
    Afternoon Briefing Thursday 1st June

    enJune 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Accountability and justice prioritized in two separate storiesBritish telecom giant BT reaffirmed commitment to business connectivity, while an Australian judge found war crimes committed by a soldier, and Labour suspended MP over sexual misconduct allegations. All cases emphasized the importance of speaking up and seeking accountability.

      Accountability and justice were prioritized in two separate but significant stories this week. In the first, the British telecommunications company BT reaffirmed its commitment to providing reliable business connectivity. Meanwhile, in Australia, a judge's ruling found that Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith committed war crimes while serving in Afghanistan. The ruling came after several soldiers came forward with allegations against him. In the UK, Labour suspended MP Geraint Davies as the party investigates serious allegations of unwanted sexual attention towards multiple women. Despite Davies denying the allegations, his party urged anyone with complaints to come forward and make formal reports for proper investigation. In both cases, the importance of speaking up and seeking accountability was emphasized. The Australian SAS and the Labour Party are now facing internal investigations and potential changes in response to these revelations.

    • PM Sunak calls for EU cooperation on illegal migration, UkrainePM Sunak urges EU leaders for cooperation on illegal migration, focusing on Turkey and Bulgaria. Discussions also include Ukraine's counter offensive situation.

      Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is urging European leaders for greater cooperation to tackle illegal migration, particularly focusing on Turkey and Bulgaria. The situation in Ukraine and its upcoming counter offensive is also a topic of discussion. Boris Johnson's unredacted messages and diaries regarding the COVID-19 inquiry are under contention, with a deadline for their release approaching. The chairperson of the inquiry, Baroness Hallett, is expected to make a decision on the relevance of the material. Lord Savile emphasizes that it is primarily her responsibility to decide. Other stories include the importance of flexibility, whether through yoga or health insurance, and celebrating mothers on Mother's Day.

    • Save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellersEnjoy significant savings on Mother's Day gifts, secure your order and make your mother feel special without overspending

      You can currently enjoy significant savings on Mother's Day bestsellers at 1 800flowers.com/acast. This special offer allows you to save up to 40% on select items. If you're looking for the perfect gift for Mother's Day, now is the time to act. By ordering today, you can secure your savings and ensure that your special someone receives a thoughtful and meaningful gift. This limited-time promotion is an excellent opportunity to show your appreciation and love for your mother without breaking the bank. With a wide range of Mother's Day bestsellers available, you're sure to find something that suits her unique tastes and preferences. Whether it's a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a gourmet food basket, or a thoughtful gift basket, 1 800flowers.com/acast has got you covered. So, don't miss out on this fantastic offer. Place your order today at 1 800flowers.com/acast and save up to 40% on Mother's Day bestsellers. Your mother deserves the best, and with this promotion, you can make her feel special without overspending. Happy shopping!

    Recent Episodes from Times news briefing

    Related Episodes

    Understanding Regional Migration in an Election Year

    Understanding Regional Migration in an Election Year

    As congressional negotiations place asylum and other legal protection pathways at risk, and as we approach a 2024 election year with migration becoming a higher priority for voters in the United States, we found it important to discuss the current moment's complexities.

    WOLA’s vice president for Programs, Maureen Meyer, former director for WOLA’s Mexico Program and co-founder of WOLA’s migration and border work, is joined by Mexico Program Director Stephanie Brewer, whose work on defense of human rights and demilitarization in Mexico has focused often on the rights of migrants, including a visit to the Arizona-Sonora border at the end of 2023.

    This episode highlights some of the main migration trends and issues that we should all keep an eye on this year, including:

    • Deterrence efforts will never reduce migration as long as the reasons people are fleeing remain unaddressed (the long-standing “root causes” approach). Such policies will only force people into more danger and fuel organized crime. “The question is not, are people going to migrate? The question is, where, how, and with who?”, explains Brewer.
    • For this reason, maintaining consistent and reliable legal pathways is more important than ever, and the ongoing assaults on these pathways—including the right to seek asylum and humanitarian parole—are harmful and counterproductive.
    • There can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution for the variety of populations currently in movement, and the focus should no longer be on ineffective policies of deterrence and enforcement. “It's a long term game that certainly doesn't fit on a bumper sticker for political campaigns,” Meyer points out.
    • Organized crime is a huge factor in regional migration—both as a driver of migration and as a facilitator. Official corruption and impunity enable these systems, a point that migration policies often fail to address. Brewer notes that during her trip to Arizona's southern border in December 2023, the vast majority of migrants she spoke to were Mexican, and among them, the vast majority cited violence and organized crime as the driving factor. In recent months, Mexican families have been the number one nationality coming to the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum.
    • It is a regional issue, not just a U.S. issue, as people are seeking asylum and integration in many different countries. Mexico, for instance, received 140,000 asylum applications in 2023. This makes integration efforts extremely important: many people arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border had attempted to resettle elsewhere first. “It's a twofold of the legal status itself, but then real integration efforts that are both economic and educational, but also addressing xenophobia and not creating resentment in local communities,” explains Meyer.

    Climate Change, Migration and Environmental Refugees

    Climate Change, Migration and Environmental Refugees

    As the science of climate change becomes increasingly well understood, the ramifications of projected increases in temperature, changes to rainfall patterns, rises in sea-level and increase in extreme weather events require attention from policy-makers worldwide. This is particularly apparent in relation to migration, refugees and international security, with climate change acting as a threat multiplier to exacerbate existing tensions and instability.

    The Institute of Environmental Studies, in conjunction with the Climate Change Research Centre, the Faculty of Law and the Refugee Council of Australia held a public forum at UNSW on these very issues featuring Professor Andy Pitman, Dr Jane McAdam and Anna Samson.

    Visit http://www.ies.unsw.edu.au/ for more details.

    Will there be a billion climate refugees?

    Will there be a billion climate refugees?

    Former Vice President Al Gore has said that climate change is predicted to lead to a billion climate refugees. But where do these predictions come from and are they realistic? We investigate the idea that floods, droughts, storms and sea level rise will cause a mass migration of people across borders.

    Reporter and Producer: Tom Colls Sound Mix: James Beard Editor: Richard Vadon

    (Photo: Floods in central Somalia Credit: Said Yusuf - WARSAME/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

    S04E25 Migrations des oiseaux 9/12 : En été (juillet août septembre), Adrien de Montaudouin (ornithologue)

    S04E25 Migrations des oiseaux 9/12 : En été (juillet août septembre), Adrien de Montaudouin (ornithologue)

    On the road again: la migration des oiseaux, 3e et dernier cycle, dédiés aux différents calendriers de migration. Qui part quand et pourquoi?

    En Europe occidentale, seulement 10% des espèces ornithologiques sont entièrement sédentaires. La migration est donc une adaptation vitale adoptée par une grande partie des espèces pour assurer leur survie.

    La migration, nous l’avons largement vu dans les cycles précédents, est un voyage aller-retour entre des sites de reproduction et des sites d'hivernage.

    Dans l’hémisphère Nord, l'oiseau migrateur occupe sa zone de reproduction en été, migre à l'automne (migration postnuptiale) vers une aire d'hivernage occupée jusqu'à la fin de l'hiver. À la fin de la mauvaise saison, il entreprend une migration de retour (migration prénuptiale). La boucle est bouclée, fin du cycle annuel.

    Quand partir ? Les oiseaux possèdent une sorte d'horloge interne. Elle leur permet d'organiser les différentes étapes de leur cycle de vie (reproduction, mue, migration…).

    Pour se synchroniser sur le cycle des saisons, cette horloge interne est influencée par différents paramètres environnementaux (températures, variations des ressources alimentaires ... ), les plus importants étant la photopériode (durée du jour par rapport à celle de la nuit) et l'intensité lumineuse.

    C'est la mélatonine, hormone centrale de régulation des rythmes chronobiologiques qui se fait la messagère de la photopériode.

    Cette hormone est sécrétée principalement la nuit et inhibée le jour. La variation de la durée du jour entraîne des modifications de sécrétions de cette hormone et contribue ainsi à déclencher les différentes phases du cycle annuel des oiseaux.

    En tout état de cause, dans cet épisode, nous parlons des juillettistes, des aoûtiens et des septembriens dans cet épisodes ...

    Notre invité Adrien de Montaudouin est ornithologue et fondateur de l’association CPAL. Il nous a contactés en 2021 pour proposer un sujet sur sa passion, et c’est aujourd’hui chose faite.

    Nos épisodes se basent sur l’excellent livre d’une autre jeune ornithologue, Maxime Zucca: La migration des oiseaux, comprendre les voyageurs du ciel.


    Tous les épisodes de la saga Migrations des oiseaux :













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