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1nT2hBaZHY&t=463s

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 14, 2024

    TV Doctor Reveals Secrets to Manage ADHD Shame - Dr Ayan Panja

    TV Doctor Reveals Secrets to Manage ADHD Shame - Dr Ayan Panja

    Alex sits down with Dr Ayan Panja, an NHS doctor of 25 years, to reveal the secrets to manage ADHD Shame.


    00:00 Trailer

    01:36 How long have you been a doctor?

    02:58 Why have so many people been missed for so long?

    05:55 Does ADHD medication work?

    06:27 Is shame common with ADHD?

    09:47 Why does trauma affect longevity?

    14:08 How shame can present different before and after diagnosis

    17:27 The hidden costs of shame

    23:02 How to flood yourself with self compassion

    35:11 Self medicating ADHD

    37:47 The Washing Machine of Woes

    42:59 ADHD item (sunglasses)

    44:06 Closing advice on ADHD Shame

    47:58 Most impulsive thing

    Follow Dr Ayan on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/drayanpanja/

    Visit Dr Ayan's website 👉 https://www.drayan.co.uk

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 10, 2024

    ADHD Consultant Reveals Secrets To Manage Rejection Sensitivity (RSD) - Matt Gupwell

    ADHD Consultant Reveals Secrets To Manage Rejection Sensitivity (RSD) - Matt Gupwell

    Alex sits down with Neurodiversity Consultant, Matt Gupwell, to discuss Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)


    00:00 Trailer

    01:34 RSD Explained

    03:32 The difference between RSD and Emotional Dysregulation

    10:38 What are your biggest triggers?

    11:59 Has RSD interfered with your working relationships?

    15:35 RSD in relationships

    26:46 Long term strategies

    32:04 Is it hard for Neurotypicals to understand RSD?

    33:40 Washing machine of woes

    37:46 What is Alexithymia?

    43:25 Theories as to the genesis of RSD

    45:43 The HALT Theory

    51:09 Your ADHD item (juggling balls)

    56:33 How RSD is depicted on social media

    59:18 The positive side of RSD

    01:02:24 Closing advice

    01:08:46 Your most impulsive thing

    Visit Matt's website 👉 https://www.thinkneurodiversity.co.uk

    Visit Matt's instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/thinkneurodiversity/

    Visit Matt's Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgupwell/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enJune 03, 2024

    3 Realisations From A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    3 Realisations From A Late Diagnosed ADHD Woman

    In this week's bitesize clip, Holly Morris shares her experience of living as a late diagnosed ADHD woman.

    Relatable, emotional and inspirational in equal measure.

    Listen to the full episode here 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/5AaYW3nNTTiMzQe8mHr22V?si=gfIMXJRnTDSv0TZtjRjjwg

    Watch the full episode here 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKmBCQ0IqCU&t=1399s

    Find Holly on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/hollymorrisss/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 31, 2024

    Nutrition Coach Reveals Dieting Secrets To Manage ADHD - Amber Macintosh

    Nutrition Coach Reveals Dieting Secrets To Manage ADHD - Amber Macintosh

    This week, Alex sits down with ADHD Nutrition Coach, Amber Macintosh.

    Amber explains what the perfect ADHD breakfast looks like, what foods may be detrimental to the ADHD brain, the 3 ADHD superfoods and SO MUCH MORE!


    00:00 Trailer

    01:20 Joe Wick's latest ADHD comments

    04:29 Types of ultra-processed foods that are bad for ADHD

    06:12 The fundamental dietary building blocks for ADHD

    11:30 Protein sources for vegans

    14:34 The worst breakfast for ADHDers

    16:52 Coffee, good or bad for ADHD?

    18:52 Isn't a healthy diet expensive?

    23:40 3 ADHD superfoods

    31:52 Foods to avoid

    36:29 Blood sugar levels and why they're important for us to understand

    39:17 Why people with ADHD struggle with diet

    42:07 What is the ADHD community misunderstanding about the connection between brain health and gut health

    44:40 Do ADHDers need more calories to feed their faster rate of thinking

    46:21 ADHD item

    53:34 Busting diet myths

    58:22 Washing machine of woes

    01:02:46 What is the perfect '3 meals a day' plan for an ADHDer

    01:06:06 Foods that help us sleep

    01:10:25 Alcohol, good or bad for ADHD?

    01:14:34 Your most impulsive thing

    Visit Amber's website 👉 https://www.ambermacintosh.com

    Follow Amber on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/amberscoaching/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 28, 2024

    This ONE TRICK will stop Rejection Sensitivity destroying your marriage!

    This ONE TRICK will stop Rejection Sensitivity destroying your marriage!

    In this week's bitesize clip, I speak with Karen Doherty, a relationship therapist who specialises in neurodivergent couples, to discuss strategies for RSD, and how to manage RSD in relationships.

    Watch the full episode 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6Opd8B4ipk&t=1421s

    Visit Karen's website 👉 https://karendohertycoaching.co.uk

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 24, 2024

    Legendary comedian CLASHES with Doctor wife over ADHD legitimacy - Paul Whitehouse & Dr Mine Conkbayir

    Legendary comedian CLASHES with Doctor wife over ADHD legitimacy - Paul Whitehouse & Dr Mine Conkbayir

    This week, Alex sits down with Dr Mine Conkbayir and legendary comedian Paul Whitehouse.

    Dr Mine has been diagnosed with ADHD, she thinks her husband has ADHD, but is Paul convinced? Tune in to find out!

    ** Correction to episode: Dr. Mine is NOT a neuroscientist. This was an error made by the ADHD Chatter team **

    Dr Mine and Paul have something very exciting coming soon. Watch this space!


    00:00 Trailer

    01:50 Is ADHD a product of nature or nurture?

    11:13 Is Paul 'The Devil's Advocate'?

    12:22 ADHD in comedy

    15:10 Do you think Paul has ADHD?

    23:25 RSD in your marriage

    30:13 Is ADHD the wrong name?

    33:55 How do you (Dr. Mine) deal with emotional dysregulation

    34:29 The positives of ADHD

    40:59 Friendships

    42:47 Paul, where does your creativity come from?

    51:24 ADHD item

    52:17 Is a strong sense of justice an ADHD trait?

    54:08 Washing machine of woes

    59:59 How to cater to ADHD in schools

    01:03:22 Your most impulsive thing

    Find Dr. Mine on Linkedin 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mine-conkbayir/

    Support ADHD Chatter:

    LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8Q

    Instagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIr

    TikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGd

    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 20, 2024

    Dad V Girls FINALLY Reveals How ADHD Affects His Marriage

    Dad V Girls FINALLY Reveals How ADHD Affects His Marriage

    Joel from the infamous brand Dad V Girls finally talks about his ADHD.


    01:05 Your quick ADHD test

    03:51 How ADHD presented in your childhood

    07:49 Positives of ADHD

    11:41 Your businesses before Youtube

    14:35 How social media affected your family dynamic

    19:30 Burnout

    25:52 Worst bits of ADHD

    27:40 How ADHD shows up in your marriage?

    32:28 Do you see ADHD in your family members?

    34:39 ADHD parenting tips

    36:31 Making friends when you have ADHD

    37:48 Do you see ADHD traits in your wife?

    38:43 Your ADHD item

    40:23 Are you sensitive to criticism?

    42:25 Do you feel imposter syndrome?

    43:51 Do you ever feel outnumbered?

    44:53 Washing machine of woes

    53:03 Can certain behaviour be blamed on simply being a man, when actually they are your ADHD?

    54:52 Advice for younger Joel

    58:35 What do you like about having daughters, specifically?

    60:30 Your most impulsive thing

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    This episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    ADHD Chatter
    enMay 13, 2024

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    For more see the Working to Work home page, and follow on Twitter and Instagram @workingtoworkuk

    00:00 coming up in this episode

    00:41 sam’s episode intro

    06:50 evolution from punk rock autistic to neurodiversity unbound 

    09:54 the different elements of ‘neurodiversity unbound’

    12:37 how dani manages the different tasks

    16:53 benefits of being open with others about preferences and needs 

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    22:09 what makes dani good at what they do?

    27:01 dani’s approach to starting and running their business 

    29:57 how has dani worked through feelings of self doubt

    45:00 how dani found what they were passionate about

    54:31 what would dani suggest employers do to make work inclusive?


    Becoming an Empowered ADHD Entrepreneur

    Becoming an Empowered ADHD Entrepreneur

    With awareness and knowledge comes power.

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    In this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Alex Partridge talk about:

    • How Alex's ADHD showed up
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    • Alex's entrepreneurial story
    • ADHD cycles of burnout and boom and bust
    • What happened when Alex sold UNILAD
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    • Choosing sustainable ideas that keep your interest
    • People pleasing and RSD, alongside being an ADHD business owner
    • Being aware and recognising our ADHD dysregulation and burnout in business and private life
    • Failing and learning fast and leading more intuitively with ADHD
    • ADHD hyperfocus and losing interest in projects
    • Building a supportive ADHD community
    • Reducing the shame we have held for so long

    For more information on all of Kate's ADHD resources, workshops and programmes, check out her website: www.adhdwomenswellbeing.co.uk

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed yet unfulfilled ADHD women find more calm, balance, health, hope, compassion, creativity and clarity. 

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here